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A list of characters found in [[Disney]]'s [[Mickey Mouse Comic Universe]].
A list of characters found in [[Disney]]'s [[Mickey Mouse Comic Universe]].

Revision as of 11:34, 4 April 2014

A list of characters found in Disney's Mickey Mouse Comic Universe.

See also the Disney Ducks Comic Universe character list for the Ducks comics equivalent.
Keep in mind that since the characters and series have been around for so long, whether a character displays certain traits or not in any given story largely depends on the artist, the writer, or the time period.

Heroes and Friends

Mickey Mouse

Minnie: For gracious sakes... relax! And stop that incessant mooning!

Mickey: Mooning! Say... a trip to the moon... if only y' could!

Minnie: Oh, my goodness! Now, the whole world isn't big enough for you! When will you ever settle down and behave yourself? You can't go adventuring all your life!
Mickey Mouse, "The Bellhop Detective (1940)"

First Appearance: 1930

The protagonist of most of the comics, Mickey often goes on adventures and solves mysterious crimes. He has a hard time settling into a normal lifestyle since The Call decided to be a Regular Caller. He's ready to jump In Harm's Way whenever the need arises - and in the chance that he isn't, it turns out that he doesn't have much choice in the matter anyway.

But in the time from the comic's start in 1930 to where it is today, Mickey's become less of an active adventure-seeker and more of a Plot Magnet - a really, really potent one. Even though he enjoys traveling and solving the mysteries life throws at him, he's always happy to return to his home and friends afterward. The Call doesn't seem to give him a break, though, so his life is constantly insane, whether he wants it to be or not.

In the end, though, whether he's adventurous, a Plot Magnet, or both depends on the creators of the comics. When a series is a Print Long Runner, it's really quite inevitable. Most people tend to like his more adventurous, youthful side better than most other incarnations, though - it makes for a more interesting character.

Minnie Mouse

"Mickey, I've been awfully worried about you lately. Why don't you settle down and study some kind of profession?"
Minnie Mouse, "The Mail Pilot" (1933)

First Appearance: "Lost on a Desert Island", 1930

Mickey's long-time love interest. Minnie wishes that Mickey would settle down instead of constantly going on adventures, and it drives her mad that he can't seem to stay put. Oftentimes, when she can't persuade Mickey to stay home, she instead insists on accompanying Mickey on his travels, whether he wants her to or not. Although she gets kidnapped on various occasions, she's pretty spunky in her own right and has saved Mickey's hide more than a few times in a tough spot.


Goofy: It's no use, Mickey! They wouldn't none of 'em take me, nuther!

Mickey: For gosh sakes! Why not?

Goofy: Aw, they beefed me about muh IQ bein' too low! But thet wuz just a phony...! They were takin' plenty o' guys shorter 'n me!
"The Black Crow Mystery" (1942)

Debut: "Enter... Dippy Dog!", 1933

Mickey's close friend and occasional Sidekick, the lovable oaf often unwittingly makes things harder for everyone else. At the same time, though, he's obliviously (or intentionally, albeit eccentrically) saved the day more than once.

In fact, he himself has a superhero alter ego in the form of "Super Goof." He eats 'super goobers' to become Super Goof, which is pretty much a spoof of Superman.

