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♏ Vriska Serket ♏

 "You are a master of EXTREME ROLE PLAYING. You can't get enough of it, or really any game of high stakes and chance. You have persisted with the habit even in spite of your ACCIDENT. But then again, you don't have much choice. You are something of an APOCALYPSE BUFF, which is something you can be on Alternia. You are fascinated by end of the world scenarios, and enjoy constructing DOOMSDAY DEVICES for the hell of it. You are drawn to means of DARK PROGNOSTICATION and the advantages they offer, particularly in gaming scenarios. Your abilities in this department were hobbled with the loss of your VISION EIGHTFOLD, and you have since sought alternatives through various BLACK ORACLES. You consult with these ominous globes, but routinely destroy them in frustration over the PUZZLING GUARANTEED INACCURACY of their predictions. Breaking them has developed into a habit BORDERING ON FETISHISTIC, and with each you destroy, you add to an insurmountable stockpile of TERRIBLE LUCK. You have to stop. But addiction is a powerful thing. "

A troll with a love of games of all kinds, particularly live-action roleplay and gambling, to such a sociopathic extreme that few trolls trust her.

In Sburb, she is the Thief of Light. Her trolltag is "arachnidsGrip".

She has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the DICEKIND ABSTRATUS.

For a brief period of time later in the story she became Jane's sprite, along with Tavros. Came Back Wrong applies heavily here. See that character's section for tropes pertaining to it.

 Types 8y replacing the letter "B" and any sylla8le that sounds like "eight" with "8", and gravit8s towards

repeating characters 8 tiiiiiiiimes. She also uses smilies that have four pairs of eyes for a total of 8. :::;)

Handwrites Ms as scorpio signs.

  • Abusive Parents: Her lusus makes her murder other trolls to feed her. If Vriska didn't, her lusus would eat her. Vriska became a Manipulative Bastard partially to cope and survive.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: How she tends to react when people get the best of her, at least once she gets over the initial frustration.
  • A Million Is a Statistic / Nominal Importance: Invoked here.
  • Anticlimax Boss: She sets up an epic battle with Bec Noir, who ignores her to kill the rest of the trolls. Subverted when he returns with "motivation" in the form of Karkat and Terezi's bodies, probably to make sure she's a better fight than the Maid of Time (who just froze him) and the Heir of Breath (who just died).
    • And she certainly gives him a fight, but that sequence was ultimately Terezi's vision of what would happen, and she killed Vriska. Who did die rather anticlimatically
  • Angrish: She tends to go a little bit crazy with the eights when flustered:

 AG: Or you know, if you're so h8gh 8nd might8 an8 th8nk you're so gr8at, m8y88 you c8uld oh I d8n't kn8w........


  • Ancestral Weapon: Her Fluorite Octet.
  • Animal/NumerologicalMotif: The number 8, which is how many legs all arachnids have and how many eyes most spiders have. Also Scorpio is the 8th sign.
    • She was also the 8th troll to be named.
    • Arc Number: 4+1+3=8.
  • Arachnid Appearance and Attire
  • Back From the Dead: After Aradia beats her to near-death, Tavros brings her to her Quest Bed, which allows her to ascend to the God-Tiers when her original body dies.
    • If Vriska's corpse getting prototyped works at all like Dream Jade's corpse getting prototyped, she just came back a second time. VERY briefly.
      • This now seems to be her new mission, with a reluctant Tavros in tow.
  • Badass Boast: Save your 8reath, page. I 8n't dead just yet.
  • Base Breaker: Done intentionally and with an incredible degree of success. The character has been portrayed in several places on the Mary Sue spectrum both with and without irony, crossed the moral event horizon twice, is given sympathetic moments, and greater focus whenever the fighting starts to die down.
    • As of more recent updates, fandom has accepted her more as she's revealed she's not really all that evil to begin with, and was mostly overcompensating the entire time. It helps that several of the other characters like Eridan, Jack, and Gamzee have been unrepentant murderers solely in it for fun and revenge.
  • Big Yes: Yeah!!!!!!!!
  • Blood Knight: She has no patience for puzzles (when they don't lead to big loot, anyway) and much prefers fights when the stakes are high and when she's challenged. Most telling is her stated goal to kill Jack Noir.
  • Body Horror: Her VISION EIGHTFOLD manifests as a seven-pupiled left eye.
    • And a normal right eye, which makes eight pupils total. For those of you not keeping count.
  • Byronic Hero: It's clear she's playing for the good team, but her past is filled with a lot of questionable things, and she still ultimately looks out for herself first for the most part.
  • Came Back Strong: Her God Tier resurrection.
  • Came Back Wrong: As Tavrisprite.
  • Character Development: Her murder of Tavros both causes her to feel terrible and makes her realize how immature she's been.
    • Later she states that when all is said and done she would like to live like a human and would stop killing.
  • Chewing the Scenery: Her octupling of letters isn't just an orthographic tic but because she's a liiiiiiiittle bit overdramaaaaaaaatic.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Since her introduction, she has backstabbed or planned to backstab virtually everyone she's spoken with. The other trolls, by now, mostly either refuse to associate with her or keep her at arms length, though this hasn't stopped her from trying anyway.
  • Cluster F-Bomb:

