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* Vampire Rain features three kinds of vampires, or Nightwalkers, as the game calls them. The most basic type of Nightwalker looks human for the most part, but when feeding, angry, or injured, drops the disguise and looks like a hideous corpse. They're also nightmarishly strong, requiring entire clips of ammo to take down, at which point they melt into puddles of acidic slime. Water dampens their senses, which allows humans to get close enough to fight them. Sunlight also seems to do the trick, as a [[Depleted Phlebotinum Rounds|UV Knife]] is a one-hit-kill weapon against them. Interestingly, all Nightwalkers seem [[Keystone Army|dependant on the Nightwalker who turned them]], and killing one destroys all its progeny. They have offshoots called Prime Walkers that are even more powerful, being the very first of their bloodlines, {{spoiler|which becomes a key plot point, when killing a Prime Walker purges its bloodline completely}}. Finally, they seem to have an offshoot of 'natural' vampires who were born undead, and are immune to the effects of sunlight, and are freakishly strong. They do however, seem to age, albeit slowly.
* Vampire Rain features three kinds of vampires, or Nightwalkers, as the game calls them. The most basic type of Nightwalker looks human for the most part, but when feeding, angry, or injured, drops the disguise and looks like a hideous corpse. They're also nightmarishly strong, requiring entire clips of ammo to take down, at which point they melt into puddles of acidic slime. Water dampens their senses, which allows humans to get close enough to fight them. Sunlight also seems to do the trick, as a [[Depleted Phlebotinum Rounds|UV Knife]] is a one-hit-kill weapon against them. Interestingly, all Nightwalkers seem [[Keystone Army|dependant on the Nightwalker who turned them]], and killing one destroys all its progeny. They have offshoots called Prime Walkers that are even more powerful, being the very first of their bloodlines, {{spoiler|which becomes a key plot point, when killing a Prime Walker purges its bloodline completely}}. Finally, they seem to have an offshoot of 'natural' vampires who were born undead, and are immune to the effects of sunlight, and are freakishly strong. They do however, seem to age, albeit slowly.
* Vampires in ''[[Monster Girl Quest]]'' don't burn in the sun, though they are vulnerable to fire. They all appear to be wearing black cloaks, but these are actually part of their bodies. Vampirism isn't contagious - instead, vampires are an all-female race that reproduces by mating with humans (like other monsters).
* Vampires in ''[[Monster Girl Quest]]'' don't burn in the sun, though they are vulnerable to fire. They all appear to be wearing black cloaks, but these are actually part of their bodies. Vampirism isn't contagious - instead, vampires are an all-female race that reproduces by mating with humans (like other monsters).
* Troupe Master Grimm from ''[[Hollow Knight]]'' is more overtly demonic than vampiric, but he's still got many of the classic trappings. He sports the stereotypical look: black "hair" with a prominent widow's peak, a deathly pale face, and a spiffy cloak. He sleeps upside-down like a bat, with his cloak draped around his body like a pair of bat wings. He also lifts a lot of his attacks from [[Castlevania]]'s incarnation of Dracula.


Latest revision as of 02:34, 26 August 2022

  • Vamp from Metal Gear Solid is... different. He acquired his unusual dietary habits when, as a child, he was buried alive under the rubble of a bombed church, with only the blood of his family to keep himself from dying of thirst. He has a Healing Factor but it's due to nanomachines. He's immune to sunlight, and can move around freakishly - he, at one point, runs fast enough to walk on water. He's also able to swim in a section of the Big Shell that's explicitly stated to have nanites that will more or less drown anyone in it by lack of friction (sinking them to the bottom). In MGS4, as a Easter Egg, hitting him with the unlockable Solar Gun instantly knocks him out.
    • Vamp had some supernatural weirdness going on before being injected with nanomachines. The nanomachines came after MGS2, and amped up what was already there.
    • He's also called "Vamp" because he's bisexual and not because, well, the obvious... at least according to Snake in a Codec conversation.
  • Slayer from the Guilty Gear games seems completely unaffected by sunlight and other vampiric banes (although, truthfully, he has never been shown exposed to any other weaknesses). He seems to be completely immortal. Even when he's defeated in combat, his sprite for lying on the ground shows him not dead or knocked out, but holding his head up, legs crossed, looking amused.
    • He has some shades of being a Friendly Neighbourhood Vampire, since he's Happily Married to an immortal woman- he can drink all of her blood and she just regenerates it back.
    • Venom came the closest to defeating Slayer, in one of his endings where he locks him in a metal coffin. Although that's probably because Slayer simply let him do it.
  • Demitri Maximov from Darkstalkers has many vampire powers but none of the weaknesses, as he is so powerful that they don't affect him anymore. He also has odd abilities that normal vampires don't have at all, such as the ability to shoot flames and the ability to turn men into women (as he only drinks the blood of attractive women).
    • As well as the ability to turn already attractive women into humorous forms that he also drinks blood from. And every few frames of animation his appearance becomes that of a demonic gargoyle thing, though only for a single frame.
    • Demitri is really from another world, which explains why he's so stupidly more powerful than the classic vampire.eating a planet eating alien just returned him to his original strength after he had been banished to Earth he's weak to sunlight, but that's because his dimension has no sun, no other traditional weaknesses apply except blood drinking and he develops a personal force field for sunlight.
    • Demitri is a perfect example of the vampire as a type of demon. The dimension he comes from is named Makai which means "demon world". His rival is the trope image for Horny Devils.
    • Donovan on the otherhand is an Earth native vampire hybrid. He's able to grow wings and electrocute people but his most impressive powers come from his big sword and his use of Persona-type elemental magical avatars.
  • The vampires in the video game Boktai are made of real tough stuff. Not only can they endure just about any of the vampire weaknesses you can throw at them, they are notorious for tanking the shots of a gun that is not only powered by sunlight, but actually fires off rounds made of solar energy. Even if they do die, they tend to come back at inopportune times, so the best way to render them Deader Than Dead is to drag its coffin to the Pile Driver and fire it up!
    • In one of its sequels, Lunar Knights, vamps are not only as tough as the ones in Boktai, but smarter, too: Thanks to intervention by the Big Bad, they got armor that neutralizes sunlight and a device that mollifies what naturally exists. Thus, every time Anti-Hero Lucian puts one down, he has to call his Humongous Mecha and fly their remains into outer space!
  • In the original Shadow Hearts, Keith (Keith Valentine... Hmmm) explains that the stories about vampires are false, and that they're just like humans but tougher and they live longer. They aren't affected by any weaknesses and don't appear to feed on blood.
    • Well, except that he does have an attack "Blood Sucker".
    • In Shadow Hearts Covenant, when Joachim is in his bat form, one of his win quotes is "I feel like some tomato juice" and another is "I want to suck your blood... just kidding". (Note: When in bat form, he loses his frickin' mind. It seems to be just him, though. Another choice quote is "Oooo. Goooold", referring to the color of his fur.)
    • Bear in mind that Joachim is a Hard Gay, improbable weapon wielding, pro-wrestling, super hero.
    • Shadow Hearts 3 features a vampire who sucks the calories out of people to change form. Apparently, she can go hungry, as demonstrated, though she can eat human food too. Perhaps Shadow Hearts vampires can be sustained in more than one way?
    • Do note that the above three are all siblings and Dracula's grandchildren.
  • In the world of The Elder Scrolls, Vampirism is a disease called Vampirism in Daggerfall, "Porphyric Hemophilia" in Morrowind and Oblivion and "Sanguinare Vampiris" in Skyrim. The recent games seem to treat vampirism differently.
