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Magical Girlfriend

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
"There's no doubt about it. Heaven sent me to you."

She's the heart of the funfair
She's got me whistling her private tune
And it all begins where it ends
And she's all mine, my magic friend
She says: "Hello, you fool, I love you
Come on join the joyride."

Roxette, "Joyride"

Called Mahou Kanojo in Japan, this is the genre of adolescent male Wish Fulfillment, and has become rather popular in recent years.

The hero is usually a geeky loser, terribly unlucky at love. He is either unable to get a date at all, or has had his sensitive poet's heart broken by a cruel bitch who was only toying with his affections, forcing him to withdraw from all feminine companionship. Exactly how strongly this is exaggerated depends on the writers.

However, because he is a genuinely good and kind person, fate smiles upon him—the perfect girl for him enters his life. She is beautiful, kind, domestic, and utterly and eternally devoted to him. However, she's often not exactly human by most definitions—she is a Goddess, a Demon, or a Vampire, or an Extraterrestrial, or an Angel, or a Robot, or a Ghost, or a virtual being born of an advanced computer program, or under a spell/curse, or an immortal sorceress, or some combination of any or all of the above. Sometimes the term is just metaphorical, although this is usually used in a critical way implying she's too good to be true.

Of course the path of true love never runs smoothly (especially since she loves you and everybody) but the pairing of dork and demigoddess runs into especially large bumps—usually comedic ones. Despite this and his initial misgivings, though, true love blossoms for the once-hapless hero. May or may not include Closet Sublet.

Entries in this genre often come packed with generous quantities of Fan Service, but this is by no means mandatory. Sometimes it overlaps with The Unwanted Harem, but requires more Willing Suspension of Disbelief, since her popularity is obvious.

In dramatic examples, Magical Girlfriends are ironic blessings. No matter how much she insists, she will tend to give the guy an inferiority complex about himself and being unworthy. Conversely, Magical Girlfriends often feel they cause more problems than they solve, and the guy is just putting up with them due to niceness. Of course, her family almost always gets involved; and rest assured they will get in the way as much as possible.

Magical Girlfriend series show up in Shonen, but seem to skyrocket in popularity within the Seinen crowd. There are a couple of Shojo series too, one being Yuu "Fushigi Yuugi" Watase's Gender Flipped Magical Boyfriend series Absolute Boyfriend, another being Naoko "Sailor Moon" Takeuchi's Orphaned Series Toki Meca in which the robot girl is intended as the "best friend" of the female protagonists.

Just as the Magical Girls genre was inspired by Bewitched, it seems likely that both that show and I Dream of Jeannie are somewhere in the DNA of the Magical Girlfriend.

Compare and contrast with Manic Pixie Dream Girl. See Well, Excuse Me, Princess! for when the Magical Girlfriend wakes up to how much of a geeky loser her love interest is and begins calling him on it, and Action Girlfriend if she's more action-oriented than magical. May overlap with Boy Meets Ghoul. See Divine Date: a variation that is often use to appeal to female audiences as much as male.

Examples of Magical Girlfriend include:

Anime and Manga

Hideki: "You hear about it all the time...a guy finds a nice girl, takes her home...she's always cute of course...then it turns out she's got some sort of special powers...and she falls madly in love with the guy!"

Kyon: Looks good on you.

