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From left to right: Mayucchi, Miyako, Momoyo, Wanko, and Chris. Together, They Fight Crime!

Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! ("Please Love Me Seriously!" in English, abbreviated MajiKoi) is a Visual Novel H-game, and Minato Soft's second work. Released in 2009, MajiKoi tells the rather light-hearted tale of the adventures of seven Childhood Friends, the self-styled Kazama Family, and the group's two newest additions as they run amok in their School of Hard Knocks. A Slice of Life work chock full of comedic tropes, MajiKoi nevertheless manages to drop a Drama Bomb here and there, and tackles some somewhat serious subjects like life goals, the meaning of friendship, and redemption.

The anime aired as part of the Fall 2011 Anime and a sequel, Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! S, was released in January 2012. The sequel adds more heroines, and more scenes to the already existing heroines.

US residents can view the anime legally at Crunchyroll.

Tropes used in Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! include:
  • Abuse Is Okay When Its Female On Male: In episode 2, the girls chase after a dog in the bath house naked. They then catch it when it runs into Yamato's room. After some initial embarassment and screaming, the next scene shows Yamato all bruised up as they continue chasing after the dog.
    • Momoyo also puts him in what appears to be a very painful headlock earlier in the episode because he wasn't around the night before when she called him (due to him being at a meeting at the time).
  • Accidental Pervert: Yamato, of course.
    • Chris becomes one in episode 4 when she's stripping in the bath house changing room while Yamato himself is coming out of the bath. He immediately screams and calls her a pervert.
  • Action Girl
  • Actor Allusion: Numerous, what with its all-star voice cast. A notable one has the pervert Ikurou suddenly speaking in a monotone, turning serious, developing an incredible intellect, and introducing himself thus:

Ikurou: I am... Ero.[1]

  • Adaptation Distillation: Inevitable, as tends to be the case with any visual novel anime adaptation. Whether it ends up being a case of Pragmatic Adaptation or Adaptation Decay still remains to be seen.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Gen-san's actual name is Tadakatsu Minamoto, which doesn't come up very often. The whole family calls Shouichi "Cap", short for Captain, and Momoyo, being a year older than everyone else, is "Momo-senpai". Yukie is called Mayucchi by her friends and Mayumayu by Momoyo; Kazuko is known by all as Wanko, but she's also in the habit of doling out nicknames herself - Tacchan for Gen-san, for instance, and Kuri for Chris. Subverted later on in the latter two's respective routes, where Yamato starts calling them by their given names instead - in particular, in Wanko's path, Momoyo catches on to their Relationship Upgrade via a sudden lack of this trope.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Miyako loves Yamato but he wants to stay friends (thought that can be fix). Moro loves Miyako but its pretty much absolutely hopeless. Kuki Hideo loves Wanko but he's too proud to take a hint and she's too honest to tell him to buzz off.
  • All Men Are Perverts
  • Animal Motif: Wanko as a dog most notably, though at one point Mayucchi comes up with one for everybody.
  • The Anime of the Game
  • Ascended Extra: Oodles and oodles of characters get their own standing drawings and voice actors/actresses in the sequel, such as the Ninja Maid contingent, assistant instructor Ru, and Gale and Gates, to name but a few. A handful also get the vaunted heroine treatment.
  • The Atoner: Touma in the Ryuuzetsuran route.
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: How the Sibling Team Gale and Gates got their reputation. Subverted in that while Gates is able to successfully predict Momoyo's first attack, it's so overwhelming that Gale is unable to defend against it.
  • Badass: Hoo boy. Just about everybody is some derivative of Badass, with the exception of some of the non-combatants. Some.
  • Baseball Episode: "Kawakami Ball".
  • Battle Harem: More true for the anime with Miyako, Wanko, Yukie & Chris already in Yamato's harem from the start, and the Momoyo (and others) in play. In the game, each girl has her own route, though in the Ryuuzetseran route, you get Momo, Miyako, Tasuko & Angel.
