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Disney Fairies

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Tink and the main book fairies

Based on the Disney Animated Canon's take on Peter Pan's famous fairy/pixie Tinker Bell. This series expands on her and the other fairies she lives with. The franchise was launched in late 2005 and includes chapter books (including three done by Gail Carson Levine), five direct-to-DVD movies (Tinker Bell, Tinker Bell & The Lost Treasure, Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue, Tinker Bell and the Pixie Hollow Games, and the upcoming Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods), a comic published in several countries, dolls, and other merchandise.

There are some differences from the "official" continuity, mainly in Tinker Bell's characterization—Tink is now a Plucky Girl MacGyver, to fit more into the trends in the target demographic.

Disney wanted to develop this franchise since the early 2000's but it was stalled for other projects, and the first of the movies was already nearly-done. When management changed and John Lasseter became Chief Creative Officer, he screened it, claimed it was "virtually unwatchable", and ordered a complete overhaul. Disney Toon Studios, which made those DTV sequels, ditched their hand-drawn equipment for CG and are now completely focused on this franchise, as well as the newer series called Planes, a spin-off of Pixar's Cars movies.

Compare Disney Princess.

Tropes used in Disney Fairies include:

Tropes from the general franchise:

  • Adaptation Expansion: The novel states that Tinker Bell is a tinker who mends the pots and pans. Disney Fairies ran wild with this.
  • Adapted Out:In the films, some characters, like Rani, Bess, Prilla, and Mother Dove, are busy playing "I'm not included/I've been replaced." roles.
  • Aerith and Bob: Tinker Bell, Silvermist, Iridessa, Vidia, Bobble (although his real name is Phineas), Clank... compared with Terence, Mary, Rosetta, and others.
    • "Terence" is a possible Shout-Out to Terry Moore, creator of Strangers in Paradise. The guidebook even says he likes strawberry cake, just like Moore's pixie character, Kixie.
  • All There in the Manual: One for the bookverse and one for the movieverse, as well as a few other books.
  • Alternate Continuity: Several aspects of Pixie Hollow are different between the books and the movies. (ex, seasons, when a fairy first arrives in Pixie Hollow, etc)
    • In the films, fairies bring seasons to the mainland; they do no such thing in the books.
    • The first movie is centered around Tinker Bell trying to take on another talent because the life of a tinker fairy is quite unglamorous in comparison to nature talents. The Trouble With Tink states that Tink never wanted to do anything besides fixing pots and pans.
  • Apocalypse How: Class 0. The Pixie Dust Tree was destroyed in a battle, and the fairies' existence was in peril, but Never Land saved them with Mother Dove.
    • General implication is that it was destroyed (along with most of Pixie Hollow) in a volcanic eruption.
  • Bamboo Technology: Everything in Pixie Hollow is made from natural items, such as leaves, wood, seeds, and pebbles. There are even teapots made out of acorns and dresses out of flower petals.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: When everyone gets wishing madness in Fairy Haven and the Quest for the Wand, and Tink accidentally wasting the Mirror of Incanta's last wish by wishing Blaze would be quiet in Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure.
    • This warning is specifically given when Lyria tells the story of The Mirror of Incanta: "Wish only good will or no good will come you. For the treasure you seek, you may yet come to rue!" Tink misses this part.
  • Bishie Sparkle: Especially Terrence in the graphic novels, due to his talent, and the other fairies have shades of this too. Pixie dust is necessary, you know.
  • Born as an Adult: Fairies come into the world as teens/young adults.
  • Character Exaggeration: In the Peter Pan novel, it's stated that Tinker Bell mends the pots and pans for the fairies (given "Tinker" is in her name). In Disney Fairies, Tink becomes a miniature MacGyver. And it works.
  • Clock Punk: The Tinker Fairies use this a lot.
  • Clothes Make the Legend: Tink and her dress.
  • Crap Saccharine World: Never Land, for all its wonders, is fraught with deadly peril - not to mention any fairy anywhere could potentially drop dead from disbelief at any time.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Vidia, especially in her focus book.
  • Disneyfication: In the Peter Pan novel and Disney's adaptation, fairies were closer to The Fair Folk. In the movies, they're responsible for taking care of nature and are a lot nicer overall in both continuities. It actually works out pretty well.
  • Elemental Powers: Some fairies have talents that fit into this trope, including the control of water, snow, light, and wind.
  • Everything's Better with Rainbows: Light-talent fairies such as Iridessa control and manipulate rainbows.
  • Everything's Better with Sparkles: Well, you do gotta have the fairy dust.
  • Exclusive Powers: The Talents, which are either jobs or elemental powers that are assigned to each individual fairy. Each Talent a fairy could have a name about the power or skill that they could have like water-talent, tinker-talent, and fast-flying-talent. What a fairy can do with their Talent can vary like a tinker-talent is usually used for repairs while also being able to make inventions. Another example would be fast-flying-talent are the fastest when it comes to flying but are also capable of manipulating the air as well. There are also sub-Talents that would come from a single Talent as well.
