One Piece/Characters/The Eleven Supernovas

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Together with Luffy and Zoro, eleven rookie pirates with bounties over 100 Million Berries, all of whom arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago at around the same time. Each had taken differing routes along the first half of the Grand Line, implicitly facing dangers and hardships equal to that of the Straw Hat crew. Recently,[when?] their post-Time Skip designs have all been revealed far in advance of their next actual appearances in the story. See for yourself if you don't mind this particular spoiler.

Eustass "Captain" Kid

"You know on the path we've been traveling up until now... Saying a thing like ['I'm the one who will claim One Piece'] would just get you laughed at. Although... I slaughtered anyone and everyone who had the nerve to laugh at me...!! But from here on out... we're gonna be sailing the sea where anyone without the nerve to say something like that is as good as dead...!!"

Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa (JP)

Eustass Kid is the captain of the Kid Pirates and one of the eleven pirates dubbed with the moniker "Supernova". He's the only one who had a bounty higher than Luffy's. He's known for his violent personality, though he's also knowledgeable in the ways of how the world works and when to step back. Like Luffy, he aims to become Pirate King, and is infamous for leaving behind a trail of bodies of those who mocked him for it. He says that he possesses the determination to achieve the impossible, which is necessary if one is to succeed in the New World.

  • Artificial Limbs: Post-time skip art has shown Kid with a new, cybernetic, arm.
  • Ax Crazy: Luffy got his high bounty by being a huge thorn in the World Government's side. Kid got his by killing anyone and everyone who mocked his dream of being Pirate King. Once he gets to the New World... damn...
  • Bait the Dog: Wasn't really shown to be evil, snarking at Luffy and Law during their Enemy Mine at Sabaody and showing general disgust at the decadent world nobles. His cruelty and penchant for wanton murder were mentioned before but when he's actually showing crucifying pirates fleeing the New World it's a little jarring.
  • Berserk Button: While Luffy has shrugged off those who mocked his dream, Kid went right ahead and killed them.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: He sunk two of Big Mams' ships. Not attacked, not damaged, sunk.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Luffy. Both have bounties of over 300 million, both have non-DF user swordsmen, both are hot-headed, both serve as Red Onis to Law's Blue Oni, both dream to be Pirate King, and both hate the World Nobles (though unlike Luffy, Kid doesn't act on it). However, while Luffy is friendly and kind, Kid is Ax Crazy.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Kid remarks on this himself during the Sabaody auction - he may be a bloodthirsty pirate, but he sure as hell doesn't run a slavery ring. It should be noted he was there to potentially buy one, but chances are that he, like Law, was simply recruiting and wouldn't have kept the explosive collar on.
  • Evil Redhead: Appears to be averted early on, as he isn't shown to be anything more than evil. Played straight later on when he's shown crucifying pirates fleeing the New World.
  • Extra Ore Dinary: Has the power of magnetism.
  • Gang of Hats: He and his crew all have Heavy Metal-esque clothes.
  • Offstage Villainy: Until he was shown crucifying a pirate crew in the New World for trying to escape to "Paradise", you would never have realized how true the mentioned detail that he racked up an impressive body count of civilians was. The civilian thing was Moral Event Horizon material, albeit material that would not quite yet faze the audience, because he didn't seem very evil up to that point. With the pirate crew's execution, it was hammered in.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Trafalgar Law. Their personalities pretty much complement the scheme with Kid being extremely violent and easily provoked while Law seems much more relaxed and calm. Their coloring (Kid being a red head and Law having dark blue hair in the manga) and their clothing motifs (Kid with his Metallica-esque get-up and Law with his furry (no, not that kind of furry!) style also seem to reflect their opposing personalities.
  • Slasher Smile: Sports one quite often.
  • Shout-Out: Based off real-life pirates Eustass the Monk and William Kidd.
  • Spikes of Villainy
  • The Sociopath: Initially seemed like a Token Evil Teammate because he happened to be on the protagonists side and had some standards, but his actions in the New World put him firmly in this category.
  • Social Darwinist: With respect to the New World at least, he believes that no one without resolve or courage should even be there in the first place. Thus, he begins his time in the New World by crucifying a pirate crew for their cowardice in trying to escape to "Paradise" (a.k.a. the first half of the Grand Line).