  • Book Dumb
  • Cartoon Creature - What most people take him as, since no one can seem to agree on what species he is.
    • His former name, Dippy Dawg, might be a tip-off to those who doubt...
  • Cloudcuckoolander - It's not necessarily that he lacks logic, it's more that his brand of logic tends to make sense only to him.
  • The Ditz - Though in several stories bordering on Genius Ditz, as he often displays vast knowledge about many things -- just not the sort of things you'd ever think would be useful. (They often turn out to be surprisingly helpful, though.)
  • Dumb Is Good - While not conventionally intelligent, there is no doubting that he's one of the sweetest, most good-natured people around.
  • Eureka Moment - It's not like he has them that often, but he almost infallibly invokes them in Mickey - something he says will clue Mickey on to the solution to a problem, especially when Mickey acts as a sleuth.
  • Flat Earth Atheist: A series of Italian comic stories has Goofy hanging out with Witch Hazel (the Disney Witch Hazel, from such stories as Trick or Treat, not the Looney Tunes character) and completely failing to believe that she is a real witch -- no matter how many spectacular magical tricks she pulls off to convince him, Goofy will have his own "logical" explanation for the phenomena and utterly refuse to believe in magic, or that Hazel is a witch. Interestingly enough, at least two of these stories have ended with Goofy acknowledging the existence of magic -- though in neither one did he believe that Hazel was a witch. In one story he concluded that she was a fairy godmother (a huge insult to a witch!) and in the other he became convinced that Mickey was doing magic and had somehow become a wizard.
    • Goofy's reasoning in the tale mentioned isn't unreasonable. Mickey got a tax refund. Which Goofy considers unusual in itself. Mickey then booked tables for three at a restaurant... with a single phone call. While Goofy noted that most tables at said restaurant are booked months in advance. Mickey found an available parking space. In a city area known for the near-impossibility of said task. Goofy is convinced that magic is involved.
  • The Fool
  • Funetik Aksent: He's the one character who's retained most of his accent in later years -- in the early Floyd Gottfredson strips everybody spoke with a Funetik Aksent, but this was later on toned town until it vanished entirely for everyone but Goofy.
  • I Have Many Names - His early name - "Dippy Dawg" - being replaced with "Goofy" is generally considered an improvement.
  • Inspector Oblivious
  • The Klutz
  • Man Child: On occassion depicted as this. Concerning both his intellectual maturity and his emotional sensitivity. Though with no clear parental figure.
  • The Millstone: In some stories he can become this, but this is just as often Subverted -- though not a hero in the classical sense, he can be surprisingly useful to have along.
  • Nice Guy
  • Plucky Comic Relief: In the more serious "detective" stories, Goofy is usually the main source of comedy, as Mickey's inept sidekick.
  • Spanner in The Works
  • Superpowers for A Day - apart from Super Goof, writers have occasionally given Goofy odd inherited gadgets or (usually completely unexplained) powers that will somehow figure in solving the case. He's been seen levitating, as well as using telekinesis and psychometry.
  • Sidekick - To Mickey, of course.
  • Too Dumb to Fool
  • The Watson - In the detective stories, he'll often end up playing this role to Mickey's Holmes.
  • Who Would Be Stupid Enough? - He is!
    • Actually, in the best stories, Goofy's more gullible and eccentric than truly dumb. He's got great intuition -— you just have to pull him out of his alternate world to access it.

Pluto the Pup

First appearance: "Pluto the Pup", 1931

Mickey's ever-faithful canine pal. Mickey's often described Pluto as his best friend, and the bond the two share is nothing short of strong.

  • A Boy and His X - Erm, a Mouse And His Dog?
  • Big Friendly Dog
  • Canine Companion
  • Furry Confusion - A prime example. Especially noticeable when he appears with Goofy -- they're both dogs, but one of them walks on four legs and lives in a doghouse, while the other walks on two and wears pants.
  • The Speechless - On occasion he might be given thought bubbles that are visible only to the reader, and sometimes captions will appear to inform the reader of Pluto's thoughts and reasonings, but otherwise he doesn't have any means of clear communication.
  • Suddenly Voiced - In a couple of stories, he temporarily gains the ability to talk. It never sticks.
    • Played with in one comic, where Pluto was given the opportunity to talk to Mickey through a translation machine -- and after a long pause his only message was that he couldn't think of anything to say.
  • Team Pet - He'll sometimes play this role.

Clarabelle Cow

"Have I got something to tell... but, of course, I wouldn't breathe it to a soul!"
Clarabelle Cow, "Love Trouble" (1941)

First appearance: "Death Valley", 1930

A neighbor of Mickey and Minnie in earlier comics. She acts like an aunt towards them, when she's not busy manipulating Horace Horsecollar and/or flirting with other available males.

Horace Horsecollar

"This is all very well as far as it goes, only it needs the Horsecollar Touch! I'll show you how to make this gadget really handy!"
Horace Horsecollar, "Dr. Oofgay's Secret Serum" (1934)

First appearance: "Death Valley", 1930

He's another of Mickey's old neighbors, and is often seen with Clarabelle when he's not adventuring with Mickey (or competing with him, or ineptly trying to advise him). Horace and Clarabelle have interest in each other but are usually too stubborn to admit it to each other.

Mortimer ("Morty") and Ferdinand ("Ferdie") Fieldmouse

First appearance: "Mickey's Nephews", 1932

Mickey's nephews. Sons of his sister Amelia Fieldmouse, who first came to stay with him in Floyd Gottfredson's comic strip and since then have sporadically been portrayed as living with him.

