Quotes Looking for An Article

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"I do not long for all one sees

That's Japanese."
Bunthorne, Recitative from Patience

"If knowledge is power, then the Internet is full of completely useless power."

Well, Dad. I figured there's no need to stand on ceremony when the ceremony is as ridiculous as this.
A package of banknotes, to the value of fifty-five thousand pounds, had been taken from the principal cashier's table, that functionary being at the moment engaged in registering the receipt of three shillings and sixpence. Of course he could not have his eyes everywhere.
"One thing I mused about while playing Metal Gear, is why, whenever your video game hero gets captured, does all his weapons and gear get conveniently stashed in a nearby storage room? If I were a video game villain, after capturing any heroes I found sneaking around my top secret base, I'd have all their weapons, health refills and pilfered key cards tossed in the incinerator. I would definitely NOT place everything unharmed in an unlocked room 20 yards from where I imprisoned aforementioned hero."
In every Trooper training class, there is one kid with an impenetrable air of mystery. He doesn't participate in class discussions, and no one can tell what he's thinking. These kids mystify their teachers, and so the thoughtful educators kick them out of school and send them to study under the local Ancient ZenMaster. Invariably, it turns out that these kids are just nearsighted, but by the time anyone finds this out it is too late and they are well on their way to becoming Ninjas.

Yes, it's a goofy name, but you're not likely to forget it, are you? I'm tired of all the DM levels with the same names: "Frag You," "Frag Fest," "Frag Yo Momma," etc.

Prophetic warnings usually culminate with an "unless" clause.

Look out, honey, 'cause I'm using technology!
The Stooges, "Search and Destroy"
"The living may not hear them. Their voices may fall upon deaf ears. But, make no mistake. The dead are not silent."
The Sorrow, Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater: Snake Eater

That's sad, that's right,

Another night

Of someone else's fantasy...
The Levellers, Fantasy
"What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer."
Yup, these are my readers.
Bill Simmons, on the eccentric behavior of his audience
I haven't played a lot of Kirby games, but the whole Meta Knight thing seems rather glaringly out of place, in a game where the principal antagonists are a fat penguin in some knitwear. It's like an episode of the Care Bears where they all climb into giant mecha suits and sword fight over the last Jelly Baby.

Raziel: You talk as though we're allies.

Kain: Regardless of your sentiments, Raziel, in their eyes - we are.

Raziel: Well, they're certainly trying to eliminate you, Kain, there can be no doubt of that. As for me, I suspect they made a grave error when they allowed my unique resurrection. I don't think they know how to destroy me.

Kain: You mustn't underestimate them, Raziel.

Raziel: And who exactly is this diabolical they to which we keep referring? If there's some grand conspiracy going on, the right hand doesn't appear to know what the left is doing.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
Grady was a member of the new school of juvenile delinquency, the You-Too-Can-Be-A-Rebel School. The headmasters were Elvis Presley and the spook of Jimmy Dean, and the entrance requirements were completely democratic. A boy was no longer excluded from the glamorous ranks of the delinquents simply because he had the rotten luck not to be born in a slum; all he had to do was look as though he had. If he would wear his hair in a duck-tail cut and his sideburns at nostril level, forsake grammar, dress in black khaki trousers with the cuffs narrowed to fourteen inches, never do his homework, and spit a lot, his origins, no matter how respectable, would not be held against him.
—Parenthetical sidebar, Rally Round the Flag, Boys! by Max Shulman
All these science spheres are made of asbestos, by the way. Let us know if you feel a shortness of breath, a persistent dry cough or your heart stopping. Because that's not part of the test. That's asbestos. Good news is, the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show a median latency of 44.6 years, so if you're thirty or older, you're laughing. Worst case scenario, you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.
Cave Johnson, Portal 2
To have a credit read "Entire production conceived and staged by John Doe" is ridiculous. It's like saying "Entire part of Mother played by Lizzy Flop."
George Abbott

"Damn mortal. All of them have become too much of a nuisance to be ignored any longer. I'll have to deal with them all more directly. And by "directly" I mean "trying a bunch of other things on them before I snap and tear them limb from limb." But I win either way."

"It's a new disease, unknown to medical history, which I call 'the jumping-up-from-the-chair-and-screaming syndrome.'"
Tina, The Mysterious Disappearance of Leon (I Mean Noel)

Bucky: Ferrets are guilty of what is called original sin. Do you know what that is?

Satchel: Yeah, yeah! I've seen that on TV! That's, like, when someone refinishes an old chair and ruins its value, right?

Bucky: I don't think PBS is exposing you to good enough sin.

Todd Grisham: Come on, Ricardo! You can do it!

Josh Matthews: No he can't! What is he gonna do, Todd?

Todd Grisham: ... Run...
WWE NXT, Jan. 18, 2011
Should one believe this? Of course. Did it actually happen? Of course not.
Sid Fleischman, Escape!: The Story of The Great Houdini
"You have crossed from pleasant eccentrics to dangerous psychopaths."

Thou who passest on this path,

If haply thou dost mark this monument,

Laugh not, I pray thee, though it is a dog's grave.

Tears fell for me, and the dust was heaped above me

By a master's hand.
—Greek epitaph

Bart: There's something different about you.

Homer's German Doppelganger: I am a new tie vearink.

Bart: Oh yeah.

Little Mary: But, Mother, even when the ladies do do things, they stop it when they get the lovie-dovies.

Mary: The what?

Little Mary: Like in the movies, Mother. Ladies always end up so silly. Lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey all the time!
"The number one metaphor I have in my mind for writing a screenplay is that...you're trying to climb a mountain blindfolded. And the funny thing about that is, you think, 'Okay, that's hard because you're climbing up a rock face, and you don't know where you're going, and you don't know where the top is, you can't see what's below you...' But actually the hardest part about climbing a mountain blindfolded is just finding the mountain."
Michael Arndt
"You're only a rebel from the waist downwards."
Winston Smith, Nineteen Eighty-Four
"You have kept me at your beck and call for fifteen years. I shall never again do what you demand of me. By every rule of single combat, from this moment your life belongs to me. Is that not correct? Then I shall simply declare you dead. In all of your dealings with me, you'll do me the courtesy to conduct yourself as a dead man. I have submitted to your notions of honor long enough. You will now submit to mine."
Armand d'Hubert, The Duellists

Jerry Lawler: Pat Patterson's turning over in his grave.

Michael Cole: He's not dead!

Jerry Lawler: That probably just killed him.


Buddy: "Where?"


Buddy: "Heaven?"


Buddy: "Hell?"

"Note to readers: Naturally, there is no such thing as a veeblefetzer! This grotesque designation is used merely to disguise our real operation which is such a good idea that we want to protect the idea from being stolen by any unscrupulous operators... mainly you readers!"
MAD, "Gasoline Valley"

Pretty Butterfly: "But there are causes worth dying for!"

Rincewind: "No there aren't! Because you only have one life, but you can pick up another five causes on any street corner!"

Pretty Butterfly: "Good grief, how can you live with a philosophy like that?"

Rincewind: "Continuously!"
"If you say a modern celebrity is an adulterer, a pervert and a drug addict, all it means is that you've read his autobiography."
P. J. O'Rourke

Of course, ten is a heroic age for most kids. They remind me in many ways of the Homeric Greeks. They are quarrelsome and

combative; they have a strong and touchy sense of honor; they believe that every affront must be repaid, and with interest; they are

fiercely loyal to their friends, even though they may change friends often; they have little sense of fair play, and greatly admire

cunning and trickery; they are both highly possessive and very generous--no smallest trifle may be taken from them, but they are likely

to give anything away if they feel so disposed.
—John Holt
I’m not sure I can buy destiny, free will and time travel all in the same story. Any two of the three, maybe.
You probably think that virtue is not going to be rewarded. But don't give up yet, because if Cinderella does not wind up happy, we will give all you your money back. And there is a fat chance of that.

Nathan: "I O U one thousand dollars," signed "X"! How is it you can write one thousand, but you cannot write your signature?

Big Jule: I was good in arithmetic, but I stunk in English.
Eggs, milk... pie. All the basic food groups.
Alton Brown, Feasting on Asphalt
"Why, I don't even know what onomatopoeia is, or a trope!"
Lorenz Hart
"The problem with Shakespeare's comedies is that they're just like Seventies rock bands: they're all the same."
Austin Tichenor, The Reduced Shakespeare Radio Show
"Imagine if these guys made Caligula: It would have been sixty minutes of a guy wearing a sheet in front of a green screen showing Gladiator, and the Roman guards would have stopped the orgy by prematurely assassinating the emperor!"

Jin: We have all the puzzle pieces in place!

Monica: The hell we do! You've taken all the puzzle pieces, scrambled them up, and slipped them in various peoples' pockets with the intent of later manipulating them to meet up and magically, in unison, pull a rabbit out of the ass of the fucking universe!

Jin: I know! It's going to be glorious!
"It's not very interesting to be like, "here's the future!" and have a picture of a gigantic question mark."

Bakura: Zorc, you've destroyed the world over a dozen times now. I'm not sure how you even managed it, but it's starting to get rather dull.

Zorc: But you used to love it when I destroyed the world!
"We must think of a test that sounds fair, and looks fair, and seems fair, and isn't fair!"
"When I first stole into this chamber centuries ago, I did not fathom the true power of knowledge. To know the future, Raziel, to see its paths and streams tracing out into the infinite. As a man, I could never have contained such forbidden truths. But each of us is so much more than we once were."
Kain, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
"It just goes to show: never stick your dick in a pudding. It might still be a good pudding and you can spend all afternoon explaining that to people but no one's still going to eat it because YOU STUCK YOUR DICK IN IT!"
"Why is it that squiggle lines hurt more than these rifle shells?"
Joseph, Arfenhouse: The Movie
Nothing is perfect, no matter how much you pay.
—anonymous Etiquette Hell contributor
"This is everything C.M. Punk stands against. That licentious behavior, going out to the discotechque, listeing to the hip and the hop music..."
Matt Striker, WWE Friday Night Smackdown!
He was a stubborn foe...But I'm CRAZY!!...So I won.
Leon Powalski, Star Fox Command
Drop one Treasure. Move one space away from the Monster. Lose one turn.
Dungeon! (board game), rule for "Light Wound"
"Another way we can drive people away from the cinema is by showing you advertisements."
"If only we knew who 'They' were... And why 'They' were doing it.... Who are 'Them'?"
Charles (Graham Chapman), Monty Python's Flying Circus episode 7

