Fan Nickname/Film

Revision as of 14:43, 8 February 2021 by Looney Toons (talk | contribs) (added alternative nickname for Alien3)

  • Alien
    • Alien3 tends to be jokingly referred to as Alien Cubed among the fandom due to the inexplicable superscript use of the number 3 in the movie's title.
      • Other fans, also jokingly, insisted it should be called Alienses, to reflect a proper progression from Alien and Aliens.
    • Space Jockey - the alien pilot aboard the derelict ship -- extended to the rest of his race, as well. Derived from a name used by the film crew; in the canon, it's never named.
    • Xenomorph - Used once, among many other words, to describe the aliens in the franchise, this word stuck as the standard term used by fans.
      • As a matter of fact, none of the life cycle stages (i.e. Facehugger, Chestburster, Drone) were ever officially named. They were given Fan Nicknames which simply stuck.
  • Avatar
    • Colonel Coffee - Quaritch, for the scene of him drinking coffee while his men raze Home Tree.
      • Also Colonel Strawman, for obvious reasons.
    • Dances With (Space) Smurfs - The movie itself.
      • Dances With Catgirls.
    • Thunder-Smurfs for the Na'vi themselves.
    • USB braids: Those things that the Na'vi use to commune with their mounts and their goddess.
      • Also includes Tree CP/IP, and Ethernet.
  • Back to The Future
    • Russell - The fandom's name for the scarecrow that Marty crashes into in the first movie.
    • Wallet Guy- The guy in Part II that tells Biff where Marty went after Marty knocks Biff out. Called 'CPR Guy' in the script (since he asked Marty what CPR is after he mentions it, CPR not having been invented in 1955) but he says he thinks Marty took Biff's wallet at least three times in his scene.
  • Batman
    • Bat-Nipple Suit - George Clooney's costume in Batman and Robin and Val Kilmer's suit in Batman Forever.
    • Lando- Based on the Race Lift of Harvey Dent in Batman
    • Batman on Ice - Based on a scene where Batman and Robin pop ice skates from under their feet in Batman and Robin.
    • Patrick Batman - Christian Bale in Batman Begins; he also played Patrick Bateman in American Psycho.
    • The Nolanverse - The collective term for the Universe Batman Begins and its sequel(s) are set in; named after writer/director Christopher Nolan.
    • "Joss Whedon Wannabe" - Derisive nickname for Nolan after a certain plot twist in The Dark Knight.
      • One guy on a Myspace group started referring to Katie Holmes as Katie Who? after Maggie Gyllenhaal was announced as her replacement. After seeing the movie, and the aforementioned plot twist, he changed it to "Should've Been You Bitch". He's a little bitter.
      • A somewhat more complimentary nickname has been Christ Nolan
    • LeJoker - Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight.
    • Harvey Bullock- Detective Flass, inspired by Bullock, a more prominent member of the GCPD from the comics who somewhat resembles the movie Flass more than the comic Flass does.
    • Renee Montoya- Anna Ramirez, after a DCAU and Comic character.
    • Commissioner Atkins- Comissioner Loeb, again, after a comic character who looked and acted more like the movie character than the comic version of Loeb.
    • Baconface- Twoface, as this incarnation of the villain is extra-crispy.
    • Maggie Gyllenhaal Bowie, after her outfit in that one interrogation scene.
  • Battle: Los Angeles
    • Aquids, Aquiods, Aquamen: Nicknames for the unnamed aliens who seem to prefer water.
    • Chigs: Due to resemblance to the aliens in the potholed series.
    • Landsharks: due to the tie-in website referring to the aliens' biology being similar to sharks
    • Staff Sergeant Two-Face: Staff Sergeant Nantz, played by Aaron Eckhart, who played Two-Face in The Dark Knight.
  • Cloverfield
    • Clovie/Clover - The Monster terrorizing the city. The latter was actually what the monster was called during production.
    • Mr. Grumpypants or MGP - the unofficial name given the monster by Unfiction forum members during the Cloverfield ARG/viral marketing campaign.
