Crossover Ship/Image Links

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Show us pictures that you think are good examples of a Crossover Ship.

Anime and Manga

Video Games

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Anime and Manga/Comic Books

Anime and Manga/Video Games

Anime and Manga/Western Animation

Comic Books/Video Games

Film/Video Games

Literature/Video Games

UNSORTABLE until the characters are identified

Whoever added these suffered from Small Reference Pools. The person cleaning up the page has suffered from Pop Cultural Osmosis Failure as a result. Assistance in identifying these characters is requested.


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  1. IE, Battle Moon Wars
  2. Whoever this Rose is, she is definitely not Rose Tyler.
  3. Whoever this Shion is, they are definitely not Shion Elphias Levi, Shion Uzuki, or Shion Yasuoka.
  4. Whoever this Tessa is, she definitely is not Tessa Noël or Tessa Testarossa.
  5. Whoever this Scratch is, they are definitely not Scratch Fury.
  6. Whoever this Shin is, they are definitely not Stephen Shin
  7. Whoever this Murakumo is, he is definitely not the Ame-No-Murakumo. For one thing, this Murakumo is a person, not a sword.
  8. Whoever this Ai is, she is definitely not Ai Amano or Ai Aino.