• Gainax Ending: Parodied at the end of her epic four-part Transformers-Armageddon-Bratz review: She and the Nostalgia Critic chloroform each other and fall unconscious; Ma-Ti walks on stage and kicks them four times, shouting, "Heart! Stomach! Liver! Spleen!", then looks at the viewer and intones, "I can sense you."
  • GASP: Does it twice when talking about Mystique and the "I am your mother" storyline in the "Top Eleven Villainesses".
    • Also does it when she realizes that all the make-up on Nella means she's evil.
    • In Transformers: "*gasp* Michael Bay!"
  • Gay Best Friend: Hades in Hercules is like "Meg's bitchy gay boyfriend".
  • Gay Panic: When Mulan is found out to be a woman, she acts out Shang being really glad that he's still straight.
  • Gender Flip: As well making fun of the Grease 2's usage of this, in the review it's a guy (Todd) getting a makeover instead of a woman (Nella).
  • The Generic Guy: On a list mostly full of sexy bad boys, Eric from The Little Mermaid gets this slot for just being nice, rich and handsome.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Look a little closer at those images during the slowed-down "Chipmunk Song." Yup, thats a silhouette of a dragon graphically fucking a car, visible cum and all. The radar in this case being Blip.com, who probably would not have let that through if they'd noticed.
  • Girl Show Ghetto: Invoked through her getting out of it. She even said in a blog post that although she, Marz Gurl and That Chick With The Goggles were brought in to bring more female fans on the site, women fans were still watching the guys and didn't start seeing her stuff as well until she started doing more unisex-type shows.
    • She had this to say on Jem: "Little girl nostalgia doesn't penetrate the outside culture quite so much. I don't think we're going to be seeing any Michael Bay threequels starring Megan Fox this year."
    • This is also the base for her theory as to why The Hunger Games is constantly bashed as an inferior "girly" Battle Royale.
  • Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Elisa's bedroom is filled to the brim with cuddly toys. Nella and Lindsay have acted out scenes from movies with them. And speaking of Lindsay, yes she owns a teddy bear called "Aunt Lois" (which she lampshades).
    • In-character, Nella plays shamelessly with her My Little Pony toys, while Maven and the Chick have a bit more embarrassment about still owning cuddly things.
  • Girls' Night Out Episode: Her review of "The Little Mermaid" could be seen as this due to all the female appearances. The only guy cameoing is Todd in the Shadows and that's to serve the joke of why Chick is a man-hater now.
  • Give Geeks a Chance: Obviously thinking of her own situation, she relates to the lead of Grease II because he's a nerd who has it bad for someone hotter and more popular.
  • Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: When she tells Nella to go away in Dreamworks vs. Disney. "Begone, minion!"
  • The Glomp: A very soggy one from the restored Nella - on the same beach where she previously met her maker.
  • A God Am I: She portrays Louise Miller from Teen Witch as a god.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Lindsay, Nella and Oancitizen's reaction to Freddy Got Fingered.(and according to the commentary, everyone in the collective session to watch the film broke too) It involves screaming, mayonnaise sprays, and sausages - with an added Heroic BSOD in Oan's case.
  • Gonk: The guy who plays the prince in Dragonheart doesn't get off lightly.
  • Good Girls Avoid Abortion: Averted, and deeply explored in a documentary she made about her own experience going through with an abortion.
  • Good Is Dumb: Tommy from Rugrats "never fucking learns".
  • Gory Discretion Shot: We don't see Dan's face getting bashed in, we just see Maven and Chick beating him and the sounds of their punching.
  • Got Me Doing It: After railing on about Disney's self-referential jokes, she ends up splicing in clips of Jasmine and Elizabeth Swann hitting people. "Oh, well, now I'm doing it too. Dammit."
  • Grandmother Clause: Her show was around before the usual TGWTG stinger of the Channel Awesome logo and a funny line from the movie. As this would mess with her own usual stinger of an outtake from the review, she doesn't do it.
  • Gratuitous German: In her X-Men: The Animated Series review, she starts speaking in German after Dr. Tease's Truth Serum makes her admit Nightcrawler was the reason she learned the language.
  • Guilty Pleasure: Even though The Fifth Element has a lot of things wrong with it, she still likes it for being silly.
    • Lady Gaga's songs are "delightfully stupid".
    • Although the screening she went to was crappy because of all the misogynist crap shouted at Lisa and she'd only seen the movie before while drunk, she enjoys The Room.
    • Mulan is awkward yet awesome.
    • Although she's snarked heavily on it, she's made no secret that she thinks Transformers is far more entertaining than the no-conflict crap girls got.
    • Despite her panning of it, she's fond of Newsies.