Comic Books

Films - Live Action

  • Splash, in which an incredibly submissive mermaid is absolutely crazy about Tom Hanks. Her being a mermaid is the least implausible part of this equation.
  • The movie Mannequin plays this straight. It has a beautiful Egyptian princess who wants "more than this" life several thousand years ago. The gods agree and she disappears. We next see her as a mannequin who apparently can only appear and act real for one person --- the protagonist.
  • Subverted in Weird Science (film and series), in which two teenage geeks create their very own Magical Girlfriend, Lisa, a virtual-reality-based supermodel-type who solves all their problems for them, often with unintended results or methods, then helpfully goes away. (Despite their initial intentions for creating her, neither geek seems to have any real romantic relationship with Lisa—beyond the requisite ogling—so her "Girlfriend" status is questionable; they actually treat her more like their Cool Big Sis.)
    • However, in the movie at least, one of the teenagers wakes up wearing Lisa's underwear, so it's strongly implied they've had sex. The Cool Big Sis attitude is there on the whole run of the TV series, though.
  • Giselle, the fairytale princess from Enchanted. Actually ends up breaking up an existing affair in the process, a rare semi-twist. In addition, the breakup and associated hookup happen late because at first Giselle is eternally devoted to someone else, which is another rare semi-twist. These extra Love Interests hook up with each other in the end.
  • Subverted in My Super Ex-Girlfriend.
    • Later, played straight.
    • And it's really more Action Girlfriend than Magical Girlfriend anyway.
  • The line between subverted/played straight in The Fifth Element is a little muddy. The female lead is a fairly traditional magical girlfriend, but whether or not Bruce Willis fits the stereotypical loser role is questionable. On one hand, Bruce is as much a hardcore, good-looking action hero as ever. On the other hand, he is a washed up vet with no friends or prospects who loses his job and his apartment within the first quarter of the movie.
  • I Married A Witch - Hot Witch.
  • Bell Book And Candle - Hot Witch (in fact, this movie was inspired by I Married a Witch, and both inspired Bewitched).
  • Date With An Angel: The "loser" is actually about to be married to someone who might be wrong for him. On the night of his bachelor party, an angel kind of crash lands in his pool; they fall for each other when he gives her a place to stay while her broken wing heals. The twist is that she was his personal Angel of Death -- he was going to die that night from a brain tumor and she was to collect him for Heaven.
  • Underworld - vampire.
  • Let the Right One In - vampire.
  • Innocent Blood - vampire.
  • Prom Night III: The Last Kiss - Axe Crazy Cute Ghost Girl.
  • The Lost Boys - Dhampyr.
  • Near Dark - vampire.

Films - Animated


  • Willow from Terry Brooks' Landover series is not only protagonist Ben's ideal woman (and a Green-Skinned Forest Babe), she's also essentially destined to "belong" to him. Cue "I'm not worthy" monologues and skeptic waiting for the catch.
    • The catch being that their daughter turns out to be decidedly creepy and easily swayed toward evil at least for a while.
      • It got much worse than that for poor Benjamin: by the most recent novel, his daughter has grown up to be just like him. Willow is clearly amused by the frustration this causes her husband.
  • In Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, Richard, after being dumped by the excessively demanding Rich Bitch Jessica, meets Door, who fits this trope in every way except that they never actually go out, and that she doesn't make him feel like The Load. There is a similar and simultaneous situation between Richard and Action Girl Hunter, who does make him feel like The Load, or at least, demasculinized, but doesn't appear to care. Door and Hunter somehow form a No Hugging, No Kissing, Betty and Veronica situation. There is even a tushy squeeze which Gaiman somehow manages to make platonic. Go figure. It's also hinted that Hunter may be a lesbian, rendering the whole thing moot.
    • Hinted nothing. Hunter explicitly has sex with one of the female denizens of London Below in exchange for shelter and supplies (and pleasure) and reminisces about the time she was offered sex by a Thai girl in return for saving her (or as a reward for great heroics), which she enthusiastically accepted.
  • The male leads in the Twilight series are Magical Boyfriends.
  • The parody Light Novels Haiyore! Nyaruko-san pair ordinary high school boy Mahiro Yasaka with Nyarko, none other than Nyarlathotep. Fortunely, this is parody with Romantic Comedy theme (or "Love(craft) comedy" as it labeled) so he doesn't gone insane.
  • In Aaron Allston's Galatea in 2-D, Roger had painted pictures of his hopeless crush when he was a teenager. When Art Initiates Life, he is horrified to find he has made a woman who is madly in love with him.
  • In Carole Matthew's book It's a Kind of Magic (not to be confused with the song of the same name), a guy is dumped by his girlfriend (justified, because he was an immature Jerkass who was late to her birthday party, showed up drunk and embarrassed her in front of her friends and family) meets a woman whom he saves from suicide, then discovers that she is in fact a fairy from a Magical Land (complete with Magic Wand). He becomes her boyfriend, and slowly changes everything about himself. In the end, after he changes for the better, he and his friends (who know all about his new girlfriend being a fairy) have to take her to Stonehenge in order to return her to her home when she becomes dangerously ill. They end up entering her world alongside her, then the guy has one night of passion with her before she convinces him to return to his ex-girlfriend, revealing that she will soon have Someone to Remember Him By, a son who will become an air spirit, as well as The Reveal that she appeared on Earth because his girlfriend wished he'd change his ways. May or may not be a Deconstruction of the trope. (Oh, and the story interweaves with the story of his ex-girlfriend being jealous of the new girl, and wondering if her wish was a good thing.
  • In the Discworld series, Susan has a magical boyfriend in the form of the Anthropomorphic Personification of Time (although it may not count since Susan is the granddaughter-by-adoption of Death, himself an Anthropomorphic Personification).
  • In The Redemption of Althalus, Althalus becomes the disciple of Dweia, eventually falling in love with her and having a child with her. Oh, did I mention Dweia just happens to be a goddess?
  • Niall Of The Far Travels has Emalkartha, goddess of the Eleven Hells, as his girlfriend.
  • Bloodsucking Fiends - vampire.
  • The Vampires Beautiful Daughter - Dhampyr.
  • Demon In My View - vampire.
  • The Peony Lantern - ghost.
  • The Gravesavers - ghost.
  • The Alien Series - Human Alien, also gender-flipped.
  • Dance With The Devil by Sherrilyn Kenyon - the heroine is the daughter of a Greek goddess.
  • Dream Chaser - the heroine is half demon.
  • Seize The Night - she is a cursed half-Apollite, he is a Dark Hunter
  • Sins Of The Night - possibly both main characters, as he is a ghost in human form and she ends up as a ghost.
  • Acheron - same as above - he is a god, and she ends up as one.
  • The Dresden Files is all over the place with this one. Harry himself is a magical boyfriend to Susan. after being vampirified, Susan is to Harry, too.
    • Elain would be, but she and Harry were fairly comparable in magical prowess, if in different specializations.
    • Molly Carpenter to her boyfriend, before she drilled psychic holes in his head. Awkward.
    • By salic law, Charity Carpenter. But she never told her husband.
    • Michael Carpenter could count as a magical husband to Charity, but what he does isn't strictly magic.
    • Thomas Raith is this to Justine. House Raith of the White Court could be this more generally, but most don't care about humans in the slightest. Lara Raith is a bit of a deconstruction, since when Harry is asked if they're together and if he's ever been with her, he points out that he's still breath.
    • A lot of the Fey have tried to be this to Harry for various reasons.
    • Wizards in general have these, often of comparable power to them, because apparently it sucks to have a mortal spouse when you're semi-immortal.
  • Eragon of The Inheritence Cycle realizes that he'll need one of these or he'll have to watch her grow old while he stays young. Being magic and as of the second book also half-elf, he's not going away or even aging in the foreseeable future.
  • Kahlan is this to Richard in the Sword of Truth, until he discovers that he's inherited more and more varied magical powers than anyone in three thousand years. Nicci tried to be this, on the same token.

