Normally I Would Be Dead Now: Difference between revisions

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* The more extreme injuries Oasis and Kusari take in ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'' are justified, since they seem to possess an as-yet unexplained ability to come back from the dead. However, Kusari ''did'' get stabbed through the chest four times and was still able to ask for someone to pry her off the wall she'd been stuck to. Oasis, meanwhile, managed to survive for several days with untreated knife wounds in her stomach.
* Used as a [[Running Gag]] in ''[[8-Bit Theater|Eight Bit Theater]]'', usually involving Red Mage. Every so often RM has something horribly fatal happening to him only for him to casually brush it off either by his [[Wrong Genre Savvy|irrational belief]] of him being in a [[Tabletop RPG]] suddenly working or by sheer delusion alone (an example of the former being him surviving a fatal fall by "forgetting to write down the damage" and an example of the latter being surviving having his ''skeleton removed'' by believing that skeletons are ''wholly vestigial''). In every case it's the [[Rule of Funny]] at work. His genius plan was to increase his melee damage by {{spoiler|willingly remaining on fire and casting healing spells on himself every few rounds.}}
* Used frequently in ''[[Girl Genius]]''. For instance, Higgs [\] manages to keep fighting despite what are realistically deadly wounds to the torso, and manages to (apparently) suffer no real ill effects only a few minutes later [\] Then again, it ''vas'' already hinted he's a [[Super Soldier|Jägermonster]], and they won't survive centuries of war if they weren't absurdly hard to kill.
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