Monster Girl Quest! Paradox RPG/Characters

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Main Characters


File:Luka (Paradox).png

The hero of the story. While his general background is the same as the original game, the events of the Paradox setting have completely changed his goals. Rather than striving for coexistence, he sets out in search of his missing father.

  • Badass Family: The son of a famous hero and the distant descendant of an even more famous one. His mother, meanwhile, was Lucifina, the first fallen angel.
  • Blow You Away: When using Sylph's power.
  • Celibate Hero: Can be played as such, if the player never has him make requests of any party member.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Can't resist helping people in need.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: When using Gnome's power.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Just like the original game, when he hears that a fellow villager is in trouble, he rushes out to save him.
  • Genius Ditz: Downplayed, but he can be relatively naive (justified by his inexperience), while he also has an unexpectedly sharp mind. In one instance, he's demonstrated the ability to calculate very complex sums near-instantaneously, something which he attributes to being a former inn owner. According to Ilias, this is because of his angelic blood.
  • Healing Factor: His Meditation power, though it's not as important as in the original game, since there's many other sources of healing.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Though unlike the original game, he can use other weapons.
  • Heroic Lineage
  • The Leader
  • Light'Em Up: Can learn Holy skills from Ilias and through his Angel races.
  • Nephilim: Thanks to his mother. In gameplay terms, he can switch between the human and angel races.
  • Playing With Fire: Many of his later Heroism skills use the fire element.
  • Really Gets Around: Can potentially engage in some manner of sex with almost every single female party member, barring (currently) the Medal Queen. Though some of the monsters are guaranteed to kill him.
  • Semi-Divine: On his mother's side, he's just two steps removed from the Goddess Ilias herself.
  • Space Master: For some reason, he can use the doors in the Tartarus that lead between universes.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Looks just like his father Marcellus and his ancestor Heinrich.
  • Super Intelligence: Downplayed, but in the Ancient Temple Ruins it's revealed that he is exceptionally good at math. Ilias attributes this to his lineage.
  • Superpower Lottery: By the end of Part 1, he's clearly won this. He's been baptised as a Hero (gaining powerful fire-elemental attacks), can use the holy power of angels, can heal his wounds just by meditating, knows a few Cursed Sword techniques (if Alice was recruited), and has the rare ability to travel between alternate universes.
  • Supreme Chef
  • The Face: He's generally the one who talks to enemy monsters the most.


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The current Monster Lord, inexplicably changed into a younger, weaker form. She has lost contact with her former servants, and is now looking for answers. Her unique trait, "Petite Monster Lord", allows her to always use Black Magic, Dark and Demon Arts skills, and halves the HP cost of all skills.


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The Goddess who ostensibly created the entire world, also inexplicably changed into a younger, weaker form. Interestingly, she seems unfamiliar with the world, and is confused by half the news she hears. She has lost contact with her angels, and is now looking for answers. Her unique trait, "Goddess of Creation", allows her to always use White Magic and Holy skills, and the MP cost of the latter is halved.

  • Break The Haughty: All of her experiences, beginning with her being sealed. She's lost almost all her power, can no longer contact her angels, isn't recognized by humans, and is now threatened by even relatively weak monsters. To get anywhere at all, regardless of whether she is in Luka's party or not, she has to work with the very monsters she despises.
  • Fantastic Racism: Still hates all monsters, and if she's in the party, will regularly advise Luka to choose the option that is least beneficial/most harmful to monsters. Amusingly enough, if she isn't recruited, then she has no choice but to swallow her pride and recruit monsters to form her own party.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: Has blonde hair and golden ornaments, and white wings and clothing.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: Has access to skills that do holy damage, which is effective against most monsters.
  • The Hunter: Starts off in the Hunter job.
  • Kleptomaniac Hero: Should you recruit her, she steals the Pocket Monster Lord Castle from Alice for the party to use.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: She can't remember any of the circumstances that led to her being shrunk.
  • Light'Em Up
  • Omniscient Morality Licence: Sometimes acts as if she has this, despite no longer having the power to back it up.
  • Physical God: Was one, rather. Immediately after being sealed, she's so weak that her Thunder of Judgement is compared to static electricity by Luka.
  • Shock and Awe: Some of her Holy skills use the lightning element.
  • The Rival: If you don't recruit her, she appears at several points along your journey, with her own party of monsters. Notably, unlike the rivals from Pokemon, her party members are weaker than yours (e.g. a Slime Girl and a Dog Girl), especially in the late game.
  • Time Abyss: As the embodiment of holy energy, she is billions of years old.
  • White Magician Girl: She can always use White Magic.
  • Younger Than She Looks : Whether in her shrunken form or original form, she certainly doesn't look ancient.


Luka's childhood friend, a priestess at Ilias Temple with a fondness for clubs. She is unique to Paradox, as in the original game her mother Karen died before she could have any children. Sonya was raised by Lazarus after her parents died, although later on she would be the one taking care of him. Her unique trait, "Club Girl", allows her to always equip Clubs and use Club skills and White Magic, and increases her damage with a club and the effectiveness of her White Magic.