 AG: Fuck you for me trying to help you.

AG: Fuck the 8lue team, fuck your conniving, fuck Equius's dou8ledealing and the stupid muscle8east he rode in on, and fuck you for s8ving my life.


  • Complexity Addiction: Vriska's biggest boast is the number of irons she has in the fire, pies in which she has fingers, and euphemistic representations of the number and complexity of her schemes. It is beginning to become apparent that she doesn't care if any of these irons conflict, provided they are irons and she has them in the fire.
    • Which makes it kind of Ironic that she's one of the most straightforward trolls. Unlike her Ancestor, she never really bothers with mind games, subtlety or obfuscation and her attempts at manipulation basically boil down to "hit them in the brain really hard with mind powers". Even her attempts at lying are so completely bold-faced as to be honest in a way.
  • Compressed Hair: How she fits that mane into her God-Tier outfit's tiny hood is anyone's guess.
  • Confusion Fu: "Rolling the dice will execute a wide range of highly unpredictable attacks."
  • Cool Sword: As a part of her Ancestral Awakening attack.
  • Creator's Pet: Played with. Besides being done quite deliberately (Hussie has said she was meant to be a Base Breaker), she seems to be the troll the story focuses on, but she still fails a lot. That, and a lot of her "overpowered deeds" are, in the view of the fandom, still quite awesome. And that's not even getting into her rather complex backstory...
    • If she was before, she's certainly not now, given that she's been dead for a long time and has had effectively zero plot relevance since. And then when John - the last character to have genuine affection for her - reflects on her one in-universe year later he admits that while everything with her seemed very important at the time, in retrospect she's just some crazy troll girl who was kinda into him for one day a year ago, though he's still interested in talking to her.
      • And then Hussie proposed to her.
  • Cyborg: Had a robot arm.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: with Kanaya. With a side of Ship Tease.
  • Demoted to Extra: Says to Tavros she's not going to let this happen to her.

 VRISKA: Some inexplica8le forces out there are fucking with us. They are doing everything in their power to make sure that when we're not 8eing totally humili8ted, we are staying completely irrelevant.

VRISKA: We can't let them toy with us, then just sweep us under the carpet like that. I'm not going to let our relevance 8e marginalized anymore, Tavros.

 AG: Aaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha!

AG: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

AG: Haaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaa!

