Kyonyuu Fantasy/Characters/Antagonists

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Antagonist characters from Kyonyuu Fantasy include:

Prefect Irboyne

A lolicon in a game about large breasts.

Voiced by Dobu Rokuro (JP)

The Prefect of Boan. He was a graduate of the Knight's Academy, and he was ranked dead-last in his class just like Lute.

Tropes exhibited by him include:
  • Asshole Victim: He had sought his wife's hand with great determination, but upon marrying her and learning of how little she had to offer in wealth or politics, he tries to divorce her, but is unable to do so. He begins isolating her and avoiding her, and even cheats on her with younger women. He also shows little regard for his subjects or anyone other than himself. So nobody really cares when you hear about him dying of a heart condition after trying to disgrace his wife.
  • Bad Boss: He utterly hates his job, since he is essentially the laughing-stock of the political community of his country. He therefore, hoards all the best of anything he can get ahold of in Boan for himself. He also ignores and cheats on his wife, and even conspires with Prince Bobon to attempt a rebellion against the crown.
  • Big Bad: Of the Boan arc.
  • Chessmaster: He tries to be. He was trying to use Roxanne to regain some political credibility and wealth, but her family had little to offer. He tried to divorce her, but she refused, so he tried to manipulate her into cheating on him with Lute so that he could discredit and divorce her while keeping all the power he could steal from her, which would then be put toward revolting against the kingdom and siding with Prince Bobon. It fails, spectacularly.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He can't understand Roxanne's desire to be a devoted wife, even if he treats her like crap.
  • Fallen Hero: Using the word "hero" quite loosely here. He had been a child of a minor (noble?) family, but had went into the Royal Knight's Academy to become a knight (whether he actually supported the meritocracy system or simply wanted to be a part of it at the time is unclear). However, he wound up graduating last in his class and was sent to Boan, and that in turn was seen as an insult to him since Boan is the most backwater part of the kingdom. He tried to get some wealth and political status through marriage to Roxanne, but her family had little to offer, so that failed too. Eventually it all led to him trying to start a rebellion against the king in support of prince Bobon who promised him power, wealth, and status if he did so. Lute at one point wonders if things had been different maybe he'd have ended up like him or vice versa.
  • Government Conspiracy: He was part of one with Bobon, who were actually both being supported by the Prime Minister, to stir up a revolt in Boan and possibly lead to civil war that may have even caused Lingobard and other outside nations to invade.
  • If I Can't Have You: Inverted. The Prefect wants nothing more than to be rid of Roxanne, so that he could apparently hook up with some loli girl he was cheating on her with, but since Roxanne won't consent to a divorce, he takes to isolating her and ignoring her as much as possible, as well as plotting against her to try and get her to cheat on him so that she will be executed and he will be rid of her.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: He hates his job, he hates where he is, he hates his wife, he hates his citizens, he hates the people who sent him where he is, and he makes little effort to hide it. He hardly does anything to actually improve his life through legitimate work, instead he hoards all the best of anything he can get his hands on in Boan for himself, he tried to marry into fortune and political gains, but Roxanne's family had little to offer of anything, plus he prefers loli girls anyway. He pretty much ignores his citizen's pleas for action against the Succubus that was terrorizing them, apart from trying to get them to shut up and leave him alone. He hated how the king (and his government) assigned him to Boan, which is considered the political exile/laughing-stock assignment of the kingdom, and this leads him to conspire with Prince Bobon to try and revolt against the king.
  • Karmic Death: While trying to set up his wife and Lute, he's brought down by a heart condition flaring up. (It was either a heart attack or stroke.) Up till then he had treated or rather, mistreated his wife with nothing but contempt and isolation.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: You'd never know he was a knight by looking at him. He had actually been a graduate of the Royal Knight's Academy that was assigned to be the Prefect of Boan. Likely due to him having graduated dead last in his class like Lute had.He's very unhappy with it.
  • Kavorka Man: Somehow in spite of his arse ugly disposition. The Prefect managed to land the pretty beyond words Roxanne for his wife, even managing to cheat on her with younger girls out in town without impunity given his looks.
  • Lolicon: Among the reasons he never consummated his marriage to Roxanne.
  • Obviously Evil: His appearance and attitude certainly don't radiate kindness or generosity. One look and you'll know he looks like he's probably up to something, which he is.
  • Only One Name: We never know his last name. Or if Irboyne is even his last or first name. We also don't know if "De Desir" is his last name or Roxanne's maiden name. Nothing about it is clarified.
  • Perpetual Frowner: While his assistant almost always smiles, he is almost always frowning.
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: In Edelland politics, to be sent to Boan is widely seen as a punishment since it's such a backwater dirt-poor job. The Prefect feels like the laughingstock of the political community, and tries desperately to get back to the capital.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: He tries to revolt with Prince Bobon.
  • Sacrificial Lion: He tries to make Lute this twice. The first time was when he ordered him to deal with their "succubus problem". He succeeds, much to their surprise. Then, he was being set up to lead his wife into commiting an act of infidelity which could have lead to Lute being imprisoned and/or executed... had it not turned out that the Prefect was up to something much worse.
  • Spanner in the Works: His first plan was to have Lute face off with the succubus that was terrorizing the people of Boan just to shut the citizens up. Lute ends up befriending her, but when Lute goes to get the "reward" they promised him, they are at first going to stiff him, but then Madoise suggests they use him as bait for their initial plan of setting Lute up with Roxanne to commit infidelity. THAT fails thanks to the Prefect having a heart attack and Shamsiel finding evidence of a bigger crime that the Prefect and his toady were trying to start.
  • Unfit for Greatness: He was a graduate from the Royal Knight Academy (and had even graduated at the bottom of his class, same as Lute, and was sent to Boan). However, instead of trying to make the most of it and working to improve the situation for those around him as well as himself, he took to hoarding all the best of anything he could get in the region, trying to marry for political and economic gains (which backfires), and even conspires to start a revolt against the crown in an attempt to seize the power and wealth he feels due to him. It all backfires and he ends up suffering a heart attack (or stroke) and is imprisoned for treason (even if he survived the heart attack or stroke, he was likely going to be executed anyway). Roxanne herself admits, she knew he wasn't fit to have any real power or prestige, because of his greed and lack of decency.
  • Uriah Gambit: It's a strange one to be honest (especially the visual novel version): The idea was to have Lute exorcise the Succubus that had been causing trouble in the Boan region up till then. However, the Prefect knew full well that there was no chance that anyone who was sent to Boan would be sufficiently trained in anything, much less exorcism specifically, so him ordering Lute to try was basically a death sentence. At the same time, the Prefect was also considering using Lute for his plans to set up Roxanne for committing adultery and then he'd divorce her, but again he was expecting Lute to fail and die, so it came as quite a shock when it backfires and Lute not only survives but befriends the Succubus.
  • Villain by Default: He is an aristocratic jerk.
  • What Happened To The Mouse?: Following his heart attack or stroke in the Visual Novel, we never see him again, but all signs point to him having died from it. In the anime, the last we see of him, he and his assistant are thrown in prison and he is laying motionless on the floor while the assistant kneels over him.
  • Xanatos Backfire: He had tried to pull 2 Xanatos Gambits on Lute and both get turned around on him. First in setting him up to take on a Succubus with no skills or preparation to actually succeed. To everyone's utter surprise, Lute is actually able to survive and even befriend Shamsiel. (Unbeknownst to everyone including Lute himself, he is half-incubus which allowed him to survive her.)}} Then, when Lute came to collect on his "reward", the Prefect panicked, but Madoise suggested (quietly) that they use Lute as bait for Roxanne to commit adultery with someone so that the Prefect could discredit her and seek divorce. That one is also botched by outside variables: First is the succubus, Shamsiel, whom Lute had befriended, because she was keeping an eye on Lute and had discovered the Prefects dark intentions and conspiracies. The second is that the Prefect was suffering from a heart condition, and when time came to catch Lute and Roxanne in the act, he instead suffers a heart attack (or stroke). Either way he eventually dies from it.)


Man or rodent? Probably both.

Voiced by Kojiro (JP)

The assistant to the Prefect of Boan and steward to Castle Boan.

Tropes exhibited by him include:
  • Animal Motif: Rodents. Rats, chipmunks, mouse.
  • Blatant Lies: "Monster? What monster? There's no monster? The townspeople are just superstitious!" He says referring to the succubus that the citizens of Boan were begging him to deal with... As they surrounded him and Lute as they toured the town.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: His is quite creepy, and he's almost perpetually sporting it.
  • Didn't See That Coming: In all fairness, he never considered Lute himself being a cambion when he suggested the prospect of scapegoating the guy to the Prefect. Needless to say, they were both unpleasantly surprised that not only was their plan a failure. But were freaked out when he had Shamseil reveal herself to them.
  • Evil Is Petty: His reasons for helping the Prefect of Boan trying to divorce his wife and start a revolt with Bobon? He wants to become a noble himself. Even though he practically is one since the Prefect of Boan does next to nothing on his own.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: While the Prefect was in a coma from his heart attack/stroke, Lute catches Madoise trying to find a document that was regarding their conspiracy, which Lute had already seized and confronted him about. At which point, Lute pretends to have been sent there as an aid to the plan, and tells Madoise this to get him to help him.
  • Hate Sink: Unlike Irboyne who had a semi-plausible reason for being a bitter, unfaithful, misogynistic dirtbag. Madoise was a slimy, conniving, boot licking and all around utterly, thoroughly disloyal and unlikable Jerkass. Naturally, no one barely cared to shed a tear for the guy when he's executed for treason, much less remember he even existed.
  • How Did You Get It?: Neither he nor the Prefect had ever expected in a million years that Lute would exorcise, much less win over Shamsiel. They were also just as shocked when Lute exposed their conspiracy plans after having found a letter between the Prefect and Bobon outlining the plot.
  • Idiot Ball: For a man who comes up with a bunch of schemes and plans for himself and the Prefect of Boan, Madoise can be really REALLY gullible and stupid at times. For instance: In the Visual Novel, when the Prefect's conspiring to revolt is brought to light, Lute pretends to have been sent (by the Prime Minister) to help them with the plan from the beginning. Madoise falls for it easily, and after Bobon arrives and falls for the Impersonation Gambit Lute pulls, Madoise and Bobon are BOTH busted.
  • Impersonation Gambit: He falls for them TWICE! Lute tricks him into thinking he was sent there as a spy to help them with their conspiracy. It works, and this idiot falls for it big time. Then, he actually HELPS Lute pretend to be the Prefect of Boan when meeting with Prince Bobon. It also works, and both Prince Bobon AND Madoise are busted and imprisoned for their conspiracy.
  • Just Another Fool: He and the Prefect at first saw Lute as just some other failure of a knight sent there for graduating so low, so they tried to use him for their plans. Ironically, this underestimation leads to things backfiring on them and causes their own downfalls at Lute's hands.
  • Man Behind the Man: Some hints point to him being this to the Prefect of Boan, in that, he suggested that they use Lute as bait for Roxanne, and he also supposedly gave the Prefect the idea that they aid Bobon in starting a rebellion.
  • Professional Butt-Kisser: If it isn't the Prefect's butt it's whoever else has as much or more power and wealth around him.
  • Perpetual Smiler: He almost always has that creepy smile on his face, so it always seems like he is up to something.
  • Quirky but Competent: He's a sniveling, scheming, butt-kisser, but he's probably better at his job than the Prefect is at his. Most if not all of the Prefect of Boan's plans were actually ideas suggested by Madoise.
  • Royally Screwed-Up: He and the Prefect tried to dispose of Lute by ordering him to take on Shamsiel, this backfires and ends up with Lute gaining Shamsiel as a lover and ally who not only protects him, but helps him uncover and ruin all of Madoise and the Prefect's other plans.
  • Schemer: This little chizzler is always trying to take advantage of somebody in same way. Especially in assisting with the Prefect's plans. It was his idea to try using Lute as bait for Roxanne to cheat on her husband and be forced to divorce.
  • Slime Ball: Many if not all the Prefects iniquitous schemes come from this rat bastard, sure. But one of his worst, most irresponsible acts was throwing an inexperienced, unprepared and under-qualified knight at a succubus, knowing full well he was way outclassed to boot. Why? Just so he and Prefect jerkface could have a fall guy his subjects could string up instead of them, as to cover for both their incompetence and flagrant disregard for the masses under they're care.
  • The Stool Pigeon: Madoise sings like a cockatrice the minuet he's revealed as co-conspirator against the crown.
  • Tampering with Food and Drink: The Prefect of Boan has him serve Lute and Roxanne wine laced with an aphrodisiac in order get them to have sex as part of a trap to catch them in the act.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: Many if not ALL the plots involving him and the Prefect turn out to have been his idea. Siding with Bobon to revolt? His encouragement. Sending Lute to fight the succubus? His idea. Using Lute as bait for Roxanne? HIS IDEA!
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: He and the Prefect's plans to have him try to exorcise the succubus that had been terrorizing the people of Boan, ends with Lute converting Shamsiel to being his loving guardian and ally. She in turn helps protect Lute from those who would seek his downfall or to harm him, such as when Lute and Roxanne finally have sex, or when it came to the Prefect and Madoise's plan to revolt alongside Prince Bobon. In fact, with Shamsiel's help, Lute is able to overcome many other plots against him and others in the rest of the story as well, all because them at the start.
  • Unwitting Pawn: They tried to make Lute and Roxanne this, and even considered using Motaire, but it all amounted to nothing but them getting busted for conspiring against the crown, and Lute achieving all that they could have hoped for or wanted: promotions, rise in ranks, and kingly status.
  • What Happened To The Mouse: Following the trial for assisting the Prefect of Boan and Bobon's conspiracy to revolt, we never see nor hear from him again. He was executed (according to Lute, the punishment for treason is death, which may not have been done to Bobon initially due to the cover-up by the King. Madiose had no such protection). In the anime, he was imprisoned with the Prefect and never seen again.

Wan Coan

One Coine?

Voiced by Ichiro Kataoka (JP)

The Steward in Bustenhelter. He'd immigrated from an unnamed Oriental nation in the east.

Tropes exhibited by Hwan Taun include:
  • Butt Monkey: His name gets mispronounced by everyone, and nobody cares when he tries to correct them.
  • Disney Death: In the anime, he winds up being hung, although it's only seen as a silhouette. In the visual novel, he commits suicide.
  • Dirty Coward: He has no chance in actual combat with anyone. But he was still acting under orders to try and manipulate 2 sides of a rebellion into wiping one another out. Even going as far as sabotage, selling information, hiring assassins, arranging for food being tampered with, setting groundwork for his own defection, and when Gladys was being kept as their prisoner, Lute (the ranking General in charge at the time) had ordered that she was not to be harmed or executed, and had Lute not already visited, converted, and released her before hand. It is shown that Bon Bawn was going to sneak into the dungeon during the night and slit her throat in an attempt to cover up his tracks. Later on, when his betrayal is fully exposed thanks to evidence as well as Gladys' own testimony, he is so afraid of being imprisoned (as well as terrified at the thought of what the Prime Minister might do to him) that he kills himself.
  • Do with Him as You Will: In the anime, Lute says a variation of this in regards to how the Generals will handle punishing him for his betrayal and insubordination. They go with the gallows.
  • Driven to Suicide: Cuts his own neck open once he realizes he has spilled out there's a hidden figure who is the true responsible for his actions, leaving the heroes clueless.
  • Even Bigger Bad: At first, people thought that Gladys was the traitor that the King had warned Lute about, but she and Lute were able to expose Blan Clann as the real spy among them, and he lets it slip that he was acting under orders from someone else even higher up than him, which is the first time the Prime Minister's involvement in a plot was nearly exposed.
  • Feed the Mole: Literally. Lute turns this on him, because Shamsiel had saved the leftovers of the pie that Bon Tron had had laced with laxatives and fed Lute in an effort to get him to lose his duel with Gladys. It backfires... BIBLICALLY! Lute wins the duel, and later when questioning Straun Jawn, Lute presents the leftover pie and orders him to eat it. He refuses. Lute keeps pushing for him to eat it, but he refuses. In the end it leads him to slip up and reveal his guilt. Then, just like the pie... he gets knifed. (Although he did it himself.)
  • Graceful Loser: Inverted. When his plans fail, he tries everything to cover them up. Including trying to poison Lute in the anime or slit Gladys' throat in the visual novel. When his crimes actually get exposed, he tries everything to deny them, but when all else fails, he commits suicide.
  • Jerk Ass: We never really learn much about him in terms of his own backstory and personality, but at the very least we know he was a mole sent by the Prime Minister to sabotage the king's forces in Bustenhalter, and that he had hired assassins to eliminate several of the other military leaders (including the previous High Commander) sent to the region.
  • Kick the Dog: In the anime adaptation, he gets busted for setting up a duel with Gladys without any authorization for doing so. He then tries to poison Lute in retaliation, but Shamsiel stops that, and he ends up getting hung the next morning. In the visual novel, he gets busted same as before, except this time he tries to sabotage the duel by having Lute eat a pie that he had had laced with laxatives. Ironically, Lute was already bad at chess, but thanks to the stomach problems distracting him, he actually miraculously ends up winning the duel! Later on, when his actions are exposed, he lets it slip that he's working under orders, but in saying that, he had no alternative to cover things up than to kill himself, which he did.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: He sets up a duel between Lute and Gladys with a chess game to decide the fate of the Vunderbalt Rebellion, but it was considered overstepping his authority. He had set this up under orders from the Prime Minister, and when he is exposed, he commits suicide in the visual novel, but in the anime he is imprisoned and then hung.
  • Mood Whiplash: In the anime adaptation's second episode, Lute had just finished having sex with Isis, and Shamsiel appears, cracking up at the hilarity of the situation for Lute. Cut away to Gladys who is still awake late that night thinking to herself that Lute may have put up an act in front of her, but she knew he wasn't going to be able to sleep peacefully that night (due to fear of death from their duel that was to happen the next day). Cut back to Lute, who is not only sleeping soundly in his bed, but also snoring loudly with drool coming out of his wide open mouth, and instead of Isis, it's actually Shamsiel that is now asleep in bed snuggled up to him. It makes for a cute little touching moment... Only to be tossed out the window seconds later when it cuts to a shot of the gallows (presumably early the next morning) with crows squawking and the silhouette of a man (implied to be Wuahnn Cuwhan) hanging motionless and silent.
  • Mook Lieutenant: To the Prime Minister in the Vunderbalt Rebellion. His mission was to sabotage the king's forces by emptying their weapon caches, have each new High Commander sent there assassinated, and do anything he could to try and get Gladys' rebel army to try and take the offensive. He fails to do this when Lute arrives, and Gladys had no intention of invading to begin with, so it all comes back on him when she helps expose his betrayal to Lute and the generals.
  • Nice Hat: He wears a pretty fancy eastern-looking hat. Sort of makes one wonder if he's Compensating for Something.
  • Oh Crap: He has at least 3, but one was a 2-parter. First was when he goes behind everyone's back to set up the duel with Gladys and is exposed (it happens in the Visual Novel and Anime), and instead of punishing the 3 generals for their hiring assassins to beat up Lute being revealed at the same time. Lute had only Mon Clon punished instead. Then came the next incident when Lute, Felzen, and Gladys are discussing the possibility of a traitor in their midst. They were all suspecting him to begin with, but then Lute reveals leftovers of the pie laced with laxatives, and Jon Kwanza reacts like this. Shortly after that, he is slips up and reveals he was acting under orders from someone higher up. They try to question him as to who he was under orders from, but he quickly pulls out a dagger and kills himself!
  • Playing Both Sides: The Prime Minister was ordering him to do this in order to have the rebels and king's forces kill each other. The reason for this was so the Prime Minister could eliminate Gladys whom he feared as a threat to his goals, and at the same time, he was also hoping to secretly kill off any other members of Edelland's military officers who may also have threatened his plans.
  • Quit Your Whining: When people mispronounce his name, he always says something, and they always tell him to get over it.
  • Running Gag: People can't seem to get Whan Cwaine's name right... SEE!
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Whan Maun HATES how people can't seem to pronounce his name right.
  • Tampering with Food and Drink: In both the anime and visual novel, he does this. In the anime, he tried to have Lute poisoned after being exposed and imprisoned for trying to betray the kingdom. Instead, Shamsiel was watching him and switched out the poison for a powerful aphrodisiac, but Lute isn't the one who drinks it. Isis is, via an accidental and unknown Poisoned Chalice Switcheroo. In the visual novel, he has the chef make Lute a pie filled with Laxatives and feeds it to him the morning of Lute's duel with Gladys to try and make sure he loses. The laxatives distract him alright, but it actually causes him to be victorious against Gladys since he was terrible at chess to begin with and was forced to make lightning moves without actually paying any attention to the game. Later on, Shamsiel gives Lute what was left of the pie and he uses it to expose Pawn Cron's attempt at sabotaging him.
  • The Mole: In both the anime and visual novel, he is taking orders from the Prime Minister to sabotage the efforts of the King's forces to suppress the rebels of Inland led by Gladys von Wackenheim in Vunderbalt.
  • Uriah Gambit: Under orders from the Prime Minister, he sets up a duel between Gladys and Lute without any authority or permission to do so. He had done so behind Lute and the other 3 generals' backs, and even though he got caught he had assumed it would lead to Lute's defeat and demise since Gladys was said to be unbeatable in swordplay and chess. In both versions, Lute emerges victorious (shockingly to all), and as for Ron Pawn? He gets hung in the anime and commits suicide in the visual novel.
  • Victim Blaming: He tried to cover up all his actions as a mole, and accidentally lets it slip that he was acting under orders from someone else. This forces him to freak out and commit suicide in a last effort to cover things up.
  • What an Idiot!: His plans all backfire thanks to his own stupid actions. Setting up a duel with Gladys without authorization? He bumps into Lute right as he does it. Sabotaging Lute to lose the duel? Something he didn't NEED to do that actually leads to Lute winning it! Denying having been the one to sabotage it? Lute uses the very pie he'd given him as a way to expose him, even his stomach growled when he tried to claim he wasn't hungry so he wouldn't have to eat it!
  • You Said You Would Let Them Go: Lute had promised to not execute Gladys nor do anything to her subordinates. However, that night, Juan Kuran waited until everyone was asleep or passed out drunk and snuck to the dungeon with the intention of slitting Gladys' throat before she could expose his betrayal... Thankfully for her, Lute had already released her from her cell and she went to his bedroom to sleep with him.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: When he is caught in the anime, the Generals have him hung, and that's all we know of his fate, beside his having been working for the Prime Minister, it never goes deeper than that. In the Visual Novel however, it's a bit different, because when he gets caught and exposed, he lets it slip that he was taking order from someone higher up (we already know it was the Prime Minister). Upon realizing his mistake, he yells that he had been acting of his own free will, and proceeds to commit suicide before anyone can stop him. When the Prime Minister receives word of John KHAAAAAN's revealed treachery to the crown and death, he is furious about the incompetence of his followers. One shudders to think of the fate that would have awaited him, if his fear of the Prime Minister led him to killing himself instead.

