Atop the Fourth Wall/Storyline Tropes

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  • Adaptive Ability: Mechakara
  • AI Is a Crapshoot:
  • All There in the Script: The name of The Heartless helping Mechakara in his Gaslighting (Dolorem) is only given in the credits of the episode.
  • Alternate Reality Game: A minor example. As seen here, Pollo has started commenting anonymously on the blog after losing his body.
    • On the other hand, the garbled, anonymous comments apparently left by the Entity during that arc were done by fans, and Linkara hadn't actually intended it to spiral into a full ARG (the only hand he had in it were the subliminal messages during the credits of several videos). He notes in his Electric Tale of Pikachu commentary that he really wished he had thought of it himself.
  • Alternate Universe:
    • The Warrior #1 review with Dr. Insano has them switching realities to one where the two are played by each others' actors, by different actors, by stuffed animals, where they face the other way, where they wear their clothes the other way, where everyone is a terrible actor, where the segment is run by The Nostalgia Critic, and so on. See also Cosmic Retcon below.
    • 'Mechakara' turned out to be an alternate version of Pollo brought here by Dr. Insano's experiments with Hypertime. Also, Dr. Linksano.
    • The same thing happens with the Warrior #2 and #3 review. Subverted with the Angry Joe segment. It seems like an AU with Angry Joe instead of Linkara, but it turns out Linkara was just using the restroom when Angry Joe snuck in to do the review.
    • Lord Vyce comes from one of these and deals with numerous others. In addition, Ensign Munro and the poorly animated Vohrsoth transport from their universe to Linkara's via an SOS beacon.
    • In the Star Trek #2 Iron Liz is transported into a Mirror Universe where Linkara is evil and has a goatee, an obvious homage to the mirror-verse in Star Trek.
  • Always Someone Better: Dr. Linksano is rather dismayed to find out that Dr. Insano has achieved far more than he has as a mad scientist.
  • And Then What?: Asks the Entity this about its plans to absorb everything in existence. The Entity doesn't seem to have ever considered this before.
  • Anti-Magic: The current arc seems to hinge around all of the magic around Linkara being suppressed, both the magic gun, and the spell he used to make his collection of merchandise really work. However, the trophies he's acquired from previous adventures still work...
  • Applied Phlebotinum: Dr. Insano magically does everything with SCIENCE. Linkara himself makes his toy collection work with magic.
  • Arc Words: "All that he sees, he conquers."
    • "A piece of the world is missing."
  • Arc Welding: Lewis' side project Let's Play of Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force gets folded into the Lord Vyce arc after he reviews the game's tie-in comic. Eventually, both previous Big Bads are involved in the Lord Vyce arc.
  • Arm Cannon: The Minigun he uses to take down the second Pyramid Head. 90's Kid gets to use it as well at the end of the Mechakara arc.
  • Artifact of Doom: The "Magic Gun" is actually a subversion: It was created in a pretty evil fashion, but the only hints of intelligence are of a wholly positive personality who talked Linkara out of killing himself and so far the only people it has killed on its own were its creators.
  • Awful Truth: The Magic Gun? The one that he does not have to explain? It is actually a weapon created by two worshippers of a great evil to smite their enemies using their innocent, loving daughter's blood as a power source. The predictable result: after trapping their daughter's life-force in the gun they accidentally summoned a primal evil formed from her pain and rage which exacted revenge on her parents. The fact that she is at peace now does little to assuage how damn creepy the usually comedic prop has become.
  • Back From the Dead: Mechakara seems to have been rebuilt by Lord Vyce. Be afraid... be very afraid...
  • Badass Boast: Lord Vyce's "All that I see, I conquer!" Other people have already taken up the phrase to describe him.
  • Bat Deduction: How does Linkara get his Eureka Moment on the Entity's identity? The word "heavy."
  • Battle Trophy: Linkara keeps Mechakara's dismembered right hand on his shelf. Bad idea, as Lord Vyce later uses it to take control of Pollo's new body.
  • Berserk Button: Part of Linkara's plan to defeat Lord Vyce involves repeatedly pressing Vyce's Berserk Button until he beams down and fights Linkara personally.
  • Big Bad: In order of appearance:
    • Dr. Insano was Linkara's first arch nemesis, but following an epic defeat in the Warrior #1 review, he disappeared somewhat and the Mechakara Saga kicked in, but now he's apparently back...Bitches.
    • Mechakara was an evil android duplicate of Linkara from an Alternate Universe with nefarious plans, he's actually a doppelganger of Linkara's Robot Buddy Pollo cloaked in a humanoid shell. Mechakara traveled to our world when Doctor Insano breached dimensions with his Hypertime device, and was ultimately defeated when Linkara used a Power Rangers Morpher.
    • Dr. Linksano tried to take this spot, and failed, his final attempt during the Warrior #2-3 review. He had since up and abandoned his plan to be the dominant Big Bad when he discovered that the even BIGGER Big Bad Lord Vyce was approaching our universe. He ditched our reality, but not before warning Linkara.
    • Lord Vyce, whose imminent arrival sent Linksano fleeing, and all that he sees, he conquers.In his opinion, protects as well-he was a survivor of a universe destroyed by an Eldritch Abomination known as "the Entity", but grew fed up with his warnings never being listened to and decided it would be better if he took command.
    • Now that Lord Vyce has been defeated, The Entity has come out of its hiding and is starting to consume, beginning with Dr. Linksano. As of Planet of the Symbiotes Linkara is the only one left in the world.
    • Mechakara once more, only this time in Pollo's WIP 2.0 body.
      • Revealed to actually be Lord Vyce.
  • Big Damn Heroes: In the episode that ends the Mechakara arc--90's Kid, Harvey Finevoice and Ninja Style Dancer all show up to save Linkara from Mechakara; they start shooting and everything's great... till they realize that their weapons will not work and they run away. Then OUR universe's Pollo shows up then to borrow something just in time to save the day in a Double Subversion.
    • Played straight in the final battle with Lord Vyce - Harvey, Ensign Munroe and 90's Kid help Iron Liz and Linkara by combining their attacks to defeat Lord Vyce.
    • Star Trek #2 has Mirrorsano saving Liz from Mirrorkara.
  • Bilingual Bonus: Dolorem is latin for misery
  • Black Eyes of Evil: Taken to an even worse level. The Entity in the form of 90s Kid has eyes like television static.
  • Break the Cutie: The backstory that is the Magic Gun. She was tortured by her parents that she loved dearly to create the ultimate weapon. She managed to kill them and is at peace and even helps Linkara defeat Silent Hill calling him partner.
  • Breather Episode: Breather arc, actually; his stated purpose for the Dr. Linksano arc was to just give the viewers a bit of fun after the comparatively serious and suspenseful Mechakara saga. Every arc features several episodes with no connection to it so the reviews themselves can remain the show's focus. The big exception was the "Linkara Lost" mini-arc, which straddles six episodes in a row.
    • After the Vyce arc ended with eight arc episodes in a row, Linkara stated that he'd be taking a break from any storylines for a few months.
    • The "Comic Book Advertisements" episode was something of a breather as well, as he had just finished reviewing Rise of Arsenal.
  • Brick Joke:
    • Remember how Mechakara forced Insano to cut his hair? It comes back to bite his ass later on. Big time.
    • The entire Mechakara saga is basically the result of one of these: Remember Spoony and Linkara's crossover review of Warrior, and all the insane universe-shifting that occurred because of it? Yeah.