  • Extra Eyes: Or rather, extra pupils. She used to have seven in one of her eyes, which was lost when Doc Scratch's Magic Cue Ball blew up in her face. Vriska herself considered this to be seven eyes rather than a single eye with seven pupils. Her extra eyes return after she reaches God Tier.
    • Amusingly, this eye bears a closer resemblance to a fly's compound eye than to a spider's eyes; most spiders have eight eyes, but they aren't arranged in a cluster like this.
  • Eye Beam: After her Thief of Light power awakens, she can steal luck with her left, seven-pupilled eye.
  • Eyepatch of Power: To show how mysterious and diabolically crafty she is. Loses it when she revives but gets her X-ray vision back.
  • Eye Take: Gives one with Gamzee in surprise to...someone walking.
  • Fairy Tale Motifs: Just like in the tale of the Scorpion and the Frog, she finds herself abusing her friends even when it's directly against her best interests.
  • Famous Ancestor: Marquis Spinneret Mindfang was apparently a real troll.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: One real arm, one robotic arm. One eye covered, one eye not. Two different funky looking horns.
    • Even before she lost her arm and eye and again now that she's been replaced by her Dreamself, she has the two different horns and also two very different eyes, as one has 7 pupils and the other only has one.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Andrew can make even the worst person enjoyable to watch. As can be seen from her cool drawing.

  She gained all the levels. All of them. Yeah!!!!!!!!

  • Foe Yay: Tavros, have I mentioned how cute you look in that plucky little outfit?

  AG: A dead Tavros is even more 8oring than an alive and crippled Tavros 8y a slim margin.

    • Karkat definitely assumes this when she brings up her "special kind of hate" for Tavros. But he notes that it'd never work out because Tavros doesn't have the right mindset to hate anyone.
  • Fusion Dance: As a result of Gamzee chucking her and Tavros' dead bodies into Jane's unprototyped kernelsprite.
  • The Gambling Addict: Can't get enough of games with high stakes, such as Flarp, so naturally she would play Sgrub, which has really high stakes.
    • Not to mention the high stakes involved in trying to outwit an omnipotent godlike being using his own scrying tool.
      • Or manipulating an entire timeline so she can vanquish an unbeatable foe.
  • The Gambler
  • Generation Xerox: Vriska discovered the journal of her most direct ancestor (the Troll whose genetics were most prominent in her birth), the original Marquis Spinneret Mindfang, when she was really young. She then spent her life emulating her and seeking out her treasures; she even named her FLARP character after her.
    • But ultimately subverted. Vriska doesn't want to be like Mindfang and would much rather be her own person.
      • But she realized this a bit too late: she spent her whole life emulating Mindfang through FLARP, and only now does she realize that she hasn't been herself and accepted her real feelings.
  • Glory Hound: Vriska is trying to be responsible for as much as possible, so that her ultimate (planned) victory over the demon will be that much greater and everyone will accept her. This includes being responsible for Jack getting prototyped with Bec, Bec being created in the first place, and John going god-tier because she wants to make the ultimate hero and villain.
  • Hair Flip: In Alterniabound. Constantly.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Can manipulate luck to a ridiculous extent.
  • Heel Face Door Slam: In her last message to John, she said she was planning on not only quitting killing after beating Jack, but also living out her life doing what humans consider normal, rather than trolls. And then Terezi killed her.

 AG: May8e I can finally put all this terri8le stuff 8ehind me.

AG: And I won't have to worry a8out 8eing the 8est anymore, or proving what a ruthless killer I can 8e.

AG: May8e I can try out whatever is supposed to 8e normal for a human. Who knows, it might not 8e as 8oring as it sounds!

    • In Terezi's defense, letting Vriska go off to defeat Jack would have led to the death of all the other remaining Trolls, Terezi included. So, self-defense Heel Face Door Slam.
  • Hellish Pupils
  • Villainous Second Wind: Getting up immediately after having her arm and eye blown off, executing a (possibly strenuous) double-proxy mind control, while bleeding out of the stump of her limb? The only thing keeping that from being a Determinator moment is that it never shows if she collapsed from her injuries afterwards.
  • Hero With an F In Good: Let's just say that Vriska's ability to judge the proper way to act out her good intentions is...shaky at best.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Includes complaining about manipulating people's body parts, fussing about Kanaya's meddling with her meddling, and best of all -

  AG: You were f8ed for a team of losers, full of 8lind girls and lame 8oys and cranky iiiiiiiim8eciles.

