Black Adventures/Characters
Main Characters
The main character, who after some weirdness involving time travel and Hitler, set out to become the Pokemon League champion with the help of his older male friend N.
- Action Survivor: Initially, but after some experience with fights he becomes a Badass Adorable.
- Anti-Hero: Type II. For all his snarkiness and occasional dickery he always tries to do the right thing.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Sometimes it's hard to believe he's a guy.
- He later becomes this in Chapter 23 when he turns into a Sailor Scout.
- Bishonen
- Bi the Way: Maybe. Has a crush on White and possibly Arti.
- But Not Too Foreign / But Not Too White: Black has some Puerto Rican blood in him. It really shows during the Beach Episode.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Lampshaded. The crossdressing doesn't help.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: It didn't last very long.
- Mr Fanservice: Blame the crossdressing.
- Nice Hat
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Kcalb
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Does most of his fighting in drag.
- Though this almost never happens willingly.
The other main character and Black's older male friend. Antagonistic towards trainers, believing they enslave their Pokemon.
- Adult Child: So endearingly innocent. Despite being 21 and half years old, and recently turning 22, he doesn't seem to know about birds and bees.
- Ambiguously Gay: Is quite blatantly in love with Black, stares at his ass occasionally and is into dresses. REALLY into dresses.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Not as feminine as Black, but looks pretty good in a dress.
- Bishounen
- Clingy Jealous Boy
- Conflicting Loyalties: Between his friendship with Black and Team Plasma.
- Cry Cute: Oh so much.
- Ditzy Genius
- Going Commando: Anytime he fights, since his underwear changes into the Menger Gun. But it seems it's also the Menger sponge that he carries around all the time, which would mean he never wears underwear.
- Heroic BSOD: After a brief encounter with his father Ghetsis in Castelia City, he is left awfully depressed.
- Jerkass: When ever his jealousy over Black or overzealousness about Pokemon gets the best of him.
- King Incognito: Is actually the king of Team Plasma.
- No Social Skills
- Single-Target Sexuality: For Black.
- Trademark Favorite Food: He really seems to enjoy his tea.
- Wholesome Crossdresser
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
The infamous glitch from the first generation who somehow ended up in the possession of Black. No one is really sure how.
- Badass
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Played for laughs and he's pretty tame compared to Kcalb.
- Jerkass: All the deaths in the comic can be traced back to him.
- Equippable Ally / Morph Weapon: Every time Black fights he is wielding MissingNo. So far MissingNo. has turned into katana, a shield, and arguably a scythe.
- Token Evil Teammate
- Would Hit a Girl: Just ask Mary.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: In addition to the above weapons, MissingNo. has also been a stocking, a tie, a cage, a giant hand, and a motorcycle.
Joy the Audino
The first and so far only Pokemon Black has (and probably only will get) caught.
- The Medic
- Non-Human Sidekick: Unusually for a Pokemon comic, it's the human characters who do most of the fighting with Joy providing support from the sidelines.
- Talking Animal: Though this also qualifies for most recurring Pokemon characters, Joy is the most obvious example.
- Unsettling Gender Reveal: Joy is actually male.
A fusion of MissingNo. and Black brought out whenever Joy uses Helping Hand on the two of them. Although he is a fusion of them, Kclab is his own entity as well and frequently communicates with Black while showing a disturbing interest in him.
- Ax Crazy
- Fusion Dance
- Screw Yourself: Heavily implied to be in love with Black
- Sinister Scythe: His main weapon
- Sociopathic Hero/Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Like with Missingno, it varies.
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Yandere
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Black's childhood friend, whom he has a crush on. She starts her own Pokemon journey at the same time with Black.
- The Ace: Had all 8 badges by Chapter 19, and the only thing stopping her from beating the entire League by now would probably be the fact that it won't accept challengers at the current point in time.
- Action Girl
- Badass: Arguably the most competent trainer in the comic, possibly barring Alder.
- Oblivious to Love: She's too focused on her goal to become the Champion to notice Black and Dirk's interest in her.
- One of the Boys: She acts this way, but not everyone sees her like one.
- To Be a Master: Her goal is to beat the Champion.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: With Bel.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Maybe
Another childhood friend of Black.
- Badass
- Berserk Button: Don't call her fat.
- Cute Bruiser
- Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life
- Hair of Gold
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: With White.
- Yaoi Fangirl: If dressing Cheren in a Meido outfit and encouraging Alder to fall in love with Cheren while humoring him that Cheren is a girl is any example.
Another childhood friend of Black.
- Bishonen: Not as much as Black or N, but still enough for Alder to believe that he is a girl.
- Blind Without'Em
- Break the Haughty: Episode 22.
- Butt Monkey: Just look at all the suffering he goes through when Bel and Alder are around.
- Character Development: Lampshaded when the author says Cheren got more character development than everyone else.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: He wasn't happy to find this out.
- Heroic BSOD: Is left catatonic after being forced to cosplay as a maid.