"Told you I'd bring it up."

    • One that crosses onto another show: Spoony's Party Mania video revealed that one of the Schlumper brothers turned into that universe's Dr. Insano. Eventually we find out Dr. Linksano is the other brother.
    • In another overlap with Spoony, it turns out Linkara was the one who stole Neutro from Dr. Insano.
    • Linkara is transported 30 years into the future and meets the older version of himself in the same video that begins the Mechakara saga. More than a year later, we see the older Linkara wonder if he should have told his younger self about the gun.
      • This one is even more Brick Joke-y than that it turns out, as of the final Silent Hill Dead/Alive review. the older Linkara asks himself in the "Previously On..." segment just before the Action Comics #593 review if he should have told himself about the magic gun and decides that it's okay he didn't because it was "only his sanity" at stake. As of the Silent Hill review, we find out that his Magic Gun was created by a young girl being tortured by her own parents into insanity/death, and that Silent Hill/Mechakara tried to convince him that he was her father and therefore one of the ones who killed her--all so that it would drive him insane and defeat him. Possibly a candidate for most depressing Brick Joke ever.
    • A sequence from the Neutro episode has a payoff a hundred and thirteen episodes later.
    • Remember when 90s Kid suggested a Nirvana reunion with Kurt Cobain's body being animated by slayer chicks? And how Linkara declared there was something seriously wrong with him? Turns out that was a clue that it wasn't really 90s Kid.
      • Well, of course. Aside from it being to disturbing even for the real 90's Kid, he would know that Cobain was cremated!
  • Bullying a Dragon: Who would have thought Lord Vyce's greatest weakness was being TAUNTED?
  • Call Back: "I'm distracting you so she can stab you." He first said this to a Shade in the Ewoks comic review, then to Lord Vyce in the Doctor Who Classics #7 review.
  • Cassandra Truth: Linkara doesn't believe the Entity exists and dismisses Vyce's warnings.
    • Now reversed, with Vyce refusing to believe that Linkara killed the Entity.
  • Cerebus Retcon: "It's magic. I don't have to explain it." Later on, it's explained that the Magic Gun is Powered by a Forsaken Child.
    • Played with during the "15 Things Wrong With Identity Crisis" review, in which Linkara says that he brutally and mercilessly murdered a thief that broke into his house, took the watch that would become the Miller Time watch, and buried the corpse in Nevada, then reveals that obviously it never happened, explains the true origins of the watch (it was a gift for his 13th birthday), and that he was just giving an example of a bad Cerebus Retcon that would've made his Miller Time videos much less funny to watch.
      • Played straight in the 'Spiderman Team-up: Saturday Night Live' review. Up to this point, Linkara had been using many different toys, memorabilia, and other various franchise-related objects as if they were the actual real things, with no real explanation given. Turns out that Linkara had been using magic on what would otherwise be harmless, ordinary toys, thus turning them into an 'image' of the actual item that existed in whatever franchise the toy comes from -- which in laymen s terms amounts to essentially becoming the real item, instead of a powerless plaything.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: Big-time, starting with the Mechakara arc.
  • Chekhov's Armoury: In addition to the below-mentioned guns, Linkara is constantly expanding his "Arsenal of Freedom" with loads of different weapons, ready to be used whenever needed.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • Linkara found a working Pokéball in his review of a World of Warcraft Comic, which he later used to capture a Pyramid Head. That becomes one itself in Silent Hill Dead/Alive #5 when he uses Pyramid Head to finish off a Nurse.
    • There were a dozen or so with payoffs in the Mechakara battle. The Power Rangers Morpher and the various weapons he picked up over the length of his show were the most obvious, but it also saw the payoffs for things like Black Lantern Spoony and Dr. Insano's haircut. In the commentary for said video he even admits that shooting Mechakara with the gun from the Cable #1 review was a deliberate attempt to evoke this trope.
    • When Mechakara attacks during the review for the Zeo Rangers, Linkara attacks a giant Mechakara with Neutro, which he says he took from Dr. Insano when the good doctor left it parked behind Spoony's house. In the second part of Spoony's review of FFX, there's a point where Dr. Insano bursts into Spoony's room, asking if anyone has seen Neutro, which he left parked behind Spoony's house.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Inverted, as it's Mechakara's lack of understanding of magic that leads him to underestimate both Linkara and the soul of the girl in his magic gun in Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #5.
  • Continuity Snarl: His 2010 preview video includes his future intro to the Silent Hill Dead Alive review. It's in a different location than the actual review due to his moving over the summer (which he obviously wouldn't have known he would do in January).
  • Cosmic Retcon: Linkara's attempt to bring Spoony back to life by punching the fabric of reality instead gave Donna Troy a new origin story... and turned Dr. Insano into a man. Later, in his review of Mickey Mantle #2, a couple of baseball players pounding against the walls of reality makes Linkara switch places with Ensign Munro, turns '90s Kid into 60s Kid, and gives Harvey Finevoice his own show.
  • Crossover: Angry Joe and his Army help Linkara against Lord Vyce by invading and capturing Vyce's ship, cutting off his power source and rendering him vulnerable.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Linkara's first fight with Vyce does not go all that well.
  • Cut Himself Shaving: Linkara claims he was wearing gloves during his Ultimates 3 review because he burned his hands on a hot plate, but it is really Mechakara covering his robot hands.
  • Dark Action Girl: Judas Liz.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: With nothing more than an improvised Logic Bomb, Linkara convinces the Entity to destroy itself by TALKING to it!
  • Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: Just as the Entity was about to consume Linkara Linkara actually managed to convince it that its current goal was pointless and to find out what happens when an Outer God dies instead.
  • Doppelganger: Mechakara. The only difference between them is that Mechakara has a robotic hand is a Terminator-style cyborg and is really, really creepy.
    • An interview has confirmed the "Alien Harvey Finevoice" (from the Silent Hill alternate endings) is a separate character from normal Harvey Finevoice, who would very much like to do a duet with his double.
  • Double Vision: During the conclusion of the Mechakara story, Linkara, 90's Kid, and Ninja Style Dancer all appear at the same time to defeat Mechakara. Harvey Finevoice also appears, but not at the same time.
  • Dwindling Party: The Entity arc, highlighted in The Twilight Zone #9.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: That's NOT the Ghost of Christmas Future.

Linkara: that a robot hand?

