G.I. Joe/Characters/Film Series

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The character sheet for the Live Action G. I. Joe Film Series.

G.I. Joes


A soldier who joins the Joes in the first movie, the film's protagonist. Real name: Conrad Hauser.

Gen. Hawk

The leader of the Joes. Real name: Clayton Abernathy.


The G.I. Joe team's intelligence expert. Real name: Shana M. O'Hara


An soldier who joins the Joes in the first movie, the team's expert pilot. Real name: Wallace Weems.

Snake Eyes

An American who studied martial arts under the Arashikage ninja clan, taking a vow of silence. He is the rival of Storm Shadow. Real name: Classified.

 Baroness: He gave up.

Storm Shadow: He never gives up. Their car gets hit by a train

  • Dual Tonfas
  • The Faceless
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Subverted. He only beats Storm Shadow (both as a child, and in the climax) when he switches to bladed tonfas.
    • This may be a case of Fridge Brilliance, since one of the best strategies in martial arts if your opponent is just as skilled in the same way you're fighting them, you change your tactics. In the flashback, Snake Eyes loses every fight with Storm Shadow when they use the same weapon. He only wins when he changes tactics. Given his Combat Pragmatist roots, it makes sense.
  • Large Ham: A silent version of it.
  • McNinja: Is the world's best ninja despite being American. In a bit of a subversion, the world's second best ninja seems to be Korean.
  • Ninja
  • Number Two: To General Hawk.
  • The Quiet One: To the best of this troper's knowledge, the low sigh he utters at Storm Shadow's apparent death is the most he's ever said in any continuity.
  • The Rival: To Storm Shadow.
  • You Killed My Master: Why he wants to take down Storm Shadow.

Heavy Duty

The field commander of G.I. Joe and the team's heavy machine gunner. Real name: Hershel Dalton.


The Joe's communications specialist and hacker. Real name: Abel Shaz.

Cover Girl

The team's special weapons officer and Personal assistant to Gen. Hawk. Real name: Courtney Kreiger.

Sgt. Stone

G.I. Joe's special operations instructor who teaches combat training. Real name: Geoffrey Stone IV.


Lady Jaye


Tunnel Rat




The Doctor/ Cobra Commander

The Big Bad of the first film, which makes sense because he's the Big Bad of the franchise. He assists McCullen in his evil plans, but secretly has plans of his own. Real name: Rex Lewis


A weapons designer and founder of the Military Armament Research Syndicate (MARS). His terrorist agenda sets up the movie's plot. Real name: James McCullen XXIV. Destro's company manufactures 70% of the world's armaments.

The Baroness

Cobra Intelligence Officer who married a wealthy European aristocrat before she has Storm Shadow kill him/ Real name: Ana Lewis aka Anastascia DeCobray.

Storm Shadow

Member of the ninja clan Arashikage, trained under his uncle, the Hard Master. He is the rival of Snake Eyes. Real name: Thomas Arashikage.


A master of disguises who thanks to The Doctor's experimentation can shapeshift. Real name: Classified

Doctor Mindbender

A scientist in McCullen's employ who developed the nanomite technology and trained "The Doctor" in the field. His current status is unknown. Real name: Unknown.