Live-Action TV

  • Bewitched, a Trope Codifier along with I Dream of Jeannie.
  • I Dream of Jeannie, although successful astronaut Tony Nelson wasn't exactly an Unlucky Everydude apart from his mistake of repeatedly trying to apply rational thought to Jeannie's inherently magical nature.
  • The Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "I Was Made To Love You", has Warren Mears build a robotic "girlfriend" April.
    • Also, in Buffy‍'‍s fifth season Riley seems to feel this way about Buffy herself. Although he was never really a loser to begin with, he develops a massive inferiority complex in regards to his own usefulness and her feelings towards him. This being a show by Joss Whedon, things don't exactly end happily for this couple.
      • Also, there's Buffy herself and her relationship with the vampire Angel.
  • Interestingly this happens in Sabrina the Teenage Witch too, except that it's Gender Flipped. Sabrina cooks up a temporary date out of man dough to take her to the dance when Harvey goes with Libby. He loves Sabrina, but he also loves everything and everyone. Libby ends up dumping Harvey for him as Harvey won't dance. Interestingly, in this situation the one who isn't the "Magical (Girl/Boy)friend" in this case is the one with the magical powers. The man dough guy qualifies by not being human, and by being totally into Sabrina.
  • Strange Western example: Star Trek: The Next Generation had Picard meet, and have to give up, a woman initially being transported as "cargo" possessed of the power to become anyone's Magical Girlfriend.
  • Also done in Red Dwarf, with a GELF (Genetically Engineered Life Form) that telepathically takes the form of the perfect mate of whoever sees it. Kryten had a female android of an advanced model, Rimmer had a female hologram that was just as nerdy and unsuccessful, Lister had a female scouser who had more in common with his female self than his canon girlfriend, Kochanski and the Cat had... himself. In the end, she reveals herself to be a giant green blob of snot. Kryten takes her out to dinner, dancing and a movie, then loses her to her husband, another green blob of snot. And the whole thing is played as a homage to Casablanca.
      • It's also a parody of the Star Trek: The Original Series pilot episode, "The Man Trap". The antagonist in it similarly uses telepathy to make it appear the perfect mate to anyone who sees it... and then kills them by draining all the salt out of them. It too turns out in the end to be a hideous green monster, albeit a humanoid one.
  • On December 23, 2008, there was a New Year special called Nada Fofa (translation: "Not That Cute") on the Brazilian channel Rede Globo. In that case, it's a Gender Flip and the "girlfriend" is actually a large pink plush chicken which annoys the heck out of the main character.
  • Deconstructed in The Sarah Connor Chronicles, where the inhuman, beautiful girlfriend is also an emotionless and brutally logical machine that not only goes to rather shocking lengths to protect John Connor, but is perfectly willing to use John's reactions and emotions toward her to manipulate him.
  • Depending on your point of view, The Doctor could sometimes count as a gender flipped version, the Eighth and Tenth incarnations being probably the most blatant examples. All the others (apart from the ones that were physically too old to count) were usually a non-romantic variation. The TARDIS also counts as the Doctor's... ah, girlfriend.
  • Moonlight - vampire detective.
  • Vampire Diaries - Gender-flipped example with Stefan, played straight with both Vicki and Anna.
  • Played with in Dead Gorgeous - it's one-sided on the Cute Ghost Girl's part.
  • The Korean Drama My Girlfriend Is a Nine-Tailed Fox - Exactly What It Says on the Tin.