    • Lord Vyce's voice is first heard long before he is properly introduced as the new Big Bad, in Sultry Teenage Super Foxes #2.
    • Ditto for the following Big Bad, the Entity.
  • Easter Egg: In Darker Image #1: One of the messages is "His Vyce is Conquest." Plus, from the one after the credits: "I didn't misspell his name."
  • Eldritch Abomination: The Entity which is revealed to be a Darker and Edgier take on Missingno.
  • Empathic Weapon: The magic gun.
  • Epic Fail: When trying to christen his new spaceship. "BREAK, DAMN YOU!"
    • This becomes Nightmare Fuel when you find out what sailors thought would happen if the bottle didn't break. Apparently it was such bad luck that if it didn't, no sailor would possibly board it or work on the ship, and it would have to be dismantled and rebuilt. Also, the Entity is here.
  • Eureka Moment: After reviewing "Care Bears #13", Linkara grumpily states how the comic didn't help cheer him up (since he was still emotionally messed up from the Curb Stomp Battle Vyce gave him in the previous episode), and proceeds to leave the futon... only to realize that Vyce didn't kill him when he had the chance because his armor was damaged.

"I know how to beat him... I KNOW HOW TO BEAT HIM!!!"

    • At the end of the Spider-Man: Planet of the Symbiotes review, Linkara tells 90s Kid that the Entity has taken everyone on Earth except the two of them. 90s Kid's response of "Heavy!" is what makes Linkara realize that 90s Kid is the Entity, or rather, it's been impersonating him for some time now.
  • Evil Laugh: Mechakara.
  • Evil Twin: Mechakara, a Terminator-like duplicate of Linkara who stalks him for several months. Eventually revealed to be Pollo from an alternate universe.
    • Judas Liz to Iron Liz.
  • Eviler Than Thou:
    • After Dr. Insano's defeat in the Adamantium Rage/Warrior #1 crossover, which was, ironically, the event responsible for bringing Mechakara into our universe in the first place, he was largely relegated to Harmless Villain status while more and more focus was placed on the enigmatic and far more menacing Mechakara, whom even Dr. Insano described as "really mean." In a last-minute reversal, however, Dr. Insano managed to capture the badly damaged Mechakara and finish him off in revenge for his involuntary haircut seven months previous]. With his trademark Evil Laugh, he then proclaimed, "I'm back, baby!"
    • According to Linksano Lord Vyce is this to the entire universe, and according to Lord Vyce, the Entity is this.
  • Fate Worse Than Death: The Mechakara story concludes with the titular character being revived by Dr. Insano... only to be painfully tortured by said doctor for quite some time and then the Warrior #2-#3 Stinger shows the cybernetic part of his face lying on a bathroom counter, with his eye slowly lighting up. Creepy, yes, but that also means Dr. Insano took him apart while he was still alive.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • During a visit to the future in the Superman vs. Terminator review, a huge gun is visible in the background. We later see Linkara get his hands on it in the Cable #1 review, and battle Mechakara with it.
    • The opening to the review of Athena #1 shows Lewis fiddling with the Zeonizer before quickly hiding it and telling the audience it is "part of a little side project." He is sonic-ing it at the beginning of the X-Men #1 review.
    • One of the flashing text in the EXTREME bit in the Darker Image says His Vyce is conquest
      • In the same episode, after the credits: "I didn't misspell his name."
    • A cross-series piece of Foreshadowing: In Part 2 of Spoony's review of Final Fantasy X, Dr. Insano enters Spoony's room and starts to say "Bad news, I think Mechakara just-" before squicking out at Spoony singing "A Whole New World".
      • Second one from Spoony, Insano comes in asking if anyone's knows where Neutro was because it wasn't where he parked it.
    • At the end of his 100th episode, he listed a bunch of things there would be more of, including "More Neutro". This later came to pass in his review of Power Rangers Zeo #1, where at the end of the credits he says "I told you there'd be more Neutro".
    • Two key videos during the Vyce arc feature an odd buzzing sound after Linkara defeats someone. Turns out this isn't connected to Vyce, but is the next Big Bad, The Entity.
    • At the end of his Silent Hill Dead/Alive review he (while under Vyce's illusions) reads an entry in a book mentioning 'a piece of the world is missing'. Fast forward to the current arc and apparently the Entity has something to do with that. Judging by his review of Game Boy #1 the rest was relevant, though exactly how remains to be seen.
    • When Linksano was giving Linkara the speech building up to the reveal of Lord Vyce's name, he mentions "ancient, mindless evils that fill in the cracks and eat dimensions for a snack". Gee, does that sound familiar?
    • The Entity has been described as a glitch in reality, something that should never even exist. The Planet of the Symbiotes review finally reveals that the Entity is MissingNo., one of the most notorious Pokémon glitches.
    • The reason that Planet of the Symbiotes was chosen as the penultimate episode of the Entity arc was to foreshadow the method Linkara used to destroy MissingNo., convincing it to commit suicide.
    • In the Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan #3 review, after Mechakara hijacks Pollo's new body Linkara tells Pollo "He's not you." and "You're nothing like him." We find out how true that is when it turns out the enemy was actually Vyce.
    • Back in the Superman: Distant Fires review, Linkara is checking up on preparations his various characters are making before they face Lord Vyce again, when 90's Kid informs him that he would need "a magic wand or something" to upgrade his BFG any further. Linkara simply responds by saying "Let me worry about that". It has been recently revealed that all of Linkara's tech is the result of his using a magic spell to turn representations of various sci-fi gizmos into the real things.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: In Power Rangers Zeo #1, when Mechakara grows giant, one of the billboards in the city is showing Obscurus Lupa's Buffy the Vampire Slayer title card.
    • In the credits of the Captain America (comics): Return of the Asthma Monster review. I'M ALWAYS WATCHING
      • In the same vein as above, in the credits of the NBComics #1 review, THE LOST BEAST HAS FOUND A HOME.
      • In the Mightily Murdered Power Ringers, it says YOU'VE SEEN MY BONES BEFORE.
      • In the credits of Kamandi at Earth's End #1, not only does it say I'VE ALREADY WON THE GAME, but it even hits Linkara while saying "CAN YOU SEE ME?".
      • In the review of US-1 #2, it says IT'S MORE THAN JUST A PIECE..
      • In Twilight Zone #9 it says I'M NOT THAT THIN.
      • In the review of Superman & the TRS-80 Whiz Kids: The Computers that Saved Metropolis, it says I AM BEAUTIFUL.
    • While orinigaly looking for a comic to review in his Pokémon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu review, he rejects Marville, saying that he's saving it for next year. Sure enough, Marville #1 is his first review of the following year.
  • Fridge Brilliance: In-universe, Linkara realizes that 90s Kid was always around whenever somebody went missing, and has been behaving strangely for months, eventually causing him to realize that 90s Kid has been either possessed or replaced by The Entity, Missingno.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: The Entity, self-proclaimed Outer God, started as a bug in a computer game.
  • Gaslighting: What Mechakara and Lord Vyce were doing to Linkara through use of the alternate reality / Silent Hill, particularly the way he found out the backstory on his Magic Gun. Thankfully, his Magic Gun helped subvert this to save her partner.
  • Giggling Villain: Dr. Insano. Dr. Linksano, as well
  • The Heartless: Dolorem, the physical embodiment of the Magic Gun's vengeance against its creators. She conspired with Mechakara in the Silent Hill Dead/Alive review in order to trick the Gun's spirit into thinking Linkara was her father and give her a reason to continue existing. It did not work.
  • Heel Face Turn: Linkara manages to talk Linksano into doing one when he points out exactly why taking over the world isn't all it's cracked up to be.
  • Henshin Hero: His empowered form is his hat and jacket. He even puts them on via morpher.
  • Heroic BSOD:
    • At the end of the Cry for Justice review he suffers a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown from Lord Vyce and barely survives by pure luck, left shell- shocked and quivering in terror.
      • This continues into Care Bears #13. While he's recovered physically from the attack by Vyce, he's still a wreck emotionally, halfheartedly running his sonic screwdriver over his morpher (which Mechakara destroyed) and has no idea of how to deal with Vyce. It isn't until the end of the review that Linkara wonders why Vyce didn't kill him when he clearly had the chance. He then remembers damaging Vyce's shoulder- and from this, he realizes that Vyce's armor is his weak point. Linkara finally snaps out of it with a joyful yell of "I KNOW HOW TO BEAT HIM!"
    • Happens literally after seeing that Brain Drain (and the completely missing how The Thing's character goes) was written by former Marvel editor-in-chief Tom Defalco (who should have some idea of The Thing's characterization).
  • Here We Go Again: The Entity storyline ends with with a scene of That Dude in the Suede performing the Missingno. glitch. Of course, this was probably just a throwaway joke and not an indication that The Entity/Missingno. will be coming back.
  • He's Back: Dr Insano after the Mechakara saga ended.
    • Linkara at the end of Care Bears #13, after he realizes Vyce's armor is his weak point and joyfully yells, "I KNOW HOW TO BEAT HIM!"
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: When Linkara is on the receiving end of a Curb Stomp Battle from Lord Vyce, the only way he finds that harms Vyce even slightly is to use Vyce's own weapon against him.
  • Humiliation Conga: Vyce is impossible (or at least extremely difficult) to kill, so instead Linkara and Liz gleefully explain how they used Linksano as The Mole to lure him into a powerless position, then everyone teams up to beat him unconscious, before Linkara exiles him to a barren, deserted universe. It's quite possible that he'll return in a future installment, though.
  • I Shall Taunt You: he pulls this on Lord Vyce.
  • Idiot Ball: Linkara discovers that the Entity takes its victims when they're alone. So what does he do? He sends Pollo to the living room to add protective measures to the house. ALONE.
  • Immune to Bullets: The Shades seem immune/resistant to non-magic weapons, they take an entire clip of Harvey Finevoice's Tommygun unfazed, but go down rather quick to magic blades and the Magic Gun.
    • Subverted when Angry Joe and his Army have little difficulty blasting them to bits.
  • Inexplicably Awesome: He has access to technology from Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Power Rangers (among other things), and how he obtained any of it was left unexplained for a long time. First Subverted in the case of his magic gun, which is revealed to be Powered by a Forsaken Child. More recently, it was revealed that he has been using a magic "Image becomes reality" spell to make his toy collection useful since threats started appearing.
  • Jerkass Genie: Wish Kid's magical glove grants Linkara's wish to remove NBComics from existence, only to replace it with a (going by his reaction) far worse comic.
  • Jigsaw Puzzle Plot: The various appearances of "Mechakara," a robot double of Linkara who typically shows up at the end of a review to set up part of an impending plan against him. Lewis has claimed that every appearance of Mechakara contains some kind of clue to his identity or his goal, and challenged fans to figure it out before the big final showdown.
  • Killer Robot: Mechakara
  • Knight of Cerebus: Mechakara. Before him, any "plot" was based on random Dr. Insano gags and "Previously On..." parodies; ever since... well, "All that he sees, he conquers".
  • Knight Templar/Well-Intentioned Extremist: Lord Vyce. He conquers universes to protect them from a strange, dark evil being that consumes entire worlds, known only as "The Entity". He does it by force and has conquered at least 16 so far.
  • Legion of Doom: The various alternate versions of Doctor Insano, who contemplate teaming up and taking over reality.
  • Look Behind You!: "I'm distracting you so she can stab you."
    • in an Ironic Echo, Linkara says this to Lord Vyce right before Iron Liz stabs him with Twinkle and Icingdeath.
  • Loophole Abuse: Linkara has said he will not review Manga (due to dedicated Manga reviewers appearing on the That Guy With The Glasses after his introduction video), which didn't stop him from reviewing a Chinese comic.
  • Looping Lines: When Linkara abandons Vyce in a barren universe, all his lines are dubbed in, presumably due to the outdoor filming conditions obscuring his voice.
  • Madness Mantra: A creepy version in the sinister book he found about the entire page is just filled with jagged writing repeating the words "I AM NEVER SHOULD" over and over again. It's...unsettling
    • The next page has "EVERYBODY IS GONE" with "GONE" repeated randomly about the page.
      • The Entity itself, when confronted with the inevitable outcome of its goal: "Purpose defines existence, but existence defines purpose, but purpose defines existence, but existence defines purpose..." repeat ad-nauseam.
  • Magic Versus Science: Magic is something Mechakara cannot fight against; he came to our dimension to get the power to fight magic.
  • The Man Behind the Man: "Mr. T #2 (AP Comics)"'s "Previously On..." shows Andrew Dickman being manipulated into stealing all the other title card artist's jobs by Dr. Insano.
  • Man in White: Linkara's form when he uses the Zeonizer.
    • Mirror Universe Dr. Insano.
  • Mirror Universe: Iron Liz is accidentally swapped with her mirror universe counterpart in the Star Trek #2 review. Linkara is megalomaniacal and adores Liefeld, Pollo looks like Tom Servo, alternate Liz loves Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition, and Dr. Insano is a noble 'Champion of Science'. Apart from that everything seems much the same.
  • The Missingno: The Entity, literally
  • Mood Whiplash: At the end of the Cry for Justice #5-7 review, the final shot of Linkara lying on the floor after being beaten up by Lord Vyce leads directly into Lesley Gore's "It's My Party".
    • The Backstreet Project review, Linkara reviews a comic with the rather silly idea of a boyband becoming superheroes and plays the Weird Al Yankovic song eBay in the credits. And then The Stinger comes, with Dr Linksano revealing that whilst Linkara has assumed he was distracted with a chemistry play set, he's created a new device that will destroy Linkara... Even if he doesn't know what it does. Then Linksano starts telling someone to back away, before he vanishes out of existence thanks to The Entity that lord Vyce was trying to stop, as the episode ends with The Entity's digitized laugh & a creepy piano piece playing.
    • The Twilight Zone comic review introduces a new character, with a hilarious shot of Lewis in a clown nose and rainbow wig, standing in silent dignity. The clown then immediately becomes a victim of the Entity.
  • Mundane Fantastic: Linkara fights off evil scientists and a robot version of himself, travels to alternate universes to fight villains who are trying to ward off even STRONGER enemies, has a magic gun and multiple Star Trek / Doctor Who gadgets...and it's a review show? He even states this in the Doctor Who Classics #7 review.
  • Never Found the Body: As of Spider-Man: Planet of the Symbiotes with the exception of Linkara everyone on the planet, including Dr. Linksano, Ninja Style Dancer, Harvey Finevoice, Pollo, 90s Kid, and Iron Liz have all disappeared thanks to the Entity.
  • Never Trust a Trailer: The 2010 trailer made it seem like Ensign Munro, Dr. Linksano, and Pyramid Head would be appearing in the Mechakara conclusion. Those scenes did, however, appear in later videos, since that trailer was for the entire year.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Vyce's Curb Stomp Battle with Linkara is brutal.
  • Oh Crap:
    • Linksano: Oh no... He's coming....HE'S COMING!
    • The look on Mechakara's face when he hears Linkara coming home in the middle of his You Bastard rant.
    • The Twilight Zone #9 - The Entity has taken Pollo.
    • Silent Hill: Paint it Black - Now Spoony's gone.
    • Silent Hill: Among the Damned - So is Marzgurl!
    • Silent Hill: The Grinning Man - And so is Benzaie, Sad Panda, and about half of the French population...
    • Spider Man: Planet of the Symbiotes - Angry Joe, Jew Wario, Dr. Insano...hell, pretty much everybody in the world except Linkara and 90's Kid...who turns out to be the Entity in 90's Kid's form...
  • Ontological Inertia: The injuries Linkara sustained from his fight with Mechakara disappeared when he used the Morpher to power up. The injuries returned when he powered down.
  • Papa Wolf: Don't say anything bad about Iron Liz to his face either; "That woman stands alongside me and fights for this universe with as much bravery and courage as any champion. You're in MY house, Vyce, and you WILL show her respect!"
  • Paranoia Fuel: The Entity. From what we know about it so far it seems like the Lovecraftian love child of the Silence and the Slender Man and it is ALWAYS watching Linkara. And it can make people dissapear from the world with ease and it's not clear WHAT it's doing to them
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: The story at the beginning of each Silent Hill Dead/Alive video, about a girl who was only born so her parents could power a superweapon by torturing her. Which turns out to be the Magic Gun!
  • Punctuated Pounding: And again against Mechakara in the Power Rangers Zeo #1 review:
  • Rant-Inducing Slight:
    • Used in the MMPR review. Mechakara has been exasperated by Linkara for the past eight months through plans being inadvertently interrupted or getting the wrong results, yet he has remained relatively calm... but it is Linkara's voice that finally gets him to start yelling.

