America's Next Top Model/Characters/Cycle Eighteen British Invasion: Difference between revisions

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== Tropes associated with the teams ==

== Team UK ==
== Team UK ==
=== Team UK ===
=== The entire team ===
[[File:Team_UK_5793.jpg|frame|(''back from left to right'') Alisha, Sophie, Louise and Jasmia. (''front from left to right'') Catherine, Annaliese and Ashley.]]
[[File:Team_UK_5793.jpg|frame|(''back from left to right'') Alisha, Sophie, Louise and Jasmia. (''front from left to right'') Catherine, Annaliese and Ashley.]]


* [[British Accent]]: [[Captain Obvious|Well, duh!]]
* [[British Accent]]: [[Captain Obvious|Well, duh!]]
* [[Crossover]]
* [[Crossover]]
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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The UK girls were usually the blue. They had their [[Hot-Blooded]] moments, however.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The UK girls were usually the blue. They had their [[Hot-Blooded]] moments, however.
* [[The Rival]]: To The US team.
* [[The Rival]]: To The US team.
* [[Wearing a Flag On Your Head]]: During panel.
* [[Wearing a Flag on Your Head]]: During panel.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]
* [[Worthy Opponent]]

== Team USA ==
===Alisha White===
=== Team USA ===
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[Call Back]]: Her and Eboni's situation in panel was reminiscent of Ambreal and Ebony's in Cycle 9, except that this cycle's [[Name's the Same|Eboni]] wasn't reprieved despite Alisha quitting.
[[caption-width-right:350:(''back from left to right'') Laura, Kyle, Seymone and Candace. (''front from left to right'') Eboni, Mariah and AzMarie.]]
* [[Celibate Hero|Celibate Heroine]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[The Dutiful Son|The Dutiful Daughter]]
* [[Dying Moment of Awesome|Elimination Moment of Awesome]]: She's very proud of her [[No Damage Run]] in BNTM Cycle 6, hence she couldn't fathom being this cycle's [[Elimination Houdini]]. Realizing that being one usually and inevitably steals the spot from girls who deserves hers more, she decided to quit. Doing so allowed the three remaining girls with [[No Damage Run]] to vie for the title. ([[Take That]], Ann Markley, Whitney Thompson and Angelea Preston!)
* [[Face Death with Dignity|Face Elimination With Dignity]]: Though she's crying, the essence is still there.
* [[Four Is Death]]: Because she quit, this cycle has no final four. However, she still ends up in fourth place.
* [[Heart Is an Awesome Power|Gam-A-Tronica Is an Awesome Brand]]
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: The fortune teller in Macau told her she will have to make a tough sacrifice and she'd better be prepared for it.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Overlaps with her [[Dying Moment of Awesome|Elimination Moment of Awesome]] above.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]
* [[I Coulda Been a Contender]]
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Often toward Laura's [[All Women Are Lustful|attitudes to sex]].
* [[The Lancer]]: Shares the role with Catherine for the UK team.
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Subverted in a bittersweet way.
* [[Non Gameplay Elimination]]: She quit.
* [[The Rival]]: To Laura, [[The Lancer]] of the US team. For some reason, she's occasionally pitted against Eboni since the first week.
* [[Sassy Black Woman]]: British style!
* [[She's Got Legs]]: It became her brand.
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]
* [[Tagalong Kid]]: She is the youngest member of the UK team and the girl from the newest cycle of BNTM.
* [[Wham! Line]]: Tyra just told her she's safe. Then, she noticed Alisha crying...
{{quote|'''Alisha:''' "[[Heroic Sacrifice|I can't]] [[Non Gameplay Elimination|stay]]."}}

===Sophie Sumner===
* [[Alliterative Name]]
* [[Best for Last]]: She's the last girl featured in the Cycle 18 OBB.
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[The Cutie]]
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]
* [[Flawless Victory]]: The fifth winner to win with [[No Damage Run]].
* [[Funny Foreigner]]
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Hair Color Dissonance]]: After her makeover, her hair briefly reverted to blond. Her hair was re-dyded pink afterwards.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Pre-makeover.
* [[The Hero|The Heroine]]: Of the UK team.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Ashley.
* [[In the End You Are on Your Own]]: Majority of the top six consist of her and her teammates, with them dominating the competition until the top [[Non Gameplay Elimination|four/three]]. But ultimately, only she competed at the finals against the US team's [[Last Starfighter]].
* [[It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time]]: She usually does something, usually [[For the Lulz]], that only resulted to her saying [[My God, What Have I Done?]], [[Oh Crap]], or both.
* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Played straight.
* [[Older Than They Look]]
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[The Rival]]: To Laura in a [[Worthy Opponent]] variant. [[Friendly Rivalry|The feeling is mutual]].
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]: Post-makeover. Twice due to [[Hair Color Dissonance]].
* [[Title Drop]]
* [[What the Hell, Hero?|What The Hell, Boyfriend?]]: She was ''pissed'' because her boyfriend acted with [[Dull Surprise]] rather than excited and supportive during the video message.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: All of the US girls said she is their greatest competition at different points of the show.

===Louise Watts===
* [[Bifauxnen]]: After her makeover.
{{quote|'''Louise:''' "They gave me a boy's haircut. I look like [[Justin Bieber|Justin Biebs]]."}}
* [[The Big Girl]]: Among the members of the UK team, she is the most assertive and confrontational. Physically, she's the team's [[Hollywood Pudgy|largest]] member and one of their tallest girls.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Green Eyes]]
* [[Grumpy Bear]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: It's not her intention, but her quitting saved Ashley, Alisha, Eboni and Candace from elimination.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Ice Queen]]
* [[I Coulda Been a Contender]]
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Subverted BIG BIG TIME.
* [[Non Gameplay Elimination]]: She quit.
* [[Oral Fixation Fixation]]: She usually chews her finger.
* [[Rage Against the Mentor]]: In this case it was Kelly Cutrone.
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]
* [[Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome|Sudden Sequel Elimination Syndrome]]
* [[Wham! Line]]: Kelly Cutrone's feedback and lecture may count as such. But Louise's response ''definitely'' is.
{{quote|'''Louise:''' "No, [[Rage Against the Mentor|you]] were rude to me."}}
* [[When She Smiles]]

===Jasmia Robinson===
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]
* [[Animal Eyes|Cat Eyes]]
* [[It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY"|It's Pronounced Jazz-MYA]]
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Subverted, BIG TIME.
* [[Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome|Sudden Sequel Elimination Syndrome]]: She was second runner-up on BNTM Cycle 2.
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]
* [[Tearful Smile]]: During the last part of her [[Elimination Statement]].
* [[We Hardly Knew Ye]]: ''Here.'' Subverted for those who saw her on Britain's Next Top Model.
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===Catherine Thomas===
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[The Chick]]: When she's not being [[The Lancer]].
* [[Dye Hard]]: For her makeover. See below.
* [[Four Is Death]]: She's originally from BNTM Cycle 4 and was the runner-up. Here, her rank dropped four notches. She's also the fourth member eliminated from her team.
* [[Hair Color Dissonance]]: Her makeover was supposed to dye her hair Magenta ''[[Rose-Haired Girl|pink]]'', but it appears more [[Redheaded Hero|red]].
* [[The High Queen]]: Somehow, "The Queen" became her [[In-Series Nickname]] and [[Sobriquet]]. She also posed as Queen Elizabeth I in the first episode.
* [[It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY"|It's Pronounced Kath-REEN]]: Invoked during the music video clip shoot. She pronounced her name sounding like "Kathryn" so it can rhyme with the words "queen" and "elegant and supreme".
{{quote|"[[Ear Worm|I'm Queen Catherine. I'm elegant and supreme.]]"}}
* [[The Lancer]]: Shares the role with Alisha for the UK team.
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Subverted.
* [[Not So Stoic]]
* [[Proper Lady]]: She is indeed [[Memetic Mutation|elegant and supreme]].
* [[The Quiet One]]
* [[Redheaded Hero|Red Headed Heroine]]: Post-makeover.
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]
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===Annaliese Dayes===
* [[Arc Words]]: In the pilot episode.
{{quote|'''Annaliese:''' "America is not ready for the [[Title Drop|British Invasion]]. We did it once, and we can do it again."}}
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: See [[My Greatest Second Chance]] below.
* [[Black and Nerdy]]
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[The Charmer]]
* [[Expy]]: Nigel compared her to (ANTM) Cycle 2 runner-up Mercedes.
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Genre Savvy]]
* [[Lovable Nerd]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Her name is evocative of words such as "Analysis", "Analyze this" or "Analyze these". Not only is she [[The Smart Girl]] of her team, but she make video blogs every week in [[YouTube]] regarding the aired episodes.
* [[Meganekko]]
* [[Motor Mouth]]
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Though she still didn't win, her rank dramatically moved four notches higher. It's amusing that in her original cycle, she came up short on making it to the overseas trip, while here she came up short on reaching ''the finals''. For being the lowest ranking (7th) contestant of your team which consist mostly of former runner-ups and two girls placing higher than 5th place, [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|great job]].
* [[Nerds Are Sexy]]
* [[No Damage Run]]: While she didn't do a technical one (getting to the final two with no bottom two), she, along with Laura and Sophie, never touched the bottom two until the final three.
* [[One of Us]]
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[The Pollyanna]]
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]
* [[Spirited Competitor]]
* [[Supporting Leader]]: As seen during the UK team's campaign pitch.
* [[The Smart Girl]]: Very much for the UK team.
* [[Team Mom]]
* [[The Unfavorite]]: She just couldn't make Kelly Cutrone appreciate her. Until the [[Hong Kong]] go-see, when she scored three out of four bookings.

===Ashley Brown===
* [[Action Mom]]: She practices [[Badass Adorable|Tae Kwon Do and kickboxing]].
* [[Bonnie Scotland]]: Recognizing how thick her accent was on American screens:
{{quote|[[Genre Savvy|"I'm so gettin' subtitled."]]}}
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[The Chick]]: Of the UK team.
** [[The Heart]]
* [[Cry Cute]]: In episode 1.
* [[The Cutie]]
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: Subverted. She had red hair, but she wasn't portrayed as temperamental.
* [[Four Is Death]]: When she got the boot, it came down to her and Catherine. Catherine was originally from BNTM Cycle 4, while she was the fourth placer of her Cycle (5). And considering that Louise quit, she's technically the fourth person eliminated.
* [[Funny Foreigner]]: The reason she's this cycle's [[Ensemble Darkhorse]].
* [[Fun with Subtitles]]: [[Memetic Mutation|And how]].
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Sophie.
* [[Hot Mom]]
* [[It Has Been an Honor]]
* [[Meaningful Name|Meaningful Surname]]: She has [[Brown Eyes]].
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Subverted.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Does she look like someone with two children?
* [[One Steve Limit|One Ashley Limit]]: With her, Az, and Kyle. Averted as the latter two are [[Only Known by Their Nickname|Only Known By Their Nicknames]].
* [[Shorttank]]
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]: Pre-makeover.
* [[Token Minority]]: She's the only one from Scotland. Everyone else (including the panel) is from the US or England.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: The US girls really like her, especially Laura.