  • Alan O'Day's Undercover Angel is a story where he sings about how he was crying in his bed because he didn't have a girlfriend when an amazing woman suddenly appeared. They do all sorts of amazing things together, but she has to leave him. However, if he goes around picking up women, eventually he will see her again in the eyes of one of his future lovers.
  • She's An Angel by They Might Be Giants tells of a girl arriving unexpectedly in the narrator's life ("I met someone at the dog show / She was holding my left arm"), the pair of them having adventures together, and the narrator believing that she is literally an angel, and not meant to be together with him as he's a mere mortal ("These things happen to other people / They don't happen at all, in fact").

Newspaper Comics

  • Way, way back in the 1960s, Dick Tracy went through an extended phase known as the Moon Period, where the strip focused more on sci-fi elements than crime. During this time, Junior Tracy (Dick's adopted son) met and fell in love with the alien woman Moon Maid, who resembled a Caucasian female apart from her large eyes and giraffe-like horns, and possessed the ability to change her body temperature from 18 degrees above zero to 200 degrees (affecting whatever she touched)and shoot destructive energy from her hands, causing things to blow up. He eventually married her, and they had a daughter, Honey Moon, who possessed a magnetic ability to attract small metal objects to her hands. Sadly, Moon Maid died via a car bomb meant for Dick.

Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends

  • There is a popular Korean tale about a man who finds a Fairy. He accidentally rips one of her fairy garments, making it impossible for her to go back home. She lives with him, and they marry, though things don't end well. This has become a subject for a couple of Korean comics, the Manhwa Faeries Landing being one of them.
  • There is a similar Irish tale about a man who married a mermaid. He stole the red cap she needed to swim back home. After having many children with him, she finds the cap and leaves him, never to return.
    • Another version has the girl being a selkie, and the man who finds her steals her seal skin when she takes it off.
  • There are many similar Shapeshifting Lover tales from all around the world.
  • Pygmalion fell madly in love with his own sculpture of a woman. With the blessing of the goddess Aphrodite, live was given to the statue, who married Pygmalion and had a son together (or daughter depending on the version). Needless to say, he lived the rest of his life in celestial bliss.
    • Other versions say that when the statue was given life it abandoned Pygmalion and sought out men more handsome and socially adept than its bitter, anti-social creator.
  • The witch Medea from Classical Mythology, who betrayed her kingdom and killed her brother out of devotion to Jason and then became his bodyguard and hitman. After hooking up with her, Jason apparently stood back and let her handle all the monsters, giant living statues, and enemy kings with her magic. And then he dumped her for a normal, beautiful princess and was surprised when she wouldn't stand for that... What an Idiot!!

Tabletop Games

  • After being revised to revel in its anime roots, Teenagers From Outer Space added Magical Girlfriend as a special power available to characters. The game designers also pointed out the genre was probably inspired by I Dream of Jeannie.