    • In Morrowind, there are three "clans" of vampires. Every vampire clan is very tough, able to levitate, vulnerable to sunlight and can't heal without draining life energy. Each clan has a different set of bonus skills, reflecting their clan specialty. The clans have a habit of somehow obtaining mortals to act as cattle in their lairs to feed off of, with it being implied they kidnap most of them and physically abuse them or magically dominate them until they are broken servants to the vampires.
      • Daggerfall is similar, though with nine clans and less difference between them.
    • In Oblivion, there is only one type of vampire native to Cyrodiil. They don't require blood to stay alive, but they get stronger, more monstrous in appearance and more vulnerable to sunlight the longer they go without drinking blood. The blood apparently makes them able to blend in. In-game books (particularly Immortal Blood) state that there are many different types of vampires, each with their particular strengths and weaknesses.
      • Skyrim is similar... which has caused some confusion whether the vampires in Skyrim are Cyrodiilic immigrants that have pushed out the natives or Skyrim natives that have somehow adopted the Cyrodiil strand's main trait. The upcoming DLC, Dawnguard, looks like it's introducing new vampires more in line with what Skyrim's vampires were described as in Immortal Blood.
    • The real difference with Elder Scrolls vampires is in their origin story. They were created after a god that was born in a semi-alternate timeline (Vivec) raped the God of Rape (Molag Bal). Or not. Molag Bal is usually involved in vampire-origin stories, but even that is uncertain. Vivec's involvement is far less common, and also significantly less likely (at least in this kalpa). The most widely accepted version of the origin story is that Molag Bal created them by raping a Nede[1] woman.
      • Basically, nobody mortal knows the source of the vampire, and the beings that could know aren't telling, and there are a lot of guesses running around.
    • Elder Scrolls vampires also have no problem with garlic. The one exception is Vicente Valtiere, who has an "unusual reaction" to it.
    • Also of note are ash vampires in Morrowind. These are a subversion in that despite the name, they're not really vampires and cannot transmit vampirism. They are in fact Dunmer that have been transformed by Dagoth Ur using the Heart of Lorkhan and now serve as nobility in House Dagoth. They are very dangerous and should be approached with caution even by a high-level Nerevarine.
    • One way to illustrate how different vampirism is here (this example is in Skyrim), is how it is contracted as well as cured. Vampirism is acquired not from being bitten (biting is only for replenishing blood; it does not spread vampirism), but from being hit by the Vampire Drain spell (which is meant to replenish the health of the Vampire casting it). Also, it does not manifest immediately, but starts off as a minor disease where your maximum health is reduced, and which can easily be cured with a Cure Disease potion or a visit to the nearest shrine of one of the divines. Non treatment after 3 days results in full manifestation of Vampirism, which has 4 stages depending on how long one has not partaken any blood, and curing at this point requires performing a full blown quest (which can be done repeatedly in case vampirism is acquired again).
  • Fallout 3, made by the same folks as The Elder Scrolls series, has the Family, who aren't supernatural at all - they all came together as 'vampires' for thier own reasons. One suffers from some form of mutation or psychological disorder that gives him an insatiable hunger for human flesh, but can drink blood as a substitute. The Leader at one point states that they follow vampiric traditions mainly because it allows them to think of themselves as something other than ravenous cannibals.
  • Castlevania vampires vary in weaknesses, powers, and whether or not they can ever go back to being humans. Crosses and holy water only seem to be nasty because the Belmonts and their associates use them as weapons (Crosses become boomerangs, and holy water creates fire somehow), and they're put in the same catagory of weapons as thrown knives, axes, and stopwatches. And of these weapons can hurt anything in the games, vampire or not. Dracula himself only shows an aversion to sunlight in one game, and most of the time appears less a traditional vampire and more as some kind of uber-demon with a human form he just prefers. He also comes back from the dead with almost monotonous regularity, no matter what killed him last time. None of the vampires are shown as NEEDING to drink blood, though they can apparently make more vampires by doing so. None of these lesser vampires come anywhere near matching Dracula's array of powers or strength, though.
