Undercover Brother

Based on a Web Animation.
We start with a black U.S. Army general who, in the beginning, looks like a good, respectable possibility for a black president. No scandals in his past at all.
But The Chessmaster The Man and his evil organization get to the general and leave him brainwashed. Right when he's supposed to be announcing his candidacy, he gives up his dream of politics to run a chain of fried chicken restaurants. It's evil fried chicken, too, but we don't learn that immediately.
The good secret organization, The BROTHERHOOD, needs to stop this before it goes any farther. But to do that, they must call the great Blaxploitation hero Undercover Brother. Undercover Brother is stuck in The Seventies, but he knows kung fu.
Undercover Brother is asked to infiltrate the evil Organization undercover. He is given a watch that sprays hot sauce to fight off the potential evil of mayonnaise on white bread. But, once on assignment, he meets an incredibly beautiful blonde who appears to be trying to befriend him, and things go bad...
- Action Girl: Sistah Girl, and White She Devil after she reveals herself as The Mole.
- Adorkable: Anton Jackson, Smart Brother, and Lance
- Afro Asskicker: Undercover Brother
- An Aesop: Undercover Brother's preaching about teamwork.
- Anonymous Ringer: Warren Boutwell, a former general and Secretary of Defense who was thought to be considering a Presidential run. AKA General Colin Powell.
- Arson, Murder, and Lifesaving
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Smart Brother's interrogation of White She-Devil and Conspiracy Brother's listing of black people not given proper credit.
- As Himself: James Brown actually Undercover Brother in disguise.
- Ascended Fanboy: Undercover Brother must be a huge fan of Bruce Lee, such as his screaming Goomba Stomp.
- Aside Glance: When Undercover Brother is flying through the air at some guards, he briefly turns and looks at the camera.
- Ass Shove: Undercover Brother sticks his foot inside an opponent's ass, complete with X-ray camera shot.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: Sistah Girl and White She-Devil late in the film.
- Bait and Switch Gunshot: White She Devil shoots two enemy Mooks after the motorcycle chase.
- Battle Trophy: Mr. Feather feels this way about Undercover Brother's medallion.
- Becoming the Mask: Undercover Brother becomes his mild-mannered secret identity: Antoine Jackson.
- Berserk Button:
- Conspiracy Brother - Words and phrases he thinks are racist, like "Hi" and "Good morning".
- Mr. Feather, when he realizes that he's being subconsciously influenced by black culture.
- Lance - "I. Am not. A SISSY!"
- Undercover Brother - "You mess with the 'fro, you got to go."
- Beware the Nice Ones: Lance.
- Big No: A Mook does this as Undercover Brother is about to stamp down on him.
- Big Red Button: See Self-Destruct Mechanism
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Mr. Feather during the final battle with Undercover Brother.
- Bland-Name Product: GFC/General's Fried Chicken (KFC/Kentucky Fried Chicken) and Khaki Republic (Banana Republic)
- Blaxploitation: With a modern twist. Somewhat reconstructed. It's all in good fun, though, as the target demographic this time was white people.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Undercover Brother, twice: while talking to Sistah Girl in his apartment, and while talking to White She Devil after the motorcycle chase.
- Also Mr. Feather, after the camera starts spinning to show evilness.
- Bring It
- Lance grestures to a guard and says "Come on!" to a guard before killing him.
- Also spoofed during the pre-fight posturing between Undercover Brother and Mr. Feather. They both resort to increasingly elaborate gestures, trying to one-up the other. Undercover Brother wins.
- And all to the sound of "Beat It".
- Calling Shotgun: Conspiracy Brother, as the group runs to the hovercraft.
- Cat Fight: White She Devil vs. Sistah Girl
- In slo mo. In a shower. Causing the men to stop fighting and grab a bag of popcorn. And condoms. Can't say the movie didn't advocate safe sex.
- Can you really blame them? Some things transcend one's affiliation.
- In slo mo. In a shower. Causing the men to stop fighting and grab a bag of popcorn. And condoms. Can't say the movie didn't advocate safe sex.
- Chekhov's Gun: James Brown in the introduction, the rear-view mirror balls, and "Don't touch the 'fro".
- The Chessmaster: The Man
- Chewing the Scenery: Chris Kattan as Mr. Feather. And how. He ends up having better moves than even Undercover Brother.
- Code Name: Undercover Brother, Smart Brother, Conspiracy Brother, Sistah Girl, The Man. Mr. Feather might be one.
- Combat Haircomb: Combat Afro Picks!
- Conspiracy Kitchen Sink: All conspiracies relating to blacks are true, except the one that OJ is innocent.