. . . I have set my life upon a cast,

And I will stand the hazard of the die.
Richard of Gloucester, Richard III, Act V, Scene IV
The first song I heard didn't sound so bad, and I said to myself: "Hey! Perhaps I am still fairly hip after all!" And then the deejay came on and said, apologetically: "I realize that song was mainstream." He said "mainstream" the way you would say "composed by Phoenicians." Then he played a song entitled--I am not making this up--"Detachable Penis."
Dave Barry, "The Old-Timers Game"

Nerd: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to Cowabunga Corner?

Critic: Oh certainly, it's right off of Bodacious Boulevard.

Nerd: ...what the hell kind of city is this?

Critic: A fucking weird one.
"You ever get the urge to just do something stupid... and AWESOME?"
Demyx, Kingdom Hearts
"I always imagine a Senator just jumps up and shouts "FILIBUSTER!" and then everyone starts throwing beanbags at each other."

He escaped into the waves.

The waves.
"It seems that we have a great gap in our values."
—Bio-Haz, Great Greed
"Any time you see two groups of people who really hate each other, chances are good they're wearing different kinds of hats. Keep an eye on that, it might be important."
George Carlin, Life Is Worth Losing

SpongeBob: Go, run away like all the others. No-one would want a friend as ugly as I am!

Patrick: Sure they would! It makes them feel better about the way they look.
SpongeBob SquarePants - "Something Stinks"
Why does this seem like the end of some cheesy made-for-TV movie?
—Yuko, Persona 3
The mistake began when God was created in a male image. Of course, women would see Him that way, but men should have been gentlemen enough, remembering their mothers, to make God a woman! But the God of Gods--the Boss--has always been a man. That makes life so perverted, and death so unnatural. We should have imagined life as created in the birth-pain of God the Mother... Now wouldn't that be more logical and satisfying than having God a male whose chest thunders with egotism and is too hard for tired heads and thoroughly comfortless?
Nina, Strange Interlude (maybe someone should tell her about the Holy Mary)
Did everyone get it out of their system? Anyone have anything else? No? Nobody? Then let's get it over with! Ready, kid?
Men have a certain body part that women do not have, and men always think jokes about it are a stone riot, but if you tell such a joke to a woman, she will look at you as though you are a Baggie filled with mouse remains. I don't know why this is, but it never fails.
Dave Barry, "Why Humor is Funny"
"I don't need to know, I have people to know for me"
Scara B King, The Nameless Mod
Richard III? Basically just Richard II with a wacky ethnic sidekick.

(In response to a picture of The Boss)

Anon #1: "I'd hit it."

Anon #2: "You do not hit the Boss. The Boss hits you."
Be sincere; be brief; be seated.
—Franklin D. Roosevelt

Sam Helix, what did I say to do if you feel an outburst of honesty coming on?

Helix: If what I say is going to get us killed, don't say anything at all.
"Where are you, Cena?... Maybe you're walking around there trying to find your next movie script. Yeah, I mailed it to The Rock. He ran out of toilet paper."
The Miz, WWE Monday Night Raw 4-May-2009
Odd that we don't do the same with lesser tragedies. You never hear, "My golf game has gone to prison." Or, "This is an AIDS of a traffic jam."
Max Lucado, on casual use of the word hell
It is easier to find a traveling companion than it is to get rid of one.
—Art Buchwald
Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others.
—Oscar Wilde
Many might go to heaven with half the labor they go to hell.
—Ben Jonson
Human life is mainly a process of filling in time until the arrival of death or Santa Claus.
—Eric Berne
Money can't buy friends, but it can get you a better class of enemy.
Women, as some witty Frenchman once put it, inspire us with the desire to do masterpieces and always prevent us from carrying them out.
"It's a pretty damn hard act to follow." Normally that phrase is used because the last person was so good. This is more along the lines of "it's hard to follow that guy's act, because as he left he set the stage on fire. Literally."
—An Anon, regarding recent events in Batman

Some people have everything, and other people don't

But everything don't mean a thing if it ain't the thing you want
—Charles Watt and the 103rd Street Band, Express Yourself'
"The ultimate barometer for a film's success is whether it's more interesting than watching the same actors having dinner."
Gene Siskel
"Well, the truth is out there, it just turns out that the truth is really monumentally stupid."
"Maybe it was an OK 2007 strip at the time, but audiences have changed. These days, I expect more out of 2007 humor."
Unwinder, Unwinder's Tall Comics Guest Strip by Ben Heaton.
"That really was long, wasn't it? Travelling 300 kilometres in 4 days."
Chisame Hasegawa, Mahou Sensei Negima
"Don't worry - I hear heaven's a nice place. Say hello to Satoshi!"