- He spends several pages of episode 21 with a blank expression upon finding out that Alder thought he was a girl.
- Hidden Depths: Black points out how White, Black, and Bel would be nothing without Cheren's encouragement, advice, and help.
- Hollywood Homely: Black describes him in a very unflattering fashion.
- Humiliation Conga: Episode 22, via Alder.
- Interrupted Suicide: Black saves him.
- Jerkass: His Christmas present for Black? Chesto berries he happened to have in his pocket. Luckily they became useful later.
- Jerkass Woobie: In episode 22, Cheren finally snaps after Alder put him in the girl's side of the bath and caused Bel to beat the crap out of him, and runs out of the bath in tears.
- Stoic Spectacles
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Has a man-crush on Alder. Until he finally meets him, that is.
- To Be a Master: His goal.
Supporting Characters
Professor Juniper
The Pokémon Professor of Unova.
A friend of Prof. Juniper who studies dreams.
The husband of Lenora.
A Dancer that White met in Nimbasa City. Black sees him as rival for White's affections.
Joseph, Mary and Jesus
Team Plasma members and so far the main antagonists.
- Dual-Wielding: MissingNo.!Mary for a single panel.
- Eye Scream: MissingNo. at one point bitchslaps Mary in the eye which is left hideously bloodshot.
- Eyes Do Not Belong There: Mary activating her powers adds a large eye to either of her swords. They also glow with a purple aura that has eyes.
- Evil Eye: Mary gains one thanks to MissingNo.'s attack.
- Fan Nickname: The Holy Trinity.
- Jerkass: All three of them, but Jesus takes the cake.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Your mileage may vary on the sympathetic part but they ain't the most competent criminals in the world.
- Kick the Dog: They are introduced kicking an Munna.
- Knight Templar
- Moral Myopia
- Non-Human Sidekick: Jesus the Whimsicott.
- Not So Harmless Villains: They are treated as a joke until they take a level in Badass. After that Joseph impales Black.
- Ship Tease: Mary and Joseph at the end of Episode 16 and near the end of Episode 19.
- Mary also blushes when talking to Adam and thinking of Ghetsis.
- Talking Animal: Jesus.
- Terrible Trio
- Theme Naming: Take a guess.
- Took a Level In Badass: Mary in chapter 16. It seems to be a side effect of MissingNo.'s bitchslap. Once she returns Joseph's sword they both get a badass boost.
- Touched by Vorlons: Mary seems to have gained some of MissingNo.'s powers.
The Leader of Team Plasma. He's also N's father.
- Abusive Parent: Maybe
- An Arm and a Leg: Lost his right arm, right eye, and had half his face paralyzed in an encounter with Kyurem
- Perpetual Frowner: Blame Kyurem
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Dark Trinity
Three members of Team Plasma that serve N.
- Cloudcuckoolander: One of them is always doing something random, even during their missions.
- Ninjas
- The Stoic: All three, even the aforementioned Cloudcuckoolander.
- Terrible Trio
- White Haired Pretty Boys
Adam, Eve and Apple
Another trio of Grunts from Team Plasma but are considered to be the best. Like Joseph and Mary, Adam and Eve are human, while Apple is a Victini.
- Knight Templar
- Non-Human Sidekick: Apple the Victini.
- Playing with Fire: Apple.
- Terrible Trio
- Theme Naming
Pokémon League
Corn, Dent and Pod
Leaders of the Striaton Pokemon Gym/cafe/Host club.
- Ambiguously Gay: Pod.
- Bishounen
- Keet: POD.
- No Indoor Voice: POD.
- Perpetual Poverty: Despite being gym leaders, battles aren't their strongest suit and due to their losing streak they can't afford to take new challengers.
- Perpetual Smiler: POD.
Gym Leader of Nacrene City.
- Happily Married: To Kidachi.
- Sassy Black Woman: So much so that she scolded a villainous Meloetta into a Heel Face Turn
Arti Burgh
Gym Leader of Castelia City
- Big Creepy-Crawlies
- Bi the Way: Gay by all means, but had a crush on Elesa.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Elesa.
- Wholesome Crossdresser
Gym Leader of Nimbasa City.
- Can't Hold Her Liquor: It takes less than one whole drink to reduce her to a giggling mess.
- She then spends the next month passed out on Lenora's floor.
- Hair of Gold
- Shock and Awe
- Wholesome Crossdresser
Ingo and Emmet
Subway Bosses of the Nimbasa Battle Subway.
Emmet: I am saddened! I cannot express sadness! |
- Twincest: Heavily hinted at.
Emmet: Zuh city has been running on backup power for days! Luckily, our subways our unaffected. Zhey are powered by our Bruderliebe[1]. |
- Ultimate Job Security: Their fights always end with massive collateral damage and apparently occasional deaths. One can only guess how they've managed to keep their jobs and more importantly why they haven't been arrested.
- Uncatty Resemblance: All of their Pokemon have the exact same expression as their owners.