== Team USA ==
=== The entire team ===
[[File:Team_USA_342.jpg|frame|(''back from left to right'') Laura, Kyle, Seymone and Candace. (''front from left to right'') Eboni, Mariah and AzMarie.]]
* [[Divided We Fall]]: Even before [[The Hero|AzMarie]]'s [[Shocking Elimination]], the team is already showing signs of this with [[The Lancer|The Lancers]]. They [[The Rival|never]] [[The Resenter|really liked]] [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork|each other]] to begin with. [[It Got Worse]] from there.
* [[Divided We Fall]]: Even before [[The Hero|AzMarie]]'s [[Shocking Elimination]], the team is already showing signs of this with [[The Lancer|The Lancers]]. They [[The Rival|never]] [[The Resenter|really liked]] [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork|each other]] to begin with. [[It Got Worse]] from there.
* [[Dwindling Party]] Ultimately, only two members made it to the overseas trip.
* [[Dwindling Party]] Ultimately, only two members made it to the overseas trip.
* [[Eagle Land]]: During the pilot, most of the girls are type 1. But both [[The Lancer|The Lancers]] also showed signs of type 2.
* [[Eagle Land]]: During the pilot, most of the girls are type 1. But both [[The Lancer|The Lancers]] also showed signs of type 2.
{{quote| '''Laura:''' "It's called [[America's Next Top Model]] for a reason, get your ass back home."<br />
{{quote|'''Laura:''' "It's called [[America's Next Top Model]] for a reason, get your ass back home."
'''Kyle:''' "Those girls are from the UK!? [[Unfortunate Implications|Is this a joke right now?]]" }}
'''Kyle:''' "Those girls are from the UK!? [[Unfortunate Implications|Is this a joke right now?]]" }}
* [[Five-Man Band|Five Girl Band]]
* [[Five-Man Band|Five Girl Band]]
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** [[Friendly Rivalry]]
** [[Friendly Rivalry]]
* [[It Got Worse]]: Look at the other entries.
* [[It Got Worse]]: Look at the other entries.
* [[One Steve Limit|One Ashley Limit]]: AzMarie and Kyle are just [[Only Known By Their Nickname|their nicknames]], which they used to avert this trope with each other and British girl Ashley.
* [[One Steve Limit|One Ashley Limit]]: AzMarie and Kyle are just [[Only Known by Their Nickname|their nicknames]], which they used to avert this trope with each other and British girl Ashley.
* [[Patriotic Fervor]]
* [[Patriotic Fervor]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Most of the time, the US team is the red. But there are times they switch to blue.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Most of the time, the US team is the red. But there are times they switch to blue.
* [[The Rival]]: To The UK team.
* [[The Rival]]: To The UK team.
* [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]]: Laura and Kyle.
* [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]]: Laura and Kyle.
* [[Wearing a Flag On Your Head]]: During panel.
* [[Wearing a Flag on Your Head]]: During panel.
* [[We Were Your Team]]: AzMarie's elimination essentially marked the end of the US team.
* [[We Were Your Team]]: AzMarie's elimination essentially marked the end of the US team.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]
* [[Worthy Opponent]]

===Laura LaFrate===

'''Sophie Sumner'''
* [[Alliterative Name]]
* [[Best for Last]]: She's the last girl featured in the Cycle 18 OBB.
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[The Cutie]]
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]
* [[Flawless Victory]]: The fifth winner to win with [[No Damage Run]].

* [[Funny Foreigner]]
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Hair Color Dissonance]]: After her makeover, her hair briefly reverted to blond. Her hair was re-dyded pink afterwards.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Pre-makeover.
* [[The Hero|The Heroine]]: Of the UK team.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Ashley.
* [[In the End You Are On Your Own]]: Majority of the top six consist of her and her teammates, with them dominating the competition until the top [[Non Gameplay Elimination|four/three]]. But ultimately, only she competed at the finals against the US team's [[Last Starfighter]].
* [[It Seemed Like a Good Idea At The Time]]: She usually does something, usually [[For the Lulz]], that only resulted to her saying [[My God, What Have I Done?]], [[Oh Crap]], or both.
* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Played straight.
* [[Older Than They Look]]
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[The Rival]]: To Laura in a [[Worthy Opponent]] variant. [[Friendly Rivalry|The feeling is mutual]].
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]: Post-makeover. Twice due to [[Hair Color Dissonance]].
* [[Title Drop]]
* [[What the Hell, Hero?|What The Hell, Boyfriend?]]: She was ''pissed'' because her boyfriend acted with [[Dull Surprise]] rather than excited and supportive during the video message.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: All of the US girls said she is their greatest competition at different points of the show.

'''Laura LaFrate'''
* [[Alliterative Name]]
* [[Alliterative Name]]
* [[All Women Are Lustful]]
* [[All Women Are Lustful]]
{{quote| '''Mr. Jay:''' "Tell me what makes you powerful."<br />
{{quote|'''Mr. Jay:''' "Tell me what makes you powerful."
'''Laura:''' "Really good sex!" }}
'''Laura:''' "Really good sex!" }}
** The other girls' confessionals tended to [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshade]] this.
** The other girls' confessionals tended to [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshade]] this.
{{quote| '''Alisha:''' "A [[Precision F-Strike|fucking]] ''silkworm'' is sexual to this girl!"<br />
{{quote|'''Alisha:''' "A [[Precision F-Strike|fucking]] ''silkworm'' is sexual to this girl!"<br />
'''Annaliese:''' "Laura is all about sex, sex, sex, sex. And a little bit more of sex!" }}
'''Annaliese:''' "Laura is all about sex, sex, sex, sex. And a little bit more of sex!" }}
* [[Berserk Button]]: Touch her [[Memento MacGuffin|teddy bear]]? Watch out.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Touch her [[Memento MacGuffin|teddy bear]]? Watch out.
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* [[Zig Zagged Trope|Zagalicious Trope]]: It was her brand.
* [[Zig Zagged Trope|Zagalicious Trope]]: It was her brand.