    • On the other hand, he and his half-vampire son Alucard have the usual unaging benefits, and the ability to tranform into bats, wolves, and mist. Dracula also has a lot more demonic transformations. They both also have some apparently magical abilities, like their classic "Hellfire" teleport-fireball.
    • This gets explored in the Sorrow games. Dracula is the "Dark Lord", the setting's closest equivalent to Satan.
    • Alucard does exhibit one classical vampire weakness: the running water one, of all things. Just to make things even weirder, he can get around that one by... using a holy symbol on himself. The symbol is snorkel-shaped, by the way.
    • Vampire turning appears to go like this: If a person has just been bitten recently, it is possible to fix them if they haven't crossed a point of no return, time-based. It takes a powerful holy magic, and if one isn't available, they're doomed.
  • Duck Tales has Dracula Duck, a vampire duck, as the final boss. He sends a bat that is used as a springboard to hit him.
  • The Legacy of Kain games really go to town on vampires. While at first they seem to fit the regular variation, Soul Reaver added on evolution, with vampires changing and adapting every couple of centuries, turning into inhuman monsters which is latered explained to be due to the curse placed on the "original" vampires. And that's not even going into the "Vampires vs Hylden" aspect of the games.
    • Or the fact that the Vampires were originally a non-blood-drinking race of Precursors who were, as far as can be inferred, fairly decent folks who just happened to have clawed hands, blue skin, and black-feathered wings growing out their back.
    • There's also Raziel's character, who becomes a half-vampire half-wraith in the second game, replacing his bloodlust with a need to feed on the souls of others, while initially retaining most of his vampiric weaknesses, such as burning his skin to the touch of water.
    • Raziel explains vampiric strengths and weakness early on in the game. "Physical wounds are fleeting" because of their "immortal flesh" that "begins to close as soon as it is cleaved". They only need to worry about injuries "that impale or inflame"; water is like acid, and sunlight only works on younger vampires but regular fire works just fine. Also, impalement through the heart only works so long as they stay impaled, and only because it prevents it from healing- take out the spear or whatever, and they instantly return to life. In fact actually permanantely killing a vampire is impossbile' their soul will hover around their corpse (which will not rot or decompose, even if incinerated) and will eventually adapt and become Wraiths, or ghosts that vampirically feed on souls. If the corpse of the Wraith is brought back to life (usually by taking out the impaling instrument), then the vampire retains his soul-sucking abilities, and Dumah was even able to shift to the Spectral Realm.
    • There are exactly three kinds of vampires in Nosgoth. The blue skinned and winged Ancients such as Janos Audron, the humans transformed by the Ancients/humans transformed by existing ones such as Vorador, and reanimated corpses such as Kain and his brood. The latter are a varied bunch and, by the time of Soul Reaver 1, have degenerated into mutant fiends. The 6 original Kainite vampires are Raziel and his brothers, and they were made by Kain using a portion of his soul (which was magically corrupted by an insane sorceror before he was born, hence why his generation of vamps ultiately degenerate). Each of the 6 has their own clan of vamps which all have unique abilities, such as being spider-like, immunity to water, or being larger and stronger. Rahab and Melchiah both further had unique weaknesses; the former was always vulnerable to sunlight regardless of the age of he or his brood (but they got the swimming deal as a plus); the latter was made last and turned out to have a kind of Age Without Youth, in that he was immortal but his undead body could not maintain its own flesh, leading to he and his brood having to steal skin as well as blood from their victims to preserve their rotting forms.
  • Dreadlords, as introduced in Warcraft 3 and reappearing in World of Warcraft. Technically, they're demons. They have bat wings, claws and horns. The standard ones show limited control over bats and other carrion, the ability to put enemies to sleep, a "vampiric aura" that restores health to them and their allies in melee combat, as well as a Limit Break that calls a flaming demon from the sky. Other Dreadlords have shown capacity for things like raining hellfire on targets. However, no bloodsucking is explicitly demonstrated (They suck souls instead). They are perfectly capable of walking around in daylight.
