Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S1/E10 Nightmares

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Buffy patrols Sunnydale's underground. As she rounds a bend in the sewer, she comes across the Master's lair. The Slayer whirls around, and stares into the eyes of the vampire king. Captivated by him, Buffy's stake clatters uselessly to the floor. The Master leans in to taste his prey, as Buffy screams. "NO!"

"Our dreams are coming true?"

(scoffs) "Dreams? That would be a musical comedy version of this."
Xander and Giles

Her eyes snap open. She is safe for the moment, snug in her own bed. Phew. Joyce informs Buffy that her father called, and their weekend plans are still on.

At school that morning, Willow asks Buffy about her dad. Buffy says she doesn't see him that often, as he's in L.A., and gives a few details of the divorce Buffy tells her that her parents divorced the previous year. She admits to worrying that the stress she caused by getting into so much trouble compounded their marital problems. In class, Buffy is startled to see a sad looking young boy, watching her from the doorway. The teacher asks a boy, Wendell, to read a passage from the text. He opens his copy, and several large spiders scuttle out of it. The class erupts in screams as the tarantulas crawl all over the terrified student. Back in the doorway, the young boy calmly observes the panicked class. "Sorry about that."

Underground, the Master is instructing Colin, the Anointed One, on the power of fear. The Master tells Colin that fear is in the mind, and that like pain, it can be controlled. To demonstrate, he reaches out and grabs a cross. His skin sizzles but the Master does not break his grip on the Christian symbol. He tells Colin that he feels something going on topside; something new and powerful, some kind of psychic force.

The Scoobies find Wendell sitting alone.Wendell explains that he actually loves the furry beasts, but his own pet spiders died when his brother left a heat lamp was left on too long. Since then, Wendell's had a recurring nightmare about spiders. He thought he was dreaming again inc lass, but then everyone else started screaming too. During this speech, Cordy pops by to tell Buffy that they have a history test. Buffy had no idea, and freaks and runs off to class. Buffy glances through the essay questions, and then looks at the clock: 11:20. She starts to write her name but the pencil tip breaks. She sharpens her pencil and looks back at the clock. It's now 12:10. Wha!? The bell rings, and the students hand in their tests and leave. Meanwhile, a girl ducks into the basement for a quick smoke break. From the shadows, a grotesque demon watches as she lights up, then starts attacking her with his deformed, club like arm.

In the hospital, Buffy and Giles bring flowers to Laura, who looks like ten miles of bad road. Laura remembers that the monster said "Lucky nineteen," right before the attack. Laura's doctor tells them that there was another victim -- a small boy -- whose attacker has the same M.O. But that one is in a coma.

Willow and Xander are discussing a possible connection between Wendell's spider nightmare and Laura's attack. Xander thinks it is mere coincidence. As he turns to follow Willow into class, everyone gasps and starts laughing and pointing. Xander has been relieved of his clothes, save a pair of boxer briefs.

In the library, Giles is bent over a desk examining newspapers. Buffy enters the library and Giles tells her that he can't read. She's confused: Giles can read five languages on a bad day. But somehow, the words appear as gibberish. Buffy glances down at the paper and recognizes the kid from earlier. He's Billy, a twelve year old who was beaten unconscious after a little league baseball game. Giles thinks that Billy might be using some form of astral projection to move around town. Buffy notices that Billy's baseball uniform displays the number 19. A clue!

Buffy's dad Hank pops in. She wonders why he's there early, and Hank says he needs to talk to her in private. As they take a seat on a nearby bench, Hank tells her she is old enough to hear the truth: Buffy is total embarrassment as a daughter and an utter failure scholastically. Speaking of which, Hank don't really "get anything" out of these weekends visits, so he pats her knee and rises without even a goodbye. Buffy, grief-stricken, looks up and notices the coma victim, Billy, staring at her mournfully from a doorway. She hounds him into the gym, but the Ugly Man reappears. Buffy fights back, but he's too tough for the Slayer. Billy rushes out of the gym and Buffy follows, limping.