"Live or die!!! Bastards without even that much resolve shouldn't have ever come to this ocean."

  • Strange Bedfellows: His brief alliance with Luffy and Trafalgar Law outside the Human Shop against the Marines and then with Trafalgar Law against the Pacifista.
  • Worthy Opponent: Again with Luffy, and perhaps Trafalgar Law as well. He all but states this when he admits that he beat up anyone who laughed at his dreams and that the only ones who make it in the New World will be those that aim high for their dreams and consequently invites both Luffy and Law to meet up with him in the New World.

"Straw Hat" Monkey D. Luffy

"Magician" Basil Hawkins

"Concerning the fate of your clothes, it's going to be a cruel and unlucky day."

Voiced by: Shigenori Soya (JP)

Coming from the North Blue, Basil Hawkins is the captain of the Hawkins Pirates, and has a bounty of 249 million belli. He tends to act in a stoic manner even when confronted with danger. This is perhaps because as Hawkins is a fortune teller, he has little to worry about concerning his fate.

  • Badass
  • Cool Sword: With a voodoo doll handle.
  • The Fatalist: Has the ability to predict the future, so a lot of his lines, actions and decisions stem from what he knows will happen. For example, Hawkins fought Kizaru, but knew that he'd survive, and attacked Brownbeard all by his lonesome, because he saw the shadow of death on Brownbeard.
    • Currently, it's unknown if he gained this ability from a Devil Fruit, or if he learned it on his own.
  • Friendly Rival: To Urogue.
  • Gang of Hats: He and his crew have a mystic theme.
  • Hollywood Voodoo: Of course, it helps that Basil has actual magic powers, probably a Devil Fruit. Any physical damage he takes is redirected to someone else, represented by voodoo dolls that shed from his skin.
    • Nigh Invulnerable
    • One-Winged Angel: Becomes a bizarre scarecrow with nail claws.
      • Clipped-Wing Angel: Of course, this also makes him a bigger target, and he's still just as vulnerable to harm. The basics of his Devil Fruit still apply, as well. Kizaru trounced him when he used it. Granted, Kizaru would have won one way or another, but Basil didn't do himself any favors.
      • Scary Scarecrows: His power allows him to become a giant scarecrow.
  • Shout-Out: Based off real-life pirates Basil Ringrose and Jown Hawkins, and looks a bit like Joey Jordison from Slipknot.
  • The Stoic: Propably justified when you take his Devil Fruit into consideration.
  • Unusual Eyebrows

"Red Flag" X. Drake

"Good. That'll make things quicker!"

Voiced by: Eiji Takemoto (JP)

Coming from the North Blue, X. (pronounced "diez") Drake, is the captain of the Drake Pirates, and has a bounty of 222 million belli. A former Marine Rear Admiral turned pirate, he is aware of many of the Marines' strategies, and projects such as the Pacifista. He is an "Ancient Zoan" Devil Fruit user, with the power to transform into a Giganotosaurus (similar to a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but with three claws).

Trafalgar "Surgeon of Death" Law

Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya (JP)

" As long as you're within Law's circle, consider yourself a patient on the operating table." - Smoker on Trafalgar Law's ability.

Trafalgar Law is the captain of the Heart Pirates and one of the eleven pirates dubbed with the moniker "Supernova". He's a very laid-back person, and while his speech is very polite, he has no problem with taking mocking jabs at people or giving them the middle finger. Law ate the Op-Op Fruit (Ope Ope no Mi), which allows him to rearrange anything, be it people or objects, with the flick of his fingers. He gladly accepts new people to join his crew, and is also careful to deny any undeserved credit, though he does not like being ordered around at all. Over the Time Skip, he's become a Warlord, with his bounty being frozen at 440,000,000. A feat he seems to have achieved by handing over 100 pirates' hearts to the Government.