    • Wrath of the Lich King has now introduced more traditional vampires in the Darkfallen, undead elven royalty raised by the Lich King. They have extensive blood-based and necromantic magic powers, grey skin, and boss-level strength, though otherwise their powers vary. One, Prince Taldaram, can become invisible, and another, Blood Queen Lana'thel, has bat wings.
  • There are two known vampires in Gensokyo: Remilia Scarlet and Flandre Scarlet. Remilia is somewhat more traditional as a vampire, disliking sunlight, turning into a bat, claiming direct descendence from Dracula, and such. However, she actually likes cross imagery, and is really weirded out when people seem to assume it should hurt her (she also tends to drink her blood in teacups prepared by her servant because she seems to find biting people to be distasteful and a hassle). Flandre, on the other hand, looks like a vampire only in her drive for drinking blood (itself questionable, she drinks blood given to her by her maid, but when confronted to a human, Word of God says she blows them up without a trace of blood to drink remaining) - she's a cute little Person of Mass Destruction (and how!) with "wings" made of rainbow-colored romboid crystals and a happy, experimentative disposition.
    • Flandre actually is able to turn into a bat as well, despite her unbatlike wings. Remilia does it better though - she turns into a whole bat swarm and can regenerate from a single one of them. Of course, Flandre's powers are perhaps poorly defined - we see her but two times in the series, one of these times having been very short.
      • Flandre is also insane and extremely isolated to prevent rampages; she might not know what vampire tricks she can do. Remilia, being more stable, intellectual, and in-control, would have had time and opportunity to learn.
    • There is actually a third vampire in the Touhou series, but like the rest of the PC-98 Touhou games, Kurumi has a case of Chuck Cunningham Syndrome. It doesn't help that she was a minor character to begin with; as the Stage 2 boss of Lotus Land Story, she was more of a speed bump than a major foe. Kurumi is presumably weaker than the Scarlet sisters, she has a large wingspan compared to them, and she lives in a lake filled with blood. This is all we know of her.
      • Some speculation indicates that Elis from Highly Responsive To Prayer might also be a vampire, though it can't be verified since she too was lost to PC-98 obscurity.
    • Must be noted that the 'cross imagery' part is due to Clap Your Hands If You Believe and the dominant faith (if any) in Gensokyo is a bizarre mutation of Shinto, not Christianity. Heroine Reimu Hakurei uses amulets and other religion-themed projectiles in battle and they are as deadly to Remilia and Flandre as they are to all the other Obake in the series.
    • Their powerset is pretty much standard vampire (moreso for Remilia, who loves her Blood Magic, as Flandre tends to cast pure arcane energy spells), but their weaknesses are bizarre. The only normal ones are sunlight and running water (which also applies to rain), but they can't approach sardine heads or shattered holly branches, and roast soybeans burn them[2]. Oh, and they're bound in an unbreakable contract to never attack humans in Gensokyo in return for getting blood supplied for them, taken from suicidal humans that live in the outer world.
    • Really, where Remilia and Flandre are concerned, it seems to vary depending on what ZUN feels like at the time. Remilia is actually more active during the day rather than at night[3], and while she is vulnerable to sunlight and rain, she can actually counter these by carrying a parasol, which, while efficient, cannot possibly protect her completely. This is further evidenced in Touhou Hisoutensoku, where Remilia cannot play in any non-indoor stage unless she's got a Security Parasol card in her deck. It's possible her weaknesses to sunlight and water may be psychological rather than physical.
    • Note that, in Silent Sinner in Blue, she is clearly shown burning when she gets exposed to a bit of sunlight, explaining that part.
    • Although, by that point, they're on the moon, where there shouldn't be any atmosphere at all to protect from solar radiation. Why Remilia only is affected is puzzling.
      • There's people living on the moon. Surely in Gensokyo, it DOES have an atmosphere.
    • In Perfect Memento it is mentioned vampires are capable of summoning vast amounts of demons by merely whispering.
