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Our "hero". His main goal is to have sex with all of the women in the world.

Tropes associated with Rance:

 As long as she's cute or beautiful, he doesn't care for their personality.

Voluptuous, slender, virgin, slut, he likes them all.

Ages he finds them attractive: 15~29

  • Attractive Bent Gender: Let him visit the gender changing temple in Sengoku Rance and she gets to be one of the hottest female in the entire game. It also leads to a Nonstandard Game Over.
  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: It could have happened with Lia of Leazus in Rance I or Magic of Zeth in Rance VI, but he ran away from both of those princesses.
    • In Kichikuou Rance, Rance marries the Queen of Leazus who was the princess of the first game in order to get Sill back from Helman and proceeds to conquer the WHOLE WORLD!
  • Badass: Definitely the poster boy for the most badass person in Alice Soft games!
  • Battle Couple: With Sill Plain.
  • Berserk Button: Any kind of male who harms females in his presence will die, period. Anything worse than rape will get him angrier and angrier.
    • And then in Rance 6 he went completely ballistic when he found out about a brothel where the girls where terribly mistreated, and they even kidnapped a little girl he knew (horribly tortured, to the point she lost one eye and was really fearful of men). He killed lots of customers, the madame (one of the few exceptions to his usual behaviour of not killing females) and burned the place to the ground.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Delivers quite a few throughout the game. He also played this trope at one time.
  • Brutal Honesty: One of his defining traits, emphasis on brutal.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Rance Attack!
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: Despite his general badassery, he's not that good at handling alcohol.
  • Cassandra Truth: No one ever believes that he has saved Leazus, Zeth, and Custom and has defeated a former Demon King and a few demons.
  • Chaotic Neutral: While D&D alignments don't really work in characterizing him, this is essentially what he is. He knows that things like rape, murder, and stealing are bad. He just doesn't believe it's bad when HE does it.
  • Character Title
  • Collector of the Strange: Has a few different collections found in his treasure like shells, some fruits, food, and other things.
  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: He is most often referred to as "the guy in green" when people first see him.
  • Combat Pragmatist: One of the reasons why he's such a formidable warrior. There's an example in Rance VI with a demon who could shapeshift into someone's greatest fear. His solution? Imagine his fear was a tiny caterpillar.
  • Cool Sword: Chaos is a sword capable of defeating demons. He's also as horny as Rance.
    • Evil Weapon: While not evil himself, it is said that an ordinary person would go insane if they held Chaos for too long. Fortunately, Rance is not an ordinary person.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Do not ever think this man is just a moron. He will show you just why he has command to three countries, defeat demons, tie with the designated hero at that time (Arios) even though Arios has a ton of advantages against him, and have his way with the former Demon King.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: He could definitely fill up an entire library but the most epic one would have to be that it's HIS STORY for 10 games already and it's still ongoing whereas Final Fantasy series have different stories in them. To name just a few:
    • Defeats and has sex with former Demon King Gele.
    • Saves towns, and countries just because he can.
    • Has defeated quite a few demons himself and Xavier's now included in his list.
    • Has three human kingdoms under his control.
    • Gets a level down and still was able to fight to a draw with Arios the Hero of the generation. In a world where the Hero is broken, you got mad skills putting up a fight against him.
    • Non-canon example. In Kikuchou Rance, he CONQUERS THE ENTIRE WORLD!!
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: My Glorious Days. Whenever you hear it, that song will inflict glorious minutes on you. Doubles as a Theme Music Power-Up tune whenever he does something epic. Otherwise, it's his default Rape Is Love music.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: His Kichiku Attack, which is even more powerful than his Rance Attack, but is said to have side effects.
  • Deal With the Devil: Made one with Feliss in Rance 2, but he got out of it via Loophole Abuse while having his way with her.
  • Designated Protagonist Syndrome: Most likely one of the earliest aversions in Japanese H Games.
  • Driven to Suicide: In Rance Quest he discovers that there is no way to save Sill and attempts to kill himself through sex.
  • Even a Hedonistic Jackass Has Standards: He will NOT do anything remotely Lolicon (and is actually horrified of the idea), and despite how much of an ass he is to Sill, deliberately trying to hurt her or kill her will make him angry enough to make you Deader Than Dead.
