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Bpen loves making [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] to other works. Here are some of them:
=== Multiple references: ===
''{{smallcapssmall-caps|[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]}}''
* Evangelion Fantasy Battles is painfully obvious.
''{{smallcapssmall-caps|[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]}}''
* Chapter 10: Touji and Kensuke pointing to the sky and asking Asuka: "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE?!?"
** And of course, many variations by many different characters.
* Chapter 10, also: Toji: "To those who have faith, as long as the chances aren't zero it might as well be a hundred!"
* Chapter 17: "Kirishima-san. You came here wanting to know. I will show it to you..." He pointed up. "Follow me and we will pierce the heavens. Believe in me, and we shall hold eternity in our palms."
* Chapter 32: One of the trooper sergeants shouts to his squad before the underwater battle, "Pile on, boys! Show these scum who we are! Time to go kick reason to the curb and go Beyond The Impossible. PIERCE THE ALIENS WITH YOUR DRILL!"
* Chapter 36: "You don't have to believe in yourself, you're just going to mess things up that way! Believe in me who believes in you!"
* Chapter 37: Some were already calling it the ''Nia Teppelin''.
* "Hey! Yamagishi! Listen...! If you can't believe in yourself, then believe in me who... [[Precision F -Strike|fuck it]], I'm not finishing that."
''{{smallcapssmall-caps|[[Star Wars]]}}''
* From chapter 19:
{{quote| [[A New Hope|"You're going in that thing?" Asuka said to Mana with exaggerated disbelief. "You're braver than I thought."]]}}
* Dr. Sean Vord Lader (don't worry, it's [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]]) and the recurring phrase "Search your feelings, you know it to be true." Numerous other references to Vader can be found throughout the story.
* One of the senior monks of Javaal carries a walking stick that [[Discworld|used to be part of a broom]], and talks like Yoda because his lungs are wrecked from smoking. Later in the story, {{spoiler|he dual-wields lightsabers}}.
** Which, considering that character's fondness for the movies (he also designed a lightsaber-esque version of their crystal tipped staves), is probably intentional on the character's part.
* Chapter 43: Gendo's thirteenth Evangelion plan, involving Earth's Cradle, is nicknamed the Death Star plan.
* [[The Phantom Menace|"Are you an angel?"]]
* And combining the above two, we have this from Chapter 42: "And again with the lightning. Who the hell does he think he is? Palpatine?!"
''{{smallcapssmall-caps|[[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy]]}}''
* Ritsuko takes refuge in a book she owns with "Don't Panic" printed in large friendly letters on the cover.
* One of Shinji's simpler AT-field tricks creates a "Somebody Else's Problem" field to avoid attention.
* Also: "There was the sound of tearing metal, the feel of cold rushing air on his face; the knowing the entire train was going off the rails and inexplicably flying through the air with the greatest of ease... tumbling, sky, ground, sky, ground, was that a potted plant?"
* "What's so interesting out there, anyway?" "Mm. Life. The universe. Everything."
''{{smallcapssmall-caps|[[Planescape: Torment]]}}''
* Endure. And in enduring grow strong.
* "What can change the nature of a man?"
''{{smallcapssmall-caps|[[Monty Python and Thethe Holy Grail]]}}''
* Then again, Javaal is a silly place.
* "HA! I taunt in your general direction!".
* Later chapters contain a large number of references to Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri as well, and the {{spoiler|zombie plague's}} origins may be relatives of ''[[Stargate SG -1]]'''s Goa'uld.
