User:Damian Yerrick/crosswick worksheet

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
Revision as of 21:33, 27 July 2014 by Damian Yerrick (talk | contribs) (MW'd (4 of 5))

These changes were made by Damian Yerrick to the article Website/Cracked on TV Tropes between June 2012 and November 2013. The changes have been extracted in PmWiki markup from the article's history on TV Tropes and need to be integrated into the work page and crosswicked in the respective trope pages.

  1. MediaWikify them
  2. Merge them into
  3. Merge them into the respective trope articles
* RaceLift: 
** "Make Them American, Even if They're Not" is #3 of [[ 6 Tricks Movies Use to Make Sure You Root for the Right Guy]].
** In [[ The 5 Most Insulting Defenses of Nerd Racism]], J.F. Sargent defends the practice of sacrificing fidelity to the source comics in superhero films.
* RealityIsUnrealistic:
** [[ 5 True Stories Cut from Movies for Being Too Unrealistic]] lists "mind-blowing moments from real life that Hollywood decided were too fantastic", such as John Dillinger taking three people hostage in ''Film/PublicEnemies'' but 17 in RealLife.
* RegeneratingHealth:
** The regeneration in first-person shooters since ''VideoGame/FaceBall2000'' is the #23 [[ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
** One of [[ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is to "duck and cover and stay put until you are fully healed."
* Required Secondary Powers
** Implied by [[ 6 Awesome Superpowers (That Would Suck in Real Life)]]. For example, being able to throw lightning would require immunity to effects on sight and hearing similar to those of stun grenades, and force fields would need immunity to NotTheFallThatKillsYou.
* {{Retronym}}: One of Winston Rowntree's [[ The 4 Reasons We Fall in Love With a Piece of Pop Culture]] is that it's "porn", which he defines as any cultural work "that you seek out to animalistically fill a specific need." He runs through a bunch of [[ItsNotPornItsAnIndex things jokingly called porn]], coining the retronym "Sex Porn" in the process.
* RivalsTeamUp: [[ The 5 Most Insane Teams in the History of Sports]] calls the Steagles, an alliance of longtime rival NFL teams from Pennsylvania when most of their regular players were drafted to fight WorldWarII, "too stupid even for a sports movie".
* RockBeatsLaser: "Make Them Technologically Inferior" is #5 of the [[ 6 Tricks Movies Use to Make Sure You Root for the Right Guy]].
* TheRuleOfFirstAdopters: One of [[ 22 Terrible Ways We Would Use Sci-Fi Technology]] is using a ''Franchise/StarTrek'' replicator to make a sex toy. It wouldn't be a stretch from [[ real-life 3D printed sex toys]] though.
* RulesOfTheRoad: Several in [[ 32 Alternate Interpretations of Common Warning Signs]]
* SaveScumming: How time works with this in play is the #17 [[ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
* TheScream: Photoplasty [[ Famous Images, As Seen From a Different Angle]] shows what the figure in Edvard Munch's painting was screaming at: Franchise/{{Superman}}.
* ScunthorpeProblem
** [[ 6 Spectacularly Failed Attempts to Be Politically Correct]] tells how Microsoft banned an Xbox 360 user from Xbox Live for being from Fort Gay, West Virginia.
** Seen on ''Cracked'' itself in the comments section...
* SeenItAll: Losing the ability to be surprised by entertainment is one of [[ 5 Warning Signs That You're Finally Getting Older]]. Entertainment will ruin your life [[TVTropesWillRuinYourLife with or without TV Tropes]].
* SeriousBusiness: ''Film/{{Rad}}'', where the entire culture of a town is built around BMX, is cited in "[[ The 4 Weirdest Lessons '80s Movies Really Wanted to Teach Us]]" as the most ridiculous example of a hobby that saves the world.
* ShopliftAndDie: One of [[ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is to avert this by putting a basket on the shopkeeper's head. "Robbery is easier than you think."
* SmartPeopleWearGlasses: #4 of [[ 5 Unrealistic Movie Cliches That Are Scientifically Accurate]] points out a study finding that intelligence and education are somehow correlated with nearsightedness in real life.
* TheSmurfettePrinciple:
** Most of the videos on the site have a single female.
** [[ The 6 Most Bizarre Ways to Lose Popular Video Games]] describes a pub in the game ''VideoGame/{{Dishonored}}'' as containing "Havelock the leader, Piero the geeky inventor, and Callista the woman."
* SpringtimeForHitler: [[ 5 Classic Movies Made by People Who Wanted Them to Fail]] mentions the 1955 romantic dramedy ''Film/{{Marty}}'', starring Creator/ErnestBorgnine, which was expected to fail (and save the studio a bundle on income tax) but when its ugly actors ended up resonating as more authentic to viewers, it ended up winning four Academy Awards and a Palme d'Or. The article describes its production as having "literally started out as the plot of ''Film/TheProducers''."
* StealthParody
** Cracked has done some of their own.  For example, Robert Brockway's "[[ 5 Things You Learn From a Lifetime of Screwing Up]]" is probably a parody of David Wong and John Cheese articles.
* StockholmSyndrome: ''Cracked'' accuses ''Disney/BeautyAndTheBeast'' of this in [[ 23 Romantic Movies Revised for Honesty]] and [[ 5 Romantic Movie Gestures That Were Actually Dick Moves]].
* TacticalSuicideBoss: One of [[ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "it may take a few tries, but life gets easier once you figure out the patterns." The example is from ''VideoGame/PunchOut''.
* TechnologyMarchesOn: [[ 6 Technologies Conspicuously Absent From Sci-Fi Movies]] explores technologies widely available when several well-known science fiction films were first published that would have completely [[TropeBreaker broken]] their plots: bicycles, night vision goggles, unmanned combat vehicles, Wi-Fi, GPS, and cell phones.
* ThrowItIn: [[invoked]] [[ 6 Iconic Movie Scenes That Happened by Accident]] cites Viggo Mortensen's broken toe in ''Film/TheLordOfTheRings'', among others.
* ToothyBird: The toothlike serrations inside a penguin's mouth, used to grip fish, are #3 of the [[ 7 Most Terrifying Mouths in Nature]].
* ToughActToFollow: [[invoked]] "[[ 5 Works of Art So Good, They Ruined Their Whole Genre]]" calls ''Film/TwoThousandOneASpaceOdyssey'', DavidBowie's ''The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust'', ''Film/FightClub'', two BobMarley albums, and ''Film/AnimalHouse'' tough acts to follow in their respective genres.
* TreeTopTown: The Korowai tribe of Papua New Guinea live in tree houses 100 feet up to escape floods and predators, according to [[ 9 Houses You Won't Believe People Actually Live In]] and [[ 6 Isolated Groups Who Had No Idea That Civilization Existed]].
* TrumanShowPlot: ''Film/TheTrumanShow'' is called one of [[ 6 Movies That Accidentally Recreate Real Mental Illnesses]] because its plot resembles the real-life delusion that one's life is a reality show, a mental illness investigated by doctors Joel and Ian Gold.
* TruthInTelevision: [[ 5 Unrealistic Movie Cliches That Are Scientifically Accurate]] explores the real-life counterparts of five tropes that are more realistic than they [[RealityIsUnrealistic may sound]].
* TwentyFourHourArmor: One of [[ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "real men sleep in their armor."