 AG: Joooooooo

AG: oooooooo

AG: oooooooo

AG: oooooooo

AG: oooooooo

AG: oooooooo

AG: oooooooo

AG: oooooooohn!

  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Well most of her schemes seem to be failures and she is at least somewhat sympathetic. Ends up being a subversion, in that she is not anywhere near ineffectual when it counts. She falls more into Well-Intentioned Extremist rather than evil as well.
  • In Love With Your Carnage: After Vampire Kanaya kicks Gamzee so hard in the balls that he flies off a cliff, decks Vriska, and then messily chainsaws Eridan in half (in revenge for killing her), Vriska is just swooning.
  • Irony: Firmly believes in luck and its power to alter situations. She herself is extremely predictable.
    • Also, the Scorpio troll is stabbed to death. A double whammy when you consider how she herself kills Tavros and John.
    • Expresses disapproval for solving game puzzles and Tavros, now she is fused with him on a Planet of nothing but puzzles.
  • Jerkass: Overconfident to a fault, and loves to play up her abilities, regard herself as the best, and generally taunt most of the other people she knows.
  • Jerkass Facade: However, she is trying too hard, and it shows. Karkat calls it "pretender's hate" among other things.
  • Jerk With a Heart of Jerk
  • Kick the Dog: Subverted: Her use of her powers to put people to sleep at first seems like meaningless antagonism, but she's preserving the nature of the alpha timeline.
    • Although it doesn't stop her from being a jerk about it
  • Killed Off for Real: Though the exact circumstances of it are a bit ambiguous.
  • Killer Game Master: Literally. She needs a steady supply of bodies for her Lusus.
  • Large Ham: Tends toward the overdramaaaaaaaatic, both in her pesterlogs and in person, and employs a Hair Flip just for the sake of it.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: She crippled Tavros, blinded Terezi, and killed Aradia. In return, she loses an arm, is blinded in one eye, and gets beaten to death by Aradia.
    • Halfway to full death, due to her still having a dreamself. Which goes nicely with losing half as many limbs, only blind on one side.
    • Stabs and kills Tavros and ends up stabbed and killed herself.
    • Jack breaking her clock just before it may or may not have determined whether her death was just or heroic, thus killing her regardless of whether fate would get a chance to decide. As Terezi would put it: ST8P
  • Leitmotif: Spider's Claw, which is later remixed with Theme to make her walkaround theme.
  • Light Is Not Good: Her title is the Thief of Light.
  • Liquid Assets: Her powers as the Thief of Light allow her to steal luck. Because apparently, "fortune is the essence of light".
  • Love At First Punch: It's very complicated (Vriska has admitted she may deserve this treatment and Kanaya has loved her for a very long time and gone unnoticed), but this is the effect that Kanpire finally has on Vriska.
  • Love Before First Sight: John, according to Karkat.
  • Made of Iron: Everyone kind of assumed that Aradia killed her. Turns out that just woke up her Dreamself.
    • Averted, in that she did eventually die of her wounds, and in the time leading up to her death she was unable to so much as lift a finger and was apparently in incredible pain.
  • Mad Libs CatchphraseDO8NG B8DPungeon Master: "Adios, Torea[pun]!", but she spreads it to other things and other romance languages.
  • Malignant Plot Tumor: Some would say the emphasis is on "malignant." Inserts herself into as many conflicts as possible, at least partially because she's a Deconstruction of the concept of a Mary Sue.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Or at least she likes to think so. Without her VISION EIGHTFOLD or mind-control powers, she can't really do much more than annoy people. She ultimately turns out to be a much bigger example than anyone could have anticipated
  • Meaningful Name: Serket is the goddess of healing stings and bites who originally was the deification of the scorpion.