===Eboni Davis===
'''Annaliese Dayes'''
* [[Arc Words]]: In the pilot episode.
{{quote| '''Annaliese:''' "America is not ready for the [[Title Drop|British Invasion]]. We did it once, and we can do it again."}}
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: See [[My Greatest Second Chance]] below.
* [[Black and Nerdy]]
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[The Charmer]]
* [[Expy]]: Nigel compared her to (ANTM) Cycle 2 runner-up Mercedes.
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Genre Savvy]]
* [[Lovable Nerd]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Her name is evocative of words such as "Analysis", "Analyze this" or "Analyze these". Not only is she [[The Smart Girl]] of her team, but she make video blogs every week in [[YouTube]] regarding the aired episodes.
* [[Meganekko]]
* [[Motor Mouth]]
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Though she still didn't win, her rank dramatically moved four notches higher. It's amusing that in her original cycle, she came up short on making it to the overseas trip, while here she came up short on reaching ''the finals''. For being the lowest ranking (7th) contestant of your team which consist mostly of former runner-ups and two girls placing higher than 5th place, [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|great job]].
* [[Nerds Are Sexy]]
* [[No Damage Run]]: While she didn't do a technical one (getting to the final two with no bottom two), she, along with Laura and Sophie, never touched the bottom two until the final three.
* [[One of Us]]
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[The Pollyanna]]
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]
* [[Spirited Competitor]]
* [[Supporting Leader]]: As seen during the UK team's campaign pitch.
* [[The Smart Girl]]: Very much for the UK team.
* [[Team Mom]]
* [[The Unfavorite]]: She just couldn't make Kelly Cutrone appreciate her. Until the [[Hong Kong]] go-see, when she scored three out of four bookings.

'''Alisha White'''
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[Call Back]]: Her and Eboni's situation in panel was reminiscent of Ambreal and Ebony's in Cycle 9, except that this cycle's [[Name's the Same|Eboni]] wasn't reprieved despite Alisha quitting.
* [[Celibate Hero|Celibate Heroine]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[The Dutiful Son|The Dutiful Daughter]]
* [[Dying Moment of Awesome|Elimination Moment of Awesome]]: She's very proud of her [[No Damage Run]] in BNTM Cycle 6, hence she couldn't fathom being this cycle's [[Elimination Houdini]]. Realizing that being one usually and inevitably steals the spot from girls who deserves hers more, she decided to quit. Doing so allowed the three remaining girls with [[No Damage Run]] to vie for the title. ([[Take That]], Ann Markley, Whitney Thompson and Angelea Preston!)
* [[Face Death With Dignity|Face Elimination With Dignity]]: Though she's crying, the essence is still there.
* [[Four Is Death]]: Because she quit, this cycle has no final four. However, she still ends up in fourth place.
* [[Heart Is an Awesome Power|Gam-A-Tronica Is an Awesome Brand]]
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: The fortune teller in Macau told her she will have to make a tough sacrifice and she'd better be prepared for it.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Overlaps with her [[Dying Moment of Awesome|Elimination Moment of Awesome]] above.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]
* [[I Coulda Been a Contender]]
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Often toward Laura's [[All Women Are Lustful|attitudes to sex]].
* [[The Lancer]]: Shares the role with Catherine for the UK team.
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Subverted in a bittersweet way.
* [[Non Gameplay Elimination]]: She quit.
* [[The Rival]]: To Laura, [[The Lancer]] of the US team. For some reason, she's occasionally pitted against Eboni since the first week.
* [[Sassy Black Woman]]: British style!
* [[She's Got Legs]]: It became her brand.
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]
* [[Tagalong Kid]]: She is the youngest member of the UK team and the girl from the newest cycle of BNTM.
* [[Wham! Line]]: Tyra just told her she's safe. Then, she noticed Alisha crying...
{{quote| '''Alisha:''' "[[Heroic Sacrifice|I can't]] [[Non Gameplay Elimination|stay]]."}}