** Chapter 38 possibly references ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]'': "Is the Trident that so different from the Eva? It at least did not require an activation gene."
* Javaal's Temple of Trials, with its giant ants and scorpions.
** The Vaultec Pip Boy Kensuke has in the [[Hot Springs Episode]].
* Chapter 38: "War, war never changes."
* [[G Gundam|"My hand is burning! Its shine is calling out for me to defeat you!"]]
* Chapter 24:
{{quote| She looked at the mailing list and saw that one of the scientists was actually named [[Mobile Suit Gundam|Minovsky.]] It took her half an hour to stop laughing.}}
** When discussing what to call the Asshimar, the name ''mobile suit'' comes up. Asuka promises to stab the first person to refer to them as such.
** "Souls weighed down by gravity." Contolism, anyone?
* "Shinji had the strangest urge to name [the Evangelion transport] a [[Firefly (TV)|Hotaru]] carrier. In the end, he decided he wouldn't bless its machine spirit with ''[[Serenity (Film)|Gran Serena]]'' until it got itself equipped with a few 'bringer of battlefield serenity' heavy autocannons or N2 mines."
''{{smallcapssmall-caps|[[Harry Potter]]}}''
* "I know young mister Ikari has a saving people thing..."
* Neither could live while the other survived.
* Chapter 27: A pattern of sunken lines appeared across Iruel's body. Lines which then grew bright red, and a similar constant beam shot forth.
** Maya muttered something about preferring the name 'Cortana'. A naked female advisor would have been just too obvious as marketing appeal.
* After the MAGI goes down ''yet again'' in Chapter 40, Admiral Yang wonders if giving one computer so much power is a good idea, explicitly comparing the MAGI to Skynet.
** Chapter 42: "No fate but what we make!"
''{{smallcapssmall-caps|[[Girl Genius]]}}''
* Aside from Sparks and all that, there's a soldier named ''Wulfenbach'', who basically turns [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] and [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshading]] [[Up to Eleven]] at the same time:
{{quote| "This is getting ridiculous." he said, completely overlooking again that he should have had to reload -sometime- after shooting burst after burst with his Bolt Pistol. He had however, found a hat along the way. It was a [[Nice Hat]].}}
** Chapter 42: When Ritsuko connects with MAGI, she speaks and acts in a way eerily similar to Castle Heterodyne.
* "It is not as if you would go on a ten-year training trip to learn martial arts, criminology, and high technology just to dress up like a bat and punch people in the face."
* Chapter 42: [[The Dark Knight|"Some days he just wanted to see the world]] ''[[The Dark Knight|burn]]''[[The Dark Knight|."]]
* Shinji [[Memetic Mutation|is a good boy!]]
* The name for this! IS [[Dynamic Entry|DYNAMIC ENTRY!]]
''{{smallcapssmall-caps|[[TV Tropes]]}}''
* "We will not [[Combining Mecha|gattai]] the Evas or their pilots. Such thoughts lead inevitably to [[Transformation Sequence|transformation sequences]]."
=== One-offs: ===
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* "I can't resist it! I must say it! [[Death Note (Manga)|Just! As! Planned!]]"
* At least it was one scene of devastation that couldn't be blamed on Shinji Ika...wait. He was around, wasn't he? That was enough. He's like a [[Trigun|humanoid typhoon]].
* {{spoiler|Yui}} placed her open right hand on his face, just covering his eyes. [[Monster (Animemanga)|"Humans... can become anything."]] she whispered.
* [[Tsukihime|(this angel this angel this angel...! It is an eyesore!)]]
* [[Dragonball Z|"Pilot Sohryu,]] [[Memetic Mutation|I am charging your laser."]]
* [[Slayers|"Do you fancy yourself a Lord of Nightmares now?"]]