- Conspiracy Theorist: Conspiracy Brother
- Cool Car: The title character's 1970's Cadillac Coupe de Ville.
- Cowboy Cop: Undercover Brother, after joining the B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D.
- Crash Into Hello: Undercover Brother (undercover as "Anton Jackson") and Penelope Snow AKA White She Devil
- Crazy Prepared
- Curtain Camouflage
- Da Chief: The leader of the B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D.
- Did Not Do the Research: UB's car is referred to as a Coupe deVille. It's a deVille Convertible, actually.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: "The Fatty". Actually causes one businesswoman to have an Immodest Orgasm.
- Doomed Defeatist: Lance wigs out while he's in The Man's headquarters.
- Dope Slap: Conspiracy Brother to Lance after he makes a racist comment.
- The Dragon: Mr. Feather
- Dramatic Landfall Shot: when we see The Man's island fortress for the first time.
- Dramatic Necklace Removal: Undercover Brother's medallion.
- Easily Forgiven: White She Devil
- Ear Worm: The jingle from The General's fried-chicken commercial. As demonstrated by Lance.
- Every Car Is a Pinto:
- Everything Is Racist: The belief of Conspiracy Brother. It's really something that he's in a movie where there really is a white conspiracy run by The Man to keep black people down, and he still comes off as crazy.
- Evil Elevator: The cliche of the endless elevator going down to an Elaborate Underground Base is spoofed when the hero starts screaming hysterically as he drops, only to stop when he realises he's only traveled a single story.
- Face Heel Turn: Undercover Brother, after he falls in
lovelust with Penelope Snow. That ass of hers would turn any man and woman astray. - Fan Service (Sista Girl, Penelope Snow/ White She Devil
- Femme Fatale: White She Devil. Ends up reformed at the end.
- Fighting with Chucks: The title character knows how to use nunchucks as part of his martial artist skills. He also hits himself in the nuts while using them during his fight with Mr. Feather.
- Possibly a subversion, since the look on his face as Feather charges says it was intentional.
- Funny Afro: Undercover Brother.
- Gadget Watch: It spritzes hot sauce.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Parodied.
- Glove Snap: One of Mr. Feather's minions does this repeatedly, greatly to Mr. Feather's annoyance.
- Gosh Darn It to Heck: Undercover Brother as Anton Jackson.
- Got Me Doing It: Again much to his great annoyance, Mr. Feather just couldn't keep himself from getting into that thang.
- Groin Attack: The title character does it to himself with a pair of nunchucks during his fight with Mr. Feather.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Conspiracy Brother
- A Handful for an Eye: Mr. Feather does it to Undercover Brother during their final battle.
- High Heel Face Turn: White She Devil, after she experiences Undercover Brother's lovin'.
- Hiroshima as a Unit of Measure: The spy camera scans people for levels of "Rhythm" and "401Ks".
- Hey, It's That Guy!: a reverse case for many -- it's kind of surreal recognizing Doctor Horrible or Barney Stinson. Or, worse, seeing this movie first.
- Another reverse case: fans of Pushing Daisies will recognize Emerson Cod as Da Chief.
- I recognized him as the principal on Boston Public... as well as the wise cook from Waiting.
- Another reverse case: fans of Pushing Daisies will recognize Emerson Cod as Da Chief.
- Hollywood Geek
- Humiliation Conga
- Hypocritical Humor: The only reason Lance (a Caucasian) is a member of the BROTHERHOOD is Affirmative Action. The black boss is highly annoyed by this.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Happens twice. Sista Girl does it to Undercover Brother and Undercover Brother does it to General Boutwell.
- I Surrender, Suckers: Undercover Brother to the golf course guards.
- Immodest Orgasm: The female executive during Anton Jackson's demonstration of "The Fatty".
- Improbable Parking Skills; The title character, in the last scene of the movie.
- In Love with the Mark: AKA White She Devil
- Instant Costume Change: Undercover Brother jumps out of a window while dressed in what can be best described as a nerd disguise. On the other side, he comes out in his normal attire, complete with afro.
- It's Raining Men: Undercover Brother, once with a parachute and once with bell bottoms.
- Janitor Impersonation Infiltration: Happens twice.
- Kiai: Parodied, as Undercover Brother shouts the names of black celebrities/musicians while fighting.
- Kick Them While They Are Down: The title character does it to guard Mooks twice.
- Large Ham. Mr. Feather, but since he's played by Chris Kattan, it's sorta expected.
- Last Request: Mr. Feather to James Brown before injecting him with the Mind Control drug.
- Latex Perfection: Undercover Brother, when posing as a janitor and James Brown.
- Low Speed Chase: Undercover Brother and Sista Girl are chased by security guards on a golf course, with both groups driving electric golf carts.