'''Eboni Davis'''
* [[Broken Bird]]
* [[Broken Bird]]
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[Brown Eyes]]
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* [[Girlish Pigtails]]: She is enforced by the panel to wear her hair like this. All the time.
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]: She is enforced by the panel to wear her hair like this. All the time.
* [[Parental Issues]]: Cue the [[Wangst]].
* [[Parental Issues]]: Cue the [[Wangst]].
* [[Raised By Grandparents]]
* [[Raised by Grandparents]]
* [[Sitcom Arch Nemesis]]: To Laura during the last episodes.
* [[Sitcom Arch Nemesis]]: To Laura during the last episodes.
* [[The Smart Girl]]: After Candace's boot, she filled this role by default. Incidentally, she's the one still in school.
* [[The Smart Girl]]: After Candace's boot, she filled this role by default. Incidentally, she's the one still in school.
* [[Tagalong Kid]]: At 18 years old, she is the youngest member of the US team and the youngest girl this cycle.
* [[Tagalong Kid]]: At 18 years old, she is the youngest member of the US team and the youngest girl this cycle.
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|What Kind of Lame Brand Is 30-Never Anyway?]] At least at the start. See [[Girlish Pigtails]] above.
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|What Kind of Lame Brand Is 30-Never Anyway?]] At least at the start. See [[Girlish Pigtails]] above.
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===Seymone Cohen-Fobish===
'''Catherine Thomas'''
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[The Chick]]: When she's not being [[The Lancer]].
* [[Dye Hard]]: For her makeover. See below.
* [[Four Is Death]]: She's originally from BNTM Cycle 4 and was the runner-up. Here, her rank dropped four notches. She's also the fourth member eliminated from her team.
* [[Hair Color Dissonance]]: Her makeover was supposed to dye her hair Magenta ''[[Rose-Haired Girl|pink]]'', but it appears more [[Redheaded Hero|red]].
* [[The High Queen]]: Somehow, "The Queen" became her [[In-Series Nickname]] and [[Red Baron]]. She also posed as Queen Elizabeth I in the first episode.
* [[It Is Pronounced Tro PAY|It's Pronounced Kath-REEN]]: Invoked during the music video clip shoot. She pronounced her name sounding like "Kathryn" so it can rhyme with the words "queen" and "elegant and supreme".
{{quote| "[[Ear Worm|I'm Queen Catherine. I'm elegant and supreme.]]"}}
* [[The Lancer]]: Shares the role with Alisha for the UK team.
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Subverted.
* [[Not So Stoic]]
* [[Proper Lady]]: She is indeed [[Memetic Mutation|elegant and supreme]].
* [[The Quiet One]]
* [[Redheaded Hero|Red Headed Heroine]]: Post-makeover.
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]

