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* [[Dark Chick]]: The chief female member of the League, and as of Magne's death, the only female member period.
* [[Dark Chick]]: The chief female member of the League, and as of Magne's death, the only female member period.
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: She's completely out of her mind, and has openly lusted for Stain, Midoriya and Uraraka.
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: She's completely out of her mind, and has openly lusted for Stain, Midoriya and Uraraka.
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: Strange as it may seem, she has genuine loyalty to other Legion members, showing concern to both Twice and plus swearing revenge against the Shie Hassaikai for the death of Magne. Unfortunately, this loyalty only seems to harden her and make her crueler towards her heroic foes.
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: Strange as it may seem, she has genuine loyalty to other Legion members, showing concern to both Twice and Mr. Compress, plus swearing revenge against the Shie Hassaikai for the death of Magne. Unfortunately, this loyalty only seems to harden her and make her crueler towards her heroic foes.
* [[Face Framed in Shadow]]: How she's initially introduced in Chapter 57, but we do see her full face at the end of the chapter.
* [[Face Framed in Shadow]]: How she's initially introduced in Chapter 57, but we do see her full face at the end of the chapter.
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]: Her canine teeth are drawn as sharp and pointed, driving home her malice as well as her blood-sucking Quirk, invoking tropes associated with the [[Vampire]].
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]: Her canine teeth are drawn as sharp and pointed, driving home her malice as well as her blood-sucking Quirk, invoking tropes associated with the [[Vampire]].

Revision as of 18:37, 13 March 2023

League of Villains

The League of Villains are the main antagonists of the series. Initially nothing but a ragtag band of thugs, they've slowly, but surely grown into one of the biggest threats to Hero society.


???? Shigaraki - All for One

The Symbol of Evil
Debut: Chapter 59 (Manga), Episode 33 (Anime)
Quirk: All For One (artificial duplicate), Original All For One (formerly)
Stolen Quirks: Currently: Air Cannon, Super Regeneration, Warping, Springlike Limbs, Kinetic Booster (x4), Strength Enhancer (x3), Impact Recoil, Rivets, Spearlike Bones, Hypertrophy, Proliferation, Forcible Quirk Activation, Infrared Ray, Air Walk, Life Force (Original); Formerly: Stockpiling, Enhanced Strength, Overclock, First Generation Spike Quirk, Search; Unknown Status: Unnamed Lightning Quirk(s), Unnamed Telekinetic/Gravity Quirk(s), Unnamed Landscape Manipulation Quirks, Unnamed Fire Quirk(s), Unnamed Monster Jaw Quirk, Miscellaneous First Generation Quirks (x4).
Voiced by Akio Ohtsuka (Japanese), John Swasey (English dub)

The overarching villain of the entire series, Shigaraki (his first name is unknown) has been around ever since Quirks came into existence and sought to build a criminal empire that would span throughout Japan by forcing others into his servitude in exchange for Quirks and loyalty. He was defied by his younger brother, which led to the creation of One For All, and a series of opponents that would ultimately lead to his demise.

All For One is the benefactor and mastermind behind the League of Villains, using Tomura Shigaraki as his protege. His synonymous Quirk, "All For One", allows him to steal and hoard Quirks from other people - Emitter, Transformation and Mutant Quirks alike - as well as grant individual Quirks to whomever the wielder chooses.

He is currently under police custody and imprisoned in Tartarus.