"Be quiet, you ugly bag of meat! Every time your fat maw opens, it sounds like a cat is dying!! How anyone can stand to listen to your lisping, SHRIEKING wails is beyond my comprehension!!"

  • Red Herring: He clearly wanted the viewers to think The Entity was some Lovecraftian monster. Not only did most of the clues sound Lovecraftian in nature, they were sandwiched in between the 2010-2011 Silent Hill reviews, which he claimed had more in common with Lovecraft than Silent Hill. Though the Entity does refer to itself as an Outer God, a term from the Cthulhu Mythos, so there seems to have been a little truth in with the misdirection.
  • Reed Richards Is Useless: Linkara has created the most sophisticated AI ever, with countless implications for nearly every field of science, yet he only uses it to maintain his video review show while he's busy saving the world.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Mechakara, while pretending to be Lewis, gives one to the entire fanbase at the end of the Ultimates 3 #5 review.
  • Revive Kills Zombie: Utilized against Black Lantern Spoony in the Blackest Night clip.
  • Robot Me: Mechakara.
  • Robotic Psychopath: Mechakara.
  • Rule of Cool: The entire storyline. He's an Internet comic reviewer - who is also apparently the "champion" of his planet, using gadgets from Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Power Rangers alongside his troupe of lookalikes to fight mad scientists, evil robots and aliens, including an evil entity that is actually the living persona of one of the most infamous video game glitches ever.. One commenter said it best: "You sir are a god among nerds."
  • Sequel Hook:
    • After Mechakara's defeat, all questions about his identity and goals are answered... but who sabotaged the Continuity Alarm?
    • The stinger at the end of Secret Orgins Month:

Linkara: What, you wanted to hear about my secret origins? *smiles* Maybe some other time.

