Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner/Video Games

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Examples of Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liners in Video Games include:

CHARNAME: Is it true that dragon meat tastes like chicken? Never mind; I'll find out for myself.

    • Minsc has the best battle cries. "Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes! Raaagghhhhhhh!!"
    • Even better: "Jump on my sword while you can, evil! I won't be as gentle!"
    • My personal favorite is if he's in your party during the final confrontation with Jon Irenicus. "Evil, meet my sword! Sword, meet Evilllllllllllllllll!"
  • Mass Effect, made by the same company as Baldur's Gate, includes a whole lot of team chatter that qualifies, including a shout-out to Minsc's famous line:
    • Tali: "Go for the Optics, Chikkita! Go for the Optics!"
    • Jack: "Hello, Dead People!"
    • Mordin: "Flammable! Inflammable! Forget which! Doesn't matter!"
    • Grunt: "I! AM! KROGANNNNNN!"
    • Kasumi: "Going silent!" *cue Stealth Hi Bye and Back Stab*
    • Commander Shepard is full of these. If we were to list all the one-liners s/he says we would probably have to give Mass Effect its own section. AGAIN!
    • Emily Wong got one in a Twitter feed. She was in an aircar, unarmed, bleeding, with a Reaper right in front of her. She had only one choice. Her last message: "You want to see how a human dies? At ramming speed." A shame she almost certainly accomplished nothing with it.
  • Every Fighting Game you can find these days.
  • Most phrases said by video game bosses before the Boss Battle, especially in RPGs. Most well-known example: "I, Garland, will knock you all down!".

Sephiroth: Well, that's an interesting sword you're carrying. (indicating Sora's weapon)
Donald: It's the Keyblade.
Sephiroth: I see. So that's a Keyblade. (to Sora) And I suppose you must be its chosen wielder.
Sora: So what if I am?
Sephiroth: I wonder if it won't change it's mind, once I defeat you.

    • Zack Fair, a non-villain example: "...and above all...protect your honor...AS SOLDIER!! COME AND GET IT!!!" To a whole army.
    • Dissidia Final Fantasy has all characters say something when the battle starts, and a good part of the time it'll be this trope, or some sort of mocking comment about the opponent. The prequel Dissidia 012 went further with custom introductory quotes for storyline battles where both character speaks. For example, this gem from the Final Boss:

Garland: "I will grant you true and utter annihilation!"
Lightning: "Bring it on! I don't need a second chance!"

  • From Chrono Cross: "Now, let love bleed! Darker and deeper than the seas of hell!"
  • Gene from God Hand has a few of these, even more irrelevant than usual because he doesn't give a damn about his opponent. "You can wax on wax off all you like, I'm still kicking your ass" is probably the most well-known. Probably the most amusing is the one word he spouts in response to the Mad Midget Five's Team Shot:


    • Elvis' "I'm gettin' hungry, hombre!"
  • Team Fortress 2 has those whenever an ubercharge is used on a Heavy. "Is good time to run cowards!"
    • I AM BULLET-PROOOOOOOF!! *Commence ass-kicking*
    • The Soldier's Buff Banner when used also makes him utter one of his battle cries.
    • Also, every character on both teams at the very start of a round. They can also be used at any time through the "Battle cry" voice command.
    • The "Meet the Medic" short gives us this:

Medic: Now? (creepy chuckle) Let's go practice medicine.

  • "Can't let you do that, Star FOX!"
    • "Andross has ordered us to take you down."
    • "Peppy! Long time, no see!"
    • "Andross' enemy is my enemy!"
    • "Your daddy screamed REEEEEALL good before he DIED"
    • "Think you're tough eh? In that case, IT'S SECRET WEAPONS TIME!"
  • "Let's rock, baby!"
    • And Nero's "Let's roll."
      • Nero's got more, from "Hell yeah!" accompanying cutting downward in the air, "You're going down," for one of his longer but more powerful attacks, and "Sweet!" when Devil Trigger is activated.
    • When using Buster on Sanctus, one of his lines is "You are the demon. NOT ME!"
    • "Foolishness, Dante, foolishness. Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself."
  • Bayonetta has several, including Dante's "Let's rock, baby!"
  • This is part of the reason why Duke Nukem is such a Badass, even though he lifts a few lines from other sources. Example: "Come on out, Morphix. There's only two ways this can end, and in both of 'em, you die!"
  • From Vampire: The Masquerade -- Redemption, said by a crusader who has survived to the modern nights.