  • Bratty Half-Pint: Definitely in their first appearances. They seem to have mellowed through the years.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome - Ferdie disappeared from the comic strip and was intended to be written back in (with the explanation that he'd been away at school), but it never really happened...
    • However, this is exclusive to the comic strip. In the comic books, Morty and Ferdie remain a double act to this day.
  • Mythology Gag: Mickey Mouse was originally going to be called Mortimer.
  • Not Allowed to Grow Up: Subverted. In their earlier appearances they were kindergarteners. Modern Italian stories have aged them to be about 12-years-old and often deal with their love lives.
  • Parental Abandonment: More often than not, Mickey and/or Minnie are seen as their legal guardians. Without explanation.
    • Subverted in later years, as their mother Amelia has made several appearances and is depicted as a very supportive "soccer mom."
  • Single-Minded Twins: Would have been subverted in the comic strip, if Gottfredson had gotten around to re-introduce Ferdie -- he was planning on making him more of a bookworm/nerd type. Since it never happened, they play the trope straight.
    • In one Italian comic, they Lampshaded it, when Morty was sneaking out of the house and a more reluctant Ferdie followed him, even to his own surprise:

 Ferdie: Why do I always keep following you into these situations?

Morty: Well, we are twins.


First Apprearance: Dell Four Color #562, 1954

Goofy has a rather large extended family, but few of them are more prominent than his nephew Gilbert, a Child Prodigy TV Genius who is by far the smartest member of the Goofy clan. Gilbert sometimes stays with his "lovable...though dumb...uncle Goofy," though he often gets frustrated with Goofy's childishness and clumsiness. He is, however, the only person who knows Goofy's secret identity as Super Goof, and occasionally even joins him in his superhero adventures as Super Gilly.

  • Child Prodigy: To the extreme.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Seems to have vanished from modern comics, perhaps because Max (who doesn't appear in the comics) has become so prominent in the animated world of Disney.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Like Ellsworth Bheezer, he often has some quite biting comments about his uncle -- who never seems to catch on.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: Sometimes takes on this role, especially in Super Goof stories.
  • The Smart Guy: Even more so than Huey, Dewey and Louie.
  • The Stoic: In many stories; in others he'll reveal himself to be Not So Stoic.
  • TV Genius: A junior version. He has advanced knowledge of science, history and literature, sometimes even becoming The Professor, but he's not very socially or emotionally intelligent, and has trouble with the simplest basic education. For example, he was unable to complete the nursery rhyme "Hickory, Dickory, Dock, the mouse ran up the --"

Arizona Goof

First appearance: "The Lost Temple", 1988

One of Goofy's many cousins; an Adventurer Archaeologist and severe adrenaline junkie who is never really happy unless he's out exploring some ancient ruins, discovering lost civilizations, or just fighting for his life through thick jungles or climbing glaciers. He hates sleeping indoors, so when visiting Mickey or Goofy he always ends up camping out in their back yards -- and if he absolutely has to go inside, he'll at least enter the house through the window and not the door.

Mortimer Mouse

First appearance: "Mickey's Rival", 1936

Mickey's rival for Minnie's affections. Not to be confused with Mortimer "Morty" Fieldmouse, who is Mickey's nephew.

Chief O'Hara

First appearance: "Mickey Outwits the Phantom Blot", 1939

Chief of the Mouseton PD, he's friends with Mickey Mouse and the two sometimes ask each other for help.

Detective Casey

First appearance: "The Plumber's Helper", 1938

An incompetent detective of the Mouseton PD that's often shown up by Mickey.

Eega Beeva

First appearance: "The Man of Tomorrow", 1947

A strange little man revealed to be from the future. He's got a pet Thnuckle-booh named Pflip. Nowadays he's one of Mickey's best friends and it's not uncommon for him to travel back to the present day to spend time with him.

  • Bizarre Alien Biology - he likes to sleep on top of bedknobs, thinks mothballs are delicious and gets sick from the smell of money, for instance. Exact features are Depending On the Writer, though.
  • Evil Detecting Thnuckle-Booh - In one incarnation, Pflip turns red whenever something evil or malicious is nearby.
  • Fish Out of Temporal Water - At first. He got used to it as the stories progressed, and eventually it got to the point where Eega will comfortably travel from the future to Mickey's time and back without incident.
  • Funetik Aksent - He ptalks plike pthis. Puts a 'p' in pfront of pmost pwords.
    • In more modern comics, this trait may or may not be present, Depending On the Writer.
      • Seems to be just a hiccup left over from the Gemstone-Boom transition; Eega lost his accent in the switchover but has regained it now, and he's never been without it at any other time.
  • Monster Roommate - He hangs out with Mickey a lot of the time, and uses Mickey's house as a general go-to place when he arrives from the future.
  • New Powers As the Plot Demands: He is sometimes given supernatural abilities such as being able to look in the future, being able to detect lies etc.
  • Time Travel


First appearance: "His Horse Tanglefoot", 1933

Mickey's horse, sold to him by two con men who presented him as a champion race horse (they'd actually bought him from the glue factory). Sweet and good-natured, but not terribly bright, and for the most part not terribly fast -- unless he gets scared of something, then he turns into a speed demon.