Video Games

  • Anera, an Aasimar cleric in the Neverwinter Nights community-created Shadowlords/Dreamcatcher/Demon module arc, might qualify. She takes a bit more effort than most Magical Girlfriends, but she is supernatural and will only hook up with a good-hearted character, and her half-celestial cousin pops up to kill her and you for disturbing the balance of the universe in the last Shadowlords module (giving you the opportunity to complete Anera's romance sidequest by taking a death effect for her, though the Power of Love keeps you alive at 1 hp).
    • Joclyn in the Dastard's Morrow module might count.
  • This is such a common trope in Visual Novels that it would exhaust the resources of this wiki to list them all. Notable examples include SHUFFLE!, Da Capo, and Tayutama all which have anime adaptations.
  • Saya no Uta is a horrible variation of this trope, as the girl you think she is is not really a human girl - she is an Eldritch Abomination trying to destroy the Earth!! That being said, the "girlfriend" part play straight as her love to main character seem to be genuine.
  • Also varied in Yume Miru Kusuri, with Cat Sidhe Nekoko, a depowered fairy who needs Kouhei's help to get back where she's supposed to be. Or rather, an ordinary drug addict.
  • In Harvest Moon DS, you have a chance to marry Leia the mermaid, the Witch Princess, or the Harvest Goddess.
  • Elven healer Asilana of Elven Relations.

Web Comics

  • Done straight in El Goonish Shive, where the human-alien-squirrel hybrid Grace is the devoted lover of the classic geek Tedd, who is also very much into shapeshifting of all kinds. Grace is also The Woobie.
  • A similar (both are written by Shapeshifter/Gender Bender fans and have a lot of thematic crossover) comic The Wotch stars (generally) demure witch Anne whose close male friend Robin gets the camera for most storylines. Another friend would be involved with a genie, if he could. And just as Robin is moving on from Anne, he gets involved with another female who also is a witch.
  • Haruna Kurahashi from Experimental Comic Kotone.
  • Lampshaded in Not Quite Daily Comic here.
  • Subverted and Deconstructed in Sluggy Freelance, in which Oasis (an ultracompetent gymnastic killer who is variously suspected of being an android or some other non-human entity) is the very much unwanted Magical Girlfriend of Torg, who is pretty much a loser in most respects but does have a real (and reciprocated) love interest. This is made more interesting because Oasis has certain aspects of The Woobie as well.
  • Housepets: Shortly after Peanut's False Start, Grape comes home from her date with Max to find Peanut watching a movie with another dog, Tarot. This was first time she had appeared in the comic and had apparently "foreseen Peanut in his hour of need." At first, it seemed her magic-ness was just a throw-away gag, but she has since been shown capable of Telepathy and mental illusion, among other things.
    • And the source of her magic-ness is shown to be her status as a Player Character in a cosmic tabletop roleplaying game on a higher plane where the comic's world is the game world..
  • A proclaimed objective of Ow, My Sanity is "stabbing the magical girlfriend genre with a rusty chainsaw". All the potential girlfriends in the Unwanted Harem (and other new interesting acquaintances) are straight from H.P. Lovecraft.
  • Sinfest: Heavily deconstructed with Fuscia and Criminy. Crim's a Chaste Hero taken Up to Eleven while Fuscia is a succubus. Who works for Satan. Who will likely kill her if he ever finds out. The reason she's so into him? Because he's the only person who didn't treat her like a monster or a sex object. ...wow.
  • Andy of Casey and Andy starts dating Satan (who's a very sexy lady in the comic's universe) from around strip 50, and the relationship continues up until the final strip.
  • Ghost Friend.[context?]
  • In The Order of the Stick, Roy, a human warrior, is dating Celia, an air elemental sylph. Also, Nale (Elan's Evil Twin) is dating Sabine, a succubus, but considering he's a powerful enchanter in his own right, it may not count.
  • Anime Arcadia.
  • Dangerously Chloe, a spinoff of Eerie Cuties, is a dark-ish comedy twist of this. Fans noted its "Ah! My Demoness" roots right away, but there are... differences. Teddy accidentally got a demonic contract. On a "girlfriend". Which is when the familiar winged, horned, large-chested silhouette appears out of thin air. The main problem with this situation is that while Chloe after seeing that he's actually a very decent chap won't mind make it real, if they two have sex, he will die and go to Hell... And while these contracts have loopholes, it's never easy. Then another succubus pops up. Then angels take keen and less than friendly interest... and so on.
  • My Succubus Girlfriend is all about this; the eponymous succubus is something of a novice, botching her attempt to seduce a young man to claim his soul, later resulting in falling in love with him.