  • Berserk Button: Do NOT play around with Yamato's pet hermit crabs.
    • And in the manga's case, ruining Cap's breakfast is a very bad idea. And so is calling Cookie "annoying".
  • Big Damn Heroes: Usually Momoyo thanks to her in-universe status as the World's Strongest Woman, though occasionally invoked to lesser degrees by other members of the family, as well as Hideo in the Ryuuzetsuran storyline.
  • Bishounen: Cap and Touma have their own fan clubs at school.
  • Black Comedy Rape: Due largely in part to Momoyo, plenty of Double Standard Rape (Female on Male) abounds. Except when it's not treated lightly. Mid-way through her route Mayucchi has to throw Momoyo, addled by battle lust, out a window to get her off Yamato.
  • Calling Your Attacks: In the Visual Novel, Assistant Master Lu spends time brainstorming names for his new special moves.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Chris pretty much gets instantly inebriated whenever the Kawakami Water comes out. Played for hilarious effect in her own route, where it leads to a threesome with Margit.
  • Catch Phrase: Miyako's "... Shoumonai", roughly "There's no helping it." She gets rather happy when she hears Yamato use it.
  • Cerebus Retcon: Most scenes involving Touma, Jun, and Koyuki after clearing the Ryuuzetsuran path. Most notably, the ending of Chris's route is the only one where Touma opts not to continue in their family's line of work and instead decides to "live for love", a choice that the Ryuuzetsuran route's reveals really puts into perspective.
  • Character Development: All of the heroines, some of the antagonists. Only really happens to Yamato in the paths where his childhood dream is brought up.
  • The Chessmaster: Yamato, a refreshing change from the usual type of male lead. Touma is the 2-S equivalent and the two have a rivalry of sorts.
  • Chick Magnet: Cap and Touma, and also arguably Momoyo.
  • Childhood Friends: The Kazama Family, as well as the 2-S trio.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Any of Miyako, Momoyo, or Wanko qualify for this. Miyako, in particular, is the Patient Childhood Love Interest, to whom Yamato has been maintaining a Just Friends stance to for the last several years(!).
  • Childhood Memory Demolition Team: The secret base is demolished at the conclusion of the Ryuuzetsuran route, with the Friday gatherings temporarily suspended, though the ryuuzetsuran itself is OK.
  • Child Prodigy: Monshiro has skipped grades to enter Kawakami High. She also accepts challenges from, and bests, everybody in her class (1-S, so no pushovers) at everything from running a race to a cooking duel. The only thing she's no good at is fighting, for which she has her overwhelmingly powerful bodyguard to cover for.
  • Class Representative: 2-F's Token Mini-Moe Mayo, who volunteered for the position when nobody else would come forward. Hideo serves the same role for 2-S.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Momoyo is the biggest user of this trope, but all of the other girls begin portraying it as well later in the season, to the point where they're actively fighting each other or at least attempting to undermine their rivals. The ending of episode 12 just makes it worse with Yamato's confession.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Koyuki. The reason why is expanded upon in the Ryuuzetsuran route.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Comes up a few times - Jun between Touma and his own wishes in the Ryuuzetsuran route, Chris between Yamato and her father in her own route, the entire group between Miyako and Wanko in Miyako's route, so on and so forth.
    • Miyako seems to act like one at times.
  • Crash Into Hello: Yamato literally bumps into Mayucchi at the start of the Visual Novel, and already takes advantage of it by snapping shots of her thighs while she's down.
  • Crossover: More than a simple Shout-Out, members of the Kuonji household shows up in several places, as they live in the neighbouring area. In one of the routes they even spend the night in that mansion. Naturally, one of them mentions that Yukie has a nice voice.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Momoyo has strong reactions to any cute girl she happens upon.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Episode 3 focuses on Miyako's and Yuki's relationships with Yamato and their motives for wanting him.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: How Yamato gets Chris to come around to his way of doing things.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Episode 4 has a scene where Momoyo uses one of her ki attacks to deliberately flip her skirt, causing Yamato to drop his guard (because he easily dodged her attacks before this), and she subsequently puts him in an arm bar.