  • Blood Knight: Played for laughs. She's much more eager to club people than you'd expect of a priestess.
  • Boobs Of Steel: A physical powerhouse, and her outfit certainly emphasises her chest.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Despite being a normal human being, she's able to fight on par with monsters and angels.
  • Childhood Friend
  • Eldritch Abomination: Being an Apoptosis.
  • Femme Fatale: In the quest in the Nameless Slums, she mentions employing this trope in order to obtain information. That said, she never actually does so over the course of the game.
  • Friend to All Children: She encourages the Four Bandits to apologise for their crimes to the town, and apologises with them.
  • Form-Fitting Wardrobe
  • Happily Adopted: By Lazarus, though in the present, she's the one taking care of him.
  • Optional Party Member: Technically, Sonya can be missed if the player doesn't visit the Chief's House. This has a number of inexplicable effects, most notably that Alice/Ilias will not reveal the Pocket Monster Lord Castle and so party members cannot be recruited (with some exceptions, such as the King of San Ilia). Even more strangely, the game was written with this in mind, as many of her lines will be said by Luka instead.
  • The Paladin: Albeit one that uses a club.
  • Religious Bruiser
  • Team Mom
  • Sir Swears A Lot: She tends to swear more often than other characters.
  • Temporal Paradox: Possibly, though it's still unclear. Multiple characters note that she shouldn't exist.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: She is actually an XX-class Apoptosis. Her true nature is only revealed at the end of Part 2.
  • White Magician Girl: She can always use white magic, but she certainly doesn't fit the other requirements of the trope.


A strange monster found in the first Tartarus. She looks somewhat like a scylla, with even her hair being tentacles. She doesn't speak any words, just the sound effect 'kyu'. After attacking the party in (apparent) confusion, she begins to follow them around. Her unique trait, "Mysterious Being", gives her normal attacks a chance of causing the Slimed status, increases the damage of Tentacle skills, and makes her immune to attacks that do 30 damage or less.

  • Combat Tentacles: Used for most of her attacks, and they're highlighted in her attack cut-in.
  • Eldrich Abomination: Being an Apoptosis.
  • Gag Boobs: A hallmark of her artist, they take up most of her torso.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name is Japanese for 'slimy child'.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: She is actually the spirit of Chaos, with a similar role to the four Great Spirits.
  • The Unintelligible: She only says 'kyu'. The only person who can understand her, interestingly, is Sonya. This leads to an amusing scene when she makes friends with Gnome, another example of this trope, as they need interpreters to converse with each other.


An angel scientist, encountered in the second Tartarus. She isn't the same Promestein from the original game, but neither is she native to the Paradox universe, having apparently come from a universe where the angels won the Great Monster Wars. Her unique trait, "Mad Scientist Angel", allows her to always use Medicine and Magic Science skills and increases the damage of the latter .

  • For Science!: Her main motivation.
  • Immortality: Like all angels. She mentions having studied the Remina in Tartarus for 200 years.
  • Mad Scientist: She is a Promestein, after all. In her first appearance, she asks Luka if she can dissect his brain to learn the secrets of his ability to cross dimensions.
    • During one camp scene, she is glad that her companions are looking happy... and asks if she can stick electrodes in their brains to take readings.
  • Magitek: Her Magic Science skills.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name is a portmanteau of Prometheus and Frankenstein.
  • The Medic: She can always use Medicine skills.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: As in the original. She's introduced studying the temporal anomaly, but she also expresses interest in her companions' brains, asks to sample the plants and insects of alternate worlds, creates a formula that gives Bunni the genes of a beast monster, shows familiarity with the advanced machinery in the Ancient Temple Ruins...
  • Trapped in Another World: From her perspective. It turns out that the mysterious scientists who ran the Ancient Temple Ruins deliberately brought her here, for unknown purposes.
  • Younger Than She Looks: Looks to be in her late teens, but is over 200 years old.


File:Brynhildr (Paradox).png

A gynoid encountered in the Ancient Temple Ruins, the remains of a laboratory. Initially known as the Sleeping Beauty for her dormancy, she suddenly woke up when Luka touched her capsule. After fighting the party in a misunderstanding, she joins them in order to fulfil her mission of saving the world.

  • Dual Wielding: She has two curved blades attached to her arms.
  • Eldritch Abomination: One of her races is Minor Chaos.
  • Emotionless Girl: She gives this impression initially, but seems to develop emotions over time. Promestein notes that she has unnecessarily advanced emotional capability.
  • Gatling Good: One of her weapons.
  • Redemption Demotion: Initially fought as a boss. As a party member, she's useful but obviously not nearly as powerful.
  • Ridiculously Human Robot: She has, according to Promestein, advanced emotions and a functional reproductive system, neither of which would be desirable in a combat machine.
  • Robot Girl
  • Schizo-Tech: She seems to have come from 88 years in the future.
  • Sex Bot: She has the relevant hardware and can take requests.
  • Unusual Ears: She has what appear to be rabbit ears.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: According to Promestein, she is powered by a holy and dark fusion reactor.


A younger recreation of Lucifina. She is created while on the Snow Continent to increase the party's strength, but because Eden is low on power at the time, she has a weaker child-like form.

  • Ax Crazy
  • Mutually Exclusive Party Members: She can only be recruited (and isn't even created otherwise) on the Ilias route.
  • Parental Incest: Like any other female companion. It's even more disturbing because, although she lacks the original Lucifina's memories, she has been told of her relation to Luka, yet she rapes him anyway.


A younger recreation of Micaela. She is created while on the Snow Continent to increase the party's strength, but because Eden is low on power at the time, she has a weaker child-like form.

Heinrich Hein

The legendary hero renowned for slaying Black Alice and ending her reign of terror. He's encountered 500 years in the past, with a suspicious "human" mage. He is recruited on the Ilias route.

  • Generation Xerox: He looks like a more muscular version of Luka, has the same skillset, and also traveled around the world accompanied by the Monster Lord he set out to defeat.
  • Hidden Depths: If you have him in your party and visit the Monster Lord's throne room in the world of 500 years ago, Black Alice won't appear - instead, her teddy bear sits on the throne in her place. Talking to the bear will have Heinrich jokingly ask if it's Alicetroemeria. The implications are... interesting, to say the least.
  • Idiot Ball: Apparently, Luka inherited a weaker version from him. Heinrich is somehow unable to realize that Alicetroemeria is actually his bitter enemy, despite her barely trying to conceal her appearance and personality. Though there seems to be more to the story...


