A list of characters in Jem.

Jem and the Holograms

The Holograms are a quartet, later quintet, of five girl singers, led by the eponymous Jem. Including Kimber Benton (songwriter and keyboard), Aja Leith (guitar), Shana Elmsford (drums, later guitar), and Raya Alonso (drums), the Holograms spread forth messages of truth, love, and happiness, and are aided by stage manager Rio Pacheco, and by the powerful AI Synergy. The Holograms also deal with the mischievous Misfits and manipulative Stingers on numerous occasions.

  • Action Girl
  • Four-Girl Ensemble: Until Raya came along.
  • Karma Houdini: While never called on it, the Holograms sometimes had a tendency to be smug and believed to be on the moral high ground. Such examples include A Change Of Heart and Music Is Magic.

Jerrica Benton/Jem

Jerrica is Jem, and Jem is Jerrica. Through use of the Synergy AI created by her late father, Jerrica becomes the truly outrageous rock singer Jem. As Jerrica she manages both Starlight Music and the Starlight House foundation. In both identities, Jerrica deals with an unexpected love triangle concerning life-long friend Rio Pacheco, and the machinations of Eric Raymond and the Misfits.

Shana Elmsford

Shana, like Aja, grew up with the Bentons as Jerrica and Kimber's foster sister. An aversion to the Sassy Black Woman trope, Shana is the quietest of the Holograms, but is tremendously talented as a fashion designer and the only one of the group to work outside the music industry. She briefly leaves the Holograms in The Talent Search, but returns and takes up guitar when the role of drum player is taken up by Raya Alonso.

Aja Leith

The tomboy of the group. Like Shana, Aja is Jerrica and Kimber's foster sister and grew up with them at the original Starlight House. Aja is noted for her good judge of character and baring a level head. She's also in a relationship with Craig Phillips, the brother of Stormer of the Misfits.

Kimber Benton

Jerrica's younger sister, Kimber deals with feelings of inadequacy and often believes that she doesn't get enough respect, just because she's younger. Nothing could be further from the truth, and Kimber herself knows this deep down. Regardless, she loves her sister and the Holograms dearly and would never think of betraying them. Kimber has reserves of strength and fortitude deep down which her father was always aware of, and when the chips are down, Kimber will always persevere.

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Kimber constantly feels that she's in the shadow of her older sister and often complains that Jem and the others don't actually respect her.
  • Catch Phrase: "Outrageous!"
  • Corrupt the Cutie: Eric Raymond has attempted this a few times by playing on Kimber's jealousy of Jem. It never works, though.
  • Daddy's Girl: Kimber was badly affected by the death of her father and hadn't quite recovered until Father's Day, with help from Harvey Gabor, Pizzazz's father, no less.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?
  • Fiery Redhead
  • Plucky Girl: Scandal serves as a Humiliation Conga for Kimber, her diary being published in Cool Trash Magazine, her relationship with Sean Harrison almost destroyed, and being hounded by reporters. She decides that she wants to become "hard and mean" so she can't be hurt again, until Synergy talks some sense into her by revealing that her father always believed she was strong enough to handle anything. This snaps Kimber out of her depression.
  • Really Gets Around: Has had quite a number of love interests. Becomes a plot point in Hollywood Jem when two of them both make marriage proposals.

Raya (Carmen Alonso)

The fifth Hologram, introduced in The Talent Search, Raya takes up the drums after Shana briefly leaves the band. Noted for her shy and sweet disposition, Raya comes from a loving family, and it's been proven that messing with them is a big mistake when it comes to her. Raya learned about Jem's real identity and Synergy by accident, but kept both secrets to herself to prove she could be trustworthy.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: As Jetta learned.
  • Daddy's Girl: Her dad's the whole reason she managed to get into the Holograms. He even gave her her nickname, Raya.
  • Flower Motif: As to be expected. Her family ran a nursery.
  • Mama Bear: An inversion. Raya put the fear of God in Eric Raymond and the Misfits when she learned they orchestrated the destruction of her family's nursery.
  • Naive Everygirl
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Secret Keeper: Raya discovers Jem's real identity and Synergy's existence by accident. The band had been previously debating about whether they could trust Raya with their secret before they let a new member join.
  • The Sixth Ranger

The Misfits

They are the Misfits, their songs are better. A trio, later quartet, of bad girl rock stars who are the main enemies of Jem and the Holograms. Led by the shrill and terrorizing Pizzazz (guitar and lead singer), the Misfits include the boisterous and tough-as-nails Roxy (bass), the kindhearted and abused Stormer (keytar and composer), and the pathologically lying street punk Jetta (saxophone). The Misfits will do whatever it takes to make themselves number one in the music industry, and the Holograms are often the one thorn in their side they can't get rid of. They're managed by the equally devious Eric Raymond and followed by their self-described biggest fan, Clash, whom they keep around to cause trouble.

  • Big Eater: It's something of a running gag to mention how much the four of them eat.
  • Dark Action Girl: In "Making Mischief" they take down two burly security guards with an orange.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: In one episode they'll ineptly try to ruin the Holograms popularity with shoddy fashion pictures, in another they'll cause Jem to suffer a mental breakdown.
  • Terrible Trio: Until Jetta came along.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds
  • What Could Have Been: The Misfits were originally conceived as a trio of total sociopaths Eric Raymond found and molded into a band, but each member would've been totally willing to backstab the other two for their own agenda.

Pizzazz (Phyllis Gabor)

A spoiled brat who wants to be known by the entire world. Pizzazz is Jem's Arch Enemy and will stop at nothing to get her out of the way. But deep down, Pizzazz is mostly trying to make up for a loveless childhood, and what she really wants is for her father to give her the attention she was denied as a child.

  • Alpha Bitch
  • Attention Whore: She wants power and fame and she'll do anything to get it.
  • Bad Bad Acting: The two times we see Pizzazz professionally acting is enough to understand she does not have one shred of talent beyond the world of music.
  • Berserk Button: Never call her by her real name, "Phyllis".
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Evil Diva
  • Freudian Excuse: Pizzazz's mother abandoned her, and her father spoiled her because he wasn't sure how to properly love her. As an adult, she's attempting to compensate for a mostly loveless childhood by winning the adoration of the world, no matter what it takes or how loud she has to scream. She sees anyone else, such as Jem and the Holograms, as detrimental to her fame and will do anything to get rid of them. Oddly, this competitive streak stops at Riot, whom she views as the object of her desire and wants for herself as a lover. This inflames her hatred of Jem, because Riot wants her and Jem seems to share an attraction to him, even though Pizzazz saw Riot first (or she thinks she did).
  • I Just Want to Be Loved
  • Insane Troll Logic: In Island of Deception, she figured Jerrica was at the top of the island they were stranded on with reporters as part of some publicity stunt for the Holograms. Stormer points out how crazy that sounds since there was no way Jerrica could have expected both bands being stranded on a deserted island.
  • Rich Bitch: Except she doesn't actually care about the money, just that her father cares enough to pay attention to her long enough to actually give it to her.
  • Sore Loser
  • Trigger Happy: When Techrat gave her a laser pistol.
  • "Well Done Daughter" Girl: Pizzazz's main motivation is just to get her dad to love her. Which is sort of inflamed when she sees her father bonding with Kimber in Father's Day.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Locked Ashley in a trunk to stop her from going to the authorities.

Roxy (Roxanne Pelligrini)

Hailing from Philadelphia, Roxy is the loud and tough bassist of the Misfits. Often agreeing with Pizzazz and at odds with Jetta, whose membership she was against. Much like Pizzazz, Roxy just wants to be special but is deeply insecure about her own failings, such as her inability to read, and is determined to prove to the world that she can do anything.

  • Backstabbing the Alpha Bitch: Roxy does this to Pizzazz's face when she wins a million dollars and decides to change her life (after Pizzazz and Jetta make fun of her inability to read). Of course, this doesn't last, because Roxy blew through half the money and had to give the other half to the IRS. Then Eric and the band show up to remind her she signed a contract so she can't actually leave.
  • Bokukko: She's credited as the Misfits "tough-as-nails bassist", and comes from Philadelphia's inner city, although she'll dress in the same attire as her band.
  • Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: Wore diamonds after she won a fortune through the lottery in Roxy Rumbles.
  • Freudian Excuse: Roxy Rumbles presents Roxy when shes out of range of both the Holograms and her own band. She's excitable, jovial, and wants to prove herself so people will think she's talented and can do anything. She was deeply insecure about her inability to read, and kept trying to do things to prove that she didn't need to be able to read, only for it to blow up in her face. She's also insecure of her standing in the band, which was provoked by Eric Raymond and Jetta's inclusion in the Misfits. Roxy remains at odds with Jetta for the whole series. Fans have noted that Roxy has followed Pizzazz's example by the way the two dress with a similar color palette. This could lead to the conclusion that Roxy, deep down, is a scared little girl who doesn't know any better, but is aware and deeply ashamed of her ignorance, but too stubborn and scared to admit it. So, she tries to follow Pizzazz's example by being rude and loud to cover up her insecurities.
  • I Just Want to Be Special
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Roxy Rumbles is the most prominent example of this. Away from the Holograms and the Misfits, Roxy can be quite jovial, pleasant, and excitable. She thanks the guy at the lottery office with a hug and handsomely tips the people who gave her a makeover and the door man.
  • Never Learned to Read: Made clear in Roxy Rumbles. By the end though, she's working on it.
    • Continuity Nod: In Scandal, Jetta offers Roxy to read Kimber's diary, but Roxy claimed she wasn't interested.
  • Nobody Loves the Bassist: She picks on Stormer like everyone else, but the inclusion of a fourth Misfit made her worry for her standing in the group (provoked by Eric). Nevertheless, she spends the rest of the series at odds with Jetta.
  • No Indoor Voice: Yells from time-to-time.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With Jetta.
  • Verbal Tic: Roxy usually puts added stress on different words when she's in an excited mood.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Though she's not pale.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Locked Ashley in a trunk to stop her from going to the authorities.

Stormer (Mary Phillips)

The Ensemble Darkhorse of the show, the sympathetic and kind Stormer has the distinction of being the nice member of the Misfits. While capable of being nasty and not above harmless mischief, Stormer is often belittled by her band mates and forced to do things and hurt people to avoid being kicked out of the group. Widely considered the most complex person in the entire Jem universe, Stormer composes her band's music but never gets credit for it. She loves her brother Craig dearly, has formed a friendship with Kimber Benton, and often helps the Holograms when she feels she absolutely needs to.

  • Adorkable: Oh so very much.
  • Beauty Mark
  • Butt Monkey: Any time she says something "goody goody" her band mates will treat her like she just committed murder.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: She's got it together, but any time she makes a halfassed attempt at being a mean girl you can't help but find her adorable.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: She's the overall creative force of the Misfits, but she never gets credited for it.
  • Extreme Doormat: Though through Characterization Marches On, Stormer slowly started to assert herself more than she used to.
  • Family Versus Career: The Misfits lean on her to convince her brother to find out Jem's identity through Aja or they'll kick her out of the band.
  • Flower in Her Hair: Which provides a contrast to her edgy Misfits look.
  • Foil: To Kimber. Kimber is constantly complaining that she receives no respect and everyone likes her sister better than her, even though it's clear her sister and her band mates love her dearly. Stormer, on the other hand, is constantly disrespected by the Misfits and has been warped into believing she'd be nothing without them, to the point that she's nearly a total pushover.
  • Friendly Enemy
  • Friend to All Children: Was the only one who was actually nice to Ashley when she tried to be friends with the Misfits. Of course, Pizzazz and Roxy threatened to kick Stormer out of the band if she let Ashley out of the trunk they locked her in, and Stormer complied.
  • Graceful Loser: In Glitter and Gold, she's the only one who takes comfort in the fact the Misfits sold over half a million records while Pizzazz throws a temper tantrum.
  • Heel Face Turn: Well, she was never really evil to begin with, so this is a subversion of sorts. She left the Misfits because they never respected her, and formed a duo with Kimber. When the Holograms and Misfits tried to get their respective band mate back, Stormer sadly acknowledged that Kimber's band actually cared about her, whereas the Misfits just want to exploit Stormer.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch
  • Minion with an F In Evil: This cannot be stressed enough. It's part of her appeal.
  • Only Sane Man: At times Stormer will attempt to be a voice of reason, halfheartedly, when her band is acting out of control.
  • Punch Clock Villain: Stormer never acts malicious on her own, and any crimes she may have perpetrated were when she was with the group or directly as a result of Pizzazz's orders.
  • Reformed but Rejected: A subversion. After successfully producing an album with Kimber, the Holograms offer Stormer a place in their band, before the Misfits cone in and make a genuine plea for her to come back. Stormer decided that the Holograms didn't really need her, but only returned to the Misfits under the stipulation that they give her the respect she deserves and equal standing.
  • Secret Keeper: Stormer knew Roxy was illiterate, but unlike Jetta and Pizzazz, didn't think it was something to laugh about.
  • The Smart Guy: She writes most of the songs for her band, composing both the lyrics and the melodies, and arguably has more common sense than the rest of the Misfits.
  • Sugar and Ice Personality: She's the nice Misfit, but that doesn't mean she isn't capable of being nasty if she wants.
  • Sweet Tooth
  • Token Good Teammate
  • Word of God: Christy Marx stated that, even if Stormer becomes friendly with the Holograms and isn't nearly as bad as the rest of the Misfits, her loyalties lie with the Misfits first and foremost.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Jetta (Sheila Burns)

A lower-class British saxophonist who was introduced in The Talent Search, Jetta becomes the fourth Misfit despite her constant arguing with Roxy. Jetta is always making up stories about being British royalty and friends with "the Queen Mum", only none of it is true, and she's also a very talented pickpocket.

  • Blatant Lies: Although she's quite aware of the fact that she's lying, and when Pizzazz and Roxy call her bluff in Britrock, stages an elaborate hoax with her parents so she wouldn't be kicked out of the band.
  • British Accents: Jetta has a classic lower-class English accent, and series creator Christy Marx says she recommended the only actress who was actually English, and not just an American doing a bad, exaggerated Cockney accent.
  • Con Woman
  • Flat Character: Jetta had the least amount of character development by the time the series ended, so that all we saw of her was a persistently lying, British punk who had a rivalry with Roxy.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Jetta is the only Misfit who doesn't have any redeeming qualities and is pretty much just a pathological liar.
    • Freudian Excuse: Of course, the fact that Britrock showed that she grew up in a essentially British white trash home might have something to do with it.
  • The Sixth Ranger: She's actually the fourth.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With Roxy.
  • Token Evil Teammate
  • Ungrateful Bitch: Quickly got into the pecking order concerning the band and treats Stormer just as badly as the others, even though Stormer was the one who vouched for Jetta's membership.
  • What Could Have Been: Jetta was originally going to be African-American.

Clash (Constance Montgomery)

The Misfits Number One Fan and perpetual hanger-on, Clash meets the Misfits in Starbright, and believes herself to be friends with them. The truth is, they only keep her around as their personal servant and pack mule. Clash has begged to be a member of the band, even though she's been told numerous times that she's a loser. Clash also has an ongoing rivalry with her cousin, Video, who is friends with the Holograms. Later in the series, Clash develops an uncanny ability for make-up and disguise, which the Misfits are eager to exploit.

  • Arch Enemy: Of her cousin, Video.
  • Attention Whore: She wears cymbals on her wrists, for God's sake.
  • Becoming the Mask: Her brief time as Sarah Murgamont explored a more compassionate side of Clash, as she begins to realize the Holograms aren't as bad as she believed.
  • Black Shirt: Not a member of the band, but they keep her around to cause havoc.
  • Cry for the Devil: At the end of Video Wars, it's hard not to feel sorry for Clash after she turns down the Holorgams' offer of friendship while pointlessly chasing after the Misfits.
  • Daddy's Girl: Her father genuinely adores her, and she returns the sentiment.
  • Dreadful Musician: Why she'll never be a Misfit.
  • Extreme Doormat: The Misfits have her wrapped around their finger, and Clash refuses to believe they aren't her friends no matter how much they belittle her or make it obvious they're just using her.
  • Deadly Change-of-Heart: Of her own doing. The Holograms offer her friendship, but she refuses to believe the Misfits aren't her friends.
  • Hollywood Tone Deaf: Wants to be a Misfit so very badly yet doesn't realize she can't sing at all.
  • I Just Want to Be Special
  • Loony Fan: Averted, oddly enough. Despite the fact that she's deluded about her "friendship" with the Misfits, she never exactly crossed Annie Wilkes territory.
  • Master of Disguise
    • Latex Perfection: She was able to pass herself off as Jem so flawlessly (except for her horrible singing) it's almost scary.
  • Morality Pet: Like Pizzazz, her father. She has a healthy, loving relationship with him, even though it's clear he spoiled her.
  • Multicolored Hair: Clash originally had bubblegum red and aqua colored hair, before it shifted to fully purple.
  • Sibling Rivalry: A variant of it. Clash and Video are cousins, but they grew up in the same town and same neighborhood, even the same block, so they're more like bickering sisters. Most of the fights are instigated by Clash, though.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Monumental ego in regards to Video. She thinks she's better than her cousin, even though Video is an award-winning filmmaker and Clash is a groupie. Of course, Clash is eager to show up her cousin and prove her superiority.
  • Spoiled Sweet: A subversion. While Clash is quite a pain to both the Holograms and Video, she loves her father dearly and Video Wars demonstrated that she's not totally heartless when she developed some sympathy for the Holograms.
  • Was It All a Lie?: When Pizzazz exposes Clash as Sarah to the Holograms, but they realize that Clash seemed to have really enjoyed herself when she was with them, and offer a genuine hand of friendship.

Graphix (Gwendolyn Snyder)

A planned character who never made it into the show because it was cancelled, Graphix was planned to be a member of the Misfits and Stingers' entourage, a graffiti artist and shallow valley girl hired by Eric Raymond to promote both bands.

The Stingers

A trio of blonde musicians from Germany who debut in the third season, the Stingers are made up of the charismatic Riot (lead singer), the seductive Minx (keyboard), and the grandiose Rapture (guitar). Intelligent, vain, and devious, the Stingers only look out for themselves and see anyone as nothing but a pawn to be exploited for their benefit.