Web Original

  • In Kumiko the Demon Girl, Ken, perpetually luckless with women, gets Kumiko, a somewhat naive and overly chipper demon, as his girlfriend. On the plus side, the sex is great and he's protected against various mystical threats around him. On the minus side, she's consuming a bit more of his soul every time they have sex and the mystical threats largely exist due to Kumiko existing. Oh, and the mystical chain connecting them prevents him from getting too far away from her, and he bears a brand on his neck of a cartoonish copy of her flashing a Victory Sign, and her naïveté constantly gets him hurt, and when his luck does change, she drives the other girls away... but then again, the sex is really, really good.
  • Sort of sadly subverted in Tales of MU with the bonus story "A Boy's Prayer": the story implies that Amaranth the cereal nymph manifested the way she is as (a buxom, nerdy, glasses-wearing Love Freak) because one lonely, geeky twelve-year-old boy, uh, fertilized her field with fantasies and desires of such a woman. The subversion (and sadness) is that after she manifested exactly according to his desires, he never even got to meet her.

Western Animation

  • Kim Possible approaches conspicuously close to this trope in Season 4, especially in Ron's mind, judging by the season premiere. Luckily Kim's personality is so far out of the norm for this role fans don't worry too much.
    • Judging by the series finale, Shego might be a Tsundere example toward Dr. Drakken.
  • The aptly named Batman Beyond episode "Terry's Friend Dates a Robot" plays with this idea. Terry's geeky friend Howard purchases an (illegal) human-like synthoid robot which looks like a beautiful woman, whom he names Synthia and has programmed to be "totally into me". Problem is, she is scarily possessive and has superhuman strength. She nearly kills a couple of people who bully Howard and Batman has to step in. When Howard decides they should see other people, she literally explodes.
  • Code Lyoko: As far as The Smart Guy Jérémie is concerned, Aelita definitely fits this trope; it was obvious to his friends that he was in love with her even though he knew her only as a cheerfully innocent, pixie-like artificial intelligence living in a computer. She's gradually revealed to be an amnesiac human girl who was trapped in Cyberspace, and their relationship continues once she's rescued (though it also gets more complicated, as Jérémie predicted would happen if she started living on Earth).
  • Parodied in Futurama, when Fry buys pirated Lucy Liu downloaded from the Internet and put on a blank robot to date, and his friends try to stop him with a film showing how without the struggle to impress the opposite or same sex, society would collapse.
  • Jenny shows up to rescue Sheldon from bullies in My Life as a Teenage Robot. She has most of the traits; to the point where, when Jenny is tired of dating egotistical boys, and complains she needs someone sweet, Sheldon walks past and she barely notices him beyond a perfunctory hello.
    • Word of God says that if the show had continued, Jenny would have indeed become Sheldon's girlfriend.
  • Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders. The normally carefree Shaggy and Scooby fall for a hippie nature photographer named Crystal and her Golden Retriever Amber.. Even a whole music video in the movie is Shaggy fantasizing about their future relationship. As it turns out, Crystal and her dog are alien agents sent to investigate the S.A.L.F dishes. Their idea of an Earth appearance came from TV signals picked up from an experiment in the 70's.
  • In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Sokka's first girlfriend Yue is an inversion... when she becomes magical (by transforming into the new Moon spirit), she has to stop being his girlfriend.
    • Aang himself is a Magical Boyfriend - he's an energetic, kind, generous messiah-figure that helps Katara achieve everything she ever wanted to. Everything. Getting her Waterbending training, check. Reuniting her with her father, check. Finding closure with her mother's death, check. Saving the world, check. And he ends up marrying her too.
  • Disney's animated Hercules series had an example based incredibly loosely on the legend of Galatea (in which a sculptor fell in love with his statue and had Aphrodite bring it to life and they lived happily ever after.) Hercules can't get a date for the prom or something, and since the original Galatea sculptor is his art teacher and has a sexy wife that used to be a statue, Hercules sculpts his own and has Aphrodite bring it to life (she mentions that she's really sick of bringing statues to life because people can't get dates.) The statue-girl (named Galatea, for some reason) is crazy about him in a crazy way, and while she doesn't have standard magical powers, she instead is made of living cement and keeps growing tentacles to capture Hercules and hug him.
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