Giles suddenly realizes that he had dreamt about getting lost in the stacks and not being able to read; and now it's happening for real. The group finally put it together and realizes that everyone's nightmares are coming true. And given the subject matter of a Slayer's dreams, it's imperative that they find Buffy right now. On her way out, a hand grabs Willow and yanks her through a door. Suddenly, Willow is onstage and dressed in a green kimono for the lead part Madame Butterfly. She protests that doesn't know the words. The director shoves her into the spotlight. All she can manage is high-pitched squeak. Meanwhile, Xander gullibly follows a trail.of candy bars and is ambushed by a rental clown from his childhood, this time wielding a knife.

Outside, Buffy and Billy stop outside a chain link fence. On the other side, a baseball game is in progress. Billy tells Buffy that he lost his game last week, and that it was his fault, because he missed the ball. Just then, they see the Ugly Man advancing on them. They cut through some shrubs and find themselves in a cemetery at night. The Master appears, ready to bury Buffy alive. He throws her into a freshly-dug grave, slamming the coffin lid shut.

Xander runs to find Willow. Giles joins them and all three run from the murderous clown. The clown slices n' dices his way toward them. Xander finally gets fed up. He stops in mid stride, whirls around and punches out the clown. Catharsis at last. "You were a LOUSY clown!"

Outside the school, pandemonium is breaking out as police sirens wail. Willow sees a dimensional shift to a graveyard across the street. They walk over to it and face Giles' nightmare: Buffy's tombstone. Giles sinks to his knees, beside himself. A hand reaches out and grabs his wrist. Buffy climbs out of the dirt, brushing herself off. Oh, and another thing: She's vamped. Giles tells her that he believes if they can awaken Billy, reality will shift back to normal. Buffy is shaken, but unstirred.

Predictably, chaos reigns in the hospital. Giles tries to rattle Billy awake. "That won't work," a child says. Giles looks up to see Billy's astral body standing nearby. Giles pleads with him to wake up, but the child tells him he has to hide from the Ugly Man. That does it; Buffy steps out into the hall to face the Ugly Man. Armed with the combined power of the Slayer and the vampire, she is finally able to overwhelm him. He hits his head and slumps to the ground, stunned. Buffy tells Billy that he has to finish it: he must face his fear. Billie walks hesitantly to the Ugly Man ad peels back his face. A bright light streams out, banishing the nightmare dimension and restoring reality.

Buffy reaches up to feel her face; no more vampirism. Xander notices Billie's eyes fluttering, and he smiles as the child awakens. Giles is about to get a doctor, when Billie's baseball coach enters, calling Billy his "Lucky nineteen". Buffy and the gang realize that the coach is the culprit. Book 'em, Danno.

At school, Willow, Buffy, and Xander talk about Billy and the coach. Hank drives up, honking for Buffy. She is glad to see him, realizing her nightmare about her father was just that; Hank is just as thrilled to see Buffy as she is to see him. They hug tightly and walk to the car, as he asks about her day.


  • Abandoned Hospital: There's a mass evacuation by the time the Scoobies arrive on the scene. Giles grabs the doctor from earlier, but we see that his hands are mangled and he's going berserk.
  • Actor Shared Background: Alyson Hannigan maintains that she cannot sing or dance (which hasn't stopped multiple writers from shoehorning her into splashy musical numbers, but oh well), and requested her part in Once More With Feeling be limited.
  • Adventures in Coma Land: Inverted in that everybody in Sunnydale gets to enjoy Billy's nightmares, too. Giles asserts that such things are easy when you're on a Hellmouth.
  • Aesop Amnesia: Xander asks if there was any homework, Willow says they're doing "active listening." Miss Tischler demonstrated it the previous day with him. Xander draws a blank. Buffy says that Tischler was wearing a tight sweater. "Oh, the midnight blue angora! See, I was listening." Um, has he already forgotten "Teacher's Pet"?
  • All Just a Dream: Buffy's having more unpleasant Slayer dreams, this time involving her death at the hands of the Master.
  • Always Camp: "Aldo," the rotund Italian tenor. His patience is already wearing pretty thin before Willow even starts to sing.
  • And Then John Was a Zombie: Buffy climbing up out of the dirt and greeting her friends, only for them to leap back in horror. Buffy puts her hands to her face and mutters, "Oh God," obviously dreading that this will be a permanent condition.
  • Anticlimax Cut: Giles says they have to stop what's happening, or else everyone in Sunnydale is going to have their worse nightmare come to life. Cut to Cordelia opening her locker, and she sees in the mirror that her hair is frizzed out to a size five times greater than her head. In anguish, she runs a comb through her hair, but it snaps in two.
  • Anxiety Dreams: Everyone gets a turn in the barrel on this one.
  • Apologetic Attacker: Billy Palmer.
  • Astral Projection: Billy is able to manifest as an astral projection during his coma, but his 'return' causes nightmares to physically manifest wherever he goes, and soon throughout Sunnydale.
  • At the Opera Tonight: Willow is attempting to preform a famous duet from Puccini's Madame Butterfly. Willow was dressed to play the title character Cio-Cio-San and Aldo was playing her new American husband Pinkerton.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: The Ugly Man swings his club at Vamp!Buffy, but she catches it and breaks it off. This subdues him, and he collapses against the wall.
  • Attending Your Own Funeral: Buffy clawing her way out of the grave, causing the Scoobies to scream their heads off.
  • Baddie Flattery: The Master says Buffy is prettier than the last Slayer.
  • Bad News in a Good Way: Laura's doctor says she'll recover -- a couple of shattered bones, a little internal bleeding. Compared to the first victim, she got off "pretty easy."

