Star Wars: The Old Republic/Characters/Major Characters

The Jedi Order

Satele Shan


Descendent of Bastila Shan and Darth Revan. She started out as a Padawan, then a Consular during the return of the Sith Empire. A few years later, Satele is the current Grand Master of the Jedi Council. Voiced by Jennifer Hale.


A Kel Dor[1] Jedi, Gnost-Dural is the keeper of the Jedi Archives and a major historian within the Order. Voiced by Lance Henriksen.

  • Catch Phrase: "I'll elaborate on my next report."
  • Mr. Exposition: Delves into the history of the Jedi and the Sith, but certain areas are just his own interpretation of it, and he leaves out several important bits of info to save time (i.e. Ludo Kressh's rivalry with Naga Sadow).
  • Unreliable Narrator: Not completely his fault, as he's only working with what he can find, but the player can discover that several of his timeline entries are inaccurate. For instance, Hylo Vizz escaped the Hutts.



Satele's Jedi Master, Dar'Nala and her former Padawan were selected to represent the Jedi Order in a peace conference on Alderaan, during the Great Galactic War. The conference, which was arranged by the Sith, was a a method of distraction to pull Republic forces away from the Empire's true goal — sacking the Republic's capital of Coruscant. Following the Empire's crippling attack on Coruscant, the Republic and Jedi delegates on Alderaan were forced to accept the Imperial-authored peace agreement, called the Treaty of Coruscant. Naturally, Dar'Nala was heavily opposed to signing the document, but acquiesced on the suggestion of Jedi Grand Master Zym and Republic Senator Paran Am-Ris.

After the conference, Dar'Nala secretly conspired with other individuals within the Republic to dismantle the tentative peace and reignite the war with the Sith Empire. To that end, Dar'Nala manipulated Republic and Sith forces to openly combat one another while fanning the flames of rivalry within Imperial ranks. She eventually faked her own death in order to operate in anonymity for a time, during which she orchestrated the assassination of Republic political figures and the continuation of conflicts that began during the Great War.

Her ultimate goal was to assassinate Darth Baras, the man who drafted and presented the Treaty of Coruscant. Dar'Nala conspired with Republic Lieutenant Harron Tavus, Jedi Knight Fortris Gall, and the Wookiee mercenary Dalborra to kill Lord Baras in the Crystal Caves on Dantooine, leading to a short battle between her crew and Baras, but it was interrupted by Satele. By the end of it, Satele killed Dar'Nala, propelling the former to both a seat on the Jedi High Council and a place as the Grand Master of the Order.

Ven Zallow


A Jedi Master noted for his wise counsel and composed nature, featured in the Deceived trailer. Zallow led the Jedi during the initial clash against the Sith, and he fought Malgus in a lightsaber duel, but he was stabbed through the abdomen by Malgus shortly thereafter.

Belth Allusis


A Badass Jedi Master that led the Republic during their last stand on Bothawui. Although all of the Republic defenders, including Allusis, were killed, they managed to inflict heavy casualties upon the Sith, forcing them to retreat. The last stand of "The Heroes of Bothawui" — as Allusis and his men became known — restored hope across the Republic and served as a turning point in the war. The strategies developed by them helped the Republic to temporarily hold off the Sith advancement, until the Sith allied with the Mandalorians four years later.

  • Badass: He was among the very last to die during the battle on Bothawui, where the Sith outnumbered the Republic seven to one.
  • Determinator: He would not back down, even after being offered to surrender by the Sith.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Dying alongside his men, Allusis' sacrifice marked a turning point in the war as it was the first significant resistance to the Sith invasion. His last stand became a rallying cry for the Republic forces.
  • Last Stand: The Battle of Bothawui.
  • Not Afraid to Die

Aryn Leneer

A female Jedi knight and onetime apprentice to Ven Zallow, Aryn Leneer was selected to accompany the Galactic Republic's delegation to Alderaan for the signing of a peace treaty with the Sith Empire. After sensing that Master Zallow was killed, she left Alderaan and went to Coruscant to find out what had transpired, and upon learning that Darth Malgus was responsible for killing Zallow, vowed to avenge her masters' death. An empath, emotions of every range were a daily part of Aryn's life, giving her the unique ability to personalize with those she interacted with.

Shigar Konshi

A male Kiffar Padawan to Satele Shan. He has a unique ability to touch objects and see visions of events the objects have been near, though he hasn't mastered it.

