TV Tropes/Funny/Part 3

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Forum / Discussion / Reviews

  • This image suggestion for Impaled Palm had this troper in giggle fits for 10 straight minutes.
  • This forum discussion. Since it's discussing FATAL, there's need for regular Brain Bleach, but the concentrations of sarcasm, schadenfreude, and Running Gags is extremely hilarious.



"The thing I'm worried about is that it's due to happen right before Christmas. I mean, what kind of dick move is that?"


Charlatan: Mighty Anonym boldsizing his Jesus bit in his signature rubs me the wrong way.
Blackmoon: "boldsizing his Jesus bit" Thank you, Charlie, I now have a new synonym for jerking off.

  • This forum disscusion (ITT: We are in a Slasher Movie) certainly looks like it is starting to belong here.
  • On December 28, 2010, the day after it was announced the It Just Bugs Me! forum was shutting down, SPACETRAVEL gave us a jumble of various recurrent topics, under the title "It's not funny anymore.":

First of all, I'm going to assume that you already understand that adaptations are never better than the originals, but to the point:


It's not cute, it's not sympathetic, it doesn't make you any more of a catboy, so cut it out. I hate it when people abuse their senses of humor this way, thinking their jokes are harmless and affectionate when they're really dehumanizing those nearest and dearest to them by doing shit like this. When you talk that way about your friends, you may not know it, but it sounds to me like you're saying they ought to put on your jammies. Dorm etiquette, man. Learn it, and someday, you might be able to support your own health care.


Besides, the crude style of comedy in question went out of style in the 30s. Yep, even in the Great Depression, when resources were tight, a whole form of entertainment was spent—because it just wasn't funny. I'm anticipating objections from the "FDR and the Atheists did Fetishes" crowd, and I challenge them to:

  • One: explain to me why they think such a conspiracy, if there was one, was such a bad thing.
  • Two: man up.

As well, it's blatantly camp homophobic. The use of only heterophones in the the centrally important iambic pentameter section to the exclusion of even the homophones that would be more concise and versatile additions to the song betrays a structure built to make a statement against people attracted to the same sex. And it's not even funny. I've been more amused by arguments about abortion, so I am for both women and men having the legal right to abort this fallacy. Death of the Author with a vengeance.


And worst of all, it's just lazy writing. Put some thought and time into your work and give us some sound quality that doesn't smell like pot. People with asthma will thank you. Transcend the Fan Dumb.


Oh, and inb4 "What are you talking about?" and "What is 'it'?" I know what I'm talking about, and if you don't, maybe you should take a look at yourself. Maybe you should stop it, because it's not funny anymore.


Hastily added expression of hope that I do not get banned for this. Lie that the thread is a self-demonstrating Headscratchers about performance art, which actually doesn't bug me at all. Series of too many apologies.


How many threads can you find in this jumble?


Get drunk. Get pen. See what happens.
Not recommended for those under the drinking age, those who operate heavy machinery, or fans of Twilight.


Do we need a Lady Gaga Music Video Drinking Game? Of course we do. These are the ones a friend and I came up with.
Every time two people start making out, take a shot. Every time Gaga's costume changes, take a shot. Every time a video makes a callback to a past song, video, or some other aspect of her performing career, take a shot. Every time you see subliminal advertising, take a shot. For every instance of gratuitous foreign language, take a shot. For every cameo of her dogs, take a shot. Every time Gaga puts something in her mouth, take a shot. Whenever she pantomimes a gun, take a shot.


Don't put yourself in examples. You are not a trope.