 Giles: Have you looked up the word lately?

  • Baseball Episode: A mild case, since none of the heroes actually play the game. Too dangerous.
  • Batter Up: The Kiddy League Coach who beat Billy into a coma after he allegedly 'lost' a game. Billy's fear of his coach manifested as a disfigured creature with massive strength and a large club-shaped arm.
  • Big No: Dream Buffy, as she is being bitten by the Master. Cut to Buffy lying in bed, moaning "No, no!" as Joyce tries to wake her.
  • Big "Shut Up!": As they rush to the hospital, Willow nervously asks Giles if he's sure the world will go back to normal, and what they'll do if they can't wake Billy up. "Willow," he says politely, "do shut up."
  • Bland-Name Product: When Xander reaches down to pick up the candy bar (just before the clown attacks), it appears to be a Hershey Bar. But if you look closely, you can see that the name has been altered. Both H's are gone, and the R has been changed to a P. The name of the candy bar is now "EPS EY."
  • Brick Joke: Cordelia is checking her make-up in a hand mirror when a shadow passes over her. She barks at Wendell to get out of her light. The Scoobies look on with bewilderment, and Willow is disconcertingly reminded of Eva Perón. She and Buffy have this prophetic exchange:

 Buffy: I think it's the hair.

Willow: It weighs heavy on the cerebral cortex.

  • Brought Down to Normal / Curse of Babel: Giles nightmare; the man who knows five languages can no longer understand the printed word.
  • Brutal Honesty: "Hank's" admission that the divorce is indeed Buffy's fault. Furthermore, he claims to be bored by their weekends together; that Buffy is selfish and withdrawn and an overall bore. The expression on Buffy's face makes it clear that she's afraid he might have a point.
  • Buried Alive: Buffy seems unable to lift a hand against Dream!Master, which is consistent with her nightmare at the beginning of the episode. The Master asks what she's afraid of as he holds her over the open grave, then tosses her in. The coffin lid closes on her as she screams for help.
  • But You Were There and You and You
  • Catapult Nightmare
  • Caustic Critic: According to the director, they're all in attendance for Willow's performance. Break a leg!
  • Chekhov's Gag: "I'm sorry, I'm unruffled by spiders! Now, if a bunch of Nazis crawled all over my face..."
  • Coincidental Broadcast: Buffy strolls into the library, and asks how the research is going. Giles says he got some back issues of the newspaper, but that he doesn't know if there's anything useful in them, because he suddenly can't read. It's lucky he got the correct editions, then, because a front page headline on Billy Palmer is staring Buffy in the face.
  • Continuity Nod: When Wendell says that he doesn't hate spiders and that in fact he loves them, Xander clarifies that he means in a platonic way. After the praying-mantis-woman who tried to mate with him in "Teacher's Pet", Xander may not consider this a rhetorical question.
    • When The Master concludes his lesson, the camera pans up his lair, then through the ground to reveal the school -- the opposite of what it did in "Welcome To The Hellmouth."
  • Convenient Coma: Conquering Billy's inner fears automatically snaps him out of it.
  • Creepy Basement: The boiler room. No smoking allowed.
  • Creepy Child: Billy.
  • Creepy Sexy (In-Universe):

 Willow: (to Xander) Personal question?