Christof Romuald: Stand, sir, or wouldst thou arrive in hell squatting upon thy arse?

Bao-Dur: "I think he wanted us to give the General to his poorly trained collection of bounty hunters."
Atton: "Well that makes sense. Which one do you want?"
Bao-Dur: "I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us rather than shoot us when he had the chance."

  • More than a few of these in Kingdom Hearts, especially from the Organization XIII baddies.
    • Axel, Demyx (below), Larxene, and Xemnas:

Axel: "Oh? So you really do remember me this time. I'm sooooo FLATTERED. But you're toooo LATE!"
Axel (during the intro sequence of the boss fight): "Come here! I'll make it all STOP!"
Xemnas: "I cannot feel sorrow... no matter what misery befalls your worlds."

Zexion: "Then I shall make you see... That your hopes are nothing--nothing but a mere illusion!"

  • Many Time Crisis bosses:
    • Sherudo Garo (Time Crisis Stage 2 boss): "Since you have traveled so very far, be my guest and let me ENTERTAIN YOU!"
    • Wild Fang (Time Crisis 3 Stage 3-1): "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wild Fang, and it's a pleasure to meet YOU!"
    • Marcus Black (Time Crisis 4 Stage 1-3): "You want it? Then come over here and TAKE IT!"
    • Jack Mathers (Time Crisis 4 Stage 2-3): (in response to Captain Rush asking "Where's your patriotism?") "What good is patriotism?"
    • Wild Dog (Time Crisis 4 Stage 3-2): "A bunch of annoying little flies..."
  • Altered Beast: "WELCOME TO YOUR DOOM!"
  • The beginning of a Gears of War multiplayer match normally has someone saying something.
  • In Fire Emblem 7 before taking down the Big Bad, all characters that are taking part in the battle get to deliver one, or at the very least the group they're fighting for. The best is Canas' "Let this battle be forgotten by history, that is all I ask."
  • "It's time for revenge." "Let's attack aggressively."
    • And the lesser known "What is this place?" "Keep your eyes peeled!" *gun cocking sounds*
  • In Blood Omen 2, before the first boss, the boss in question says that Kain will die if he fights the Sarafan Lord, Kain says that may be true, and then adds, "But you will never know how it ends, Faustus, for I will bury you first of all."
  • One female voiceset in Neverwinter Nights says "I hope you like pain!" when you attack an enemy
  • Super Smash Bros..:

Lucario: Watch the power of aura! (Kamehame Hadoken)
Meta Knight: Know my power! (Flash Step)
Snake: It's show time! (calls helicopter with grenade launcher)
Sonic: Now I'll show you! (screams as he flies straight through everything)

  • BlazBlue has some characters with truly justifiable one liners.
  • "I am matter... I am antimatter... I can see your past... I can see your future... I consume time... And I will consume you!"
  • In Fate Stay Night "Unlimited Blade Works", when Shirou uses the titular ability for the first time, against Gilgamesh: "Here I come, King of Heroes. Do you have enough weapons in stock?"
    • Which on the internet is often paraphrased as "KING OF HEROES, DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH SWORDS?"
  • Killer7 has Harman's first lines in the game "Good night child, it's past your bed time."
    • And Dan's classic, "I went to see the Devil, now it's your turn."
  • World of Warcraft: Each of the Alliance & Horde faction leaders will deliver one of these if you attack them.
    • One attack on the Horde capital city of Orgrimmar featured this especially well. The raid organisers were targetting Thrall, warchief of the orcs, and forgot (as many do on both factions) that the leader of the trolls also spends most of his time in Thrall's keep. They charged Thrall at full speed, only to hear from behind, "Dis gonna be de last mistake you make, mon" seconds before Vol'jin the Shadowhunter tore their formation apart, starting with the healers at the back.
    • "Leeroy Jenkins!"
    • "Arcanite Reaper, HOOO!"
    • During the Gunship Battle we have "You DARE board my ship? Your death will come swiftly." if you're on Horde and "What's this then?! Ye won't be takin' this son o' Ironforge's vessel without a fight!." if you're on Alliance.
    • During the Wrathgate cinematic, Saurfang the Younger delivers this gem:

Rise up, sons of the Horde! Blood and glory await us!

