Pokémon and Digimon RP/Characters
This is a list of the characters found in the Play-By-Post Games Pokemon and Digimon RP.
Heroes (Pokemon)
D-Sphere Holders
Ash "Satoshi" Ketchum (Red)
- Combat Pragmatist: Come on; hurling your Pikachu into the maw of an evil Digimon, so he could electrify his insides? Of course Red's this.
- Composite Character: His character is mix of both the anime, manga and game versions of him.
- Crazy Awesome: Totally, this is why he was champion of Kanto! It goes Up to Eleven when he goes to his Super-Powered Evil Side
- Disappeared Dad: When Pearl was bragging about his father to Anabel, Red was thinking about his own and realized he never met the man.
- Dragon Rider: When on Charizard.
- First-Name Basis: While most refer to him as his nickname Red, his closest friends call him by his real name.
- Idiot Hero: It's still there, but when it comes to Pokemon he got more knowledge.
- Oblivious to Love: Has no clue both Misty and Yellow are crushing on him!
- Planar Champion: Red's the one who sticks out the most.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Due to a run-in with Deoxys (slightly based on the Sevii Island manga arc) Red is now connected with Deoxys and tends to revert to a dark state, notably when angered a lot. The results can lead to what many Digimon Goggleheads have fallen to.
- The Empath: Has a strong bond with his Pokemon, stronger when he reverts to his dark self.
Gary "Shigeru" Oak (Blue)
- Aloof Big Brother: He gives off such an impression.
- Anime Hair: Of course!
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Exactly What It Says on the Tin
- The Lancer: He tends to take up this role, notably to Red's Hero.
Paula (Green/Leaf)
- Action Girl: Big time!
- Armor-Piercing Slap: No doubt, she could pull it off
- Cool Big Sis: You could say that she's this.
- Shouldn't You Stop Stealing?: When she was first introduced, she tried to con JP!
- The Tease: Men, BEWARE!
- The Trickster: While she has toned down a bit, parts of this still lingers.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: When with Yellow, she's the Girly Girl, using her feminine appeal a lot!
Millie Yellow
- Betty and Veronica: Though both herself and Misty qualify to be the Betty, the closest to Veronica is Dawn.
- In Harmony with Nature: Born and raised in a forest, she as Psychic Powers connecting with Pokemon.
- Horrible Judge of Character: While she doesn't make friends with the obvious evil psychos, she befriended Rika and Neo and ignored their faults. She also befriended the Team Rocket Trio during their Reformed but Rejected, but that's understandable.
- Intergenerational Friendship: Made good friends with James and Jesse
- Last-Name Basis: Like Red, those close to her uses the girl's real name.
- Psychic Powers: Born in Viridian Forest, she has powers. Though mostly at being The Empath.
- Samus Is a Girl: Many's reaction
- Skilled but Naive: While a dependable trainer, she can still be a bit childish.
- Sweet Polly Oliver: When wearing her hat, everyone think she's a boy.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: When with Green, she's clearly the Tomboy!
Jimmy (Gold/Ethan)
- It's Personal: Has it in for Phelesmon and his cult.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Dislikes his real name, lies and says its Ethan while getting people call him Gold.
- No Guy Wants to Be Chased: Always gets pulled into Whitney's antics, and boy does he end up regretting it!
Landon (Silver)
- The Stoic: In spades.
- Action Girl: More of a catcher but can battle fine too.
- Girlish Pigtails: Hers slant upwards. Though she's nowhere near childish.
- Extremity Extremist: She still kicks her poke-balls.
Brendan (Ruby)
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Warg suspects a little more...
- Let's Get Dangerous: If he can be motivated to battle
- The Dandy
May Birch (Sapphire)
- Cute Little Fangs: touchy about them
- Plucky Girl: She's one determined girl!
Lucas (Diamond)
- Teacher's Pet: He is Professor Rowan's assistant. Barry mostly calls him this.
- Big Eater
- Brilliant but Lazy: Highly knowledgeable in Pokemon, but his brain stops working when Pokemon aren't involved.
- Sloth: How he's shown here, in direct contrast to his rival
Jun/Barry (Pearl)
- Determinator
- No Indoor Voice
- Run, Don't Walk:The RP is a game so it counts
Dawn "Hikari" Berlitz (Platina/Platinum)
- The Ojou: She only allowed her closest friends call her by her real name. Everyone else had to refer to her as Ms. Berlitz or Missy. But because she got excited that Kari had the same full name, many of the D Ds called her by her real name, much to her charging.
- Rich Bitch: She's mostly this.
- Spoiled Sweet: It's a clique to most rich girls.
- Composite Character: Her character is a mix of the manga and anime...
- Catch Phrase: ...especially with her anime catch phrase...
"No need to worry." |
Micheal Ryuto
Squirt of Team Go-Getters
- Samus Is a Girl: Squirt's a WHAT?!
Gengar of Team Meanies
Notable Trainers
June Motomiya
Jensar Jenny
Hiori (Pokemon7)
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Just one glance tells him the origin site of a Pokemon.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Just don't say it in his face.
- Canon Foreigner
- The Napoleon: The only character in the series shorter than Yellow!
Prof. Oak
Prof. Elm
Prof. Birch
Prof. Rowan
Their Notable Pokemon
Red's Pikachu
- Badass Adorable: You have no idea!
- Shock and Awe: His specialty if course
- Super-Powered Evil Side: When Red reverts to his dark self, all his Pokemon close to him gets stronger and wild just as him, Pikachu especially!
Red's Charizard
- Obstructive Code of Conduct: Would prefer to use violence more often but does not attack without Red's order
- Wreathed in Flames: This explains most of his attacks
Blue's Blastoise
Green's Ninetails
Yellow's Pikachu (Chu)
Gold's Typhlosion
Gold's Umbreon
Silver's Feraligatr
- I'm a Humanitarian: During a flashback, it was heavily implied that if Ariana didn't tell Silver about the Mask of Ice, Feraligatr would have eaten her... and Silver wouldn't have cared!
Crystal's Mew
Ruby's Celebii
Ruby's Darkrai
- Complete Monster: This is the same Darkrai who did all those nasty things in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games.
- Didn't See That Coming: His plans more or less got derailed when Ruby and Celebi teleported in at the most inconvenient time. And then Ruby captured him. Whoops.
- Freudian Excuse: Apparently, there's a reason why he wants to create a world of darkness, other than just For the Evulz...
- Manipulative Bastard: However, his recent capture has limited his ability to manipulate.
- Token Evil Teammate: He can be seen as this.
Sapphire's Blaziken
Sapphire's Manaphy
Lucas' Glaceon
- Only Sane Man: When comparing herself with Lucas' team
- Tsundere: Lucas' Toterra compared herself to one
Lucas' Toterra
Platina's Piplup
Platina's Zoroark
Micheal's Eevee
Micheal's Articuno
Lyra's Mesprit
Wes's Umbreon & Espeon
Wes' Lugia
Wally's Gardevoir
- Mama Bear: Treats the boy as her own son, implied for the time
Oak's Giratina
Pokemon Rangers
Lunick's Minun
Mystery Dungeon Teams
Team Go-Getters
Team Meanies
Team Spiral
Josh the Delcatty
- Cursed with Awesome
- Fish Out of Temporal Water
- Future Badass
- Hot-Blooded: Oh, yes.
- Idiot Hero: Kinda comes hand-in-hand with being extremely hot-blooded.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia
- My Significance Sense Is Tingling
- Mundane Made Awesome: He's a cat Pokemon who takes after Kamina!
Samanatha the Combusken
- Cowardly Lion: Still somewhat timid, though her Character Development has long kicked in.
Dayakkaiser the Ariados
- The Smart Guy: The self-professed brains of the group, and proves it, when he tries Cutting the Knot, and succeeds.
Team Future
Vyle the Grovyle
Noir the Dusknoir
- Heel Face Turn: Had swapped sides before the story even began.
