America's Next Top Model/Characters/Cycle Eighteen British Invasion

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Tropes associated with the teams

Team UK

The entire team

(back from left to right) Alisha, Sophie, Louise and Jasmia. (front from left to right) Catherine, Annaliese and Ashley.

Team USA

The entire team

(back from left to right) Laura, Kyle, Seymone and Candace. (front from left to right) Eboni, Mariah and AzMarie.

Laura: "It's called America's Next Top Model for a reason, get your ass back home."
Kyle: "Those girls are from the UK!? Is this a joke right now?"

Sophie Sumner

Laura LaFrate

Mr. Jay: "Tell me what makes you powerful."
Laura: "Really good sex!"

    • The other girls' confessionals tended to lampshade this.

Alisha: "A fucking silkworm is sexual to this girl!"

Annaliese: "Laura is all about sex, sex, sex, sex. And a little bit more of sex!"

Annaliese Dayes

Annaliese: "America is not ready for the British Invasion. We did it once, and we can do it again."

Alisha White

Alisha: "I can't stay."

Eboni Davis

Catherine Thomas

Seymone Cohen-Fobish

Kyle Gober

AzMarie Livingston

Ashley Brown

Candace Smith

"One, two, three, do Candace." Cue pout.

Louise Watts

Louise: "They gave me a boy's haircut. I look like Justin Biebs."

Louise: "No, you were rude to me."

Mariah Watchman

Jasmia Robinson