    • Or, in the case of at least one fan, 'Delilah'. As in, 'Hey There Delilah What's It Like In New York City'.
    • Also Darwin, based on some extremely dumb moves by the cast.
    • The Chicken- my name for him, based on the use of the song "Disco Lies" and the music video for that song.
  • Conan the Barbarian 2011
    • The new movie with Jason Momoa has been called Ronon the Barbarian, after Jason Momoa's role as Ronon from Stargate Atlantis.
  • District 9
    • Little CJ/Oliver - Christopher Johnson's unnamed son
    • Dickus - Used by some as a nickname for Wikus. Because he's kind of a dick.
      • Also, Prawnkus, for when he is fully alien.
  • Eraserhead
  • Friday the 13 th
    • Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood has been nicknamed Jason vs. Carrie, due to its heroine's Psychic Powers.
  • Godzilla
    • The Big G - The Japanese Godzilla
    • GINO (Godzilla In Name Only) - The American version from the 1998 film (a later film actually gave it the name of simply "Zilla".). The film itself is often called "Deanzilla".
    • The Airplane Toilet - Derogatory nickname for the 90's Mechagodzilla resulting from a Godzilla forum member's frustrations at one of its victories in a fantasy monster fight tournament held annually on the board.
    • Burning Godzilla, because our guy wasn't looking well in Godzilla vs. Destoroyah.
    • Gokuzilla, Norriszilla - The Final Wars incarnation of Godzilla as a result of how overpowered he is.
  • Green Lantern
  • Gwoemul (called |The Host in English dub)
    • "Steve Buscemi" - The special effects crew's nickname for the anonymous monster. The reasons why are intensely obvious to anyone who's seen the movie.
  • Highlander
    • Highlander: The Sickening, for Highlander II the Quickening.
    • Highlander: Final Dementia for Final Dimension.
    • Highlander: The Blortch, for Highlander the Source. (Because Blortch is the noise you make when you throw up, and it's worse than the Sickening.}
    • Highlander: The Sauce , for The Source
    • Ever since Spoony's review of Highlander 2, some people have started referring to General Katana's goggled, cackling henchmen as "The Insano Brothers"
  • Inglourious Basterds
    • Sergeant Bitchface, Sergeant Pitbull: Sergeant Hugo Stiglitz
  • James Bond
    • Ursula Undress - Ursula Andress. If you've ever seen Dr. No, you'll know why.
    • Most of the films are often referred to by their acronyms, i.e. TLD for The Living Daylights. More amusingly, this is why The World Is Not Enough is sometimes referred to as Twine.
  • Jaws
  • Jurassic Park
    • Hock-a-loogie-saurus - Nickname for the Dilophosaurs, also known as spitters, for their ability to spit a loogie of paralyzing poison at its victims.
    • Chickensaurus - Nickname for dinosaurs of species Gallimimus, since that term roughly translates from scientific latin as "Chicken Imitator".
    • Munchenaries - Nickname for the Mercenaries hired by William H. Macy and Tea Leoni's characters in the third movie, due to their tendency to be eaten by dinos.
    • Shityerpantsosaurus - One friend's name for Spinosaurus. He was more of a fan of that movie than most people.
  • Labyrinth
    • The Area - David Bowie's crotch.
  • The Last Airbender
    • Ong, Ung, Ahng, Oong - Movie!Aang, as opposed to series!Aang. The movie is (supposedly) more faithful to the East Asian roots of character names. Some fans of the series would have preferred faithfulness to the source material over realism in a film where people can shoot fire out of their freaking hands (not that they can do so unassisted in the move anyway, though that's really neither here nor there).
    • Sowka, Soaka, Eero, Eeroh - Sokka, Iroh, etc. Listen, they're going to be at this for a while. We'll get back to you.
      • Devko and Peltztara too, because while their characters' names weren't mispronounced, they needed scornful nicknames anyway.
    • Failbender, The Last Shitbender - The movie itself.
    • Racebending - The collective name for the numerous Race Lifts that occurred. In the original series, almost all of the characters were fantasy equivalents of East Asians or Inuits. In the movie, however, the heroes were mostly played by white actors, while the characters from the villainous Fire Nation were mostly played by dark-skinned actors.
