Axis Powers Hetalia/Characters/Micronations
Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description. Please provide at least a few words telling how these characters differ from other characters with the same tropelists. |
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero: Sealand, being made of steel he's also the strongest.
- The Lancer: Wy, in virtue of being the Only Sane Woman and resident Deadpan Snarker.
- The Smart Guy: Hutt River, of the comic relief kind.
- The Big Guy: Molossia, the more aggressive and unstable of the group.
- The Chick: Kugelmugel.
- Big Brother Mentor: Seborga, the oldest member.
- Sixth Ranger: Ladonia is the type who antagonizes The Hero and actually tries to take over the position of leader.
- Team Pet: Either Hutt River's bilby or Molossia's dog.
- Freudian Trio: The three original members were the Three Amigos type:
- Comic Trio: Sealand comes up with the plans, Seborga cheers and Wy objects.
- Freudian Trio: Sealand is the Id, Wy is the Superego and Seborga is the Ego.
- I Just Want To Be In The UN
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Considering how odd their nationhood came to be, they fit the bill.
- They Clean Up Nicely: All of them (save Nikko-Nikko), in this picture.
Sealand - Peter Kirkland
Aim for it! Sealand will enter the G8! |
Voiced by: Ai Orikasa (JP), Maxey Whitehead (EN) |
A description of the character goes here.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: To England.
- Badass: The real Sealand's formation. It was formed when an absolutely batshit insane man, his mercenaries and several hundred 'subjects' stole an aquatic military base from pirate radio broadcaster Ronan O'Reilly and declared it the country of Sealand. Then, when England tried to deal with him through the navy, he fended them off with firearms, gasoline bombs and what his own wikipedia article describes as lunatic strength. From then on, he managed to get his imaginary country declared as a real country by basically shooting anyone who said that it wasn't.
- Badass Adorable: More or less becomes this in the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010.
- Blue Eyes
- Cheerful Child: The most deluded one ever.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: Someday, Sealand will be a huge empire that even that jerk England will bow down to!
- Has Two Papas: Sweden and Finland, though this is mostly fanon. Only Sweden was seen adopting Sealand; fans just incorporate Finland into the family scheme because of the whole "wife" thing. Admittedly, it is pretty cute.
- Danshigakusei: Fair enough, since it's an English design and he's school age.
- Green Eyes: In early art.
- Keet: Well, he is a kid, after all.
- Made of Iron: He is literally made of steel. In real life.
- Nice Hat
- Non-Human Sidekick: Was seen with a seagull on a chibi drawing of himself.
- Sentai: He loves Sentai and Japan even teaches him how to transform into a Humongous Mecha! His Rocket Punch has to land on poor Latvia, of course.
- Super Strength: He demonstrates this during the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010.
- Verbal Tic: Sealand finishes most of his sentences with "desu yo", which lends his speech an emphatic tone.
So you must be little Wy! Hmmm, maybe I'll hit on you after a couple hundred years go by. |
A description of the character goes here.
- Chivalrous Pervert: As seen in the quote above, he flirts with girls a lot but passes Wy for being too young for him. He still promises to hit on her when She's All Grown Up.
- Cloudcuckoolander: If one doesn't consider his introduction where he's stuck in a tree upside-down while ketchup drips from his forehead while still being awfully cheerful strange, then what is?
- Dismotivation: Among all the Micronations he actually could try to be officially independent but... it's just too much work, you know?
- Fan Nickname: The few "human names" seen around are "Paolo" or "Marcello".
- Fun Personified: According to his profile he's "a cheerful, self-proclaim independent nation seated on a hilltop".
- Green Eyes
- Idiot Hair: Has one similar to both Italy brothers' curls, but it has a more bent-up appearance as opposed to a smooth spiral.
- As per usual, Himaruya did a nice sketch to let us spot the differences.
- Large Ham Title: "I'm the border-crossing seducer, Seborga!"
- Latin Lover: Word of God says that he's more successful with the ladies compared to Italy and Romano.
- Smarter Than You Look: Spends most of his day as spacey and girl-crazy, but he was the only one to notice Ladonia was following them around.
The Principality of Wy
Did you think we're buddies? But I'm different from you... I've been re-cog-ni-zed! |
Voiced by: Mikako Komatsu (JP) |
A description of the character goes here.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Implied towards Australia.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: The first girl to sport them! (Unless, of course, New Zealand turns out to be female.)
- Closer to Earth:
Wy: Hey, Sealand! Why are all boys so dumb? |
- Eyes of Gold
- Fan Nickname: "Izzy" and "Zoey" have been seen.
- Fiery Redhead: Depending on if you see her hair color as brown or auburn.
- Hair Decorations
- Girlish Pigtails: Has one side pigtail.
- Little Miss Snarker
- Mouthy Kid
- Non-Human Sidekick: Was seen with a bunny in her first manga appearance. The rabbit is her boss' favourite animal, along with the dolphin.
- Only Sane Woman: See below.
- Plucky Girl
- Pointless Band-Aid: On her forehead.
- Reclusive Artist: A curious example. While she is indeed an artist and also really hard to reach that's actually because they can't build a driveway.
- Shorttank
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Looks adorable when wearing a dress in Hetaween 2011.
- Even more so in the micronation group picture linked up there.
- Sleep Cute: Falls asleep after the Halloween event and has to be carried home by Australia.
- Surrounded by Idiots: She outright calls the boys dumb on a few occasions and seems to be the micronation with much common sense.