Had one weird dream last night... I was watching Darkwing Duck and it just went off. The next show was on, and there were aliens that invaded lizard cavemen. (One of them even sounded like DW.) Anyway, the aliens wanted hair that was growing on the cavemen for no apparent reason. After they got enough of their hair, and some of their scales, they began eating them, which in turn merged all of them into one giant smiling jellybean. The jellybean then exploded into tons of other jellybeans, and who emerged from the jellybean explosion?
None other than Princess Celestia herself!
Then the My Little Pony theme started up...


i think we have something here, i'm gonna launch it


Left Fielder

The Left Fielder page in its entirety: Tropers take Self-Demonstrating Article Up to Eleven. It's all gone now, because some people thought it was useless. So here it is, reproduced in all its glory:

  • Deliberate Left Fielders are common on image boards such as 4chan, where they will generally announce their presence with the cry "Thread Hijack!" (Or if on /m/, "Trombe Override!")
  • There are the people who start a thread where the "image is not related". In such cases it's very easy for the discussion to be about the image posted rather than the intended topic.
  • Boring or unpopular topics on some GameFAQs boards would often be deliberately derailed with the fad phrase "This topic sucks and is now about trains". A good 50% of the time, people would then start discussing trains for a while before the topic died.
  • A phenomenon specific to the "Anime & Manga: Adult Swim Action" board is to label a topic with "Can any [as] action character (insert blank)" with the real topic being about the (insert blank) (or not even about that). This is done in order to insert off-topic topics into the board that would otherwise be deleted.
  • Infamous on Usenet was Jabriol, a borderline incoherent idiot obsessed with evolution to the extent that he could turn any topic, any topic at all, into a diatribe on how evolution was evil. His most typical behavior was to get into a forum related to some form of human tragedy (rape victim support fora, spouse abuse survivors, etc.), then post about how evolutionists strongly favor whatever horror the members of said forum had experienced. Last encountered trying to argue evolutionists loved it when people killed themselves for reasons only clear to him.
    • Is it bad that I can guess what that train of thought was?
    • I read a sci-fi book once (I'll put the name when I remember it), where the kids of people genetically enhanced not to need sleep were so smart, they thought and communicated in a series of complex webs. This made their conversations appear to be nothing BUT Left Fielders to anyone NOT these kids. It took me several chapters to figure out what the parents' problem with this was, ie MOST people must not think like this. I find that state of affairs mildly disturbing, and boring. And now, pie!
    • This troper, who has Aspergers Syndrome, has experienced this first-hand... Sometimes I will make connections that other people won't, which makes them very confused, and makes me seem like a Left Fielder (I seldom have this problem talking with other Aspergians).
      • This troper ain't an Aspergian (...probably) but he does the exact same thing. It gets hilarious when I recount the exactly train track of thought when someone asks how I thought of something and it's an eight-track-jump process.
  • runs on this. If a thread's been going for more than 10 posts and hasn't spawned a discussion about beer, something has gone wrong. If it's been going for more than 10 posts and is still about the works of Terry Pratchett, it's a sign of the apocalypse. (Or, possibly, that there's a new book out).
  • On that note, I declare this trope to now be about baseball.
  • In addition to his left field work, Rickey Henderson set records for runs scored and bases stolen that remain intact to this day.
  • He was a skilled player.
    • Or he had superpowers.
  • Baseball sucks, let's talk about pennies.
  • Did you know the Abe Lincoln penny was the first U.S. coin minted with a president's likeness?
  • FROG-BLAST THE VENT CORE! Let's see what that stirs up...
  • Bob Jam? Apply Grenades liberally.
  • I prefer sticky grenades.
    • Made of win. Marathon is awesome.
  • ROBIN WILLIAMS!!1112344
  • Do you mind? We were TRYING to discuss baseball!
  • Have you noticed that a lot of vampires from the 70s look like Jesus?
    • Or Richard Roundtree.
    • Well, Jesus did rise from the dead, so maybe they're trying abstract symbolism. The second one, it's just being one bad mother.
    • Maybe they are trying to confuse the real Jesus?
  • Gary Oldman once played Dracula.
  • Um, guys? Whales?
  • Are the Beatles really a 70's band?
    • No. They're not even a '70s band.
