A Certain Magical Index/Characters/Level 5 Espers

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

The most powerful espers in Academy City, the Level 5s hit the Superpower Lottery big time. They are capable of overwhelming shows of force and ability, at almost god-like levels. They are both revered for their powers and despised for the privileges that come with them. It is important to note, however, that esper levels are a measurement of how effective an esper is at using their powers, not necessarily their skill at Blowing Stuff Up. The Level 5s are actually ranked by how useful they are in helping the goal of reaching SYSTEM (Level 6); it's not an accurate measure of their power, but rather their usefulness in Aleister's plans.

Only six of the seven confirmed Level 5s have been revealed, appearance and all.

Tropes shared between the 6:


Teitoku Kakine

The One Who Has Touched the Territory of God

Academy City's second most powerful Level 5 esper, and the leader of SCHOOL. His ability, Dark Matter, allows him to create entirely new forms of matter that aren't bound by the laws of physics. Kakine's power is hinted to be related to Accelerator's in some way, and he is the only other esper with the potential to become a Level 6. He has a rather one-sided rivalry with Accelerator, with his fondest wish being to defeat him. Was nearly killed by Accelerator in Volume 15 and reduced to a Brain In a Jar to supply researchers with Dark Matter. The recent (New Testament 4) revelation that Dark Matter can now create human flesh suggests he may be coming back soon.

  • And I Must Scream: His brain is preserved and forced to create a constant stream of Dark Matter after his "death" by Accelerator.
  • Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: He's incredibly confident in his own power, looks down on everyone else, and hates the fact that Accelerator is stronger than him.
  • Asshole Victim / Laser-Guided Karma: He deserved everything Accelerator did to him.
  • Berserk Button: When he's told his ability -- more specifically, his white wings -- would have appeal to kids for a demonstration during the Daihaseisai, he wrecks SCHOOL's hideout. Considering his one-sided rivalry with Accelerator, being told you have appeal to kids is the ego equivalent of a kick to the balls.
  • Bishonen
  • Brain In a Jar: After his "dismemberment" by Accelerator, both his brain and body are preserved and stored separately.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: He spent Volume 15 one-shotting everyone he went up against without getting a scratch, until he went up against Accelerator.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Inverted. He isn't dead and his eventual return is hinted in New Testament 4: Dark Matter, under certain condition, can form human flesh. We all know where this is going...
  • Evil Counterpart: He's Accelerator with no standards.
  • Evilly Affable: Provided you don't directly oppose or hinder his objectives, he's actually a half-decent guy.
  • Green Lantern Ring: His ability, Dark Matter, basically does whatever he wants it to and defies the laws of physics while doing so.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Accelerator uses his own Dark Matter against him to finish him off, having learned how to redirect it even before Awakening.
  • Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: When Uiharu wouldn't tell him the location of Last Order, he tries to get the information out of her by stomping on her shoulder, dislocating it, and continuing to put pressure on it.
  • Jerkass
  • Lack of Empathy: Just as much as, if not more than, Accelerator.
  • Light Is Not Good: Despite his angelic appearance and using weaponized light as his main attack, Kakine isn’t a very nice person.
  • Meaningful Name: His name can roughly be translated as "Emperor of the Front Fence".
  • Not Worth Killing: He has absolutely no compassion or remorse, but he will sometimes leave his opponents alive if they are completely helpless or already dying, just because he thinks it would be beneath him to waste energy on them.
  • Punch Clock Villain
  • Satellite Character: His entire character is defined by his relationship with, and inferiority to, Accelerator.
  • The Sociopath
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Stabs Yomikawa just after she saves his life from Accelerator.
  • Unwitting Pawn: His hatred and envy of Accelerator was nurtured and encouraged by Crowley. He was also intended to act as a spare part in Crowley's plan, in case Accelerator failed to live up to his expectations.
  • Villain Ball: Stabbing Yomikawa just to piss off Accelerator.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Let's see: He fights with and defeats Mugino, attacks both Saiai and Rikou and leaves them for dead, nearly kills Uiharu, wanted to use the innocent and adorable Last Order as bait so he could have a glorified pissing match with Accelerator, and then stabs Yomikawa after she saves his ass from Accelerator.