Xander: Yeah, shoot!

Willow: When Buffy was a vampire, you weren't still, like, attracted to her, were you?

Xander: Willow, how can you... I mean, that's really bent! She was... grotesque!

Willow: Still dug her, huh?

Xander: I'm sick, I need help.

Willow: Don't I know it.

  • Death Glare: Contrary to Buffy's family, Willow says her parents never argue -- They just do this.
  • Disappeared Dad / It's All My Fault: Buffy's nightmare -- her father tells Buffy the divorce was due to her delinquent (Slayer) activities, and that he's disappointed she never lived up to her potential and doesn't want to see her again.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Billy looks on impassively at his handiwork, apparently under the impression that it's only in his dream.
  • Dramatic Unmask: Billy walks up to the Ugly Man, and peels back his face. Light pours out of it, and suddenly everything's back to normal.
  • Dream Weaver: Billy, though he's unaware of this ability. In fact, he can't control it.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come: The opening scene is a preamble to Buffy's eventual showdown with the Master. ("Prophecy Girl"). Buffy drops her stake, foretelling her succumbing to the Master's hypnosis.
  • Enemy Within: The Ugly Man.
  • Eureka Moment: Xander whines to Giles about his underwear experience being a nightmare. Willow is hit with an idea. ""Well yeah, Xander. It's your nightmare!"
  • Everything's Worse with Bees: Willow looks out a hospital window to see a swarm of hornets over Sunnydale.
  • Evil Clown: Xander is menaced by one of these, having had a fear of clowns ever since an incident at his sixth birthday party.
  • Evil Laugh: The Master grabs a shovel, then starts cackling as he pitches dirt into Buffy's grave.
  • Evil Sounds Deep / Guttural Growler: The Ugly Man.
  • F Minus Minus: Buffy can't even get partial credit for writing her name.
  • Face Your Fears: The theme of this episode, and the key to defeating the Monster of the Week.
  • Failed Attempt At Drama: At school, some greaser in a leather jacket and sunglasses is telling his friends about challenging some guy to a fight, and he's not backing down because it's about honor. Willow and Xander pass by, talking about nightmares coming true. Suddenly, we hear a woman's voice belt out, "Oh, there's my little baby!" The greaser's mom comes out of nowhere, wearing a tacky floral shirt, which elicits much chortling from his buddies.
  • Foreshadowing: Buffy's anxieties over her parents' split. Buffy says she never asked for details, but she knows her always being in Slayer-related trouble didn't help. Willow says she's sure that didn't have anything to do with it, and Buffy appeasingly agrees.
    • Rewatch Bonus: Buffy's fear of being buried alive comes to pass in the episode Bargaining, Part 2, when she is resurrected and awakens in her coffin
  • Gag Haircut: Cordelia's nightmare. That and being turned into a chess nerd with bad fashion sense.
  • Ghost Amnesia: Billy can't remember exactly how he ende dup in this state, or who attacked him. Each time he starts to remember, the Ugly Man lumbers out of nowhere and starts swinging.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Xander's blasé attitude toward Willow's arachnophobia. Real men are afraid of adult things -- like clowns.
  • I Know What You Fear: A type 2 infection.
  • I Let Gwen Stacy Die: Giles drops to his knees in front of Buffy's grave and gives this heartfelt speech.
  • Idiot Ball: Willow shears someone call her name out of the boiler room. She thinks it might be Buffy, and goes down the stairs. Good move -- the attacker couldn't possibly be in the same scary place again.
  • Institutional Apparel / Man in White: Billy's hospital duds.
  • Ironic Hell: As Willow looks around the school for Buffy, she sees Cordy, hair still post-electric-shock, being dragged along by two nerds in cardigans; Cordy yelling that she doesn't want to go and that she's not even on the chess team.
  • It's All About Me: Hank gets irritated with Buffy's sniffles and scolds her for whining. "Y'know, I don't think it's very mature -- getting blubbery when I'm just trying to be honest."
  • It's Up to You: Giles deduces that Billy is the root of the problem, but can't revive him. It's up to Billy to unmask the Ugly Man.
  • The Juggernaut: The Ugly Man shambles along and moves ponderously, but can take of himself. He can even fend off Buffy easily.
  • Last-Second Word Swap: Xander is still tugging on a sweatshirt as he and Willow stumble into the library. They tell Giles about Xander's impromptu streaking. Willow smiles and says, "Yeah, it was really" -- she catches a look from Xander -- "bad. It was a bad thing."
  • Let's Split Up, Scooby Gang

 Xander: Probably faster if we split up to look for her.