  • Do Not Call Me Paul: Serves as a Berserk Button for Angel.
  • Doorstopper: 5 heroines, 3 sub-heroines, 3 friend ends, and 1 true end. The sequel adds after-stories for all five original heroines, as well as including 2 brand new heroines and 3 paths for characters who got the Promotion to Love Interest.
  • Down to the Last Play: The Kawakami Ball game, Yamato's duel with Chris, and more.
  • Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: Having run out of ideas, Yamato's last desperate gamble to keep Chris in Japan is this. She wakes up partway through, and they end up going all night long. Surprisingly, it works!
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: In every route, but particularly the Ryuuzetsuran one, where even Invincible Hero Momoyo comes close to biting it at one point.
  • Eleventh-Hour Ranger: Gen-san in the Ryuuzetsuran path.
  • Erotic Eating: The lollipops in episode 6.
    • Momoyo evens lectures the other heroines on how to "eat" the lollipop, while lots of guys watch them as if they could actually feel it themselves. Then she tells them to take a bite off. All the guys immediately collapse in pain.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Momoyo has legions of fans of both genders.
  • Everyone Can See It: Hooking up with Miyako raises nary an eyebrow from, well, anyone. In fact, most of the other students at school (2-F notwithstanding) naturally assumed that Yamato and Miyako were already dating, and even before the game starts Miyako has already earned a reputation as "Yamato's girl".
  • Expy: The Prime Minister possesses more than just a passing resemblance to Mr. Taro Aso. In Mayucchi's route it's revealed that in addition to being a Badass, he's also a crack shot with a rifle, which just seals the deal.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Tatsuko is perpetually sleepy, and thus, her eyes are almost always shut. Unless her precious Yamato-kun is missing. Then... Unstoppable Rage.
  • Family Business: The Kuki Financial Conglomerate, exactly as described on the tin. This also gives Ageha, Hideo, and Monshiro rather... distinct personalities.
  • Fan Girl: Chris is a huge Jidai Geki fan, and in particularly loves the Show Within A Game Yamato-maru Nikki series, a common interest she shares with Yamato.
  • Fan Service: Interestingly, the anime has a lot more of this than the Visual Novel does.
  • Final Speech: Matsukaze "dies" in Mayucchi's route, though she uses the speech as an opportunity to finally accept another part of herself.
  • First Girl Wins: Momoyo is the first girl to appear in-game and takes front and center in most of the game's group shots and associated media, and is as close as the game gets to a "main" heroine. In the game's timeline, though, Wanko is the first girl, and Yamato mentions her having taken many of his "firsts" (first Valentine's chocolate, first time seeing a girl "down there", first time sleeping together with a girl, etc).
    • The fact that the anime begins in the middle of Momoyo's route proof that this rule is must for anime visual novel adaptation.
  • First-Name Basis: Like everybody else in the family, Yamato calls Kazuko "Wanko" and Yukie "Mayucchi", but in their respective paths he takes to calling them by their first name post-Relationship Upgrade.
  • Five-Man Band: With extras!
  • Flash Back: Interspersed between routes as necessary; no single path gives a complete background on the family, with each person's pertinent set of flashbacks happening in their own storyline.
  • The Gadfly: Yamato enjoys making up new traditional Japanese customs whenever Chris calls him out on something, which helps build up their Belligerent Sexual Tension.
  • Gainaxing: Momoyo's done it so far. Given how many well endowed females there are, others are sure to follow.
  • Gay Option: The game doesn't really have one, though not for lack of characters - Touma is quite open about his preferences, and Ryuuhei is straight up just gay.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Special mention goes to Ikurou vision.