Chick: You gotta feel a little something when you have thoughts of siezing days and carrying banners overtaking your mind and thinking "Hey, was that kid's Doogie Howser's BFF?" Maybe this movie is remembered fondly by some because sometimes you want an incredibly clean fairytale of New York rather than the grimy reality that it was. Sometimes you want ripped, half-dressed, nubile boys who sing and dance and sing with ridiculously adorably awful New York accents. Sometimes you want to believe it can be easy to win the day and that Teddy Roosevelt will drive up at the last minute drunk out of his mind and never really needed Santa Fe after all.

The Chick: Kate and Leopold might be the stupidest, most contrived movie ever written. The massive leaps of logic to get the characters where it wants them to be are wider than a Disney movie doing the exact same thing. But at least the Disney movies have the decency to leave poor maligned science out of the Plot Device equation. The only thing greater than the idiocy of this movie is how much I love it!

Chick: Movie, stop! You're trying way too hard!

Chick: Uh oh, looks like someone has a case of the not-gays.

Chick: Don't be confused! Seriously, I'm not a lez! I have a boyfriend... with a penis.

Nostalgia Chick Christ, now she heals the sick. Movie, would you please end before she walks on water?

Chick: Man, that John Smith is awesome. It's like the historical John Smith wrote the screenplay.

Nostalgia Chick: Fuck it, we're off to the pride parade!

Chick: Funny how Geena Davis can still look cute and innocent despite being nine feet tall and built like an ox.

  • Hype Backlash: In-Universe. She says even in elementary school she didn't get what was so great about Grease.
  • Hypocritical Humor: After Black Comedy, the team's other signature element.
    • She comments that She-Ra is nothing but a knock-off of her already popular male counterpart...
    • She admits that saying Beauty and the Beast is one of her favorite movies period is a little ironic right after her Disney Princess rant.
    • All over the place in her Grease 2 review. She complains about the movie rewriting the script while shooting, and then does exactly that, she tries to write the Makeover Fairy out of the review like the movie did with Frenchie, and at the end she says that nobody would want to watch something that's exactly the same as its predecessor but with the genders reversed, which is, of course, exactly what the Makeover Fairy subplot is to her first Grease review.
    • She calls out Disney for shitty puns and ignores Nella saying she likes them, but she's made a fair amount of Incredibly Lame Puns herself.
    • Hilariously done in her and Lupa's review of "Honor & Glory". The man-hating feminist is on Team Edward.
    • She calls Sarah Michelle Gellar's cameo in She's All That stupid. Cue Oancitizen, Obscurus Lupa, and Todd in the Shadows making cameos for the sole purpose of saying cameos are lame.
    • Shoving aside Elisa's (and Minion's) attempts at a gay kiss, espousing, "We have standards, goddammit, we'll use our intellect!" -- as she's pushing up her bra.
      • Hypocrisy Nod: "What do you do when your main character is unpleasant, judgmental and mean?"
    • In "The Top 11 Animated Villainesses", she gives an unabashed Take That to furries. In the X-Men review when she's on Truth Serum, she has a fangirl meltdown over Beast. She's also admitted that the other Beast has his appeal. And the most damning: her sexual awakening was Batty.
    • She calls Fagin in Oliver and Company a complete idiot because kidnapping always leaves a trace. Um, ma'am...?
    • Taken to new heights in "Sleepless In Seattle vs. When Harry Met Sally". When the Chick describes the plot of SIS as Meg Ryan being a stalker, only to correct herself that it's romantic instead, Todd gives that reason for why he hates it. Chick calls him out on his hypocrisy (which he's unaware of) and she's also unaware that the description matches her to a tee as well.
    • She praises Daria for showing that Trent (the musician) is only attractive in theory as musicians tend to be assholes who lower your standards. ...this should be self-explanatory.
    • Downplayed in Milo and Otis. Lindsay wouldn't dream of hurting Kali, so after the scenes of animal abuse, the Chick dresses Mignon up in a princess costume and makes her dance to Monty Python.
    • Ever notice that while she bitched at the PAAAAAINK Means Feminine trope in The Smurfette Principle, both her phone and a lot of her clothes are the color?
    • When she hates Patriotic Fervor, after being pretty Eagle Land-ish herself. Of course, Michael Bay is serious in his racism against other countries and she's playing it for laughs...
  • I Am Not Leonard Nimoy: She has a tendency to refer to characters by the names of the actors who play them.
  • I Can't Believe It's Not Heroin!: In Labyrinth when Sarah eats the peach.

Chick: A sexy fever dream?

Chick: Get on the bird... get on the bird... get on the fucking bird.

Nella: This is seriously killing my Wish Fulfillment boner. Why am I even watching this again?
Hugh Jackman: Fresh, creamery butter. Is there anything more comforting?

Nella: ... I'll be in my bunk.

Nostalgia Chick: ...and by that I mean I'd like to poke-your-hontas, heh. [Cringes from booing and catcalls.]

So, the Spice is somehow secreted by these worms and only on this one planet. One might say it's a...Spice World?

Nostalgia Chick: Well, I guess that (w)raps up this subplot!
Audience: BOOO!