All For One displays the following tropes:
  • The Ageless: All Might theorizes he stole a Quirk that would make one not age, that would explain how he's still alive in this age despite his back story establishing him to be at best over one hundred years old.
  • Arch Enemy: To all the users of One For All, but most notably All Might - he killed his predecessor, Nana Shimura, and sought to destroy him at all costs, and still has nightmares about their iconic battle which left both of them grievously injured.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: Which only makes his inhuman, monstrous visage stand out.
  • Bad Powers, Bad People: His quirk makes him a literal embodiment of selfishness and greed.
  • Bald of Evil: Currently, he's completely bald as a result of his first battle against All Might. He used to have hair.
  • Benevolent Boss: As far as archvillains go, yes. He doesn't even seem angry at Shimura for royally screwing things up, and aids the other members of the League in helping them escape. Forcibly, maybe, but they'd have been arrested had he not shown up. Subverted, as it's more out of Pragmatic Villainy than any sense of loyalty or generosity.
  • Big Bad: As the leader of the League, he is the biggest threat to the protagonists of the series.
  • Big Brother Bully: It seems like he was his younger brother's primary caretaker. He also locked him in a safe ostensibly to keep him safe whilst also keeping him from interfering with his plans.
  • Bigger Bad: While All For One is vanquished from society at the end of the Hideout Raid arc, his influence continues to linger in Tomura Shigaraki, especially since he's managed to transfer the original of his Quirk to him.
  • Blind Seer: Ever since his battle with All Might, his eyes have been completely destroyed. To compensate, he uses an infrared-sensing Quirk to keep track of his surroundings. Therefore, his cell in Tartarus is jam-packed with infrared sensors that disable him from doing that.
  • Cain and Abel: His unnamed younger brother tried to stand up to him, but failed. Still, seeing as this younger brother was the first to have the One for All quirk, one can say he had the last laugh after all.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Despite his overwhelming power, he prefers to needle and toy with his foes before delivering a cheap shot to throw them off, rather than squaring off his strength.
  • Combo-Platter Powers: He has access to multiple Quirks due to stealing them from other people. He can also transfer these Quirks to other people but some cannot handle the strain of a Quirk bestowed by All For One and become mindless dolls.
  • Dark Is Evil: His color scheme is almost entirely made up of dark colors, since he's often wreathed in shadow and wears black clothing, complete with a demonic black mask.
  • Darth Vader Clone: He's mostly dressed in black, has a notably deep voice modulated by a breathing mask and is one of the most powerful antagonists in the series.
  • Deconstruction: All For One is a deconstruction of the typical supervillain you would find in superhero media.
    • He deconstructs the Card-Carrying Villain by showing how detrimental and at times self-defeating being a bad guy for the sake of nothing more than It Amused Me as a reason. While he is an intelligent planner and The Chessmaster all of his plans have no further point than Kick the Dog, being the The Social Darwinist, or being a Nietzsche Wannabe while acting on the belief that Might Makes Right. He often takes risks that are unneeded like fighting All Might personally when he could have just kept his distance which resulted in him becoming horribly crippled. Because he shuns human society and seeks to be more than human he never creates a public personal or legitimate face for his organization which he could have leveraged into influence that would have made it far more difficult for the heroes like All Might to take him down. Lastly, while he is brilliant at planning and no one knows what he is currently doing they can all but predict what his eventual aims will be such as trying to take One For All or trying to rule the world as a devil king which allows the good guys to prepare in advance and make it harder for him to achieve his aims.
    • The belief that Humans Are Flawed and his desire to not be human while thinking It's All About Me along with a massive amount of Lack of Empathy has made it hard to even relate to anyone beyond himself, caused him to misread and misunderstand situations (like believing people would turn on All Might if they saw his true frail body rather than looking up to him more realizing the cost All Might endured to be their hero), and has even been the biggest obstacle to him capturing One For All as he doesn't care enough about Anything beyond himself to call up enough willpower and hatred to overpower the wills within One For All and the current user. His attitudes have also lead to him being lazy in that he doesn't and has never really built anything for himself by himself and that all he has was either taken from others or made by using others.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He outright refuses to understand why any of the One For All bearers that opposed him did so, and was so unfailingly convinced of the righteousness (or rather, self-righteousness) of his instincts and intentions that he ended up killing them all without remorse.
  • Evil Counterpart: He's a villain called All For One. All Might is a hero whose quirk is called One For All. Do the math. The two are polar opposites in more ways than one. While both present themselves as symbols of their respective side, All Might is genuinely kind-hearted and altruistic, while All For One's politeness is a false front disguising an endless sea of egoism.
  • Evil Cripple: The battle with All Might destroyed his eyes, and he can only "see" by using one of his stolen quirks to perceive the infrared spectrum.