    • and Episode 6
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Momoyo whenever she's about to get serious. It helps that her eyes are red.
  • Goal in Life: A central plot point in Wanko's route. Seeing her working so hard for the sake of her goal inspires Yamato to revive his own childhood dream of becoming a man capable of moving Japan itself, i.e. the Prime Minister. In the epilogue ten years later, he's shown to have worked his way up to becoming a city council member.
  • Gratuitous English: Miyako

I rub yu!

  • Happily Ever After: Invoked in a couple of different ways. In their respective routes Wanko is Happily Married, Miyako gets Babies Ever After, and Mayucchi Grow Old with Me, to name a few examples. At the end of the Ryuuzetsuran route, the ryuuzetsuran is transplanted to the Kawakami School of Martial Arts, the family has gotten a new member and is still going strong, and even the villains are getting a shot at redemption.
  • Harem Genre: Subverted. Though there are multiple heroines, MajiKoi doesn't quite qualify as a Harem Comedy since no more than two of them are really interested in Yamato at any given time. See Love Triangle for details.
    • The anime seems to have abandoned the game's approach in favor of the classic Harem setup, most likely so that they can fit everybody's storylines in.
  • Heroic BSOD: Wanko after losing via double KO in the tournament, thus having to give up on her dream. Miyako when Yamato decides to temporarily put their relationship on hold. In both cases Cooldown Hugs are eventually involved.
    • In the anime, Momoyo in episode 8 when during her heated battle against a cyborg opponent, one of the missiles fired by the opponent and deflected by her ends up hitting Yamato and putting him in a coma. She even lets out a Skyward Scream after seeing him in the ICU.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: A couple. Gakuto for Chika, Momoyo for Moro, etc
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: One of the main draws of the Visual Novel (and the anime by extension), along with the Actor Allusions. Check out the trivia page for the entire list.
  • H-game: Not merely refering to the Visual Novel of this series, but in Episode 3 of the anime: Miyako tries to use one - in fact it's even titled "Seriously Fall In Love With Miyako", hence features herself as the main character, or more specifically, the only winnable character (and what's more, it was apparently developed by Miyako herself) - to seduce Yamato. Unfortunately for her he doesn't budge.
  • Hidden Eyes: This game being what it is, the Ecchi CGs all feature this, though this is not the case with the "regular" CGs.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword: Mayucchi and Chris
  • Hot Teacher: Umeko-sensei, a sub-heroine with her own "ending".
  • I Coulda Been a Contender: Hideo of all people, who was apparently a genius baseball pitcher before getting caught up in a terrorist attack and suffering a career-ending injury. Particularly of significance in the Wanko and Ryuuzetsuran routes.
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: The anime episode titles are shaping up to take the form of "Seriously _______!" ("Maji de _____ nasai!")
  • Idiot Hair: Momoyo, Tatsuko, Koyuki.
  • Imagine Spot: Happens a couple of times in-game, such as when a joke choice involving Miyako is chosen.
  • Implausible Fencing Powers: Chris, Mayucchi, and Wanko.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Miyako and Yoichi (one of the new characters in the sequel), who are both members of the "Five Bows Under Heaven".
  • In-Series Nickname: Kazuko is called Wanko by just about everyone, and the producers often refer to her by the latter name instead. "Wan" is the Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound a dog makes, but the obvious Embarrassing Nickname conceals a Stealth Pun - the "Kazu" in "Kazuko" is written as the Japanese kanji for "one", hence "one-ko".
  • I Was Quite a Looker: Reiko, the dorm manager and Gakuto's mom in a flashback.
  • Kill Sat: In Matsunaga Tsubame's route in the sequel S, she uses one to defeat Momoyo guided by her power suit.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: "KA-WA-KA-MI-HA!"
  • Large Ham: The class S leader in episode 1.