  • Furry Confusion - Tanglefoot is to Horace as Pluto the Pup is to Goofy, though unlike Goofy, Horace started out every bit as non anthropomorphic.
  • Horsing Around - Happens at times. For the most part, though, Mickey and Tanglefoot get along pretty well.
  • Stalker With a Crush - Probably not in a romantic way, but Tanglefoot adores Pluto and will follow him around if given half a chance. Pluto, needless to say, does not appreciate this.
  • What Could Have Been: Carl Barks, when working as a scriptwriter and storyboarder at the Disney studio, worked on a Mickey Mouse cartoon which was to feature Tanglefoot -- it would have had Mickey as a riding policeman chasing Pete on horseback through the wilderness, with Mickey as the hero and Tanglefoot as the comedy relief. However, the cartoon never went beyond the storyboarding stage, and Tanglefoot remains a comics-only character to this day.

Ellsworth Bheezer

First appearance: Mickey Mouse Sunday strips, 1949

Originally introduced as Goofy's pet mynah bird (who soon proved himself notably smarter and more sophisticated than his alledged owner), Ellsworth soon became more anthropomorphic, switching between Talking Animal and full-fledged Funny Animal to the point where he can communicate effortlessly with both animals and humans. Originally appeared only in the Sunday newspaper strips by Bill Walsh and Manuel Gonzales, but was later used in a few longer stories by Romano Scarpa and other Italian writers.

  • Commuting On a Bus: Ellsworth tends to fly off and stay away, doing his own thing for a long time before returning home to Goofy. After he vanished from the newspaper comic, he was brought back by Romano Scarpa in 1962, with the explanation that he'd been off trying out several shady businesses. From thereon, he appeared in a number of Italian stories until 1966, after which his appearances got rarer and he'd only appear in a story once every couple of years. Then in 1975, he was brought back again, now with the explanation that he'd joined the Foreign Legion.
  • Deadpan Snarker: His sarcasms are biting, though Goofy never seems to catch on.
  • Furry Confusion: Hoo boy. He was bought by Goofy at a pet store, sometimes has to flee from hungry cats, and flies like a real mynah bird -- yet he wears a shirt and occasionally a hat, has studied at Yale, has taken several jobs and even gone to prison a couple of times. This is never so much as Lampshaded but just presented as completely normal.
  • Honest John's Dealership: He sometimes starts businesses that have traces of this.
  • Polly Wants a Microphone: This trope is probably the entire reason for the extreme Furry Confusion.


First appearance: "Mickey Mouse and the Son of Ellsworth", 1975

Ellsworth's adopted son; originally an orphan who was rescued by Ellsworth during his time at the Foreign Legion and later adopted. In his appearances he is often seen staying with Mickey or Goofy, even acting as Mickey's sidekick on some adventures. He is basically a toned-down version of his father, with similar if less extreme character traits.

  • Bratty Half-Pint: Sometimes lapses into this, when he's not being a Cheerful Child.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Not to the lenghts Ellsworth takes it, but he definitely has his moments.
  • Furry Confusion: More seldom, and to a lesser degree than Ellsworth, as he's generally presented as more anthropomorphic, but it's still there. His most notable "animal" trait is that he can fly, something that the other human stand-in birds of the comics (like for example Donald Duck) can't do, and he has on occasion disguised himself as a normal bird in order to spy on the bad guys.
  • Generation Xerox: Despite not being biologically related to Ellsworth, he looks and even acts an awful lot like him -- he is a little smaller, has a slightly smaller beak and generally wears pants, but otherwise the two are so similar that many fans have thought they were the same character -- especially since they very rarely appear in the same story together.
  • Sidekick: Occasionally to Mickey.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: For Ellsworth -- Romano Scarpa even admitted that he'd introduced Bruto as a toned-down replacement for Ellsworth, who wouldn't overshadow Mickey:

 "Ellsworth is too strong a character to play as a sidekick. He's got to be the star. Bruto is duller, and highlights Mickey's role."