After the events of Fatal Alliance, his performance in the battle, mastery of his gift, and resistance to Darth Chratis' temptation cause the Jedi Council to declare him worthy to undergo the Jedi Trials and become a Jedi Knight.

The Galactic Republic

Supreme Chancellor Janarus


The leader of the Galactic Republic during the time of the Cold War, initially serving as Senator to Coruscant. Upon the Sacking of Coruscant, Janarus took it upon himself to pull the leaderless Republic back together after suffering such a crippling blow by the end of the Great War. The great respect the people and politicians had for him is what prompted them to unanimously elect him as Supreme Chancellor, replacing the one that was lost in the attack. However, in the years since his inauguration, the support from his peers gradually declined, as many system governments continue to chafe at the costs of rebuilding and his military advisors grow increasingly frustrated with his refusal to take sterner action to stamp out sedition. Janarus's stance has always been that the Republic's core values of freedom, justice, and the right to self-governance are that much more important to protect when standing in the face of the brutally tyrannical Sith Empire. His biggest political rivals are General Garza of the Republic Special Forces, Governor Saresh of Taris and the Ord Mantellian Separatist movement.

Larin Moxla

A Kiffar Republic trooper who was dishonorably discharged for snitching on a superior. Choosing to continue fighting for the sake of protecting the people, even without an income, she met Shigar Konshi and decided to tag along with him.

Jace Malcom


A Republic soldier who witnessed the return of the Sith Empire, and helped Satele Shan escape. He later led Republic troops in the Battle of Alderaan, and helped Satele defeat Darth Malgus. He is an inspiration to Troopers throughout the Republic. Voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson.

  • Badass
  • Badass Normal: Able to stand toe-to-toe with Sith Lords by using a combination of More Dakka, Combat Pragmatism, and straight-up Cojones.
  • Badass Native: Looks vaguely Maori, which implies an in-universe Mandalorian heritage.
  • Colonel Badass: He is a Colonel by the time you meet him on Alderaan.
  • Determinator: The man is driven; you can give him that.
  • Foe-Tossing Charge: Through several Sith, even.
  • Gatling Good: Both him and the soldiers under his command are willing to oblige.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: His face gets wrecked in the end of the Battle of Alderaan. When the wounds heal, half of his face is covered with scars.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: He frickin' TACKLES Darth Malgus.
  • Knife Nut
  • Made of Iron: Whatever he sustained, from blast shots to Force Lightning, his armor seemed to absorb all the injuries that went towards him.
  • More Dakka: He is always seen wielding a large, explosion causing weapon (either a blaster cannon or a grenade launcher).
  • Screaming Warrior

Sith Lords

The Emperor

Leader of the revitalized Sith Empire from Naga Sadow's era. His birth name is Tenebrae and his Sith name is Lord Vitiate, but he has long since discarded both names and is referred to by his title. Voiced by Doug Bradley.

  • A God Am I: He's an incredibly powerful Force user and he knows it. He is more of a deity than a ruler to the Imperial citizenry and he prefers it that way.
  • And I Must Scream: Revan implies that the method he used to attain immortality leaves him in constant and agonizing pain.
  • Badass Boast:

"My life spans millennia. Legions have risen to test me. […] My ascendance is inevitable. A day, a year, a millennium — it matters not. I hold the patience of stone and the will of stars. Your striving is insignificant. Let your death be the same."


Darth Malgus


A mighty Sith Lord who fights on the front lines in the name of bringing the galaxy under the rule of the Sith Emperor. Unlike most of his colleagues, he prefers the thrill of fighting enemies head-on, and prefers not to get into the political power struggles of the Dark Council. Voiced by Jamie Glover.


Malgus:"Conflict drives a more perfect understanding of the Force. The Empire expands and creates conflict. In that regard, the Empire is an instrument of the Force."


Darth Marr

A member of the Dark Council with a particular distaste for Lord Calypho and Tened Kel. Despite his cold and merciless nature, Marr was rational enough to not kill an individual if they possessed important information he needed to know, such as when he decided to spare Teneb Kel for his defiance when Kel mentioned he had something the Dark Council wanted.

Darth Howl

Another member of the Dark Council, Darth Howl was one of the more outspoken members of the Imperial Dark Council, and used his position to intimidate those with less influence within the Sith Empire. His apprentice is Eldon Ax. By the time the main game occurs, he is no longer a member of the Dark Council.

