Worried about bait and switch writers who'll drop a drama bomb in your funny show? Look for dancing, because putting a dancing sequence during the show theme is a good way to indicate your show's overall goal of having fun. It's also a very quick way to show off the entire cast at once and make the Theme Tune more infectious by associating it in your head with dancing.

Is this a dancing anime?

Because most shows use a more sedate song and static visual for endings, dancing there is usually done with simple — very simple — animation. If dancing is in the opening theme, this is often the most sophisticated bit of animation the show ever does.

An added source of humor is when, for the purposes of inclusion, a completely inappropriate character is included.

Some of these dancing sequences become popular enough that characters from other media are depicted copying the dances in fanwork.

Compare Five Man Band Concert. For the Dancing Theme where they're in kimonos, see Ondo.

Examples of Dancing Theme include:


  • The ending credits of Shin-chan have the song Party, Join Us, with an animation of Shin and his dog Whitey doing a strange dance with street signs.
  • The Precure Franchise LOVES these: Futari wa Pretty Cure ED "Get You! Love Love", Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash* Star second ED "Ganbalance de Dance", Yes! Precure 5 second ED "Ganbalance de Dance -Yume miru Kiseki-tachi-", and Go Go's second ED... "Ganbalance de Dance -Kibou no Relay-". It's a good thing it's such a fun song, or we might be a bit annoyed.
  • Galaxy Angel Rune OP "Uchuu de Koi wa Rururune".
  • The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya's ending theme, "Hare Hare Yukai," (sometimes called "the Hare Hare Dance", including by characters in Lucky Star), proved wildly popular, spawning countless imitation videos and becoming a hit at conventions. A DVD special takes this one step further, eliminating all of the still-frames from the original ending, producing a single continuous dance sequence that covers the entire ending theme.
  • The OP of Lucky Star ("Motteike! Sailor Fuku"), by the same production company, rendered in full in the final episode as a cheerleading routine.
  • The ending theme of Lime-iro Senkitan consists of each of the main girls doing a different dance with maracas and shaking their butt. Very repetetive. Very easy to learn.
  • The ending theme to the Happy Lesson TV series featured SD versions of the female cast (which is practically the entire cast) grooving along to the music, admittedly with a rather funny sense of timing in places.
  • Chocotto Sister ED, the Neko Nyan Dance.
  • Detective Conans 8th op has a dancing Conan.
  • The second opening for Nichijou has dancing from the main characters.
  • Overman King Gainer's OP "King Gainer Over!", with Humongous Mecha doing the monkey just to show the audience that this isn't the usual Tomino series.
    • Especially weird in that in many ways it IS the usual Tomino series, with lots of angst, blood and fighting robots. Which makes the opening just seem more out of place (but still awesome.)
  • Bacchikoi, the most recent ending of Naruto: Shippuden features the three rookie kunoichi Sakura, Ino, and Hinata dancing to the song. Lee and Guy-sensei eventually persuade Naruto to dance to the theme.
  • "Junky Boy", the first Maze Megaburst Space ED.
  • Seto no Hanayome's OP "Romantic Summer". Both OVA OPs also have plenty of dancing.
  • Keroro Gunsou uses a number of these. Subverted in the ninth ending, "Kurutto Mawatte Ikkaiten"; the characters start out dancing in a line, but about halfway through Kururu gets bored and wanders off.
  • The semi-serious Tenjou Tenge has an opening sequence with some of the characters dancing along to the opening theme "Bomb A Head!" by MC A.T.
  • "Kokoro Odoru", the second closing theme to SD Gundam Force. For those who are curious, this is a song in Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (The pottery master stage), a cheerleading game (which of course includes dances).
  • Several of the EDs to Urusei Yatsura feature a small figure of Lum dancing in place as the credits roll past.
  • The ED of Princess Resurrection (or Monster Princess, depending on who's doing the translating) includes a brief sequence of half-werewolf Liza Riza Wildman doing a bit of pelvic-thrust dirty dancing.
  • Many Pokémon endings feature dancing. Usually, it is the 'mon themselves that dance, but other characters also get into the action in their own ending themes, like Takeshi/Brock ("Takeshi no Paradise") and Team Rocket ("Nyaasu no Party", "Maemuki Rocket-Dan").
  • The ED of Paradise Kiss has sketchy, super-deformed versions of all five main characters dancing (and occasionally being chased by motor vehicles) to a song by Franz Ferdinand of all people.
    • It is intensely awesome.
  • Moyashimon had dancing and bouncing CGI bacteria in its OP. (No, really.)
  • The fourth ED of GetBackers featured more or less the entire cast in a line dance, drawn in South Park/paper marionette style. There wasn't really a surprise character (unless you count Fudou), but they did stick Kazuki with the girls. It was a pretty stark contrast to the previous ED, which was angsty yaoi fanservice from start to finish...
  • The first ending of Fushigiboshi no Futagohime is a rather more sedate ballroom dance.
  • Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun's ED "Hooray, Hooray, Pom-Pom!" features dancing in both cheerleading outfits and towels. Can you feel the Fan Service?