    • Last and not least, it should be mentioned that vampires in Touhou are considered to be not undead, but (in the original Japanese) akuma, which is translated as devil (Hence the name "Scarlet Devil"). Also, it seems they can't turn others into more of their kind (humans drained of blood "move around as a zombie for a while, then evaporate under sunlight")
  • Vampires in Dating Sim Fortune Arterial possess none of the traditional weaknesses, but cannot make more vampires via feeding. Rather, one who consumes a vampire's blood becomes a kenzoku (progeny,) gaining the abilities of a vampire (minus blood-sucking) but becoming bound to that vampire as a servant and an all-day breakfast on legs.
  • The Callahans Crosstime Saloon computer game takes the player to Pyotr's hometown of Flores çu. Once there, we meet another vampire like Pyotr, named Sasha, and it's revealed that Callahan's vampires have traditional greeting in which a normal human offers them a wrist, and the vampires take only a little bit of blood, to show trust from both parties.
  • In Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned, Gabriel goes up against an army of self-styled vampires called "Night Visitors", who kidnap what they believe is the last in the Holy Bloodline, in order to drink the blood and achieve immortality.
    • Since they seem to be able to levitate, and their leader has red eyes and fangs by the end of the game, drinking holy blood does seem to be working for them. Their most notable exception to the usual tropes is that they're extremely picky about their victims, and aren't superficially different from ordinary people in normal circumstances.
  • Most people don't immediately recognize the vampire in Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem, it probably shouldn't even be called a vampire, but it is.
  • Vampires in RuneScape comes in two flavours, the easily disposed of kind with enough blunt trauma or a nice swipe of a sword. Vampyres are basically a vampire on crack, while restrained to a certain area, they are nigh undefeatable without silver weapons and something similar to holy water.
    • And there's also Vyrewatch, who are Nigh Invulnerable winged humanoids.
    • Until you get a silver flail or Blisterwood weapons meant to kill vampires, then it is mostly open season for them.
    • The story for Runescape vampyres differs from tradition somewhat. They are stated to be former humans, but how they were turned is unknown, since your character gets bitten and doesn't turn. Not to mention that they frequently bite the human residents in Meyerditch on a daily basis to collect "tithes".
  • Since Soul Calibur III both Raphael and Amy have become semi-vampiric beings, due to the influence of Soul Edge. The Pale skin and Glowing Eyes of Doom are present, as well as a weakness during daylight and an insatiable thirst during the night. They (or Raphael atleast) are also able to infect others throught a neck bite, turning them into more typical Soul Edge-infected Berserkers.
    • Then again, Soul Edge tends to affect everyone differently.
    • It's stated that the difference between the infected berserkers and the Sorels is that the infection didn't touch their minds. Which is probably why they satisfy their "night thirst" through neckbiting rather than messy slaughter.
  • Suikoden Vampires are created by the influence of The True Moon Rune. They get sleepy and lose their powers in sunlight, and apparently only need to drink blood if they're not in the presence of the rune. Neclord at least when he was in possession of the rune was shown to be immune to everything but the Star Dragon Sword, Another vampire's attack and the special techniques of the Marley Family.
  • City of Heroes has Vampyrs (and werewolves} that are very different- a variant of the Super Serum used by the Fifth Column and later the Council creates monstrous creatures that join the Equinox division and have strange life-sapping powers. The head of the Equinox division and creator of the Vampyrs is called, naturally, Nosferatu.
    • Of course, the concepts created by players run the gamut, from predictable Mary Sue concepts (bonus points for Catgirl vampires), to truly bizarre twists. Somewhere in between is a vampire that uses the Fire Armor powerset- he's so old and powerful that he turns his sunlight weakness into a weapon!