Mikoto Misaka

Shizuri Mugino

Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu

The fourth Level 5 esper, and the leader of ITEM. Her power, Meltdowner, converts electrons into a highly destructive form of matter that exists somewhere between particles and waves. While kind and gentle to her friends, she has a unpleasant personality once angered.

"Gya ha ha!! Oh, now where to start burning her? Maybe I should roast that little face of hers. Or maybe I should press against her pink ***** and burn it pitch black!! Hey, what do you think, Hamazura? You’d better come out, cause I’m gonna burn her into a black mummy! Or can you still get off to fucking a hole like that!?"
"I’ll count to three. If you don’t come out, I’ll burn Takitsubo’s ***** as punishment. Of course, if you’d rather just abandon her, then you can just sit there masturbating to the stench of her virginity being burned away."

  • Barrier Warrior: She can make shields of energy that are tough enough to withstand Mikoto's electric attacks.
  • Beauty Is Bad
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: No matter how badly she gets hurt or how insane she becomes, she still looks beautiful. Even after losing her right eye and left arm.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: While she's a Cool Big Sis to her teammates, offending her is a bad idea. Pissing her off reveals a very different side of her. It gets worse when she turns into a psychopath after losing half of her face.
  • Blood Knight: Battle-hungry? Check. Unnerving temper? Check. Obsesses over Shiage after their fight? Huge check.
  • Came Back Wrong: Became even more psycho and unstable than before, with a Yandere crush on her killer, Shiage Hamazura.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: “I’m the girl who killed your sister. Nice to meet you.” -- said casually to Frenda's little sister.
    • Mugino is pretty good at this, such as this little exchange when she was giving Shiage a countdown to come out before she roasted Rikou. Mugino did not give a nice slow count, as was usual. Instead…

Mugino: "Three-two-one-go!"
Shiage: "FUCK!"

"The kind of person that can’t stand it when you can’t complete a video game without 100% accuracy."
"If you fuck up even slightly, you fly into a rage and won’t accept it even if you complete the game."
"When someone like that fucks up even slightly, they find another goal in order to write it off. When you aren’t able to get 100% accuracy, you instead go for a high score and are satisfied with that."

"Hamazura’s body slid across the roof. He managed to stop himself and then looked around in surprise. He saw Mugino standing a good way back on the track. She must have jumped from the bridge just as he had. Her hand was stuck deep in the ground. The power cables for Academy City railroads ran through the ground. Mugino had used her power to sever the power cable in order to stop the train.

From a few hundred meters away, Shizuri Mugino said something.

Hamazura couldn't hear her voice, but he understood it from the movements of her mouth.

'I – am – going – to – fuckingkill – you.'

From atop the train, Hamazura took in what Mugino had said. The Level 5 who had forcibly stopped the train smiled so it looked like her face was split in two.


All of the hair on Hamazura’s body stood on end."

  • Pride: Her biggest fault is her pride. It’s because of this that Mikoto survived their battle, leading to ITEM's downfall and her death/defeat by Shiage.
  • Sanity Has Advantages: If she wasn't so insane, she would have crushed Shiage easily without him being able to do the slightest thing about it. Or would never have ended up fighting him. Or wouldn't have even made an enemy of him in the first place. Sanity definitely has advantages.
  • Sir Swearsalot: Her mouth is NOT as beautiful as the rest of her face.
  • Skirt Over Slacks
  • Slasher Smile: Though she is quite fond of Kubrick Stares, Psychotic Smirks, and combinations of the three where applicable.
  • Social Darwinist: Played straight until Volume 22, where she subverts this hard by lashing out at Academy City's "Parameter List", a cost-control mechanism that restricts funds to unworthy (read: Level 0) students (read: Hamazura) and allocates those funds to more powerful and promising espers.
  • We Have Reserves: How she makes an enemy of Shiage, coupled with the fact that her "expendable" henchman had just tried a You Shall Not Pass for his sake.
  • Willfully Weak: It's strongly implied during the fight with Shiage that she's actually quite a bit more powerful than Mikoto, except she lacks immunity to her own power and as such has to limit herself. So she holds back on a large part of her raw power because if she truly went all-out with an attack, the recoil would kill her.
  • Yandere: Towards Shiage, after he defeats her the first time.