Prime Minister Rubin Von Bernstein

Long... Live... the King...

Voiced by Ken Munakata (JP)

The Prime Minister of Edelland.

Tropes exhibited by him include:
  • Big Bad:Is this overall in the Visual Novel and anime...As if you didn't know by now.
  • Abomination Accusation Attack: He invokes this on Lute. Technically speaking, it happens in every route. He sees Lute as scum that needs to die, but particular mention goes to what happens in Isis, Shamsiel, and the Harem Routes.
    • Isis's route has him realizing that Lute is a Hallowed demon, technically half-demon, so he puts a hit out on Lute. In said route he orders her and the Royal Guards to do it immediately, but Isis turns on them, warns Lute, and they flee the country together. In Shamsiel's route he simply grew tired of his presence and sends Lute back into the forest, but with soldiers on his payroll Rubin'd ordered to murder him. They nearly succeed, but Shamsiel arrives to rescue Lute and kill the soldiers.
    • In the Harem Route, the Prime Minister murders the king and frames Lute for it by having Emeralia hide the dagger in his room. He covers it up by preventing any deeper investigations into the crime, puts Isis and Luceria under house arrest, and sentences Lute to death by public execution without any trial or hearing Lute's side in any way whatsoever. By the time of the execution, the public was pretty convinced of his guilt, but anyone who actually spoke or knew Lute before, knew he was innocent, and thanks to THEIR efforts, Lute is rescued and cleared of all charges. Whereas the Prime Minister... gets what was coming to him.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: He's evil. Practically everyone can tell just by standing in his presence. The crimes he commits and the plots he's involved in are carried out without any hint of hesitation on his part.
  • Chessmaster: He manipulates people from the shadows to control the kingdom. The furthest extent of his control is unclear, but he IS confirmed to have been tied to: Bobon and the Prefect of Boan's conspiracy to revolt in Boan, Hwan Kraunh's attempts at manipulating of both sides in the Inland revolt, and murdering King Hagel I and framing Lute for it.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: So much so... Let's start with his most memorable betrayal: The King. In the Harem Route, the King had just told Lute his plan to announce him as his successor. Emeralia informs the Prime Minister of this, and he immediately goes to the King's room, fakes congratulating him, gets close... and puts a knife in his back and twists it. Then, there's how he has had Emeralia, his own daughter, using her body and her magic to seduce and enslave many men over the years to obey him, and then after involving her in his most heinous crimes, when she has a heel face turn, he captures her and decides to have her executed without a second thought. In fact, in Luceria's route, he ordered Emeralia to murder the king herself, and as she is heading to the King's room, she thinks about what will happen if she does it. She realizes full-well that he would still never acknowledge her, and that he would just betray her and throw her under the bus, but his grip on her was too much for her to back down from (in that Route at least). There's also, Prince Bobon... No surprise. He was planning on making Bobon the king, but when Bobon's excessive entitlement and stupidity kept showing how unmanageable he was, the Prime Minister was already making plans on killing him too, and putting Motaire on the throne instead. In fact, he even tells Motaire that he would be a better pawn for his schemes, so there would be no loyalty toward Motaire either, and he'd likely kill him too if he ever became a liability.
  • Conviction by Contradiction: At the climax (no pun-intended), of the Harem route, the Prime Minister's crimes are being brought to light thanks to Emeralia's confession after she and Lute were rescued from execution. At first the Prime Minister had stood his ground in claiming innocence, but as the crowds became more and more riled against him thanks to Emeralia's words, he gets nervous. Then, he leaps from the execution platform and flees. Gladys and Felzen proclaim that his fleeing the scene is proof enough of his guilt, and proceed to chase after him, and upon catching up with him... Carry out both his and Prince Bobon's sentences... death!
  • Devil in Plain Sight: He looks about as harmless as Disney's Jafar. Pretty much everyone knows he has his own agenda, but he sets himself up so that few are able to do anything. He uses magical barriers to prevent demons or anyone magic from spying on him, he has Emeralia use her body and magic to enslave men to follow his commands, and he has secret followers carrying out his plans all across the kingdom, such as One Coin. It's a little different in the anime adaptation though, because in that one he seemingly puts on a facade of pretending to be nice as he tended to speak in a cheerful and somewhat goofy manner.
  • Dirty Old Man: He sees all women as nothing more than creatures of lust, and is implied to treat them as such... Including his own daughter, Emeralia, whom he doesn't actually acknowledge as his child since she was the child of one of his prostitute.
  • Dirty Coward: When his plans backfire and his crimes are exposed, he takes off running. He even uses Bobon as a distraction while he tries to make his escape. He also favors cheap shots. Literally. He was hiding in his room waiting for Gladys to enter, and the second he thinks he has the drop on her... Bang! He pulls out a revolver and attempts to shoot her! He knew he couldn't match her in swordplay, but a gun (as he puts it) negates sword skill... Yeah. Not like aiming has anything to do with it. Shamsiel suddenly appears and he panics, so he attempts to shoot her as well, but her magic makes the bullets have no effect on her until he wastes all his ammo. He then tries to escape through a secret portal hidden in his room, but they follow him through that and corner him. He tries to buy-off Motaire to get his help, but then Lute suddenly sticks his head through the portal and he figures he might as well kill Lute off so he tries to chop off his head. Motaire blocks the blow and then he, Gladys, and Felzen close in on the Prime Minister. In his final attempt at surviving, he tries to play to Lute's sense of mercy... Too bad GLADYS wasn't exactly feeling as forgiving. So she, Motaire, and Felzen slice him up including decapitation.
  • Establishing Character Moment: The moment he sees our hero, he summons guards to throw him out of the palace, showing how much of a jerk he is.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Keep in mind: this guy is a manipulative, cruel, and evil bastard as well as the Big Bad of the story overall. However, even he isn't as much of an utterly insufferable asshole as Prince Bobon.