  • Last Confession Wins: Apparently being set up by the anime if one is to happen - in the very first episode, Yamato confesses his feelings to Momoyo twice (one in a flashback, then again at the end of the episode), and ends up rejected on both cases, leaving him free for the other girls to take.
  • Leitmotif: Each of the heroines gets their own, of course, and Yamato has one himself as well. Various remixes of the two ending songs and the insert song are also used sparsely, and to good effect.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: Doesn't help that the very first episode throws practically all of them at you at once. It takes a couple of episodes before you really get to know them all.
  • Loser Protagonist: Gakuto who, besides short stints with a serial sadist, fails to secure so much as a date for the duration of the game. In fact, in several of the Where Are They Now Epilogues, Gakuto is still getting turned down on a regular basis.
  • Love Triangle: In all of the paths other than her own the only competition is Miyako, limiting the game as a whole to Love Triangles at best. The sole exception might be the Ryuuzetsuran path, which is as close to a "harem" ending as the game gets, though it's hard to count Angel or Momoyo, making it - surprise surprise - a Love Triangle involving Miyako. Again.
    • A short one during the end of Momoyo's route between Yamato, Capt, and Momoyo. Unfortunately for Capt, he grew up way too late to be of any real threat to Yamato.
    • A silent one between Yamato, Miyako, and Moro. Due to his personality, and the fact that he knows its hopeless, Moro pretty much stays quiet about it.
    • Love Dodecahedron: On the other hand, the anime eventually escalates things to this, particularly in episode 10 when Yamato gets knocked out during a fight with one of the cyborgs, and all the girls tearfully admit their feelings for him. Momoyo wouldn't have it though, and shoves the other girls aside, declaring Yamato to be hers alone.
  • Male Gaze: Yamato isn't called the "Ero Strategist" for nothing.
    • However he pales in comparision to Ikorou
  • Marshmallow Hell: Momoyo sometimes subjects Yamato to this.
  • Meaningful Echo: Together, the Kazama family is invincible! Then, Yamato gets kidnapped, Momoyo is incapacitated, and this becomes "Weren't we supposed to be invincible when together?" But when all hope seems lost Yamato manages to escape, and during the Final Battle the original line is dropped once more.
  • Meaningful Name: "Kawakami" uses the kanji for "God" as opposed to the more commonplace "Above" - a fitting name for the fighting style known as Japan's ultimate secret weapon.
  • Mood Whiplash: While episode 2 introduces some of the main bad guys, their scenes are very much more serious in tone than the relatively light hearted aspects of the school life stuff.
  • Mugging the Monster: In S, a poor robber tries to hold up a restaurant. Who's currently in the restaurant? Among others, Momoyo, Tsubame, Yoshitsune, Benkei, Shakaido, Tesshin, Lu, Hume & Claudio. Basically, all the absolutely strongest fighters in the game. Oh, and the girl he took hostage, Seiso, just sent him flying out the door with a light shove too. Poor bastard then gets run over by her robot bike.
  • New Transfer Student: Why, the perfect way to add all of the sequel's new characters in, of course! Yoshitsune, Benkei, and Yoichi transfer into 2-S, Seiso transfers into 3-S, Monshiro and Battle Butler Hume transfer into 1-S, and Tsubame drops into 3-F shortly thereafter.
    • Chris herself is a transfer student from Germany, early on in the storyline.
  • Ninja Maid: Azumi specifically, but all the Kuki maids would count.
  • Ninja Log: Yamato puts one in his futon in episode 2.
  • No Guy Wants to Be Chased: Probably one reason why Yamato is so turned off by Miyako's aggressiveness in pursuing a relationship with him.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Yamato has to hold off the Ninja Maid Azumi while Chris handles Margit during an inter-class battle. He's quite good at dodging thanks to all the time he's spent with Momoyo, but it's still not quite enough to let him get away lightly.