Giles: Good idea.

He and Xander go off in opposite directions.

Willow: Oh, uh, faster, but... not really safer.

  • Linked-List Clue Methodology: "Lucky Thirteeeeeen...."
    • Willow then realizes that what happened to Xander is a recurring nightmare of his. Giles, clueing in, says he had a nightmare he got lost in the stacks, and realizes that people's nightmares are coming true.
    • In the scene with Billy and Buffy on the fantasy ball-field, the Ugly Man makes his presence known by clubbing one of the players.
  • List of Transgressions: Hank explains that he came early because he needs to come clean about his and Joyce's breakup. Buffy's old enough to know the truth. She's apprehensive, and asks if there was someone else. She only wishes. Nope, Hank says bluntly, it was your fault. Buffy's not processing this, but he steamrolls on; noting her Slayer-related "stunts," and that she's sullen and rude and not too bright.
  • Lonely Piano Piece: Buffy walking alone after she gets a Hannibal Lecture from her dad.
  • Macho Masochism: To illustrate his point about fear being the mind-killer, The Master regards a leftover wooden cross from the ruined church. He puts a hand on the cross until it smokes.
  • Monster Clown: Xander's worst nightmare: Nazi clowns.
  • My Beloved Smother: A middle aged housewife type woman comes rushing up to one of the greasers, and covers his face in kisses. "How's my little pookie?" The tough guy is horrified, and begs his mom not to kiss him in front of the guys.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Buffy's vampire strength gives her the edge she needs to KO the Ugly Man.
  • No Smoking: Spoofed with the girl who sneaks off for a smoke being pounced on by the Ugly Man. There's a Gory Discretion Shot where the camera focuses on a poster reading 'SMOKING KILLS.'
  • No Sympathy: Buffy sees Cordy holding the classroom door for her. She snarks that Buffy's cut the class almost every day. Buffy panics, wondering how she's going to pass the test. Cordy: "Blind luck?"
  • Not Herself: Buffy, still addled from her nightmare, agrees to go to school with no fuss. Joyce raises her eyebrows. "Good day to buy that lottery ticket."
  • "Not Wearing Pants" Dream: Xander is forced to experience his recurring nightmare of appearing only in his underwear in front of the whole class.
  • Oh Crap: Xander walks through the halls, still working on three candy bars at once. He sees one on the floor marked "Chocolate Hurricane," and exclaims that those are the best. He remembers when he last had one, on his sixth birthday, as he starts to hear a maniacal chuckling...
    • Willow backs out of the basement to boos and thrown tomatoes. An out-of-breath Xander runs up and pointedly asks if she found Buffy. She wants to know what happened to him, and he asks if she remembers his sixth birthday party. She laughs, and recalls that a clown chased him and he got really... Willow's face falls as she realizes the implication. Cue the knife-wielding clown bursting into the room. They scream and turn to run, but bump into Giles; They drag him off, and Giles starts to scream himself when he looks behind them.
    • Once reality is restored, Some middle-aged guy in sweats and a baseball cap walks into Billy's room. He says he's Billy's Kiddie League coach, and that he checks on him every day. "He's my Lucky 19." He asks how Billy is, and Buffy snits, "He's awake." The coach isn't thrilled.
  • Performance Anxiety: Willow's nightmare is based on her terror of appearing on stage; she finds herself costumed to appear in Giacomo Puccini's opera Madama Butterfly, unable to sing a note.
  • Pinch Me: Xander realizing he's wearing only underwear. He thinks he's dreaming and tries to pinch himself, but when that doesn't work, he runs off screaming.
    • Buffy shouts at the Master that he's not due to be released yet -- that this is a dream. The Master says he is free, because she fears it.
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "Scary. I'll tell you something though, there are a lot scarier things than you. And I'm one of them."
  • Produce Pelting: Willow's performance earns her an ovation of boos and tomatoes.
  • Punch, Spin, Gape: It takes a real man to punch a clown.
  • Put the Laughter In Slaughter: The clown.
  • Race Against the Clock: The Scoobies finally escape the school. Giles tells them, "In a few hours reality will fold completely into the realm of nightmares."
    • Giles asks Vamp!Buffy to hold it together so she can help them, and after a long pause, she says she's up to it. "Well, we better hurry," she monotones. "Because I'm getting hungry."

