Homestuck/Characters/Trolls Two: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ship Tease]]: The entirety of her [ Shipping Wall] is this. The topmost pairing relates to her specifically, showing that she has a crush on Karkat, of all people. According to him, he's aware of this and has been trying to sidestep the whole thing for quite some time now.
** Jaspersprite relates a story to her about his time with Roxy and how he got to meet Rose again after death. [ Nepeta asks if that means she'll have to die to get to be with Karkat]. When we next see Nepeta after death, [ she's wandering a dreambubble with a dead Karkat at her side].
* [[Shout -Out]]: Probably not an intentional one, but [[Doraemon|does that fursuit remind you of anyone?]]
** An alternative theory on the forums is that it's a Cathearst suit (from the epilogue of ''[[Problem Sleuth]]'', a Catwoman [[Expy]])
** Her relationship to Equius is evocative of the relationship of Enkidu and [[The Epic of Gilgamesh|Gilgamesh]].
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{{quote| <code>{{color|#008141|Types By Capitalizing The First Letter Of Every Word And Rarely Punctuates Her Sentences}}</code>}}
* [[Back -Alley Doctor]]: As a favor for a friend.
* [[Back From the Dead]]: As a [[Our Vampires Are Different|Rainbow Drinker.]]
* [[Badass]]: [ She] [ strolls] [ over,] and [[Groin Attack|NUT-SHOT-PUTS]] [[Ax Crazy|the crazed troll]] [[Super-Powered Evil Side|sober]] [ Gamzee] [ over the edge,] [ stunning] [[Power Gives You Wings|God-Tier]] [[Munchkin|Vriska]] [[Mood Whiplash|in]] [[Didn't See That Coming|the]] [[Crowning Moment of Funny|process.]] ''[ Then she clocks Vriska with one punch!]'' Then she [[One-Hit Kill|One Hit Kills]] Eridan with her chainsaw.
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{{color|#008141| GA: Its Paler Red Than That Ok}}<br />
{{color|#6a006a| CA: pshhhhhh that is a fuckin laugh and you knoww it [[Everyone Can See It|evveryone does]]}} }}
* [[Shout -Out]]: She reads [[Our Vampires Are Different|rainbow drinker]] [[Twilight (Literature)|romance literature]].
** She's [[Monty Python's Flying Circus|a lumberjack and she's okay]], she sleeps all night and works all day. She cuts down trees, she skips and jumps, she likes to pick wild flowers. She puts on [[Unlimited Wardrobe|women's clothing]], but doesn't hang around in bars.
* [[Sincerity Mode]]:
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** Fans have compared her to [[Mary Worth]].
* [[Theme Naming]]: Kanaya's Zodiac sign is Virgo.
* [[Three -Point Landing]]: Invoked with the [ perfect landing of shades falling from the sky.]
* [[Token Minority]]: An in-universe minority, being the one of the few on Alternia with her particular hue of blood, and as such one of the few who could have a Virgin Mother Grub as a lusus, which is so uncommon that it is considered a historical event. She also loves sunlight, though nearly all other trolls are nocturnal. She's also the only one of the twelve trolls who isn't bisexual.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: [ YES,] [ oh] [ so] [ much.]
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** Remains one of the few people who disagrees with the [[You Can't Fight Fate]] mentality of Sburb.
{{quote| {{color|#008282| <nowiki>GC: LUCK DO3SNT 4CTU4LLY M4TT3R >8]</nowiki>}}}}
* [[Self -Defeating Prophecy]]: [ Predicting what would have happened if she had let Vriska escape to fight Bec Noir]
* [[Sense Freak]]: She's really interested in the scent and taste of various blood colours, and really curious about Dave's eyes.
* [[Ship Tease]]: With everyone she talks to. John, Dave, Karkat, Sollux, even Rose and Nepeta. Dave even more now that the two of them are exchanging ironic comics and are generally in cahoots.
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** "She wouldn't dare harm sweet, precious [[Monster Clown|Gamzee]], would she? [[You Make Me Sick|The thought is almost more than you can bear]]."
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: Does this to Vriska to preserve the Alpha timeline.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Terezi is basically Alternia's version of [[Daredevil]]. It's even alluded to in the comic.
** Her use of a coin in the trial scene is a reference to [[Batman|Harvey Dent]] aka Two-Face.
** Her track on the [ official troll album] is called "The Lemonsnout Turnabout". The ''[[Phoenix Wright]]'' games are known as ''Turnabout Trials'' in Japan, and each case in the games has Turnabout in the title (barring the DS extra, which is more a pun on the attorney's name).
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** Later given a proper [ reveal].
* [[Theme Naming]]: Terezi's Zodiac sign is Libra.
* [[Two -Headed Coin]]: Albeit scratched on one side, like [[Batman|Two-Face's]].
* [[Vampire Bites Suck]]: After [ Terezi steps away from pestering Sollux,] she [ awakes] with [ two puncture wounds.] May slide into [[Kiss of the Vampire]] territory due to the white bandage covering the marks, possibly showing the drinker is considerate of his or her actions.
* [[Vein -O -Vision]]: She claims in [ this] conversation with Karkat that she can "smell" his red blood underneath his skin.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Predicts this relationship for Rose and herself.
{{quote| "{{color|#008282|YOU S33 W3 4R3 M34NT TO B3 B3ST H4T3FR13NDS FOR3V3R}}"}}

Revision as of 13:34, 26 January 2014

Trolls: Nepeta, Kanaya, and Terezi


♌ Nepeta Leijon ♌

 "You live in a CAVE that is also a HIVE, but still mostly just a CAVE. You like to engage in FRIENDLY ROLE PLAYING, but not the DANGEROUS KIND. Never the DANGEROUS KIND. It's TOO DANGEROUS! Too many of your good friends have gotten hurt that way. Your daily routine is dangerous enough as it is. You prowl the wilderness for GREAT BEASTS, and stalk them and take them down with nothing but your SHARP CLAWS AND TEETH! You take them back to your cave and EAT THEM, and from time to time, WEAR THEIR PELTS FOR FUN. You like to paint WALL COMICS using blood and soot and ash, depicting EXCITING TALES FROM THE HUNT! And other goofy stories about you and your numerous pals."

A cave-dwelling troll with an immense love of and fascination with the art of shipping, who maintains an extensive Shipping Wall.

In Sburb, she is the Rogue of Heart. Her trolltag is "arsenicCatnip".


33 < *ac types by beginning her lines with a two-mouthed cat smile, inserts cat puns into her spelling
<span style=" color:

  1. 5f8101;">wherever pawsible, and replaces double E's with "33"!*

  • Air Vent Passageway: Used here.
  • Anchored Ship: She's only interested in two quadrants, and is determined to have Karkat as her matesprit and won't take no for an answer. According to Karkat at least, in canon we never get to see any of this before she's killed.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: She has a huge crush on Karkat, even marking Karkat<3Vriska as "Oh nooooooo" on her shipping wall. Granted, in all likelihood, she gravitates toward Karkat because he also deals with relationships a lot. She is also more or less Equius's Morality Pet.
  • Badass Adorable: Roleplays as a mother cat. Kills wild animals with her hands. And wait until you see what she can do with a proper weapon.
  • Badass Longcoat
  • Biting The Hood: After a particularly frustrating conversation with Equius.
  • Break the Cutie: She did not handle seeing Gamzee strangle Equius well.
  • Catgirl: Roleplays as one. It also helps that her horns are shaped like cat ears.
  • Cat Smile: The Emoticon she begins sentences with is a two-mouthed variation. It's her default expression, as well, and her cat hood and bangs create a second one.
    • It's also the face of her lusus, Pounce De Leon.
  • Cute Bruiser
  • Cute Little Fangs
  • Deathbringer the Adorable: Nepeta's theme is called "Walls Covered In Blood", which describes the cave she calls home.
  • Expressive Mask: The eyes of her hood match her own eyes' expressions in the Alterniabound flash.
  • Extreme Doormat: Even though she puts up a huge fuss, she always listens to Equius.
  • Fingerless Gloves
  • Fun Personified: She has the occasional dramatic moment (usually involving her getting killed,) but is mostly meant to be a goofy, fun character with little bearing on the plot.
  • Fun With Acronyms: Her planet is named the Land Of Little Cubes And Tea.
  • Furry Fandom: She roleplays online as a mother cat entirely unironically, apparently, and dresses like a cat.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: Definitely in play over her facing off with Gamzee.
  • Grotesque Cute: True to her fursona, who kills wild animal with her bare hands, she lives in a cave littered with animal skins and bloody marks on the walls. But she's still adorable with her kitty cap, her fake tail, and her big goofy Cat Smile.
  • Happily Ever After: Of a sort. She seems very happy in dreambubbles and seemingly even ends up with an alternate Karkat.
  • Hulk Speak: Her (highly inaccurate) impersonation of Equius.
  • Joke Character: Unlike other Demoted to Extra trolls, Nepeta literally never has any impact on the plot. This is combined with being a Kawaiiko and being part of Those Two Guys with Equius to boot.
  • Kawaiiko: The most adorable and cutest of the trolls by design; her appearance and mannerisms are obviously inspired by anime-loving female cosplayers. Even the fact that she hunts down beasts with her bare hands for food barely dents the sheer amount of cute this troll exudes.
  • Kill the Cutie: Stabbed thrice by Bec Noir as her Dream Self. Killed off-screen by Gamzee with his Duce Clubs.
    • And now, in [S] Flip, it's made even worse by the fact that her smiling head sits on the jury of Gamzee's mock trial.
  • Leitmotif: Walls Covered In Blood, which is later remixed for her walkaround theme.
  • Meaningful Name: Nepeta cataria is the scientific name for catnip. Leijona means "lion" in Finnish. Leijon was also the last name of a Swedish politician who was the target of a kidnapping plot known as Operation Leo.
    • Arsenic used to be used as a green dye.
  • Messy Hair: As seen here.
  • Numerological Motif: 33, the atomic number of arsenic as well as being a double Cat Smile.
  • Only Sane Man: It's a bit of a pattern with green bloods. Nepeta, while goofy and silly, is pretty down to earth and understands troll romance just as well as Karkat. Unlike Eridan for instance, she realizes her crush is unrequited and tries (admittedly unsuccessfully, even to herself) to get over it.
  • Orwellian Retcon: "[S] Roxy:Sleepwalk" originally showed Nepeta in a dreambubble - yet she didn't have the Prophet Eyes all the dead characters have (which, of course, prompted pretty much every Nepeta fan to shit a brick). This was quickly fixed.
  • Sacrificial Lamb
  • Satellite Character: It's Word of God.

 Hussie: If you look up Expendable Character in the dictionary you would see a picture of Nepeta batting around a ball of yarn while looking as adorable as possible.

33 < *ac doesn't see a reason not to role play at all times!* Occasionally she'll slip and say something in the first person, hastily adding an "ac said" to the end.
    • She's the only person in the entire comic to continue to refer to herself by her screen name after her name is entered.
  • There Are No Therapists: In a nice aversion, it turns out that she goes above and beyond as Equius' moirail -- so much that he credits her for keeping him from going as crazy and homicidal as sober!Gamzee.
  • Western Zodiac: Leo. Her appearance, Trollian name, use of claws and obsession with cats make her a good example.
  • Wolverine Claws: Her Weapon of Choice (they're on gloves, not part of her body though).


♍ Kanaya Maryam ♍

 "You are one of the few of your kind who can withstand the BLISTERING ALTERNIAN SUN, and perhaps the only who enjoys the feel of its rays. As such, you are one of the few of your kind who has taken a shining to LANDSCAPING. You have cultivated a lush oasis around your hive, and in particular, you have honed your craft through the art of TOPIARY, sculpting your trees to match the PUFFY ORACLES from your dreams. You have embraced the tool of this trade, which conveniently is the weapon of choice for those who would hunt the HEINOUS BROODS OF THE UNDEAD which crawl from the sand at sunrise to feast on the light and the living."

An unusual troll with a love of gardening and fashion, who lives in a hive and surrounding area eerily similar to that of Jade.

In Sburb, she is the Sylph of Space. Her trolltag is "grimAuxiliatrix".

She has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the MAKEUPKIND ABSTRATUS. This means she's armed with a chainsaw.

 Types By Capitalizing The First Letter Of Every Word And Rarely Punctuates Her Sentences

Error: No text given for quotation (or equals sign used in the actual argument to an unnamed parameter)

  GA: I Think What I Find Most Challenging About Human Insincerity Based Humor Is The Degree Of Commitment To The Fantasy Which Is Apparently Requisite

Error: No text given for quotation (or equals sign used in the actual argument to an unnamed parameter)

 GA: So I Guess Tonight Is The Night You Blow Everything Up

AA: 0_0

GA: Is There Nothing I Can Do To Change Your Mind

AA: n0

AA: 0r yes

AA: yes theres n0thing

AA: and n0 y0u cant

 CGA: Shes Not Even Responding To My Messages Anymore

CGA: Could Be Busy

CGA: But Im Rapidly Approaching A Resolution To Discard The Preposterous Infatuation


CGA: Shit

 KANAYA: See Im Explaining This Badly

KANAYA: All Im Saying Is Basically


KANAYA: Fuck That Guy

 CA: kan make her talk to me do somethin

GA: Who

CA: your no good connivvin fuckin backstabbin girl crush thats wwho

GA: Overstating Our Relationship Wont Make Me Feel Very Cooperative

GA: Its Paler Red Than That Ok

CA: pshhhhhh that is a fuckin laugh and you knoww it evveryone does

 GA: I Am Beginning To Feel As Though I Am The Only One Working On Our Friendship

TG: hahaha yes youre on a roll

GA: That Was Sincerity

  • The Stoic: In addition to not having any outstanding mental disorders or personality flaws, Kanaya is damn near unflappable.
    • Stoic Woobie: What's the only thing that breaks her calm demeanor during Hivebent? Heartbreak. (Well, that and the taste of blood.)
  • Strange Girl: She goes out in the daytime (risking attack by the undead) and loves sunlight, bright colors, and fashion.
    • She's also completely sane and level headed, which by troll standards is very unusual.
  • Sword Over Head: Done here with her CHAINSAW. Too bad it fails against white science...Oh Gog
  • Team Mom: Given all her "fussing and meddling," she seems to consider herself one of these. It's tempting to agree given she's told Vriska she wouldn't keep stepping on things if she picked up her room once in a while. And since her sign is Virgo, that would make her a virgin mother.
    • "Vriska, stop picking on Tavros." Bonus points for threatening her with a broken toilet.
    • Turns out she is also in charge of breeding duties, whatever that means.
      • Turns out her job was to create her session's B. Slick, which in turn is Jade's primary goal as well.
    • Fans have compared her to Mary Worth.
  • Theme Naming: Kanaya's Zodiac sign is Virgo.
  • Three-Point Landing: Invoked with the perfect landing of shades falling from the sky.
  • Token Minority: An in-universe minority, being the one of the few on Alternia with her particular hue of blood, and as such one of the few who could have a Virgin Mother Grub as a lusus, which is so uncommon that it is considered a historical event. She also loves sunlight, though nearly all other trolls are nocturnal. She's also the only one of the twelve trolls who isn't bisexual.
  • Took a Level In Badass: YES, oh so much.
  • Unlimited Wardrobe: She's the only troll with a fondness for colors and fashion (such as it is in a very utilitarian society) and her WARDROBIFIER, much like Jade's, allows her to instantly change outfits at various intervals.
  • Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Kanaya tells Jade she's going to hatch the Matriorb in the center of the meteor and raise the new Mother Grub to repopulate the troll race. And then the Matriorb was blown to bits. And then Kanaya died.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Subverted when she initially fights Eridan, who kills her in one hit. Played straight when she comes back as a rainbow drinker and knocks Gamzee off a cliff with one hit. With the same angry expression, she then proceeds, perhaps surprisingly, to punch out Vriska. Then she snaps Eridan's Science Stick in two and does something very similar to Eridan himself.
  • Western Zodiac: Virgo. She is probably the girliest of all the trolls, moreso than even Nepeta and Feferi.
  • Word of Gay: Fans have speculated that, unlike most trolls, Kanaya is not bisexual, Andrew confirmed that speculation.


♎ Terezi Pyrope ♎

 "You take an interest in justice, holding particular fascination for ORCHESTRATING THE DEMISE OF THE WICKED. You have taken up study of BRUTAL ALTERNIAN LAW, and surround yourself with legal books. You have no need for copies printed in TROLLBRAILLE, because you can SMELL AND TASTE THE WORDS. You hope one day to join the honorable ranks of the LEGISLACERATORS."

A blind troll law student who delights in being weird and messing with people; the only troll who is actually effective at trolling, she supplies the kids with hints on how to get ahead in Sburb, sometimes helpful, sometimes not.

She is the Seer of Mind. Her trolltag is "gallowsCalibrator".



  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Gets into a lot of ship-tease/slap slap kiss dealings with Karkat. Later befriends and practically falls for Dave. (Of course, when all's said and done, Terezi's probably badder than either of them.)
  • Amoral Attorney: She aspires to become one, as shown in her court roleplay where the verdict was decided on a coin toss.

Error: No text given for quotation (or equals sign used in the actual argument to an unnamed parameter)

  • Battle Couple: With Karkat, kind of.
  • Blind Seer: Literally, "seer" is in her title. Although she mainly uses the topic of her disability as a springboard for further trolling.
    • Semi-literally as she dreams on Prospit, and her powers of Mind are at least partial precognition separate from Skaia.
  • Blind Weaponmaster: see Handicapped Badass
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Tends to use plush toys as a forensics team. Given how she treats them, a real forensics team would probably want to stay far, far away from her.
  • Cane Fu
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: She gained her Super Senses through hard work and training from her unborn telepathic dragon lusus.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: Her smile is more than a little creepy.
  • The Chessmaster: This is her power as the Seer of Mind.
  • Cursed With Awesome: Why she prefers being blind.
  • Determinator: She raised herself from infancy. Alternia is a Death World. Do the math.
  • Disability Superpower: Her Super Senses.
  • Eye Scream: Animated, even.
  • Girls Love Stuffed Animals: In a majority of her appearances in the lab, she is carrying around stuffed dragons, or shown doing awful things to them. In her introduction, she plays a mock criminal trial which ends with her tying a noose to one of the scalemates and hanging it from her treehive. When she finds Tavros's body, she pretends that the stuffed animals are her investigative forensics team. Then throws all of them down a cliff for their incompetence. She also used a white one as a sidekick back in her TYP3S 1N 4LL C4PS W1TH NO P3R1ODS, 4ND US3S days, called Pyralspite.
  • Handicapped Badass: Terezi's blindness hardly keeps her from walloping enemies. Mainly because she can, in a sense, still see.
  • Hanging Prosecutor: "Defense" is an offense in trollish law, and there's no such thing as 'alleged' crime. If the Legislacerator doesn't execute, then the judge will get all the fun.
  • Head-Tiltingly Kinky: She likes Dave's obscene bucket comic, her response is "this comic is borderline pornographic, you are a really fucked up kid (it is fantastic, I love it)".
  • The Hyena: Even in text! Her default sprite expression is a laughing grin.
  • Idiot Ball: Terezi's desire for revenge on Vriska gets to the point where she thinks Vriska is the one killing everybody. Partially because she keeps falling for the fake evidence Gamzee is setting up.
  • Inspector Javert: Her "investigations" started by the discovery of Tavros's corpse have led her to conclude that Vriska killed everyone, lack of evidence be damned!
    • Also played with, in the fact that although she is partially wrong about the :murder spree, she still has at least one very valid reason for pursuing her - the fact that Jack will find Terezi and her friends if she doesn't get to Vriska first. Chalk it up to Dramatic Irony depending on who you are rooting for.
  • Kiss of Life: Attempts to invoke this result here with Tavros' corpse to try waking his dreamself.
  • Knight Templar: She's studying to be one of these, and has a particular interest in the punishment of the wicked. It's possible that she tried to kill John because she views the kids' collective failure as a crime against her species, seeing as their particular Sburb session purportedly breaks the game so much that the trolls end up losing too.
    • At the same time, it's possible that the reason she felt bad when she learnt that she'd succeeded in killing John in the alternate timeline wasn't so much that she'd killed him, but the rather dopey, trusting way in which he followed her instructions. No fun in punishing the innocent.
    • "You will play the role of the prosecuting attorney. On Alternia, there is no such thing as a defense attorney, or a defense."
    • She was okay with Vriska killing and feeding young trolls to her lusus, and even helped her with it, but only if she considered the trolls to be bad people. Vriska doesn't care either way.
  • Kubrick Stare: here.
  • Leitmotif: An odd example: while she has a few songs about her (The Lemonsnout Turnabout and L33TSP34K 4ND HORN3D SM1L13S >:]), her only official leitmotif is her walkaround theme.
  • Letters 2 Numbers: Specifically, with 4, 1, and 3. It gets Lampshaded when she's referring to Aradia's handle (AA = 44), and again when she specifies when she needs 413 Boonbonds ("aie").
  • Love Before First Sight: Dave, according to Karkat.
  • Manipulative Bastard: This was gloriously confirmed when she successfully used a nigh-omnipotent, nigh-omniscient being, that prides himself on being a master of manipulation, for revenge, through nothing but effective button pushing. That this was probably a terrible idea does not make the fact that she pulled it off less impressive.
    • Badass Normal: As Karkat points out, she's able to play mind games without the aid of special powers. Vriska hates her for it.
  • Meaningful Name: She's the Libra troll. Libra is justice. Justice is blind. Ergo...
    • Justice is frequently delivered by gallows, too.
    • Terezi is the Azerbaijani word for Libra. Pyrope derives from a Greek word meaning "fire-eyed", and is the name for a red gemstone. Pyrope is a variety of garnet, however, which is the birthstone for the month of January (Capricorn/Aquarius, depending on day). Libra's is sapphire or opal, again depending on the day.
      • Terezi's dragon, Pyralspite, is also meaningfully named: Pyralspite is the name given to the aluminum rich garnets, one of which is Pyrope.
    • "Fire-eyed " fits even better when you find out how she lost her sight.
    • "Terezi" is also similar to Teiresias, the name of a blind seer (of variable gender) who was a recurring character in ancient Greek dramas.
    • gallows Calibrator
  • More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: Applies to all trolls, but since Terezi has a habit of constantly laughing, it's more shown on her.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: She has one of these with John and Dave. With John she was simply unaware that her actions would have led to his death since the trolls know he's just fine (plus, the sequence of events this spawned ended up being tremendously helpful for the kids in general, so she was kind of vindicated on it). With Dave she instigated a series of time deals where she lied to Dave about the result of a coin flip to ensure that two timelines was created, one of which where Dave is doomed to die. When said event occurs, she runs off to have herself a cry.
    • These are respectively called back and foreshadowed in her conversation with Vriska here.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Her treehouse is strung with plushies hanging from nooses from her mock trial sessions, and somehow she manages to be both somewhat creepy and strangely adorable.
    • See what she does to her plush toys during an investigation as well.
  • Noodle Incident: With Karkat.








