
Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Also see the All Grown Up characters page.


Tommy Pickles

The main character and unofficial leader; he is best known for his incredible bravery and the screwdriver he always carries in his diaper.

Voiced by E.G. Daily.

Tropes Associated With Tommy:

  • The Ace
  • Badass Adorable
  • Big Brother Instinct: Towards Dil.
  • Bald of Awesome
  • Catch Phrase: "A baby's gotta do, what a baby's gotta do" and after the movie, "Hang on to your diapies, babies".
  • Characterization Marches On: In the earliest episodes, Tommy was a regular baby with no distinguishable personality--an infant version of The Everyman or The Standardized Leader. Later Tommy begins to develop a stronger personality, becoming a brave Determinator who loves adventure. It can be pretty strange to see Tommy being relatively quiet and cautious in his solo adventures. E.G Daily herself even mentions that Tommy was more baby-like and tiny in the earlier episodes, but as time went by, he got alot more mature and wiser in the show's 10th anniversary special documentary.
  • Determinator: One of the youngest ones you'll find in fiction.
  • The Hero
  • Informed Judaism: Averted for a change; in addition to the token Hanukkah special, his family also celebrates Passover.
    • Also, Boris and Minka are all the proof you need.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: As seen in the unaired pilot.
  • Only Child Syndrome: Until the first movie that is.
  • Plucky Boy
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Manly Man to Chuckie's Sensitive Guy.
  • Vocal Evolution: In the first episodes, Tommy had a very raspy, quiet voice, and sounds downright feminine in the pilot.
  • Write Who You Know: Tommy was based on Arlene Klasky and Gábor Csupó's son, and was named after co-creator Paul Germain's son, Thomas.

Chuckie Finster

In addition to his uncontrollable red hair, big glasses and bucked teeth, Chuckie is easily distinguished from his friends by his dislike of adventure and irrational fear of particular objects, most notably the "guy on the oatmeal box" (the Quaker Oats logo).

First voiced by Christine Cavanaugh, then Nancy Cartwright

Tropes Associated With Chuckie:

Phil and Lil DeVille

Half-Identical Twins who are alike in every possible way, and even dressed to match. They represent the stage of infancy where babies are forever curious and try to eat and drink anything they can reach. Best known for their love of filth.

Both voiced by Kath Soucie

Tropes Associated With Phil and Lil:

Angelica Pickles

Spoiled and bossy, Angelica is Tommy's cousin and serves as the main antagonist of the series. She hates Tommy and the other "stupid babies" and lives to make them miserable whenever they're in the same place.

Voiced by Cheryl Chase

Tropes Associated With Angelica:

  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
  • Blondes Are Evil
  • Blue Eyes: In Preschool Daze.
  • Birthday Hater: Due to the fear of the implications of growing up, Angelica behaves this way during her third birthday. In the end she regrets it when she realizes that, when growing up, she can eat candy with bigger teeth than the babies'.
  • Bratty Half-Pint
  • The Bully: To the babies, big time.
  • Butt Monkey: If you can believe this, Angelica, despite being the antagonist, gets her comeuppance alot(eg: sitting in time out and pizza falling on her hair, causing her to cry as she hates the stress of having her hair washed), but sometimes, she can be the show's buttmonkey, even when she isn't the antagonist!
  • The Chick
  • Companion Cube: Her Cynthia doll.
  • Crying Wolf
  • Character Development / Villain Decay: In the first season, Angelica was a total Jerkass that acted nice in front of the adults, but had strong hate for the babies and she somewhat mocked people behind their back (Graham Canyon is a great example of this, as when Drew tells Angelica to have a good time, after Angelica's polite response, she sticks her tongue out at Drew). In later seasons (namely two, but mostly, after the movie), she grows to like them and becomes a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, whereas she is still mischievous, but there's a nicer tone to it! (A great example of this is "Grandpa Moves Out", where instead of tricking Tommy and the gang into doing something bad, she was nothing, but friendly to Tommy and one of the first episodes to show her nicer side)
  • Depending on the Writer: Is she a Jerkass Woobie (and maybe a Tsundere as well) or a flat out vile little brat whom dangerously borders on being a Villain Protagonist? It depends on how pleasant the writers are feeling about her at the time it still happens in All Grown Up! but to a much smaller extent.
  • Devil in Plain Sight
  • Even Angelica Has Standards: Unless she’s the one dashing it out, no one is to torment her cousins, Thomas (Tommy) and Dylan (Dil), and their friends and get away with it.
    • She's also won't allow physically harm on them either. When a kid called Josh was about to use Tommy and his friends as a landing pad, Angelica intervened.
  • Enfant Terrible
  • Fluffy the Terrible: Not just her Right-Hand-Cat...
  • Girlish Pigtails
  • Heel Face Revolving Door: She more or less treats the other babies like crap and has no qualms with freaking them out with random urban legends or stories, mostly to get something she wants. However, she ends up being a team player if something worse threatens them.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: "Nobody messes with my dumb babies 'cept me!"
  • Ironic Name: The name “Angelica” contains “angel”… she’s no angel, though she has her moments where she is.
  • It's All About Me
  • Jerkass: In season one only! But can still occasionally be this in later seasons.
    • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Season two onwards. A great list of examples are: "Grandpa Moves Out", where Angelica wanted Tommy to tag along (even if it meant causing trouble), "New Kid in Town", where she was incredibly annoyed at how Josh (the new kid) treated them, so much that she pushed him over and he started to cry, and "Rugrats in Paris", when she was disgusted at how Coco treated the babies. Basically, she's not a jerk (the only season where she was a jerk was season one, really), rather, even though she calls the babies "dumb", she doesn't really mean it, and more than often wants to hang around with them (even Tommy).
      • Granted she still has lots of Kick the Dog moments in later seasons and even if she's not as consistantly "evil" in depiction as she was early on she's still an obnoxious and selfish bully just with redeeming moments. Depending on the Writer comes a lot into play.
  • Large Ham: She often likes to see herself as quite the little performer lets just say.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Her title in this show could very much be "karma's personal punching bag"; in the event she does something that could be considered even vaguely unpleasant, karma is sure to be there to take her down a peg or two.
  • No Matter How Much I Beg: When she tries to give up cookies
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Quite a lot of examples can be found on the Rugrats Nightmare Fuel page.
  • Only Child Syndrome: Unlike Tommy and Chuckie, she was this for the entire series.
  • Spoiled Brat: Not much of one, but is only one when it comes to punishment. Although her parents do tend to punish her, they just really don't wanna break her heart.
  • Token Evil Teammate
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Susie's Tomboy.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: "Cookie" was Angelica's first word.
  • Tsundere: Some of her "nicer" stories do occasionally give her these kind of vibes as well.