* Chapter 40 includes cameos from the main characters of ''[[Angel Densetsu (Manga)|Angel Densetsu]]''.
* Chapter 40 : [[Voltron|"Dynotherms connected...Megathrusters are go."]]
* Chapter 10 shows the Evangelion Fantasy Battle Trading Card Game. It sounds extremely "similar" to ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]''.
* [[Azumanga Daioh (Manga)|Suddenly, each MP Eva wished they were a bird.]]
* Chapter 35: [[Hellsing|"Monsters will never defeat monsters. Only humans will be able to kill the Angels."]]
* When SEELE finds out the Dead Seas Scrolls have changed, they refer to the "quantum magic" [[Memetic Mutation|meme]] found in some sections of Evangelion fandom, generally used in conjunction with the "Bookend Reis".
* The way the AT-fields work is described before the Sahaquiel fight as the "secret of Blue Water".
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* "Going hand to hand against an Angel leads to Bad Things. Green things. Angry green things. Please, Misato-san. [[The Incredible Hulk|You wouldn't like me when I'm angry, Misato-san.]]."
* [[Doom (Comic Book)|"RIP AND TEAR!"]] A case of something [[Narm|Narmful]]ful being effectively played straight.
{{quote| ''Rip and tear. The Evangelion had huge guts. Blood splattered the ground, the walls, everything nearby.''}}
* While shuffling anyone with psychic potential off to Tokyo-3 as some sort of [[Marvel Civil War|Metahuman Registration Act]] actually works out to our advantage, that doesn't mean we don't need to act with subtlety.
* "...[[Green Lantern (Comic Book)|Remember why color of willpower is green]]..." in Chapter 28.
== [[Fan FictionWorks]] ==
* During the [[Hot Springs Episode]], "...who is this [ Strike Fiss] and why do I feel the need to apologize to him?"
== [[Film]] ==
* The Angelspawn in Chapter 20 bear an uncanny resemblance to the [http[wikipedia:// Screaming.jpg |Shriekers]] from ''[[Tremors]] 2''.
* "[[The Six Million Dollar Man|We have the technology. You can be stronger, faster - better!]]"
* Anything that a human could use...hell, anything that a tank or battleship could hold...may be scaled up for an Eva, material stresses be damned! Hence, among other things, [[Army of Darkness|the Evangelion Great Boomsti-...Shotgun]].
* [[Spaceballs (Film)|"This is why Evil WINS, because Good is DUMB!"]]
* [[Predator|"If it bleeds, we can kill it!"]]
* [[The Princess Bride (Filmfilm)|"Hello, my name is Ayanami Rei. You took my Shinji. Prepare to die."]]
* Way, way back in the prologue, Shinji thinks of Agents Jiro and Kentaro as "[[Men in Black (Filmfilm)|agents J and K]]".
* [[The Wizard of Oz (Filmfilm)|"She stood up, clicked her heels twice, and disappeared."]]
* "Peace, my cousin! And remember...whose research did he require for the recovery of that artifact?"<br />"Hm." She searched her memory. [[Indiana Jones|"Dr. Henry Jones, Junior."]]
** Not to mention the artifact in question is the Ark of the Covenant.
* Chapter 29: "[[Ghostbusters|I'm sorry, Katsuragi. I'm frightened beyond the capacity for rational thought."]]
* Shinji's Moon Invasion plan is called [[Plan 9 Fromfrom Outer Space|"Plan 9: To Outer Space"]].
* Chapter 42:[[Transformers Film Series|"Why don't YOU give me YOUR FACE!"]]
* ""What is it? What is it? Oh god it's a [[Alien (Filmfranchise)|xenomorph]] isn't it?"
== [[Literature]] ==
* [[Discworld|Rule One, amended for Tokyo-3: Do not act incautiously when confronting pale smiling boy with a stick.]]
* [[HPH.P. Lovecraft|"It's Ry'leh! We're in Ry'leh!"]]
* [[Keith Laumer]]'s Bolos get a mention with their Hellbore weaponry.
* Of all things, [[Sixteen Thirty Two1632|Eric Flint's 1632 Multiverse,]] with references to a Ring of Fire as well as having parts of "Along the Watchtower" take place in Thuringia, Germany, where the 1632 series also takes place.