  • Affably Evil: While he's every bit as laid-back as he presents himself, do not discount his cruelty.
  • ...And Show It to You: He does this to Smoker with his "Mes" technique.
  • Badass
  • Bait the Dog: He seemed like a cool guy, until it's revealed that he stole 100 hearts from rival pirates. However, we were warned before that he was nasty even among the Supernovas, and he showed no compassion to the Marines back at Sabaody.
    • Hell, in his most recent appearance, he's practically a sociopath. When Tashigi pleads with him to kill her out of shame of being defeated, he says "weaklings don't get to choose how they die", and cut her sword so she can't strike back in her weakened state. He then offers to cut her into smaller pieces. Smoker stops him from doing this. And then, while smiling, he cuts out Smoker's heart on the spot.
    • None of these actions are quite so bad as they would normally be however, considering that Law's powers allow him to remove people's hearts without killing them, or indeed even really wounding them... until you realize the problems that come without your heart...
  • Beat Still My Heart: Using his power, he can literally remove your still beating heart, and you'll live through it, because his power makes it a non-fatal wound. He did this to Smoker in order to beat him. It's implied this is also what happened to the 100 pirates Law used as a way to enter the warlord position.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Despite being a near Perpetual Smiler and having a really laid back personality, he has a really nasty reputation amongst his fellow Supernovas. How bad, you might ask? To join the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he extracted and delivered 100 pirate hearts to the World Government.
  • BFS: Carries a sword almost as tall as he is.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Pops up in the middle of a three-way (technically four-way) war between the Blackbeard pirates, Whitebeard pirates and Luffy's motley gang of Impel Down escapees, and the Marines and Seven Warlords of the Sea to rescue Luffy. That takes balls.
    • Later, He shows up in the middle of Luffy and Franky's fight with the Yeti Cool Brothers to take down the remaining brother before he could leave with Nami again.
  • Combat Medic: "Surgeon of Death" is more than a Badass Nickname, though thankfully for Luffy it doesn't actually refer to his medical skills.
  • The Comically Serious: When face-to-face with the Straw Hats' antics, he doesn't seem to know how to react, leaving him with either a deadpan or annoyed expression when they're doing things like tying an incapacitated Chopper to his head.
  • Cool Submarine : His Heart Pirate's vessel is not only a Shout-Out to Beatle's Yellow Submarine (which conveniently is Law's colour theme), it is also based from the real life TRAFALGAR-class submarine of Royal Navy, which is the only of its class that can traverse through thick ice and operated on nuclear power. Also equipped with 7 jetbeam propulsion, perhaps explained how it could escape through the frozen water of Aokiji's Ice Age and avoid Kizaru's light beam simultaneously, 2 Logia-type Admirals who are hot on their pursuit during rescuing Luffy in Marineford.
  • Creepy Child: As shown in an SBS, Law used to be one: the scalpel-and-frog toting type.
  • Creepy Shadowed Undereyes
  • Detachment Combat: Unlike Buggy, he does this to other people, disorienting them too badly to fight properly. Fortunately for his victims, they can put themselves back together as long as he lets them live.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Given the nature of his powers, and the fact that he's a Perpetual Smiler, his fights tend to lead to this.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Despite his infamous cruelty, even he was disgusted when he found out that Caesar Clown was drugging the children on Punk Hazard to ensure that they stayed.
