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'''Mira Fermen''' (Risa Yukino & [[Alyson Court]]) & '''Wilda''' (Ron Pardo)
* [[Expy]]: To some extent of [[Mobile Suit Gundam|Sayla Mass]], befitting {{spoilers|her brother}} Keith's status as a [[Char Clone]]. Looks-wise she is essentially Sakura from the [[Taimanin Asagi|Taimanin]] series, being a carrot-top who's a fairly capable battler, not to mention her uniform being essentially a PG-version of Sakura's uniform.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Fairly subtle, but Mira always twists [[Male Gaze|so her pert ass can be seen]] whenever she throws Wilda.
== Debuted In: New Vestroia ==

Revision as of 09:01, 10 March 2023

Characters from Bakugan include:


Note: This Page Is Organized According To Their Roles In Mechtanium Surge.

Team Battle Brawlers

Dan & Drago

Dan Kuso (Yuu Kobayashi and Scott McCord) & Pyrus Dragonoid ‘Drago’ (Keiji Fujiwara & Jason Deline)

  • Crystal Dragon Jesus: Points to Drago for being an actual Dragon.
    • And, at one point, an actual crystal.
  • Evolution Power-Up: 9 so far with a restart at 4.
    • Deconstructed in Season 4. His latest evolution is causing a massive amount of grief to everyone. This includes causing him and Dan to fall out from grace with their inuniverse fanbase, creating an unstoppable engine of destruction, and threatening to set loose the Sealed Evil in a Can that's serving as this seasons Big Bad.
      • Make that 10 times now that Drago has evolved.
  • Fingerless Gloves: Dan, Battle Brawlers only.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: Dan.
  • Idiot Hero: Any of the GET PUMPED scenes in New Vestroia should tell you why Dan is this.
  • The Hero/Messiah/Chosen One: Drago.
  • Merchandise-Driven: Drago is the best example of this trope with over 25 products for him in the last 3 years.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Drago (Whose full name is Dragonoid)
  • Playing with Fire: Most of Dan's Bakugan, including Drago.
  • Power Incontinence: Definitely. In the new season, Drago has become so powerful, his power alone nearly destroyed the battle field of Bakugan Interspace (considering the high power levels Bakugan has reached, some would say it is about time).
    • It Got Worse. The power has become far too much for him to control, which is forcing them to concentrate too much on keeping it under control to win matches. Not only that, its now literally created a monster and is threatening to let Mag Mel out of his prison.
      • Despite the fact that they have now learned to control their new powers, and have taken multiple levels in Badass, managing to summon a Mechtogan Titan recently, which curb-stomped three other Mechtogan within a minute, which occurred through learning to control Zenthon, the energy from their battles has given Mag Mel EXACTLY what he needed to start tearing apart Bakugan Interspace.
  • Restart At Level One: Drago in New Vestroia.
  • Totally Radical: Dan in the first few episodes of Battle Brawlers.


Choji ‘Marucho’ Marakura (Ryo Hirohashi & Joanne Vanicola) & Preyas/Angelo/Diablo/Elfin/Akwimos/Tristar


Shun Kazami (Chihiro Suzuki & Zachary Bennet) & Skyress/Ingram/Hawktor/Taylean

  • Blow You Away: Most of his Bakugan have the Ventus attribute.
  • The Lancer: Shun, co-lancer with Runo.
  • Expy: Master Ingram manages to be an expy to both Super Sentai and all samurai anime OPs.
  • Gender Bender: Aparently female Ingram(s) evolve into male ones.
  • Important Haircut: Between Battle Brawlers and New Vestroia
  • Took a Level in Badass: In Mechtanium Surge, he becomes the leader of the Brawlers when Dan takes off and takes his fighting skills up a notch. Taylean even becomes strong enough to create a Mechtogan, something only the Big Bad Mag Mel and Drago were previously able to doing (and Mag Mel was impressed when Drago did it).

Spectra/Keith Ferman & Helios

Spectra Phantom/Keith Ferman & Helios

  • Big Damn Heroes: In Mechatanium Surge to save the group twice in an epic fashion.
  • Casting a Shadow: In Mechtanium Surge.
  • Char Clone: Outside of a Gundam series no less.
  • Discard and Draw: Helios discards his Pyrus abilities to become a far more powerful Darkus Bakugan in Mechatanium Surge.
  • Expy: Both of Char Anzable and Masquerade.
  • Foe Yay: His obsession with Dan.
  • Heel Face Turn
  • Karma Houdini: Rid a couple of Bakugan of their souls? Who cares, you’re still Mira’s brother and a good guy!
  • You Shall Not Pass: In Mechatanium Surge, he and Helios perform this to give the Brawlers time to escape from the impending destruction of Bakugan Interspace. He survives and makes a totally Badass comeback next episode though.
  • Playing with Fire: In New Vestroia.
  • Sixth Ranger: In New Vestoria. Becomes this in a very unexpected way in Mechatanium Surge.


