Steins;Gate has a relatively small cast, with only eight important characters, and only a handful of recurring side characters. Listed tropes will also come from Steins;Gate 0. They include:

WARNING: New information added may contain unmarked spoilers, so you have be warned.

Rintaro Okabe

Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano (JP), J. Michael Tatum (EN)

EN: I'm about to bust out some questions yo, so holla at yer booooiiiiiii! Word to your motha!

JP: I am mad scientist! It's so cooool! Sonuvabitch!
—Okabe's attempt to communicate with a foreign person

The protagonist, an 18-year-old 1st-year college student and leader of the Future Gadget Laboratory. He is the first in the series to be conscious of the timeline changes, an ability he calls "Reading Steiner".

  • Always Save the Girl: He goes through many timelines to save Mayuri, although it is implied that he ultimately chooses Kurisu.
  • Catch Phrase: "I am mad scientist!", "This is the choice of Stein's Gate!", "El Psy Congroo", among others.
  • Chick Magnet: He seems to have no problem with girls swooning over him, and yes, that includes Ruka. Romance options are somewhat explored in the original game, but aren't the main focus. My Darling's Embrace leans more into the romantic options given the nature of the game itself. That said, it's also the only place where Moeka's attraction to Okabe is made apparent, and Suzuha's relationship with him is the only one that isn't romantic (though she does get cozy with him before she returns to her own time, just so Okabe doesn't forget her).
  • Despair Event Horizon: Burst out crying after countless time-leaps in order to save Mayuri with no success.
  • The Determinator
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": "Call me Hououin Kyouma!"
    • Inverted in Steins;Gate 0 where he has to remind Faris to not call him Kyouma anymore, much to her dismay.
  • Evil Laugh: Quite good at it, and hilarious too!
  • Eyes of Gold
  • Fate Worse Than Death: In 2025 of Alpha timeline, he's captured by the Rounders and gruesomely tortured to death.
  • Future Badass: Alpha timeline, where he leads an international terrrorist group against SERN in the future and Beta timeline, where he creates the time machine.
  • Geeky Turn On: Has one when Kurisu puts on a lab coat intended for Daru and Mayuri.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Delivered by Mayuri.
  • The Gift: Reading Steiner.
  • Gratuitous English: Uses it constantly. Along with Gratuitous German.
  • Heroic BSOD: Suffers a major one halfway through the series after his numerous attempts to save Mayuri from death doesn't produce the desired results. It's only when Kurisu and Suzuha offer to help that he snaps out of it.
    • Suffers a massive one in Episode 23;beta, the catalyst for 0. Without Mayuri's words of encouragement, or instructions from his Future self, Okabe is so distraught over his failure to save Kurisu, and being responsible for her death, he abandons his time travel escapades, ditches his Hououin Kyouma act, and barely recovers from his series-long depression spell. His misery eventually starts to affect everyone around him, particularly Mayuri.
  • In-Series Nickname: Refers to himself as "Hououin Kyouma". Mayuri and Daru call him "Okarin", a portmanteau of his full name.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • Jive Turkey: In the English dub, he tries to speak jive instead of Gratuitous English. He even quotes Vanilla Ice of all people.
  • La Résistance
  • Large Ham: When he's acting out his Hououin Kyouma persona, he tends to be very loud and theatrical. When Okabe himself shines through, he's inclined towards gloominess and is actually fairly mellow.
  • Love Makes You Crazy
  • Mad Scientist: Or, as he prefers to call himself, the Crazy Mad Scientist "Hououin Kyouma".
  • The Nicknamer: Enjoys giving other people nicknames based on their deeds, including:
    • Shining Finger (Moeka)
    • Rukako (Ruka)
    • Part-Time Warrior (Suzuha)
    • Super Hack (Daru)
    • A multitude of nicknames for Kurisu.
      • Mayuri, who already coined her own nickname "Mayushii", and Faris, who rarely uses her real name anyway, are exceptions to this.
      • Only Daru and Kurisu object to their given nicknames, though Daru more because Okabe calls him "Hack" rather than "Hacker". As for Kurisu...well, no matter what he calls her, it just pisses her off.
  • Phrase Catcher: "You're the last person I want to hear that from."
  • Screw Destiny
  • Seen It All: His "Reading Steiner" allows him to retain memories of alternate world lines.
  • Serious Business: You know this is the case when he either drops the theatrics for a bit, or when he addresses Kurisu by her proper name.
  • Sore Loser: Cannot handle losing a game of RaiNet to anyone, be it Kurisu or Suzuha, and espeically gets pissed off when Kurisu outsmarts him in a debate. Cannot stand that Faris plays into his delusional ramblings so effortlessly since he feels she does it better he does, and thus cannot beat her.
  • Tsundere: He's not as blatant as Kurisu, but he fills this category as well, as is cheerfully pointed out by Mayuri.
  • Will They or Won't They?: Shares this dynamic with Kurisu.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Hits Moeka hard when he believes it's the only way to save Mayuri.
    • In My Darling Embrace, he gets a little rough with Faris when she teases him. He proceeds to tug on her cat ears, making her cry from the pain.