Misaki Shokuhou

The Queen of Tokiwadai

The mysterious fifth Level 5 Esper. Being the second Level 5 to attend Tokiwadai, her followers and Misaka’s followers often come into conflict. Her ability, Mental Out, involves the manipulation of memories and the human mind. She is also the leader of the largest clique in Tokiwadai.

  • Amplifier Artifact: Appears to be using a remote control (see image above) when using her Mind Control powers, and its been hinted that the remote is necessary for her to use her powers effectively.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: In chapter 41, she shows up to threaten Misaka through her friends implying that she sees Mikoto making new friends as an attempt at forming a rival faction. Her next move is to use her power to confront Misaka with the possibility of being zerg rushed by a mass of uninvolved students who would simultaneously be used as shields. Yep, she's a bitch alright.
  • Buxom Is Better: Which Mikoto grudgingly acknowledges, and also seemingly how she suspects that the Queen might not even be a middle-school student.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: She was first mentioned in the first volume of Index as someone who might have been able to fix Index's memory loss. Her recent appearance in the Railgun manga may indicate that the author may have a role for her in the future.
    • Mikoto considered asking her to fix Touma's memory loss, but changed her mind, not wanting to be in her debt.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": She is usually referred to as the "Queen of Tokiwadai" rather than her actual name.
  • Eyes of Gold
  • The Faceless: Despite first being mentioned in the very first volume of Index, she never makes an official appearance until Railgun, where she shows herself to Mikoto. Justifed, as she apparently uses her power to communicate through others.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Ojou: According to Mikoto, she's the most Ojou of all the Ojous at Tokiwadai, which really says something. She, however, subverts the traditional archetype by being quite frivolous, making silly poses, not caring for her weight, and saying cliché anime lines. It's just that she erases certain people's memories and that her fangirls don't say anything about it.
  • Opera Gloves
  • Telepathy: Academy City's most powerful telepath.
  • Unknown Rival: Has no interest in any conflict with Mikoto, and the feeling’s mutual; it's their followers who are rivals, not them personally.
  • The Voiceless: Uses mind-controlled proxies and her own followers whenever she needs to communicate. However, she appears personally before Mikoto in Chapter 41 of Railgun.
  • Wingding Eyes: She has stars in her eyes, possibly contact lenses. But considering this is a Japanese author who's writing this series, it could be natural...
  • Zettai Ryouiki: With lace.

The Sixth

The mysterious sixth Level 5 Esper. Not much is known about this person, not even their gender. The only time this person has been specifically mentioned canonically is when the Daihaseisai committee was searching for the levels 5s in chapter 43 of the Railgun manga. Despite locating all the other level 5s, the sixth couldn't be found, which had been expected to some degree.

  • The Ghost: Has yet to make their debut. Is known to exist by process of elimination, but nothing has been revealed about them.

Gunha Sogiita

The Attack Crash

The seventh Level 5 esper, Gunha is a Gemstone, an esper who was born with his powers. His ability is nameless and absolutely impossible to define, though it allows him to create strange explosions, attack at twice the speed of sound, and recover from being shot in the head or heart with no pain. He is classified as the lowest Level 5 precisely because nobody understands his immense power. He has a strong sense of justice. Despite the large entry here, he's only made a few appearances so far (SS Volume 2 of the light novels, chapter 44 of the Railgun manga, and in the questionably canon Toaru Jihanki no Fanfare short story) and has yet to get involved in either story's main plot.

  • Badass: Despite getting Worf'd, he's still undeniably badass.
  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Happens with Yabumi Haratani. Whenever Gunha gives out an explanation for his powers, Haratani ends up calling him on it, followed by Gunha responding with a dumbfounded variation of "Then what did I just do?" Gets lampshaded by Mikoto.
  • Born Winner: Being a Gemstone, he was born with his esper abilities.
  • Calling Your Attacks: "Amazing Puuunch!"

Yokosuka: Please, just beat me with an attack that sounds like it's worth losing to at least. Not that Amazing Punch attack.