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Disney World of War is a roleplaying forum that includes, you guessed it, Disney characters. At the moment, the website is open to any new characters wishing to join up.

The site can be found here.

Go here for the list of characters present to the war.

The plot focuses on Frollo whom has gathered up the local Human Villains, while Scar has gathered up Animal Villains and Simba having gathered up Heroes to fight it out in an all out war.

Tropes used in Disney World of War include:


  • Abusive Parents - Scar and Zira. Zira beats Vitani, scaring her permanantly, and even when her daughter's down she keeps going. There's also heaps of emotional abuse dolled out on Nuka, Vitani and Kovu alike.
  • Action Girl - Nearly all the girls.
  • Alternative Character Interpretation - Scar seems to be a result of this, having a rather sympathetic fanon history that ends up casting him more as a revolutionary civil rights hero who rebelled against a corrupt and oppressive government than any sort of villain.
  • Amazon Brigade - The Human Villains' has more women than men and some of the most vicious fighters are female.
  • And Now You Must Marry Me - Ronno isn't content with just killing Bambi, oh no, he wants Faline, or worse, Bambi's daughter Gurri
  • Anti-Villain - Scar
  • Anyone Can Die
  • Babies Make Everything Better - Dotty believes that the birth of her cubs will help bring her and Nuka together either as lovers or friends
  • Back From the Dead - Penny.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Jasmine; Buthayna; Sabriyah; Aliyah
  • Beauty Mark: Helga and Buthayna both have one.
  • Beard of Evil - Jafar, Captian Hook, Shan Yu, Prince Achmed Clayton, Muntz and Slade all have facial hair.
  • Berserk Button - Do not call Patch 'one of a hundred and one'
    • do not talk to Kiara about The original Lucky player.
    • Also it is not advisable to discuss Bolt's outburst on the original Two Tone's departure.
    • Never threaten Dotty's unborn cubs. She doesn't take it well
    • It's best not to make any threats, or even harm Melody in front of Jane....heck, even if she's not around, she will find out and she wont be all that happy....at all.
  • Betty and Veronica - It happens more frequently than you'd think.
    • Lady (Betty) and Dixie (Veronica)
    • Dotty (Betty) and Scruffy (Veronica)
    • For a male version, Ni (Betty) and Hunter (Veronica)
  • Big No!- The Great Prince's death resulted in many of these from Mooch.

  Mooch: "NOOOO! NO! NO! NO!"