  • Fairy Sexy: Some of the outfits worn are this, including Tink's signature dress.
  • Five-Token Band: Every major race is represented in Tinker Bell's group of friends in both adaptions, although they are more than that.
  • Flanderization: Somewhat, but not in an entirely bad way; Tinker Bell's feisty, jealous and sadistic side from the original Peter Pan novel is mostly gone in this series. That version of Tinker Bell probably would have tried to assassinate Vidia in the first movie (this is the same fairy that almost got Wendy killed because she was getting too close to Peter after all).
  • Formally-Named Pet: Mr. Twitches, Lizzie's pet cat.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Animal-talent fairies such as Beck and Fawn. Tinker Bell... not quite so much.
  • Genius Loci: Never Land. It occasionally stretches or shrinks to help the fairies.
  • Have a Gay Old Time: Mostly averted - the males of Tink's species are usually called "sparrow men" rather than "fairies", which is a well-known slang term for something else. The overseer of dust-talent fairies in Tinker Bell & The Lost Treasure, however, is addressed as "Fairy Gary".
    • Although "Fairy" could be something to add on to anyone who's the head of that particular talent. As the head of the Tinker Fairy's is called "Fairy Mary"
  • Hair of Gold: Tinker Bell, Queen Clarion, and others.
  • Hartman Hips: Tinker Bell is, well, bell-shaped. As are most of the fairies.
  • Hold Your Hippogriffs: As Tink tells Prilla, fairies don't say "Hello" or "Sorry" they say "Fly with you" and "I'd fly backwards if I could."
    • From the movie: "Splinters, Clank!" "Teetering Teapots!" "Who gives a pile of pebbles about the mainland?"
  • Limited Wardrobe: The fairies wear the same outfits nearly all the time, although some seem to have a different outfit for every season. In Tinker Bell & The Lost Treasure, Tink both averts and plays this straight by wearing an outfit with pants and long sleeves under her iconic dress.
    • Also, when Tink is packing for her journey, we see her pick two identical dresses from her wardrobe, consider them both and then put one away announcing that one isn't for traveling.
  • MacGyvering: Tinker Bell, oh so much.
  • Made of Good: They are stated to be born of a child's first laugh.
  • Meaningful Name: Many of the fairies have a name relating to his or her job.
  • The Merch
  • Merchandise-Driven
  • Our Fairies Are Different
  • Plucky Girl: Tinker Bell.
  • Requisite Royal Regalia: Queen Clarion, with her shiny crown and dress made of Pixie Dust.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: The forest critters and bugs.
  • Sexy Santa Dress: Tinker Bell items around the holidays have her in her green dress trimmed with fur. Or the dress will be red.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Inverted; most characters are female.
    • In the movies, you can see plenty of male extras in the background.
    • And more than a few male major characters.
  • The High Queen: Queen Clarion (sometimes called Queen Ree).
  • Race Lift: Apparently, the people in charge of hiring actors for the fairies at Disney Land and Disney World missed the memo that Fawn is supposed to be Latina, and/or they think brunette hair = white person.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Vidia.
  • Tall, Dark and Snarky: Also Vidia.
  • Toyless Toyline Character: The Season Ministers, Bobble, Clank, and the bird of prey.
    • As of this writing (May 2010) Terrence has been featured in the most recent toyline, perhaps due to his expanded role in the most recently released movie.
  • Translation Convention: The fairies speak English in human voices, but in the third movie, it's revealed that humans like Lizzy can only hear them sounding like tinkling bells.
    • Alternatively, Gwendolyn Carlisle in "Fairies and the Quest for Never Land" can communicate with the fairies in English.
  • Utopia: Pixie Hollow is basically a commune.
  • Vague Age: How old are they supposed to be, again?
    • In the first film Tinker Bell seems to be born as an adult.
      • So does that make her a newborn? How much time has passed between the second and first movies? What about the sparrow men? None of them seem to have any facial hair (besides Fairy Gary,) and none of the fairies have underarm or leg hair, which might imply that they're younger, or it might just be something unique to their species. Pixie Hollow in general doesn't seem to recognize age whatsoever. Do fairies have birthday parties?
      • Fairies in this series have celebrations to commemorate when they created.
    • In The Great Fairy Rescue, Tinker Bell states that she's nine.
  • Veganopia: Almost; fairies are lacto-vegetarians. They drink mouse milk and eat mouse milk cheese.
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: There's an insane number of fairies whose talents are unbelievably lame or overspecialized. Such talents include helper talent, polishing talent, water-drawing talent, butterfly-herding talent, hibernation bedtime story telling talent, and the talent of knowing exactly when to flip over a pancake.
  • Winged Humanoid: Well, natch.
  • Wolverine Publicity: To the point that much of the later merchandise comes in two editions: one "All Tink, All the Time" and one "Oh, Yeah, Other Characters Exist Too".
  • Wrench Wench: Tinker Bell, as well as all Pots-and-Pans and Metalworking-talent fairies. Tink takes it to Gadgeteer Genius.