  • Evil Prime Minister: By the time you've reached this guy's entry it's no secret.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He doesn't see the good in others. Apart from things they have that he deems useful to him, such as wealth, position, or influence. Anything or anyone else that he can't exert his control over is useless in his eyes.
  • Genre Savvy: He's dangerously good at manipulating people, and is very careful to cover his tracks. To the point of creating barriers and using magic to keep demons from trying to enter his room or the dungeon.
  • Guns Are Worthless: This guy had perhaps the most advanced weapon in their world in his hand (a revolver in a medieval fantasy setting), but he used it so stupidly that it doesn't help him even a little (by wasting all his shots on Shamsiel who was able to let the bullets pass through her without any effect).
  • Hate Sink: Is a selfish, conniving, manipulative, and arrogant SOB who acts like he deserves to have the highest authority over everyone. Then he murders Hagel for not acting the way he wants then pins it on Lute to have an excuse to kill him. Once Bernstein’s plot gets exposed, everyone in the kingdom wants his head on a pike after realizing he murdered their king and tried to frame an innocent man for the crime. Once cornered, the bastard tried to bribe his way out, which was met with a beheading from three swords.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: The Prime Minister is always scheming some half baked measures to undermine those he looks down upon and secure more power/influence for himself. The focus of these harebrained centers around his trying to undermine Lute Hende whom he see's as garbage and a threat to his conspiracies on top of conspiracies.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Big time...Many times... Starting with how he abuses and never acknowledges his own daughter, Emeralia. He has her try to enslave Lute with her body, to which, Lute turns it around on her and instead she is defeated by him, and begins to have desire for him. Following his forcing her to assist him in framing Lute for killing the king, he still doesn't treat her any better. Add on the notion of Prince Bobon taking the throne, she turns on him and tries to free Lute. He expected it, but it still bites him in the ass when she and Lute are rescued from execution by Gladys, Felzen, Isis, and Shamsiel, Emeralia confesses all of her and the Prime Minister's crimes. His guilt is proven by how he flees the scene, and eventually he's caught and executed. To dig a bit more into his downfall, it wasn't JUST Emeralia that he was mean to to where it would come back to bite him. There was also... General Schlamm, Zant, and especially Felzen, whom he had had a long time feud with and kept seeking to relegate and keep them as far from the capital and government as possible. The 3 of them being spread both in and away from the capital allowed them to form and execute the plan to save Lute from execution with Schlamm and Zant smuggling their troops in, and Felzen's loyal followers in the capital's guard forces let them in. There was also his feud with Gladys and her father, both of whom were very capable knights and extremely smart individuals, when he failed to have her executed, he tried to have it seem like she may be trying to start a revolt again, but it was too flimsy to be true, and she had already suspected he might try something against Lute, so she was making preparations for when that day came. On top of that, he had also tried to use the Princess' half-nymph body to try and kill Lute through sex. Instead, in both the Harem and Luceria routes, she winds up falling in love with and marrying Lute instead of killing him, which makes him the new King of Edelland. One other particularly notable case is how he handles Bobon and Motaire. Pretty much anyone with half a brain could see that Bobon wasn't fit to rule the kingdom, but the Prime Minister put him on the throne anyway, and of course he started abusing his authority from the second he stepped off his carriage, which even the Prime Minister himself found too annoying to handle, so he was planning to replace him too. Problem is, he flat out admitted this to the person he was going to have on the throne next as his pawn: Motaire. Meaning, he practically admitted to killing the king and planning to kill Bobon as well, just to put Motaire on the throne, not by merit or anything, but to act as his puppet.
  • I Have No Daughter: He never acknowledges his bastard-daughter Emeralia, but actively forces her into following his orders and helping with his schemes. This eventually comes to a breaking point in the Harem route, and bites him in the ass.
  • Idiot Ball: For all his well thought out plots and conniving, the Prime Minister or his lackey's are either too boastful or too prone to giving away subtle hints to his involvement in high treason. Like the prefect of Boan & Prince Bobon; neither of them were smart enough to start a rebellion on their own, someone smarter was obviously backing and choreographing it for them. Or the assistant Buan Qoen at Bustenhalter, who let slip he was taking orders from someone up on high to lead both sides to eventual degradation. Rubin himself gives away his true intent as Lute Hende ponders the former's adamant demanding for Glady's execution. The latter being who he is unintentionally having guessed without knowing that Rubin wanted to keep the kingdom in disruptive stagnation for his own manipulative purposes. More over, wanting a complete monkey's arse like Prince Baboon to ascend the monarchy in the first place? That's living proof of the Prime Ministers more than questionable intelligence. Anyone with half a brain knew straight away that that big fat spoiled loser was no more suitable for the throne than a pet'd make for a personal advisor; stemming but not limited to Lute, Isis, Motaire, Felzin, Emeralia (probably), Bobon's sister Luceria and even Baboon's father; King Hagel I. Who specifically stated to the hero of the story that his deplorable son would never, ever succeed him as king. Everybody was aware of this, just as they were well aware of the reasons why he was so undeserving of the title. Why or how didn't Bernstein?
  • Karma Houdini:
    • In Luceria's route, he escapes from any punishment for his crimes since they are never discovered. He is absent from the marriage at the end but that is likely because he didn't want to be present out of disgust of Lute usurping his status as right-hand of the King, which is the only "punishment" he actually receives but is almost a slap on the hand considering what he did.
    • In Roxanne's route, exactly the same happens, with the addendum the ending happens even before Lute becomes a problem at all for him.