  • Everything's Worse with Bears: Inverted. He has a talking, kickboxing polar bear in his crew. Stop hogging the cool, man.
  • Flipping the Bird: Does this to Kid at one point. In the anime, this was censored to Law giving him a smug smile.
  • Foe Yay: There's not much of a surprise that he and Kid are the most popular pairing of the Supernovas. Somewhat aided and abetted by the filler battles in the anime which mostly involved him and Kid snarking at one another between fighting against the Pacifista.
  • Four Is Death: Fittingly for the Surgeon of Death, his current (though inactive) bounty is at 0.44 billion.
  • Freaky Friday Flip: It appears he gained this power to do it to other people by using the Ope Ope no Mi to switch their hearts. Not literally, mind you, more like a cartoonish heart that seems to represent their soul or whatever. He can literally steal hearts, too, but that's an entirely different thing.
  • Friendly Enemy: He is willing to save a rival pirate because even a relationship with a future enemy is still a relationship.
  • Gang of Hats : All of the Heart Pirates (minus the Captain and newest Jean Bart) wears the identical white boiler suit (and orange for the white talking bear).
  • Gray Eyes: Fitting considering how cold and unapproachable he is.
  • Having a Heart: Literally. 101 of them. The inclination toward hearts is probably why his crew is called Heart Pirates
  • Heel Face Revolving Door
  • Informed Flaw: Seems as such at first. Law is stated to be a coldly cruel pirate, and even Kid seemed a bit wary of the rumors surrounding him. From what was seen of him, though Law seems to have a very friendly relationship with his crew, took pity on an enslaved pirate captain, and risked his life to save Luffy for no particular reason. Subverted to high hell, though, given the "resume" he sent to Marine HQ for a position among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.
  • It Amused Me: Or rather, It Will Amuse Me. His stated reason for saving Luffy from the Marines was because it'd be "too lame" if he had died then and there.
    • This is Law's fighting style in general. His ability allows him to cut his opponents body parts without actually killing or harming them. In his first on-screen fight in the series he was juggling the body parts of marines.
    • After defeating Tashigi and leaving her alive, after chopping her in half, she demands that Law finishers her off. He instead taunts her and decides it would be more fun to cut her into even smaller pieces.
  • Ki Attacks: He is a confirmed user of Haki, which is probably how he was able to cut Smoker's heart out.
  • Kubrick Stare : Complimenting his intimidating presence to the opponents during recent Punk Hazard chapters. Occasionally accompanied by the mysterious vibes of Hidden Eyes and Face Framed in Shadow from underneath his hat.
  • Lean and Mean: While he isn't extremely thin, he does stand out since the standard male in One Piece is either big and very muscular or massive and extremely muscular.
  • Left Hanging: He and Kid were attacked by a Pacifista but the scene ends almost immediately. At first it looks like a Cliffhanger, but then it isn't addressed ever again.
  • Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate: Considering the way he announces his profession (on top of being a pirate), it's unknown if Luffy should be pleased or not. Plus his moniker is "Surgeon of Death". Huh.
    • He IS a pretty damn skilled doctor, because he was able to save both Luffy and Jinbe from the brink of death, despite how serious the injuries they had received during the war were.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Just look at him and try to say he isn't.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: His Red Baron is "Surgeon of Death", for crying out loud!
  • Nice Hat
  • Ninja Log: His power allows him to switch things around - that includes switching himself with objects.