      • Well technically you could call them a 50's band, seeing as they were originally called the Quarrymen, who were from 1957 which evolved into the Beatles in 1959.
      • Nope, not even then. The Quarrymen were a '50s band, but never a 50's band. Learn your apostrophes.
  • Wasn't this supposed to be about Whales During the Time of Christ, or something?
  • whale can hear through its lower jaw.
  • I'm telling you, Led Zepplin was better than The Beatles!
    • Was not.
  • Hitler!
    • Godwin's Law can't be evoked, silly - it has to form by itself. ^_^
      • Only a Nazi-sympathizer would say that!
        • Yup, you got me; I think the winners wrote history to defame WW 2-era Germany.
    • Do you know who else liked Led Zepplin? Hitler.
  • Y'ever been so bored you've set yourself on fire?
    • Only once. Good times.
      • I set pencils on fire once. It made the room smell awful.
    • No, I only do it when I need to make sure ninjas don't catch me.
  • I prefer clawing holes in my head.
  • TV Tropes is better than boredom.
    • Rincewind would probably disagree, but then again, he lives in a world with no TV or internet, so his opinion isn't really valid here.
  • Seriously, guys... baseball? So how about them Dodgers, huh?
    • I don't follow baseball. So I don't know what I'm doing here.
  • Video game example: the Love Point's "Do you remember love?" and pretty much everything the Turning Point says in Immortal Defense. (I'm a genius! What's more outta left field than putting a serious example in an article about left-fielders?)
    • 42.
  • Every time a thread over at Fandom Wank gets out of hand, the discussion always turns to how sexy Alan Rickman is.
    • Or boobies.
  • ...uh, wasn't this thread about people who jump in with random topics?
  • Damn it why did they remove that running gag on the Chain of Deals entry about the red paperclip trade, I LIKED that gag!
  • That reminds me-! Three vampires walk into a bar...
    • ...and then Van Helsing says, "And that's how you make a bloodless Mary."
  • How sexy is Alan Rickman?
    • Screw Justin Timberlake, Rickman's the one bringing sexy back.
    • Isn't he the guy who plays Sev in the HP movies? I'm writing a lot of HP fanfiction, my latest ones have centered around good ol' Sevvy. I've been getting really good grades when I turn in my fanfics in English class. I need to bring up my GPA. Did you know Turk in Tarzan was female? I totally didn't know that for YEARS, now she's my favourite Disney female. Pocahontas really sucks, I used to like it but then I read up on the real Pocahontas and I'm mad. Susan B. Anthony would be ashamed of modern-day feminists. How did I get from Alan Rickman to Susan B. Anthony?
    • Alan Rickman can impregnate by touch alone.
  • Would you like to hear a funny story about tomatoes? In stores, they're located in the vegetable department, even though they're really fruit.
    • Tomatoes are vegetables so they can be taxed! The man is milk even more money out of us! Fight the power!
      • The man is milkING even more money out of us!
    • Tommytoes. Say "Tommytoes."
  • Boobies.
    • With that, I add Busen Memo to this GeekList.
    • I hate birds.
    • I shoot birds at the airport.
  • Corn is good food.
  • I want to show you a piece of my mind.
  • Remember that guy who tied helium balloons to a lawn chair and traveled several thousand feet into the sky on it? Also, why does everything fall apart?
    • Because you touch yourself at night.
    • Wasn't the lawnchair guy Rhys Ifans or something? Or was he in the movie about it? And isn't he the same guy as David Thewlis? Also, what ever happened to Paul Henreid? He was in Casablanca but I haven't seen him in anything else.
  • Man, I remember when this Wiki was actually about TV Tropes, and when you started a discussion, by golly, you either stayed on topic or somehow tied it to Doctor Who or Firefly.
  • I bet Big Boss could take on The Doctor.
  • You've been left on your own, like a rainbow in the dark
  • Metal Gear Gekko looks retarded.
    • Speaking of geckos, how many of you who own one or more motor vehicles are paying more than you ought to be paying for car insurance?
    • Straight from the gecko.
  • Seriously guys, what's the deal with airplane food?
    • I wouldn't know. Unless I'm terribly mistaken, they don't give you food on airplanes at all any more. Not even peanuts, which were the best part.
      • Yes they do. Well, they do on the airline we used for our trip to Mexico, anyways.
      • Southwest does. Unless someone calls the airline ahead of time and says they're allergic. Then they'll serve pretzels. Speaking of pretzels, how relaxing is yoga?
  • Peanuts was a good comic. Got boring sometimes.
  • Yeah, but I don't think Snoopy handed out airline food on his flights against the Red Baron.