  • Yakitate!! Japan features afro-clad mentor Ken Matsuhiro disco-dancing in its second ED, "To All Tha Dreamers".
  • Rune Soldier Louie opens with a fairly typical "everyone smiles and greets each other, then they fight monsters" opening credits to set up its ensemble of fantasy characters. Then intersperces it with cuts of minor characters in a modern recording studio singing the Theme Song.
  • Several OPs and EDs of Haré+Guu had some form of dancing.
  • Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu's ED "Hitosashiyubi Quiet!", featuring the entire female cast in maid outfits set to an actual dance done in Akihabara. Haruka's a secret Otaku herself, so it was only fitting.
  • Most of the closing themes from Kinnikuman. Niku 2x9 Rock 'n Roll and Kinniku Mambo are probably the best examples.
  • Wagaya no Oinari-sama.'s second ending theme, "Shiawase no Kotodama", has the cast dancing at a festival in Super-Deformed style.
  • Rosario + Vampire Capu2's OP, "DISCOTHEQUE". It is, yes, the six girls of the show disco dancing.
  • Kannagi's OP, "motto Hade ni ne!", primarily features Nagi singing and dancing on stage. It doesn't have much to do with the actual show, but it looks nice.
  • Kemeko Deluxe's ED, "Puripurin Taisou", featuring the almost-Gonk-ish Kemeko doing some sort of exercise routine.
  • Macademi Wasshoi's OP, "MOSO Ranbu", has dancing by various characters, most noticeably Tanarot.
  • Dai Mahou Touge's OP shows Punie performing an awfully cute little dance (including the YMCA hand gestures at one point), against a background of several well-known Japanese buildings burning bright against the night sky.
  • "My Pace", one of the ending themes to Bleach, contains the Filler Arc characters Claude, Nova and Ririn (in their cute little doll forms), along with series mascot Kon, doing a rather psychedelic dance to the incredibly infectious track, intercut with more "serious" still shots.
    • The tenth OP, "Shoujo S", has Rukia and Orihime dancing throughout the song. Matsumoto is also shown with them, but mostly during the silhouetted parts.
  • "Little Wish lyrical step", the ED of the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha's first season, has a Super-Deformed Nanoha dancing in place while Yuuno runs around the place.
  • The two ending themes for the first season of the xxxHOLiC anime. The first, "Reason", contained Mokona dancing to the second half of the song (it was asleep during the first half), and the second, "Kagerou", consisted of Maru and Moro air-guitaring the song, accompanied once again by Mokona dancing.
  • Sengoku Basara's anime adaptation has "JAP", featuring the synchronized hip-hop moves of sengoku-era Mooks in the background.
    • They brought out the full version, which has since spawned a collection of real life re-enactments and is also performed at live events.
    • Here's one of them.
  • Despite its serious, romantic themes, Hana Yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers) starts with a peppy, upbeat, '50s-tinged dance number, "Ordinary Sunday (Steppin' Out)".
  • The Sakura Taisen TV series has elements of this in its opening, with shots of the cast performing a dance that goes with the franchise theme song "Geki! Teikokukagekidan," which the cast performed at pretty much all their live shows. There's also an Ondo version used as the ending theme for a few episodes.
  • 200% no Jumon, ED to Tottoko Hamutarou (Hamtaro). So cute dubbers kept it largely intact.
  • Dinosaur King had dancing closing themes for both seasons. They were incorporated into the dub openings.
  • Subverted somewhat in Dance in the Vampire Bund. The OP features a nearly-naked Mina dancing on top of a factory setting - until a railing breaks and Akira (who's been watching) dashes in and catches her inches from hitting the pavement. Considering how the series progresses, What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic of their relationship?
  • Mitsudomoe's OP ends with the entire cast dancing in the schoolyard, with the triplets leading. It's also one of the few anime OPs mostly synchronized to the lips of its singers in the animation.
  • Mahoromatic uses very simple dance steps in the 1st ED and 2nd ED.
  • Shin Koihime Musou Otome Tairan's "Yuuki Rinrin" features lots of Super-Deformed dancing from its Loads and Loads of Characters.
  • MM!!'s ED, "More-more LOVERS!!", features Mio and Arashiko dancing on stage to the beat, and doing some simple dances against a backdrop before that.
  • Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru's OP, "DOWN TOWN", features pretty much the entire cast dancing. It makes a nice compliment to the Five Man Band Concert ending.
  • Dragon Crisis!'s ED, "Mirai Bowl" starts off with a Super-Deformed Eriko in a top hat and suit, and by the end features more or less all the main characters.
  • Bakugan New Vestroia has Bang! Bang! Bakugan! and Communication Breakdown
  • Kiss×Sis features a fun dance by the twins as the ED.
  • Episode 17 of Macross Frontier featured a one-off opening theme with a Super-Deformed Ranka dancing.
  • Both openings and at least one of the ending themes had this in the anime version of THE iDOLM@STER
  • Done, quite hilariously, in the 8th ED of Naruto Shippuden.
  • Kill Me Baby's ending dance is nearly impossible to replicate in real life.
  • High School DxD has pole-dancing (slightly NSFW) by the girls.
  • The first season of Kämpfer has some dancing in the ending theme that is patently impossible for most humans to imitate due to the speed at which the characters move.
  • Played with by Tamako Market: Tamako is the only one who dances in the OP.