Tropes from the books:

  • Accidental Art: Used in "Pixie Hollow Paint Day".
  • An Aesop : Most of the books have morals at the end, some more Anvilicious than others.
  • The Artifact: Tinker Bell's outfit. Its simplicity looks really out-of-place compared to the far more elaborate and detailed wardrobes of the other fairies.
  • Artifact of Doom: The wand in Fairy Haven and the Quest for the Wand. If you thought the One Ring was bad...
  • Baleful Polymorph: Rani is transformed into a bat by mermaid song in the second book, with her consciousness trapped inside. By the end, the bat agrees to trade places with her, becoming a kind of Greek Chorus in her mind.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Rani really is put through the wringer in the novels. She has Prilla cut off her wings to be able to swim and ask the mermaids for assistance. As the only wingless fairy, she needs to ride a bird to fly, but not even the other water fairies can explore underwater like Rani can.
  • Clap Your Hands If You Believe: Prilla is in charge of this (somehow.) She's kind of an advocate, playing with kids to boost their belief and specifically asking them to clap for the fairies during emergencies.
  • Completely Different Title: The Japanese titles on occasion.
  • Darker and Edgier: Gail Carson Levine's books, compared to the 1953 movie.
  • Demoted to Extra: Pretty much the entire book cast was demoted once the movie was released, replaced with characters who were, up until then, Recurring Extras.
  • Disability Superpower: Rani cannot fly due to having no wings, but this grants her the ability to actually swim.
  • Disney Death: Averted. Several fairies die throughout Gail Carson Levine's books, and they stay dead.
  • Genki Girl: Prilla.
  • Ignored Epiphany: In "Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg", Vidia has to pluck a feather from a golden hawk, who sends the pain it feels to her:

"She could have acknowledged then and there how much plucking hurt. She could have admitted she'd been cruel to pluck Mother Dove. She could have recognized that pain is pain, whether it's pain to others or pain to oneself. She could have sworn not to inflict pain on purpose ever again. But instead, she convinced herself that the hawk was the one who'd been cruel. She decided he'd made the pain worse than it really was."

  • Illustration Dissonance: Even though Gail Carson Levine describes Prilla as looking like an adult in most respects in Fairies and the Quest for the Egg, illustrator David Christiana draws her as looking like an eight-year-old child.
  • Invisible to Normals: Fairies are invisible to adult humans.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Vidia, from time to time.
  • Lighter and Softer: The chapter books compared to Gail Carson Levine's novels.
  • Mirror Routine: Fawn pranks Beck this way in "Fawn and the Mysterious Trickster".
  • Needle in a Stack of Needles: In "Vidia and the Fairy Crown", the queen's missing crown was accidentally placed in a room full of duplicate crowns. in this case, there was no secret test—the fairies had to figure out which was which through trial and error.
  • Odd Friendship: Prilla and Vidia.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: While the mermaids in the Mermaid Lagoon look as you'd expect them, they're selfish, vain, catty, and have the attention span of a gnat.
  • Red Shirt: Nilsa, Temma, and others.
  • Shown Their Work: According to the inside flap of Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg, J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan was one of Gail Carson Levine's favorite books as a child. In selfsame book, we find out that Captain Hook's blood is purple and it's one of only two things he's afraid of - something directly from Barrie's book that you don't find in most adaptations.
  • Stop Drowning and Stand Up: Vidia gets this in "Silvermist and the Ladybug Curse".
  • Supreme Chef: Dulcie.
  • Tempting Fate: Rosetta and her new shoes in "Rosetta's Daring Day".
  • Tender Tears: Water fairies are very prone to tears.
  • Token Loli: Prilla.
  • Tomboy: Fawn.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Fawn and Rosetta in "Rosetta's Daring Day".
  • Wicked Cultured: Captain Hook, so much that he snores in iambic pentameter.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: An unusual variation of this as Bluebell achieves this with her leg warmers. They shift between grade B and C from scene to scene.