  • The Lord of the Rings
    • Agent Elrond - Hugo Weaving's portrayal of Elrond the Elf Lord, which was remarkably similar to his Agent Smith portrayal in the Matrix trilogy.

Agent Elrond: You will help us, Mr. Baggins, whether you wish to or not.
Agent Elrond: What good is a ring, Mr. Sauron, if you do not have any fingers?
Agent Elrond: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal in Middle-Earth instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you Orcs do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed.
Agent Elrond: Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.

  • Plan 9 from Outer Space
    • Not-Bela - The "actor" (actually Ed Wood's chiropractor, Tom Mason) who replaces the late Bela Lugosi after the first few minutes of the film, despite clearly being noticeably taller and thinner than him (and whose only concession to hiding their difference is a cape in front of his face).
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
    • The dog with the keys was nicknamed Sammy by fans.
    • Scruffington - Nickname for Norrington in PotC: Dead Man's Chest
    • Lt Theodore Groves - most common fanon name given to the unnamed navy officer who says "That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen" after Jack Sparrow steals the Interceptor. He was identified by this name in On Stranger Tides. His role is expanded in this installment, for he claims the Fountain of Youth in the name of King George II, only to be shot and killed by the Spaniard. "Someone, take note of that man's bravery."
    • Andrew, most often used fanon first name for Lt Gillette
  • The Prestige
  • Real Steel
    • Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots: The Movie - The film in question. Look at the trailer and tell us that isn't the first thing that comes to your mind.
  • Repo!: The Genetic Opera
    • Goth Muslim: A nickname for Blind Mag's bodyguard, so-called because of the burka-like face garb on the character
    • Moustache Man: Shilo's limosuine driver has an EPIC moustache
  • Rocky Horror Picture Show
    • ASSHOLE! (Brad Majors. Often shouted when he says something stupid. Or just when his name is said.)
    • SLUT! (Janet Weiss for...well...let's just say the nickname speaks for itself.)
    • Riff (Short for Riff Raff. Also, because there are usually people riffing over the movie.)
    • Mags (Short for "Magenta".) Sometimes also 'Mag' (pronounced Majj)
  • The Room
    • Greg Sestero (Mark) is referred to as "Sestosterone", because of his sexiness
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • Serenity
  • Stargate
    • Kawoosh - the visual effect that appears when the Stargate is activated. Used in scripts, and in-universe by Carter.
  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Star Trek The Motionless Picture or The Slow-Motion Picture. Due the film's plodding pace and huge amounts of padding in the form of Scenery Porn.
    • Also Star Trek: The Motion Sickness.
    • Also "Where Nomad Has Gone Before" due to similarity to the TOS episode "The Changeling".
    • "Spockalypse Now" has also made the rounds.
  • Star Trek (2009)
    • Captain Fine - Nickname for Chris Pine, aka Captain Kirk.
      • Chris Pine is also known as 'Princess Whitelaw' and 'Chris Fine'. Some people have forgotten his real name, even.
    • Sylock, Spylar, Spocklar - Spock, as played be Zachary Quinto, a. k. a. Sylar.
    • Spocktimus Prime - Punny nickname for Spock Prime.
    • Reboot/Nu - Used to describe anything related to the 2009 film, such as Reboot!Sulu.
    • Ensign Jailbait - Chekov. Also referred to as ickle!Chekov.
    • James Thorson Kirk - Since Kirk's dad was announced as Thor. Makes sense if you know anything about Nordic naming conventions.
  • Star Wars
    • Wankatine: The over-powered Palpatine of the Dark Empire comics.
      • Or just "Palpy".
      • Or Sid.
      • Or Pimpatine.
    • Farmboy - Luke
    • Flyboy - Han
    • Mannequin Skywalker in Episode I.
    • In Russian, there is "vedroid" (portmanteau of "vedro" (bucket) and "droid") for both R2-D2 (and other astromechs) and T3-M4.