Darth Adraas

A rival to Malgus, Adraas was chosen by Darth Angral to lead the fifty Sith warriors on board a stolen Republic shuttle for an attack on the Jedi Temple during the Sacking of Coruscant. Adraas' skill in politics allowed him to curry favor with his superiors. In defiance of Darth Malgus' orders to have his lover Daru immediately transported to the Steadfast, Lord Adraas instead redirected her to a local hospital overtaken by Sith soldiers. There, she was left behind by other Imperials present who eventually moved their operation to a medical ship.

Adraas' actions regarding Daru are what prompted Malgus into killing off his wife, who realized that his enemies could use her as leverage against him. After leaving Coruscant, an infuriated Malgus cornered Adraas in his personal estate, killing the latter off in a duel.

Eldon Ax

Born Cinzia Xandret, she is a Sith Apprentice with a personal stake in the plot of Fatal Alliance: the mastermind of the Hexes is her own mother, Lema Xandret.

Eventually, she manages to gain control of the Hexes and assassinates her Master, Darth Chratis, with them, then orders them all to self-destruct. Darth Howl offers to make her his Apprentice, and she accepts.

  • Dark Action Girl
  • Evil Redhead
  • Genre Savvy: She destroyed the Hexes instead of using them to conquer the galaxy because she realized that they eventually turn on their masters.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: When Darth Chratis made her his Apprentice, he erased her memory of her childhood and mother. Strangely, when he decided to reverse the amnesia, she still couldn't remember.
    • Really, it isn't that surprising. We know that Jedi are taken from their parents as infants and toddlers, and knowing the parallels in the two orders, there isn't any reason to think the Sith wouldn't do the same. More than likely she can't remember because she was simply too young.
  • Unknown Rival: She becomes obsessed with killing Dao Stryver after the Mandalorian humiliated her in battle. Stryver doesn't really give her a second thought.
  • Villainous Crush: May have a small one on Shigar Konshi, given that she tried to goad him into getting angry, and when she finally succeeded, she commented that he looks more attractive that way.

Darth Chratis


An ambitious Sith Lord with dreams of one day rising to the Dark Council. Eldon Ax was his Apprentice, whom he treated rather poorly.

He was eventually killed during Fatal Alliance when Ax commanded the Hexes to kill him. Later, Darth Howl told Ax that everybody on the Dark Council hated Chratis and would never have promoted him.

Exal Kressh


The Emperor's apprentice, Exal was noted for being a Sith hybrid. She believed it was her right and privilege by blood to become the Emperor's apprentice and heir. However, after the Emperor attempted to make her a slave instead of his heir, she felt betrayed by her Master. Her hatred towards the Emperor was such that she was willing to give vital Imperial information to the Jedi and the Republic that would potentially undermine the Empire's campaign in the Great Galactic War.

During the early years of the Great Galactic War, she abandoned her duties in the Kathol Rift and fled toward the fringes of Republic Space. The Emperor and the Dark Council responded by assigning Teneb Kel to hunt her down and kill her. She destroyed Lenico Colony Blue while fighting against Sith apprentice Teneb Kel. Teneb barely survived the duel, but was able to escape from the colony and took shelter, later killing Exal on Korriban.

  • Blue Blood: As a decedent of Ludo Keesh and a Sith "Pureblood", she believed herself to be entitled by blood to be the Emperor's apprentice and heir.
  • Deceptive Disciple: Inverted in this case as it was the Emperor who intended to betray Exal from the outset.
  • Enemy Mine: She cares little for the Jedi or Republic but aids them in order to hurt the Sith Empire's war efforts. This is born purely out of a desire for Revenge.
  • Smug Snake

Resurgent Sith Empire

Rycus Kilran

An Imperial Grand Moff best-known for his role during the Sacking of Coruscant. Voiced by Simon Templeman.

Odile Vaiken

The first Sith-aligned Imperial to hold the rank of Grand Moff and the innovator of the Imperial military. Vaiken Spacedock, a major Imperial quest-hub, is named in his honor.

  • Anti-Villain: His actions made the Imperial military the threat to the Jedi and the Republic that it is today, though his portrayal by Gnost-Dural seemed to be that of a man who was devoted to improving his Empire rather than a ruthless butcher like Kilran.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: He spent half his life making schematics for the Imperial armada. When he took the first prototype Star Destroyer for a test run by attacking a bunch of aliens, Vaiken was killed in the bridge of his spaceship, a fitting end for the first Imperial Grand Moff.
  • Undying Loyalty: He was noted as being loyal to an Empire where he would always be considered a second-class citizen.