  • Evil Mentor: Shigaraki is both his apprentice and heir; from the look of things, Shigaraki is slated to become the new All for One.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: In Japanese, he's voiced with an imposing baritone that only helps make him come across as scarier than he already is.
  • Facial Horror: His first battle with All Might has injured him so grievously that his entire head, from the mouth upward, is nothing but mangled scar tissue, and he has to use a breathing tube to not choke.
  • Fatal Flaw: All For One is guilty of having many character flaws but his two biggest are Pride and an odd version of Sloth.
    • The pride flaw is a given as he is an amoral narcissist who cares only about himself and sees others as beneath him. This tends cause him to underestimate his opponents and those he believes cannot beat him. By his own account, his first loss to All Might came out of nowhere for him and he admits he still has nightmares and trauma about the final attack that permanently crippled him and put him on life support. Later, he does it again believing that All Might doesn't have enough power after giving away One For All to defeat him and ends up caught off guard when All Might decides to copy Deku's fighting style and feint him before finishing All For One with a surprise attack.
    • His sin of sloth is actually very subtle and hard to see behind his obsessions and drive to fulfill his goals. It's not that he is lazy in the traditional or obvious sense as he make intricate plans, has excellent organizational skills and the patience to meticulously put together an evil organization. Rather, his sloth is in how he executes his desires. While he has no problems getting his hands dirty, he prefers to use others to fulfill his goals. He brags about having followers that fulfill his wishes without even having been given orders, he has a power relies on the quirks of others but has no real power on its own, he only takes straightforward abilities that are easy to use and actively avoids taking quirks that are Difficult but Awesome because he doesn't care to take the time to learn how to use them and he never really trains or tries to improve his fighting skills while opting instead to just combine a bunch of really powerful quirks together to one-shot or overwhelm his enemies. Hell, aside from the fact that even before his body got ruined he still wasn't strong enough to accept One For All, it's all but stated in story that he just doesn't care enough about anything beyond himself to develop strong emotions or grudges towards people that would allow him to overpower the will of One For All and its current user to take it for himself. Nothing he has is anything he actually made for himself and he has only ever taken from others or used them rather than do anything on his own.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He may speak in a casual, jovial tone with a polite choice of words, but one would be a fool to consider this genuine kindness; it's merely a false front to underscore the fact that he only sees his followers as a means to an end.
  • Hate Sink: A disingenuous, manipulative scoundrel who relishes the opportunity to put salt in the wounds of his enemies and lacks any semblance of a redeeming quality. This is readily apparent in all of his interactions against someone who disagrees with him.
  • Hidden Villain: While his shadow falls on the whole series, he only officially makes an appearance in the end of Season 2.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: His desire to force his younger brother into submission led to the creation of the one Quirk that would spell his undoing - One For All. Eight generations later, All For One was defeated by All Might.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: At the end of the day, this is ultimately All For One's motivation. While it's subtle, it's very clear he has a massive Inferiority Superiority Complex and needs to prove how much greater he is than everyone else. His quirk is powerless without other quirks to steal and even then it's not his power but the powers of others. His desire for the quirks of others is a manifestation of envy and when speaking to people enjoys tearing them down and dismissing them. While he wears a fearsome mask his garb is a normal suit rather than some grand villain costume. The only time he ever exhibits true rage is when others outsmart and humiliate him. He takes pride in having servants and dominating others and enjoys feeling like a powerful demon king. Compare All For One to other Card-Carrying Villains in fiction like the Joker who's drive is to prove the worthlessness of rules, society, and morality with extreme Nihilism, Lex Luthor Who wants to surpass a godlike being with human intelligence and ingenuity, or Doctor Doom who believes that his ruling the world will be best for all, All For One seems less like an Evil Overlord and more like a Psychopathic Manchild LARPing in a world of superpowers.
  • It's All About Me: His Quirk name says it all; as a power that thrives on stealing the Quirks of other people, its user thrives on egoism and callously dismissing his fellow men as irrelevant in his Quest for glory.
  • Jerkass: To an appalling degree. Most notably, he spends the entirety of his fight with All Might mocking him: he insults his mentor, Nana Shimura, then adds more salt in the wound by revealing that Tomura is her nephew and finally mockingly asks where his smile is, all with gleeful relish at watching his foe suffer. In Japanese, he's the only character whom the normally polite All Might refers to with the extremely hostile pronoun kisama.
  • Knight of Cerebus: His very arrival is enough to strike fear even into the strongest of hearts. Namely, he somehow manages to give the five students who came to rescue Bakugo something Midoriya could only describe as hallucinations of death. From a narrative point of view, his official appearance marks a major turn in the series' overall mood for the darker.
  • Lack of Empathy: Whatever praise or concern he shows for others is only a false front, because ultimately, All For One sees his followers as a means to an end and is utterly devoid of compassion. This is also something of an Enforced Trope on his part. He sees sentimentality, guilt, and empathy for others as a weakness and since he wants to style himself as a devil king, want's nothing to do with what he sees as human weakness.
    • This becomes something of a Deconstructed Trope for him as there are several drawbacks to his mindset that actually become a hindrance to his plans. Because he won't empathize with or even try to understand others, he only has a grasp of what other people will do based on a logical analysis of their past actions. This leads to his second defeat when All Might started to take a few pages from Izukyu's book and hits All For One with a final blow he never saw coming. This is also a big obstacle in his mission to steal the quirk One For All. In order to override the wills of the spirits and current user of One For All, a strong emotionally fueled will (created by something like hatred or a desire for revenge) is needed and he just doesn't care enough about anything beyond himself to feel that kind of powerful emotion.
  • Lovecraftian Superpower: He can morph each of his arms into a hideous mass of Quirk-induced tissue that he can use to deliver a very powerful strike.
  • Made of Iron: The super regeneration Quirk he stole renders him immune to what would normally be lethal injuries, like All Might's United States of Smash. This attack was so powerful it left a crater in concrete and the shockwave caused the news helicopter above to struggle to keep airborne, yet this guy survived it.
  • Narcissist: AFO is shown as a narcissistic sociopath who only cares about power and himself or what others could do for him. His "love" for his brother was shown as possessive; he treated him rather as an extension of himself rather than a person. The same could be said for any semblance of affection he showed towards his adoptive son, Tomura Shigaraki. His immense desire to claim One for All could be seen as him trying to retrieve an "extension of himself" that refuses to comply with his wishes.
  • No Name Given: Subverted. For a large portion of the story, his true name was all but unknown and he only went by the name of his Quirk as his Villain alias. Eventually, it was found that his true family name is Shigaraki, which explains why Tomura's taken on it as well.
  • Not Quite Flight: Air Walk allows All For One to levitate in the air up to a height of about 20 meters.
  • Obviously Evil: That guy with the black suit, his face mangled in scar tissue, for which he has to wear a black mask, who mostly steals dark-themed Quirks and takes gleeful relish in psychologically tormenting his adversaries? He couldn't possibly be a villain!
  • Parental Substitute: He's been Tomura's caretaker ever since the boy killed his family and tore down his house.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: For all of All For One's philosophical musings and pontificating on the nature of good and evil, in the end, he's just an emotionally stunted manchild who wants to be the bad guy and live out a childhood fantasy. He enjoys feeling powerful and having people serve him while carrying on in a grandiose manner never missing the chance to be petty and snarky while taking glee in his acts of sadism. This further balances him against Yagi and Deku as being the heroes. Their desire to help others, learn from their mistakes, and try to understand the people around them comes of as mature and admirable where All For One's refusal to change or care about anyone beyond himself while selfishly pursuing his desires makes him come of as the demeanor of a monsterous bratty child.
  • Power Parasite: His quirk gives him the power to steal other quirks and use them. He may even give them to others.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: All Might explains his story and says this individual was alive more than once a century ago when quirks first appeared.
  • Sanity Has Advantages: All For One is a dangerous villain, Manipulative Bastard, and excellent at creating and maintaining an evil organization but you won't find any Pragmatic Villainy on his page beyond Just Shoot Him as his whole mindset and M.O. are to be a Card-Carrying Villain. He only ever does anything to be a sadist, evil overlord or that Evil Feels Good. He can't not be the bad guy even when it results in Stupid Evil like trying to fight All Might himself rather than sending all of his people at him and then either wearing him down before engaging him or hitting him while he was preoccupied with fighting his minions (All For One has no problem sacrificing his mooks). This ultimately ended up with him permanently crippled and on life support with his evil organization destroyed.
  • Scars Are Forever: His stolen Super Regeneration is completely ineffective for healing cauterized injuries. Consequently, the grievous harm he suffered in his first clash with All Might has left his head nothing but a mass of mangled scar tissue. All For One even notes how that battle haunts him to this day.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: His villain outfit is essentially a fancy, businessman-like black suit.
  • Smug Super: His arrogance, manipulative nature and outright malice are matched by a tremendous amount of power.
  • The Sociopath: Narcissistic to the point of insanity, extremely possessive, sanctimonious and utterly devoid of compassion, All For One is a bona fide psycho.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: His simmering malice is made all the more unsettling by his casual, borderline jovial manner of speaking.
  • Troll: A very malicious example. He takes much pleasure in psychologically tormenting his foes and mocking them in order to get a cheap shot at them.
  • Unskilled but Strong: He's not a proficient fighter, so he deliberately avoids stealing Quirks that take a long time to master. He prefers to steal those he can use on the go, provided that they're powerful.
  • Walking Spoiler: This character's very name associates him with an important member of the cast and its backstory, so it's impossible to talk about him without spoiling something.