  • BLAM Episode - A Game's Afoot has a rather silly game show up in the middle of a serious war. It involves sticks as swords and flowers as Death Rays. Oh, and to add to all the silliness, the Medic of the game? Yeah, it's Scrump.
  • Blondes Are Evil - Helga; Lottie; Tink; Clarabelle; Mary; Lavender
  • Bloodless Carnage - Averted hard.
  • Brother-Sister Incest - Lucky (whilst under the influence of 323) falls in love with his sister Two-Tone. He snaps out of this.
    • Scamp and Angel are half-siblings but when they were in a romantic relationship they didn't know this, when they did find out, Angel ended the relationship.
  • Break the Haughty: What happens to Buthayana after her original R Per leaves.
  • Brother-Sister Team - Jafar and Nasira and Clayton and Eugena.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer - The members of all three armies can be a bit...odd to say the least.
  • Brave Scot - Ben
  • Break the Cutie
    • Done with Rebecca. Repeatedly.
    • Buthayna - a self-absorbed harem girl is brutally disciplined for her insolence.
    • Kula
  • Cannot Spit It Out - Tripod clearly cares a lot about Cadpig.
  • Canon Dis Continuity - Due to the nature of the site, few things here and there are ultimately ignored in order to facilitate moving on, from dropped plotline, probably the biggest being the Scar-Simba peace treaty when the H Vs were being introduced.
  • Cats Are Mean - Dinah, Berlioz, Marie, Oliver, Felicia, Mirage, Sabor, Shere Khan, Scar, Zira, and basically any other feline on the Animal Villains side.
  • Character Development - Most people get this. Special mentions to Angel, Vitani, Mooch and Rebecca.
  • Child Soldiers - A lot of Heroes are children and the Animal Villains have quite a few as well.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl - Pepper to Mooch in I Dare Ya.
  • Cloudcuckoolander - Hunter
  • Companion Cube - Scrump
  • Complete Monster - Many villains including Zira, Scruffy and Cerberus
  • Cool Old Lady - Mama Odie, Widow Tweed, Mad Madam Mim and The Fairy Godmother
  • Creepy Monotone - Undead Lilo has one
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome - Vitani beating Leroy in You're Not My Friend Anymore
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming - Penny coming back as a ghost to comfort Rebecca and promising not to leave her again.
    • Ray's reunion with Louis in Me Against The Music
    • Rapunzel's Reunion with Flynn in Please Sign Here
    • In Together Again, after Scamp's return, he jokes that if Mooch and Vitani don't stop crushing him he'll die again, both promptly declare they won't let anyone kill him again. They'll have to go through them first.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny - Stickman. That is all.
  • Curb Stomp Battle - adults from the Animal Villains v.s. A bunch of children, pups, cubs and fawns from the Heroes...hmmm...who do you think won?
  • Cry Into Chest - Garner does this when Clopin dies.
  • Crapsack World - Slowly turning into one
  • Crosses the Line Twice - The line has been crossed, re-crossed and had a Micheal Flatley style jig preformed on it.
  • Dark Action Girl - Nearly all the villain girls.
  • Darker and Edgier - The site is slowly becoming this, especially after all the deaths in Captured Kids of War
  • Deadly Decadent Court - Arguably all the lions in the Animal Villains
  • Deal with the Devil - Bonnie makes a single deal with Hades so that she can have her very own assassin. Turns out it's Lilo.
  • Deus Angst Machina - This site can have elements of this. It doesn't help that some of the R Pers refer to themselves as 'angst addicts'.
  • Disappeared Dad: Cassim
  • Disney Death - Tod in Against A Blood Red Sky, when he faked his death to prevent Zira from killing Cash.
    • Dixie did the same.
  • Disney Villain Death - Happens to Bonnie after her fight with Stitch in Agrabah.
  • Driven by Envy: The entire reason Buthayna is in the war. Because she jealous of all of Jasmines suitors and getting more attention than her.
  • Dying Declaration of Love - Scamp to Vitani, although they already knew each others feelings by that point.