  • Non-Lethal Warfare: Kamikami War, the most extreme of actions two feuding classes can take. Weapons are non lethal, no broken bones, no punctures, no holes!
  • Oddly Visible Eyebrows
  • Older Than They Look: Token Mini-Moe Mayo, 2-F's Class Representative. Joined by Monshiro Kuki, Hideo's younger sister, in the sequel.
  • One-Man Army
  • One Steve Limit: Very much in effect, even with the sequel's 70+ character count.
  • Opposite Gender Clone: Yoshitsune and Benkei, as per their namesakes, are the female clones of the famous historical figures. Seiso is likely this as well, though it's not yet revealed who she's a clone of.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Pretty much all the male leads. Gakuto in particular is shown to be able to hold off 70 people attacking him at once with a broken leg, but is hopelessly outclassed against almost all the characters.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Ms. Kishido. The only different thing she's wearing is the mask. This might have worked had she not been a blonde-haired, blue-eyed foreigner in Japan.
  • Parental Abandonment: Yamato's parents moved overseas because his father lost hope in Japan. Cap's dad is an adventurer who doesn't mind his son doing the same. Wanko is Conveniently an Orphan, Miyako has a not-particularly-missed Mom. Mayucchi's parents live in another province, and she stays at the dormitory.
  • Piggyback Cute: Momoyo does this for Yamato at the end of episode 5.
  • Promotion to Love Interest: In the sequel, Tatsuko, Margit, and Kokoro all get bumped up to heroine status with their own routes (Tatsuko's will be a continuation of the Ryuuzetsuran route). If the opening movie is any indication, Koyuki may be getting an upgrade as well.
  • Punched Across the Room: Again, with this game being what it is, this tends to happen all the time (replace room with street, field, riverbank etc as necessary).
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Momoyo and Yuji
  • Relationship Upgrade: Each heroine's path, of course.
  • Right Behind Me: Yamato often acts and talks as if Miyako is right behind him, even when he's alone in his room - because she usually is. In one particular storyline, when Gakuto and Moro are complaining to Yamato about how scary girls are, Yamato wisely keeps quiet, predicting - accurately - the imminent arrival (and subsequent beatdown initiated by) the girls of the family. Of course, it certainly helps that at that point, he was still going steady with his girlfriend.
  • Running Gag: Several. One such example would be the dog whistles that each member of the family carries which, when blown, will have Wanko come running if she is within earshot. Unfortunately, this response is so deeply ingrained that her feet respond automatically, causing it to often be used against her, particularly when exam time comes around and there's studying to be done. Exploited for Mood Dissonance during her route, when Yamato uses it to locate her after she's run away from home.
    • The anime has one for Miyako starting episode 2 - each episode begins with an attempt by her to win Yamato's heart through increasingly ridiculous means, all of which fail.
  • Say My Name: Numerous instances, but worthy of mention is Tatsuko, who at one point during the Ryuuzetsuran route is reduced to repeating "Yamato-kun" over and over again while fighting.
  • School of Hard Knocks: Kawakami High School, where official duels are sanctioned and all manners of replica weaponry are kept in every classroom for such occasions.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Yamato, regarding Miyako, all the time - though he's actually got a reason to do so (except, of course, in her path, where he comes around rather quickly once he's made his decision).
  • Ship Tease: Barring the main heroines who of course each got their own ending, many hints were also dropped for a number of side characters such as Kokoro in Mayucchi's path, leading to their promotion to heroine in the sequel.
  • Shout-Out: Numerous ones to other series, such as Gundam or Dragonball. Cap also has a habit of announcing how many Experience Points he's earned after any given fight.
    • One event in the Visual Novel reveals that Momoyo lost sleep due to spending the night reading one of Yamato's manga collection. The name of the manga? 20th Century Men.
    • The boys are always reading copies of "Jasop", discussing the latest "To-Loverun". Yamato asks Yukie to fetch him a copy of "Sasoday". Note that the "N" character in katakana is very similar to "So" in Japanese.