    • Babe-a Fett - Aurra Sing. Supposedly, the crew of The Phantom Menace called her this before the character's name was revealed.
  • Transformers
    • Bayformers- For the work as a whole and as a description of the unique robot designs. It originally started off as a negative thing, but has progressed to be rather affectionate as a different take on the Transformers mythos.
    • Agent Megatron - Hugo Weaving's voice work as Megatron in the 2007 movie. Based primarily on his previous roles as Agent Smith and Agent Elrond (see above), as the nickname originated before so much as a leaked sound byte from the film was available.
      • For the same character and reasons, "Hugotron." And Tankface, because in ROTF his alt-mode is, well...
    • Itchy- the nameless cellphone Transformer
    • Americanator- the nameless Pretender from "Revenge of the Fallen" who tries to seduce Sam in the guise of a college student called "Alice". Based on the fact that, according to The Other Wiki, his real form resembles Alice from Alice in Wonderland, thus making it an "evil Alice", like the American McGee one.
    • Dewbot/Dispensor - the Mountain Dew transformer
    • Mohawk and Stripe: two of the Transfomers made from kitchen appliances in Revenge of the Fallen. Named after the Gremlins, due to being identical to them (Mohawk was the one from the second movie with fins on its back who drank spider DNA and turned into a spider Gremlin, while Stripe was the one from the first movie with hair on its back who gets killed last).
  • Scanners
    • Exploding Head Man - Obviously, the man whose head is exploded by Revok. Also called Dr. Phil, for his uncanny resemblance.
  • Spider-Man:
  • Starship Troopers:
    • Doogie Howser, SS - Neil Patrick Harris' disturbingly chilly telepathic Intelligence Officer, whose uniform bore a distinct (and deliberate on the part of the filmmakers) resemblance to those of the Death's-Head S.S.
      • Also "Doogie Himmler"
    • Sgt. Revok - Michael Ironside's character, named after his previous role in Scanners
    • Sgt. Krabz - Clancy Brown's character, named after his later role on SpongeBob SquarePants. Alternately, it is acceptable to call his character Sgt. Hadley
  • The Hannibal Lecter Series
    • Scottish Lecter, Hannibulldog - Brian Cox in Manhunter, who retains his Scots accent and does a creepy thing with his jaw that makes him look like a bulldog.
    • Frankenhyde - Tom Noonan as Francis Dolarhyde, because he played Frankenstein in The Monster Squad.
    • Welsh Lecter - Anthony Hopkins in everything else.
    • Arseface- Gary Oldman in "Hannibal", due to his resemblance to the "Preacher" character.
    • Sexual Harassment Lecter - After Gaspard Ulliel's take on the character in Hannibal Rising
  • Tron and Tron: Legacy
    • Tronzler: How he's referred to after his Fate Worse Than Death, especially in post-Legacy storylines or in the period between films.
    • Junior: Cillian Murphy's character, Ed Dillinger Jr. (son of the first film's bad guy).
    • Circuitsex: The Fanon (supported by a deleted scene in the first film) that the circuit lines are "sensitive"
    • Sparkle Cape: Yori's attire in the aforementioned deleted scene.
    • The Silver Fox: Legacy-era Alan Bradley
  • X-Men:
    • Dudepeel: Image Boards nickname for Deadpool In Name Only from X Men Origins: Wolverine. Also "Barakapool" because of the swords in the arms.
    • The Divorce: The beach scene at the climax of X-Men: First Class wherein Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr's friendship is broken and the sides between Professor X and Magneto officially form.
    • Dragneto for the deleted scene in which Charles projects an image of Erik in drag to an onlooker. Hilarity Ensues.
    • Bromance World Tour: term often used for the timeframe in which Charles and Erik traveled around America to recruit mutants. Alternatively called "The Honeymoon".
    • ceiling!sex: nickname for the rather popular scene in X-Men: First Class wherein Erik pins Charles down on the floor of a spinning aircraft to protect him.
    • Oliver Splat: Due to the unfortunate fate of Oliver Platt's otherwise unnamed character (who's only listed as Man In Black in the credits)