Hardcore Gaming 101

Revision as of 20:55, 18 October 2018 by Looney Toons (talk | contribs) (creator->website)

Hardcore Gaming 101 is a video game overview site run by Kurt Kalata that is dedicated to cult classics and the obscure. Founded in 2004, it looks at everything from the classics, to Japanese import games, to long-forgotten arcade quarter munchers, to homebrew, to pure garbage and the utterly insane. The site also takes a look at the output of various companies like Compile, Toaplan, Eighting Raizing, Nippon Ichi and Irem, and the various Licensed Games of Capcom and Konami. The overviews are quite image intensive, and tend to run on to some strange tangents. It is also one of the few places you'll find someone defending the Zelda CD-i games.

The site updates roughly every week. For real this time. Honest.

Game series and individual games reviewed:
Licensed Game franchise overviews:
Your Weekly Kusoge (brief reviews):

Hardcore Gaming 101 provides examples of the following tropes:
  1. Yes, this doesn't count as obscure. It's a reprint of a Final Fantasy recap done on another site by one of the forum mods. As of this writing, it only goes up to five (although it goes further on that other site).