* Asuka [[Known Space|screamed and leaped.]]
* Chapter 41: Shinji remarks on [[House of Leaves|a very strange]] {{color|blue| house}}.
* Chapter 42: [[Ender's Game|"Tell them the enemy's gate is down."]]
* Chapter 41: The Beast's AT-field stopped the blasts. "Nagisa!" "What?!" [[The Lord of the Rings|"Toss me."]] "What." "You hurd me. Y-argh! you can fly. Toss me."
* Chapter 5: The Space Marine put down his bolter. [[Ciaphas Cain|"Frak this; for my faith is a shield proof against your blandishments."]]
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* [[MST3KMystery Science Theater 3000|"We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese!"]]
* [[The Addams Family (TV)|"We shall gladly feast on those who would subdue us."]] Followed by snapping twice.
* In chapter 16 Shinji has [[Star Trek|"to boldly go where no man has gone before"]]...{{spoiler|INTO A VOLCANO!}}
* Given the absolute [[Battlestar Galactica|clusterfrak]] that the UN's Psykana was subject to, Yang could not find any handle.
** Also, the lines of ''All Along the Watchtower'' in chapter 32. Incidentally, chapters 35-8 have the same name of the song.
* [[Red Dwarf (TV)|"Kensuke... what a guy."]]
* Chapter 42: [[Lost|"The hatch cover exploded open."]]
* Chapter 43: Admiral Yang scorns the world governments for considering Tokyo-3 [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|a hellmouth from which the dread host will spring.]]
== [[Music]] ==
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* "A ''WHAT?!'' Impossible! We have an active AT-field to block ''all'' teleportation attempts. It would take either a Mind equal to mine, or a [[Magnificent Bastard|tactical gen]]..." The enraged scream echoed through the honeycombing tunnels of the Cradle. "[[Memetic Mutation/Tabletop Games|YAAAANG]]!"
* [[BaldursBaldur's Gate|"I cannot be caged! I cannot be controlled! UNDERSTAND THIS AS YOU DIE! EVER PATHETIC! EVER FOOLS!"]]
== [[Video Games]] ==
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** Also, Kaworu's conversation with SEELE in chapter 35.
* [[Dwarf Fortress|"And have I MENTIONED he is ON FIRE?"]]
** This one is specifically a [[Shout -Out]] to [[Boatmurdered|The Saga of Boatmurdered.]]
* [[Zero Wing|"we have*breep* no... chance to survive... *kzz* make your *bzzt* it's time."]]
** "Main screen turn o... [[Lampshade Hanging|oh, wait, we already did that]]."
** Chapter 40 has Rei declaring "The probabilities will align, or the potentialities will be destroyed for great justice."
* [[Chrono Trigger (Video Game)|"... red star, fall! Stain the earth... red!"]]
* The French want to build a [[Command and& Conquer|"Grand Cannon"]] for defence purposes.
* [[War CraftWarcraft|Tremble, mortals, and Despair.]]
* Chapter 34: "[[Half Life|Is that a headcrab?]]"
* "Why should I expend time and effort in [[Mortal Kombat|mortal combat]] when I can just pull off a quick...." (Kaworu ''[[Moral Event Horizon|cuts off Units 00's head]]'') [[Memetic Mutation|"... fatality?"]]
* From Chapter 30: [[Metal Gear Solid|"Or do you think love cannot bloom on the battlefield?]]
* Chapter 39: "The face of war was a red-haired teenaged girl, perhaps brash and stupidly competitive even at the best of times, but if there was a [[The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)|force, a trinity of golden power adrift in the world; then she held Courage aplenty.]]
* "I don't know if you've noticed, Katsuragi, but [[The World Ends With You (Video Game)|the world ends with you.]]"
* "The streets of [[Diablo|Tristram]] did not hold many mysteries for the boy."
* Chapter 42: Perhaps a stretch, but Unit 01, covered in ice, fights to prove that it's [[Touhou|THE]] [[Touhou (Video Game)/Memes|STRONGEST!]]
== [[Web Original]] ==