  • Blondes Are Evil
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: The three of them are scheming, manipulative, and intelligent, yet deep down they care about one another. This is due to the fact that they had no one to rely on but themselves when they were stuck performing on the streets of Europe.
  • It's All About Me: The problem with the Stingers is that, even if they care about one another, they'll let their individual desires come before the welfare of the band, whether or not their intentions are good or bad.
    • Rapture pretending to channel the spirit of Harry Houdini to bilk an old woman out of her money. She was willing to take it as far as staging a magical duel with another professional magician. The scam would've worked if someone hadn't spilled their drinks on the controls Minx was wearing, which almost caused Rapture to drown.
    • Minx briefly turning good after a near-death experience. Unfortunately for the Stingers, Minx was a bit overbearing. She interrupted an interview Riot and Rapture were doing and basically told the reporter that the two were lying to her the whole time.
    • Riot basically kidnaps Jem by "stranding" them on an island and sending a forged postcard to Rio saying Jem's happy where she is. This led to both the Holograms and the Stingers being merged into the Misfits because their leaders were missing.
  • Manipulative Bastard: All three of them are intelligent enough and devious enough to twist around anyone they want for their own goals, then cast them aside quite harshly once they lose interest.
  • Morality Pet: To each other, but more specifically, Riot's mother is this.
  • Street Musician: How the band started out in Europe.
  • What Could Have Been: Dolls of them were planned, but were canceled.

Riot (Rory Llewellyn)

A charismatic and vain singer, Riot has the power to swoon just about anyone with his voice and considers himself to be "perfect". To that effect, he demands a woman who is equally perfect, which he considers to be Jem. On her part, Jem is not completely above the idea of becoming an item with Riot, much to the displeasure of Rio Pacheco.

  • The Casanova
  • Compelling Voice: He can calm down a frenzied crowd just by talking in that smooth, sexy voice of his.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Riot truly loves his mother and has no issue with her using his real name. It's his dad he has the problem with.
  • The Gump: Per Memetic Mutation, fans find it amusing that Riot was in a band called "Nirvana", and jokingly state that he was in before "that Cobain kid" came along.
  • Jerkass: He openly manipulates people, and once casually decided to bankrupt an animation studio working on his cartoon because he didn't like a suggestion they made to make him more likeable.
    • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Though selfish and prickish, he isn't actually evil, and is willing to help others (he just usually expects something in return).
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Loving a Shadow: Riot wants Jem, and he rationalizes this by stating that, if Jem carried about Jerrica Benton she would leave Rio alone since technically he is Jerrica's boyfriend.
  • Momma's Boy: A subversion. Riot is by no means a weakling, but he loves his mother dearly. She was the one who supported his love of music, and he hated knowing his father wouldn't let them stay in contact.
  • Mr. Fanservice: His outfit consists of a wide-open coat.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Deep down he could be viewed as this.

Rapture (Phoebe Ashe)

With her interest in the occult and supernatural, Rapture is a master con-artist who often pulls New Age themed scams, either to make a quick buck or just for the fun of it.

  • Asexuality: Possibly. Rapture's one of the few main characters who was never involved in a relationship or hinted at being interested in someone.
    • She has, however, mentioned that she felt she and Riot belonged together.
  • The Barnum: When she's scamming someone she's really in her element.
  • Con Woman: Her defining character trait -- most of her appearances see her trying to convince people she has psychic or magical powers, and conning them out of money (this, despite being a rich rock star). This sort of makes it look like Rapture performs cons for the fun of it, or she's been conning people for so long it's become ingrained into her so she couldn't stop if she wanted to.
  • For the Evulz: Rapture seems to truly enjoy screwing with someone's head just for the sake of it.
  • It Amused Me: She scares one of the Starlight Girls into believing she's a werewolf with absolutely no provocation.
  • Large Ham: When she's scamming someone, especially in That Old Houdini Magic when she pretends to channel Harry Houdini's ghost.
  • New Age: Rapture heavily relies on the occult for her cons. Word of God states that despite her interest, she doesn't really believe in any of it.
  • Phony Psychic

Minx (Ingrid Kruger)

Minx is a natural-born heartbreaker who makes a game out of wooing men and then tossing them aside when she's done with them. She's set her sights on Rio, the first man who has ever spurned her affections, and has yet to give up in her pursuit of him as she'd be stealing him from both Jem and Jerrica Benton.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Minx is only after Rio because of the challenge of stealing him from both Jem and Jerrica. She keeps at it because he's the only guy who's turned her down.
  • Driven to Suicide: After her reform, she actually tries to kill herself by jumping off the roof of Starlight Music when Rio gently, but firmly, rejects her advances. This was also after the Stingers rejected her new "good" personality. Fridge Logic comes into play when, reviewing the events of Riot's Hope, you realize Minx probably figured she would have to go back to living on the streets now that she didn't have the Stingers or Rio, and was too horrified of the notion of going through that alone.
  • Dumb Blonde: Averted. She's a man chaser, but like her band mates Minx is extremely intelligent. Minx even repairs and builds her own keyboards, which she claims to have been doing since she was 14.
  • Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: Fond of rings and bracelets; sometimes they have hidden gadgets inside them.
  • Deadly Change-of-Heart / Reformed but Rejected: After a near-death experience she vows to become a better person. But even though she meant well Minx was a bit overbearing, though some of the things that went wrong when she tried to help weren't really her fault. She reverted back to her old personality after they told her she was doing "too much".
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Minx also happens to share the same voice actress as Linka, Bobby Hill, and Phil and Lil.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: In The Day The Music Died, Minx is the one who managed to get the Holograms and the Stingers back into separate bands because she was tired of working for Pizzazz.
  • Stop Helping Me!: After she reforms, she became slightly overbearing. She took over Rio's keyboard design and gave Jerrica a makeover against her will (because she was still convinced Rio wanted her). But half the things that went wrong weren't actually her fault.
    • She gave the Starlight Girls treats and squirt guns to make up for how badly she treated them while the Stingers were staying at Starlight House. The girls either got stomach aches or were making a mess with the squirt guns. Minx isn't responsible for their eating habits or their behavior, Jerrica is supposed to be.
    • She offered to install a burglar alarm in the recording studio the Holograms used, and showed them the code. The alarm went off and Kimber forgot the code. Minx shouldn't be held responsible for the Holograms not remembering, though she could've offered to write it down.
  • The Vamp