'''Seymone Cohen-Fobish'''
* [[Big Beautiful Woman]]
* [[Big Beautiful Woman]]
* [[Big Eater]]: Man, did she pack away the haggis.
* [[Big Eater]]: Man, did she pack away the haggis.
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* [[Sassy Black Woman]]
* [[Sassy Black Woman]]
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]: She's 5 ft 11 in, the tallest competitor this cycle.
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]: She's 5 ft 11 in, the tallest competitor this cycle.
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'''Kyle Gober'''
===Kyle Gober===
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[The Chick]]: When she's not being [[The Lancer]].
* [[The Chick]]: When she's not being [[The Lancer]].
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* [[The Lancer]]: Shares the role with Laura for the US team.
* [[The Lancer]]: Shares the role with Laura for the US team.
* [[One Steve Limit|One Ashley Limit]]: According to a [[YouTube]] blog by Annaliese, where she was joined by Ashley Brown, she was one of three contestants with that first name.
* [[One Steve Limit|One Ashley Limit]]: According to a [[YouTube]] blog by Annaliese, where she was joined by Ashley Brown, she was one of three contestants with that first name.
* [[Only Known By Their Nickname]]: Thus averting the [[One Steve Limit|One Ashley Limit]].
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: Thus averting the [[One Steve Limit|One Ashley Limit]].
* [[The Rival]]: To Laura.
* [[The Rival]]: To Laura.
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]: Pre-makeover.
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]: Pre-makeover.
* [[This Is a Competition]]: Practically verbatim again.
* [[Tomboyish Name]]
* [[Tomboyish Name]]
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'''AzMarie Livingston'''
===AzMarie Livingston===
* [[The Ace]]
* [[The Ace]]
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]
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* [[Butch Lesbian]]: [[Zig Zagged]].
* [[Butch Lesbian]]: [[Zig Zagged]].
* [[Even the Girls Want Her]]
* [[Even the Girls Want Her]]
* [[Face Death With Dignity|Face Elimination With Dignity]]: She herself wasn't particularly surprised of her [[Shocking Elimination]], especially in light of her distaste for the Tooch Teach and her alleged mediocre performance at the United Sirens of America clip shoot.
* [[Face Death with Dignity|Face Elimination With Dignity]]: She herself wasn't particularly surprised of her [[Shocking Elimination]], especially in light of her distaste for the Tooch Teach and her alleged mediocre performance at the United Sirens of America clip shoot.
* [[Face of a Thug]]
* [[Face of a Thug]]
* [[Go Out with a Smile]]
* [[Go Out with a Smile]]
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* [[The Leader]]: For the US team's campaign pitch.
* [[The Leader]]: For the US team's campaign pitch.
* [[Magnetic Hero|Magnetic Heroine]]: [[Deconstructed Trope|Deconstructed]], as her [[Shocking Elimination]] lead to the US girls' losing streak and gradual fall as a team.
* [[Magnetic Hero|Magnetic Heroine]]: [[Deconstructed Trope|Deconstructed]], as her [[Shocking Elimination]] lead to the US girls' losing streak and gradual fall as a team.
* [[Only Known By Their Nickname]]: Thus averting the [[One Steve Limit|One Ashley Limit]] with her and Kyle.
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: Thus averting the [[One Steve Limit|One Ashley Limit]] with her and Kyle.
* [[Shocking Elimination]]
* [[Shocking Elimination]]
* [[Team Dad]]
* [[Team Dad]]
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* [[Worthy Opponent]]: To the UK girls.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: To the UK girls.

===Candace Smith===
'''Ashley Brown'''
* [[Action Mom]]: She practices [[Badass Adorable|Tae Kwon Do and kickboxing]].
* [[Bonnie Scotland]]: Recognizing how thick her accent was on American screens:
{{quote| [[Genre Savvy|"I'm so gettin' subtitled."]]}}
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[The Chick]]: Of the UK team.
** [[The Heart]]
* [[Cry Cute]]: In episode 1.
* [[The Cutie]]
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: Subverted. She had red hair, but she wasn't portrayed as temperamental.
* [[Four Is Death]]: When she got the boot, it came down to her and Catherine. Catherine was originally from BNTM Cycle 4, while she was the fourth placer of her Cycle (5). And considering that Louise quit, she's technically the fourth person eliminated.
* [[Funny Foreigner]]: The reason she's this cycle's [[Ensemble Darkhorse]].
* [[Fun With Subtitles]]: [[Memetic Mutation|And how]].
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: With Sophie.
* [[Hot Mom]]
* [[It Has Been an Honor]]
* [[Meaningful Name|Meaningful Surname]]: She has [[Brown Eyes]].
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Subverted.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Does she look like someone with two children?
* [[One Steve Limit|One Ashley Limit]]: With her, Az, and Kyle. Averted as the latter two are [[Only Known By Their Nickname|Only Known By Their Nicknames]].
* [[Shorttank]]
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]: Pre-makeover.
* [[Token Minority]]: She's the only one from Scotland. Everyone else (including the panel) is from the US or England.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: The US girls really like her, especially Laura.