A strange "human" mage found 500 years in the past, accompanying Heinrich on his journey. She is in fact the Black Alice of 500 years ago, though her true goals are unclear.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Ilias Continent

Queen Harpy

The ruler of the Harpy race. Shortly before the events of the game, she and the rest of her race mysteriously disappeared. It turns out that the harpies had been infected by ALQK5, a supposedly-extinct virus that causes them to become obsessed with breeding. To avoid bringing harm to others, they locked themselves up in a tower.

  • Blow You Away
  • Heroic Willpower: She tries to avoid attacking the party when they reach her, but eventually loses out to the effects of the virus, forcing you to fight her.
  • Ill Girl: Even after you beat her, it turns out that due to her great power, a large amount of the World Tree's fruit is needed to cure her. Since you can't access the World Tree yet, she remains affected by the virus for the entirety of Part 1.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: She refused to allow the virus-infected harpies to attack anyone, and quarantined them in a distant tower, herself included.

Sluggy Stars

Three slug queens, who inhabit a tower near Midas Village. Their efforts to repopulate their race lead to an overabundance of slug girls in Midas Village, forcing Luka's party to deal with them. Their unique trait, "Triple Slime", causes their normal attack to hit three times and have a chance of inflicting the Slimed status, causes Slime skills to hit twice, and makes them immune to Slimed.

  • The Dividual: They're treated as one character, to the point that they share a HP bar (and MP and SP bars), though they can act multiple times. This raises questions about the Arbitrary Headcount Limit, especially since they still appear as multiple characters on-screen.
  • Explosive Breeder
  • Level Up At Intimacy 5: To recruit them, Luka has to show that he has the respect of the Slug race. This requires getting a slug race companion's Affection to 100 to obtain the Slug Medal, and then giving it to the Sluggy Stars.


A high-ranking kitsune, one of Tamamo's two aides. At her orders, she guards the entrance to the final room in the Cave of Treasures. Unknown to her, the Tamamo she followed was actually a recording of one from a parallel world, created by the White Rabbit for the purposes of leading Luka's party.

  • The Archmage: Through her Taoism skills, she can attack with eight different elements, as well as inflict status elements and even lower enemies' elemental resistances.
  • Bonus Boss: You can challenge her again after the quest in the Cave of Treasures is complete. She's the weakest of the bonus bosses, but is still tough if you don't know what you're doing.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Her specialty as a kitsune.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: If you've been progressing through the game normally, she can potentially wipe out the entire party in a single turn.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After realising that she was deceived by a copy of Tamamo, she believes that she can't show her face to Tamamo for a while, and resolves to stay in the cave and train herself.
  • Our Centaurs Are Different: Unlike most other kitsunes, she has the lower body of a fox.
  • Playing With Fire: If challenged again, she will now have access to a fire-elemental attack.
  • Purposefully Overpowered: She is the only bonus boss in Part 1 that can be recruited. She enters the party at level 30, with access to powerful Taoism skills. These skills are very useful, being capable of lowering enemies' resistance to particular elements, and are only available to a few characters in Part 1.
  • Shock and Awe: If challenged again, she will now have access to a lightning-elemental attack.
  • The Worf Effect: Is defeated in one blow by Neris.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To the White Rabbit.

Natalia Region


A mermaid living in Port Natalia. She is the first of the mermaids to go missing. It turns out that she was in fact brainwashed by Astaroth into taking the throne of the Queen of the Southern Seas, and was the one who kidnapped the fishermen and other mermaids.

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: She's brainwashed by Astaroth into thinking that she's the Queen of the Southern Seas.
  • Good Adultery, Bad Adultery: Despite being Happily Married, she is willing to have sex with Luka like most other female party members.
  • Making A Splash
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After being freed from her brainwashing, she is horrified at her actions, and joins the party in an attempt to make up for her actions.
  • Redemption Demotion: Like all bosses who can be recruited, but it's especially noticeable with her. As a boss, she was capable of overpowering many other mermaids and even changing the apparent ages of the fishermen.
  • Sex Slave: Not her, but it's implied that she used the kidnapped fishermen as these.
  • Shotacon: Her main fetish. She uses her magic to keep her husband in the body of a boy, and does the same to the kidnapped fishermen.
  • Squishy Wizard: Both as a boss and as a party member.

King of San Ilia

The king of San Ilia, and the leader of the faith in Ilias, effectively making him the Pope of the setting. His real name is Peter the 14th. The party meets with him to try to gather more information. His unique trait, "Mecha Pope", allows him to always equip Guns and use Gun, Holy and Makina skills, and lets him use certain Makina skills without the required key items.

  • Actually a Doombot: When he joins the party, he leaves behind an identical robot to ensure that no one knows of his absence.
  • Cyborg
  • Deadpan Snarker: Donwplayed, but it's there. When Sonya says that she'll beat up the person responsible for harming the King, he comments that she should be beating up her foster parent Lazarus.
  • Emergency Transformation: After being severely wounded in a terrorist attack, the only way to save his life was to use the unknown technology in the Ancient Temple Ruins to rebuild his body.
  • The Engineer: Skilled with technology, he encouraged the technological renaissance and can use many kinds of machines in combat.
  • Hidden Depths: He might seem like a harmless old man, but don't be fooled - he is a competent and shrewd leader. He has a network for gathering information all over the world, which has allowed him to single out Lazarus as a key suspect in the bombing attack. He has a spy in Luddite Village, disguised as a priest. He even comes up with a better way to assassinate someone than the terrorists who attacked him, to the shock of Sonya.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Not only is he a political and religious leader, but he's also a skilled engineer who had a hand in the reworking of the church into a technological faction, and joins the party to help uncover the truth behind the recent events.