Captain Doberman

First appearance: "The Mail Pilot", 1933

Captain Doberman is the guy in charge of the air mail force. When Mickey became one of his top pilots, they became good friends, and the mouse took up of the most urgent or dangerous missions that most of the other pilots refused to partake in.


First appearance: "The Mail Pilot", 1933

Mickey's friend who's a mechanic who works with Captain Doberman. He's the one who personally taught Mickey to fly an airplane. He tried to persuade Mickey to take the less-dangerous job of a mechanic, but ultimately failed. He himself refuses to be a pilot because of the risks associated with the job.

  • Deadpan Snarker: With extra accent on the "deadpan."
  • The Determinator: In his own low-energy, deadpan way... he's going to complain and make horrible predictions about what's going to happen, but he's not going to let it stop him either.
  • The Eeyore: Well, his name is "Gloomy" ... and boy, does he ever live up to it.
  • Trickster Mentor: He tries to be this to Mickey a couple of times, with varied success.

Captain Nathaniel Churchmouse

First appearance: "Mickey Mouse Sails for Treasure Island", 1932

A sea captain that was thought dead for decades until Mickey found him half-crazy while stranded on a desert island. After a bump to the head by a coconut, Captain Churchmouse regained his sanity and has since enlisted Mickey's help when searching for exotic hidden treasure.

Uncle Mortimer

First appearance: "Death Valley", 1930

Minnie's old uncle. Not to be confused with Mortimer Mouse, who's occasionally Mickey's rival for Minnie's affections, nor with Mortimer "Morty" Fieldmouse, who is one of Mickey's nephews.

Doc Static

First appearance: "Plastic Mickey!", 1995

An inventor and a friend of Mickey's.


Peg-Leg Pete

"What I am is fed up with you dogging my every move! No matter what I do, you're always gettin' in my way!"
Pete to Mickey, "Fatal Distraction" (2003)

First appearance: "Death Valley", 1930

Mickey's Arch Enemy for over 80 years of comic history. There's no question about it; It's Personal.

The Phantom Blot

Mickey: I still say y' won't get away with this! The police are with me --

Blot: The police? Ha-ha-ha! You mean the coroner! Sorry to have to do this, but "dead men tell no tales!"

Mickey: Yeh? Well I'm still plenty alive!

Blot: Oh, that's just a temporary condition -- it won't last long!
"Mickey Outwits the Phantom Blot" (1939)

First appearance: "Mickey Outwits the Phantom Blot", 1939

A master criminal who dresses in a black sheet. He's more dangerous than one might be led to believe, given his strange tendencies. He's Mickey's other Arch Enemy.

  • Arch Enemy
  • Big Bad: Even moreso than Pete.
  • Biting the Hand Humor / Take That: Under the mask, he resembles Walt Disney himself.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer - Sure, look at his debut appearance at a glance and all he did was steal cameras, but the fact that he was so good at it is what makes him so dangerous in the eyes of the police. What could they possibly do if he suddenly decided to go after something more valuable? He actually was going after something more valuable that they didn't know about; it was hidden in one of the cameras.
  • Calling Card - An ink blot on a white piece of paper was common.
  • Curse of the Ancients - He seems to enjoy using "Curses!" or using "thousand" to describe things - and mentioning Caesar, if his debut story is anything to go by.

 "Curses! Ten thousand curses!"

"Caesar's ghost!

"Curse the luck!"

"Thousand names of a devil!"

"Great Caesar!"

Trudy Van Tubb

First appearance: "Mickey Mouse and the Chirikawa Necklace", 1960

Pete's girlfriend, partner-in-crime and roomate, and in some stories even depicted as his common-law wife. First created and used by Romano Scarpa, but became a popular character with many Italian comic writers. Definitely not to be confused with Peg from Goof Troop; she is just as villainous as Pete, but doesn't boss him around like Peg does.

  • Acrofatic: Don't be fooled by her vast bulk -- she may be fat, but boy can she move!
  • Battle Couple: With Pete, of course.
  • Big Beautiful Woman: Unashamedly at that. Like Pete, she seems to be comfortable in her own body.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Again, with Pete.
  • Dark Action Girl: She's Pete's equal in just about every way, including ruthlessness, and is not afraid to get her hands dirty.
  • The Vamp: She's occasionally tried to be one of these, but isn't pretty or sexy enough to pull it off.
  • Outlaw Couple: Yes, with Pete.
  • Victorious Childhood Friend: In her first appearance, she was merely a childhood acquaintance of Pete. Later on, she became his girlfriend, and later still was depicted as living together with him, some stories even referring to her as his wife (even though no on-screen marriage ever took place).
  • Unholy Matrimony: She's just as unscrupulous and hard-boiled as Pete is, but their relationship is a solid and even happy one.