'''Candace Smith'''
* [[Beware the Quiet Ones]]
* [[Beware the Quiet Ones]]
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: Lampshaded by Sophie and Ashley.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: Lampshaded by Sophie and Ashley.
{{quote| "One, two, three, do Candace." Cue pout.}}
{{quote|"One, two, three, do Candace." Cue pout.}}
* [[The Smart Girl]]: Of the US team.
* [[The Smart Girl]]: Of the US team.
* [[The Stoic]]
* [[The Stoic]]
<br clear="all" />

===Mariah Watchman===
'''Louise Watts'''
* [[Bifauxnen]]: After her makeover.
{{quote| '''Louise:''' "They gave me a boy's haircut. I look like [[Justin Bieber (Music)|Justin Biebs]]."}}
* [[The Big Girl]]: Among the members of the UK team, she is the most assertive and confrontational. Physically, she's the team's [[Hollywood Pudgy|largest]] member and one of their tallest girls.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Green Eyes]]
* [[Grumpy Bear]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: It's not her intention, but her quitting saved Ashley, Alisha, Eboni and Candace from elimination.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Ice Queen]]
* [[I Coulda Been a Contender]]
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Subverted BIG BIG TIME.
* [[Non Gameplay Elimination]]: She quit.
* [[Oral Fixation Fixation]]: She usually chews her finger.
* [[Rage Against the Mentor]]: In this case it was Kelly Cutrone.
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]
* [[Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome|Sudden Sequel Elimination Syndrome]]
* [[Wham! Line]]: Kelly Cutrone's feedback and lecture may count as such. But Louise's response ''definitely'' is.
{{quote| '''Louise:''' "No, [[Rage Against the Mentor|you]] were rude to me."}}
* [[When She Smiles]]

'''Mariah Watchman'''
* [[Braids, Beads, and Buckskins]]: She was especially pleased to be channeling a Native American icon at the 3-D photo shoot.
* [[Braids, Beads, and Buckskins]]: She was especially pleased to be channeling a Native American icon at the 3-D photo shoot.
* [[The Chick]]: Of the US team.
* [[The Chick]]: Of the US team.
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* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]

'''Jasmia Robinson'''
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]
* [[Animal Eyes|Cat Eyes]]
* [[It Is Pronounced Tro PAY|It's Pronounced Jazz-MYA]]
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: Subverted, BIG TIME.
* [[Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome|Sudden Sequel Elimination Syndrome]]: She was second runner-up on BNTM Cycle 2.
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]
* [[Tearful Smile]]: During the last part of her [[Elimination Statement]].
* [[We Hardly Knew Ye]]: ''Here.'' Subverted for those who saw her on Britain's Next Top Model.

[[Category:Americas Next Top Model/Characters]]
[[Category:Americas Next Top Model Cycle Eighteen British Invasion]]
[[Category:Americas Next Top Model Cycle Eighteen British Invasion]]
[[Category:America's Next Top Model/Characters]]

Latest revision as of 17:28, 25 March 2019

Tropes used in America's Next Top Model/Characters/Cycle Eighteen British Invasion include:

Team UK

The entire team

(back from left to right) Alisha, Sophie, Louise and Jasmia. (front from left to right) Catherine, Annaliese and Ashley.

Alisha White

Alisha: "I can't stay."

Sophie Sumner

Louise Watts

Louise: "They gave me a boy's haircut. I look like Justin Biebs."

Louise: "No, you were rude to me."

Jasmia Robinson

Catherine Thomas

Annaliese Dayes

Annaliese: "America is not ready for the British Invasion. We did it once, and we can do it again."

Ashley Brown

Team USA

The entire team

(back from left to right) Laura, Kyle, Seymone and Candace. (front from left to right) Eboni, Mariah and AzMarie.

Laura: "It's called America's Next Top Model for a reason, get your ass back home."
Kyle: "Those girls are from the UK!? Is this a joke right now?"

Laura LaFrate

Mr. Jay: "Tell me what makes you powerful."
Laura: "Really good sex!"

    • The other girls' confessionals tended to lampshade this.

Alisha: "A fucking silkworm is sexual to this girl!"

Annaliese: "Laura is all about sex, sex, sex, sex. And a little bit more of sex!"

Eboni Davis

Seymone Cohen-Fobish

Kyle Gober

AzMarie Livingston

Candace Smith

"One, two, three, do Candace." Cue pout.

Mariah Watchman