A diminutive succubus necromancer who has taken over the Haunted Mansion. Her full name is Chrome Artiste, and she is aiming to restore her family's honor.

  • Genius Ditz: She leaves a description of one of the secret passages in her mansion out in the open, for anyone to see. Fortunately, it's in code... unfortunately, said 'code' is just replacing the first letter of each word with 'z'.
  • Horny Devils: She's technically a succubus, but focuses on her necromancy to such an extent that she's still an imp.
  • Necromancer


The Great Spirit of wind, residing in the Forest of Spirits. She resembles a fairy, and shared their playful and carefree nature. Luka forms a contract with her during his journey. Her unique trait, "Wind Spirit", increases wind damage by 30%, allows her to always use Nature and Thievery skills, and gives her the Extreme Wind buff when below 20% HP.

  • Blow You Away: Her specialty as the spirit of wind.
  • Bond Creature: She can possess the body of a man she deems worthy, allowing him to use the power of the wind. In gameplay terms, she acts as a buff unique to Luka, that enhances his agility, accuracy and evasion, makes his normal attack wind-elemental and boosts his wind damage. At the same time, she can act as a regular party member.
  • Duel Boss: Subverted and lampshaded. You'd think, since the purpose of the fight is to test Luka's worthiness, that he would fight her alone. Instead, you can use the entire party, like any other battle. Sylph even complains about this after losing.
  • Elemental Embodiment
  • Fragile Speedster
  • Won't Work On Me: Has complete immunity to wind damage.


A vagrant succubus who has recently been terrorising the town of Monte Carlo. This led to the costumed hero Justice Kaiser stepping in to drive her away. Luka's party finds and defeats her, stopping her attacks. To prevent this happening again, Luka decides to bring Eva along.

  • Butt Monkey
  • Chef of Iron: Can always use Cooking skills, and enters the party with levels in the Cook job.
  • Dance Battler: Can always use Dancing skills.
  • Horny Devils
  • Jack of All Trades: Has a unique trait which allows her to use nine types of skills (Thievery, Mercantile, Oracle, Dancing, Sing, Talk, Cooking, Medicine and Service), regardless of her current job or race, provided that a particular ability is activated. However, when said ability is activated, she has a random chance of skipping her turn, similar to the downside of the Gadabout job.
  • Spoony Bard: Can potentially be the most versatile party member, in terms of diversity of skills, but this comes at the expense of reliability.
  • The Medic: Can always use Medicine skills, and enters the party with levels in the Nurse job.

Safina Region


Formerly the princess of Sabasa, the mysterious disappearance of her father forced Sara to assume the throne. However, her rule caused a sharp decline in the nation's fortunes. Some of her citizens began to speculate that the person on the throne wasn't the princess at all, but an imposter. It turns out that she was the real Sara after all, but the Lilith Sisters had awakened the latent monster blood in her, partially transforming her into a succubus. Unable to control her newfound urges, she was unable to rule Sabasa properly. Luka's party learns of this, and with Sphinx's help, manage to restore her sanity (albeit by completing her succubus transformation).

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Because she was only partially transformed into a succubus, she couldn't fully control the urges of her new body. This was deliberate on the part of the Lilith Sisters, who )for reasons still unclear) wanted an out-of-control ruler in charge.
  • Brainwash Residue: If you visit Sphinx with Sara in the party, the latter explains that she can still feel the influence of the Lilith Sisters when in her succubus form. Consequently, she can't use any succubus abilities until later in the game.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Or rather, a mostly-human hybrid. She is the distant descendant of the legendary monster Sphinx.
  • Horny Devils: The Lilith Sisters cause her to partially transform into one, and the transformation is completed when Luka's party force her to drink Sphinx's blood. However, as explained under Brainwash Residue, she's restricted to the Human race to avoid the influence of the Lilith Sisters. She gains the ability to switch races to Succubus during the vampire invasion in Part 2.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Right after she return her to (mostly) normal, a soldier bursts in with news of Luddite Village being attacked. She immediately changes from her gown into her armor and accompanies the party to investigate. Afterwards, she decides to accompany Luka's party, to solve the problems plaguing the world (though she abdicates her throne at this point, so isn't actually royal any longer).


A succubus idol singer, aiming to make it big. She takes over the Grandeur Theater by charming everyone with her songs and becomes its sole act. All other activity in Grandeur is disrupted as the people become obsessed with the new sensation. Luka's party puts an end to this, and she decides to travel with them on a world tour.

  • Charm Person: Exaggerated. She manages to charm the entire population of Grandeur, to the point that random city guards will start using "sparkle" in everyday conversation. In gameplay terms, she can inflict both the Trance and Seduction status effects, and on top of that has a skill that inflicts the unique SPARKLE effect (a variant of Stun).
  • Dance Battler: She has various dances that inflict a range of debuffs, and affect all opponents.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: Her left stocking is red while the right stocking is black; similarly, her left horn has a decoration while her right horn does not.
  • Horny Devils
  • Say It With Hearts: Many of her lines.
  • Status Buff: As a boss, she can make herself tougher with Song of Defence, and she can use even more songs as a party member.



Formerly the daughter of the Lord of Witch Hunt Village. Like the other women in the village, she used to be heavily abused by the men. She learned the secrets of alchemy from books, and used them to transform herself and the other women into monstrous Worm Summoners. With their newfound power, Lily led a successful rebellion against the men of the village. Now, she wants to spread her power to others in the world who are being abused. She can be recruited, but this requires you to take her side and defeat her opponent, Lucia.