    • Vriska, or rather, Vṛścika(वृष्चिक) is the name of Scorpio in Sanskrit. Also spelled Vrikchika and vr̥ṣcikaḥ.
  • Melee a Trois: All set to happen with Eridan and Gamzee, and then promptly subverted when rainbow drinker Kanaya shows up.
  • Mismatched Eyes: Not in color, but in the number of pupils they have. (Vriska actually considers this to be 7 eyes rather than one eye with 7 pupils, which is how it appears.)
  • Mission Control Is Off Its Meds: Pesterlogs involving her usually end up this way.
  • Monster Sob Story: In this conversation, all of Vriska's usual insults and cruelty are, surprisingly enough, directed towards herself right after she is mocked by some mysterious acquaintance. Beforehand the narration comments that she "could stand to have some camaraderie wasted on [her]"; while talking to Kanaya she repeatedly puts herself down, calling herself a "dum8 flighty 8road" and an "idi8t girl" and demanding to know why she tries to help her out at all. She clearly has a very fragile ego, and lapses into outright depression as soon as someone hurts her feelings.
    • She has another one here with John.
    • At the risk of being presumptuous for applying human foibles and terminology to an alien species, Vriska has, over several points of the story, displayed that she may well be suffering from a number of very deep and serious emotional issues and/or mental psychoses. While these provide a deeper rationale for her actions and understanding of her character, one should always remember the important issues of dealing with ANY deeply mentally and emotionally unbalanced person. Just because their story is sad and pitiable, it does not prevent them from simultaneously being highly unpredictable and dangerous.
  • More X Than God: Loot, levels, and of course irons in the fire.
  • Munchkin: In real life. Partly due to a gaming addiction, and partly due to the fact that she needs to feed her lusus.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: During a conversation with John, she is shocked to realize that she actually feels guilty about killing Tavros. As a blueblooded Troll, she thinks she shouldn't feel anything like that.
    • However, in the same breath though, she waves off any remorse about Aradia or the thousands she killed to survive until her lusus died. Many of her unseen murders were innocent trolls as well, which is why Terezi stopped working with her.
  • Mythology Gag: She constructed a CATENATIVE DOOMSDAY DICE CASCADER. She also appears to have one in her room, although that's probably an incomplete doomsday device or just a regular roulette wheel. It's hard to tell.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: When the emotionally-restored Aradia finally meets Vriska in the medium, she beats Vriska in a berserk fury.
  • Not a Date: She has one of these with alternate-timeline John in the afterlife.
  • Not Quite Dead: Manages this one twice, in almost the same instance; once after being beaten black and blue by Aradia, waking up her Dreamself, and again when it turns out that she survived that, though just barely.
  • Not So Different: "You see John, you and I actually have some things in common, 8ut you couldn't possi8ly understand why yet." Slightly different from the traditional usage in the sense that it's said at the start of their series of conversations together. The main thing they have in common is that they both die and get resurrected via dream self as God Tier players.
  • Oblivious to Love: She thinks Kanaya is in love with Tavros and angry that he chose her instead. This is backwards in almost every possible respect.
    • This gets pulled on her when she tries to flirt with John and it goes right over his head.
  • Opposites Attract: For Tavros. Definitely not reciprocated, though: she has a sort of troll hate-love for him, while he's merely terrified of her.
    • Also with John
  • Overdrawn At the Blood Bank: Doc Scratch's cueball did a number on her account. Aradia's thrashing? No way she's still in the black after that.
  • Parody Sue: Invoked with her roleplaying character Marquise Spinneret Mindfang. Named after her ancestor.