Eric Raymond

Arguably the biggest villain of the entire series, Eric is a conniving snake in the grass. The former partner of Emmett Benton and the manager of the Misfits, Eric lusts for fame, money, and power, and craves to one day make Starlight Music his again. He also has a hidden agenda concerning the existence of Synergy, and has attempted numerous times to discover what she is. But most of the time he's caught in-between Pizzazz's shrieking and being made into a fool by the Holograms.

  • Bad Boss: He was at one point fired by Harvey Gabor because his decisions were costing millions of dollars with no profit being made.
  • Big Bad: Manages both the Misfits and the Stingers. Or, in the case of the Stingers, he thinks he does. Riot outright told Jem he knew Eric was slime but could prove useful given the right manipulation.
  • Butt Monkey: The biggest one in the whole series. Possibly due to Laser-Guided Karma, even if he's never arrested for his crimes, Eric is usually being chewed out by either Pizzazz or her father for his business moves. He at one point had to sell everything he owned to by Misfits Music from Harvey Gabor, and is implied to have been living in his office closet as a result.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Is utterly horrified at the idea of Pizzazz handling a laser gun.
  • Evil Laugh: Charlie Adler was probably paid by that sneer.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Sweet. Jesus.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Started out as an assistant to Emmett Benton and then took over the company.
  • Pointy-Haired Boss
  • Smug Snake
  • Wag the Director: When he became in charge of Starbright, which later became The Misfits Hit It Big, the production wasn't properly finished because Pizzazz kept making changes and staff members were quitting. The movie was, naturally, a complete bomb.

Rio Pacheco

Jerrica, and Jem's, lifelong love interest who is caught in a triangle between the two, even though Jem and Jerrica are the same. Jerrica has struggled with telling Rio about her secret identity, which Rio doesn't make easy by his indecisive behavior and his self-proclaimed hatred of lying. He truly does love Jerrica, but neither makes it easy for the other. Regardless, he's the Holograms road manager and technician, and often handles the repair of their instruments and sets.

  • Big Brother Instinct: To the Starlight Girls.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy
  • Hypocrite: At one point tells Kimber that she can't string two guys along, to which she counters with how he strings along both Jerrica and Jem. Of course, they are the same person, but he doesn't know that.
  • Mr. Vice Guy: He's a nice guy, for the most part. And he loves his girlfriend dearly. Both of them.


An advanced and sentient computer system created by Jerrica's father, Synergy can create near perfect Holograms and is responsible for creating the Jem identity through the Jemstar earrings Emmett designed. The Holograms have kept Synergy's existence a secret out of fear of what someone would do if she fell into the wrong hands.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Only when one of Techrat's inventions caused her to go out of control (and even fire lasers!) in episode. Otherwise, an inversion, since she's a benevolent AI.
  • Loving a Shadow: Lampshaded and averted. Emmett Benton used his dead wife Jacqui as the basis for Synergy's personality, but purposefully designed her to make sure she wasn't a complete copy of her because it would've been too painful.
  • Magical Computer
  • Parental Substitute
  • The Obi-Wan: Although she isn't portrayed in this role very often.

The Starlight Girls

The twelve, later thirteen, later eleven foster girls whom Jerrica looks after in Starlight House. The Starlight Girls often find themselves involved with Jem and the Holograms, especially Ashley and Ba Nee, the former of which is the Tagalong Kid, while the latter required an expensive eye operation which was the basis for the Starbright trilogy. Starlight House was founded by Jacqui Benton, Jerrica and Kimber's mother, who herself was a foster girl and wished to help provide a home for girls with similar situations.