    • EVERY SINGLE quit-game skit in the Visual Novel is a shout out to something, including other roles played by each character's voice actor/actress. One such simple gag goes as follows

Momoyo: "I'm gonna play the little sister character today!" "Hey brother! Where are you?"
Suguru: "I'm right here! Your elder brother stands before you!"
Momoyo: "Found ya!"*PUNCH*
This skit references these two characters' voice actor/actress' roles in the Zeta Gundam movie compilation.

    • In Episode 3 of the anime, Yamato is playing a game on his MBox that resembles a certain bullet hell series.
    • During the Kawakami-sen, Cap wants to call his squad, the "Gurrenn-tai".
    • Numerous references to other galge and makers, including Giga, who lent their game engine to the Maji Koi series.
    • In a scene in Wanko's route, Wanko mention that her heart skipped when Kaku is mentioned. This is extended further by Miyako saying she sounds like Teiiku and Chika saying she sounds like Chouhi.
    • During the Kawakami War Gen-san is insistent that he is a competent archer. Nothing comes out of this since the purpose was to point out that he is an archer. Should come as no surprise that this is the only time in the entire game that the English word "archer" is used instead of the Japanese word of archer that is used in all other instances.
    • "Tacchan, take me to Koshien."
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Miyako in the Visual Novel, to the point that in all of the endings where she doesn't end up with Yamato, she's still shown to be waiting for him even decades later.
    • In the anime, Yamato seems to have gone this path, already going after Momoyo (though getting rejected twice already) while fending off Miyako's advances like the plague.
  • Sleeping Dummy: Episode 2 of the anime begins with Miyako sneaking into Yamato's futon in the middle of the night hoping to have her way with him, but instead she finds this, much to her chargin.
  • Spam Attack: All the heroines, at some point - even Miyako gets in on the action with her pachinko balls.
  • Standing Between the Enemies: During Miyako's storyline, in order to atone for having let things get so far out of hand while Cap was away, Yamato stops a four-way fight between Wanko, Miyako, Mayucchi, and Chris - with his body. Mayucchi reacts fast enough to pull back at the last moment, but between the other three, Yamato is very much Not OK.
  • Staying with Friends: Wanko lives with Miyako at the dorm, and later with Yamato on a mountain while undergoing her Training from Hell.
  • Student Council President: Though there is an official one, they don't seem to do much. In the Ryuuzetsuran path Hideo usurps this role, though not without good reason.
  • Taking You with Me: Cookie, the robot, gets ensnared in several ropes against class S in episode 1. As a last ditch move, he releases his remaining energy to shock the students holding the ropes, then shuts down.
  • Theme Music Power-Up: The game version shows several example of this trope example of this including
    • Men are about courage, bgm that was played each time Yamato or any other male character get their Moment of Awesome.
    • Sword Dance, bgm that was played each time Mayucchi get serious in her battle.
    • Bushi, song that was played during the battle between Momoyo against three deva of the martial art which is played when the Otome the last of four devas appears to help Mayucchi and Ageha to defeat Momoyo
  • Those Two Guys: Gakuto and Moro fit this role to a tee, though they occasionally do get some time to shine.
    • Gakuto in the Kawikami war during Momoyo's route takes on an entire enemy battalion by himself.
  • "Three Laws"-Compliant: Invoked in Episode 3 of the anime, where Miyako orders Cookie to taze Yamato into submission, while Yamato orders the robot to get Miyako off him. Cookie considers this dilemma out loud, where he has to obey a human command, yet isn't allowed to seriously hurt a human, yet also cannot allow a human to come to harm through his inaction.
  • Through His Stomach: Mayucchi usually makes, or offers to make food on the days when the dorm mother is off. In her route, she does this all the time for Yamato.
  • Title Drop: Done hilariously at the end of the series by all the girls, when Yamato tells them that his most important ones are... his hermit crabs.
