Midori Days

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The story of a boy whose girlfriend is also his right hand. No, not like that.

That's not a hand puppet, folks.

 Why does my hand have breasts on it?!

Seiji Sawamura is a high school delinquent -- a rude, disrespectful punk with a "bad dude" air and a skill with fighting that can lay out entire gangs with his "devil's right hand". But underneath his tough guy exterior is a noble soul who won't hesitate to defend an underdog. He's also lonely and unlucky in love -- his reputation is so frightening that no girl he knows (other than 11-year-old neighbor Shiori) wants his attention or to be seen with him.

This state of affairs grates on him -- failure after failure weighs on Seiji's mind, until one day, alone at home, he bemoans the fact that he seems destined to live his life with only his right hand as his lover, and swears that he will accept any girl who will have him. When a strange girl's voice echoes "Really?" in the empty room, he is understandably surprised and confused -- but it's nothing on how he feels a few moments later when he discovers that his right hand has turned into a miniature teenaged girl named Midori Kasugano. He really should have picked a better choice of words...

Midori, it turns out, was a perfectly normal girl from another school who idolized Seiji from afar. How she turned into his hand neither knows, but she's happy with the situation even if Seiji isn't. She has surprising mobility -- not only can she move his arm at will, but if she wants to go somewhere, she can, and drag him along behind her however unwilling he might be. And to be honest, under any other conditions Midori would be a stunning catch -- beautiful, domestic, utterly devoted to him, and filthy rich. But it's all outweighed (for Seiji, at least) by the fact that she's now not much bigger than a Barbie doll and grafted onto the end of his arm. Then there are the complications borne of the fact that his deadly, gang-beating right cross now has big aqua eyes and a cute giggle... And on the distaff side, what about Midori's original body, now in a coma and watched over by her tearful mother?

Although against his will, Seiji finds he's starting to like Midori, he still has vast problems with both her existence as part of his body, and the impact this has on his "tough guy" image. Often he treats Midori like an embarassing acquaintance with whom he doesn't want to be seen. Still, Midori's love forgives all, and as it turns out she has a playful and even mischievous side that no doubt helps her extract a little revenge for his more brusque and insulting moments.

Naturally there are always complications -- attempts at revenge by the gangs whom Seiji has defeated, pressures at school, unpleasant relatives, the constant strain of hiding Midori from the world, and of course, now that he is in an apparently permanent relationship with a girl, other candidates finally start appearing. What's a poor tough-guy type supposed to do?

Despite its bizarre (indeed, borderline-nightmarish) premise and the gang-based violence that kicks it off, Midori no Hibi is actually a comedy, although it blends a few surprisingly sober and serious elements with its mostly-slapstick humor. There are hints that it will actually develop into a strange kind of love story between Seiji and Midori (who by the third episode habitually wears a tiny T-shirt emblazoned "I (heart) Seiji"); getting there will probably be a trip. Surprisingly, the show is free of the obvious Hentai humor it could generate about their relationship.

It's surprisingly well-animated, especially for a television series; the opening credits have some positively glorious animation of clouds and other natural phenomena, character movement is smooth and natural, and it isn't stinting on multiplane and other depth-simulating effects.

Now available in the United States under the title Midori Days.

Tropes used in Midori Days include: