Power Rangers Turbo/Characters

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Our Heroes

Tommy Oliver / Red Turbo Ranger I | (Actor: Jason David Frank)

Adam Park / Green Turbo Ranger I | (Actor: Johnny Yong Bosch)

Kat Hillard / Pink Turbo Ranger I | (Actress: Catherine Sutherland)

Tanya Sloan / Yellow Turbo Ranger I | (Actress: Nakia Burrise)

Justin Stewart / Blue Turbo Ranger | (Actor: Blake Foster)

  • Adorably Precocious Child: Only twelve years old and he seems to be the first to ever get the hint when a bad guy is on the prowl.
  • Ascended Fanboy
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Big Burpa didn't see Justin coming in "Bicycle Built for the Blues" after she put him on that bike of doom!
  • BFG: Two actually.
  • Cousin Oliver
  • Darker and Edgier: When you think about it - his mom's dead, his dad apparently abandoned him, and he looks up to the other Rangers, Tommy in particular, as parental replacements. Ridiculously like Evangelion.
  • Executive Meddling: The reason for his presence in the show -- FOX was forced to hire a child actor.
  • Kid Appeal Character
  • Kid Hero
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Once got bitten by a radioactive ant and got super-strength in "Little Strong Man", but unfortunately had to give it up to continue being a Power Ranger.
  • Put on a Bus: "Chase into Space". Came back for Power Rangers in Space episode "True Blue to the Rescue".
  • Sizeshifter/Older Alter Ego: Whenever he morphed into a Ranger, his body's height grew to match those of the other rangers (while his voice is still sounded like his usual 12-year-old self), for no apparent reason given.
  • The Smart Guy (Badass Bookworm)
  • Tagalong Kid: Inverted, since he can actually put up a good fight.
    • Further inverted after the cast turn-over, which makes him the most experienced Ranger of the five.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: In "The Robot Ranger", Justin begins to freak out after he discovers all the other rangers are robots -- then the reveal is that he's one, too! Then the real Justin walks out and reveals that the whole thing was an experiment to see if they could build perfect robot rangers for Zordon and Alpha.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: His dad wants to be there for him, but has difficulty finding a job. It's resolved by the end of the series, and keeping the family together is the main (in-universe) reason he doesn't go into space with the other Rangers. His brief reappearance in Space reinforces the happy ending.

Theodore Jay "T.J." Jarvis Johnson / Red Turbo Ranger II | (Actor: Selwyn Ward)

Carlos Vallerte / Green Turbo Ranger II | (Actor: Roger Velasco)

Ashley Hammond / Yellow Turbo Ranger II | (Actress: Tracy Lynn Cruz)

Cassie Chan / Pink Turbo Ranger II | (Actress: Patricia Ja Lee)

Their Friends

The Blue Senturion | (Voice actor: David Walsh)

The Phantom Ranger | (Actor: Alex Dodd)

Rocky DeSantos | (Actor: Steve Cardenas)

Zordon | (Actor: Bob Manahan)

Alpha 5 | (Voice actor: Richard Steven Horvitz)

  • Art Shift: In the movie and the three-part premiere "Shift into Turbo", his head is shinier, he's is a little slimmer, and the curved lightning bolt on his chest is straight. It's similar to the design used by his successor, Alpha 6.
    • Yet, in "Passing the Torch", he is reverted to his previous design, again.
  • Put on a Bus: Accompanied Zordon home, and presumed dead in the attack on Eltar.
  • Verbal Tic: Ai yi yi yi yi!

Dimitria | (Actress: Carol Hoyt)

Alpha 6 | (Voice actress: Katrina Luciani)

Ernie | (Actor: Richard Genelle)

  • Put on a Bus: Left Angel Grove in "The Shadow Rangers" to go build a bridge for his Foreign Service Unit in the Amazon.
    • Real Life Writes the Plot: His actor, Richard Genelle, was suffering health problems at the time, so he had to leave the show.

Bulk & Skull | (Actors: Paul Schrier and Jason Narvy)

  • Everythings Better With Monkeys: In the first half of this season, Bulk and Skull got turned into monkeys by Elgar in the "Shift into Turbo" three-parter. They were turned back into humans by one of Divatox's torpedoes in "Honey, I Shrunk the Rangers", which would lead to this next trope...
  • Invisible Main Character: "Stitch Witchery", until the invisibility wore off, that is...
  • Plucky Comic Relief
  • Those Two Guys
  • What Could Have Been: There were officially plans for Bulk and Skull to get their own Fawlty Towers-esque spin-off series, where they run a hotel with a Mexican Elvis Presley impersonator called "El Vez", hence Paul Schrier and Jason Narvy's initial absence from the series. When the spin-off idea was scrapped, they later came back on the set again.
  • Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: Their subplot in the second half of this season.

Lt. Stone | (Actor: Gregg Bullock)

Their Enemies

Divatox | (Actresses: Hilary Shepard Turner --> Carol Hoyt)

Elgar | (Voice actor: Derek Stephen Prince)

Rygog | (Voice actor: Lex Lang)

Porto | (Voice actor: Scott Page-Pagter)

General Havoc | (Voice actor: Tom Wyner)

  • Large Ham: Lampshaded in a blooper from "The Darkest Day" when two of his Chromites declare him "the general of ham acting".
  • Put on a Bus: Survived his final fight with the Rangers and vowed to return one day with an even more powerful Metallasaurus. Made a couple cameos the following season.