  • ChUnKy or smooth peanut butter? Also, why is chocolate poisonous to dogs?
  • Wouldn't it be cool if Alan Rickman had been on Firefly?
    • YES.
  • Y'know, I'm usually polite enough to wait for a break in the conversation to change the topic. Bunch of unmannered pricks. I also know someone who will try to introduce a topic (usually one of his favorite video games or Transformers) right in the middle of a discussion. Exactly how did Left 4 Dead remind you of Transformers, again? It's damn annoying, but I'm too polite to tell him to stop doing this.
  • Speaking of baseball, cricket. I suppose the equivalent of left field in cricket might be "cow corner", as it's kind of the same area of the field from the point of view of a right-handed batsman. It's sort of between midwicket and square leg, for those who don't know, and it's the traditional destination of a good old-fashioned slog (when a batsman just looks to clobber the ball as hard as they can without any thought as to technique).
    • Baseball was invented as a game for British schoolgirls to play while the boys played cricket. True story.
  • There aren't that many crickets where I live. Sometimes you hear them, though * chirp, chirp* . Also, who's ever seen a potato bug / mediterannean beetle? Big, ugly lil' bastards, ain't they? Riftworm.
  • I'm so proud... I was the one who successfully derailed a trope page. -tear- [1]
  • Anyone torn open a laptop for shits and giggles? I have.
  • You know what? I like Tomo, I don't care what anyone says.
    • Who the hell is that?
  • Why aren't there any bears in Finland?
    • They are damn good at hiding. Especially polar bears. And damn are they sneaky! I know a kid who almost got eaten by one! They really should start hunting them, but noooo.
  • I'm beginning to think you guys just don't want to talk about whales...
    • Go look up Ambulocetus. That thing was neat. It was a whale with feet. Hey, I rhyme!
  • Have you ever noticed how a lot of anime from the '70s look like vampires?
  • How can a leek cure anything when it's the nastiest food in the world?
    • Only on St. Crispin's Day.
  • That Bridget chick, she's one hot babe.
  • Who created the universe, Shinji Ikari or Haruhi Suzumiya?
  • Ooh, fancomics! Chess Piece is particularly awesome. It involves mostly Danny Phantom and then at least one character from almost every Nicktoon ever made. Doug's the urban planner, CatDog's a fashion designer (or rather Cat is) Oblina is a nurse, Iroh is Vlad's good friend and even Dora the Explorer has a cameo of sorts, which involves a stolen Swiper doll and will likely tramatize that girl for life. Phantom is Ax Crazy and for some reason, I thought it was funny as hell. Plus it quotes a lot of stuff... like Beatles and Buffy. Neo Yi is truely awesome.
  • Something I've always wondered: if someone gives you a penny for your thoughts, and you proceed to put your two cents in, where did the extra money come from?
    • Inflation.
  • I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a bunny with a pancake on its head.
  • Hey gaiz how about that Lampshade Hanging huh?
  • Eh, it clashes with the Drapes.
  • Doesn't everyone think underwear is awesome?
  • Don't forget to watch our awesome TV show!!
  • Is a Barrel Roll or a Rickroll a better defence against Furry Fandom In Space? They keep setting us up the bomb.
    • Use fire. It's easier.
    • Hey, shut the %)(& up! We're people, too! And man... is a feeling creature.
      • Yeah! Do you have any idea how much that hurts? How bad singed fur SMELLS! It takes FOREVER to get that smell out of your fur!
    • In my experience, rat poison works pretty well. Although now I want to combine the two... rat poison on fire? Or maybe just go straight to the napalm. I love that gasoline smell.
  • Have you ever noticed how much vampires look like vampires?
  • Oh hey, I'm not late, am I?
    • Last Post is a fun trumpet piece, because you don't have to use the valves at all. It's all in the lip, people.
  • Derail. This thread is now about kittens.
  • Brawl in the Family fans: try reading the page for Hostile Show Takeover without laughing. In fact, try it anyway.
  • Uh, to get this entry back on topic, the Urban Legends Reference Pages forum has an "Unhijackable Thread" where every new post must Left Field the previous one. And, with that said, may I ask what is the best way to attach the granny squares together for this afghan I'm making? Granny circles, for that matter?
    • My granny only circles when she's had too much to drink. Speaking of that, what's your favorite type of drink?
    • (Granny)^2 = Graham cracker.
    • They made a horror movie called Rabid Grannies. Just thought I'd mention it.
  • ...TheAristocrats!
    • The Aristocats!
  • Alright, stop that, stop that, this article has become too silly.
    • MAKE ME.