Tenko Shimura - Tomura Shigaraki

Debut: Chapter 11 (Manga), Episode 8 (Anime)
Quirk: Decay, All For One (Super Regeneration, Search, Air Cannon, Radio Waves)
Voiced by Kouki Uchiyama (Japanese), Eric Vale (English dub)

The current leader of the League of Villains and the main antagonist of the series overall. His main goal is to destroy Hero society, seeing it as fickle, docile, compliant and ignorant of those in pain and the concept of justice as feeble and fragile. His original Quirk, "Decay", allows him to disintegrate and pulverize anything he touches, provided that he uses all five of his fingers. Later on, he gains the original All For One Quirk, as well as all the Quirks stolen by its previous wielder, All For One himself.

Tropes exhibited by Tomura include:
  • Affectionate Nickname: Himiko calls him "Handyman", much to his annoyance.
  • Arch Enemy: By virtue of being the disciple of All For One, Shigaraki is immediately one to Midoriya, with them being fated to lead the battle between good and evil in the future.
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: He's more perceptive and analytical than he lets on, even in his debut - he was able to predict just when Aizawa would wear his Quirk out and chose to attack him right there and then. Had this gone fully according to plan, the teacher would have been killer.
  • Ax Crazy: He's very overtly mentally unstable and he projects his aggressive urges with 100% glee, even if it means hurting himself.
  • Bad Powers, Bad People: His Quirk, Decay, is quite literally designed to make objects and creatures alike rot away into dust.
  • Badass Longcoat: Part of his attire for a large portion of Season 4, as pictured to the right.
  • Berserk Button: Simply mentioning Stain has been known to send him into a rage. In general, trying to step on his authority as the aspiring top dog among Villains is an easy way to get on his bad side.
  • Big Bad: Tomura assumes this position once All For One is defeated by All Might, and exemplifies it very well by subduing the entire Meta Liberation Army with the help of his League.
  • Character Tic: When particularly nervous or enraged, he'll viciously scratch the underside of his chin, sometimes to the point of actually drawing blood.
  • Combo-Platter Powers: He has inherited All For One which granted him not only the power to steal others people's Quirks, but the Quirks stolen by its previous user as well.
  • Creepy Monotone: In the anime, Shigaraki speaks with a soft, lethargic tone of voice that goes hand-in-hand with his harrowing appearance. In the manga, his speech bubbles are drawn as jittery with messy text, to underscore his slipshod mental state.
  • Creepy Souvenir: His body is adorned by several amputated, embalmed hands. What makes them even more harrowing is that they belong to his deceased family members, including Nana Shimura, and some street punks that All For One had Tomura kill as a rite of passage.
  • Dark Is Evil: His skin looks like that of a mangled corpse and his preferred attire color is black, all of which serve to emphasize his malice.
  • The Dragon: Since the boss of the League of Villains has health problems that prevent him from doing much fieldwork, Shigaraki is the one confronting the heroes or making new alliances most frequently.
    • Dragon-in-Chief: He's the most active member of the League until the end of Season 2, where All-For-One actually appears. Of course, once he assumes leadership of the League, he stops being this, and becomes...
      • Dragon Ascendant: With All for One behind bars, he is, at least in name, the Big Bad, assuming nobody shows up to challenge him for the role.
  • Enemy to All Living Things: His quirk makes him this physically, and he's a sociopath who hates humanity and life in general.
  • Evil Counterpart: By virtue of being All For One's successor, the inheritor of his Quirk and having a highly perceptive, analytical mind, Shigaraki is fated to be one to Izuku Midoriya. While Midoriya wants to spread compassion and help the destitute in need, Shigaraki believes that only by destroying society out of hatred and spite can a new, better world be made, although his reasons for said hatred are purely selfish.
  • Evil Feels Good: He recalls having the most pleasant of sensations after having killed his abusive father, Kotaro Shimura.
  • Expy: According to Horikoshi himself, Tomura Shigaraki is derived from the eponymous protagonist of his first one-shot, Tenko. Both have the ability to disintegrate whatever they touch, with which they accidentally killed their loved ones. Both harbor an intense hatred of society and want to rid it of good. Fittingly enough, Tenko Shimura is Tomura's real name.
  • The Faceless: His face is almost always concealed by the hand of his father. He later drops it when he feels he's grown enough to not need the support any more.
  • Genre Savvy: He's perfectly aware of how unstable Stain is and don't want him as an ally.
  • Hates Everyone Equally: Well, maybe there are a few people he hates slightly more, but overall, he hates everyone and everything. He seems unable to express any emotion but hatred. In particular, he reviled his father, Kotaro Shimura, so much that he described killing him as being filled with ecstatic pleasure.
  • Hypocrite: Being a nihilist, this is part and parcel. The reason his philosophy is fundamentally flawed is because he claims that there's no inherent value to life, society and the world at large, but he goes around destroying anything that rubs him the wrong way. On a more humorous note, his first meeting with Toga had him refer to her as a brat, despite him being very tantrum-prone at that point in the story. There's also being annoyed with Dabi not telling him his name, despite the fact that he doesn't go by his own name, either.
  • It's All About Me: Fundamentally, his reasons for going against Hero society are solipsistic, because he sees taking out his hatred of it for "kicking him to the curb" as a form of validation of his own power. He's power-hungry, and wants to amass more and more of it, especially after having been granted All For One.
  • Knight of Cerebus: In his debut, he was little more than a self-entitled brat who had anger issues and lacked a clear heading. However, come the end of the anime's second season onward, he is treated far more seriously as an antagonist. He begins to keep his temper in check, which, in turn, helps him better hone his tactical mind, all of which make him a much more dangerous threat to the heroes.
  • Lack of Empathy: Given that he's so mired in his hatred of society at large, Shigaraki is utterly devoid of genuine compassion. Despite showing some borderline sympathy towards his underlings, he doesn't empathize with them.
  • Long-Lost Relative: He's in fact the grandson of Nana Shimura, the seventh wielder of One For All, his father being her son, Kotaro Shimura.
  • Moral Myopia: While he isn't entirely wrong about the myriad of social issues that have been left to fester within Hero Society, his use of mass wholesale destruction as a solution has had the effect of replicating the root cause behind those issues on a larger scale.
  • Never My Fault: For his understandably tragic backstory and his chilling monologue in the Paranormal Liberation War, Tomura Shigaraki is ultimately a man who refuses to address his weaknesses, blames the rest of the world for his failings and uses the aforementioned tragic backstory as a justification for his malice. Because of All For One's (the villain's) influence, he is unable to entertain the possibility that he's wrong about anything.
  • Nietzsche Wannabe: He firmly believes that there is no inherent value to what society props up as proper, seeking to destroy it all with a vengeance.
  • Obviously Evil: He looks like a living corpse with severed hands grasping his face and limbs; very easy for anyone to presume he's up to no-good.
  • Power Parasite: Inheriting All For One has turned him into one which make him more frightening as a Villain.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: He's a very unstable, evil individual with red eyes.
  • Self-Harm: When particularly enraged, Tomura will scratch his neck so viciously he ends up drawing blood.
  • Self-Made Orphan: He accidentally killed his family when his Decay Quirk first manifested, and deliberately killed his father.
  • Touch of Death: In his own words, his Decay can kill a person within a minute by grinding them into a fine powder. However, after Dr. Garaki's experiments, he's been able to use it to a much more terrible effect.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Young Tenko Shimura was a cheerful and even kindly boy who aspired to be a Hero, not unlike Midoriya. However, the repeated abuse he suffered from his foul father, the rest of his family's hesitation to stop it, the traumatic awakening of his Quirk and finally, his adoption by All For One, set him on a one-way path to evil.

All For One's Lieutenants


Debut: Chapter 11 (Manga), Episode 8 (Anime)
Quirk: Warp Gate
Voiced by Takahiro Fujiwara (Japanese), Chuck Huber (English dub)

A ghastly-looking member of the League who serves as Shigaraki's personal guard. His Quirk, Warp Gate, allows him to create portals out of his body through which anyone can pass through as they will.