 Xander: That is a joke, right?

  • Reality Warper
  • Red Right Hand: The Ugly Man is just that -- a large bald man, with one eye gouged out and scars all over his face.
  • Red Shirt: Wendell and Laura.
  • The Reveal: The coach popping in to check on his lil' Derek Jeter-in-training.
  • Right Hand of Doom: The Ugly Man's clubbed hand.
  • Rise From Your Grave: Giles, kneeling before Buffy's gravestone, places his hand on the dirt and says he's sorry. Buffy's hand reaches through the dirt and grabs him.
  • Run or Die: Billy's baseline strategy when dealing with the Ugly Man. Xander, Willow, and a very unlucky Giles resort to this with the clown.
  • Scare Chord: Willow being yanked off screen and into a theater.
    • The soundmixer strikes again when Vamp!Buffy's hands bursts from the ground
  • Schmuck Bait / Delicious Distraction: Xander follows a trail of chocolate bars to the Evil Clown.
  • Screaming Warrior: Apart from "Lhuckee Thurteeeen!," the Ugly Man is only capable of bellowing and growling.
  • Screaming Woman: Spiders spill out of Wendell's textbook, and everyone starts screaming, the teacher most loudly. Way to keep cool in a crisis. There's a quick, hilarious shot of the teacher and Cordelia standing side by side screaming their heads off.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Wendell shrieks and flies backward when tarantulas pop out of his book. Xander has a similar reaction to his clothes disappearing.
  • Scully Syndrome: Xander thinks the theme of Wendell and the spiders could just be a coincidence...and pays the price.
  • Serious Business: In keeping with Giles's theory about fears coming to life, Xander guesses that Wendell has a bad relationship with insects. Surpringly, Wendell snaps at them that they're arachnids -- He worships spiders, and dorks mistaking them for bugs is a major sticking point for him.

 Xander: They're from the Middle East?

    • Buffy can't believe a coach would beat up a kid, and Xander observes that Buffy's obviously never played kiddie league. "I'm surprised it wasn't one of the parents."
  • Shout-Out: "I had the strangest dream...And You Were There...and you...who are you people?"
    • Willow has a Nerf Herder bumper sticker in the inside of the locker door. Nerf Herder is the band that made the opening theme for the show.
  • Sinister Silhouettes: Xander sees a shadow on the other side of one of a plastic tarp, and a knife-wielding clown busts through. Eep!
  • Speak of the Devil: In a frightened voice, Billy confides that the Ugly Man wants to kill him, and that he "hurt that girl." Buffy wants to know why, and Billy gasps in horror. "HE'S HERE!" Buffy looks over her shoulder, and the Ugly Man wallops her with his club. Cut to commercial.
  • Spiders Are Scary: Inverted with Wendell, whose love affair with spiders came to an untimely end thanks to a heating lamp.
  • Tempting Fate: Xander boasts that all this supernatural stuff doesn't faze him anymore. He scurries his fingers around Willow's shoulder, pretending to be a spider.

 Xander: It's funny if you're me.

    • Xander's humiliation in front of his classmates strikes a chord with Willow. "Everyone staring? I would hate to have everyone paying attention to me like that."
  • Thousand-Yard Stare: The Scoobies journey to the quad to find Wendell, who is semi-catatonic from the morning's events.
  • Visit by Divorced Dad: Well, that didn't go as well as expected.
  • Walk in Chime In: In the graveyard, Buffy and Billy spot an open grave. Billy wonders who died. "Nobody died," sneers the Master, lounging against a tombstone. "What's the fun of burying someone if they're already dead?"
  • "What Do They Fear?" Episode
  • You!: Buffy shouts this at the Master when he inexplicably appears in the graveyard.
  • Your Mind Makes It Real