Susie Carmicheal

Susie moved across the street from Tommy early on in the series. A multi-talented, brave, and humble little girl, she served as the opposite of Angelica and often acted as The Rival to her. If Angelica was The Big Bad, Susie would be The Big Good.

Voiced by Cree Summer

Tropes Associated With Susie:

Dil Pickles

Tommy's little brother, who was born in The Movie. Unlike the others, he can't talk, so he's a baby even to the other babies. As a newborn, most of his time is spent sitting around and drooling.

Voiced by Tara Strong

Tropes Associated With Dil:

Kimi Finster

First appearing in the second movie, Kimi is an adventurous girl whose mother married Chuckie's father, making her his step-sister.

Voiced by Dionne Quan

Tropes Associated With Kimi:


Chaz Finster

Chuckie's equally cowardly father.

Voice by Michael Bell

Tropes Associated With Chaz:

Kira Finster

She is the mother of Kimi and step-mother of Chuckie. The (2nd) wife of Chaz.

Voice by Julia Kato

Tropes Associated With Kira:

Stu Pickles

The father of Tommy and Dil, and husband of Didi. He's also the brother of Drew and uncle of Angelica.

Voiced by Jack Riley.

Didi Pickles

Mother of Tommy and Dil, wife of Stu, and Angelica's aunt. A part time school teacher, who constantly consults a famous pediatrician for advice on how to raise the children.

Voiced by Melanie Chartoff

Drew Pickles

Father of Angelica, uncle of Tommy and Dil, and married to Charlotte. The opposite of his brother in almost every way, they do have their spats, but do care about each other.

Voiced by Michael Bell.

Charlotte Pickles

Mother of Angelica, aunt of Tommy and Dil, and married to Drew. She's the CEO of her own company and is frequently seen talking on a cell phone to an invisible assistant named Jonathan.

Voiced by Tress MacNeille

  • Convenient Miscarriage: Very possibly had one in "Angelica's Worst Nightmare."
  • Hot Chick in a Badass Suit
  • Hot Mom
  • Married to the Job
  • Missing Mom: Not entirely - she does try to be a good mom and does love her family, but is often sidetracked by her work. She can put her foot down with Angelica when the occasion's called for.
  • The Workaholic: Even when she's not working, she's blabbering on to her assistant Jonathan over a cell phone. She might be the first example of someone using a cell phone in such a manner so extensively in children's media.

Grandpa Lou Pickles

Father of Stu and Drew, and grandpa of Tommy, Dil and Angelica.

Voiced by David Doyle, and Joe Alaskey after David Doyle's death

Movie Characters

Coco Labouche

A woman who tries to trick Chaz into marrying her so that she becan become president of Yamaguchi Industries.

  • Bad Boss: This is a likely reason why Mr. Yamaguchi doesn't choose her to be the president of his company. No doubt her employees would eventually rally against her.
  • Bait The Dog: Her villainous friendship with Angelica. She makes promises to Angelica that she has no intention of keeping.
  • Big Bad: She's the main villain of Rugrats in Paris.
  • Hate Sink: She's probably the most unlikable character tn the entire Rugrats series. Pretty much nobody likes her, especially not Chuckie. Even Angelica eventually starts to hate her.
  • Meaningful Name: It's hinted that she has a sweet tooth for chocolate, especially expensive chocolate. She's not pleased when she finds out that Angelica decided to gorge herself on them.
  • Obviously Evil: She has an intimidating appearance. Even Dil realizes that she's a bad woman.

Jean Claude

Coco Labouche's assistant.

  • Beat Them At Their Own Game: After the Rugrats decide to pilot the Reptar mecha, he decides to stop them from reaching Notre Dame by piloting a Robosnail.
  • The Dog Bites Back: After Coco fires him out of spite (and her underwear is exposed), Jean Claude decides to humiliate her further by singing about how he sees Coco's underpants.
  • The Dragon: To Coco, despite mutual dislike between the two. Incidentally, Kira seems to serve under him.
  • Jerkass: Like Coco, he isn't particularly pleasant. He looks forward to seeing Coco punish the babies and is happy to lock them away in a warehouse.
  • Would Hurt A Child: He resorts to piloting Robosnail to stop the Rugrats from reaching Notre Dame. And yes, he doesn't care if the babies are injured in the process.