    • Also, while he himself might be a borderline rapist personality wise, he generally believes women should be able to walk away having enjoyed the experience, hence why he gets extremely pissed off at the Attempted Rape of Uesugi Kenshin and the actual rape of Kouhime in Sengoku Rance.
  • Fantasy Contraception: A spell Sill casts on him, though it has been stated that he knows other methods as well. As of Rance Quest, the spell no longer works due to Sill being trapped in ice.
  • Four-Star Badass: Though he is usually Walking the Earth, he is a competent commander.
  • Genre Savvy: Sometimes at least. He knows that just because Xavier fell out the window while basically disemboweled and bleeding everywhere does not mean he's dead.
  • Giver of Lame Names: Well, his Signature Move is literally called the Rance Attack. And then we have the hyper weapon...
  • Gratuitous English: His lines and catchphrases are peppered with it.
  • Harem Seeker
  • The Hedonist: If it has nothing to do with eating, sleeping, sex, or shell collecting, he isn't interested.
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath and Designated Hero: He may be this, but he's OUR hero.
  • H-Game POV Character: Type V Played for Laughs. Has just enough scruples (not to mention he lives in an H Game universe that seems oddly tolerant of his actions) to avoid being a Type VI A, though he does have some aspects of the Type VI B. He also seems to have some shades of IV since there are some things even he is galled off by, and has a few moments in which he is a lot more gentle with the women.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Causes people to be this to him. Somehow, he was even able to convince the king of Zeth that he was a noble person.
    • Even the gods judged him wrongly. They expected him to become an Evil Overlord that caused chaos onto humanity, so they would be entertained by the massive amounts of human suffering. Instead, Rance actually shortens the wars he's involved in and minimizes any human suffering. In Rance Quest Magnum, the goddess ALICE orders the new pope to kill Rance because he's creating too much peace.
    • To be honest, Rance is the kind of person you wouldn't trust to keep the peace or to rule, but he is quite capable in erasing enemies, and no matter how dire is the situation, with the right motivation, he will prevail.
  • Hospital Hottie: Played this trope once to rape a female general in VI.
  • I Call It My Hyper Weapon
  • Image Song: Can be found here. Logically, it is a vocal remix of the theme song of Kichikuou (or Brutal King) Rance.
  • Inexplicably Awesome: All we know of his origin is that he was a amnesiac four year old who was brought to Gomorrah Town by a one-armed knight who died shortly afterwards. All the boy remembered was that his first name is Rance, so he called himself that. Furthermore, his lack of a Level Cap and the ability to raise the Level Cap of any character he has sex with are not explained. Heck, not even he knows how his Rance Attack works, only that it does.
  • Jail Bait Wait/Wife Husbandry: He's perfectly fine with doing this, since he's not into lolis.
  • Jerkass: Most definitely. Also has a few gold-plated moments.
  • Leitmotif: Besides the above-mentioned My Glorious Days, there's Go The Brutal Man, which plays in later games whenever Rance does less epic things.
  • Lolicon: Explicitly averted. The point is made more than once that no matter how indiscriminate he is, he doesn't like little girls.
  • Loveable Sex Maniac: You can't help but love the guy even with all of his acts. Hell, he even nabbed the top spot for the most famous male eroge character until they decided to keep it female only.
  • Magnetic Hero: Partly because Rance is so Badass, partly because Rape Is Love, and partly because of many people Comically Missing the Point. The crowning example is in Kichikuou Rance.
"For the sake of world peace, it is necessary for one nation to rule over all. Rance is willing to carry the forsaken name of the Conquerer in order to achieve world peace. He's definitely a great person."

 You mean my ASS is in danger!?

  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Him and Chaos. Doubles as an Intergenerational Friendship seeing as Chaos is at least a few thousand years old while Rance is twenty-three.
  • Warrior Therapist: He's surprising good at helping others with their psychological problems, which is why he ends up being so charismatic despite his negative points.
  • Weirdness Magnet: Is seemingly able to attract other balance breakers to himself.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Just ask Sill. Very rarely will he outright kill one, though.

Sill Plain

Sill Plain

 A magic user bought by Rance. A spell of obedience has been casted on her so she can't act against Rance's will. (By this time the spell has possibly lost its effect but..)

Rance's "slave", read as Rance's most cherished person. She travels alongside Rance wherever he goes and is pretty much with him after being bought as a slave. She still wears her slave collar even though that collar has no more effect on her due to Rance.

Tropes associated with Sill Plain: