Dai Sentai Goggle Five

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Dai Sentai Goggle V (Great Squadron Goggle Five) is the sixth Super Sentai series, which aired from 1982 to 1983.

The Goggle V. In case you're wondering, yes, we're putting a girl back into the core team.

It all happened one day when Professor Hideki Hongō went to investigate Wolfborg castle in Germany...only to find the previous resident reduced to bones, and the Dark Science Empire Deathdark ready to execute their plan to, you guessed it, Take Over the World. The defenseless Hongō is attacked, but thankfully, a world class-explorer named Ken'ichi Akama comes to his rescue, thus learning the story of Hongō and his squadron, the only group capable of stopping Deathdark... the Goggle V!

Akama is then promoted into the leader of the Goggles, Goggle Red, while Hongō's Computer Boys and Girls bring out those chosen to become the members of the Goggle V including Kanpei Kuroda, Saburo Aoyama, Futoshi Kijima and Miki Momozono. While they're completely unrelated, they share a strong sense of justice, so after hearing Hongou's explanation, they immediately agree to become members of the Goggle Five. Together, they fight the Deathdark Empire to protect peace!

This season would be the last season of Sentai to use the usual Scarf of Asskicking. And after the previous season which featured an all-men team, this team brought back a girl to the team and as of the time, was the youngest character to be a Sentai warrior, being a 16 years old (until Dairanger). Aside of starting the trend of Title Scream, this also marks the first Sentai work of Hirohisa Soda, who'd later work on Sentai until Fiveman. However, if there's one thing that is quite known about this team is that the constant mistaking that the team is a group of gymnasts, since the weapons are made of gymnastic apparatus, never mind that the theme was more like creating a better future with good science, as well as utilizing some ancient civilization gems.

Their goggles actually do something (though not unusual), and they're not used for shipping, by the way.

Starring the Goggle V:

Also Starring the Deathdark Organization:

Tropes used in Dai Sentai Goggle Five include:

Recurring Super Sentai tropes:

Tropes specific to Dai Sentai Goggle Five:

  • Back from the Dead: In episode 28, ALL the monsters of the week that came before came back to assist that week's monster.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: Aoyama & Kijima in episode 38. Even when Kijima is being the Butt Monkey like usual, that doesn't eclipse their badassery.
  • Badass in Distress: Miki/Pink in Episode 39.
  • Big Brother Mentor / Cool Big Sis: The Goggle Five are basically this for the Computer Boys & Girls.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Akama/Red sure loves doing this. Not only this is his debut action, if an ally is in need of rescues, he's the first to execute the trope by throwing his Goggle Saber. It always works.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: KIJIMA/YELLOW.
  • Bruce Lee Clone: Kuroda/Black in Episode 9, when the team is forced into a Calvin Ball situation. He uses the nunchaku, and the Bruce Lee yell, and eventually goes into shirtless with black long pants like one of Lee's trademark outfits.
  • Butt Monkey: In between getting himself in humorous situations OR getting suckered by the Mooks for laughs in the middle of battle... The universe seems to love picking on Kijima.
  • Dawson Casting: According to the information, Miki is supposedly 16 years old, but she's played by the 20 years old (more or less) Megumi Ookawa.
  • Deathdark Did It: Any major civilization collapse? Deathdark did it. Any weapons created and used for killings? Deathdark inspired it.
  • Everything's Worse with Bears: The final Mozoo is a bear, while the Bear Kong is the only robot piloted not by the Mozoo, but by Deathgiller.
  • Evil Counterpart: Mazurka started the trend of Super Sentai's 'Dark Chick being the direct counterpart of The Chick'. Although since this is the an early era, she never came to direct Cat Fight with Miki (merely possessing similar skills, just used for evil).
  • Eye Scream: Fuhrer Taboo is dealt an eye-piercing fatal blow by the Goggle Robo.
  • Fastball Special: Episode 6 had Black do this helped with a one-shot supporting character.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Granted, it's just a statue, but before the term Duck Tits was coined, episode 45 of Goggle Five gave us... Racoon Tits!
    • Sure it's actually Racoon Tits and not a Tanuki statue's giant testicles?
    • ... Make it both.
  • Hachimaki: Kijima is rarely seen without one
  • I Have the High Ground: Every In the Name of the Moon sequence always had the Goggles jumping on a higher ground (building or cliff)... and after that, leap to battle. Explosions are optional.
  • Instant Expert: We don't know how each of the Goggles are suddenly adept in fighting and their special techniques. Well, this is an early Sentai series after all...
  • Jumped At the Call: Kuroda, Aoyama, Kijima and Miki were practically thrown into the base against their will, but once Hongo gives a rundown of the things, they immediately agree to abandon their former lives and become allies of justice. We assume that the same happened to Akama off-screen.
  • Kid Sidekick: A whole team of them, the Computer Boys and Girls.
  • Last-Name Basis: Partial. The boys are referred by their last names, so you're more likely hear "Akama, Kuroda, Aoyama and Kijima". When it comes to the sole girl, she's called "Miki" rather than "Momozono".
  • Master of Disguise: Aside of Pink... Mazurka just loves putting on disguises.
  • Monster Misogyny: A Lighter and Softer version, obviously. Any time a Monster of the Week (or Mooks) decided to get frisky against one Goggle in a mass battle (all Goggles participating), they will always target Pink.
  • Motif: The series primarily has a science motif, including fighting a Dark Science Empire, while the team's weapons feature a rhythmic gymnastics motif. Anniversary shows and specials ignore the former in favor of the latter - the ending songs of both Gaoranger vs Super Sentai and Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger emphasize the gymnastics, despite it not being the main theme of the show. Gokaiger even has all of them using gymnastics ribbons to tie up the Monster of the Week in episode 8. The team does have an actual gymnast though (Miki).
  • Mythology Gag: Done by Goggle Pink after hypnotizing a bunch of Mooks into dancing around to their fall. "Do you want another?"
  • Name's the Same: No, no. Professor Hongou has no relationship whatsoever with Takeshi Hongou
    • Also in one episode, there's one kid of the week who's named 'Saburou'. Probably that's one of the reasons Last-Name Basis is in effect to differentiate between that kid and Aoyama.
  • Nice Hat: All Deathdark generals comes with unique helmets. Deathgiller has a skull helmet, Mazurka has a motorcyclist helmet, Professors Zazoriya and Iguana have scorpion & lizard helmets respectively; while Deathmark has a snazzy Egyptian helmet.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: In the movie, Miki decided to save a defecting Prof. Zazoriya and insisted the team to go along with her information, thinking that she might have a genuine Heel Face Turn. It ends badly... a bit.
  • Obviously Evil: You take a look at how the Deathdark Empire is NAMED or how they dress up. Now go back and tell me if they're one bit good.
  • One, Two, Three, Four, Go: This exact phrase is part of the ending song's lyrics.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Fuhrer Taboo spends 49 episodes and a half staying inside his chamber in his base.
    • Deathmark also never leaves Taboo's side until the final episode.
  • Parental Abandonment: We don't know anything about the Goggles' parents other than Kijima's father.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: How the Goggles (starting with Red) finish their roll call. As seen on the page quote.
  • Put on a Bus: Out of 50 episodes, Professor Hongō only appears in the first and last two. One of his two assistants, Midori, also leaves the series in Ep. 22, leaving only Sayuri.
  • Rocket Punch: Hand Missile.
  • Say My Name: Miki and her Computer Girl participate in this in early episode.
  • Sexy Backless Outfit: A blink-or-miss one: In episode 20, when Miki puts on the Flamenco Dancer outfit, she occasionally turns behind and you could see that it was a backless variant.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: Every one of the Goggles. The last time we ever saw them on a Super Sentai.
  • Sixth Ranger: Well, for the villains: Deathmark, who makes his debut at the 15th episode, around the same time a good-aligned Sixth Ranger would usually appear in the later Sentai formula.
    • Goggle Five themselves are assisted by two temporary sixth members though: heel wrestler Hellmask in Ep. 6 and Henshin Papa (actually a security officer who steals a prototype "Strong Suit" made by Deathdark) in Ep. 41.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Deathmark's casket in ep. 15 has his name engraved as "Desmark".
  • Spot the Imposter: A Mozoo impersonated Black and the Goggles found out by telling both of them to bungee-jump. Then he impersonated Pink. The Goggles exposed him using the Super Sentai Stance.
  • Stout Strength: Kijima is fatter than the other Goggles (if not the fattest Sentai), but has incredible strength and toughness (He pushed off a huge rock alone, while it takes lots of Mooks and the Monster of the Week to barely push it)
  • Suck Out the Poison: Kuroda does this in Episode 42 when he is infected by Sasori Mozu's venom.
  • Super Drowning Skills: Water may as well be Miki's worst enemy. She's vulnerable on water (something the Spotmen once took advantage of), and she even passed on swimming in a normal swimming pool (despite wearing a swimsuit).
  • Super Senses: Every Goggles have the Goggle Eye which gives them extra sight. Yellow also have super hearing. But mostly on sensing ground disturbance.
  • Taking the Bullet: Happens to one doll brought to life by a Monster of the Week, who takes the bullet meant for her "handsome prince" (actually a crossdressing Miki). Cue both Tender Tears and This Is Unforgivable!.
  • Taking You with Me: How Mazurka dies, trying to take Deathgiller and the Goggles. At least she destroyed the first Goggles base... until Professor Hongou comes back from his bus and introduces a NEW base.
  • Theme Naming: As with Denjiman, the five have their colors in their surnames.
  • Tokyo Is the Center of the Universe: Played straight for most the series, but there's one episode where Deathdark attacked a foreign country. The ending credits also shows all the members of Goggle Five protecting children in other countries besides Japan.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: "GOGGLE SABER!". Always handy to make a Big Damn Heroes moment.
    • Also Goggle Golden Spear is usually used this way, until Deathmark counters it. So they instead rams it to him.
    • Electron Galactic Missile, which is basically throwing the Electron Galactic-powered Earth Sword to Fuhrer Taboo's weak point, killing him in one throw.
  • What Could Have Been: According to some sources, Miki was to be played by a different actress, who's actually older. That idea quickly got shot down since she's supposed to be the youngest of the team, the role went to her current actress, and the rest is history. Never mind the Dawson Casting.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Goggle Blue gets horribly owned by Moth Mozoo in episode 8 since his leg got wounded. Skip around 25 episodes, and then when the rest of the Goggles arrive, he was single-handedly owning the Rattlesnake Mozoo. Wow.
  • Working Title: This series was originally considered to be called Mirai Sentai Miraiman, and later GoGoV, but eventually became Goggle Five. The second name was reused 17 years later, while part of the first name was reused in the series after that.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: Uh, okay. Kijima might use grapple moves a lot, but he's a zoo worker, not a wrestler... Yet he still pulls off an Atomic Drop on a Mook...
  1. Fight!
  2. "Unambiguous" in the sense that Battle Kenya's official status as a black ranger is a retroactive one.
  3. Kuroda the chessmaster and Aoyama the inventor.
  4. Combination complete! (To be used again later in Boukenger)