  • Ambiguous Disorder: She claims to be able to hear the voices of people in need, crying out for help. While it seems to be hallucinations at first, if you recruit her and take her to the ruins of Luddite Village, she is able to deduce what happened there from the voices, suggesting there's something more.
  • Body Horror: Both her arms can transform into bundles of worms and tentacles.
  • Dark And Troubled Past
  • Fire, Ice, Lightning: The Super-Heating Radiation, Phase Transition and Vacuum Discharge skills, which she uses both as a boss and as a companion.
  • Gendercide: She carried out a near-total example on the former Witch Hunt Village, killing off every male aside from boys and a few elderly men who'd opposed the regime.
  • Mad Scientist
  • Mutually Exclusive Party Members: She cannot be recruited in the same playthrough as Lucia, as she will only join the party after you defeat Lucia. However, you can have them both in a New Game Plus.
  • One-Winged Angel: She reveals her worm organs when in battle.
  • Shout-Out: Her appearance is obviously based on Rydia from Final Fantasy 4.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: She wants to spread the power of worms to other women who are in the same situation that she was. However, she will attempt to carry this out no matter the cost, and refuses to be dissuaded from her cause.


Lily's former research assistant. She helped Lily in her rebellion against the men of the village, but when the latter wanted to spread the worm power to others, Lucia disagreed. She felt that distributing the power more widely would only lead to its possessors becoming the future oppressors, using it to dominate others. Consequently, she broke away and formed her own faction, in opposition to Lily. She can be recruited, but this requires you to take her side and defeat Lily.

  • Alchemy Is Magic
  • Body Horror: To an even greater extent than Lily. Not only are both her arms worms, but her face is also partially transformed and she is connected to an enormous worm that can swallow a person whole.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Interestingly, if you bring her to the Safaru Ruins, she analyses the energy there and gains the Breath of the Earth skill.
  • Eaten Alive: Her Boa Worm skill inflicts this. She also does this to Luka in her loss scene and two of her Request scenes
  • Fire, Ice, Lightning: She can create and use Red Fire Stones, Blue Ice Stones and Yellow Thunder Stones, and is also resistant to these three elements.
  • Full-Circle Revolution: The main crux of her argument against Lily.
  • Hired Guns: Her faction includes monster mercenaries.
  • Mutually Exclusive Party Members: She cannot be recruited in the same playthrough as Lily, as she will only join the party after you defeat Lily. However, you can have them both in a New Game Plus.
  • One-Winged Angel
  • Stripperiffic: To an absurd extent. Her outfit consists of a cloth wrapped around her breasts (baring most of her cleavage) and a partial skirt that completely exposes her crotch. When she goes One-Winged Angel, the former slips down to expose her nipples.


The Great Spirit of Earth, resembling a dark-skinned girl with pointed ears. She lives in the Safaru Ruins with only her mud dolls for company. Luka forms a contract with her during his journey. Her unique trait, "Earth Spirit", increases earth damage by 30%, allows her to always use Club, Unarmed and Nature skills, causes Unarmed skills to use the Attack instead of the Agility stat, and gives her the Wild Lands buff when below 20% HP.

  • Bond Creature: She can possess the body of a man she deems worthy, allowing him to use the power of the earth. In gameplay terms, she acts as a buff unique to Luka, that enhances his defence and critical hit rate, makes his normal attack earth-elemental and boosts his earth damage. At the same time, she can act as a regular party member.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Her specialty as the spirit of earth.
  • Elemental Embodiment
  • Mayfly-December Romance: A non-romantic example. In her past, she became friends with a human girl who visited her ruins. The girl grew into a woman, married and had children, but Gnome remained the same. Even when her friend grew old and feeble, Gnome still remained the same as when they'd first met. Eventually, the woman died, and Gnome had to live on.
  • Odd Friendship: She forms one with Nuruko, another childlike party member who can't be understood by most. What makes this especially odd is that they can't directly communicate with each other - Sonya has to interpret for Nuruko and Sylph for Gnome.
  • Silent Protagonist: She doesn't speak at all. Sylph is somehow able to interpret her silence for others, though.

Noah Region

Grand Noah Queen

The tenth queen of the Grand Noah kingdom. She has the alter ego of the Medal Queen, who collects Small Medals and rewards any who bring them to her.

  • Clark Kenting: She doesn't even bother disguising herself as the Medal Queen, yet no one notices except other royals.
  • Collector of the Strange: She seems to have a habit of collecting all kinds of random objects. In addition to the aforementioned Small Medals, she also collects bottle caps.


The adviser to the Grand Noah Queen, and headmistress of the Magic Academy.


A Dullahan and a captain of the Grand Noah Queen's guard. She contacts the party after they win the Queen's Cup and asks them to help her, leading to the Yamatai quest.

  • Chainmail Bikini: Her armor is limited to greaves, large plates that protect her hips, and what can be best described as a metal corset. Everything else is exposed.
  • Our Elves Are Different: In this setting, Dullahans are a specific variant of dark elf.


A Cerberus and a captain of the Grand Noah Queen's guard. She contacts the party after they win the Queen's cup and asks them to help her, leading to the minotaur quest.

  • Insane Troll Logic: She convinces a minotaur to let the party pass by pointing out that, on her own, the minotaur can only get one share of sukiyaki, but if she lets the party go, they can get 10 shares. This is lampshaded by the others.
  • Multiboobage: Three pairs, to match her three heads.
  • Obsessed with Food: Despite being the one who gives you the minotaur quest, she is repeatedly distracted by the sukiyaki during the quest.

Cow Demon Queen

A powerful minotaur who attempts to become the Queen Beast. She invites forty minotaurs to her castle with promises of a feast, starting the minotaur quest.