  • The Sims 2 adapts traditional vampire traits to the gameplay mechanics, making them sufficiently different. Vampire Sims smoke in sunlight and must sleep in coffins during the day, can turn into a bat, don't appear in mirrors, don't age, and turn other Sims into vampires by biting their necks. However, they eat normal food, can die by any means besides old age and starvation, and their main draw is their needs not dropping at night. Their default apparel becomes upperclass Victorian garb, but this can be changed if desired.
    • Not to mention their skin also turns a purplish color.
    • By the way, transformation into meta-human Sims can stack, so it's perfectly possible to end up with a plant werewolf vampire witch zombie Sim. It's not a good idea, though, to turn the solar-powered robot Sims or solar-powered plant Sims into vampires, though, since they burn to death when they try to recharge.
    • Actully Plantsim-Vampires are the easyist to care for. 1, their needs don't drop at night anyways for the most part, and 2, the Sun Lamps will give them the boost they need without being deadly.
    • And by the same token, robot vampires get around the sunlight issue, also. A robot's power is replenished by solar energy, but can also be recharged by sleep just like any other sim. Sunlight is just faster, taking only three in-game hours at maximum.
    • Also, Sims vampires say "Bleh!"
  • Nitara from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance introduced a Vampire race to the series. This variation presents huge vampire wings on their backs, the common thirst for blood, an allergy to the Earth's sun and vulnerability to wooden stakes (any other material wouldn't kill them). In MK: Armageddon, they race's name is given as Moroi, and their realm is named Vaeternus.
  • Sacred featured the Vampiress, a human woman bitten by a Vampire and turned, then given a soul when she bit a Seraphim. This allowed her to resume her human form and safely travel during the day, though she had no restriction on changing and no weakness to fire. However in Vampire form she takes continuous sun damage but gains sufficient power boosts to make up for it.
  • Rachel Alucard from BlazBlue seems to have none of the traditional weaknesses of vampires. At least, none that we know of. She can walk around in broad daylight, and although she uses Nago as a parasol, this seems to be for decoration rather than protection, as she is no less powerful in daylight than at night. She even pulls a crucifix out of the ground during her Astral Heat. She's also one of the most powerful characters in the game (in terms of storyline).
    • Slayer from Guilty Gear is pretty much the same way, and he even has a crucifix motif for most of his clothing, almost in mockery of traditional vampire weaknesses.
  • Nevan in Devil May Cry 3 is never outright referred to as a vampire, but she tries to suck out Dante's soul by kissing him, attempts to bite his neck, has a flowing waterfall just outside the cave mouth leading to her lair (preventing her from leaving, it looks like), is deathly pale, and has an affinity towards bats and can transform into a swarm of them. Calling her one is a pretty safe bet.
    • On the other hand she turns into an electric guitar that shoots lightning bats once you defeat her, which isn't exactly traditional vampire behaviour. It's Devil May Cry, so who the fuck even knows anymore.
  • Leonid from Romancing SaGa 3 can only be healed during battle by sucking blood out of enemies, has 0 LP so he can't be killed off permanently but can't be revived during battle either due to the previous restriction. Gameplaywise, his inability to be healed normally is the result of his armor that can't be removed from him that gives him significant stat boosts: like detailed under Developer's Room article, other armors that share its name are vastly weaker and the copy of the actual armor likewise makes the wearer unable to be healed normally and unable to be unequiped afterwards.
  • Vincent Valentine of Final Fantasy VII has one hell of a Dracula complex, for not actually being a vampire.
  • While he may or may not be a vampire, Psaro the Manslayer from Dragon Quest IV has a decent amount of vampiric traits. Pale skin, red eyes (some vampire stories give vampires red eyes), fangs, and unnatural beauty.
  • In Fall From Heaven II, the vampires of the Calabim civilization are technically alive, consume souls instead of blood, and most of the traditional weakenesses probably don't affect them. However, they hate the sunlight, because Lugus, the Angel of Light, cursed them to revive each of their feedings from the point of view of the victim. They also quite openly rule their own civilization of normal humans, but few realize that they're more than standard Evil Overlords.