  "She is the best character, and you wish you were her. Oh wait, you are her! Your wish has been granted. Probably as a special boon for being so great at everything."

    • Vriska's self-image is a metafictional commentary on the concept of a Mary Sue; she's a prettier, smarter, and stronger than everyone else (at least in her own head), she never suffers any negative consequences, and she inserts herself into situations to try to be the driving force behind every plot development.
      • In classic Mary Sue style, she breaks one of the setting's "rules", by being a blue-blood who's nonetheless a powerful psychic.
      • As mentioned above, she's not so much a straight Mary Sue as a Deconstruction of the idea of one. Later in the story she even delves into Anti-Sue most especially with John being okay with her mentioning her serial killer past and the fact that she just killed Tavros.
      • That is later averted by John admitting she was kind of crazy and he didn't know how to react to someone showing interest in him.
  • Perverse Sexual Lust: For Nicolas Cage.
  • Pet the Dog: She sends Tavros the code for a pair of rocket boots, which Tavros uses to alchemize a rocket chair and fly through the first gate. She then tries to be Tinkerbell to Tavros' Pupa Pan (with help from a costume that looks suspiciously like Tavros' computer wallpaper), but only winds up confusing the hell out of him.
    • And then there's this.
    • And her last pesterlog to John.
  • Pirate: Her roleplaying character. Well, technically her class is Petticoat Seagrift, but same difference.
  • Pirate Girl: Vriska may or may not count, being a roughly thirteen-year-old LARPer, but she's attempting to emulate her ancestor Marquise Mindfang, who was definitely a Pirate Girl.
  • Power Gives You Wings: Sprouts a nice pair of butterfly wings when she earns her God Tiers.
  • Psychic Powers
  • Ragdoll Physics: After Kanaya clocks her, she slides across the floor, with the physics visually implied.
  • Replacement Love Interest: John. When she fails to turn Tavros into the same kind of hero that his ancestor became that her ancestor fell in love with, she turns her attentions on John and falls for him as he rises to her challenge. The shadow of her failure with Tavros hangs over all of their conversations, such as when John thanks her instead of being mad at her for getting him killed to ascend to God Tier.

 [[color:#004183:AG: I don't know, John. You'd 8e surprised how often people resent it when you try to help them!

AG: 8ut see, you really get it. That's why you're special.]]

EB: shruuuuuuuug!

AG: <33333333

  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Karkat gives her one, and Doc Scratch gives her another.
  • Self-Made Orphan: There is an avalanche outside her home. Her lusus is pinned underneath. Might as well put her out of her misery.
  • Serial Killer: Has personally killed so many trolls she literally cannot remember how many she's killed.
  • Ship Tease: With virtually everyone she talks to. Especially John, whose outfit for a time was exactly like Vriska's.
  • Shrug of God: Andrew decided to leave it to the reader to decide whether Vriska's death was genuinely just, or whether Slick broke the clock and killed her.
    • And regardless of the ambiguity, Andrew himself apparently leans towards the interpretation that Vriska's death was just. In the split second before Slick broke the clock, the pendulum clearly swung towards just, though Word of God is always the above, probably to avoid another Base Breaker.
  • Sink or Swim Mentor: For Tavros. Does something similar to John also.
  • Slap Slap Kiss: She wants to do this with Tavros oh so much. He's too afraid of her to do anything about it.
  • Slasher Smile: Tavros challenges her to a Duel to The Death with the universal throat-cutting gesture. Vriska whips out those severed legs from Alterniabound and does one of those across the waist, gleefully sporting one of these.
  • Smug Snake: She talks herself up like the best troll there is, but she can't really manipulate anyone without resorting to mind control.
  • Snow Means Death: Right here.
  • Stable Time Loop: Granted there are a lot of these in Homestuck, but a mention should go to the one Vriska perpetuates: After the troll's session is destroyed by a demon from another universe, she decides to help create said demon.
  • Stalker Shrine: Once again, to Nicolas Cage.
  • Stop Helping Me!: Her attitude towards Kanaya as her server player (and in general).
  • Survival Mantra: "He's already here.", which doubles as her justification for why ensuring Jack Noir's rise in power isn't a bad thing.
  • Talking in Your Dreams: Because Vriska is her dreamself, she doesn't dream like the rest of the trolls and apparently has lucid dreams.
  • Take That: The Author has indicated that some of her behavior is a Take That at some of the early anti-fans of Tavros.
    • Which in return spawned a number of anti-anti-anti-fans of Tavros.
  • Teens Are Monsters: At age thirteen, has so far killed countless trolls, feeding them to her lusus, manipulated events to create Bec Noir, who outright commits multiple genocides, and made Tavros' life worse from crippling him for a laugh to killing him after goading him with his severed legs to attack her.
  • Tempting Fate: If my outrageously gr8 luck has any say in the matter, we will 8e meeting up in no time!
  • Theme Naming: Vriska's Zodiac sign is Scorpio.
  • These Hands Have Killed: Out of all the trolls who have started killing people, Vriska is the only one to feel any remorse or think about the ramifications.
    • What's really odd is that the thing that freaks her out is the fact that she is freaked out about murdering. That is not normal for Trolls.
      • Very inconsistent too; in the same conversation where she mentions being so upset about murdering Tavros, she dismisses her gleeful murder of Aradia and her thousands of murders of innocent trolls as being irrelevant.
  • Token Evil Teammate: While many of the trolls wouldn't be good people by human standards, Vriska is almost certainly the meanest of them all. Or was. Comparatively, she's only moderately evil now, if at all.
  • Training From Hell: She covers Tavros's home with stairs for this purpose. Also she claims that she's always been trying to get him to stop being such a wimp.
  • Treasure Room: What kind of Petticoat Seagrift would she be without at least one LOOT STRONGHOLD?
  • Tricked-Out Time: Vriska's solution to handling the demon, given how its existence is protected by a Stable Time Loop, and that any deviation will result in temporal erasure. That said, her methods are still questionable at best.
  • Trope Overdosed: As a deliberate exercise in messing with the fandom's heads, she is rapidly gathering all the tropes. All of them.
    • She's the only Homestuck character and one of the few on TV Tropes as a whole to have her own character page.
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: She's a thirteen year old serial killer, and most likely has been at it for years. But, someone's gotta feed her lusus. Probably the root of a lot of her issues.
  • Tsundere: With Tavros, BIG TIME. He is too terrified of the tsun to see the dere
  • The Unfettered: Her goal since Act 5 Act 2 has been to kill the demon in the trolls' session. To accomplish this, she's subtly manipulated events in the kids' session, up to and including creating the demon and getting the main character killed.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Yes.