  • Like a Broken Record: You wouldn't believe the number of times you'd hear this guy boast about his dominion over the kingdom or denounce anyone he assumes to have no real worth or talent he couldn't exploit. Whenever he, The Prime Minister, would ruminate within his private quarters like some headmen of a secret cabal behind the scenes, he'd come to lament Lute's successes at the latest Impossible Task set on him by the top brass (e.i. him). Rubin always rues the day Lute ever came back into his midst after accomplishing one astounding feat after another, regularly calling him scum or a rock compared the diamonds his pawns are. He'd often rant to himself about being the secret power behind the kingdom, braying on how everything was in the palm of his hand and that no one would take it from him.
  • Loyal to the Position: He admits that HE is the one who is actually running the nation, via manipulation of the king and others, so who is in charge as king doesn't make so much of a difference to him at first.
  • Malicious Slander: Oh he's very, very guilty of this. Admonishing Gladys as a traitor to the crown, framing Lute for the death of King Hagel after doing the dirty deed of killing the king himself when all his other asinine schemes to derail the hero of Edelland failed, making up a BS fabrication covering up Prince Baboons plotting against the crown by starting a rebellion with his fellow school dropouts. All in a days work for this miserable git, guy contemplates high treason while coming up with a host of underhanded means of smearing anybody he hates five time before brunch at least.
  • No Kill Like Overkill: He has it go both ways: When Lute was to be executed, his execution was to take place in the center of town, outside the castle entrance, on a raised platform, surrounded by dozens of guards, and with Lute (and Emeralia next to him) tied up to crosses and gagged. Their bodies were going to both be skewered by spears and then his corpse would be chopped up and (according to Bobon) his head was going to be kicked around like a ball. Yeesh... But thankfully that doesn't happen. Instead, Lute and Emeralia are freed and expose the truth, the Prime Minister and Bobon become the victims of this trope instead with Bobon getting slashed in half (or at least split open) by Felzen, and then a combined attack of Felzen, Motaire, and Gladys slices the Prime Minister apart, including cutting his head off.
  • Obviously Evil: Definitely. His attire, his voice, his face, his attitude, his manners, how he carries himself, how he sees and addresses others, how others talk about him... The only way it could be more obvious were if he had the words "I'm a manipulative incestuous backstabbing killer!" tattooed across his face!
  • Off with His Head!: Happens at the end of the Harem route, compliments of Gladys, Felzen, and Motaire... Ironic since just seconds earlier, he had tried to cut off Lute's head while coming through a magic portal, and it was Motaire who stopped him.
  • Parental Incest: When he says all women are bundles of lust, Emeralia seems to contradict him non-verbally, which results in him mockingly asks if she wants a test, and says he "trained her", pretty much implying he made her please him as part of training her to be his minion.
  • Parental Abandonment: When Emeralia turns on him and tries to free Lute, he stops her and imprisons her with Lute. He tries to have her executed right alongside Lute in order to cover up his murder of the King, and does so without a 2nd thought.
  • Parental Incest: Some comments he does towards his only daughter imply it, and her thoughts about him just after refusing one confirms it.
  • Redemption Rejection: When all his evil deeds FINALLY come back to bite him, he is cornered by Gladys, Felzen, and Motaire. He claims they have to spare his life since he was critical to the Kingdom's existence. They reject that. He tries one final time to make the plea that Lute would want him spared since he (Lute) was a merciful and forgiving man. Perhaps. Except it wasn't Lute who had the swords pointed at him. Gladys told him that SHE would not forgive him, and so the 3 of them strike him down and remove his head from his shoulders. Let's be honest here. We all pretty much know he would have said anything to survive, but meant none of it.
  • Reliably Unreliable Weapon: By all accounts, this guy had all the right weapons: An anti-demonic sword and a working revolver/handgun, but he had neither the training in swordsmanship nor the basic knowledge of handling a gun, such as ammo conservation and actually aiming (which he failed to utilize either) to make them any more than totally useless to him. His all-star jerkiness really shows in how he chose to deal with Lute, only for most of it to backfire horrendously.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: He feels that his actions are what keeps the kingdom alive.
  • Schizo-Tech: In possession of some that is in far advance of any other technology in the setting, a multiple-round combustion pistol/revolver. Considering the highest level of technology in the setting is sixteenth century cannons, this is him having the equivalent of an AK-47 when all he should have is a smoothbore musket.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: of a kind and ultimately inverted. He's the Prime Minister of the kingdom and all around scheming dirtbag working around the current head of state, loves to play up his personal import about how politics and standard goings on within the nation are run. Even though he's as much the heart of the problem as was the kings rushed revolution. Rubin himself was but a master manipulator backed only by his conniving and duplicity, constantly needing the help of others in order to have any real impact both in the political and real world stages. True he was surprisingly well equipped with a slew of magic relics and protective seals, beyond that however he was mostly kind of useless on his own.
  • Straw Hypocrite: Oh, well and truly beyond the norm with this Jerkass. Regularly denounces and insults everyone who's either worthless in his eyes or a threat to his power in spite of being scheming piece of crap whose pretty much useless on his own? Check. Always boasting of a greatness by working his tools and pawns around to further the kingdoms stagnation for his own personal benefit, while claiming that everything said conniving bastard had done was for the sake of which? Check. Tends to assign fault on people he deems enemies of the state, attempting to demonize them when just about every crappy thing happening in the nation as a whole can be traced back to him? Need we say more?
  • Tampering with Food and Drink: He has Emeralia fix up a poisoned glass of wine at the celebratory banquet following Lute defeating Gladys, and then he tries to force Lute to drink it. Lute was already suspicious of him, but thankfully, General Felzen arrived and manages to deter the Prime Minister until he backs off and Lute doesn't drink it.
  • The Man Behind The Man: As said above, he's been manipulating events throughout the kingdom for years. Pretty much every other villain in the story was being influenced by him in some way:
    • Prince Bobon did the worst in pretty much all the classes at the Royal Knight's Academy, but Lute's scores were lower. Why? Because the Prime Minister had likely told the teachers to do it in order to help build up Bobon's reputation. The Prime Minister was also secretly supporting his and the Prefect of Boan's plans for starting a rebellion against the King. When that fails: In some routes the Prime Minister gives Bobon information to go into the demon woods to try and obtain demonic god-like power. In the other routes, the Prime Minister makes arrangements with Bobon to return from exile and then after murdering the king, he puts Bobon on the throne as the new king.
    • Prefect Irboyne was the least powerful, poorest, and least regarded prefect of all the territories in the kingdom, but the Prime Minister had been helping push him and Prince Bobon into trying to stir up a rebellion in Boan against the King, which would have been piggybacking off of Gladys' rebellion to further weaken the kingdom's military to the possibility of foreign invasion.
    • Madoise? He may or may not have been directly following orders from the Prime Minister, but he was right there with Prefect Irboyne and Bobon to try and start a rebellion in Boan.
    • Wan Kwang was the Prime Minister's mole in Bustenhalter that was playing both sides in an attempt to force them to fight and hopefully wipe each other out, and in doing so, would have ensured the deaths of Gladys and any high ranking officers or those with influence that could have threatened his plans in the long run.
    • Assassins ABCDE were sought out and hired by Don Flawn under orders from the Prime Minister to eliminate the High Commanders sent to deal with the rebellion. Except for D and E, who were hired by the 3 generals for a separate purpose.
  • Uriah Gambit: It's pretty much this guy's go-to strategy to getting rid of people aside from just poisoning them or having Emeralia us her body and magic to enslave them for him. He does it to Lute several times: In the beginning, Lute was sent to Boan pretty much as a form of banishment, and one may wonder if the reason Lute was sent there was specifically BECAUSE the Prime Minister wanted the Prefect to use Lute as an unwitting pawn for his own plans, such as getting rid of the succubus, baiting Roxanne, and/or the plans to rebel with Prince Bobon. Then, in Isis and Shamsiel's route he sends Lute (and Isis) on a scouting mission to the demon forest, and up to that point, going into those woods was seen as suicide since 4 other groups sent in were all killed. In Isis' route, Lute and Isis make it back, so the Prime Minister tries to make Lute out to be the "devil" and have him executed, forcing Lute and Isis to flee the country. In Shamsiel's route, Lute and Isis go back, but the Prime Minister sends him back to the forest with guards he ordered to kill Lute while on the mission. They fail, but Lute doesn't go back. Finally, in Luceria's and the Harem Routes, he sends Lute to Bustenhalter to deal with the rebels in Vunderbalt. He sent orders to his spy Whan Kong to have assassins kill Lute on the first night there, but that fails. He then gets him to set up a duel between Lute and General Gladys assuming Lute would surely lose and die. It fails (by a lucky miracle). He pulls yet another one after that: He tried to have Emeralia enslave him, but that fails, he tried to poison him, but that failed too. Out of ideas, he took Emeralia's suggestion to use Princess Luceria who they both (somehow) knew was half-nymph, and have her get close to and in the event of them hooking up, surely should have killed Lute. That too, fails... His last plan was to frame Lute for murdering the king. It got close, but thanks to Lute's lovers as well as comrades, he was rescued and cleared of all guilt. The Prime Minister on the other hand...
  • Villain Ball: Everyone knew full well how much of a complete and utterly undeserving jackass Prince Blubber well and truly was, both in hindsight and foresight. Yet this long whiskered idiot constantly fudged test scores in his favor and even went so far as to cover up his treason so he could place him on the throne as a Puppet King. Most people with a brain are well aware that buttheaded scum bag is, was and ever would be a bad fit for leadership, why didn't this guy?
  • Walking Spoiler: He only shows up in person after the end of the second arc, where it is made clear he is the Big Bad behind the conflict)). Let's just say most of his tropes must be...covered.
  • What Happened To The Mouse?: In Luceria's route, he had sent Emeralia to murder the King for him. However, Isis was with the King at that time and so she couldn't go through with it. The King then goes to Lute's room with Isis and Emeralia present and catches Luceria in Lute's bedroom at such a late hour. This leads to him giving Lute his blessings to marry Luceria and become the next king. He does... But the route's ending never says what the Prime Minister did in response to this nor what became of him either.
  • What an Idiot!: For someone who prepares for so much in advance, he makes some surprisingly stupid mistakes. Such as his idea to put Bobon on the throne. Everyone else with a functioning brain could see how poorly qualified Bobon is to ruling the kingdom (or anything for that matter), but the Prime Minister had been planning to put him on the throne and did so anyway. Why then was he surprised when Bobon started getting out of hand and causing people in the capital to hate him right away (which led to many of them turning for Lute at the first chance)? There was also his use of anti-demon magic: He used it on his sword, his room, and the dungeon. Now, hold that thought and then remember that he secretly had a working revolver gun in his possession, which is the most advanced weapon in the story... Except that he fires off all the rounds at Shamsiel who uses her demonic powers to let the bullets just pass through her without any effect. Why didn't he use the anti-demon magic on the gun rather than the sword since he clearly isn't actually a fighter?
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: His reasons for murdering the king in the Harem route, and sending Emeralia to do so in Luceria's route was because the king was on the verge of making Lute his successor to the throne, which is something the Prime Minister didn't want since he could not control Lute. In Luceria's route, the King isn't murdered and Lute is declared the king's successor and marries Luceria, but in the harem route, Bobon is crowned the new king after Hagel's murder, and the Prime Minister practically tells Motaire that he isn't able to handle Bobon's foolishness, so he was likely going to murder him too, and then place Motaire on the throne in the near future. Another example of him doing this is with Emeralia, because in Luceria's route, he sent her to go and murder the king, and she knew perfectly well that if she did so, he would just forsake her anyway. In the Harem route though, when she has a High Heel Face Turn and tries to free Lute, he captures her and condemns her to death along with Lute.