- Tsundere: She insisted that it was a "coincidence" that she wore the dress Sealand told her to in Hetaween 2011, causing Seborga to comment that she takes after England.
Declaring my independence is...ART!!!! |
A description of the character goes here.
- Beauty Mark: Under his eye.
- Braided Twintails
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: His braids made him look more feminine and confused fans on his true gender.
- Dropped A Bridget On Her: During the 2011 Christmas event, Liechtenstein is confused when Germany refers to Kugelmugel as a boy.
- Idiot Hair: It looks like Austria's, since Kugelmugel itself located in Vienna, Austria.
- But sometimes it's hidden
- Nice Beret
- Only Six Faces: Even the author acknowledge that he looks like a short Iceland with twintails.
- Purple Eyes
- Reclusive Artist
- Trademark Favorite Food: Baumkuchen, but only in fanon. In his first appearance in the manga, he wonders if the dessert can be considered as art.
- True Art: Seems to be moping about what is considered art.
- True Art Is Incomprehensible: At least to us.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Republic of Molossia
Sunnovabitch! You formally entered the country?! |
A description of the character goes here.
- Coat Cape
- Cool Shades
- Delinquent Hair
- Flipping the Bird: All the time.
- Gray Eyes
- If It's You It's Okay: Implied, non-sexual and non-romantic example with America according to this new strip. Unlike everybody else, he is so used to see Molossia's Nice Guy side that he is surprised to see the micronation as a Delinquent. Then again, acting tough would be no use since America is way much stronger than him...
- Jerkass Facade: He is a Nice Guy when he is alone, but when you enter his territory...
- Non-Human Sidekick: A dog that oddly looks like an alpaca.
- Sir Swearsalot: During his facade.
- Split Personality Makeover: He goes from regular Nice Guy to Delinquent in seconds when someone walks on his land. He is very embarrassed when his true face is seen and since he became friends with other micronations, which means he gets more visits from them, he gets prepared by changing into his tough-looking self every day.
- Tsundere: He flips Sealand, Seborga and Wy off when they ask him to be their new friend, but runs back to join them as soon as they leave.
Principality of Hutt River
Paying your respects to me, your senior, is simple etiquette, yes? |
A description of the character goes here.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Bishie Sparkle
- Bow Ties Are Cool: You can see it if you are not too distracted by his cape. Justified because he wears his home's actual royal outfit [dead link].
- Cool Car: A Rolls-Royce!
- Green Eyes
- Idiot Hair
- Land Down Under: Lampshaded by Wy of all people:
Wy: ...Hm? A Rolls-Royce? Incredible clean and organized facilities? A bilby? We're in Australia! |
- Non-Human Sidekick: A bilby.
- Pimped-Out Cape: Like the rest of his outfit, it is part of his home's regalia (see link above, not the one about bilbies, the one above it), even though it is, along with the sash, of another colour.
- He even wears it over a swimsuit during the 2011 Christmas event, when he hangs out with Wy, Australia and New Zealand on the beach.
- Purple Is Powerful: When he appears in the (uncoloured) manga that introduced new micronations, Sealand comments on how he "looks like an amazing and important person". Then, at the end, Hima added coloured chibis of every micronation introduced, revealing Hutt's cape being purple, adding to the "amazing and important" effect. He is the first Australian micronation after all and the fact that he is quite developped compared to most micronations in general helps a lot too.
- Pointless Band-Aid: On his right cheek.
- Sempai-Kohai: Subverted. He claims to be Wy's sempai (translated as senior in scanlations), but Wy doesn't pay him much respect (see character quote): she is less than willing to greet him when she goes by his home and she even agrees with Molossia when he calls Hutt River a "lameass bastard". Still, Hutt's ridiculously snobby attitude doesn't help.
- The Rival: Though he is more arrogant than dark, he is apparently one to Wy. She's very peeved when he comes in.
- The White Prince: Maybe with some dashes of Upper Class Twit, too.
Republic of Nikko Nikko
This egg is delicious! |
A description of the character goes here.
- Brought Down to Normal: Word of God says he still represents his micronation, but he ages like a normal person.
- Brown Eyes
- I'm Standing Right Here: Sealand screams in pain after learning he went back to be a Japanese citizen but Wy points out Nikko Nikko is just sitting behind him.
- Non-Human Sidekick: A weird bird-thing
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Perpetual Smiler: According to his character notes. After all, Nikko Nikko means "smiling" in Japanese.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Radium eggs, see quote.
The only one with the power to gather all the micronations is a true blue like me! |
A description of the character goes here.
- Adorkable: He seems to like Pokémon! So cuuuuuute!
- Badass Adorable: He thinks he's this, because Sweden pretends to be defeated every time he attacks.
- Bow Ties Are Cool
- Blue Eyes
- Cyberspace: He exists in the internet apparently (and presumably in Sweden).
- Hologram: He has a "physical" form as long as his laptop is on.
- Facial Markings: He has a streak of paint across his right cheek and nose.
- Fiery Redhead
- Mouthy Kid
- Nation in a Laptop
- Only Six Faces: Wipe that paint and smirk off his face and he can pass for Latvia. In fact, when he was first introduced and we didn't know which nation he was, some fans called him Badass!Latvia or Seme!Latvia for the time being.
- Reclusive Artist: His founding boss created the driftwood sculptures in his claimed land.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: He was totally not following Sealand and company around, seriously!
- Trademark Favorite Food: His legendary golden apples, he even wears a broach of one.