Tropes exhibited by Kurogiri include:
  • Affably Evil: Kurogiri is generally cordial and formal with both his villain comrades and with the heroes he fights against.
  • Ambiguously Human: Given that he seems to be nothing but a mass of black fog, it's hard to think Kurogiri could be human. Eventually, it's revealed that while he used to be human, he isn't anymore: he is, in fact, a Nomu.
  • The Bartender: In the League's old bar hideout, he was usually the one taking care of the dishes and drinks.
  • Co-Dragons: With Tomura to All For One, and with Dabi to Tomura.
  • Dark Is Evil: He's a walking mass of black mist, and a prominent member of the League.
  • Evil Former Friend: To Aizawa and Yamada: he is a Nomu made from the remains of their fellow student Oboro Shirakumo and another person.
  • Evil Makes You Monstrous: The most inhuman-looking of the League, he looks like a ghost made of black fire with glaring, demonic eyes, only the suit he wears hinting that he was ever human.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Whether it's Japanese, or the English dub, Kurogiri speaks with a booming baritone that lends itself very well to his overall eldritch appearance.
  • The Faceless: His face, as well as the rest of his body, is always obscured by the shadows of his Quirk.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Whether there's anything left under that dark mist that resembles Shirakumo's original body is debatable.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: Whenever Shigaraki begins throwing an apoplectic seizure, it's usually up to Kurogiri to take the reins.
  • Meaningful Name: If it is his true name, being named "black mist" completely fits his Quirk.
  • Obviously Evil: He's pure, living, darkness. Nobody is going to mistake him for anything but a villain.
  • Portal Cut: If he closes his Portal while you're only halfway in, you'll be split in half.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Often seen wearing a fine suit whenever he's doing work at the bar.
  • Straight Man: He's pretty down to earth compared to most members of the League of Villains.
  • Teleporters and Transporters: Can teleport people using portals made of shadow using his Quirk.
  • Undying Loyalty: He is unfailingly faithful to All For One and even Tomura, despite having his spats with the latter. Later on, it's revealed that part of the reason for this behavior is because he is a Nomu, and all Nomu are blindly obedient to their masters and lack the capacity to make their own decisions.
  • Villain Teleportation: He is the living incarnation of this trope, since his basic function is to send his comrades to the battlefield and then take them back when they need to escape.
  • Warp Zone: His Quirk's main power is to produce portals through which anyone can escape to anywhere Kurogiri directs them to.
  • Was Once a Man: In later chapters, he's been revealed to be a highly intelligent Nomu, created from the remnants of Aizawa's old friend, Oboro Shirakumo.

Shigaraki's Lieutenants

Toya Todoroki - Dabi

Debut: Chapter 57 (Manga), Episode 31 (Anime)
Quirk: Cremation
Voiced by Hiro Shimono (Japanese), Jason Liebrecht (English dub)

A more recent, mysterious recruit of the League and one of Shigaraki's closest and most powerful allies. He only goes by a villain name identity, leaving his true name and motivations hidden, though he seems to have some connection with the Todorokis. He possesses a fire-based Quirk that allows him to produce incredibly hot flames. However, unlike the known Todorokis, his body isn't properly suited to it, leaving large parts of his body singed and scarred.

Dabi displays the following tropes:
  • Aloof Ally: As an exception to the norm, he has very little camaraderie with his allies and doesn't connect to them on an emotional level, seeing their powers as mere pawns in achieving what he sees as "the greater good". By his own admission, he doesn't care about the League at all.
  • Antagonistic Offspring: The sworn enemy of the Todoroki family is also their oldest child. He reveals that he planned on killing Shoto just to spite his father, as well as sending Nomus after Natsuo for the same reason. He ultimately claims he lost his feeling for anything.
  • Archnemesis Dad: He tried his hardest to prove himself worthy to of carrying his father's legacy, but was rejected and cast aside due to his quirk being flawed. His true goal is to bring Endeavor down in the harshest, most humiliating way possible.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: He's so powerful that Tomura entrusted him with leading the Vanguard Action Squad in the assault on the Forest Training Camp, as well as charged him with developing and overseeing a Nomu.
  • Badass Longcoat: One of the most distinguishable parts of his attire is a black trench coat which he wore ever since the attack on the forest camp.
  • Body Horror: A large part of his skin is singed, and his lower jaw seems to be detached from his skull, only held in place by stitches.
  • Cain and Abel: By association he is this to Shōto, but far more of his rage is reserved towards their father.
  • Creepy Shadowed Undereyes: His eyebags and lower eyecaps are also singed, giving off this impression.
  • Dark Is Evil: He has black hair, mostly wears black clothing and is most unambiguously a bad guy.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Dabi has a penchant for making snide comments about things he finds foolish or pointless.
  • The Dragon: To Tomura, being one of his closest and most dangerous allies.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: He outright admits to Shigaraki that he's only out to benefit himself, with Shigaraki being fine with it only because of how effective Dabi is.
  • Evil Is Burning Hot: With a villain whose power is to produce incredibly hot flames that are used for causing mass destruction, this is part and parcel.
  • Glasgow Grin: His lower jaw is only held to his skull by stitching, being visibly separated and creating an exaggerated form of this.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: He seems to consider his membership in the League a means to pursue some personal goal, which he has yet to reveal.
  • It's All About Me: He outright states he's only using the League of Villains as a means to obtain personal goals, which means he's considerably more selfish than the rest of the crew.
  • Lack of Empathy: Considering he's a serial killer bent on destroying hero society and dismantling his father's heroic legacy without any regard for how his mother, or his siblings, would feel about it, this is a given.
  • Lean and Mean: He's tall, lanky, part of the League and rotten to the core.
  • Long-Lost Relative: Toya Todoroki, oldest son of Enji Todoroki, AKA Endeavor.
  • Loony Fan: Averted; unlike Toga, Dabi actually values the Hero Killer's principles and has a desire to see them through. He's also a lot more serious than the latter.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He has a knack for framing events in a different light than what's true and getting away with it, as shown with his broadcast. He knows that people are malleable enough to buy his story, because he appeals to emotions to twist peoples' view of Heroes. All For One and Shigaraki himself would be impressed.
  • Meaningful Name: "Dabi" quite literally means "cremation".
  • Moral Myopia: He uses his younger brother, Natsuo, to scapegoat Endeavor and Shoto during his Motive Rant, but sees no issue in that same Natsuo nearly being killed by villains that he sent, under the excuse that he's "not that big on feelings anymore". Shoto calls him out for his hypocrisy.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Dabi refuses to reveal his true identity throughout most of his appearances up until the Paranormal Liberation War arc. There, he outright admits that he is the long-lost Toya Todoroki, oldest son of Endeavor.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Being one of the more reserved, even-tempered members of the League, he speaks with a casual, quiet tone of voice.
  • Tall, Dark and Snarky: He's black-haired, tall and rangy, as well as generally dry and sardonic.