Assassins ABCDE

We are many, but look the same. Get ready to die!

(D) Voiced by Masato Sakurai (JP)

The Assassins hired in Vunderbalt. (A, B, and C then later D and E)

Tropes exhibited by them include:
  • All According to Plan: They certainly try. But when they failed to kill him in the streets, they try again after dark, but he drives them off in his sleep. Then, D and E are hired a few nights later, and they were only supposed to beat him up as a test, but when he fought back in his sleep, they try to kill him, but fail once again. Shamsiel then finishes them off, and when all is said and done, they DID serve their purpose: They showed everyone that there is more to Lute than meets the eye.
  • Body Horror: Nope. We don't actually see their faces or anything under the cloaks and helmets. However, in the anime, one of them gets stabbed in the throat by Gladys and coughs up a large amount of blood before dying. Then, in the Visual Novel, during the early part of the Vunderbalt Rebellion section, D and E are hired to try and beat up Lute during the night. They fail and end up being beaten by him in his sleep. Shamsiel then devours them. Their bodies are found the next morning outside Lute's window a few stories down... Shriveled dry.
  • Butt Monkey: They fail to kill Lute 3 separate times, and it keeps getting funnier each time.
  • Bump Into Confrontation: Lute spots A, B, and C, for the first time as he wanders the city in Bustenhalter, and after he sees them chasing a female knight (who turns out to be Gladys), he chases after them.
  • Conflicting Loyalties: Who exactly DO they work for? They were seen chasing Gladys the head of the rebels through town... One even tries to kill her in her sleep in the anime, but fails. But then, when Lute confronts them, they try to kill him. That night, A, B, and C are hired by Jon Tran to try and kill Lute, but he defeats them in his sleep and they flee. Pretty much the next night, D and E are hired by the 3 generals to not kill, but beat up and test Lute's abilities. He beats them up too, but Shamsiel takes it upon herself to finish them off...
  • Cyclops: The headwear they all have makes them look like humanoid Doms.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Their names are listed as literally: Assassin A, Assassin B, Assassin C, Assassin D, and Assassin E. Even when talking among themselves.
  • Forgotten First Meeting: I bet you, like many, probably forgot that the actual first time Lute met one of these guys was in Boan. Apparently, during that time Assassin A was working as both a messenger and personal guard to Prince Bobon, but somehow after Bobon and Madoise were imprisoned for treason. He escaped and made it to Bustenhalter. In the anime, 2 unknown Assassins were with Bobon when he got busted, but we don't know which ones they were.
  • Go for the Eye: In the anime adaptation, one of them tried to kill Gladys in her sleep, but she was actually awake and turned around and stabbed him in the throat upward. She told him he could either die quietly or tell her who sent him. His response? Blood spewed from the "eye" of his helmet.
  • Inexplicably Identical Individuals: We never actually see their faces, but they all have the exact same outfits, body types, height, and weights. Even though some are never seen interacting with each other. Are they related? Are they a team? We never know. The only thing that lets us distinguish them are the letters on their shoulder pads.
  • Karmic Death: Lute defeats them in his sleep, when they were trying to kill him, in his sleep. In the case of D and E, they were going to only rough him up some, but when he defeats them, they're left knocked out on the floor... Shamsiel takes it upon herself to finish them off. The reason? Not only had they tried to attack Lute, but they said insulting things about him as they were about to do so. Insult her man? Be ready to die.
    • In the anime, things go a bit different for the Assassins: 2 of them are captured along with Prince Bobon in Boan during the conspiracy incident. Another gets killed by Gladys when he tried to murder her in her sleep.
  • Leave Him to Me; When one fails to get their target, the next tried. Only for them to usually fail too. When all is said and done, they either retreated or actually had this flipped on them in the case of D and E, since Shamsiel decided to take it upon herself to finish them off for Lute.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: D and E were only hired to rough Lute up a little as a test. He ends up beating them both in his sleep. What's their response? Screw beating him up, let's just kill him! They try, but he beats them again. That time though, Shamsiel had been watching and was fed up with people attacking Lute, so she decides the best way to deal with them... Devouring them!
  • [[No Big Deal]:] Whenever they get defeated (by Lute), he plays it off as this, usually claiming that he had little to do with their defeats or saying that he didn't mean for it to happen. It's technically true, but this just comes off as him being modest to the others.
  • Out with a Bang: D and E certainly went out like this... thanks to Shamsiel.
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: Shamsiel delivers one before she takes care of D and E: "Bon Appetite".
  • Quit Your Whining: They try to be professionals, but getting carrots spat in their eyes, kicked in the groin, or punched in the face tends to make them lose focus. Usually another of them will tell them this... seconds before getting hit themselves.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Sort of... IS that their eye(s)? Does this mean they're all cyclopes? We never see their faces so there's no telling.
  • Running Gag: Their incompetence at assassination. When they try to approach Lute in his sleep, he kicks or punches them while still asleep. When they try to jump him in an alley, he spits carrot chunks into their eyes, and they trip and fall all over themselves as well as the carrots.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: D and E were sent as a test for Lute, but he defeats them in his sleep without realizing it. Shamsiel finished them off and tossed their bodies out the window. This scenario eventually leads to Felzen and the other generals starting to see Lute in a more positive light.
  • Too Dumb To Live: They fail their missions in the most spectacularly comedic and stupid ways.
  • The Faceless: We never see their faces... or skin... or anything really. The anime shows a bit more of them, but at the same time, they are still unidentifiable. In fact, the anime adaptation doesn't show the letters on their shoulders so there is no telling which is which during their appearances.
  • The Killer Becomes the Killed: D and E, thanks to Shamsiel.
  • What an Idiot!: They pretty much all have their moments. A, B, and C even have a combination idiot/Adorkable moment when they attempt to kill Lute in his sleep, and for some reason they felt the need to have a roll call IN THE ROOM WHILE LUTE WAS SLEEPING! It was like they were preparing to try out for a cheer squad.
  • What Happened To The Mouse?: After their botched attempt at killing Lute in his sleep, we never hear from A, B, or C again, so it is assumed they ran off somewhere. D and E on the other hand, weren't so lucky...
  • You Taste Delicious: Inverted, Shamsiel tells Lute the next morning after having... "eaten" D and E that they tasted so gross she thought she might have a stomach ache. Although she followed up by saying Lute tastes way better.