  • Big Beautiful Woman: With emphasis on the big. She stands several times as tall as most characters and unlike many, has a lot of meat on her bones.
  • Boobs Of Steel: Like all minotaurs. Her's are big enough to literally engulf Luka.
  • Famous Ancestor: She's a descendant of the original Cow Demon Queen.
  • Irony: To recruit her, you need a key item that demonstrates your friendship with the minotaur race. To get said item, you need to give 10 sukiyaki to a particular minotaur. The thing is, most players will obtain the sukiyaki by beating up numerous minotaurs for their drops (or stealing it from them).

Gold Region

Grangold King

The king of the Grangold kingdom. For unknown reasons, he has declared war on the other three kingdoms of the Sentora Continent, a war that he is winning. Moreover, he leads his army from the front, demonstrating power far beyond any human.

  • Humanoid Abomination: {{spoiler|Thanks to his protohuman blood being awakened, he has incredible magical power and resistance to injury. When he draws on his full power to fight Lazarus and Merlin, he permanently transforms into a definite example of this trope. His head is yellow and lacks a face, while his arms are purple and the fingers of his hands are lengthened into tentacles.
  • One-Man Army: He crushes any army he encounters with his devastating spells. In your party, he's only slightly less powerful than he is in cutscenes.

Monster World

Lilith Sisters

A trio of succubi of immense power, dating to the Great Monster Wars. Created by the ancestor of all succubi, Minagi, they have strength that surpasses almost all monsters in the present day. Despite being thought long-dead, they appear in the Paradox universe.

Tropes exhibited by these characters as a whole include:


The eldest of the Lilith sisters.

Tropes specific to this character include:
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Presumably the most powerful of the sisters, and their leader.
  • Dissonant Serenity: She's unfailingly kind and polite, even as she's slowly killing people.
  • Sweater Girl: Amusingly, it covers more of her body than everything her younger sisters wear, combined.


The middle sister of the trio.

Tropes specific to this character include:


The youngest of the Lilith Sisters.

Tropes specific to this character include:
  • Bait and Switch: She appears in the same place that Alma Elma did in the original game, and also offers to duel them while holding back. When the party is starting to win thanks to her handicap, she's annoyed that they haven't given up and prepares to kill them.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: The only reason the party stands a chance in the battle against her is her deliberately holding back. Once she decides to kill them anyway, the only reason they survive is Zion's intervention.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: When fighting with Zion, they sink an entire ship as collateral damage.
  • Power Glows: It's described as a psychokinetic aura, which she uses to fight.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Inverted. She's the reckless one compared to her older sister Astaroth.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Angel World


One of the three second-generation Seraphs of the Angel World. In her first appearance, she attacks the ship transporting the party to the Sentora, in an attempt to kill Morrigan.

  • Fantastic Racism: She hates succubi (and monsters in general), devoting so much attention to attacking Morrigan that she doesn't care if Luka's party gets caught up in the middle.
  • Putting on the Reich: She wears a military uniform.


One of the three second-generation Seraphs of the Angel World. She first appears at the summit of Holy Mount Amos, having mortally wounded Micaela.

  • Body Horror: Her entire abdomen is missing, exposing a jagged metallic spine.
  • Hero Killer: She's the one responsible for the death of the Paradox world Micaela. However, she admits that she would not have been able to defeat Micaela in her prime.


One of the three second-generation Seraphs of the Angel World.

Black Alice's Faction


A strange monster who lives within the Puppeteer's Tower. A legendary puppeteer, her skills in this field are believed to overshadow those of the Artiste family. The party can visit her while searching for Magical Thread for Chrome. She is actually working with Black Alice, and has procured a powerful army for her.

  • Badass Army: She has recruited powerful monsters and turned the corpses of former Monster Lords into puppets, all to serve her master.
  • Marionette Master: She comes from a line of legendary puppeteers, said to be unrivaled in this field. Notably, she manages to create puppets out of the corpses of former Monster Lords!

Black Alice

The eighth Monster Lord, a notorious tyrant who was eventually killed by the legendary hero Heinrich. Now, she appears to have somehow resurfaced, and is one of the contenders for the Monster Lord position.

  • Alice Allusion: She looks the part, and used a drug called White Rabbit.
  • Back From the Dead: Although in a different way than expected; she appears to be the same Black Alice from the original game, having somehow survived her defeat at the hands of Luka and Alice.
  • Creepy Child: Gives off an extremely strong impression of this, though she isn't really a child.
  • The Man Behind The Man: A literal example, she first appears behind Kagetsumugi's throne.
  • Monster Lord


One of the legendary monsters who has joined Black Alice's faction.

Sun Wukong

One of the legendary monsters who has joined Black Alice's faction. She first appears in the Cow Demon Queen's castle, intending to take control of the minotaur army gathered there.

  • Amazonian Beauty: She has extremely well-defined abs, like other characters by the same artist.
  • Loose Lips: She lets slip her affiliation and intentions when the party first meets her.
  • Me's A Crowd: Like her mythological counterpart, she can create clones of herself, as showcased in her rape scene.
  • Meaningful Name: Sun Wukong, known as Son Goku in Japan, is a major character in Journey to the West.
  • Simple Staff: Her weapon, fitting for her character.
  • Worf Had the Flu: After being defeated the first time, she claims that must have eaten too much sukiyaki.


One of the legendary monsters who has joined Black Alice's faction.

  • Arch Enemy: She and Tezcatlipoca absolutely hate each other, and get into fights despite nominally being on the same side.
  • Meaningful Name: Quetzalcoatl is a major deity in Aztec mythology, whose name means "feathered serpent" and who often takes on this form.


One of the legendary monsters who has joined Black Alice's faction.