* [[Evil Overlord List|"No grand plan should ever really go without a little look-over by a ten-year-old."]]
* Possible shout-out to [[SCP Foundation (Wiki)|SCP-682]]: NERV plans to put Lilith in deep-freeze until they're absolutely sure hurling it into the sun won't cause it to [[Nigh Invulnerable|come back angry and on fire]].
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* [[Schlock Mercenary (Webcomic)|An ominous humm rose from the Dreadnought.]]
* Chapter 41: {{spoiler|[[Penny Arcade|The Beast opened one of its six mouths and began to sing the song that would end the Earth]].}}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Chapter 17: [[South Park|Screw you bastards, I'm going home]].
* "[[The Simpsons (animation)|Eeeeexcellent...]]"
* [[Looney Tunes|"Spear and magic helmet!"]]
* Kaji refers to Gendo as, "[[G.I. Joe|(cobra) commander]]"[sic].
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== Combined References ==
* Asuka unleashes a [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Giga Drill Breaker]] with her cartridge-powered [[This Is a Drill|drill]][[Drop the Hammer|hammer]], [[Super Robot Wars|G-Impact Stake]]. Which then [[Gao Gai GarGaoGaiGar|turns the target into light]].
{{quote| '''Dr. Lader:''' "She can't be... she's just going to completely blast [[Dungeon Bypass|through the walls]]?!" }}
* "What are you looking at, [[Starship Troopers|you apes]]?! [[GauntsGaunt's Ghosts|You want to live forever?!]]"
* [[MC Hammer|Halt!...Hammerzeit!]] The G-Impact Stake mentions that [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha|the hammer is powered by cartridges, and large, and Graf Eisen.]] [[Super Robot Wars|Or Alt Eisen.]]
** Earth's Cradle is a possible lift from ''[[Blue Gender]]'', which had essentially the same concept with the similarly-named "Second Earth". Ditto ''[[Super Robot Wars]]'', which actually called theirs the Earth Cradle.
** Another troper mentioned the Moon Cradle supports the theory of the Earth Cradle being the SRW version. I, [[Rpgingmaster]], a veteran SRW player, can confirm that. The Earth Cradle description is nigh identical to the version given in SRW Original Generation 2 and Alpha Gaiden. The location, belt system, use as a military base\insurance policy for the survival of Mankind is identical. All it's missing is are Sophia Nate (the SRW leader of the Cradle), Egret Fehu (her treacherous XO), Sanger Zonvolt/Wodan Ymir, and the Machinery Children. And if you're going by [[OG 2]] continuity, Aguila Setme, Cuervo Sero and the Boosted Children.
* In a conversation about the possibility that MAGI has become sentient, Agent Kentaro alludes to [["Three Laws "-Compliant|Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics]]. Later in the same discussion, Agent Jiro mutters "... [[Ghost in Thethe Shell|ghost in the shell]]."
* Kensuke's latest version of Evangelion armor in Chapter 40 is known simply as [[The Big O (Anime)|The O.]]
** Or, more probably, [[Magnificent Bastard|Paptimus]] [[Zeta Gundam|Scirocco's]] [ The O].
* [[Super Smash Bros.|"FALCON!]] [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|DRILL!]] [[Memetic Mutation|PAAAAAWNCH!"]]
* Chapter 42: In Ritsuko's [[Journey to Thethe Center of Thethe Mind]], [[Batman|Batman!Maya]] recites the lyrics to [[Portal (Video Gameseries)|"Still]] [[Ear Worm|Alive".]]
* Chapter 42: As the Shinji vs. Kaworu fight continues, Shinji starts [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|waterbending.]] The NERV staff [[Lampshade Hanging|immediately start discussing which of the pilots should fit which character.]]. Also worth noting is that Shinji's first big water attack is a ''[[Naruto|Suiryuudan no Jutsu]]''.
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Latest revision as of 01:08, 28 September 2022