  • Nodachi Are Just Better: His weapon of choice, which he uses as a sort of "doctor's scalpel" when using his powers to chop things up at long range.
  • Noble Demon
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Bears more than a passing resemblance to Mystery, the Pickup Artist, in both looks and dress. May help explain his popularity.
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy: Not outright pointed out, but Law is one of the very few men not taken by the extreme beauty of Boa Hancock and the rest of the Kuja Pirates. It could be that he is "a doctor before all else" kind of person and that his mellow and laidback personality makes it much more difficult for him to be visibly flustered and swept away.
  • Not Himself : After the time-skip, the mysteries that surround him in Punk Hazard also including his sudden change of personality; now deeply serious, brooding, tense with constant frown, which contrast sharply with the laid-back, easy-going, smartass and smooth-talking Perpetual Smiler he used to be
  • Not What I Signed on For: After finding out just what Caesar Clown was doing with the kids, he basically told him that he wanted no part of it and was done working with him.
  • Off with His Head: Thanks to his powers, Law can do this For the Lulz.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Which verges on Dissonant Serenity.
  • Shock and Awe: Adding to his surgery motif, he can apparently use his palms as defibrillator paddles in an attack called Countershock.
  • Shout-Out: Based off real-life pirate Edward Low, who, much like Law, was known for his cruelty. Law sent in the hearts of 100 pirates just to become a Warlord, so it looks like Oda wasn't bullshitting us about his cruelty.
    • His epithet 'Surgeon of Death' and his gained fame in notoriety resembles the Nazi Doctor, Josef Mengele who was also known as 'Angel of Death' ( German:Todesengel) and nicknamed as Beppo (No,not that Bepo).
  • Smarter Than You Look: He wears a hoodie, jeans, and overall looks a bit like a stoner, but he was able to save Luffy from the brink of death with his medical prowess.
  • Sphere Factor: His Devil Fruit ability lets him create blue spheres, which he dubs "Room", inside which he can manipulate anything inside.
  • Submarine Pirates
  • Symbol Motif Clothing: Law wears the emblem of the Heart Pirates on his hoodie and still wears it even after he became a Shichibukai post-Time Skip; on the hem and sleeve of his all-new dapper Badass Longcoat.
  • The Stoic
  • Strange Bedfellows: With Luffy and Eustass Kid outside the Human Shop against the Marines and then with Eustass Kid against the Pacifista.
    • Again with Luffy on Punk Hazard, offering an allegiance in order to take down Caesar Clown and--eventually--one of the Yonkou.
  • Tall, Dark and Snarky
  • Tattooed Crook: Has several "smiley" tattoos on his arms (Word of God says jolly rogers in North Blue are typically this shape), as well as DEATH on his fingers.
  • Twenty Bear Asses: Rose to the position of Warlord of the Sea by extracting 100 pirates' hearts and sending them to Marine HQ.
  • Visual Development : Law's appearance after the Time Skip; coincides with his whole new title, level of power and manners: from the laid-back, smiling yellow-themed hoodie-wearing hipster-style Supernova to the lugubrious terrifying Shichibukai who clad in black, The Grim Reaper-like Black Cloak, complete with the High Collar of Doom.
  • Wild Card: Big time, even among the Supernovas. He saved Luffy from being executed by the World Government, but then quickly makes it know that he doesn't consider Luffy an ally. Post time skip, he joins the World Government, becoming a Warlord.
    • And he's perfectly willing to ally himself with Luffy to betray his current partner and take out one of the emperors.
  • Worthy Opponent: Certainly considers Luffy to be one. Time will tell if it sticks.