- Magnificent Bastard: Of the heroic variety.
Wigglytuff Guild
- Alternate Character Interpretation - Could be any combination of the traits below.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Catch Phrase - "YOOM-TAH!"
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Eccentric Mentor
- Genius Ditz
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Odd Couple - With Chatot.
- The Pollyanna
- The Power of Friendship
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Heterosexual Life Partners - With Wigglytuff.
- Horrible Judge of Character
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Pointy-Haired Boss
- Polly Wants a Microphone
- Small Name, Big Ego
OC Trainers
Chie Satonaka
Heroes (Digimon)
Digidestined (Adventure/02)
Taichi "Tai" Kamiya/Yagami
- Big Brother Instinct: He still protective of Kari. Doesn't help that there's an evil digital dimension after her.
- The Determinator: As mention above, he charged through a damp castle using his own digivice to attack the Scubamons.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Not like Ash's, but Tai's emotions often get the better of him and results in his Digimon Dark Digivolving, not always with SkullGreymon though...
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: While nearly everyone (except his sister) believed he didn't made a big deal about, Tai secretly is bothered by it.
- Playing with Fire: His element!
- One Steve Limit: Due to many canon series, more than one Agumon is in the series. Though many have a variation, like Marcus' or Agumon X.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: If Tai ever goes to the dark, Agumon goes into uncontrollable forms.
Yamato "Matt" Ishida
- Chick Magnet: Finds himself with this even in the Tamer's universe
Sora Takenouchi
Koushirou "Izzy" Izumi
- Mission Control: With the Data Squad's equipment, Izzy has found himself in this role.
Mimi Tachikawa
- Innocent Flower Girl: She became a literal flower girl upon entering the Mystery World, and had a Half-Freaky Friday exprience with Palmon.
- Truman Show Plot: While its revealed that the Digimon Adventure is an anime in the Digimon Tamers universe, Mimi was hit by it the most.
Betamon X
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Totally
- Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: His relation with Mimi
Joe Kido
- The Complainer Is Always Wrong: And he's back to this.
Takeru "T.K." Takaishi
Hikari "Kari" Kamiya/Yagami
Daisuke "Davis" Motomiya
- Butt Monkey: Many people still make fun of him, especially when it comes to his massive crush on Kari. However, other characters now somewhat takes this trope away...which is alright with Davis.
- I Will Protect Her: Found himself in this situation with the V-Tamer version of Kari.
- Berserk Button: Seems to have gained a few , namely Shin being close enough (which triggers dark digivolution) and specially telling him that's his fault for having lost the digiegg of Friendship (which earns yourself a direct punch to the face).
- Word Mangler: his malaprobism could have gotten him in trouble, if not for a others to give out correct information
Yolei "Miyako" Inoue
Cody "Iori" Hida
Ken Ichijouji
Digidestined Tamers
Takato Matsuki
- Kid Hero: Unlike most of the Goggleheads, Takato isn't an Idiot Hero.
- Trademark Favorite Food:Bread
Rika Nonaka
- Little Miss Badass: Keep in mind; she's only a preteen!
- The Lancer: She's still contrasting the hero!
Henry Wong
- Only Sane Man: He finds himself with groups like this.
- Deadpan Snarker: He
might havehas one of the sharpest tongues in the entire RP.
Jeri Katou
Ryo Akiyama
- Always Someone Better: a constant reminder to Rika
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork:He only tolerates some of the Digidestined
- Whip It Good: It's more commonly used as a leash for his partner
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: his personality changes between forms, his lower levels being friendlier
- The Berserker: His default persona
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Of the foulest kind; if tainted with enough darkness, he becomes Millenniumon.
Hirokazu "Kazu" Shioda
Kenta Kitagawa
Suzie Wong
- Eat the Dog:He wanted to eat the then absent Zeromaru
Digidestined Warriors
Takuya Kanbara, Warrior of Fire
Koji Minamoto, Warrior of Light
Junpei "J.P" Shibayama, Warrior of Thunder
Tomoki "Tommy" Himi, Warrior of Ice
Izumi "Zoe" Orimoto, Warrior of Wind
Koichi Kimura, Warrior of Darkness
Yutaka, Warrior of Steel
- Ascended Extra: Considering his original role in Frontier...
- Extra Ore Dinary
Max Birch, Warrior of Wood
DATS Members
Marcus Daimon
- Hot-Blooded: He hates injustice, a lot
- Invulnerable Knuckles: his punch proved not as effective against Pokemon but his hand didn't hurt regardless when he hit one of the hardest
Marcus' Agumon
Thomas H. Norstein
- I Am Not Weasel: Not a dog he says
- Red Boxing Gloves
Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujieda
- Catch Phrase: As usual...
"This is the worst!" |
Keenan Crier
- All Grown Up!: Very much so.
- Battle Boomerang
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Towards Chika. He's not fooling anyone.
- Relationship Reveal: His relationship with Chika is now becoming increasingly obvious, and now no longer a Toy Ship.
Chika "Kristy" Damon
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Five years has not dulled her blade in this department.
- Little Miss Badass: In five years, she's learned fighting skills from her father.
- She's All Grown Up: Though her brother calls her 'squirt', much to her annoyance.
Chika's Biyomon
Suguru "Spencer" Damon
- Badass Bookworm: He's still got it.
- Did I Say That Out Loud: He reveals information too lightly. Might be a little rusty...
- Hot-Blooded: Implied...
- The Evil Genius:claims to have reformed
Xros Loader Bearers
Taiki Kudou
Kiriha Aonuma
Nene Amano
Atsushi (Junior)
Manga & Game Digidestined
Taichi Yagami
- Butt Monkey: A case bordering on tragic. He suffers a lot of indignities and his attempts to handle them just earn him grief from the rest of the cast, even from the villains.
- Dragon Rider
- Let's Get Dangerous: Diminished here but he still figured out the type chart and digimodify quickly
- Whole-Plot Reference: He recognizes a classic comic villain's scheme when no one else does
- Horse of a Different Color: Denies he ever served as one when a kid tries to ride him
- Brought Down to Normal: The V-pet reset
- Mode Lock: He claims it when the other kids suggest he revert to Sleep Mode Size
- Involuntary Shapeshifter: To everyone's surprisehe wanted Taichi to be his tamer
Neo Saiba
Rei Saiba
Mari Goutokuji
- Dumb Blonde: Seems to be this...
- Obfuscating Stupidity: ...but it's all an act.
Ojo the Arukenimon
- Cool Mask: Its back
Pie the Phantomon
Hideto Fujimoto
- The Fool: And how!
- Only Sane Woman: Is more or less responsible for keeping Warg in line.
- The Fool: Seriously... biggest idiot you'll ever meet!
- The Idiot From Osaka: Claims he's from there
Ryuu the Ryudamon
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: So far, it isn't as bad as his Digimon RP counterpart
Teru Raku
Agumon X
Little Dude the Digimon
Allied Digimon
Leomon X
OC Digidestined
Ashe Raito, Warrior of Water
- Captain Ersatz: Of the Mega Man ZX character.
- Le Parkour: One of her defining skills.
- Making a Splash
Bentham Bon Kurei, Warrior of Earth
- Crossdresser
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Captain Ersatz: Of the One Piece character.
Souji Seta
- Big Brother Instinct
- Curtains Match the Window
- Captain Ersatz: Of the Persona 4 protagonist, with the name from the manga.
- Guile Hero: He tries to make peace with enemies... never works
- Heroic Mime: Izanagi is prone to talking in his stead, but he does talk, and a lot more when Izanagi isn't around.
- Parental Abandonment
- Promotion to Parent: His relationship with Nanako for the most part, though Dojima is picking up the slack.
- Team Mom/ Meido
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Well, grey-haired. Curtains Match the Window.
Izanagi the Kotemon
- Expy: Of Souji's Persona.
- Identity Amnesia: Definately has a past life, but he doesn't have a clue about it, which means...