  • Bit Character: There were thirteen Starlight Girls overall. Ashley, Ba Nee, Krissie, Dierdre, Terri, Lela, Anne, Marianne, Joellen, Becky, Nancy, Delaree, and Laura. The first five usually had the most focus, and Laura was only living at Starlight House temporarily.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Ashley started out as this.
  • Daddy's Girl: Ba Nee. Or, she wants to be, because she just wants to find her missing father. His absence left a very big mark on her, and she's desperate to find him to the point that anyone who resembles the description she remembers she'll believe is him. The final episode has Ba Nee successfully reunited with her birth father.
  • Disappeared Dad: Ba Nee's father. Until the finale.
  • Drugs Are Bad: As Laura learned in Alone Again. Well, after she stopped thinking she was a bird.
  • Expy: Ba Nee shares certain similarities to Lian Harper of DC Comics. Both are Vietnamese-American girls with a Missing Mom (who are missing for different reasons), an American father with red hair, and both are an example of Daddy's Girl. While Ba Nee's father is a war hero, Lian's is a superhero.
  • Face Your Fears: The point of Terri's spotlight episode, Trick of Techrat.
  • Fearless Fool: Ashley.
  • Girls Are Really Scared of Horror Movies: Terri.
  • Heartwarming Orphan
  • I Just Want to Be Loved: Ba Nee.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: Ashley and Deirdre.
  • Long-Lost Uncle Aesop: Alone Again which focused on Laura Holloway, a new arrival to Starlight House who became addicted to drugs and later beat her addiction. By the episode's end she was relocated to another home. This is a Justified Trope as it was mentioned that Laura was only staying at Starlight House temporarily.
  • Only Sane Man: Krissie.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: In song form. Krissie does this to Dominic Lerner in The Jem Jam Part II during You May Be A Star.
  • The Runaway: Deirdre, Krissie, and Ba Nee in The Music Awards, though Krissie only went with them because she wanted to make sure they stayed out of trouble.
  • Tagalong Kid: Ashley is this for the Holograms, was this with the Misfits.
  • Talking to Himself: Terri and Pizzazz have the same voice actress, which acts as a meta example of Crowning Moment of Funny when you realize the shill Pizzazz is also the rather timid Terri.
  • Token Minority: Averted and played straight. Krissie, Lela, and Joellen are African-American, Marianne is Cuban, and Ba Nee is Vietnamese-American.
  • Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Seriously, Delaree?
  • Youthful Freckles: Terri.


An inventor in Eric Raymond's employ, Techrat's devoted much of his resources to either help promote the Misfits or help Eric learn more about Synergy. He's also quite touchy about how his gadgets are handled and hates being touched by other people, save for Eric and Minx of the Stingers.


Eric Raymond's hired lackey, often doing his dirty work.

Harvey Gabor

The CEO of Gabor Industries and Pizzazz's father. Harvey spoiled his daughter when she was young, because after his wife abandoned the two of them he wasn't quite sure how to deal with Pizzazz. Even as an adult, Harvey finds himself throwing money to keep his daughter happy, when all she really wants is his love and genuine affection. Harvey is quite aware that it's his fault Pizzazz turned out like she did, but he's yet to do anything about it.

  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Averted. Harvey is usually played as neutral, or sometimes good. He's never shown scheming like Eric Raymond, or out to make a buck at the expense of others. Any evil deeds on his part would usually consist of throwing money at Pizzazz to keep her happy. Even then, he finally cut her off when his indulgences began costing him a fortune. He's also quite friendly with the Holograms.
  • Disappeared Dad: A subversion. He was never really at home when Pizzazz was a child.
  • Morality Pet: To Pizzazz. Her connection to him is the only way we're able to see a more vulnerable side of her.
  • Parental Substitute: Oddly enough, to Kimber.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: The guy seriously needs to take a day off and spend time with his daughter.
  • Where Did We Go Wrong?: He's sadly aware that he's responsible for the way Pizzazz turned out, yet the one time he actually tries to sit down and talk with her she's too mad to reason with.
    • This is actually a subversion. Harvey knows exactly where he went wrong. What he doesn't know is how to fix it.

Howard Sands

A famous film director, Howard Sands was responsible for financing the Battle of the Bands competition which rocketed the Holograms' popularity. Very reasonable and fair, he also gave Jerrica Benton ownership of the new Starlight Mansion, and let the Starlight Girls stay there after the original burnt down. He comes across as an anti-Eric Raymond, and is often seeing conversing with Harvey Gabor regarding Raymond's questionable business practices.

  • Expy: Supposedly of John Waters.
  • Foil: To Eric Raymond. Howard's a successful, reasonable, and upstanding director and businessman who is friends with Jem and the Holograms and Countess DuVoisin, whereas Eric is a conniving snake willing to do anything for money and power, while often failing.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure
  • Wag the Director: In Hollywood Jem he had to replace his former lead with Jem because she was making too many demands.