"I shot my beam down and it went up anyways!"

"[F]irm yet polite complaints garner more respect than obscenity-laden all-caps rants involving Opus Dei and the Carlyle Group."

And so then Mulder and Scully show up with Boris and Natasha eh-WAIT A SECOND!!!
"You could just tell me things instead of insinuating them."
—Apollo Justice, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
(Wow, this lady makes Maya look like a 6.8/10 on the weirdness scale.)
Phoenix, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney:Trials and Tribulations .

Priest: GAH! You can't spray Cheez Wiz on the body of Christ!

Ralph: What? Why not? Jesus tastes too dry and stale.

"It's the final Raw of 2008! I'm fired up! Let's do something big! Crazy! Get a monster truck to crush a car! Or shoot a man out of a cannon! Or remake Smokey and the Bandit! Something!"
John Cena, WWE Monday Night Raw, 29-DEC-2008

Dexter Reed: About this contract, man....what would you say we'd just....forget it?

Ed: You don't wanna be partners?

Dexter Reed: Well.... no. See...

Ed: Is it because I'm black?

(The Nostalgia Critic: GASP! A funny joke!)
Good Burger
...The Hollywood sign itself is copyrighted, and for me to allow it to appear on screen would cost us thousands of dollars. I can however call the people who own the copyright a bunch of money grabbing bastards for nothing!
Charlie Brookers Screenwipe, the USA Special

Daisy: What's the cure for falling down the stairs?

Cooper: Falling back up the stairs?

Daisy: That's still in clinical trials! You could lose your license!
"I'm going to ask what's going on, but that doesn't mean I want to participate."

"That's a total of 205 Dumbass Points, which would be a record even if this weren't the first time I'd ever mentioned or tallied them."

Mr. Owl: Were your parents as difficult as Roland said they'd be?

Steve Bear: Well, let's just say they're from a different time.

Cooper: What does that mean?

Steve Bear: It means they're full of hate, but it's okay because they're old and harmless.
Largo: [...]shouldn't you be doing something more domestic than fighting with a sword? [..] Oh, it's you again. Hey, um.... Sorry about, you know, what I said the other day. My arms and legs are sorry, too. Oh...the bruises...
Largo learns his lesson
"I've heard of the term "the banality of evil" and somehow this game achieves it although not in the way I think it was intended."

Pearl Fey: Wow, you really know a lot about the Steel Samurai, Mr. Nick.

Phoenix Wright: ... (I don't know whether to laugh or cry that I know more about that show than a kid...)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All
"You'd think Zordon would be a lot smarter to say something like 'Alpha, Rita's escaped, bring me the five greatest martial artists on the planet!' or 'Alpha, get me Chuck Norris, Jet Li, Steven Segal, Triple H and Bruce Campbell!'"
—Noah 'The Spoony One' Antwiler, on the premise of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.
Chief Maintenance Officer Bowen has found a T.T. Fiddlesticks family eatery seemingly growing out of the upper echelons of the Area 6 Ventilation Control Tower. DynaMars Corporation has no idea how it was constructed, and certainly did not authorize it. DynaMars Corporation wishes to remind all Ares Station residents that T.T. Fiddlesticks is an unauthorized incursion and is currently being boycotted.
There are always lessons to be learned from the stupidity of others.
Sean Hannity, on the arrest of Rod Blagojevich.


Haley: So that's the sort of battle this is gonna be, huh?

Crystal: You're just jealous because you don't have a secret plan for beating me that's as awesome as my secret pickle plan for beating you. HA!
No! No! No! No! No! You stupid bitch, no! You don't - hey! You don't get to die! You don't get to die, it's not that easy!
Jonas Wharton, Lonelygirl15, "Handcuffed".
Ugh. How did they manage to make plastic welding rods sound boring?
Ben Heaton, Request Comics #65
We were advertising computers, not baby-killing machines.
David Mitchell, responding to criticism of him and Robert Webb for advertising Mac computers.
"Fairy tales do not tell dragons that children exist. Dragons already know that children exist. Fairy tales tell dragons that children are delicious."
Tim Cooper, with apologies to G. K. Chesterton
The person in question was a victim of murder, not ill-conceived naming, Mr. Wright.

"Ask me out or I'll shoot you! Right in the hair!"

"That's your finger."

"And all five of them are loaded!"

Now I know it may seem like a monkey could do this job but it can't. True story.
Kenny Daley, Frasier
At no time shall Romeo slap Tybalt with a fish.

"If the Lord hadn't intended us to make jokes, He wouldn't have given us poodles."

Jimmy Carr: It's just so stupid, isn't it? Beating your wife, I mean, it's your wife. It's like keying your own car.

David Mitchell: Society just got a tiny bit worse.