Bpen loves making Shout Outs to other works. Here are some of them:

Multiple references

Warhammer Fantasy Battle

  • Evangelion Fantasy Battles is painfully obvious.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

  • Chapter 10: Touji and Kensuke pointing to the sky and asking Asuka: "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE?!?"
    • And of course, many variations by many different characters.
  • Chapter 10, also: Toji: "To those who have faith, as long as the chances aren't zero it might as well be a hundred!"
  • Chapter 17: "Kirishima-san. You came here wanting to know. I will show it to you..." He pointed up. "Follow me and we will pierce the heavens. Believe in me, and we shall hold eternity in our palms."
  • Chapter 32: One of the trooper sergeants shouts to his squad before the underwater battle, "Pile on, boys! Show these scum who we are! Time to go kick reason to the curb and go Beyond The Impossible. PIERCE THE ALIENS WITH YOUR DRILL!"
  • Chapter 36: "You don't have to believe in yourself, you're just going to mess things up that way! Believe in me who believes in you!"
  • Chapter 37: Some were already calling it the Nia Teppelin.
  • "Hey! Yamagishi! Listen...! If you can't believe in yourself, then believe in me who... fuck it, I'm not finishing that."

Star Wars

  • From chapter 19:
  • Dr. Sean Vord Lader (don't worry, it's lampshaded) and the recurring phrase "Search your feelings, you know it to be true." Numerous other references to Vader can be found throughout the story.
  • One of the senior monks of Javaal carries a walking stick that used to be part of a broom, and talks like Yoda because his lungs are wrecked from smoking. Later in the story, he dual-wields lightsabers.
    • Which, considering that character's fondness for the movies (he also designed a lightsaber-esque version of their crystal tipped staves), is probably intentional on the character's part.
  • Chapter 43: Gendo's thirteenth Evangelion plan, involving Earth's Cradle, is nicknamed the Death Star plan.
  • "Are you an angel?"
  • And combining the above two, we have this from Chapter 42: "And again with the lightning. Who the hell does he think he is? Palpatine?!"

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

  • Ritsuko takes refuge in a book she owns with "Don't Panic" printed in large friendly letters on the cover.
  • One of Shinji's simpler AT-field tricks creates a "Somebody Else's Problem" field to avoid attention.
  • Also: "There was the sound of tearing metal, the feel of cold rushing air on his face; the knowing the entire train was going off the rails and inexplicably flying through the air with the greatest of ease... tumbling, sky, ground, sky, ground, was that a potted plant?"
  • "What's so interesting out there, anyway?" "Mm. Life. The universe. Everything."

Planescape: Torment

  • Endure. And in enduring grow strong.
  • "What can change the nature of a man?"

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

  • Then again, Javaal is a silly place.
  • "HA! I taunt in your general direction!".


  • Later chapters contain a large number of references to Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri as well, and the zombie plague's origins may be relatives of Stargate SG-1's Goa'uld.
    • Chapter 38 possibly references Stargate Atlantis: "Is the Trident that so different from the Eva? It at least did not require an activation gene."


  • Javaal's Temple of Trials, with its giant ants and scorpions.
  • Chapter 38: "War, war never changes."


She looked at the mailing list and saw that one of the scientists was actually named Minovsky. It took her half an hour to stop laughing.

    • When discussing what to call the Asshimar, the name mobile suit comes up. Asuka promises to stab the first person to refer to them as such.
    • "Souls weighed down by gravity." Contolism, anyone?


  • "Shinji had the strangest urge to name [the Evangelion transport] a Hotaru carrier. In the end, he decided he wouldn't bless its machine spirit with Gran Serena until it got itself equipped with a few 'bringer of battlefield serenity' heavy autocannons or N2 mines."

Harry Potter

  • "I know young mister Ikari has a saving people thing..."
  • Neither could live while the other survived.


  • Chapter 27: A pattern of sunken lines appeared across Iruel's body. Lines which then grew bright red, and a similar constant beam shot forth.
    • Maya muttered something about preferring the name 'Cortana'. A naked female advisor would have been just too obvious as marketing appeal.


  • After the MAGI goes down yet again in Chapter 40, Admiral Yang wonders if giving one computer so much power is a good idea, explicitly comparing the MAGI to Skynet.
    • Chapter 42: "No fate but what we make!"

Girl Genius

"This is getting ridiculous." he said, completely overlooking again that he should have had to reload -sometime- after shooting burst after burst with his Bolt Pistol. He had however, found a hat along the way. It was a Nice Hat.

    • Chapter 42: When Ritsuko connects with MAGI, she speaks and acts in a way eerily similar to Castle Heterodyne.



TV Tropes


Anime and Manga

Comic Books

Rip and tear. The Evangelion had huge guts. Blood splattered the ground, the walls, everything nearby.

Fan Works



Live Action TV


Tabletop Games

Video Games

Web Original

Web Comics

Western Animation

Combined References

Dr. Lader: "She can't be... she's just going to completely blast through the walls?!"