 AG: Lousy st8pid godd8mn supportive fri8nd!

  • Unreliable Expositor: At on point it was speculated that the trolls failed in their session because they failed to learn the values the game was trying to teach them (friendship, bravery, etc.) Then in this conversation, Vriska says the trolls failed because they didn't learn 'troll values (killing each other). Vriska's belief was then called in question when it was revealed that troll values were instilled in them by Lord English and his minions. It is later stated that players can be corrupted from their true purpose by an outside influence, suggesting that Vriska was wrong (as troll society itself was corrupted from it's original nature).
  • The Vamp: To an extent; she displays romantic interest in Tavros, Kanaya, and John (and possibly blackrom for Terezi as well) within the span of an hour or two towards the end of the countdown. Her interactions don't end well for Tavros or Kanaya at all, dubiously so for John, and Terezi killed her. Subverted in part though in that she's not shown to be especially attractive or genuinely evil.
  • Villainous Breakdown: FUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Subversion. Vriska is clearly trying to follow in the footsteps of her impressive ancestor Mindfang, but there's no one holding her to this standard but herself, and some of Vriska's final character development comes when she realizes that maybe that's not who she was meant to be.
    • This is the driving force behind her interaction with Tavros too. Mindfang was destined to fall in love with the Summoner, who would be a world-shaking revolutionary and who would one day kill her. All her attempts to strengthen Tavros were to make him into the man his ancestor was, and it was his final attempt to kill her without reaching that potential (unlike John) that was in many ways the last straw for her.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: She manipulates several key events in the kids' session to both create and destroy the demon which ruined her session. Also includes getting John killed so his God-Tier self can take over for the rest of the game.
  • Western Zodiac: Scorpio.
  • Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises: Right friggin here.
  • Write Who You Know: Part of Vriska's character is her fake persona of being a Large Ham when she's really quite subdued. Andrew Hussie is quite the ham online, yet at cons and in person he's a soft spoken guy.

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