  • Ear Ache - Lucky and Garner both get their ears bitten clean off.
  • Elemental Powers - Bonnie obtains a few simple spells, inluding fire and ice related spells among others. All thanks to Mirage.
  • Elemental Punch - Bonnie's makeshift Ice Fists. Too bad she hasn't punched anybody with them...yet.
  • Enemy Mine - A plague strikes all three camps which forces the Heroes, Animal Villains and Human Villians to work together so they can find a cure. The cooperation doesn't last long when the plague is cured
  • Ensemble Cast
  • Ethical Slut - Buthayna, pre-R Per change.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones - Nasira has Jafar (and vice-versa), Jafar has Helga, Shere-Khan has Sabor, Lars, and Clarabelle, Dixie has pretty much every animal villain under the age of cute... This is everywhere. Everywhere.
  • Even Evil Has Standards - Scar, despite having no problem with the killing itself, nevertheless seems unwilling to let his troops make the first move. Of course, since he considers anyone entering his territory to be making a direct threat...
  • Everything's Better with Princesses - There are several princesses: Tiana, Kiara, Rapunzel, Ting-Ting, Mei, Jasmine, Elionwy and Aurora.
  • Everything's Worse with Bears - Redeyes.
  • Evil Duo - Scruffy and Sly-Eye, Jafar and Nasira, Roscoe and De Soto, Leroy and 627.
  • Evil Versus Evil - The Human Vilains and Animal Villains don't exactly get along.
  • Evil Virtues - Animal Villains in particular, but it seems everyone has these. Even the heroes.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin - Some of the thread names. Some examples are Someone Will Die in which there are several deaths and The Past Catches Up in which Vitani is dragged back to the Outlands
  • Eye Scream - Garner loses his eye, Geno gets partially blinded in one eye and Sly Eye gets permanantly blinded in one of her's thanks to Geno's hoof
  • Family-Unfriendly Death - Most of the deaths.
  • Fanon - It needs no explanation.
  • Fan of the Underdog - Dotty to Nuka
  • Femme Fatale: Helga, La, Gothel, pretty much all the Villian women on both Animal and Human sides.
  • Finagle's Law - So many times.
  • Final Speech - Geno gets to have one before he dies.
  • Finish Him! - Scruffy to Patch before he kills Scamp.
  • Flanderization - Some characters suffer this.
  • Form-Fitting Wardrobe - Fifi
  • French Maid - Fifi
  • Genius Ditz - Clarabelle, despite being a Dumb Blonde she does have moments were she is eerily capable
  • Gentle Giant - Ben and Louis.
  • Girl Posse - Marie, Kiara, Dinah, Danielle and Two-Tone
  • Gorn - Some battle scenes can be very descriptive.
  • Gory Discretion Shot - Akela's death was originally going to be far more detailed before the author remembered that this is Disney.
  • Grey and Gray Morality - This site runs on this. Not all of the Heroes are totally good, they vary between Lawful Good and Anti-Hero with some Kick the Dog moments and a few Knight Templar people around, whilst not all of the Animal and Human Villains are completely evil, they can be an Anti-Villain have share of Pet the Dog moments whilst proving Even Evil Has Standards whilst others enter Complete Monster territory.
  • Hannibal Lecture - Scruffy is rather proficent at these, especially when they are directed at Dotty.
  • Happily Adopted - Dixie with the Outlands Kids, most prominently Danielle and Two-Tone
  • Heel Face Revolving Door - Bonnie, being a villain, has joined sides with the heroes at one point, before turning back to the Human Villains side once again.
    • And Lucky who went from being a Hero to being a Human Villain to being an Outcast to being a Hero again.
  • Heel Face Turn - Many, most notably Vitani (Animal Villain to Heroes), Copper (Human Villains to Heroes) and Patch (Heroes to Animal Villains
  • Heel Realization - Vitani pulls one when she realizes that Scar is the very person she thought she was fighting against.
  • Heroic Sacrifice - Duh.
  • Hidden Badass - Simba
  • Howl of Sorrow - Many when Penny's body was brought back to the heroes, most notably from Tripod, Mooch and Sock.
  • Heroic BSOD - Many characters suffer this at some point or another.