Paige (Annick Obonsawin) & Boulderon (Ron Pardo)

Debuted In: Mechtanium Surge

Rafe(Andrew Craig) & Wolfurio (Andrew Jackson)

Debuted In: Mechtanium Surge


Debuted in: Mechtanium Surge


Debuted in: Mechtanium Surge

Fabia & Aranaut

Fabia Sheen (Stephanie Mills) & Aranaut

Debuted In: Gundalian Invaders

Jake & Coredem

Jake Vallory (Dan Petronivejic) & Coredem

Debuted In: Gundalian Invaders

Ren & Linehalt

Debuted In: Gundalian Invaders

Ren Krawler ( David Reale & Pete Curgno) & Linehalt

Julie & Gorem

Julie Heyward (Riza Mizuno & Katie Griffin) & Gorem (Hiroki Yasumoto & Stephen Hart)

Debuted In: Battle Brawlers

Mira & Wilda

Mira Fermen (Risa Yukino & Alyson Court) & Wilda (Ron Pardo)

Debuted In: New Vestroia

Baron & Nemus

Baron Letloy (Ryuichi Kobota & Cameron Kennedy) & Nemus (Ron Pardo)

Debuted In: New Vestroia

Ace & Percival

Ace Grit (Yasuaki Takumi & Alex House) & Percival (Scott Mccord)

Debuted In: New Vestroia

  • The Lancer: Ace takes the role from Shun, Percival takes over from Tigrerra.

Runo & Tigrerra

Debuted In: Battle Brawlers

Runo Misaki (Eri Sendai & Julie Lemieux) & Tigrerra (Atsushi Ono & Joanne Vannicola)

Alice & Hydranoid

Alice Gehabich (Mamiko Noto & Emilie Claire Barlow) & Hydranoid (Izo Oikawa & Craig Marshal)

Debuted In: Battle Brawlers

Joe & Wyvern

Joe (Souichiro Hoshi & Scott McCord) & Wyvern (Nao Takamori & Katie Griffin)

Debuted In: Battle Brawlers


Battle Brawlers


  • Big Bad
  • Cain and Abel: The Cain to Wyvern's Abel.
  • Flat Character: Doesn't get much onscreen growth, but that's partly because he's controling things from behind the scenes the entire time.
  • Karmic Death: According to Word of God, he was sent to the Doom Dimension upon his defeat, the same place he'd arranged for a great many Bakugan to be sent to.
  • Not Quite Dead: According to Word of God, he was banished to the Doom Dimension...despite the fact he exploded.
  • The Other Darrin/The Other Marty: Has the worst case of this in the series, going through three different voice actors throughout the run[1]
  • Phlebotinum Overload: He can absorb energy. So Drago and the other Guardian Bakugan force feed it too him till he explodes

Masquerade & Hydranoid


The Six Gatekeepers of Dark Vestroia Tayghen, Hairadee, Tricloid, Rabedeer, Centorrior & Druman

New Vestroia


  • Big Bad
  • Killed Off for Real: His ship explodes with him still in it..
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Gets so fed up with getting his butt kicked that he ends up trying to destroy the whole universe..
  • Villainous Breakdown: He doesn't take failure well. Each time his forces are defeated his motivations get more and more overboard. He goes from trying to conquer the Bakugan to trying to perform genocide on them to finally trying to destroy the whole freaking universe! Yeah, he's still pretty composed the whole time, but his motives aren't.