Himiko Toga

Debut: Chapter 57 (Manga), Episode 31 (Anime)
Quirk: Transform
Voiced by Misato Fukuen (Japanese), Leah Clark (English dub)

A deranged high school dropout turned murderer, Toga is one of the more recent recruits of the League. Initially a major fan of Hero Killer Stain. Her Quirk, "Transform", allows her to take the shape of whichever person she ingests the blood of.

Toga exhibits the following tropes:
  • Affably Evil: She is disturbingly friendly and chatty with her enemies and would-be victims, talking casually about herself and the other person's feelings. And Heaven forfend that she actually develops feelings for you.
  • Ax Crazy: She has no semblance of mental stability, and on top of that, she will escalate to violence if it means she'll get her gratification.
  • Bad Powers, Bad People: Her Quirk's very nature goes perfectly in hand with her lustful personality and her cravings of violence.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: She may seem to be an incredibly giddy girl with a wacky hairdo, but she is incredibly competent when tasked with taking somebody down, and has developed a skill set that enables her to do so.
  • Blood Magic: Her Quirk requires ingesting someone else's blood in order to transform into them for a period of time. The duration of the transformation depends on the quantity of blood.
  • Blood Lust: She's naturally drawn to blood as a source for her Quirk's activation; the reason she liked Stain so much is because of his choice of attire coloration, and she's turned on by Midoriya because he was a broken, bloody mess when she first saw him.
  • Body Horror: When she runs out of a given person's blood, her disguise melts off of her like mud.
  • Chaos Is Evil: Her only true goal (if it can be called that) is obtaining complete freedom from social expectations and norms.
  • Cute and Psycho: She may be a reasonably attractive girl with an extremely giddy personality, but she's completely off her rocker.
  • Dark Chick: The chief female member of the League, and as of Magne's death, the only female member period.
  • Depraved Bisexual: She's completely out of her mind, and has openly lusted for Stain, Midoriya and Uraraka.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Strange as it may seem, she has genuine loyalty to other Legion members, showing concern to both Twice and Mr. Compress, plus swearing revenge against the Shie Hassaikai for the death of Magne. Unfortunately, this loyalty only seems to harden her and make her crueler towards her heroic foes.
  • Face Framed in Shadow: How she's initially introduced in Chapter 57, but we do see her full face at the end of the chapter.
  • Fangs Are Evil: Her canine teeth are drawn as sharp and pointed, driving home her malice as well as her blood-sucking Quirk, invoking tropes associated with the Vampire.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: If she transforms over her clothes, they'll be absorbed by her Quirk's power. Once her transformation ends, she's left naked, yet she still opts to fight.
  • It's All About Me: Her notion of love is reserved exclusively to sterile acts of personal gratification, which she only feels when she maims someone and takes their blood. She never genuinely cares about the person.
  • Knife Nut: These are her weapons of choice, beside a small suction device that she thrusts into her victim's body.
  • Know When to Fold'Em: She's more than savvy enough to know when fighting on would be a mistake: she prefers to take on her victims alone and will usually flee when reinforcements come.
  • Lesser of Two Evils: As psychotic as she is, it's fair to say most fans were on her side when she took on (and took down) loathsome paparazzi and Straw Hypocrite Chitose Kizuki.
  • Moral Myopia: She's furious over Twice's death and kills numerous Heroes, hating them for killing someone she cared for, yet she has murdered dozens of people who hate her for taking loved ones away from her. Uravity even calls her out on it during their reunion.
  • Obviously Evil: That smile is all you need to know she's not the type you'd want to meet in a dark alley...
  • Sailor Fuku: Even after becoming a full-on murderer, she still wears what would be a regular Japanese school uniform.
  • Serial Killer: Seemed to be this before. The reason she wants to help the villains is solely because is hard to be a serial killer with so many heroes out there.
  • Slasher Smile: Never seen without it.
  • The Smurfette Principle: She's the only female member of the League who is a significant member, and as of Magne's death, the only female member period.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Her quirk is one that would benefit a stealthy assassin, but her madness often prevents such subtlety. Clearly she is a villain where, for any hero who opposes her, Sanity Has Advantages.
  • Villainous Crush: She seems to strongly lust for Midoriya, referring to him by his first name. He's less than pleased by this.
  • Yandere: If she doesn't like you, be wary, but if she does, be horrified. Her dialogue the first time she and Midoriya met would have suggested flirting, had she not been trying to stab him at the time. On a specific level, she seems to like Stain a lot.
  • You're Insane!: She actually got this from the other members of the League of Villains when she first tried to join. Didn't stop them from letting her, though.

Jin Bubaigawara - Twice

Debut: Chapter 77 (Manga), Episode 43 (Anime)
Quirk: Double
Voiced by Dachi Endō (Japanese), Newton Pittman (English dub)

A fully costumed man with an odd way of speaking, Twice is one of the League's more recent recruits. His past is, to put it simply, an unpleasant affair: he overindulged in his Quirk, which led to a chaotic scenario that cost him his mental health, as well as full control of his powers. The aforementioned Quirk is called "Double", and it allows him to make clones of anyone, provided he knows their exact measurements.