  • Arch Enemy: She and Quetzalcoatl absolutely hate each other, and get into fights despite nominally being on the same side.
  • Meaningful Name: Tezcatlipoca is a major deity in Aztec mythology for whom the jaguar is a sacred animal.
  • Verbal Tic: "nyaa", the Japanese onomatopeia for a cat's sound.

Azi Dahaka

One of the legendary monsters who has joined Black Alice's faction.


One of the legendary monsters who has joined Black Alice's faction.



A bizarrely-dressed stranger who the party encounters several times. Though he doesn't reveal his motivations, he helps them out in many ways. It's strongly implied that he is the son of Luka and Alice from another universe, though which one isn't clear. His current purpose is unknown, but he and his sister seem to be helping out Luka's party.

  • A Taste of Power: You get to control him if Luka's party loses to the Armored Berserker. Nero is far more powerful than your party members can be in Part 1 (barring grinding for Seeds) and has an enormous skillset. It's basically impossible to lose unless you try.
  • Beware The Nice Ones: Don't be fooled by his mild demeanour - when he decides to fight, he can decapitate even Eldritch Abominations like the White Rabbit.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Comes to Neris' rescue against the White Rabbit (though it's unclear whether she needed the help) and to the party's rescue against the Armored Berserker.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Highly questionable fashion sense, a ridiculously oversized weapon, and a massive ham in battle... but he's one of the most powerful characters in the series.
  • Casting a Shadow
  • Cool Shades: It's questionable whether they're even needed, or if he just wears them for the appearance.
  • Counter Attack: Daystar.
  • Cover-Blowing Superpower: When he uses his true power against the Armored Berserker, he reveals himself to have both the appearance of the Monster Lords' bloodline, as well as angelic wings of energy. You can also look through his list of skills and find both angelic skills (including Daystar, only possessed by Lucifina and her descendants) and dark skills (including Monster Lord's Cruelty, only possessed by Monster Lords). For anyone with the slightest knowledge of the original game, Nero's real identity is obvious.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Supposedly manages to decapitate the White Rabbit, though it doesn't leave any lasting damage.
  • Heinz Hybrid: Apparently, he's half-monster, a quarter-human, and a quarter-angel.
  • Large Ham: In battle, he tends to make rather grandiose declarations.
  • Impossibly Cool Clothes: The only way to describe his outfit. Apparently, he made it himself.
  • |Nephilim: A quarter-angel. It allows him to use holy power and causes wings of rainbow light to appear when he fights.
  • Nice Guy: Apparently in the blood. Exaggerated, to the point that he goes out of his way to clean up the messes in the abandoned Harpy Village, even tuning a piano.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something
  • Sinister Scythe: An enormous one.
  • Superpower Lottery: A definite winner. As demonstrated when the player briefly controls him, he has access to high-level holy and dark magic, as well as space and time magic, and is a Master Swordsman on top of that.
  • Time Master: Can both stop time, and move when someone else has stopped time.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Can use both light and dark magic, thanks to his lineage.


File:Neris (Paradox).png

A strange monster who first appears to defeat Nanabi for the party. Known as the mysterious Alice XVII, she's considered one of the three contenders for the Monster Lord's throne. It's strongly implied that she is the daughter of Luka and Alice XVI from another universe, though which one isn't clear. Her current purpose is unknown, but she and her brother seem to be helping out Luka's party.

  • BFS: Wields one, as shown in promotional images.
  • Big Damn Heroes: On two occasions. She effortlessly defeats Nanabi when the party is struggling against her, and similarly rescues them from the Armored Berserker, alongside her brother.
  • Do Not Call Me Paul: She hates being called Alice XVII, preferring the name Neris.
  • The Dreaded: After her rampage across the world, she's feared by monsters everywhere for her incredible power.
  • Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
  • Horny Devils: Subverted. She looks like a succubus without the horns or tail, but her true form is actually lamia-shaped like her mother.
  • Nephilim: If her proposed lineage is true, she'd be a quarter-angel, three-quarters monster.
  • One Man Army: A definite example. In one day, she conquers Plansect Village, defeats Cassandra and her allies, defeats and exiles the Arachne faction, and fights Granberia to a draw. All while apparently holding back her true power. She's seen as this in-universe too, being considered one of the three contenders for the title of Monster Lord despite (seemingly) being on her own.
  • Parental Incest: For some reason, after defeating Nanabi, she hits on Luka. Granted, it's not the same Luka as her father, but it's still odd.
  • Playing With Fire: The only attack she uses onscreen is Vaporising Rebellion Sword.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something
  • Stripperiffic: To say the least.
  • Time Master: A subtle example. When the White Rabbit stops time before trying to attack Neris, Nero intervenes, and the two disappear. Neris then comments on this, suggesting that she was also capable of moving during the time stop.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: As the implied daughter of Luka and Alice, she can use both holy and dark power.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: While it isn't the same shade, it may have come from her father's side. Though it isn't actually her real hair color.
  • Younger Than She Looks: If she is in fact the daughter who was conceived at the end of the original game, then she should be the same age as Nero, but she doesn't look it. Some fans have joked that she inherited Luka's small stature.


Luka's father, a hero who set off after the Great Disaster occurred, helping those in need. Before the events of the game, he disappeared, and Luka makes it his objective to find him. It turns out that he has gained many cybernetic modifications, and is now on a quest to save the very multiverse.

  • BFS: An enormous green one.
  • Cyborg
  • Big Damn Heroes: Saves Luka in the nick of time from Adramelech.
  • The Ghost: Off-screen for most of Part 1, only interacting with the party via letters he left in various places.
  • One-Scene Wonder: In Part 1 at least.
  • Space Master: Like Luka, he can travel between alternate universes.

White Rabbit

A mysterious woman who appears throughout the game and appears to lead the party around. It isn't clear whether she is a monster, a human in a costume, or something else entirely.