Clay Fermen


Gus Grav & Vulcan

Volt Luster & Brontes

Lync Volan & Altair

Mylene Pharaoh & Elico

Shadow Prove & Hades

Gundalian Invaders


Mechtanium Surge

Mag Mel/Emperor Barodius

  • Berserk Button: Don't call him Barodius or Razenoid Dharak, they hate it.
  • Big Bad
  • Broken Faceplate: His mask gets shattered by Dan, revealing Emperor Barodius underneath it.
  • Chessmaster: He's been pretty much one step ahead of everyone the entire season and the one time he actually lost, he still managed to come out ahead.
  • Cursed with Awesome: Alright, in Code Eve's defense, being imprisoned for eternity in armor made from your own evil would probably be And I Must Scream turf if Barodius hadn't found out a way to use it to feed off Chaos Energy and become even more powerful.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy:
    • How does he react to getting a Psychic Link with The Hero? Not only does he use it to Mind Rape them, he uses it to take advantage of their ever growing power to absorb their energy to free him from his prison and get even stronger. He also takes advantage of the heroes being preoccupided with the chaos at Bakugan Interspace to get Team Anubias, his minions into it and start destroying it from within. And apparently a lot of Bakugan being used by people in Interspace were sleeper agents for him.
    • He was also smart enough to bypass the Sorting Algorithm of Evil the moment he was free and attack the Brawlers personally before they could become strong enough to be on his level. And his entire assault on Gundalia turns out to be a Xanatos Gambit. Winning didn't even matter because he sent another group to Interspace and pretty much crippled it.
    • Turns out he's actually Emperor Barodius. Apparently, he's very good at learning from his past mistakes.
  • Devour the Dragon: Once Mistress Sellon outlived her usefulness, Mag Mel kills her and absorbs her energy to fuel his rebirth. He does it again to Anubias the very next episode.
  • Disk One Final Boss: Is beaten half way through Mechtanium Surge after Drago evolves into Fusion Dragonoid.
  • Emotion Eater: As if he wasn't already terrifying enough, he can eat fear in addition to energy.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: His incapable of understanding that he lost because Dan and Drago's Heroic Resolve and faith in their friends trumps his Power of Hate and anger.
  • Hidden Villain: Nothing was known about him at first, and his true identity is only made known when Dan shatters his mask revealing he's actually Emperor Barodius.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Drago and Dan actually warned them that stolen power which wasn't their own would be their downfall. After Dan and Drago took the Gate and Key away from him and Razenoid, their stolen energy fails them, allowing Drago to kill Razenoid, Mag Mel being mortally wounded in the process.
  • Karmic Death: Kind of subverted. While his own actions did lead to his downfall, he and Razenoid are the only main villains to date that Dan and Drago actually killed in battle.
  • Knight of Cerebus: His arc is considerably more frightening than the previous villains, do in part to the simple fact that unlike the previous Big Bads, he's not after anything. He's just a murderious Omnicidal Maniac whose goal is to destroy the world. Not to mention the fact he's spent most of his arc performing a truly horrifying Mind Rape on Dan and Drago. To put this in perspective, he attacked Gundalia and began burning it to the ground.
  • Made of Evil: Mag Mel's armor was created by Code Eve from Barodius' evil as a means to imprison him.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He's pretty good at manipulating people as well, having pretty much created his two Co-Dragons to do this in Bakugan Interspace, since he was imprisoned at the time.
  • Mind Rape: Another thing he's been using his Psychic Link with Dan and Drago for. The worst part is, he actually seems to enjoy it!
  • Mook Maker: Can create Chaos Bakugan, mindless monsters existing only to destroy. He also created Anubias and Sellon.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: So far, there's very little known about who or what he is except he was imprisoned for genocide and is an Omnicidal Maniac seeking to destroy Earth. Arguably, this makes him even scarier than the other main villains.
    • In-universe, part of what makes Dan and Drago so unnerved by his is the simple fact they have no idea where he came from or what he wants with them.
  • Not Quite Dead: After Dan and Drago manage to unlock the power of the gate and key they have that he wants, they seeminly vaporize him but it turns out he escaped and is continuing his plot, and he now has part of Drago's gate. It turns out he was a case of this all along, as he's actually Emperor Barodius.
    • This would count to Emperor Barodius as well due to everyone believing he and Dharak were killed by Code Eve. They were actually imprisoned in another dimension and became Mag Mel and Razenoid.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: If his minions are to be believed, his goal is to destroy the world. Considering it's said he was imprisoned for genocide, this is a pretty safe bet. And the first thing he did after being unleashed was attack Gundalia with the intent of burning it to the ground. His ultimate plan is revealed to be destroying Earth to let loose a Universe Wrecking Wave that will destroy every living thing in range of it.
  • One-Winged Angel: Turns out he is one for Emperor Barodius and Razenoid is one to Dharak. Razenoid eventually evolves as well.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Justified at first because he was literally sealed on his throne. Subverted, as he's the first Big Bad to lead his forces on the battlefield the moment he was out of his prison and able to.
  • The Power of Hate: Is a firm believer in this. And is ultimately proven wrong when it's beaten by The Power of Friendship and Heroic Resolve.
  • Psychic Link: Drago's newest evolution resulted in him and Mag Mel being linked in this fashion. Mel is presently attempting to drain his energy to break free of his prison. He's also been using it to Mind Rape them both and later to read Dan's mind to find out what the Brawlers were planning. He eventually cuts it when Dan starts using it against him.
  • The Reveal: He's actually Emperor Barodius, incased in the armor of his own evil by Code Eve and imprisoned in another universe. The genocide he committed being his attempted destruction of Neathia.
  • Sadistic Choice: Makes the Brawlers choose between killing an innocent person and deleting his Chaos Bakugan army. Thankfully, Spectra and Dan both pull Big Damn Heroes moments to stop them from having to make the choice.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Presently imprisoned in another dimmension along with his Guardian Bakugan. Thankfully for him, he's got a Psychic Link to Drago whose got a good bit of excess power to spare. And now, he's finally free, and his first act was to launch an all out attack on Gundalia. The reason for his imprisonment is revealed to be his attempted destruction of Neathia when he was Emperor Barodius.
  • Taking You with Me: He tries this on Dan after being defeated in "The Final Takedown." All the energy he's absorbed is released when he's defeated and he tries to use it to take Dan and Drago down with him.
  • That Man Is Dead: Mag Mel says this about his previous self Emperor Barodius.
  • Took a Level in Badass: He's gotten much harder to beat now compared to when he was Barodius, not only getting much stronger, but much smarter.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: To Mistress Sellon after she successfully got the Key from Dan. He "rewards" her by slowly killing her and then absorbing her energy. He even told her and Anubias that this would be their fate once they were no longer of use to him. He does it again to Anubias an episode later. It's no suprise, as he's actually Emperor Barodius!

