Strawberry Dragon Project

The Strawberry Dragon Project is a Review Blog and Troper Work created by IchigoRyu, also known as Spy Hunter 29. It can be read here. On the 4th of March 2012, a companion Video Review Show was launched on YouTube. It can be watched here.

Tropes used in Strawberry Dragon Project include:

Tropes used by the blog


"Mario and Sonic on one console... In other news, pigs have been spotted flying outside."


"But the flower monsters make one last stand and the other Scouts, sensing the danger, push Moon out of the way before getting swallowed up by the seed... beasts. I apologize."


"I never thought I'd see Growing the Beard in reverse."


...Sorry, I was imagining this review as an Ace Attorney-style debate.


"[T]here's an interesting dichotomy between the chorus and the verses. In the former, he paints these troubadourian devotions of love, but in the verses, we learn that he's too scared and shy to say them outright. Hm, sounds like the kind of song Shinji would write."


"That's right, [actor Gary Johnson's] name ain't nothing but a "G-Thang" baby, with two doped-out writers going crazy."

    • In the review for Kaleido Star, he quotes "Lola" by The Kinks.

"Now I'm not the world's most masculine guy, but even I have my limits."


"I forgot my lines. ... 'That's it, I'm taking this review into maximum overdrive'? I'm not writing that!"


Tropes used by the video series


Kevin: He's cut his hair, his voice has dropped...
Ichigo: ...and he's old enough to purchase Hentai.


Kevin: ...The heck? I thought this was a Street Fighter montage! [looks at Mortal Kombat Super NES cartridge] Get outta here! [clicks remote control, dropping an arcade cabinet on the game]


Kevin: His name... was Milon. Am I saying that right? My-lon? Me-lon? Milan? Mulan?
Ichigo: Well, in Japanese, it's Mi-lo-n.


Ichigo: So, if I touch balls, I die?
Kevin: Well, yeah.
Ichigo: [[[Beat]]] Gay hater.
Kevin: What? No, were you even listening!?


Kevin: But who says [Ludacris] can't do kid-friendly work if he wants to? I mean, I never had a problem with George Carlin on Thomas the Tank Engine!
Ichigo: That's because you never heard of George Carlin before Thomas the Tank Engine.
Kevin: [[[Face Palm]]] I need to check out more things.


This is Kevin, with Ichigo, and you are the resistance.

  1. When introducing it, Ichigo did informally mention other songs that would get 0 out of 5, like "Break Up" and "Imma Be".
  2. a toy AK-47
  3. "Shrink when you touch the glove"