Countess Danielle DuVoisin

A refined French aristocrat and famous fashion designer, Danielle is dear friends with Howard Sands and is friends with the Holograms, to the point that she's designed a series of clothes based on their music. She's also the mentor and employer of Regine Cesaire. Danielle debuted in Disaster.

Lindsey Pierce

A rock news reporter with her own TV show, Lin-Z often interviews the Holograms and the Misfits. She often finds herself siding with the Holograms, as the Misfits never control themselves while on her show. She debuted in Disaster.

Video (Vivien Montgomery)

A young and upcoming director and filmmaker who meets the Holograms in Starbright. Video's determined when it comes to her career but she often finds herself dealing with her nuisance of a cousin, Clash. Video has directed and edited a number of the Holograms' music videos.

  • Arch Enemy: To her cousin, Clash.
  • Blessed with Suck: Video once mentioned that, while she enjoys being a filmmaker, she has to constantly work at maintaining her career. To do that, each film she directs has to top the other one, so the only person she has to outshine is, ironically enough, herself.
  • The Determinator: Video loves her work as a filmmaker and keeps at it despite how hard it is maintaining success.
  • Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: Accidentally told Clash the Holograms were performing in Starbright because they needed the money for Ba Nee's eye operation. Which Clash promptly told the Misfits.
  • Prima Donna Director: Averted.
  • Sibling Rivalry: A variant. Clash and Video are cousins, but they grew up together, so they act more like bickering sisters. Clash has instigated any and all of the conflicts, though.
  • The Sixth Ranger: Could be considered one to the Holograms. She doesn't perform in their music videos, but she's directed a number of them.

Danse (Giselle Dvorak)

Giselle Dvorak is a talented dancer who becomes friends with the Holograms after they perform at a concert benefiting Haven House, a center for runaway children she volunteers at. Like Shana and Aja, Danse is an orphan whose parents have disappeared, and she has often tried to find them. Danse debuted in The Music Awards Part I.

  • Disappeared Dad: She finds him in Homeland, Heartland.
  • Expy: Her multicolored hair and dancing invokes the image of Polychrome from The Wizard of Oz books.
  • Inspirationally Disabled: Temporarily in Danse Time. After being injured on set, her legs become paralyzed and she has to work to regain both the feeling in them and her ability to dance.
  • Missing Mom: We have no idea if her mother is dead or alive.
  • Multicolored Hair
  • Really Gets Around: She gets a new love interest almost every episode she's in.
  • The Sixth Ranger: To the Holograms sometimes. She's often performed as a dancer in some of their videos. Danse Time focused on how they couldn't finished a video for a contest after Danse was injured and became temporarily paralyzed.

Craig Phillips

The brother of Stormer and Aja's boyfriend. Craig's a drummer who competed with Raya for a role in the Holograms in The Talent Search, where the Misfits also made Stormer ask him to learn Jem's identity. Craig loves his sister dearly and has often tried to talk her into leaving the Misfits for her own sake.

  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Averted. He's at first insulted that Aja doesn't trust him enough to reveal Jem's identity, until he immediately realized that he was the one who made a mistake by asking and apologized. And even then, he was only asking because Stormer asked him to.
  • Heroic Build
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Literally. His wardrobe consists of a pink shirt.
  • Understanding Boyfriend: Played with. He knows it was wrong to ask Aja Jem's secret identity but only did so for his sister's sake.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Just like his sister.

Astral (Maeve Eldritch)

A talented illusionist and stage magician who studied under a student of Harry Houdini. Astral debuts in That Old Houdini Magic, where she gets into a magical duel with Rapture, who just so happens to be "channeling" Houdini's spirit. Astral sets out to prove her fraud with help from the Holograms.

Regine Cesaire

An aspiring French fashion designer who has only just begun work as a professional. Debuting in Straight From The Heart, Regine is introduced to the Holograms by her mentor, Danielle DuVoisin, and offers to design their clothes for an upcoming concert. However, Regine has much to learn about constructive criticism, and falls in with the Stingers after she believes the Holograms have insulted her designs.

  • Break the Haughty: Her debut episode introduced her as an upcoming young designer employed by the Countess, but still very green, inexperienced, and sensitive when it comes to working as a professional.
  • The Chew Toy: After the Stingers decide she's lost her "novelty", they keep her around just to screw with her head.
  • Constructive Criticism: Needs to learn to handle this in regards to her designs.
  • Defector From Decadence: After she leaves employment for the Stingers.
  • The Fashionista
  • Hot-Blooded: More of a passionate variety. She's a good designer, but she's still young and inexperienced and has a lot to learn about being a professional.
  • What Could Have Been: Was planned for the doll line before it was cancelled.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

The Limp Lizards

A quartet of horrible musicians who made rare appearances in the background after their debut in the first episode.