Mayuri Shiina

Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa (JP), Ashly Burch (credited as Jackie Ross), Megan Shipman (Steins;Gate 0, Episode 14 onwards) (EN)
Tutturuuu! I prefer "Mayushii."
—Her introduction as Lab Member 002

A 16-year-old high school student and Okabe's childhood friend. She works at May Queen and is also a cosplay designer. She's killed in most timelines, often by Moeka.

  • Berserk Button: This is Mayuri we're talked about, so downplayed to the most extreme possible degree here. She does however, get particularly angry towards Okarin after his continued insistence that *female* Ruka was a boy makes her cry.
    • Mayuri is aware that she isn't particularly bright, but she doesn't like when others belittle her intelligence so blatantly, nor when they play up her ditziness.
  • Big Eater: Often buys a ton of snacks, and is often seen snacking on either bananas, or microwavable fried chicken bites. In spite of this, Mayuri still maintains a decent figure.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: You can just about see them beneath her fringe. No one ever comments on them though.
  • Big, Thin, Short Trio: She is the short one out of the original trio, with Okabe being the Thin one, and Daru being the Big one.
  • Break the Cutie: Very much so.
  • Catch Phrase: Her "Tutturu~" whenever she greets someone.
  • Cat Smile: Justified that she work as a waitress in a cat themed maid café. Seems to only be a thing in the visual novels, though.
  • Childhood Friends: With Okabe.
  • Cosplay Otaku Girl: She loves cosplay, but is only interested in making the costumes and having others wear them.
  • The Cutie: Whether you like her or not, there is no denying her sweet and innocent personality.
  • The Ditz: She tends not to understand anything that's going on in the lab and, unlike Daru, doesn't seem to get it even after having it simplified. When Mayuri says that one of the names Kurisu came up for to describe what they're doing was too complicated, Kurisu nearly says it doesn't count because Mayuri is dumb, which Okabe catches her on.
    • Perverted comments she repeats at Daru's requests seem to just fly over a head, doing so without any hint of self awareness whatsoever.
  • Gamer Chick: She's a big fan of RaiNet, but there's no indication that she's actually any good at it. Rather, she just thinks the mascot, an Upa, is adorable.
  • Green Eyes
  • The Glomp: Does this a couple of times to Kurisu; first when they first meet, and second when the latter returns to Japan in the film.
    • She does it to Okabe at the end her route in the spin-off, which humorously knocks him over.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Mayushii", a nickname she gives to herself, itself a portmanteau of her full name: Mayuri Shiina.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: She's a pretty mild example: while Okabe and Daru are all gung-ho about hacking into SERN and other dubious activities, Mayuri disapproves even when it's clear that SERN is up to some pretty shady business.
  • Kill the Cutie: Many times. Okabe went through many timelines to try to save her, but the few times he did ended badly for Kurisu.
  • Meido: While she's at work. She also wears a blonde wig styled into a ponytail while on the clock.
  • Nice Girl: Sweet and firendly, Mayuri dislikes conflict and wants her fellow Lab Mems to get along with each other, almost acting as the Peacekeeper.
  • Nice Hat: Almost always wears a wide brimmed, frilly looking blue hat.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: Downplayed, since she's already rather pretty to begin with, but nevertheless, she becomes even more beautiful when preparing for her photoshoot in her route in My Darling's Embrace,
  • Smarter Than You Look: Despite what her ditzy mannerisms might suggest, she can be very insightful.
  • Static Character: Mayuri is sweet, innocent, and a little slow from the beginning of the series. Unfortunately, she isn't given much character development and she remains as sweet, innocent, and a little slow by the end.
  • Teens Are Short: Like Faris, Mayuri has a very petite stature, standing only 5' 0'' in height, shorter than the average girl of her age.
  • Third Person Person: Always refers to herself as "Mayushii" instead of using a pronoun.
  • Tragic Keepsake: "Pockety", a pocket watch she inherited from her grandmother after she passed away.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: Ambiguous, but implied in the true ending.
    • Your Mileage May Vary. There are little to no romantic/sexual implications between Okabe and Mayuri whereas there are plenty of examples between Okabe and the other female characters, including Ruka.
    • Romance between the two is explored in My Darling's Embrace, in which the relationship at least feels genuine.

Kurisu Makise

Voiced by: Asami Imai (JP), Trina Nishimura (EN)
Oh for the love of- Could you be any more of a Wesley?
—Kurisu accidentally slipping internet slang into her dialogue

An 18-year-old Teen Genius killed in the initial timeline, only to reappear alive and well in another. She later becomes a lab member, and starts working along with Daru in the creation of new gadgets. In the final chapters, Okabe has to save her from being stabbed to death by her father. She falls in love with Okabe, and kisses him after listening to his confession.

  • Abusive Parents/Parental Neglect: Kurisu's father keeps a distance from her, downright refusing to see her. Justified in that he is Dr. Nakabachi.
  • Accidental Innuendo: Subjects herself to these often, and it never ceases to embarrass her any time Okabe or Daru point it out.
  • Adaptation Dye Job: Kurisu's hair is brown in the original visual novel, but has red hair in the anime.
  • Berserk Button: In one of the VN, she gets unreasonably irate when Faris alludes to her less-than-impressive bust when talking about her costumes potentially not fitting her.
    • Unflattering comments about her scrawny appearance will be met with threats to have your brain turned to pickle juice.
  • Blue Eyes: Closer to violet, and they're pretty big, too. Okabe does comment on how beautiful her eyes are in the VN, making it one of the only times he has acknowledged some attraction to her.
  • Broken Bird
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: In the film, it only takes one can of beer (which she doesn't even finish) to get Kurisu drunk off her ass.
  • Captain Ersatz: Looks very similar to Tsubaki Yayoi (anime only) in terms of appearance, she even has the same voice actor to boot!
  • Closet Geek: She often quotes internet memes, denies being an OTP without any hesitation, and clearly knows what a "tsundere" is. She is quite the geek, but does a poor job hiding it.
  • Cool Big Sis: she acts this way towards Mayuri. Not only does she treat Mayuri with more respect than the guys, but she becomes concerned for her when Okabe becomes distant from her.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Non-action variety. She took up maths and science from a young age, but sacrificed education in pretty much everything else to a point where even her social skills left a lot to be desired.
  • Cry Cute: In episode 5, after Okabe, already irate at losing a board game with her, yells at her for calling him by his real name, and then calling her "Christina", reducing her to tears. This was out of relief when she realised he's being his goofy self and his anger wasn't genuine.
    • She has a more hilarious one at the end of Faris' route in My Darling's Embrace when she has a little too much fun with her Hell Maid schtick at MayQueen, only to discover that her colleagues in America saw the PV, and asked her to perform at college events with the cat maid costume (ears included).
  • Depending on the Artist: As mentioned under Adaption Dye Job, her hair is red in the anime as opposed to brown in the visual novels. She also has an average sized bust in the visual novels, but in the anime, she is noticeably flatter to where she can't even form a cleavage line.
  • Fiery Redhead: Only in the anime, and she has quite the temper to match.
  • Guilty Pleasure: Posting on 2channel, dropping internet slang, just to name a few. Often becomes embarrassed when Daru and Okarin points them out.
  • Hypocrite: In the 3rd Soumei Eichi no Cognitive Computing short, she criticises both Okabe and Daru for wearing the same clothes every day, but as Okabe points out, she is never seen wearing any other clothes besides her default outfit herself.
    • She is also in no position to make fun of Okabe for being a virgin after she accidentally outs herself as one too.
    • In the Sekimen Hissi no Gossip drama CD, she urges Daru to show his true self to his new girlfriend, yet she won't share her true self with Okabe, only alluding to an attraction after some prodding from Daru, Faris, and Moeka.
  • In-Series Nickname: Multiple nicknames used by Okabe, mainly "Christina". There's also "The Zombie" or simply "Assistant"; there was also the short lived "Celebrity 7" or "Celeb-7", and each one seems to piss her off in varying measures. She states that "The Zombie" is the nickname she hates the most.
  • Intelligence Equals Isolation: Prior to knowing Okabe and co., though not so much she isolates herself as others isolate her. Her dad no longer wants to see her after she disproved his theory at the age of eleven, and her co-workers are mostly scientist with big egos, who are jealous of her due to her young age. In one fairly comical scene between herself, Daru and Okabe, she unintentionally reveals she's a virgin and has never been on a date.
  • Irony: She hates being called "Christina", but "Kurisu" translates to "Chris" in English. For girls, "Chris" can be shorthand for "Christina".
    • Also hates being called a tsundere despite possessing all of the right qualities to qualify as such.
  • Jerkass: She has many shades of this at times, as she can be rude, defensive, and needlessly confrontational towards Okabe. In her defense though, he himself didn't exactly make a very good first impression with her.
    • Averted when she interacts with other females (and Ruka), particularly Mayuri.
  • Lethal Chef: Her apple pie is considered a lethal weapon.
  • My Name Is Not CHRISTINA!: That pretty much speaks for itself...
  • Oh Crap!: Her reaction every time she drops internet lingo into her dialogue. Also when she unwittingly makes a sexual innuendo, and it's pointed out to her.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: Is a neuroscientist, but is apparently well-versed enough in theoretical physics to conceptualize and build a time machine.
  • Pettanko: Maybe only in the anime. In the visual novel, there's a couple of scenes showing she's not that flat-chested.
  • Posthumous Character: She is this in Steins;Gate 0, which takes place in the Beta world line where she was killed. Aside from Episode 8 when Okabe ends up back in the Alpha world line, she is only ever seen as an AI constructed from her memories, and in Maho's flashback scenes.
  • Red Headed Heroine: properly becomes one in the movie.
  • Sobriquet: "Mother of Time Machine", in the future where SERN rules.
  • She's Got Legs: Though she's quite short (5' 3"), her legs are rather long, even being longer than her torso. They're also covered by black stockings and a pair of dark mini shorts.
  • Teen Genius: From an early age, she studied math and science like crazy at the expense of everything else, which has left her a more respected scientist than her father, even though she's seventeen when the story starts.
  • Took a Level in Badass: She's one of the 2 guest characters in the 2D fighting game Phantom Breaker, and is the only normal human, but she can fight an even match against superpowered adversaries using lab gadgets. It should be noted that she's among the only 2 characters who have 2 supers.
  • Troll: At one point toys with Okabe by hanging up on him when he tries to call her until he talks to her in a more polite manner.
  • Tsundere: A hilariously stereotypical one, at that. Lampshaded by Daru, much to her dismay and denial. Since she likes to post on 2chan frequently, she should be at least aware of the characteristics of one.
  • Unkempt Beauty: She is no doubt easy on the eyes, but she also dresses like your average teenager with untied bootlaces, a tie that isn't done all the way up, long plain hair with little volume, and her jacket hangs below her shoulders.
  • Who Wears Short Shorts?: She wears a pair as part of her default attire.
  • Will They or Won't They?: Shares this dynamic with Okarin.
  • Yandere: Just... Listen to this drama CD.
  • You Called Me "X" - It Must Be Serious: She is surprised when Okabe finally starts using her actual name. First time it happens, she almost gets teary-eyed from it. Clearly, she is genuinely touched by this gesture each time it occurs.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Implied to be her fate at SERN's hands, after she completed the time machine for them in 2034.

Itaru Hashida/Daru

You know you said "You just wanna see me eat a banana" just a moment ago? Could you repeat that for me? Only, with more of a whisper?
—One of many examples of Daru asking for a repeat of a Double Entendre

Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki (JP), Tyson Rinehart (EN)

Okabe's best friend and a hacker. He's Suzuha's father, but he isn't aware of this fact until she leaves.

  • Big Fun: He's a big, fat and somewhat messy guy, but he helps keep the mood going with his generally laid back personality.
  • Big, Thin, Short Trio: He is the big one to Okabe the Thin one, and to Mayuri the short one.
  • Future Badass: He leads the terrorist organization against SERN after Okabe dies in 2025, and manages to create another time machine (it's not complete like Kurisu's though), which he leaves for his daughter.
  • Butt Monkey: Like Ruka, Daru is reduced to this in My Darling's Embrace, as he is often on the receiving end of Kurisu's wrath, having his ideas rejected in a heartbeat, and generally being portrayed as a clumsy oaf more often.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Even he finds Okabe's repeated insistence that Ruka is a dude to be crossing the line!
  • Geeky Turn On: Has one when Okabe reverts back to his old self towards the end of Steins;Gate 0.
  • In-Series Nickname: Everybody calls him "Daru".
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Whenever a girl lets loose an Accidental Innuendo, he'll ask them to repeat it. He also insists on having all the technical stuff explained to him in terms of eroge.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: He's Suzuha's.
  • Megane
  • My Name Is Not Hakka: "It's HACKER! The way you say it makes no sense!"
  • Nice Guy: Despite his perverted nature, Daru is actually quite a friendly fellow who cares about his friends, and is generally very hard to anger.
  • Nice Hat: he is almost never seen not wearing it.
  • The Nicknamer: He's the only one besides Mayuri to call Okabe "Okarin", and the only one to consistently address the former as "Mayushii".
    • In 0, he loves to call Maho "Mini-Maho".
  • OOC is Serious Business: Usually one to fall for Faris' charm, Daru gives her the cold shoulder during Suzuha's route in My Darling's Embrace because he has serious matters to deal with (to him at least), reducing Faris to tears as a result.
  • Otaku: 2-D girls are the only girls for him! Except when they aren't, of course. Prior to 0, Faris is the exception to this.
  • The Pervert: Oh very much so! It doesn't matter who is in his crosshairs, he'll crack a perverted joke or comment in their direction, including Ruka and even Suzuha.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Episode 16 of 0: Daru gets so fed up with Okabe's abrasive attitude after the latter insults Maho one time too many that he outright punches his friend in the face, and delivering an awesome "It's Not Always About You!" type of speech.
  • Younger Than He Looks: You'd think Daru was in his mid-20's by how he acts, looks, and sounds, but you'd be wrong; he's 19, a year older than Okabe.

Ruka Urushibara

Voiced by: Yuu Kobayashi (JP), Lindsay Seidel (EN)
Urushibara Ruka: Delicate as an orchid, fair as cherry blossom. The personification of feminine grace...and a dude.
—Okabe's description of Ruka

Mayuri's classmate, a crossdressing boy who works at his family's shrine. His family owns the IBN 5100 left by Suzu Hashida, but loses it in following timelines after he sends his D-Mail and becomes a girl. He is the second character that remembers things from other timelines.

  • A-Cup Angst: Gets this when he turns into a girl but retains the same appearance.
  • Bokukko
  • Butt Monkey: poor Ruka is reduced to this role in the My Darling's Embrace spin-off. Whether he is over-emotional about old fables, lets his feelings towards Okabe slip and the others catch on, or he finds himself in Okabe's crosshairs of whatever scheme he comes up with, Ruka just cannot catch a break.
  • Crossdresser: Often seen wearing outfits typically worn by girls, most likely due to his feminine appearance. As Okabe describes, he looks radiant in shrine vestments, but that's because his dad makes him wear them.
  • Crotch Grab Sex Check: Is a victim of this twice; once after he becomes a girl after sending a D-mail (with Okabe getting clocked for it), and again in My Darling's Embrace after Okabe moves to a world line where the two are a couple. Strangely enough, in the latter instance, Ruka admits to being fine with the act, though he wished it happened privately.
  • Cry Cute: Even cuter than Kurisu!
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: "But... he's a guy!"
  • Extreme Doormat: Comes across as this sometimes, particularly when it comes to doing embarrassing stuff like cosplaying. He will only do such embarrassing things if Okabe either does it with him, or if other people suggest the latter does so.
  • Gender Bender: After sending his D-Mail, he becomes a full-fledged female in the following timelines.
  • Hair Decorations: He has a hair clip with a purple skull on it... "But... he's a guy!"
  • In-Series Nickname: "Rukako", used by Okabe.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Okabe's primary method of toughening Ruka up is by having him swing a cheap katana on a daily basis. In 2036, Ruka has mastered this weapon, and becomes pretty badass with it.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Surprisingly averted. With the exception of Faris, Ruka is the only other character with more than one outfit, which he rotates quite often. This includes spin-off titles which add a few more outfits to his wardrobe.
  • Miko: Despite being male, Luka seems to work as the shrine miko anyway, which doesn't help when it comes to being recognized as male.
  • Oh Crap!: Pretty much his reaction when Daru suggests hiring male maids to work at MayQueen, knowing the he was referring to him.
    • Later in that story, he has a similar reaction when Daru and Faris cast him in the lead role for the group's PV.
  • Out of Focus: He is for the most part, locked out of the loop in Steins;Gate 0. Despite the screen time he gets, he isn't given much involvement in the main plot, nor is he given much to assist the other characters. He had a similar problem in the original adaptation, but at least there, he got character development, helped Okabe grow as a character, and he got his own arc, of which he was the main focus. In 0, he is the only ally whom Okabe keeps his time travel escapades from, which Suzuha believes there is a reason for.
  • Pettanko: Keeps the same bust size even after changing gender.
  • Purple Eyes
  • Running Gag: No matter how pretty he may look, Ruka.... is a dude!
    • Also messing up the password each time Okabe asks for it.
    • Running Gagged: In the end of his route in MDE, he finally gets Okabe's sign off right, and Okabe himself gets it wrong while trying to correct him.
  • Shrinking Violet: He's very shy and quiet, so Okabe seems to have taken it upon himself to give him manliness lessons by practice swinging a fake sword.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Okabe. Even when he was male and told Okabe he didn't like him that way, there are still hints dropped that he does have at least a crush on him. He didn't get a lot of screen time to show any interest in anybody else.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": According to the creators, his name is Luka, but "Ruka" is more commonly used regardless due to the Japanese voice actors having difficulty pronouncing their Ls.
  • Transgender: Why she sends her D-Mail.

Moeka Kiryuu

Voiced by: Saori Goto (JP), Jessica Cavanagh (EN)
First: You built a time machine. Second: You have access to information you shouldn't have. And third: You intended to go public with it.
—Moeka's explanation of why she is targetting the Future Gadget Lab

A silent young woman who prefers to communicate through her cellphone. Seems to be searching the IBN 5100 as well. She works for a man named FB, and will do anything he orders.

  • Ambiguous Disorder: We don't know whether she has social anxiety or not, but years of being shunned by everyone around her certainly has not helped her in the slightest.
  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: she has a very short attention span, judging by how she goes about cleaning her apartment. According to Okabe, it's quite the sight to behold!
  • Berserk Button: She is super attached to her mobile phone; try to snatch it from her, and she goes berserk until she retrieves it! Even offering to input your contact info for her causes her to get antsy.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
  • Dark and Troubled Past: She was the product of an unwanted pregnancy, thus was most likely subjected to a lot of abuse from her parents until they just abandoned her. She was also ostracized by her peers during high school, and even made attempts on her own life due to her sense of worthlessness. Her route in My Darling's Embrace explores this, as she mentions that she wanted to die in the past, her difficulties with socialising, before she tearfully acknowledges her feelings of worthlessness and why she feels that way to Okabe when he asks her directly why she runs away from people who do care about her.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Her route in My Darling's Embrace basically has Okabe trying to get her to open up about her feelings.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Apparently she does not like macadamia nuts.
  • Driven to Suicide: Twice. The first was four years prior, only to be stopped when she received FB's first message. The second is on the timeline after Ruka undoes the effects of her D-Mail, as she hasn't received any messages from FB.
  • Emotionless Girl: She almost always wears a deadpan, blank, expressionless look on her face; her voice is equally deadpan, making it difficult to tell what she is feeling.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Along with Suzuha when the Lab Mems work at MayQueen in MyDarling's Embrace. Moeka is the Clumsy Sister to Suzuha being the Responsible Sister.
  • The Glasses Come Off: She's missing her glasses when she reveals to the lab members that she's an SERN agent.
  • Heel-Face Turn: "The Quantum Awakening" in Linear Bounded Phenogram explores what would happen if Moeka made more of an effort to embrace the Lab Mems as her friends, and realised sooner that FB was just using and manipulating her.
  • Hidden Depths: Despite her reclusive nature, she is quite the talented writer, having written many articles, and even co-wrote a cell phone novel in MDE. Steins;Gate 0 also reveals that she is quite knowledgeable when it comes to classical music in Maho's route.
  • Heroic BSOD: Suffers a minor one in her route in My Darling's Embrace when she spots a mistake she made in the group's submission video for a music contest; she becomes fearful that the others would turn their backs on her, so much so that Okabe starts firing off multiple text messages out of concern for her emotional wellbeing.
  • I Just Want to Be Loved: Part of the reason she is the way she is is because she never got any love or affection from her parents. Hence the reason she gets so attached to FB the first moment they give her the positive affirmation she desperately craves.
    • The spin-off games explore this side of Moeka in thorough detail, particularly in her own episode in Linear Bounded Phenogram, "The Quantum Awakening". She is so desperate to please FB that she tries every trick in the book to push her friends away when they get close to her, until she understands how important friends are to where she has Okabe send a D-mail on her behalf to keep herself from ever becoming a Rounder in the first place.
    • My Darling's Embrace further delves into her background, which Okabe uses as the stepping stone to help her open up a little bit. With Tennouji being her legal guardian in that worldline, we get a better understanding of how Moeka functions as a person, and the positive impact Okabe and the rest of the Lab Mems have had on her emotionally. It is after she has a Heroic BSOD towards the end when Okabe asks her directly that she finally opens up to the emotional damage she suffered from, and the former's affirmation that people do care about her that she can begin to heal from it.