  • Meet Graf Michael Sepperin of Rosenkreuzstilette. As if just organizing for a coup to be launched against the Empire just wasn't enough, leave it to him to make a Deal with the Devil and begin using the forbidden arts to transform himself into a vampire and begin commanding an army of monsters, demons, and the undead, and even bring Raimund back from the dead as The Grim Reaper. The Graf not only is one of the BigBads (other than his biological daughter, of course, who takes the spotlight of main Big Bad from him after his defeat), but is also an Expy of Dracula of Castlevania fame, even coming complete with a demonic transformation. Not to mention, he even randomly says one out of two lines when he transforms, the famous "Grant me power!" line and even the "I am the Devil!" one that references to Dr. Weil of Mega Man Zero fame.
  • In Disgaea, vampires are a subtype of demon whose power is tied to the consumption of human blood. Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten revolves around a vampire who's looking for a way back to the top after his refusal to drink human blood has stripped him of his past power.
  • Marcos, from Last Half of Darkness: Beyond the Spirit's Eye, was infected with vampirism by a cursed artifact rather than another vampire. He resembles a shark-toothed version of the vampire from Nosferatu, moves disconcertingly fast, and can climb well; his other abilities are unspecified, but it's unlikely that he can turn into mist ( because he needed other means to enter the locked lab), and he at least thought he could kill himself by hanging.
  • Night Trap is loaded with vampires. Vampires can teleport, make their eyes glow, have super strength, are unharmed by bullets, and can shoot lightning from their hands. Other vampires are created by completely draining a mortal of blood. However, if not enough blood is taken, an auger is created. Augers look like limping burglars due to the fact that they cover themselves completely in black clothing because their skin falls off of their bones due to their hunger.
  • The Mystics of SaGa Frontier are something of a hybrid between Vampires and The Fair Folk. According to Essence of SaGa the strongest variety are even called "True Vampires". Generally these are the only sort who have blood related powers.
  • Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, based on (you guessed it!) White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade pen and paper RPG series.
  • BloodRayne Vampire's range from mostly human looking to huge and monstrous
  • Vampire Rain features three kinds of vampires, or Nightwalkers, as the game calls them. The most basic type of Nightwalker looks human for the most part, but when feeding, angry, or injured, drops the disguise and looks like a hideous corpse. They're also nightmarishly strong, requiring entire clips of ammo to take down, at which point they melt into puddles of acidic slime. Water dampens their senses, which allows humans to get close enough to fight them. Sunlight also seems to do the trick, as a UV Knife is a one-hit-kill weapon against them. Interestingly, all Nightwalkers seem dependant on the Nightwalker who turned them, and killing one destroys all its progeny. They have offshoots called Prime Walkers that are even more powerful, being the very first of their bloodlines, which becomes a key plot point, when killing a Prime Walker purges its bloodline completely. Finally, they seem to have an offshoot of 'natural' vampires who were born undead, and are immune to the effects of sunlight, and are freakishly strong. They do however, seem to age, albeit slowly.
  • Vampires in Monster Girl Quest don't burn in the sun, though they are vulnerable to fire. They all appear to be wearing black cloaks, but these are actually part of their bodies. Vampirism isn't contagious - instead, vampires are an all-female race that reproduces by mating with humans (like other monsters).
  • Troupe Master Grimm from Hollow Knight is more overtly demonic than vampiric, but he's still got many of the classic trappings. He sports the stereotypical look: black "hair" with a prominent widow's peak, a deathly pale face, and a spiffy cloak. He sleeps upside-down like a bat, with his cloak draped around his body like a pair of bat wings. He also lifts a lot of his attacks from Castlevania's incarnation of Dracula.
  1. ancient Nord
  2. if you accept one of Remilia's lines in Immaterial and Missing Power as indicating that Touhou vampires are related to Oni this actually makes sense
  3. Because that's when most of her friends/guests are awake and up to mischief, and being a long-lived being of any race makes one seek amusement wherever they can