Sylvester Shyster

First appearance: "Death Valley", 1930

Shyster is Mickey's second oldest recurring villain and one of the few Disney comic-characters that were actually created by Walt Disney. Shyster is an evil lawyer who often works in cahoots with Peg-leg Pete.

  • Amoral Attorney
  • Brains and Brawn: He is the brains, Pete provides the brawn. In fact, he's probably the only character Pete will regularly be a subordinate to.
  • Cartoon Creature
  • Put On a Bus: Disappeared after the 1934 story The Sacred Jewel and didn't show up again in the daily strip until seven years later. Has been used infrequently by other writers/artists ever since.
  • The Bus Came Back: Three times, in fact. He made a comeback in 1942, and then again in various Italian stories in The Sixties. In more recent times, he's returned again as a semi-recourring villain in European comics.
  • Those Two Bad Guys: With Pete.

Eli Squinch

First appearance: "Bobo the Elephant", 1934

A villainous, miserly businessman and Grumpy Old Man who spends a lot of time penny-pinching and trying to make more money through a lot of shady (and sometimes downright illegal) businesses. Like Sylvester Shyster, he has on several occasions teamed up with Pete to attain some common goal.

  • Grumpy Old Man: Of the villainous sort.
  • Jerkass
  • Put On a Bus: Like Shyster, he vanished from the comic after a while and has been used infrequently since then, largely because Pete got other supporting characters who let him boss them around (see Scuttle/Weasel below).
  • The Scrooge: Some stories treat him like this, although it varies whether he's actually all that rich.
  • Those Two Bad Guys: With Pete.


First appearance: "The Legend of Loon Lake", 1957

Possibly two different characters, or possibly the same character with two different names; readers are still debating this and even Word of God is deliberately vague about it. Occasional partner/lackey of Peg-Leg Pete, but can occasionally be found working for other villains. He's almost always found in a subordinate role and is usually happy to be someone's right-hand man rather than working for himself.

  • Dirty Coward: At least when he's Weasel, not so much when he's Scuttle -- this is one argument for the two being different people.
  • I Have Many Names: Aside from "Scuttle" and "Weasel," he's been known as "Catfoot," "Saltspray," "Swifty," "Slowdraw" and "Yardarm," among others. Whether these are aliases or just inconsistencies on the writers' side is uncertain.
    • In fact, "Yardarm" was the name he got when he appeared in the Duck Tales episode The Pearl of Wisdom.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: If Scuttle and Weasel are not the same person, but just two very similar characters, Weasel is this for Scuttle.
    • Scuttle is also, in a way, a substitute for Sylvester Shyster and Eli Squinch, replacing them as Pete's partner and confidant, though he fills a notably different role as the loyal, obedient right-hand man, leaving Pete as the sole "boss," something that neither Shyster nor Squinch would have accepted.

Professors Ecks, Doublex and Triplex

First appearance: "Blaggard Castle", 1933

A trio of evil monkey scientists.

Dangerous Dan McBoo & Idgit the Midget

First appearance: "The Treasure of Oomba Loomba", 1966

A pair of criminals.

  • Brains and Brawn: Dangerous Dan is the brawn and Idgit the brains.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: If you encounter one, the other is generally not too far away. You're slightly more likely to see Idgit in a solo appearance, but these occasions are rare.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Don't underestimate Idgit; despite his small size, he's tough as nails.
  • Shorter Means Smarter: Dangerous Dan isn't actually portrayed as stupid, but it's clear that Idgit is the smarter and more ambitious of the two, and the one who calls the shots.
  • Those Two Bad Guys

Rhyming Man

First appearance: "The Atombrella and the Rhyming Man", 1948

A criminal and master spy (from an unnamed foreign power) who always speaks in rhymes.

Emil Eagle

First appearance(in this 'Verse): "The Case of the Dazzling Hoo-Doo", 1968

An evil inventor that's commonly the foe of Goofy's superhero alter ego, Super Goof. He's also been the opponent of Mickey Mouse in some stories, and but more often he's found in the Disney Ducks Comic Universe as a rival of Gyro Gearloose. An example of a shared Modular Franchise villain at its finest!