Driftveil City's Gym Leader.
- Badass: Unlike other gym leaders he didn't need help to take care of Team Plasma.
- Big Damn Heroes: After Black gets impaled he shows up to save the day.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Jerkass: When Black and N show up, he blames them for Team Plasmas escape and even calls them fairy boys.
- Nice Hat
- Tsundere: If the end of Episode 17 is any indication.
Mistralton City's Gym Leader.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Blow You Away
- Butch Lesbian: or Lipstick Lesbian.
- Fiery Redhead: Very Hot-Blooded and with a Hair-Trigger Temper. She yelled at a news reporter for being outside to deliver the news after Tornadus made off with the reporter's panties, screamed at Tornadus to battle her to keep him from attacking the tower, and angrily chewed out Black and N for showing up so late to save Mistralton. In her defense, her city had been under attack for weeks, and she even admitted that the stress of the situation was setting her off and making her lose control of her temper.
- Going Commando: As of her first appearance; Tornadus is wearing her panties on his head. How he got them when she wears shorts is a mystery...
- What the Hell, Hero?: She calls out Black and N after they show up to save her Big Damn Heroes style...weeks after Tornadus first started terrorizing Mistralton City.
The Champion of the Pokemon League.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Broken Pedestal: For Cheren.
- Cloudcuckoolander: He's not affected by Beheeyem's illusions because of this.
Cheren: Does this mean...Alder was never affected by your illusions? |
- Dirty Old Man: Has no problem holding Cheren's hand because he thought he was a young lady.
- Lolicon: Subverted: he thinks Cheren is a girl and actively flirts with him, but sees 'her' as too young.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: He consistently gets everyone's names wrong, usually Cheren's.
- The only person whose name he hasn't gotten wrong so far is N, whose name he doesn't even know.
Icirrus City's Gym Leader.
- Driven to Suicide: Both him and Kuma after being defeated by Kyurem. Black and Joy stops them.
- Gratuitous Japanese: His Beartic is named Kuma[2], and he commands it to use Brine in its Japanese name, Shiomizu[3]. He also keeps his Japanese name, even after the artist started using English names for the Gym Leaders.
- Noodle Incident: Something happened to him in the past, which led to him becoming...
- The Quiet One: When he does talk, it's always in haiku format, save for the Gratuitous Japanese above.
- The Stoic
Other Pokémon
A Pokémon that attacked Dent, Corn, and Pod at Striaton City.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Until being defeated by Black and N.
- Animate Inanimate Object
- Poisonous Pokémon
A Pokémon that attacked Lenora during a concert in Nacrene City.
- Beehive Hairdo: Step Form.
- Brown Note
- Dance Battler: Step Form.
- Hair Decorations
- Heel Face Turn
- Humanshifting: She can take on a more human form.
- The Muse
- Musical Assassin
- Rapunzel Hair
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
A super weapon Pokémon created by Team Plasma to attack Burgh in Castelia. As it turns out, they used the mind of Adolf Hitler to create it, who was brought to the future by Black and N early in the series.
- Backpack Cannon
- Big Creepy-Crawlies
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul
- Cyborg
- In-Series Nickname: Hitlersect.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Mecha
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: A Nazi cyborg insect creature.
- Purple Is Powerful
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Stupid Jetpack Hitler
- Weaponized Animal
- We Can Rebuild Him
Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus
Three Legendary Pokémon brothers. Tornadus and Thundurus are huge perverts, much to the chagrin of their older brother, Landorus. Thundurus first attacked Elesa at Nimbasa, Landorus attacked Clay at Driftveil, and finally Tornadus attacked Skyla at Mistralton.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Landorus, until he is defeated by Black and N.
- Badass Mustache
- Dirty Old Men: Tornadus and Thundurus. According to Landorus, Tornadus is the worst of the two.
- Elemental Powers
- Blow You Away: Tornadus.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Landorus.
- Shock and Awe: Thundurus.
- Only Sane Man: Landorus.
- Flight
Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem
The Tao Trio, a trio of Legendary Pokémon. Currently, only Kyurem has appeared in the story to attack Icirrus City.
- An Ice Pokémon: Kyurem.
- Badass: Kyurem. According to Cheren, it has never lost a battle.
- Blood Knight: Kyurem.
- Dragons Up the Yin-Yang
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
- I'm a Poketarian: Kyurem doesn't just beat his opponents, he eats them.
- Made of Iron: Kyurem. He takes a Last Resort from Joy and a Black Gorgeous Penetration from a Sailor Moon'd Black and only gets a scratch.
Kyurem: Ow. |
- Playing with Fire: Reshiram, presumably.
- Shock and Awe: Zekrom, presumably.
- Snake Talk: Kyurem, inspired by the Verbal Tic of a fangirl on the comic boards who role-plays as Kyurem.
- Worthy Opponent: Kyurem will accept challenges from whoever it deems worthy enough.
- Notable targets include Hachiku, N, and Ghetsis.
- Back to Black Adventures