Tropes from the movies:

  • A Day in the Limelight: Pixie Hollow Games focuses on Rosetta and Chloe.
  • All Animals Are Dogs: Fireflies act like affectionate puppies.
  • All CGI Cartoon: Which didn't turn out as badly as one might expect.
  • Alternative Foreign Theme Song: Japan uses "Fairy Song" as the theme song for the first film and "You Were" for the second film.
  • Ambiguously Gay: The Minister of Spring.
  • Anachronism Stew: The picture of the red-headed fairy wearing purple was colored in with markers. Markers weren't invented until the 1940's, and markers for children wouldn't become available until even later.
  • An Ice Person: Snow/ice-talent fairies.
  • Artistic License: Biology: Bugs are cute!
  • Asian Airhead: Silvermist.
  • A Storm Is Coming: And fairies can't fly with wet wings...
  • Bad Liar: Tink when Bobble and Clank question her about the moonstone in the second movie.
  • Be Yourself: Tinker Bell tries to become something other than a tinker when she learns that tinker fairies never go to the mainland. Guess how well that works out.
  • Bigger on the Inside: Tink's various houses, and pretty much the inside of everything a fairy can go inside.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: Bobble and Clank.
  • Brick Joke: In The Stinger for Pixie Hollow Games, Rosetta wears her new ring on her thumb.
  • Buffy-Speak: "No, no, this is supposed to be a rock arch, not a twisty... branchy... tree arch!"
  • Cats Are Mean: Mean in the beginning, but later sedated by catnip.
  • Chatty Hairdresser: Rosetta is this, without the hairdresser part. But in the "bloopers" in the second movie's special features, she can be seen giving a manicure to an owl... Yes, you read that correctly.
  • Chekhov's Gun: In Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue early in the movie, Tinker Bell examines the underside of the car belonging to Lizzy's father, and manages to figure out what makes it run. Later in the movie, after Lizzy's father has captured Vidia and intends to take her to the London museum, Tinker Bell uses this knowledge to stop the car, delaying him from reaching the museum long enough for Lizzy to catch up with him (with the help of the other fairies) and convince him to release Vidia.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: The colors of the fairies' clothing typically has something to do with their talent; e.g., water faries wear blue, light fairies wear yellow, garden fairies wear pink, and snow/ice fairies wear pale blue.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: When Tink shows up in her classic dress, Bobble and Clank quickly forget their fight.
  • Does Not Like Shoes: Fawn doesn't wear any in Great Fairy Rescue and some of the Pixie Previews that seem to be set around that time period.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Wendy Darling at the end of Tinker Bell.
  • Expy: Terrence, who resembles Roxas. Jesse himself would have been one if he hadn't gone the brunette route, but he was blond before.
  • Fake Brit: Both Rob Paulsen and Jeff Bennett, who did admirable jobs faking Scottish and Cockney accents, respectively.
    • Which is amusing, because you'd think Rob Paulsen is the logical choice for something small that has a Cockney accent.
    • In Tinker Bell & The Lost Treasure, the two actors also voice the trolls using some sort of British accents, and Jeff Bennett voices Fairy Gary, who has a Scottish accent.
      • Actually, one of the trolls has a French accent.
  • Fantasy-Forbidding Father: The Great Fairy Rescue has Lizzy's father and his single-minded insistence that his nine-year-old daughter shouldn't 'waste her time' on silly things like using her imagination or being a child.
  • Fiery Redhead: Bobble. "I SAID SEVEN!"
  • Flat Earth Atheist: The only reasonable explanation for how scientists who would have been observing things like the lifecycles and development of insects under controlled conditions, could have possibly failed to note that there was something other than natural forces at work.
  • Graceful Loser: Glimmer doesn't mind healthy competition from the other fairies, and congratulates Rosetta when she performs well in one of the games. By contrast, her partner Rumble is a Sore Loser.