Jimmy Carr: I like to think I can help.
Some say the glass is half-full; some say the glass is half-empty; I say I will cut my lip on the glass and bleed to death.
Oh dear, who authorized this? A giant horned skull? Really? I'm sorry, I thought this was 2008.
Satan, "What's New, Beelzebub?", Sam and Max
Thermonuclear hand grenades do not exist in any genre except Paranoia.
Anyway, Henry Ford stole my idea and invented the car, did the movie Stagecoach and pardoned president Nixon... But I am getting ahead of my story
Alan Moore, Tomorrow Stories
"If you find yourself in a social situation, make threats."
Tom Slidell, Gunnerkrigg Court
Liu, I hate this place. I'm telling you, I hate it. I'm in a hostile environment, I'm completely unprepared, and I'm surrounded by people who probably want to kick my ass. It's like being back in high school!
Johnny Cage, on Outworld in the Mortal Kombat movie.

Game designers: think of a single, sharp, spear-like mechanic, stick with it, set it in stone, and then make awesome levels. If there's a mood you want to go for, keep it in mind. In short: be cool, and you too can make a masterpiece. Even if your single mechanic is amazing, it doesn't mean anything without great levels. However, even a bare-bones mechanic (like, say, "running and jumping") can make for spectacular entertainment if the levels are great (Super Mario Bros. 3).

"He must be a successful composer... a musician with quality"

"Yes, one of them"
Either the writers lack of imagination or there is a surplus of the cast
I'm smart, you're dumb. I'm big, you're small. I'm right, you're wrong! And there's nothing you can do about it!
Harry Wormwood, Matilda (film version)

What does it matter to you?

When you got a job to do

You gotta do it well--

You gotta give the other fella HELL!
Born on third, thinks he got a triple.
Pearl Jam, "Bu$hleaguer"

I wanna be a B-grade actor,

Star alongside Terri Hatcher.

With expertise in over-acting

I'm just a copy of the real thing!

Start my career on a daytime soap,

I got nominated for a Golden Globe.

Still no-one can remember my name.

I'm just destined for B-Grade fame!
Sounds Like Chicken, "Entrails"
Since time before time the Vorlak had held the Crosshutch at Thraeskamp. The ancient reckoning held that the Five Skrelkampi (and their Truebine) would return when the great Trond-feast could be held anew and the Belnap reunited. But this legend became lost to all but the Papperboxen at Horbug. One of their own was Yallow the Speldrig, who found an unlikely pupil in Torbole Understeady, the discarded illigitimate waif of Wainthane Topknox, whom Yallow renamed Grumdrig and began to school as a boar-pulmet's apprentice. ...And, as it was said by some, in aberdoxy.
"This place is like an assbackwards of Robin Hood. The queen took every artifact of value from the poor, and put it on display for the rich"
Ira, Jagged Alliance 2

I've said, before, that games can perhaps never be "art" because I seriously can't think of a single game that some jerk can't just pick up and immediately tilt the right analog stick to one side, cackling as the camera spins in circles.

We are accepting things that should not be accepted. The anti-depressent Paxil causes suicide in a lot of people. Yeah, let me say that again. The anti-depressant Paxil causes suicide in a lot of people. You think they could have spent another week on the formula. Yeah, you're going to kill yourself, but the suicide note is going to be inspirational!
Christopher Titus
"She is evil, a driven bitch."
Ira, Jagged Alliance 2

"A discussion about the nature of eternity, set against a blank, featureless void: behold the beginning of the transformation of the Family Circus into Existential Despair Comics."

"My God, newbie, it's been two furiously frustrating years. How is it possible that you still don't get me? I would never compare you to the gays. I like the gays. I like their music. I like their sense of style. I especially like what they've done with Halloween, but our thing is that you are a little girl. That's who you are."
Dr. Cox, Scrubs
I prey on the innocent. It's how I made my fortune, and, quite frankly, it's fun.
John Bradshaw Layfield, WWE Monday Night Raw
Repeat after me: 'Despite what magical girl anime has taught me, the monster does not go down with the first strike.'

Doctor Bunnigus: Actually, Commander, the headache is probably my fault. You've got some funny flavor of blood-nannies in your system. It took me almost a month to figure out how to quiesce the little bugsies before regeneration could start.

Kevyn: Define "funny."

Doctor Bunnigus: When it happens to you, rather than happening to me?

Kevyn: So. . . My bloodstream is full of slapstick.
Flash: There are so many reasons why that shouldn't have worked.
Justice League, "Hereafter"

Geoffrey: Forget about perfection! There's nothing more boring than perfection. Imprecision. Fear. That's what gets them to their feet.

Jack: Yeah? Well I should be brilliant, then.
Slings and Arrows, "Playing the Swan"
I bet you were one of those people, who, when a teacher asked a question and asked if anyone knows the answer, raised your hand and said 'I don't'.

Stephen: I made some fruit salad. Grapes and an orange.

Sid: Of wrath and clockwork, respectively?
This we do for pleasure, so that we may shortly be at the mercy of venomous snakes and poisonous ants. How foolish can human creatures be.