- The Man: Big Bad.
- The Masquerade (on both sides)
- May Contain Evil: the drug added to the General's Fried Chicken to make black people act white.
- Meaningful Name: A white woman named Penelope Snow.
- Mega Corp: Multinational Incorporated
- Meganekko: White She-Devil's disguise during her initial appearance.
- Mind Rape
- The Mole: White She Devil, while going by the name Penelope Snow.
- Mook Chivalry: Sistah Girl and White She Devil in the Communications Room.
- Name Face Mismatch Poster
- Nobody Touches the Hair: Undercover Brother is very protective of his Afro, including telling Sista Girl, "Don't touch the hair!"; telling Conspiracy Brother, "Don't touch the 'fro!", and beating up Mr. Feather when he cuts off a piece of it: "You mess with the 'fro, you got to go."
- Not My Driver: When Mr. Feather kidnaps James Brown.
- N-Word Privileges
- Offhand Backhand: Sista Girl, to Undercover Brother and a golf course security guard.
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness
- Parody Sue: Undercover Brother doesn't even spill his full Big Gulp when in an uncontrolled tailspin.
- The Ace: Baby please, he was in control the whole time.
- Pass the Popcorn: UCB and White She Devil's Mooks, during her Cat Fight with Sistah Girl.
- Pistol Pose
- Pistol-Whipping: A security guard at the golf course to our hero, and Conspiracy Brother to Mr. Elias in the island fortress communications room.
- Pretty Fly for a White Guy: White supremacist Mr. Feather constantly seems to have to battle to suppress an urge to be one of these. This causes him some stress.
You see what's happening, don't you?! How we're being corrupted by their hipper-than-thou fashion and cool slang you can't help but use?! |
- The Man as well.
- Rant-Inducing Slight: Conspiracy Brother is prone to these at the mention of words so innocuous as "hello".
- Rasputinian Death: Mr. Feather is dropped out of a helicopter over the ocean. Just before falling hundreds of feet (the impact alone of which would've killed him instantly) a great white shark leaps out of the water, and eats him.
- Reverse Mole: White She Devil, when The Man's guards catch the BROTHERHOOD infiltrators in the Communications Room.
- Schmuck Bait: The Big Red Button labeled "Atomic Core".
Conspiracy Brother: "Atomic co-ray", huh? Let's see what this so-called "button" does... |
- Secret Test: Sista Girl pointing a gun at Undercover Brother to test his courage.
- Self-Destruct Mechanism: The Atomic Core on The Man's island fortress.
- The Seventies: Undercover Brother's character is based on this era.
- Sex Face Turn: See High Heel Face Turn above.
- Shoe Phone: Two pairs of Tricked-Out Shoes and a Gadget Watch.
- Shout-Out: Multiple examples.
- Sickening Crunch: Subverted. Undercover Brother is about to stomp a Mook who's lying on the ground. We see him stomp and hear a horrible crunching sound as he twists his foot but we don't actually see the stomp connect. Just when you think he's smashed the Mook's head in, the camera looks down and we see that he actually smashed a bag of potato chips.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: Those were the guard's favorite brand of chips!
- The Smart Guy: Smart Brother, naturally.
- So Beautiful It's a Curse: White She Devil's lament.
- The Stoner: Conspiracy Brother. It's strongly hinted that his paranoia is due to his drug use.
- Storming the Castle
- Strawman Political: Parodied like everything else. Conspiracy Brother snaps "What have the Republicans ever done for black people?!" Smart Brother then lists a large number of things Republicans have done for black people, and seems ready to continue, only for Conspiracy brother to interrupt with "Fine, fine, list two things Republicans have done for black people lately!"
- Take the Wheel: The title character has Sistah Girl do this during the golf cart chase.
- Tap on the Head: Undercover Brother to two Mooks, Sistah Girl and White She Devil to a group of Mooks in the Communications Room.
- Token White: Lance, who was hired because of affirmative action. Later White She Devil joins as well.
- Much to Conspiracy Brother's chagrin.
- Conspiracy Brother does warm up to Lance, figuring all the white dude needs is some weed to mellow out with him.
- Trap Door
- Tricked-Out Shoes: UB had two pairs -- one takes you up, one sends data.
- What Does This Button Do?: It's the Self-Destruct Mechanism for the "atomic co-ray".
- Where Da White Women At?: Penelope Snow, AKA White She-Devil, aka Black Man's Kryptonite. The other guys at the BROTHERHOOD ask UCB whether his "first time" with her was really that good.
- Were her nipples pink?
- Of course Lance was doing it, too.
- Wig, Dress, Accent: Undercover Brother, as the Rastafarian golf caddy and Anton Jackson.