  • Hand Signals: Tinker Bell must describe to Lizzie all she wants to know about fairies without being able to communicate verbally.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Terrence is Roxas in disguise. The shared appearance doesn't help. Tinker Bell herself is also Katara. Not to mention Olive Snook, Ugly Betty, O-Ren Ishii and Raven, Spinelli, and of course, Galinda, still looking pretty in pink.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: Bobble and Clank.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: Pretty much sums up Tink in the first movie. She wants to be anything that gets her to the mainland instead of a boring tinker fairy.
  • Inevitable Waterfall: "Ease the sheet and get ready to gybe!"
  • Ink Suit Actor: Several fairies, including Rosetta and Terence, bear striking resemblances to their voice actors.
  • Ironic Echo: On the first day of the Pixie Hollow Games, Rosetta shows up all dolled up and wearing a dress instead of something more suitable to a competition. She justifies this to Chloe by saying they've got no chance of winning anyway and "If we're going to look bad, we might as well look good doing it." Later, after Rosetta chokes and drops their position to dead last for the final race, Chloe sadly repeats this.
    • Body Language variant: Throughout the Games, the Storm Fairies' trademark gesture is a thumbs up, reinforcing their plan to win "One for the thumb". At the end, Glimmer gives her partner another thumbs up and a smile then smirks as she turns it around.
  • Jerk Jock: Pixie Hollow Games has Rumble, the male half of The Ace Storm Fairies team.
  • Just in Time: Lizzy and the fairies stop Lizzy's Dad just before he reaches the museum entrance.
  • Lighter and Softer: Than Gail Carson Levine's books.
  • Magic A Is Magic A: Disney is surprisingly good with this trope. Anything that's not a bug, bird or bat needs pixie dust to fly, period. Fairies outside of a talent can't do that talent if it requires magic, and aren't very good if they can.
  • Magic Mirror: The Mirror of Incanta, which grants three wishes.
  • Magic Skirt: Not a single thread moves, on anyone.
    • Except for Terence...
  • Making a Spectacle of Yourself: Bobble's goggles, which make his eyes look huge.
  • Man in a Kilt: Fairy Gary.
  • Mineral MacGuffin: The moonstone in Tinker Bell & The Lost Treasure.
  • Motivation on a Stick: In Tinker Bell & The Lost Treasure, used in the dust mill to make a millipede run on a wheel to help with the dust sifting process.
  • Mythology Gag: Multiple examples...
    • In Tinker Bell & The Lost Treasure, Tinker Bell's travel outfit strongly resembles the outfit Disney gave Peter Pan, even to having a red feather in her hat.
    • In Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue, Lizzie's father moves the minute hand of Big Ben.
    • This Troper remembers the trailer for Great Fairy Rescue calling Lizzie "Wendy", and is pretty sure she had a dog called "Nana".
    • The girl who the music box belongs to at the end of Tinker Bell is also called Wendy. The music box itself plays "You Can Fly".
  • Neat Freak: Terrence. "Gotta keep that workspace clean!"
  • Never Trust a Trailer: The teaser for Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue is largely comprised of scenes that never happened in the actual movie and show different characterizations - for example, Lizzie carries around Tink in a jar and declares that "every museum will want one!"
  • No Name Given: Dr. Griffith's first name is never made known.
  • Noodle Incident: The stinkbug incident in Lost Treasure.
    • The various incidents that befell all the other Garden Fairies who previously participated in the Pixie Hollow Games.
  • Opposing Sports Team: In Pixie Hollow Games, the Storm Fairies Glimmer and Rumble are the team to beat, having swept the competition for four years straight and earning four champion rings. Their rallying cheer for this game is "One for the thumb!" Rumble plays this completely straight, while Glimmer is portrayed more sympathetically.
  • The Owl-Knowing One: played with in Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure.
  • Painting The Colors On The Leaves: The fairies bring the seasons to the mainland.
  • Palette Swap: Many of the extras comprise of the same fairy models with differently-colored clothing, skin, and hair.
  • Parental Neglect: Lizzy's father, who is too busy with his research to give her a second thought.
  • Pirate Booty: The Mirror of Incanta is stowed away among some pirate booty.
  • Placebo Eureka Moment: Terence and the owl in Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure.
  • Please Don't Leave Me: "I just want to be your friend!"
  • Redhead in Green: The tinker fairies with red hair since the color of clothing for tinker fairies is green.