Now you may find it inconceivable, or at the very least a bit unlikely,

That the relative position of the planets and the stars

Could have a special deep significance or meaning

That exclusively applies to only you,

But let me give you my assurance that these forecasts and predictions

Are all based on solid scientific documented evidence,

So you would have to be some kind of moron not to realize

That every single one of them is absolutely true.
Weird Al Yankovic, "Your Horoscope for Today"

..."hiding out" feels a lot like "waiting to die."

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.
Never was so much shown by so few to so many.
—Attributed to an unknown officer of RAF Hornchurch in 1942, commenting on a performance of the "Windmill Girls" (Google search NSFW!).
Strong Bad: Now, it may not make a lotta sense, but when have I ever been backed down from a bad idea, right? Now let's get this train wreck a-rollin'!

Don't the hours grow shorter as the days go by

We never get to stop and open our eyes

One minute you're waiting for the sky to fall

And next you're dazzled by the beauty of it all
Bruce Cockburn, Lovers In A Dangerous Time

Gavin: Show's over, Lee. Turn- turn the camera off.

Lee: What are you talking about?

Gavin: Go and- go and post today's episode. Idiot.

Lee: Gavin, I really don't see...

Gavin: It's a show, Lee! It's an Internet TV show! Open your eyes; wake up.
Kate Modern, "Fictionality".

Online you can get gorgeous models to do whatever you want; in real life, you're a loser with no friends.

Imagine what medieval peasants would say if you could explain to them the stuff that people waste most of their time worrying about these days.
It seems to be one of the principles of fashion that once an exaggeration has been decided on it becomes ever more exaggerated.
James Laver, The Concise History of Costume and Fashion
Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem.
—Seen on a bulletin board at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Rabinovich: Don't you forget that United States has been the greatest contributor of our current democracy

Mundstock: And our former dictatorships
Les Luthiers on the Himnovaciones routine
I was unhappy. I lived a sad and bitter life. I couldn't keep a job. I had dandruff. My wife spent her time nagging me, my children asked me more attention. Until one day a friend of mine lent me the Warren Sanchez's Record "Seeking The Path" And from that day on my life changed. I left the suffering, I left the sadness, I left my job, my wife and my kids...

Haruhi: "It's suspicious because nothing looks suspicious."

Kyon: "And if it looked suspicious to begin with, then what?"

Haruhi: "It'd be suspicious, of course. Jeez."
So I'll say the same thing about No More Heroes that I say about Killer 7 and Earthbound and Branston Pickle: As flawed as it is, get it anyway, because you will never experience anything else like it. God knows what would happen if you spread Branston Pickle onto No More Heroes--possibly the universe would end. And it would be awesome.
Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw on No More Heroes
Of all the people to survive, he's not the one you would have chosen, is he? But if you could choose, Doctor, if you could decide who lives and who dies, that would make you a monster.
Mr. Copper, Doctor Who, "Voyage of the Damned"

Dr. Venture: That's ridiculous! There's no such thing as Santa Claus!

Dr. Orpheus: Not since he was killed by a jet in 1963, no. Nor has there been a Krampus since the pope cast him into purgatory during Vatican II. But your boys seem to have inadvertently released him from his chains.

Hank: Dean did it! I wanted to read the Grinch!
Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb.
Batman, Batman (1966)
I don't like anyone to whom the adjective "maverick" might be applied. Cutter practically owns the copyrights.
James Lester, Primeval, Episode 2.
Normally, those people would never wake up from their fantasy worlds. They live meaningless lives. They waste their precious days over nothing. No matter how old they get, they'll continue to say, "My real life hasn't started yet. The real me is still asleep, so that's why my life is such garbage." They continue to tell themselves that. They continue. And they age. Then die. And on their deathbeds, they will finally realize: the life they lived was the real thing. People don't live provisional lives, nor do they die provisional deaths. That's a simple fact! The problem... is whether they realize that simple fact.
Knowing something intellectually and having a fucking gun pointed at you are two very different things.
Jennie, Lonelygirl15, "Long Drive Home"
How many times did I tell you that you're not supposed to drink the fluid in your cloning tank?
I think I found an even stronger term for friendship than yours, 246, and I'll say it to you now: Supervisor 246, I was, am, and always will be, primus inter pares, your friend, Tom.
Paul Robinson, Instrument of God
The language and concepts contained herein are guaranteed not to cause eternal torment in the place where the guy with the horns and pointed stick conducts his business.
Yes, sir, I do, for the cover of a horror comic. A cover in bad taste, for example, might be defined as holding the head a little bit higher so that the neck could be seen dripping blood from it and moving the body over a little further so that the neck of the body could be seen to be bloody.
William M. Gaines, Editor-in-Chief of EC Comics, to Sen. Estes Kefauver, on his definition of "good taste".
We're talking about story-telling, the most basic human need. Food? That's an animal need. Shelter? That's a luxury item that leads to social grouping, which leads directly to fancy scarves. But human awareness is all about story-telling. The selective narrative of your memory. The story of why the Sky Bully throws lightning at you. From the first, stories, even unspoken, separated us from the other, cooler beasts.