  • The Nose Knows: She's able to smell, and by extension taste, colors.
    • She can smell Skaia from Prospit, which even by conservative estimates is still miles away.
      • Because it's implied what she's specifically smelling is light in addition to a standard sense of smell.
  • Only Sane Man: Sort of. She trolls the kids in linear time rather than starting from the end of their adventure because that would just be needlessly complicated and confusing. She's also by far the best of the trolls we've seen, even managing to run rings around Dave.
    • Not to mention she's actually perfectly rational most of the time and just enjoys messing with people too much to take things seriously. With the death of half of the trolls, Terezi has serious'd up, but is still partially deluded into blaming Vriska for everything.
  • Parental Abandonment: She grew up without a Lusus, and actually seems to be a bit bothered by Gamzee forgetting. Subverted when her lusus comes immediately to her aid after being mind controlled into blinding her, teaching her how to smell and taste colors.
  • Screw Destiny: Told John she was doing so by trying to kill him




 "YOU S33 W3 4R3 M34NT TO B3 B3ST H4T3FR13NDS FOR3V3R"

    • She definitely has this kind of relationship with Dave.
  • Weapon of Choice: Her cane, which also doubles as a multi-segmented staff.
    • As of the end game, she's using it as a sword more than a cane.
  • Western Zodiac: Libra. Especially apparent with her constant taste for judgement.
  • You Taste Delicious: Thanks to her enhanced senses of taste and smell she describes the other trolls' blood as flavors. Karkat is cherry, as are the human kids, Sollux's eyes are apple-berry blast while his blood is YUCKY MUST4RD, and Tavros is chocolate.
    • Averted when Terezi examines the site of Kanaya's death and when she samples a bit of the blood, she responds with a 'BLUH'.
      • Against her better judgement she does admit that Vriska's god tiered outfit smells delicious.
      • Gamzee is grape jelly.

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