    • The standard Battle Cry of "FOR THE HORDE!" or "FOR THE ALLIANCE!" can work as one of these.
  • In Metal Gear Solid, Snake and Otacon are trapped inside a building while the Big Bad circles it in an armed helicopter. Snake tells Otacon to go fix the elevator so they can move on, and Otacon asks Snake what he intends to do. Snake's response? "I've got to go and swat a noisy fly."
    • Metal Gear Solid also had Gray Fox's: "A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal!" though YMMV on that, since he died shortly after saying it.
    • Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: "You want eternal rest? I've got it right here."
      • Also, a couple from Solidus in the same game: "I applaud your attitude. Well, if you have a death wish, I'll be happy to accommodate you; see you in hell!" "Stupid Machines!"
  • The video game adaption of The Warriors had each warrior give one of these when entering rage mode. Here is an example from each warrior:
    • Cleon: Here comes the motherfucking warchief, asshole!
    • Swan: I'm gonna march right through you!
    • Ajax: You stupid fucks!
    • Snow: Enough of this bullshit! You're fucking finished!
    • Rembrandt: Let me show you how the Warriors bump!
    • Vermin: All right, all right, that's fucking it!
    • Cowboy: I'm gonna go wild on you asshole!
    • Fox: I'll show you how to flex!
    • Cochise: Bring it on sucka!
  • Bayonetta: "Don't fuck with a witch!"
  • S.W.I.N.E. has units that always drop a taunt whenever they spot an enemy or score a kill. The combatants are rabbits (French accent) and pigs (German accent). The best are the rabbit artillery units.

I'm going to open a can of whoopass on these pigs!
I'm supposed to be afraid? You gotta be kidding me...
Adieu, mon ami...
Whoa, brother! You really had to eat that much slop?
Off ya go to hog heaven!
(Hungarian version) Here, lead pill from the pharmacy!
(Hungarian version) I'm gonna kick you so hard you'll fly home!

Lucia: Dragons of Althena, come forth!
Ruby: This is it! Let's go!
Nall: Let's rock!

  • In Yggdra Union Gulcasa give the anti heroic version of this trope during his first confrontation with Milanor.

Milanor: So you're the big man around here, huh? Get ready!
Gulcasa: We haven't been introduced, so I'll think of you as "Prey".

  • "You talk too much".
  • Persona 3 has a lot of great lines after you knock down an enemy and get a chance to have all four characters gang up on it, such as Akihiko's "Oh, I've been waiting for this!" and Junpei's "Come back here, you son of a-!"
    • "I make my living as an elevator attendant but... I know several effective ways of inflicting pain. Don't worry, I'm not as fragile as I look. Try to kill me... if you can."
      • And its Spear Counterpart: I am he who governs power. I should pose a challenge, even for you. I advice that you do not hold back. Fight as though you intend to kill.
    • Every Shadow boss in Persona 4 starts with "I am a Shadow, the true self..."
    • Kanji: "I LIVE FOR THIS PART!
  • "Target verified. Commencing hostilities." The last words you will hear.
  • Do not...toy with me
    • also: "Haven't I killed ALL of you yet?!"
  • "It's game time."
  • "Hasta luego."
  • In Tales of Symphonia, Corrine dies to protect Sheena from Volt. After Lloyd motions her into action Sheena yells "For the sake of everyone that risked their lives to protect me, Volt...I DEMAND YOUR POWER!! The party then kills the God of Thunder and Lightning.
    • Lloyd and Kratos team up to do this at the Iselia Ranch. As Forcystus emerges from the front doorway after shooting Lloyd, Kratos says very calmly that he is disappointed that this is how the great Desian hero Forcystus meets his end. He doesn't need to do anything though, as Lloyd does the asskicking part for him WHEN HE SHANKS HIM. Kratos has some choice lines when he finishes off Kvar ("Feel the pain" *slash* "Of those inferior beings" *slash* *sheathes sword* "as you burn in hell") and before right after you kill Remiel in the first time in the tower of salvation and Kratos show up and as the fight starts he say "Do you earnestly think you can defeat ME?"
  • Darksiders: "You can look at me in the eye when I kill you."
  • Red Faction: Guerrilla: Alec Mason cracks quite a few of these during the game, but the most epic one happens in the end, when the Red Faction is about to shoot down the Hydra, the largest warship ever known to man.

