A Certain Magical Index/Characters/Sisters

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The Radio Noise project was originally devised to mass produce Level 5 esper clones of Mikoto Misaka, but only managed to produce Level 2 or 3 espers. It was later retooled in the Level 6 shift project, which involved creating and killing 20000 clones in order to force Accelerator to attain Level 6. After the project was stopped by Touma, several clones are still around after the project. This page details the most prominent ones.

Mikoto Misaka

Onee-Sama (The Original)

The Rank 3 Level 5 who unknowingly provided her DNA for the project. Called "Older Sister" by all the clones.

The clones share the following tropes:

Misaka 9982

The 9982nd clone in the Radio Noise project, as well as the first clone that Mikoto meets. She has a rather unique personality compared with the other clones.

 Researcher: How is it? It's a really high quality tea that costs 20000 yen per can.

Misaka 9982: It's horrible.


Misaka 9982: "My very first tea is this crap?!" Misaka laments over her misfortune.

 Researcher: The people [in the outside world] are packed like sardines, though.

Misaka 9982: People are packed in containers?!

  • Panty Shot: Chapter 22. She flips up her skirt to catch a falling kitten.

Misaka 10032

Misaka Imouto/Misaka 10032

  Voiced by: Nozomi Sasaki

The 10032nd clone in the Radio Noise project. Nicknamed "Misaka Imouto" (Misaka Little Sister) by Touma. She was saved by Touma from the project by defeating Accelerator. Since then, she and the other clones are undergoing personality rehabilitation. She is one of the clones which remained in Academy City, while several others were distributed around the world.

Last Order

Last Order / Misaka 20001

  Voiced by: Rina Hidaka

The 20001st clone of the Radio Noise project, who serves as the administrator for the MISAKA network. As a result, she has more raw power than the other sisters, putting her at Level 3. After the Radio Noise project, one of the scientists uploads a virus in her system, attempting to override the MISAKA network. She is saved by Accelerator and eventually becomes his Morality Pet.

  • A Cup Angst: She is very jealous of Misaka Worst's breasts. She doesn't take it well when Worst says she won't get to her level because they've been grown with different hormones.
  • Blush Sticker
  • Cheerful Child / Genki Girl: Unlike the other 20,000 Sister clones, she's quite capable of expressing emotions and is quite a cheerful girl.
  • Distressed Damsel: Despite being Level 3, her powers are underdeveloped, putting her in several dangerous situations involving those who want to tamper with the MISAKA network.
  • Has Two Mommies: Her guardians, Yomikawa and Kikyo.
  • Idiot Hair: She's by no means an idiot though.
  • Living MacGuffin / MacGuffin Girl: As the central controller of the Sister network, she has been captured at least twice in an effort to upload a virus to all the other Sisters.
  • Morality Pet: To Accelerator.
  • Verbal Tic: In addition to Narrating the Present she announces herself as the topic of the conversation twice (Misaka wa Misaka wa) which isn't really translatable.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: With the advent of the MISAKA Worst clones, Aleister planned to replace her with a MISAKA Worst-version administrator. Accelerator thwarts this, fortunately.

Misaka Worst

Third generation, higher-level (Level 4) and high school version of the clones fully designed for combat purposes. They were secretly developed by Aleister, who intended to replace the outdated second generation clones to improve the MISAKA Network.

  • Alpha Bitch: To the clones and pretty much everyone else.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: She seems to be this way towards Accelerator. It doesn't help she doesn't like the 'Hero', Kamijou Touma.
  • Annoying Laugh
  • Anti-Hero: Started out as Type V-IV, but has now shifted towards Type III.
  • Ax Crazy: Justified. She was literally designed to be this by genetic manipulation; as she runs off the negative emotions in the MISAKA Network and had Accelerator's old thought patterns forced into her. Averted after making a Heel Face Turn by expanding on the implication that she mostly just hates Accelerator and the researchers.
  • Bad Powers, Bad People: Her sole reason for living was based on this.
  • Badass: From the short amount of time she's been in the story, she's shown to be one.
    • Worst has more in NT, in volume 2, she pulls off a One-Man Army by taking down a group of Freshmen, with a broken arm. And without Accelerator.
    • Worst pulls off another by taking out a bunch of guys, and jamming all the cameras. Clearly, she can, for the most part, handle herself.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Accelerator.
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Look down at the Dark and Troubled Past below.
  • Bi the Way: From how she acts with Accelerator, and Umidori, it's quite questionable.
  • Big Breasts Big Deal: Type 4, she's not afraid to make girls like Last Order and Misaka Mikoto realize it, she's willing to shove Umidori into them, and she wouldn't mind if Accelerator groped her.
  • Blood Knight: Although she is this, Worst points out in NT 3, that when she's not with Accelerator, she loses interest.
  • Boobs of Steel
  • Byronic Hero
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Has demonstrated the ability to break the fourth wall.

 Misaka Worst: Oh, Misaka never said that. Maybe she was talking about number of appearances.

Misaka Mikoto: Now you’ve said it!!