"Roar of the Sea" Scratchmen Apoo

"Apapapapapapa! Check it out!"

Voiced by: Mitsuaki Madono (JP)

As from the Longarm Tribe in the Grand Line whose members kidnapped Brook to make a sideshow out of him, Scratchmen Apoo as such has arms so long, they're double-jointed. Captain of the On Air Pirates, Apoo's bounty is 198 million belli. Although Apoo's fighting style seems to be mostly defensive, as shown with his brief skirmish with another of the Supernovas, Eustass Kid, he still can't deny himself a good brawl should the opportunity present itself. He seems to be rather perceptive as when witnessing another Supernova Roronoa Zoro of the Straw Hat Pirates nearly attack a World Noble, he noted he gave off an "insane killing intent". His (unnamed) Devil Fruit power turns him into a Musical Assassin and a one-man instrument kit, as well as mostly the reason for his strange appearance. The music he makes by playing himself, is not only mesmerizing, it's also deadly; He can make clean cuts by making the "chopping" sound, or cause an explosion by making the sound of Stuff Blowing Up.

  • Chinese People
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Almost got away with it to Admiral Kizaru, no less.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: He is of the Longarm Tribe. They are people with long arms.
  • Gang of Hats: Both he and his crew have a Chinese theme.
  • Genre Savvy: Almost, but not quite. He attacked Admiral Kizaru and caught him off guard but he knew Kizaru would surely survive and starting running right away instead of waiting around to confirm it. Unfortunately, Kizaru is a "Light Man" who can also move at the speed of light, so even with a head start that didn't work out so well...
  • Gonk: More weird-looking than ugly, though.
  • Hypno Fool: Not exactly like Django, but some of his instruments can mesmerize people for a little while.
  • Instrument of Murder: He doesn't have one, he is one. Several, in fact.
  • Musical Assassin: Has a Devil Fruit that turned him into an actual human-instrument, so this is pretty much his signature ability.
  • Punny Name: He first name refers to his musical powers and DJ-like fighting stance.
  • Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: And whatever sound effect he says, its corresponding effect occurs.
  • Shout-Out: Based on real-life pirate Chui Apoo.
  • Smug Snake: Has a little bit of this, but not as bad as Buggy or "Mr. 3" Galdino.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Kindasorta. His sound powers have enough oomph behind them to deal what would've been a fatal wound to an Admiral had he not been a Logia, so he's certainly one to watch.

"Massacre Soldier" Killer

"You got lucky"

Voiced by: Kenji Hamada (JP)

Killer is the First Mate to the Kidd Pirates, and one of the eleven pirates dubbed with the moniker "Supernova". A man of few words, much of Killer's personality is unknown, except he is slightly arrogant.

"Big Eater" Jewelry Bonney

Voiced by: Reiko Kiuchi (JP)

The only female Supernova, Bonney has a one of the more stereotypical views on what a pirate should be like in the series, which is a completely amoral person who destroys all in their way and looks out only for themselves. She has proven to be a very rude and unpleasant women who has a monstrous appetite and holds deep grudges for people who irritate her in any way, currently setting her sights on the Straw Hats. As a captain, she shows conflicting displays of competence. She saved herself, her crew, Zoro, and the entire Sabaody archipelago (initially, at least) by immediately restraining Zoro when he was about to kill a World Noble, which would have certainly caused nothing short of a Marine issued Buster Call. However, she has been shown to cause time delays for her crew with her binge eating, even staying at a restaurant to eat for awhile while knowing that Admiral Kizaru was coming.

She has eaten a Devil Fruit that allows her to change her own age as well as others. She uses it as a disguise on herself and makes her opponents either too young or too old to fight her. Interestingly, the clothes of the Marines she changes into children don't change to fit their smaller forms while her clothes do, implying that skintight Stripperific outfit is so her clothes always fit her when she transforms. Other than that, she has also demonstrated a powerful kick to Blackbeard's face that was enough to make him bleed, suggesting a good amount of physical strength (a common trait for the strongest of the One Piece world).

Capone "Gang" Bege

"You guys have already lost... in sheer military force!"

Voiced by: Naoki Tatsuta (JP)

An obvious spoof of Italian Mobsters, Capone Bege is the seemingly oldest Supernova (Strangely enough, since the whole point is that they're supposed to be young and freshfaced rookies) and out of them all, seems to have the most Mooks. Not much is known about him yet, except that he has a High Class attitude with a very short temper, much like a real Mafia Boss, and that he has eaten one of the Strangest Devil fruits in the series- he has the ability to become a human fortress- mounted cannons and all- that his Mooks shrink to go into and attack his enemies.

"Pirate Hunter" Roronoa Zoro

"Mad Monk" Urouge

Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki (JP)

Urouge is the last supernova, and has the smallest Bounty of only 108,000,000 Berries. He is a Mighty Glacier, as you might have figured. He has a perpetual smile on his face which never goes away, even when he's seen showing fear. He has a Devil Fruit that allows him to rapidly expand his muscles.