    • In regards to movies doing it, even though Nella enjoys bad puns, the Chick can't see why anybody would like them.
    • Played straight in her Mulan review.

Nostalgia Chick: I had a HUNch he was nearby.

Nostalgia Chick: He's HUNgry for blood.

Nostalgia Chick: Don't like my p-HUNS?

Audience: BOOO!

Meg Ryan: You're so beautiful...
Nostalgia Chick: ... your giant forehead. Your gaunt, angular nose. Your droopy cheeks. The very image of perfection.

Nostalgia Chick: Don't put your dick in it. I feel like I shouldn't have to state this one, but it seems like some guys will put their peepees in just about anything, so let me spell it out for you, in case you're now confused. Don't put your dick in it. *caption pops up with the ":(" emoticon*

Chick: Hey, I just totally gummed up the works of your plot. Now let me gloat about it in front of you so you can easily fix it.

Chick: [[[Motor Mouth]]-ing and on Truth Serum] She was the most annoying because she was the one kids were supposed to relate to.

  • Kill'Em All: Transformers: The Movie did this in the most traumatizing way possible.
  • Knuckle-Cracking: In her review with Lupa, the Chick starts doing this when Lupa tries to get it into Todd's head that she'll never date him.
  • Lampshade Hanging: "Inside The NChick Labs" is filled with it, making fun of her Schedule Slip, her increasing Comedic Sociopathy and penchant for Black Comedy Rape, addressing how Nella wrote the Grease subplot so she can't complain about the Makeover Fairy being bitchy, not doing her research on MacGuffins in the Dune review and of course, the "Rapping About Rape" controversy.
    • Dumb comments on the previous video from people thinking that Lindsay really was fat and/or pregnant are addressed in the review of The Man in the Iron Mask when Nella asks "Are you fat? Or have you been sticking pillows up your top again?"
    • The X-Men review, where Dr. Tease gives her Truth Serum to stop the episode from being "too boring", addressed the complaints that her usual style is not as... animated as her colleagues.
    • Continuity errors in "The Dark Nella Saga" get big lampshades:
      • The Chick's outfits don't match between the X-Men review and the exterior segment, because, as she says "I'm going to take a sad walk. I'm gonna change my shirt and take a sad walk."
      • Since they're filming in a few separate places, she gets out of the fridge after Dark Nella locks her in and wonders why the kitchen looks different.
      • The credits for her review of The Craft:

"Dark forces were doing strange things to my hair. Shortening it. Lengthening it. Taking it down..."

But Nella loved that piece of... movie!

  • Law of Disproportionate Response: Paying for a computer with innocent people's organs? Nothing to worry about. Destroying said computer with a virus? Extremely frustrating but can be forgotten. Drinking another person's beer? BEAT HIM!
  • Laugh Track: She inserts one into the Grease review after Sandy's comment that Danny respects her.
  • Left the Background Music On: While pretending to be Sarah from Labyrinth when she's running around.

Chick: I just gotta find that drum machine!

Lupa: Did you try to kill me with a butter knife?!
Chick: It's Nutella, bitch!

  • Lighter and Softer: Her main problem with The Lion King 1/2 is that it shit all over the dark tone of the first movie.
    • The Fox and the Hound (film) II gets major points off for being "Tod and Copper join a band" while the original was one of the most somber Disney pictures.
  • Little No: When she discovers Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas got a blue-ray release.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: One of her many complaints about Roland Emmerich's movies.
  • Losing Horns: Inserts them into the Grease II review, after a lame period-as-in-class/period-as-in-menstruation joke.
  • Lost Forever: She has a frustrating habit of quietly taking down reviews she ended up not liking or were apparently too different from her usual episodes. Rapping About Rape, The Fifth Element, Dune and most depressingly, the TLC retrospective, are all gone.
  • Lost My Appetite: The gory electrocution of the eels in The Little Mermaid puts her off sushi for a while.
  • Love At First Note: "So in the requisite What-I-Want-From-This-Movie Song, aside from being less small, she also expresses a desire for One-True-Love or something, and who should be conveniently listening but her One True Love?"
  • Love Hurts: Critic has a breakdown over not having the courage to talk to the Chick in the first "Thanks For The Feedback", and the Chick herself is basically losing her mind over her unrequited crush on Todd.
  • Love Triangle: A Type-5 with the Chick as A, Todd in the Shadows as B and Obscurus Lupa as C. Linkara has been recently added to the mix apparently in love with The Nostalgia Chick and plotting to destroy Todd in the Shadows. The Critic's also involved somehow, but exactly where is anyone's guess.
  • Lowest Common Denominator: In-Universe. Dreamworks caters to this with all their snark and pop culture references. She adds on to this in the commentary for the "Top Five Least Worst Disney Sequels" by calling pop culture references forced as puns (think "Jessica Shrimpson") the lowest form of humor.
  1. zit
  2. who promised to be the guardian of Cossette