Sam: "Sandra, listen... I can't say you haven't earned self-pity. Morning'll come, and it'll be cruel, so take what you can get from this! You're gonna hurt, but you don't have to hurt now. Right?"

Jack: "I hurt. I hurt now. I have to."

Sam: "Well, you get self-pity too."

The lady didn't wait around,

But lightly leapt upon the ground,

Stood with her back before his nose,

Lifted her tunic, touched her toes,

And said, "Your face goes here, Sir Knight."

But when her--
—Unknown 13th century French poetry, translated excerpt
That's be so sweet, so ridiculously sweet... It's Sweetdiculous!
Ryusei Date, Super Robot Wars
They don't serve diet soda at the Palace of Wisdom.
John Morrison, ECW on Sci-Fi
Don't forgive and never forget; Do unto others before they do unto you; and third and most importantly, keep your eye on your friends, because your enemies will take care of themselves.
JR Ewing, Dallas
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor."
Morpheus, The Sandman #60, "The Kindly Ones: 4," by Neil Gaiman
"Take that, oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere!"
Sam and Max : Season One
"Remember, friends come and go, but enemies accumulate."
Brian Kantor, ASR
"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."
Robert Wilensky, University of California
In Hollywood it's dog eat dog; it's worse than that, it's "dog doesn't return other dog's phone calls".
Woody Allen, Crimes and Misdemeanors
Scared? You're talking to a man who laughs in the face of death, sneers at doom, and chuckles at catastrophe. I was petrified.
The Wizard, The Wizard of Oz

First Robot: "Not many people would risk themselves for a robot. We can pass the word through our community that this is a person to watch out for, and to help where we can."

Second Robot: "Wouldn't it be better to do something for her with a higher chance of success? Like buying her a lottery ticket? From last year's lottery?"
I have always fought for the nation. And for the De Sand family. And for... I have fought for you as well! However, just this one time, I wish to fight only for myself!
George De Sand, G Gundam
Fuck you! What does the fate of humanity have to do with the fate of my Balls?!
Bandoh, Elfen Lied
Do you four boys take these two girls to be your seven brides?
—school play sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus
Thanks, but no thanks, Major Stupidity. You and General Nonsense will have to carry on without me.
Squidward, SpongeBob SquarePants

Eggplant Wizard: No! Wait! It was an accident!

King Hippo: Oh, I'll give you an accident on purpose!

I sort of hate to ask it,

But what's a rhyme for "basket"?
—Forbidden Broadway, "Into The Words"

"Do you agree to love and honor?"

Love and honor, yes, but not obey!
Annie Get Your Gun, "An Old-Fashioned Wedding"
"I am dying!"
—Mathematician Leonhard Euler, last words
If you have a milkshake...and I have a milkshake...and I have a straw--there it is! Thats the straw you see--watch it...my straw reaches acroooooooooooss the room...and starts to drink your milkshake. I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE!!! * slurps* I DRINK IT UP!
Daniel Plainview, There Will Be Blood
Love...ah, love, that magical spark between two people that you hope won't start a fire and burn them both to death.
Onizuka Eikichi, Great Teacher Onizuka
Do not move against me. Do not disobey me. Do as I command and you will receive unimaginable rewards.
Cobra Commander, G.I. Joe: Resolute
This hand of mine glows with an aweomse power! Its burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love! My anger! And all of my sorrow! SHINIIIIING FINGEEERRRRR!!!
Domon Kasshu, G Gundam
It was a warship, after all. It was built, designed to glory in destruction, when it was considered appropriate. It found, as it was rightly and properly supposed to, an awful beauty in both the weaponry of war and the violence and devastation which that weaponry was capable of inflicting, and yet it knew that attractiveness stemmed from a kind of insecurity, a sort of childishness.
—Iain M. Banks, Excession

Where is my enemy?

This is your enemy.

That is your enemy.

Do you not yet see?

Words from those who look without seeing.


You'll never meet your enemy.

You'll never really live.

My enemy is not to be sought, lest we find ourselves surrounded...

Is not to be awaited, lest it violate us.

No, but one day we will come upon each other.

And for that day, my claws, teeth, ears, hands, and feet are ready.

When i can call him enemy.

When i can call him my enemy.