  • Break the Haughty: Administers this to Umidori so much that she makes her cry.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: In NT, notable for being against her will. Since she's an Enemy Without, she expresses all negative emotions, including jealousy. So when Last Order is feeling a strong bout of jealousy, Hilarity Ensues.
  • Cloning Blues
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Dark Magical Girl
  • The Dark Side: She often states that she lives for this.
  • Enemy Without: Sort of; Misaka Worst is the outlet of the negative feelings of the original network. Her will can be overtaken if the negativity is too strong.
  • Evil Twin: Initially. Later, she just becomes a Jerkass twin.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Misaka Mikoto, Last Order, heck, pretty much all of the clones. Well with Mugino's persona and Accelerator's old thought patterns planted into her, how can she not be evil?
  • Evil Laugh
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: In NT volume 3, while Worst is jamming all the cameras, she confesses that she's worried about putting Accelerator in danger.
  • Femme Fatale: Oh yeah, big time.
  • The Gadfly: It seems that if she doesn't get to be evil, she's at least going to do her best to troll everyone.
    • Shiage points out she's the true villain while watching her abuse Umidori.
  • Good Colors, Evil Colors: Her lightning is purple, compared to the original's blue.
  • The Gunslinger: Shows signs of being able to use guns pretty well.
    • Seems to be able to keep up with Shiage.
  • Heel Face Turn: Teams up with Accelerator after trying to kill Last Order and him under orders from Academy City.
  • Has Two Mommies: Since she has now started living with Accelerator, Yoshikawa has already given Worst a dress.
  • Hellish Pupils
  • Ironic Fear: Of Touma; unlike the other Sisters. This is justified, as she values herself as the negative embodiment of the Misaka network, and NONE of the Sisters have negative feelings about him, making her fear him as dangerous to her existence.
  • Jerkass
  • Knife Nut: In NT, when Accelerator told her to use it against the FRESHMEN, she told him she already did. Knowing Worst, who knows what she could done to them?
  • Laser Guided Tykebomb: Sent out to break Accelerator by either forcing him to kill her (which would break him), kill Last Order, kill him since he doesn't want to reflect her attacks and is relying on dodging, or in a worst case scenario simply die in front of him. Her entire mental outlook is more or less shaped around making her hate Accelerator and herself.
  • Mind Rape: To Accelerator. Technically, she fails although she does basically break him. Accelerator doesn't die, Last Order doesn't die and she herself survives. After the whole thing, Accelerator is even better off due to Touma fixing him.
  • Motive Rant / Dark and Troubled Past: She kind of has a point, actually.

  Misaka Worst: “Misaka was created in order to kill [Accelerator]. Misaka didn’t particularly want to be born, but she was forced to do so. In order to cut off the signals form Last Order, her skin was cut open and a bunch of strange sheets and selectors were embedded within. If it weren’t for you, none of that would have happened. If you hadn’t made that decision, Misaka would never have been born. And even if she had been, it would not have been in that way that cut off all chance for a future. ‘It hurts. Help.’ By the time Misaka learned those words, she was already in a situation where she could not say them. That is why Misaka has the right to blame you. That is why she has a reason to kill you.”

  • Nail Em: She can use Mikoto's Railgun technique... except she uses a nail instead of a coin.
  • Odd Action Duo: Her and Kuronyan.

  Misaka Worst: How about we join forces as the villain girl combo?

    • Her and Shiage counts too, especially in the middle of NT volume 3.
  • Psycho Electro
  • Red Oni: To Accelerator's blue.
  • She Is All Grown Up: She's an older, high-school version of Misaka Mikoto.
  • Ship Tease: With Accelerator.
    • Averted with Touma and to a certain extent Shiage.
  • Slasher Smile: Just look at her, usually is seen sporting one.
  • The Tease: In New Testament Volume 1.

 Misaka Worst: Should Misaka use her tongue seductively as she licks [the ice cream]?

Accelerator: Who are you trying to please by doing that? Yourself?

Misaka Worst: Well, there is that. If it would be devastating to your relationship with Last Order, Misaka will let you touch her tits and ass, but doing it now would seem rather pointless.

  Misaka Worst: Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!! Misaka doesn’t care about him, so why!?

    • In New Testament Volume 3, she remarks that when she isn't with Accelerator, she loses interest in picking fights. In short, Accelerator's proximity is her tsun trigger.
  • Woman in White: Shows shades of this, but More like Womanin Black.
  • Would Hurt a Child: She tried to kill Last Order.
    • Just read New Testament volume 3, she doesn't hold back on Umidori. She keeps this up even after she makes Umidori cry.
  • Yandere: Well she was pretty crazy for wanting to kill Accelerator, and even now, she's still got the Ax Crazy persona, just toned down. It doesn't help that she got her personality from Mugino.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Academy City made sure than whatever was the outcome of her fight with Accelerator, she would self-destruct. Who saves her? The broken, dead-inside Accelerator that just broke her arm due to being brutally Mind Raped by her. And in a different way, her generation of clones were intended to be this towards the previous set of clones. However, Accelerator appears to have forced them to stop production.