The Sarah Jane Adventures/Characters

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The Sarah Jane Adventures, a Doctor Who spin-off where one of the Doctor's former companions leads a group of people who frequently defend the Earth against aliens. This time most of the group are in their early teens. It's set in Ealing.

Core Cast

Sarah Jane Smith

Played by: Elisabeth Sladen
13-year-old Sarah Jane played by: Jessica Ashworth (2007)
Young Sarah Jane played by: Jessica Mogridge (2008)

Former traveling companion of the Doctor. She used to just be The Watson to him, however it no longer applies to her as she has grown out of it.

Maria Jackson

Played by: Yasmin Paige (2007-08)

New girl to the area, sees Sarah Jane communicating with an alien and after helping foil an alien scheme she joins Sarah Jane in her adventures.

Luke Smith

Played by: Tommy Knight

The boy Sarah Jane adopts in the first episode. He was grown in a lab by aliens, so he knows nothing about socializing at all. Very intelligent, but seems simple.

Clyde Langer

Played by: Daniel Anthony

Cool kid, or at least likes to think of himself as such. Starts of as a bit of a jerk but slowly softens. Smarter than he'd like to admit.

  • Casanova Wannabe: Kid-friendly version, of course.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Genre Savvy: Shows signs of this through some of his snarking, but recently it seems he's taken to carrying around a flashlight during the day, just in case he has to go down some dark, creepy tunnels.
  • Hidden Depths: Clyde's a talented artist.
  • Parental Abandonment: We don't get to meet Clyde's family till series two (The Mark of the Berseker), though it is established early on that he lives with his mother after his father ran off with his mother's sister
  • UST: A mild case of this with Rani. He mentions a couple of times in "The Empty Planet" they may have to Adam and Eve the planet again, possibly seriously.

Rani Chandra

Played by: Anjli Mohindra (2008-2011)
Old Rani played by: Souad Faress (2009)

Suspiciously Similar Substitute for Maria from series 2, another new girl and the daughter of the local Comprehensive School's new Sadist Teacher Headmaster. Wants to be a journalist.

Sky Smith

Played by: Sinead Michael (2011)
Baby Sky played by: Chloe Savage, Ella Savage, Amber Donaldson, Scarlet Donaldson (2011)

Alien girl who joins the cast in Series 5. Left on Sarah Jane's doorstep as a baby and rapidly ages.

Mr Smith

Voiced by: Alexander Armstrong

Sarah Jane's alien computer. Within his casing, he is actually a sentient crystal called a Xylok, and in The Lost Boy, he tried to make the moon crash into the Earth, to release the other Xyloks from beneath a volcano.

Other Important Cast Members

Alan Jackson

Played by: Joseph Millson (2007-08)

Maria's long suffering, kind-hearted father. Divorcee, Maria lives with him because the schools in the area are better and... well... Maria's mum is a bit... flaky.

Chrissie Jackson

Played by: Juliet Cowan (2007-08)

Flaky Malakey. She loves her daughter but she's irresponsible and undependable. She doesn't like Sarah Jane as she is jealous of the bond she and Maria have forged.

Haresh Chandra

Played by: Ace Bhatti (2008-2011)

The headmaster of Park Vale High School and Rani's father. Doesn't get along with Clyde and is annoyed Rani is friends with him; by the same token, he encourages Rani's friendship with Luke, an excellent student.

Gita Chandra

Played by: Mina Anwar (2008-2011)

Rani's mother, who runs a flower shop called Bloomin' Lovely. Wants to be friends with Sarah Jane, but Sarah Jane seems to find her mildly annoying.


Voiced by: John Leeson (2007, 2009-2010)

Robotic dog, also a former companion of the Doctor (though at a different time to Sarah Jane). The current model (Mk IV) was left to Sarah Jane at the end of the Doctor Who episode School Reunion, after the previous one (from the failed spin-off K-9 and Company) was destroyed. Spent most of the show offscreen for copyright reasons (with a justification, of course), but was a regular for most of series 3.