  • Tin Can Robot Cookie in his first form
  • Tournament Arc: Yes, they go there in S, in Tsubame's route. Paired team battle, where the 1st fighter to lose, loses for the whole team. The prize? A chance to fight Momoyo, who isn't participating, because that'd be unfair. But Yamato is!
  • Tragic Dream: Wanko, in her path, when she finds out that she lacks the talent to become an assistant instructor of the Kawakami style. Despite having maintained a grueling daily training schedule for the last 10 years, Hard Work Hardly Works is invoked, and untimely interference from Chris leads to this trope. Fortunately, it leads to Character Development and not one but three Love Confessions, so it gets better.
  • Tsundere: Gen-san, as Lampshaded by others in the family. He manages to invoke I Was Just Passing Through pretty much every time he "happens" to lend a hand. The only girl on the heroine side who comes even remotely close is Chris, and even she starts dere-ing it up rather quickly. This may, however, change in the sequel, with the advent of Kokoro's storyline.
  • Unprovoked Pervert Payback: In episode 2, the girls all come running out of the bath, bare ass naked after a dog they were hired to catch, and all come crashing into Yamato's room. They proceed to beat Yamato up, because of that.
  • Unwanted Harem: Thanks to Momoyo's rejection of Yamato's feelings for her at the start of the anime, wanting to stay as Just Friends (see Last Confession Wins above), all the other girls look like they want a shot at taking him.
  • Verbal Tic: Haguro likes to add -kei in random places.
  • Wall of Weapons: A small example in 2F's classroom - a bunch of melee weapons are on permanent display above the blackboard.
  • Watching the Sunset: Miyako, from her favorite spot on the roof of the secret base.
  • Weapon of Choice: Given that this is a game about martial artist girls attending a School of Hard Knocks...
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: So very many things, given the comedic nature of the game - the entire Kuki organization is made of this trope, for one. The fact that Momoyo can fire a laser beam ki blast that's visible from outer space - aptly named the Kawakami-style Star Destroyer, for another. The list goes on.
  • Where Are They Now? Epilogue: The six main endings each get you one, though the contents don't really vary from one to another.
  • Whip It Good: Class 2F's homeroom teacher, Umeko, carries a whip, and can use it without hesitation for disciplinary purposes.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: More than once, Moro has had to suffer the indignity of crossdressing for some greater cause. Some members of the family would rather him do it more often.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Monshiro, who has skipped grades, acts extremely mature and is considerate of others' feelings - arguably moreso than her brother Hideo, who seems to lack an "off" switch.
  • Worf Effect: In Koyuki's arc in S, which is basically S's equivalent to the Ryuuzetsran arc in the original game, they reveal Seiso as the dragon to Ms Marple for the true Project S. To show just how utterly bad ass she is, they have her take out Tesshin, though not without cost!
  • World's Strongest Woman: They're only high school students, but...
    • Momoyo is considered a "god of martial arts" and is pretty much the strongest person in the world by the beginning of the game;
    • Mayucchi's father told the Prime Minister of Japan that his daughter had already surpassed him in skill. Mayucchi's father, who just happens to be the current Sword Saint, a.k.a. the strongest swordsman in the world;
    • Though she doesn't get many chances to show off, Miyako is a skilled enough archer to be counted as one of the "Five Bows Under Heaven";
    • And finally, there's the "Four Sky Kings" that Momoyo belongs to, of which Ageha is also a member. Tsubame, one of the new heroines in the upcoming sequel, makes her cameo early as a member in the anime. Mayucchi also gains this distinction at the end of her path via Klingon Promotion.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Just out of the heroines - Miyako and Tatsuko rock the blue hair, Mayucchi has a faint tinge of green, and Monshiro's is white like the rest of her family.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Angel is the only example in the entire cast... though she is Grade A.
  1. "L" and "ero" ("pervert") are pronounced identically.