- Quest for Identity
Yosuke Hanamura
- All Love Is Unrequited: Although he crushed on Saki, she secretly hated him.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Determinator
- Captain Ersatz: Like Souji...
- Heroic BSOD: Yosuke reacts to seeing another person being killed in front of his eyes, well... fairly realistically.
- Honor Before Reason
- Hormone-Addled Teenager
- I Will Protect Her: He swears to himself that he will become stronger, to protect Rui.
- Love At First Sight: He explicitly says "where have you been all my life?" When he sees Rui. Unfortunately, this clashes heavily with Wes...
- The Fool: Not quite as stupid as Yuji, but he's close.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Chie.
Jiraiya the Floramon
- Expy: Of Yosuke's Persona... Which might explain why Ryuu thinks she's a guy.
- Purely Aesthetic Gender: Claims this isn't true, and is perfectly willing to compromise her modesty to prove it, which is a bit weird.
Keith Windslow
- Blade of Fearsome Size: What he consider his sword, Valmanway.
- Butt Monkey: He is this...
- Ditzy Genius: He's highly skilled in electronics and programming, but he has a big mouth, and prone to say the wrong things around the wrong people...
- Hot-Blooded: Might be a little too much for his own good.
- Idiot Hero: Oddly enough, this personality is paired up with a surprisingly keen intellect.
- The Smart Guy: A mixture of this and the above trope.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Was this towards Christa, until they actually started dating.
- Take That, Scrappy!: He gets this often at times, sometime resorting him into a Butt Monkey of sorts.
- The Atoner: Is guilty about upsetting two groups of people in a row, the second of whom he admires greatly, and aspires to make up for his mistakes.
Rush the Commandramon
- Gender Bender: Whoops.
- Only Sane Woman: Tries her best to keep Keith in line.
Christa Pickett
- The Chick: Kinda. She doesn't like fighting, but will fight if she needs to.
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: Towards Keith. At first. Then they started dating.
- Only Sane Woman: When Rush can't do the job, Christa keeps Keith in line.
- Psychic Link: With Rina, though most Tamers have this ability.
- Reluctant Warrior
Rina the Fanbeemon
Tory Conley
- All Love Is Unrequited: To be fair, Tory and Rika have only just met, and she's only met one half of him, so to speak.
- Everyone Can See It: Despite attempts to dissuade, that single compliment towards Rika has cemented everyone else's opinion that he's at least got a crush on her.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: His "normal" personality in a nutshell.
- Jerkass: His "duelist" personality.
- Love At First Sight: Towards Rika. Yes, Rika. Not joking, here.
- Never Live It Down: Tory seems to be on the receiving end of a lot of mockery for Kanako sneaking into a Pokemon Centre hiding in a cardboard box, despite this not even being his idea. It becomes a Rant-Inducing Slight rather quickly.
- Split Personality
- Stop Having Fun Guy: The "Duelist" Tory, who is an arrogant jackass who will quite gladly abuse Game Breakers like Dragon's Pride when he gets the chance.
- Tsundere: His "duelist" personality, towards Rika.
Kanako the Kanakomon
- Dark Is Not Evil: Much like Guilmon, her evolutions are virus types.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
Toru Adachi
- The Ditz
- Captain Ersatz: Once again...
Kote the Kotemon
Team Rocket
- Determinator: He took a blast from Ho-Oh's Sacred Fire head-on, and managed to tough it out until he got to a Pokemon Center.
- Noble Demon: While the world views him as a monster, he gain respect to those close to him
- Psychic Powers: He too is a child of Viridian Forest
- Dragon-in-Chief: With Giovanni currently crossing the regions in his self-training, Archer took it upon himself to keep Team Rocket up until he returns.
- The Baroness: While Archer is gone, she's in command.
- Master of Disguise: Sort of. The only reason he hasn't been found out yet is because no one in his company knows who he is.
- Complete Monster: She manipulated Darkrai into doing everything he did during the Mystery Dungeon games. Every detail, without remorse. Not much of a stretch to come to this conclusion about her.