  • Alice Allusion: Lampshaded. Not only is her name an allusion, but she can literally lead around a person named Alice.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: She creates a pile of dirt at the entrance to the third Tartarus, which automatically moves to block anyone trying to get in. Only Gnome can undo the barrier.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: She claims at one point that Nero cut her head off, but she shows no signs of any lasting damage.
  • Physical God: She can stop time, is apparently capable of surviving decapitation, and is implied to be an equal to Reaper.
  • Reality Warper: Among other feats, she can transfer people between universes, which she uses at one point to force the party into a boss battle.
  • Stealth Mentor: Possibly. She does give advice to the party on several occasions.
  • Time Master: Can stop time.
  • The Worf Effect: When she stops time in preparation to kill Neris, Nero interferes and lands a hit on her.


A mysterious woman found in Hades, who appears to be the personification of death itself. Reaper provides a number of services: returning a dead Luka to the world of the living; allowing you to change the difficulty; removing the male characters (except Luka) from the party; and once you've cleared the first chapter, the option to start New Game Plus.

  • Anthropomorphic Personification
  • Back From the Dead: Probably the service that players use the most.
  • Bonus Boss: The strongest one in Part 1. While the superbosses in the Labyrinth of Chaos are stronger than her normal self, her Labyrinth version is arguably still the strongest of the superbosses.
  • Foil: To the White Rabbit. Both are incredibly powerful beings with mysterious goals, who seem to know about the threats facing the world. Both have the same ability to control space and time. Their color schemes are inverted, with Reaper having red hair and black clothing while the White Rabbit has blue hair and white clothing. Reaper also seems to prefer a passive role, while the White Rabbit actively guides the party around.
  • One Hit KO: As befitting her character, she has many attacks that inflict this.
  • Physical God: A definite example. She regards Adramelech, a high-ranking Apoptosis responsible for the destruction of at least one world, as a mere annoyance. Before she accepts your challenge, she requires you to first fight an alternate Alice XVI. Even without using her full power, she is the most difficult boss of Part 1.
  • Playing With Fire: Can use the ultimate fire spell, Prominence.
  • Reality Warper: Can transfer people between universes.
  • Sinister Scythe: As in traditional portrayals of the Grim Reaper. It has what look like small faces at the junction of the blade and handle.
  • Time Master: Her Labyrinth version can use Chaos Drive, which stops time for 3 turns. It even stops the battle music!



A high-ranking Apoptosis encountered in the dying world beyond the third Tartarus. She was involved in the destruction of that world, and assaults the party in the Administrator's Tower.

  • Body Horror: To the point that it almost defies description. Tentacles, asymmetrical wings, a gaping mouth lined with sharp teeth, flesh that seems to include metallic and crystalline components... And even with all of that, she has a roughly human-shaped body.
  • Clock Roaches: Like other Apoptosis, her role is to prevent the spread of Chaos, no matter the cost.
  • Combat Tentacles
  • Drama-Preserving Handicap: She's at 10% of her normal power when she intercepts the party, thanks to La Croix's last stand.
  • Combat Tentacles
  • Half the Man He Used To Be: Marcellus cuts her in half.
  • Implacable Man: Nothing can stop her from pursuing her goal:
    • She was defeated by La Croix several times, only to return stronger each time.
    • La Croix sacrifices herself and her remaining soldiers in a last stand against Adramelech, only for the latter to break through (albeit heavily weakened).
    • Luka's party manages to defeat her, but she returns almost immediately and attempts to drag Luka down into the void. Only Marcellus' intervention stops her.
  • Physical God: Given that a mere 10% of her normal power is enough to act as the final boss, and she can erase Ilias of all people from existence, she probably qualifies for this.
  • Taking You with Me: Attempts this on Luka, but Marcellus saves him by killing her.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: Sort of. If you lose to her and go to the Evaluation, Ilias will begin as normal, only for Adramelech to arrive and delete Ilias from existence.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Like any other Apoptosis. One of her attacks, Necrosis, does both Holy and Dark damage.

Armored Berserker

A mysterious figure that appears in the Forest of Spirits, resembling a knight in a grotesque, twisted suit of armor. Despite its appearance, it doesn't seem to be hostile, but the moment Luka's party arrives, it attacks them. It is heavily implied that this is the legendary hero Heinrich Hein, whose body was mentioned in the original game to have been consumed by holy energy from the angels he'd killed. However, it's not certain if it's the Heinrich of the Paradox universe, or an alternate one (though the former seems unlikely, given that he apparently wields his own copy of Angel Halo.

  • Animated Armor: In appearance, at least.
  • Berserk Button: Angels, whom it attacks on sight. Given his implied identity, it makes some sense.
  • BFS: It wields a two-handed sword, a distorted version of Angel Halo.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: On both the giving and receiving ends. It effortlessly crushes the party, only for Nero to intervene and take it down easily.
  • Expy: To Berserker from Fate/Zero. Note only do they look similar, but they both tend to pursue their Berserk Button with single-minded fury. They're also both former heroes who've been corrupted. Though unlike his counterpart, the Armored Berserker doesn't attack anyone else.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: Like Nanabi before him, the Berserker is far too powerful if you've been levelling normally. You're meant to lose and be rescued by Nero and Neris. However, if you do manage to defeat him, the two siblings won't appear and an alternative cutscene will play. Luka will still gain access to his angelic powers, as in the normal course of events.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Its body and weapon appear to be made of countless metal angels, melted together into a single mass. On top of that, it's surrounded by a swirling black miasma.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: To anything that isn't an angel. The inhabitants of the Forest are surprised by this.
  • Playing With Fire: Has access to the fire-elemental Heroism skill, Red Lotus Flame Dance.