  • If I Can't Have You - The Beast seems to be on/off this trope thanks to Belle.
  • Idiot Ball - Most of the Scrappys
    • Buthayana tries (and fails) to assassinate Helga. One of the Four Leaders of the H.V. army, in Notre Dame, in a room full of the worst villians of the H.V. army.
  • Impossible Hourglass Figure - Jasmine; Buthayna; Sabriyah; Aliyah
  • Interspecies Romance - Vitani (lioness) and Scamp (dog) and Berlioz (cat) and Danielle (dog)
  • I Can Still Fight - Sarabi when fighting Red Eyes
  • I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!: Buthayana IS this trope, as well as a subversion as well. As most of the H.V.'s are women, and several don't fall for it at all and are in fact outright annoyed by it.
  • I Take Offense to That Last One - Jane ends up calling Melody a stupid little girl. Melody gets upset about being called a little girl, not taking note of being called stupid.
  • It Got Worse
  • Jerkass - Lucky while under 323's spell.
    • allthough that was really the char's player who was having a temper-tantrum over one particular ship.
  • Kick the Dog - Literally in It Had To Happen, when Leroy is fighting Thomas, Lucky bumps into him. Leroy's reaction? To kick him back in the direction he came from and straight into a very angry Buster.
  • Kick Them While They Are Down:
    • Nasira tortures Lucky.
    • Zira 'punishes' Vitani.
    • Aladdin tortures Nasira (that's karma for you)
  • Kill the Cutie - Hunkahunka. Look out, Lucky.
  • Knife Nut - Alice
  • La Résistance - Nuka's rebellion.
  • Lawful Evil - A lot of villains fall into Type Two regarding their opponents. Anti-hero animal villains in particular.
  • Lean and Mean: The weaker and thinner a villian is physically (Jafar, Nasira, Scar) the more likely they are to be not only extremelly vicious but also extremelly smart.
  • Les Yay - Jane and Melody
  • Loads and Loads of Characters - Well, it is a site with many Disney characters, both good and bad.
  • Love Dodecahedron - Hooo boy
  • Love Makes You Crazy: Clarabelle goes a bit...psycho around Belle or anyone bad mouthing Gaston.
  • Love Makes You Evil - The Beast, Clarabelle, Dotty, Lucky if think about it.
  • Love Triangle - There have been several.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father - Sarabi's last words were used to tell Kula that she was Simba's sister.
  • Mama Bear - This war is full of them. Lady, Duchess, Dixie, Mother Gothel and the list goes on
    • As of Darkest Hour, Dotty
  • Manipulative Bastard:
    • Jafar attempts to manipulate Simba into freeing the hostages by threatening to burn Hunter alive.
    • Aladdin has Iago pretend to be Jafar in order to force Nasira into revealing the whereabouts of Jasmine.
  • Massive Multiplayer Crossover - A huge array of characters from almost every classical Disney animated film (plus some Pixar)
  • Matchmaker Crush - Vitani is in love with Scamp who is in love with his half-sister Angel who Vitani promised she'd help Scamp get together with in a case of I Want My Beloved to Be Happy. In the end, Scamp realizes he loves Vitani rather than Angel.
  • Matriarchy - Human Villains are Type V. The army is almost completely run by females but the women aren't considered 'better' than the men, they have roughly equal standing with them as merit is given by competence, cunning, dedication and ability.
  • Meaningful Name - Vitani, when she first arrives in the Pridelands, believes her name (which means demon) is a sign that she will probably become evil again.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard - The Great Prince, Mooch's mentor, suffers this.
  • Mercy Kill - Sabor claims that tGP's death was this.
  • Misplaced Wildlife:
    • Shere-Khan and Sabor live in a palace, surrounded by Human Villains.
    • Hunter and Mortaray (two timber wolves) live in an African safari.
    • Basically applies to all animal Heroes who aren't lions.
  • Minion with an F In Evil - Lars
  • Military Brat - Helga grew up on an army base.
    • Thomas and Lavender's father was in the navy.
  • Monster Sob Story - Scar and his daddy issues with being The Unfavorite of his family, especially compared to Mufasa.
  • Moral Event Horizon
  • Moral Myopia - It's okay to threaten Jasmine to get at Aladdin, but once Nasira is threatened Jafar proves that even evil blood is thicker than water.
    • Kula also seems oddly forgiving of Nuka's rebellion, despite knowing that many of his 'friends' are responsible for hero deaths.
  • Morality Kitchen Sink
  • Mugging the Monster - Uh, Nuka, it's probably best that you don't insult Scruffy. She will rip your throat out and not care a bit about it.
  • Multinational Team - All three armies and also Mulitspieces!
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast - Any Villain worth their salt.
  • Never Say "Die" - Ruthlessly averted. This may be Disney but this site is far darker and edgier than most Disney films and the death toll is rapidly rising.
  • Nice Hat - Clopin has one.
  • Noble Demon - Oh sure, Sabor will give a nice Slasher Smile at the order to slaughter the inhabitants of Agrabah, but put a bunch of baby animals in front of her and you get a Big No.
    • Arguably, Jafar helping retrieve a dead hero because Kula saved his sister.
  • No One Should Survive That - Biff gets his throat slit by Sabor. He is somehow still alive and even manages to stand up
  • Nothing Personal - Helga and Rouke's catchphrase.
  • Offing the Offspring - Or rather offing the grandchildren when Zira attacks a pregnant Dotty
  • Oh Crap - At least one in every battle thread.
  • Only a Flesh Wound - Many characters do this.
  • Orphan's Ordeal - Simba, Kula, and Mheetu.
    • Mooch. Twice. Kind of.
    • Solitude.
    • Considering the family drama, Lady's remaining children could fall under this.
    • There are quite a lot actually
  • Paint It Black - Bonnie's new look courtesy of Mirage.
  • Pet the Dog - Literally.
  • Portmanteau Couple Name - There's Pangel (Patch/Angel), Scatani (Scamp/Vitani), Lebecca (Lucky/Rebecca), Berlielle (Berlioz/Danielle), Dipecca (Dipstick/Rebecca) and many others.
  • Pinball Protagonist - Taran, Penny (Bolt), and a few others.


 Bonnie: I guess it's official, you suck