- Dragon with an Agenda: Seems to have other motives...
- Half-Human Hybrid: When she steals Darkrai's power using a Burst Heart.
- Man Behind the Man: Or, to be more accurate, the woman behind Darkrai.
- Manipulative Bastard: Now officially cemented, as everything to do with Darkrai's evil deeds was because of her.
- Mysterious Past: She even calls herself the "greatest living enigma", for pete's sake!
"Domino" (009/Black Tulip)
- Dark Action Girl: Why Youkomon choose her, she even uses a BladeKuwagamon to fight now.
- Evil Counterpart: To Rika in a certain extent.
- Jerkass Woobie: After a flashback to her childhood, showing her struggling hard to please Giovanni.
- Evil Counterpart: To Renamon, becoming an Unknown Rival.
Shinichirou "Shin" Jousaki
- Brains and Brawn: The brains
- Complete Monster: Beating up a little girl just because of losing to glitch digimon... easily rose high
- Evil Counterpart: If Kentarou of C'mon Digimon is Taichi's prototype, he can be said to be Neo's.
- Moral Event Horizon: Crossed this, stomped on it and set the remains on fire after beating up poor Hikari to a pulp, simply because he lost to Taichi and Zero in a tournament.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections: Its claimed
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: He has this personality
- All Your Powers Combined: He's specialty, taking data and blood samples of his foes to trandform.
- Anatomy of the Soul: Desmon, The Heartless, The Soulless, mindless monster is only meant to serve Shin's wack job ideals.
- Brains and Brawn: The brawn
Professor Kurata
- Complete Monster: His history speaks for itself.
The Dark Masters
- The Alcoholic: Comes from him Drowning His Sorrows a few too many times.
- Big Bad: Was the one who organized the Dark Masters together.
- Creepy Monotone
- Fusion Dance: With Cherrymon, to form Ghoulmon.
- Adult Child
- Fusion Dance: With Megadramon, to form Ghoulmon.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Well, not him on his own, but it's his preferred method of dealing with subordinates.
Myotismon's Gang
- Big Bad: He's the leader of this team
- Fusion Dance: He is an Ice Devimon (the original Devimon) merged with a Hyogamon.
- Complete Monster: The most twisted girl to ever posses a digivice, she goes from saying grim words to making digimon suffer.
- Daddy's Little Villain: While Myotismon hates the chosen, he finds this psycho girl enjoyable
- Dark Chick: Dark as the deepest ocean!
- Your Mileage May Vary: Whether or the reactions from her is a Nightmare Fuel or a Crowning Moment of Funny in Black Comedy
- Butt Monkey: Every moment of his life
Lord Tricera
Team Galactic
Bagura Army
Lilithmon, Demon Lord of Lust
Lone Villains
- Bigger Bad: He is the one who started the whole mess, playing Man Behind the Man during Cyrus' arc
- The Chessmaster: Missingno somewhat fits this, as every hero and villain are nothing but his pawns to further his goals.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Ultimate Evil: While he does appear, being a glitch and all static, you can't really get a glimpse of what he really looks like.
Shinji's Omnimon X
Vamde the Dracmon
The Royal Knights
The Olympus Twelve
- Adult Child
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: Just think of Apollomon and Dianamon as the parents and you get her
- Back from the Dead: After he was done in by Taiki Kudo, he was revived.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: The reason why he worked under the Bagura Army to begin with.
The Seven Demon Lords
Lucemon, Demon Lord of Pride
Daemon, Demon Lord of Wrath
Leviamon, Demon Lord of Envy
Barbamon, Demon Lord of Greed
Belphemon, Demon Lord of Sloth
- Killed Off for Real: Seems to be the general idea, after his defeat at the hands of DATS.
Other Gym Leaders
Daisy, Lily and Violet
Lt. Surge
Un-trained Legendary Pokemon
Digital Lifeforms
Digi Elves
AU V-Tamers
Hikari Yagami
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: After what she went through, can you blame her?