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Generation X/Characters

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Characters that have appeared in Generation X

Main Cast

Sean Cassidy / Banshee

A detective and minor Irish nobleman, Sean Cassidy was a former Interpol inspector with flight and sound manipulation abilities. After his wife died in a terrorist bombing, he blamed his cousin, causing him to run off with his daughter and driving a rift between the two. He was mind-controlled by an alien terrorist group but freed by the X-Men. Later, he joins the X-Men when the original five are kidnapped. Being about 10-15 years older than the rest of the recruits, he was only active for a short amount of time but still hung around as a reserve and as a mentor, who applied his experience in espionage and anti-terrorism to the younger members of the group.

Emma Grace Frost / White Queen

See X-Men.

Everett Thomas / Synch

Jubilation Lee / Jubilee

See X-Men.

Paige Guthrie / Husk

  • Barbie Doll Anatomy/ Magic Pants: She's naked when using her powers.
  • Deep South
  • Funetik Aksent: She slips into a Kentucky accent when scared or stressed.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: Husk was revealed as this. Her brother was already the super-hero Cannonball, and she tried everything she could to get mutant powers to develop, almost killing herself a few times. Finally she just about gave up, crying and clenching herself... when her skin started flaking off like old wallpaper. She ripped and shredded and tore herself up, which for anyone else would have been scary as hell, but for her, it was the happiest moment of her life.
  • Kid Appeal Character
  • Magic Pants: Husk has the ability to transform her skin into any material she can think of; but she must tear off the existing layer to do so. This results in her being naked a fair amount of time, but censor steam is not used in all scenes if her new skin serves the purpose of costume. She has specifically refused to revert to her human form on occasions because of her nudity.
  • May-December Romance: For a while, she was in a relationship with Archangel. This has since fallen by the wayside.
  • Squick: Her power is to tear off her outer layer of skin and reveal a new form underneath.

Angelo Espinosa / Skin

Monet St. Croix / M

Jonothon Evan Starsmore / Chamber

Penance / Hollow


Nicole and Claudette St. Croix /The M-Twins / M-Plate


Arthur "Artie" Maddicks / Artie

Franklin Richards


Clarice Ferguson / Blink

Japheth / Maggott

A south African teenager from a poor family. As a child, his family thought he was dying from stomach cancer because his abdomen constantly bulged and he was constantly hungry. Actually, he was going through a mutation in which his stomach turned into a pair of semi-autonomous slugs. To feed, Japheth had to have the slugs burst out of his stomach, feed on any substance, then return, giving him a burst of superstrength. Japheth joined the X-Men for only a short time before vanishing and reappearing years later to be killed in a Canadian concentration camp for mutants.


Marius St. Croix / Emplate / M-Plate

George Baker / D.O.A.

Adrienne Frost / White Queen



Thomas Cassidy / Black Tom





Bianca LaNeige

Recurring Characters



Daria / Sentinel Girl

Miguela Tores

Cordelia Frost

Cartier St. Croix

Chief Authier and Tracy Authier

Tristan Brawn

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