  • Running Gag: The fireworks launcher hooking someone on the leg and flinging them into the air in Tinker Bell & The Lost Treasure.
  • Scenery Porn
  • Science Is Wrong: A major point of Tinker Bell & The Great Fairy Rescue and it's surprisingly Anvilicious about it too. Some viewers were soured by the film's Awkward, if not downright Warped Aesop (do we really need a children's film where a skeptical biologist is the antagonist?)
  • Second Place Is for Losers: Rumble does not take losing well, even when it's just a single round in the Pixie Hollow Games and his team's still highly-ranked and regarded.
  • Seemingly-Profound Fool: The Owl in Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure.
  • Shout-Out: It might be coincidence, but Terence's "Forever is a pretty long time, so I hear" line is pretty similar to the "Forever is an awfully long time" line from the '03 movie.
    • In Tinker Bell & The Lost Treasure, after Tinker Bell gets lost in a forest and ends up in a clearing, cute woodland bugs come out, surround her, and help her find her way ala Snow White.
    • Bobble and Clank are clearly a shout out to the great slapstick movie team Laurel and Hardy, especially when Bobble says "It certainly is".
    • Lizzie's crashing against the tree on her flight is a lot like the scene from "Kiki's Delivery Service".
    • Tink's frantic attempt to disable the car by pulling the fuel lines and wires, like Mrs. Brisby does with the tractor in The Secret of NIMH.
    • Terrance's reserved personality a good sense of friendship might be a reference to a certain Nobody and his somebody
  • Show Within a Show: "Fairy Tale Theater".
  • Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Trailer: Despite being the antagonist, Vidia made no appearances in the trailers for the Tinker Bell movie, outside of a two-second appearance in a sneak peek.
  • Snarky Non-Human Sidekick: Blaze.
  • Snipe Hunt: Vidia sending Tinker Bell to catch the sprinting thistles.
  • Snow Means Cold
  • Something Else Also Rises: Bobble's goggles "popping" at the sight of Tink in her sexy new threads.
  • Sound Effect Bleep: Tink loses her temper and gives a long, furious diatribe to Lizzie's dad. From his perspective, all we hear is a very angry bell ringing.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Beck, Fawn, and presumably other animal-talent fairies.
  • Spot of Tea
  • Spring Is Late: The climax of the first movie.
  • Stay in the Kitchen: During the Pixie Hollow Games, Rumble mockingly tells Rosetta that garden fairies should focus on staying pretty—then laughs and pretends to apologize, adding that she already is.
  • Stop Helping Me!: Tink to Terrence after his annoying actions cause Tink to break her scepter.
  • Stripperiffic: True for the first movie, and surprisingly averted in the second.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Tinker Bell, having been The Voiceless in animation and only spoken in comics prior to this. See also Translation Convention.
  • Sure Why Not: Tinker Bell's friends' reason for helping her find a new talent.
  • Team Mom: Fairy Mary, but YMMV.
  • That Came Out Wrong: "I don't want to be just a... a stupid tinker!" -cue hurt faces from Bobble and Clank-
  • Terms of Endangerment: Vidia regularly refers to Tink as "Sweetie" throughout the first movie. Not necessarily a sign to run away, but her tone is pretty hostile.
  • The Big Guy: Clank.
  • Third Person Person: Rumble.
  • Those Two Guys: Again, Bobble and Clank.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: In Pixie Hollow Games, Chloe and Rosetta fill these respective roles as the two representatives for the Garden Fairies in that season's games.
  • Troll Bridge: Guarded by actual trolls!
  • Underdogs Never Lose: The Garden Fairies have always performed poorly in the Pixie Hollow Games. Chloe's response to this is a rallying cheer of "Dig deep and break the streak!"
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure, after Tinker Bell tells the trolls everything she's done and been through in her effort to make the scepter and fix the Moonstone (which often involved getting angry with Terence), one of the trolls looks at her and declares, "You're not very nice!"
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy and White-Haired Pretty Girl: The snow/ice-talent fairies.
  • Winter Royal Lady: The Minister of Winter.
  • You Have to Believe Me
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