  • We have entered an endless recursion of time.
  • Monty Python's Flying Circus was awesome.
    • My daughter can't watch it because she's afraid of clowns.
    • My daughter can't watch it because people keep saying "tin" to her.
  • Guys, my house is on fire. What should I do?
    • Put it out with a vampiric anime Jesus whale. From the 70s.
      • Alternately, from the '70s. Learn to use apostrophes, people.
  • Guys, I just accidentally set a glass of water on fire with a match. What should I do?
  • This Trope is now about random things coming out of the Left Field.
  • We have entered an endless recursion of time.
  • Wendee Lee Count: 22!
  • Anyone remember that one guy whose last name was Cummings? He was in some sort of movie. Oh yeah, and Harry Potter 6 sucked.
  • I think we should reference Cloudcuckoolander in this article. Thoughts?
  • I like clouds. And weren't Cuckoos in that game that all the fangirls like?
  • Speaking of fangirls. Jesus has them. They're called Nuns. Think about that...
    • In a chaste way, sure.
  • I tried to think about it, but for some reason, I thought about the Grim Reaper, who is the exact opposite of a nun.
  • Would the ocean be deeper if there were more whales in it, or fewer sponges?
    • Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
    • We wear short shorts!
  • Firefly is overrated and anyone who thinks it's good is a Joss Whedon Lickspittle!
  • We have entered an endless recursion of time.
    • We have entered an endless recursion of time.
    • We have entered an endless recursion of time.
    • We have entered an endless recursion of time.
    • Kyon-kun, denwa?
    • We have entered an endless recursion of time.
    • We have entered an endless recursion of time.
    • Kyon-kun, denwa?
    • Kyon-kun, denwa?
    • We have entered an endless recursion of time.
    • We have entered an endless recursion of time.
    • There is no time. Your sword is enough.
      • Endless Eight taught me how to say "classified information" in Japanese! Think of all the applications!
  • Huh. I thought this trope was about when people bring up other topics out of nowhere. Like those people that get on every news article about Obama and then bring up his birth certificate, regardless of the original topic of the article? Oh well, I guess not. So anyway, why isn't Puerto Rico a state yet? And btw, Firefly totally rocks. The previous troper is obviously a moron that enjoys bad television.
  • I wonder what fire tastes like...
  • The RIPE Program was so cold. So cruel.
  • Derail. This trope is now about train derailments.
    • Train derailments are a fertilizing rather than a destructive event.
    • Your derailments cannot harm me, are you a fucking ass? Do you not know who I am, he must not know who I am, I'M THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH, IMA HITCHA WITCHYO OWN TRAIN! I'm bad, I'm the badder motherfucker on the word.
    • Well, I love the Power Glove. It's so bad.
    • I'm a 12.0 on the 10.0 scale of badness!
    • Okay, Edgar. Now drop a train on him.
  • Traveling by train is fun, but you can't cross the ocean. To do that you need either a plane or a ship.
    • Or Theodore The Friendly Tugboat.
    • I hate traveling by plane, the lines are too long.
  • I just thought I'd take this moment to plug my various work doing {{Dramatic Reading}]s of Atlanta Nights and My Inner Life.
  • Natter sucsk. Wiiki page are for TROPE EXAMPLE.
    • Give a bit more details. What's the make of the motherboard, what's the clock speed?
      • That's not important. It won't fly with this tire thickness anyway.
        • Not another politics discussion!
          • You're all wrong, it's 456.
            • So how old is she anyway?
              • I do, and I want some fries with that!
                • It is time for the hoboes to overthrow the United States government.
                    • We have entered an endless recursion of time.
                      • There is no time. Your sword is enough.
    • What about Wikus pages?
  • Does anyone know where I can find installation keys for my copy of The Sims 3?
  • We Await Silent Trystero's Empire.
    • The Empire?! They can't stop us! Let 'em try! For Heavy Meta we would die!
      • Don't Ever Antagonize The Horn.
  • Am I the only one who finds it annoying when a thread derails off topic away from what it was originally about?
  • It is time for the hobos to overthrow the United States government.
    • Hobos can't overthrow the government unless they ally with the bums and slackers.
  • Does anyone else hate it when people give out things like fortune cookies on Halloween?
  • So Milhouse really IS a meme!
  • Oh good, I found the power switch to the internet!
  • I always wonder... If you chrush cookies and mix water in the crumbs, can you make new cookies with the mix?