I believe that chance will come.
Hiruken Emperor, Xamd Lost Memories
If you should be afflicted with a hump, for example, but firmly believe the Almighty somehow needs your hump to realize His Cosmic Design and that it was therefore or­dained along with the rest of Creation, why, then you may be easily reconciled to your deformity. If, however, they tell you that it's merely the result of a misplaced molecule, an atom or two that happened to go the wrong way, then noth­ing remains for you but to bay at the moon.
Stanislaw Lem, The Cyberiad
Helix, one day you'll learn that the next best thing to have after a reliable ally is a predictable enemy.
Sam Starfall, Freefall #1516.
You don't need a license to hit people with your car.
Kagura, Gintama
If only there was a way to get someone who's better than you at a thing to do that thing for you.
Tallahassee, Overcompensating
He (Barack Obama) is going to keep reaching out to the Republicans, even if they won't vote for their own ideas.
Richard Dean Anderson, of the four "Star" franchises: Wars, Trek, Gate, and Search, "Gate" is easily in my top three!
Comic Book Guy, The Simpsons
No, I swear it! I have a fully operational pulse! D: I enjoy walking at brisk paces! I can speak... somewhat coherently! They're just making the cranium sound like a convenient ice box for marshmallows and ice cream and lovely sweet things...
—Hannah(Sarn) from the NTWF
Really splendid tonight, Richard -- I must tell you that. The entire section we spoke of from "To be or not to be" through the Nunnery Scene was excellent -- I almost liked it.
John Gielgud's director's notes to Richard Burton, on Hamlet
A great many rulers, good and bad and quite often dead, know what happened; a rare few actually manage, by dint of much effort, to know what's happening. Lord Vetinari considered both types to lack ambition.

L. Bob Rife: You're a dead man. You're stuck on the Raft, asshole. I got a million Myrmidons here. You gona kill 'em all?

Hiro Protagonist: Swords don't run out of ammo.

Stickman 1: Wow! These YouTube comments are full of retards.

Stickman 2: Yeah, to be honest I think Hitler had the right idea.

cue Beat Panel and Eye Take

Stickman 1: ...Only the wrong demographic.

Stickman 2: Yeah, true!

Milo Thatch: Oh, my decision? I think we've seen how effective my decisions have been. Let's recap. I lead a band of plundering vandals to the greatest archaeological find in recorded history, thus enabling the kidnap and/or murder of the royal family, not to mention personally delivering the most powerful force known to man into the hands of a mercenary nutcase who's probably gonna sell it to the Kaiser! Have I left anything out?!

Dr. Sweet: Well, you did set the camp on fire and drop us down that big hole.

Milo Thatch: Thank you! Thank you very much!
Vince: We've done a lot of things we're not proud of ... Robbing graves, plundering tombs, double-parking ... But nobody ever got hurt. Well, maybe somebody got hurt ... but nobody we knew.
Of course. Now the groundbreaking 20/20 hindsight policy kicks into gear.
You can't beat me! I'm a kid; no toy can withstand me.
The ultimate snowball is not a snowball at all, but fear. Merry Christmas.
Dwight Schrute, The Office
"Passion has overthrown tyrants and freed prisoners and slaves. Passion has brought justice where there was savagery. Passion has created freedom where there was nothing but fear. Passion has helped souls rise from the ashes of their horrible lives and build something better, something stronger, more beautiful."
Harry Dresden, White Night
Sacred cows make the best hamburger
Truth hurts, ignorance kills
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
—Evelyn Beatrice Hall
I had the X rating on my films. Now they do as much on The Simpsons as I got an X rating for Fritz the Cat.
Do not take life too seriously, you will never get out of it alive.
—Elbert Hubbard/Van Wilder/Bugs Bunny
Stephenie Meyer can't even fall back on the Twilight parody excuse to justify her glittering vampires, because the thing she is writing is Twilight in the first place.
"Now that we all know that Death is a necrophiliac, we have a whole new reason to fear dying!"
Grey Fire, commenting on this: [1] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfic.
Every living creature that directly shares your bloodline is dead. Every living creature that is directly related to any of those creatures is dead. Anyone who could possibly make a claim to be a part of your family is gone now . . . Now no one will come to avenge your defeat. No one will lament your passing. Think about the fate you have brought upon your family as you suffer in the afterlife.
Vaarsuvius, The Order of the Stick

"If you have a problem that you could fix but 'don't want to', you don't get to complain about it, you silly woman!"

For instance, if developers had to go into a lengthy in-game explanation of why a fat middle age plumber from Brooklyn is the obvious choice to save a princess from a fire breathing dragon and his fearsome army of turtles (not that a fat middle aged plumber couldn’t do that of course), I dare say it would make the game so convoluted that it would detract somewhat from the overall experience. So gamers were just sort of expected to accept it, and that’s what we did.
marc2020, commenting on characterization in video games in this article on No, Seriously, What About Teh Menz?.
Ah, this will do. It's just you, and me. TIME TO RAISE SOME HELL! Now that I think of it, the last time we fought like this, you were still my pupil. You were wild, unfocused, and had the eyes of a beast! Even then, I knew you would become the opponent I've been waiting for! I HOPE YOU DON'T DISAPPOINT!
—Augus's pre battle speech before the boss fight against him from Asura's Wrath.
"It's not really a party until the bomb squad says it is."
Tony DiNozzo, NCIS
(...) Let's recap to make sure we got this straight, OK? Alright: You wait for randomly flashing staircases to appear, in which you try to find a randomly appearing key, which randomly appears within the randomly appearing staircases, and then try to collect a random number of cherries that randomly appear as you kick palm trees (...) It's just so random! You know? How many times have I used the word random and appear? But that's exactly what's happening! Stuff appears, or doesn't appear or randomly does something else! I feel like a guinea pig in an experiment where they're testing the effects of negative reinforcement!