Ula Vii

An Epicanthix agent who pretends to be a Republic envoy in order to spread misinformation and gather intelligence for the Empire. During Fatal Alliance, he gets caught up in events and forced to work with the heroes to save that day.


A protocol droid who manages Imperial players' ships. He Functions as a companion for all players in the Sith Empire.


Hylo Visz

A female Mirialan, Hylo Visz was a smuggler that was employed by the Hutt Cartel, and later the Galactic Republic.

  • Faking the Dead: Gault's storyline eventually reveals that she managed to escape the Hutt Cartel's attack by entombing herself in a stasis cell on Belsavis. Gault is eventually able to release her.

Dao Stryver

A Mandalorian warrior who expresses contempt for Jedi, Sith, the Republic, and the Empire, but manipulated events to force the Republic and Empire into a temporary alliance to deal with the threat of the Hexes during the novel Fatal Alliance.

Jet Nebula

A smuggler, born Jeke Kerron, who found a strange artifact in the remains of the self-destructed ship, Cinzia, kick-starting the plot of Fatal Alliance. He gets caught up in events and forced to work with the heroes to save the day.


"I'm not power-mad like you. There might be money to be had in empire building, but never at the top. You only end up on the wrong end of a coup, or an invasion, or a sniper's rifle."

  • Lovable Rogue
  • Odd Friendship: With Ula Vii.
  • Sherlock Scan: He's extremely observant. With a few glances, he's easily able to tell things like: Larin Moxla puts on an act to hide her inner pain, Ula Vii isn't really a Republic envoy, and Dao Stryver is really a Gektl female.
  • Wild Card

Nico Okarr

A smuggler who was arrested for trafficking Sith artifacts. While being transported to his cell, the Sith Empire arrived and attacked the space station they were on. Nico volunteered to help Satele Shan and Jace Malcom escape in his ship, which they accepted. Voiced by John Dimaggio


'Okarr ogles a passing Twi'lek woman
Jace Malcom: Eyes front!
Nico: Just inspecting the troops, Corporal.


Lema Xandret

When her daughter Cinzia was discovered to be Force-sensitive, Lema refused to allow the Sith to take her child. She failed and was sentenced to death, but she escaped, vowing revenge against all Force-sensitives. She designed incredibly powerful, self-replicating, self-evolving droids to be her instruments, which were soon nicknamed "Hexes" by the other characters. She also tried to form an alliance with the Mandalorians, but Dao Stryver realized that she had gone mad and the Hexes would eventually wipe out all life in the galaxy if they weren't stopped.

Soa the Infernal One

A gigantic Rakata warlord that broke away from the Infinite Empire and enslaved a thousand planets, before an entire Rakata army imprisoned him within the Eternity Vault. The Flashpoint raid that takes place in there happens after he breaks out and seizes control of the prison's formidable defenses.


Main Character of the original game. After the events of Knights of the Old Republic, he tried to kill the Sith Emperor with the help of The Exile and T3-M4, only to be betrayed by their ally Lord Scourge. While The Exile and T3-M4 were killed, The Sith Emperor kept Revan alive, feeding on his massive force powers.
In certain Republic quest lines it's possible to find and free Revan with the help of the Exile's force ghost, after which Revan finds HK-47's foundry, and plans to amass a droid army to wipe out the Sith. Certain Sith quest lines will then allow you to put a stop to his plans, apparently killing him and HK-47.
  • Badass Boast: "I've saved the Republic twice before. I've fought Mandalores and armies of the Dark Side. You. Won't. Stop. Me."
  • Cool Mask
  • Fate Worse Than Death: Spent the last 300 odd years in stasis, being slowly drained of power by the Sith Emperor.
  • Ironic Echo: "And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing. Now I know how you felt, old friend."
  • Not So Different: Acknowledges this right before your Sith party kills him.
  • Never Found the Body: Upon his defeat, he disappears in a flash of light before the final blow was struck. His fate is left unknown.
  • Sanity Slippage: Being Mind Raped by the Emperor didn't exactly help his sanity.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Still one of his main character traits. Sure, creating an army of war droids to wipe out the Sith could save the Republic, but it'll also mean killng millions upon millions of citizens of the Sith Empire.
    • And by Sith we mean the species. As in genocide.
  1. e.g., Plo Koon