oh god how did this get here

  • i am not good with computer
File:196924-giygas large.jpg
  • Guys I accidentally the internet.
    • Troper... I am disappoint.
      • All your base are belong to Tropes
        • You just divided by zero, didn't you?
    • Accidentally what?
        • More to do with the square root of a negative number, really. Also, KHAAAAAAAAAAN!
  • Raaaar! Whatcha doin', Mr. Volcano?
  • We have entered an endless recursion of time.
      • There is no time. Your sword is enough.

Talk about scary video game enemies here instead of anything else

  • Giygas isn't really that scary for me. Except for at night with %99.999999999999 darkness.
  • I've got a loaded shovel and I ain't afraid to use it!
  • I use bold font to make people like me.
  • Why is it named bold font, anyway? I mean, cheesecake is SO much of a better name!
    • Maybe a butter name...
  • Man that eel from Super Mario 64 is fucking creepy. Also those mangled bunnies from Psychnoats.
  • Video games have taught me to shoot people.
  • Candle Jack. This sentence wi
  • Personally I think Queen outdoes them all.
  • We have entered a recursionless end of time.
    • Kun-den, Wa-kyon.

Thread is now about boobs.

Thread is now about weaponry.

  • Personally I prefer hammers. You can smash things with them!
  • but Katanas Are Just Better!
  • Back to the original topic, the Snopes message boards ingeniously created the "Unhijackable thread" specifically for the purpose of creating as many left fields as possible. Oh, and speaking of, it's Baseball Bats all the way, baby!
  • Bubs gives away flamethrowers that shoot chocolate hundred dollar bills.
  • Flamethrower katanas that shoot shurikens and lightning. Made from the bones of Master Asia.
  • My weapon of choice: Stalk of Broccoli to the jugular.
  • Lollipops.

Thread is now about Star Trek.

Thread is now about cookie dough

  • Why? Dammit, you people and your cookie dough -- why can't we discuss crème brûlée?
  • Guys, um... I kind of... I accidentally Jesus. The whole thing. Can somebody please help? Please?
  • I thought this was the Haruhi Suziyama thread.

Thread is now about Red leader, standing by!

  1. a.k.a. It's all about baseball, folks.