  • All three Austin Powers movies have a dance sequence in the opening credits.
  • Psycho Beach Party opens with this and a similar dance to another song is done with the ending credits.

Live Action TV


  • The Monster High line of dolls's theme song qualifies. Points for it being a live action dance with the dolls themselves as animated characters inserted into the dancing sequences.

Video Games

  • The Ankh point-n-click adventure game.
  • Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge had Guybrush trying to scare away some monkeys that were determined to dance all the way through his serious, dramatic intro.
  • Kwik Snax for the ZX Spectrum had an intro showing Dizzy and his egg-shaped pals playing in their band.
  • The Playstation 2 game God Hand had most of the characters (friend and foe) dancing in the ending credits.
  • Although not full dancing themes, the opening sequences for both Touch Detective games feature scenes of Funghi dancing as a clue that their presentation as serious detective dramas shouldn't be believed.
  • Kirby does a short dance at the end of every level, usually splitting into 3 clones.
  • Not quite a theme song, but the door-opening dance from Mother 3 has to be seen to be believed. Trust me, you will never laugh harder at an old man shaking his butt.
    • There is actually a fan-made Flash animation of Kumatora doing the same dance
  • The second and third Disgaea games. The second doesn't have a full dancing theme, but the third makes up for that in spades with an opening that probably owes something to Thriller.
  • The entire point of Elite Beat Agents.
  • Space Channel 5 does this. A LOT.
  • Bayonetta has an after-credits scene like this.
  • Final Fantasy X-2 had Yuna actuality Leblanc Disguised as Yuna singing and dancing on stage for its opening.

Western Animation