Kobel: This is Admiral Kobel of the EDF Hydra. What is your status?
Mason: Just fine, Admiral, but yours is about to go red.

Alright, who ordered death?

Bob Page: "Soon, I will become pure energy. I will burn like the brightest star."
JC Denton: "You're gonna burn alright."

  • From No More Heroes, Travis will deliver quite a lot of these (In addition to Pre- and Postmortem One Liners.)
    • v.s. Skelter Helter: "And when you see your brother in hell, tell him, that he's still a DOUCHE!"
    • v.s. Nathan Copeland: "Hale-fucking-lujah!"
    • v.s. Matt Helms: "Time for some pro-bono ghost-busting!"
    • v.s. Jasper Batt Jr. (last form): "Come on, Prez! Unleash your hate! Your anger! Everything! I'll take it all and FUCKING kill you with it!"
    • Travis gives a good number of these in the first one too.

To Dr.Peace: "This is what I LIVE FOR. Fighting your own kind, nothing's more gratifying!"
To Destroyman: "If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious."
To Holly: "Normal assassins don't shoot the shit like this. They see their target and KILL THEM!"
To Bad Girl: "You're no assassin. You're just a perverted killing maniac."
To Jeane: "All of your sorrows end today, Jeane."

  • Asura's Wrath: Come on! (To a fucking planet-sized god, and he wins.)
  • Neverwinter Nights' NPCs and PCs have voice that sets will occasionally have them say one of these once they attack an enemy.
    • Dark Hero: "NO QUARTER!"
    • Reserved Guardian: "Let the earth take you!"
    • Confident: "I'll handle this one!"
    • Dramatic: "Your death has been too long delayed."
    • In Neverwinter Nights 2, this ultimately fails with Kaelyn the Dove, for which she can explain why. And this is one of her One Liners.

Kaelyn: ", I don't know any profanities! How embarrassing..."

  • EVE Online gives us this from the trailer for the latest expansion, called Incursion. This particular one-liner precedes the collective ass-kicking of a galactic cluster, 4 established empires and their respective naval forces, and the player-base.

Sansha Kuvakei: "I will vanquish your fear, and commute your dust."

Mech Power Up Voice Over: "Reactor online, sensors online, weapons online. All systems nominal."

Arcanus: How many times must I prove that you little insects can't hurt me?
Hou Zan: Once more, apparently.

    • Subverted, Arcanus teleports away.
  • Played quite nicely in Portal 2, although the person the one-liner was directed at never actually got their ass-kicked;

GLaDOS: I hope you brought something stronger than a portal gun this time, otherwise I'm afraid you're about to become the immediate past president of the Being Alive Club. Ha Ha.
GLaDOS: "You remember turrets, the pale spherical objects full of bullets? Oh wait, that's you in five minutes."
GLaDOS: "...I suppose we could just sit in this room and glare at each other until one of us drops dead... but I have a better idea, it's your old friend, deadly neurotoxin. If I were you, I'd take a deep breath...and hold it."
Wheatley: Hello! This is the part where I kill you! Chapter 9: The part where he kills you. (Achievement Unlocked: The part where he kills you) BGM: The Part Where He Kills You

Neku: "Another world awaits!"
Joshua: "And you're going."

    • Also, Neku and Beat's max fusion level 3:

Beat: "Let's start it up!"
Neku: "No let's end it!"

  • In Eternal Sonata, if you build up enough echoes before unleashing a special attack, the character will say something awesome.

Falsetto: "By thunder and lightning will you be thrown. By wind will you be scattered. Heaven and Earth! Howling Thunder!"
Fredric: "There is power within my melodies! Listen! Piu Grave!"
Salsa: "Descend from Heaven and shatter the Earth! Deadly Orbit!"
March: "The bright light within me is apart of all things that shine! Super Nova!"
Polka: "Stay out of my way! Pure Geyser!"

Bill: "Goddamn Smoker! You're going to have to use that tongue of yours to pull my foot out of your ass!"
Bill (Sacrifice Comic): "Hold your horses, I'll be with you in a minute."
Nick: "I have not...come this die now!"
Ellls: "Kill all sons of bitches...that's my official instructions."

Coach Oleander: Kochamara does not speak giant monster boy language.
Raz: The only word you're gonna need is "ouch."

  • In Wario World, Wario frequently utters the line "I'm-a number one!" before boss battles.