Team Anubias

Anubias (Rob Grenway} & Raverdian

Jack Punt (Gil Anderson) & Krakenoid

Ben & Bolcanon

Team Sellon

Sellon (Katie Griffith) & Spyron

Chris (Emilie Claire Barlow) & Clawsaurus

Soon (Alyson Court) & Spidaro

Evil Mechtogan/Mechtavius Destroyer


  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: He and his fellows intend to perform genocide on the Bakugan to pave the way for their new Master Race of Mechtogan. As can be expected, he considers everyone else, especially Bakugan, inferior to him and the other evolved Mechtogan.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Is the leader of the four Mechtogan and the most powerful of them. And according to the game, his G-Power exceeds that of a Mechtogan Titan. And that's without turning into Mechtavius Destroyer.
  • Big Bad: Turns out that he and Wiseman were the same person, making him the true Big Bad of the season.
  • Casting a Shadow
  • Combining Mecha: Is able to combine with his three fellows to form the Mechtavius Destroyer. It also appears that he's the one who controls the combined form, forming the head, left arm, and core of the body.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy:
    • He's got a massive ego, but is smart enough to attack before a person can throw out their Mechtogan and attempt to kill Bakugan in ball form.
    • He also learned from his past mistakes, targeting and taking out Drago before he could summon Dragonoid Destroyer, the thing that's beat him and his brothers twice before.
  • Dark Is Evil
  • Devour the Dragon: Does this to the Nonet Bakugan. He actually offers them the option to go willingly, but they try to fight back, only for him to kill them one by one and absorb them.
  • Hero-Killer: Literally once he arrives on New Vestoria, he starts murdering previous heroes like they're nothing in mass. Not to mention leveling Bakugan city! Thankfully, the heroes managed to go back in time to stop him.
  • The Juggernaut: After going One-Winged Angel. Even Dragonoid Destroyer can't stop him and he's powerful enough to level an entire island in one strike.
    • What does it take to finally stop him? Dragonoid Destroyer being powered up by the energy of every Bakugan and human bond on earth that rose his power to infinite. And even then, he manages to resist it for a good time.
  • Like a Badass Out of Hell: Came from the Doom Dimension, pretty much the Bakugan equalivalant of Hell.
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • One-Winged Angel: Mechtavius Destroyer probably counts, considering he controls it. Absorbed most the Nonets to turn into a gigantic version of Mechtavius Destroyer with enough power that, if he wasn't stopped, he could singlehandedly wipe out ALL Bakugan and level an entire city in one attack.
  • This Cannot Be!: He's completely incapable of believing that Dragonoid Destroyer's power has exceeded his own, even when he's being completely overpowered.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: Lead his fellow evolved Bakugan against their creators and now seeks to exterminate all the Bakugan.
  • Villain Team-Up: Despite his hatred of Bakugan, he and his fellows are willing to work with Wiseman and his minions simply because they hate the Brawlers more. Subverted because he is Wiseman and it was all part of his plan to gain the power he needed to become completely self sustaining.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The first thing we see him do is vaporize his creator now that he's evolved to the point he doesn't need him anymore. He now intends to do this to all Bakugan.
    • Does this to the Nonets once he doesn't need them anymore.




Wiseman 1 and 2 and the Nonet Bakugan

Other Characters

Mechanical Bakugan

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Back to Bakugan
  1. The first episode had Andrew Pifko; for episode 8, it was Ron Pardo; afterwards, it went to John Stocker.