Twice exhibits the following tropes:
  • Affably Evil: Twice is one of the more friendly and whimsical members of the League, often taking (hopeless) passes at Toga and trying to make sure his allies are well-cared for. He's particularly distraught if he feels he's done something to harm them.
  • Ambiguous Clone Ending: Inverted, as this was used as his backstory. His quirk lets him make duplicates of anything, and he can easily clone himself. Unfortunately, he did this so often, that he and his clones forgot who the real Twice was. They started arguing, and the argument turned violent, until most of them killed each other. Only one survived, and while he'd like to think he's the original, he knows the odds are very much against it. This self-doubt and questionable self-worth soured his personality, leading to his Start of Darkness.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: He may have an out-there personality and sound goofy, but his Quirk is by far considered the most dangerous out of any that the League of Villains possesses.
  • Cloning Blues: A riot broke between his clones leading them to kill each other, making him socially reclusive and leading him to ally with social outcasts, no matter how evil they are.
  • Doppelganger Attack: He usually sends the clones he creates out as a distraction for his opponents. They're also able to perfectly mimic the Quirks of whomever they're supposed to be a double of.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: In Japanese, Twice is given quite a deep voice, in contrast with his goofy exterior.
  • Expendable Clone: The clones his Quirk creates may be effective in the short term, but they're not very durable. To boot, destroying them doesn't affect Twice in any way.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Even though he regularly takes passes at Toga, she never takes it seriously and only considers him a close associate. Given Toga's views on love and sexuality, it's a good thing for Twice.
  • Laughably Evil: The first time we get to see him, his antics are played for laughs. The more we learn about his tragic past, however, the less humorous his behavior is.
  • Matter Replicator: The essence of his Quirk is that he can create a convincing duplicate of just about any person or object he gets to measure, with the caveat that they aren't very durable.
  • Meaningful Name: Zigzagged, seeing as he can replicate something far more than just twice.
  • Me's a Crowd: He can create clones of people and his own clones can also use this, though his quirk only allows two copies to be created at one time.
  • Reality Ensues: Creating clone slave servants don't work when you're the kind of lazy person trying to rely on them.
  • Stepford Smiler: "Unstable" variety, at times. His dialogue often sounds optimistic and encouraging during a crisis, very unlike what his background might suggest.
  • Split Personality: Twice seems to be constantly arguing with himself, the "himself" implied to be a clone of his that's itching to split away.
  • Tragic Villain: Because he mismanaged his quirk, he was driven to madness and paranoia. He thinks that the only place insane people like him can fit into society is by being part of a community of insane (and probably villainous) people.
  • Undying Loyalty: He is unfailingly devoted to the League, because he feels he owes them a lot for accepting him in spite of his mental issues.

Other Members

???? ???? - Muscular

Debut: Chapter 72 (Manga), Episode 40 (Anime)
Quirk: Muscle Augmentation
Voiced by Kōsuke Takaguchi (Japanese), Jim Foronda (English dub)

A more recent recruit of the League and a veteran criminal and murderer. His Quirk, Muscle Augmentation, allows him to enlarge and empower his body's muscles to grant him incredible strength and durability.

Muscular displays the following tropes:
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: For someone with a muscle-based Quirk who also happens to be quite the putz when it comes to strategy, it's part and parcel that this is his only strategy.
  • Ax Crazy: This depraved beast takes gleeful relish in tormenting anyone he can get his paws on, even children. He only joined the League because it gives him an excuse to kill people.
  • Body Horror: When he Hulks Out his muscles literally rip apart his skin, leaving them exposed.
  • The Brute: A tall, hulking psychopath who's only interested in killing people.
  • Dumb Muscle: He gives away the League's plan of capturing Bakugo within seconds of meeting Midoriya. Fittingly, the databook gives him a meager 1 out of 5 in intelligence.
  • Eye Scream: His left eye was gouged out by Kota's parents before he killed them.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He may open a conversation rather casually and give you friendly compliments about your wardrobe, but he's just toying with his prey before ripping them to shreds.
  • Hero-Killer: Sometime in the recent past he murdered the husband-wife pro-hero team Water Hose; although, it was a Heroic Sacrifice on the pair's part to protect civilians, and Muscular didn't escape unscathed. He likely killed other pro Heroes before them.
  • Heroic Build: Inverted. He may have a rock-hard physique, but he's as far from a Hero as you can possibly get.
  • No Name Given: His real name is unknown, and he goes by his villain alias alone.
  • Psycho for Hire: States outright to Midoriya that he doesn't care one iota about the League's goals, and just joined up with them so he could kill people without anything holding him back.
  • Slasher Smile: This is his default and only facial expression, which makes him all the more unsettling.
  • The Sociopath: His excuse to Kota (who seems around ten years old) for killing Kota's parents is that he "just felt like killing someone." This man is evil to the core.
  • Super Speed: The augmented muscle fibers can give him strength in his legs thus allowing him to move at blurring speeds.
  • Super Strength: His Muscle Augmentation can amplify his muscle fibers that it can't be contained by his skin. This Quirk gives him a major amount of strength.
  • Super Toughness: Muscle Augmentation makes muscular so durable that he casually shrugs off 5% of One For All and easily deals with a 100%, only going down when Midoriya goes beyond his limit.
  • Swiss Army Superpower: Muscle Augmentation allows Muscular to use augmented muscle fibers that can be used to increase his physical abilities to superhuman levels. This Quirk can give him superhuman strength, durability, and speed by giving him augmented muscle fibers.

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