  • Shut UP, Hannibal: He gets quite a fine one in the conclusion of the Vyce arc. After his defeat, Well-Intentioned Extremist Lord Vyce warns Linkara that his victory leaves the multiverse vulnerable to 'the Entity.' Linkara calmly points out that he doesn't buy Vyce's claim to being the hero: "I don't know many good guys who conquer entire multiverses. Or many who call themselves 'Lord' either."
  • Sitcom Arch Nemesis: The Linkara/Dr. Insano relationship sometimes takes on shades of this. He has never really been threatening in the same way as Mechakara. Dr. Linksano is pretty much a parody of this trope, as well as Unknown Rival.
  • Space Whale Aesop: At the very end of the Lord Vyce Arc finale:

And the moral of the story is... "Don't make fun of insane weirdos who track U.F.O.s with empty boxes and divining rods because they may end up on a superfluous and pointless alien ship." (Beat) ... Wait, what?"

Oh, it is on now!

  • Timey-Wimey Ball: A rip in hypertime allows Linkara to go off to fix things by reviewing Warrior #4, then return to the exact same time he left and keep doing reviews (this was actually done due to the unpredictability of when the Warrior review would be put up).
  • Tomato Surprise: The Ultimates 3 review.
  • Took a Level In Badass: Pollo against Linksano in JLA: Act of God Part 3.
  • Trailers Always Spoil: Both trailers for the 2009 and 2010 does show some details that should not be there...
  • Transformation Sequence: In an emergency (such as the showdown with Big Bad Mechakara) Linkara can use his Power Rangers morpher to transform into an Internet Reviewer.
    • Compared with simply going to the closet and putting on his hat and coat, this method comes with enhanced strength and a laser pistol.
    • Later this form got a much more Power Rangers-esque outfit and a strength upgrade.
    • Later still he gets a brief one when he morphs into the Green Ranger.
  • True Companions: While it was vaguely hinted at beforehand, the "Linkara Lost" arc showed just how tight knit Linkara and his allies are.
  • Vichy Earth: What Lord Vyce intends to do with our universe.
  • Villains Never Lie: Subverted. Mechakara very much is lying when he implies that Linkara is the father of the soul that powers his gun.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Linkara and Pollo snark at each other a lot, and Pollo is far from above manipulating Linkara to get stuff he wants, but any time either is in danger, the other will do everything in his power to protect and help.
  • We Could Have Avoided All This: At the beginning of the Wrath of Khan three-parter, Linkara dismisses Nimue's alert, as before this he's always had time to do a whole comic review before the storyline material. But this time it allows Pollo's new body, possessed by Mechakara's hand, to take over Comicron 1.
  • Wham! Episode: Cry for Justice #5-7: Lord Vyce arrives and reveals that he's actually conquering the universes to protect them from an Eldritch Abomination called "The Entity", and gives Linkara a brutal beatdown, being impervious to ALL of his attacks and killing Pyramid Head. Linkara barely survives by sheer luck and is left bloody, broken and shell-shocked.
    • Planet of the Symbiotes: The entire population of the world has vanished, leaving Linkara on an empty planet alone with the nightmarish Entity...who Linkara finally identifies as Missingno
  • Wham! Line:

Linkara: Okay, Mechakara. Surrender and you won't get hurt.
Lord Vyce: That... is not my name.

Harvey Finevoice: Well, kid, what are you gonna do?
Linkara: The only thing I can do. Review a comic book.

  • What Happened to the Mouse?: At the beginning of the Cool World review with Marz Gurl, Linkara says he needs help to fight Dr. Insano. It's never brought up again, nor does it fit in continuity with the Wolverine: Adamantium Rage and Warrior reviews from around the same time. Of course, Insano doesn't have a continuity as such.
    • After the Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan review, Iron Liz stops appearing on the show. The real life reason is that Linkara and Liz are no longer in a relationship, but there's no in-story explanation given.
  • Worf Had the Flu: After the initial Curb Stomp Battle, it seems fairly simple for Linkara to outmaneuver and defeat Vyce in their rematch. However, Linkara mentioned this was possible because he figured out Vyce's Bizarre Alien Biology was incompatible with our universe and as such he would be greatly weakened fighting in person there. Combine this with taking advantage of Vyce's pride, and he was able to rob Vyce's protective suit of most of its power and overcome him.
  • Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?: Turns out, those wonderful toys are just that: toys.