  • Deus Ex Machina: His cameo appearances prior to joining the regular cast mostly consisted of him teleporting in to save the day.
    • Although Sarah Jane did call on him.
  • Spock Speak: "Affirmative Mistress"

The Shopkeeper and the Captain

Played by Cyril Nri and a parrot (2010-2011)

Two enigmatic self-styled "servants of the universe" who have occasionally press-ganged Sarah and friends into serving their probably benevolent purposes. Their origins and affiliations are unknown. The Shopkeeper appears to be an avuncular dark-skinned man in eccentric early-twentieth-century clothes, and the Captain to be a large red-and-yellow parrot. They were responsible for putting Sky on Sarah Jane's doorstep.


Mrs. Wormwood

Played by: Samantha Bond (2007-08)

Member of a race called the Bane, who tried to take over Earth with a special soda drink called "Bubble Shock!", but was defeated by Sarah Jane. Later, Mrs. Wormwood returns to Earth and with the help of Kaagh, the Sontaran, tried to reawaken an ancient Cosmic Horror called Horath, to take over the galaxy.

The Slitheen family [1]

Played[2] and voiced by: Ian Midlane, Martyn Ellis, Anton Thompson McCormick, Imogen Bain, Ryan Watson, Holly Atkins, Jay Simpson (2007); Ronnie Corbett, Calvin Dean, Edward Judge (2009)

An alien criminal family hailing from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorius. After members of their family were killed by the Doctor, they built up a grudge against planet Earth.

Korst Gogg Thek Lutiven-Day Slitheen

Played by Jimmy Vee (2007)
Voiced by Anton Thompson McCormick and Ryan Watson (2007)

A young member of the Slitheen family. He first appears in Revenge of the Slitheen disguised as Carl to help his father and uncle in their plot to turn off the Earth's sun. When their plan backfires, Korst and his father beg for Sarah Jane's help. Though Sarah Jane tries to help them, she fails. Korst's father is killed in the resulting explosion and Korst blames her for his father's death. He reappears in The Lost Boy, disguised as Nathan Goss.

The Trickster

Played by: Paul Marc Davis (2007-2009)

Leader of the Trickster's Brigade and member of the Pantheon of Discord, an extra-dimensional entity that messes with timelines and creates chaos. The main recurring singular villain in the series, out to take down Sarah Jane, and later the Doctor himself. His main tactic is to "save" someone's life in a way that alters the timeline to his benefit - the only real way to stop him once this happens is for the person he saved to renounce the deal and make a Heroic Sacrifice.


Played by: Anthony O'Donnell (2008)

Lone survivor of the Tenth Sontaran Battle Fleet, his escape pod crash landed on Earth by accident. He planned on making Earth's satellites crash into nuclear reactors across the world, but was thwarted by Sarah Jane's gang. He later teamed up with Mrs. Wormwood and tried to resurrect an ancient Cosmic Horror called Horath.


Played by: Mark Goldthorpe (2009-10)

A survivor of the Veil race, he destroyed twelve planets as revenge for his home world freezing to death. He was first encountered as a prisoner under Judoon jurisdiction, he was later seen in much worse condition after being bitten by a venomous snake, seeking the way to an interdimensional vault containing the last of his people.

Mr. Dread

Played by: Angus Wright (2010)

A Man In Black android, ordered to guard an extra-dimensional vault containing alien artifacts, to keep Earth safe. He has a lifespan of 500 years and a cool gun and bore a strong physical resemblance to Hugo Weaving as Mr. Smith from The Matrix series. The Man In Black robots including Dread himself had previously appeared in the animated Doctor Who episode Dreamland.

Miss Myers [3]

Played by: Christine Stephen-Daly (2011)

Appearing in Series 5, she is one of the Fleshkind who is at war with the Metalkind. She creates Sky as a bomb to end the war.

  1. "The Slitheen" for short; their race is called Raxacoricofallapatorian
  2. in their human skins, not the prosthetic
  3. As spelt in the credits to Sky, though she claims it's spelt in an alien way