  • In-Series Nickname: Rintaro calls her "Shining Finger" because she can text someone lightning fast.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Is blissfully unaware of how sexy she looks in lingerie, as she only chose it for practicality reasons in Steins;Gate 0 for Faris' slumber party in Episode 10. Doesn't stop Faris from getting a little uh, frisky with her, though!
  • Meganekko: Her glasses help her look withdrawn and timid.
  • The Mole: She joins the lab group largely because she's also looking for the IBN 5100, and once she has everything she needs, she leads a team to capture them all apart from Mayuri, who is marked for death instead.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Her life is pretty empty, so she always looks essentially expressionless and depressed. When in the lab for the first time, she seems intrigued by these people, but since she looks so emotionless, it's a little hard to tell.
  • The Quiet One: She hates having to speak, but when using mail, she's a real chatterbox to the point where the frequency of her messages really irritates Okabe.
    • Beta Moeka isn't anywhere near as shy as she was in the Alpha world line, but she still speaks in short fragmented sentences and still barrages Okabe with text messages, but in general, she is more talkative, and will actively help Okabe if he needs it. In the "Steins;Gate" world line, she is more open to conversation, and is far less reliant on text messages, both of which carry over into the movie.
      • In fact, the only time we ever see her pull her phone out for any reason in the movie is at the beginning to show a text message Okabe sent her.
    • She is way more talkative in the Sekimen Hissi no Gossip drama CD as she is given more dialogue, and only sends Kurisu text messages a handful of times.
  • Rapid-Fire Typing: Her one distinguishing skill in Okabe's eyes is that she can text a person in seconds, even with a phone that requires multiple key presses to get the letter she wants. It's the reason he calls her "Shining Finger". In fact, her lightning fast text messaging becomes a plot point early on, in which she changes the contents of her D-mail so quickly that no one else in the room even notices.
  • Rei Ayanami Expy: Has some shades.
  • Shrinking Violet: Incredibly shy to the point where she'd mostly communicate through rapid text messaging.
  • Signature Device: The phone she always has in her hand. Moeka is almost never seen without it, and as mentioned under Berserk Button, she becomes extremely angry if it's taken from her forcefully. She will however, hand it over if asked.
  • Suddenly Voiced: A downplayed example, since she speaks already; at the end of "Abduction Across Three Worlds", she arrives at the lab to pick up a sketchbook she bought online, but she uncharacteristically speaks in full sentences with confidence.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
  • Taking the Bullet: Realising how much her new friends cared about her, she gets fatally wounded protecting them when her subordinates open fire on the lab at the end of "The Quantum Awakening".
  • Villainous Breakdown: Driven to Suicide after FB drops her for failing her mission in the timeline where Ruka undoes the effects of her D-Mail, typing on her cell phone nothing but endless strings of "FB".
  • When She Smiles: She gives a warm smile at the end of her route in My Darling's Embrace after she and Okabe become a couple.
    • Faris and Maho's antics in Steins;Gate 0/Episode 10 get a brief smile and a chuckle out of her, though she quickly tries to hide it.
  • Younger Than She Looks: You wouldn't be blamed for thinking she was older than just 20 years of age if she hadn't said so.

Suzuha Amane

Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (JP), Cherami Leigh (EN)
HEY YOU GUUUYYYYSSS!!! Sorry, that's how the kids are saying "What's up these days."
—Suzuha's introductory dialogue

A teen girl who works at Mr. Braun's shop. Likes to ride her bicycle and gets along very well with Nae, Mr. Braun's daughter. She's actually a member of the future La Résistance against SERN, and has traveled to past to meet with her father Itaru, a creator of the time traveling machine. She then travels back to The Seventies and leaves the IBN 5100 in the Urushibara shrine.

  • Action Girl: Part of Okabe's reason for appointing her as "Part-Time Warrior" is because she more or less describes herself as the latter.
  • Armor-Piercing Slap: Kurisu's constant attempts to avoid appealing to her emotions pisses off Suzuha enough for the latter to dish one of these out.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Beneath her jacket, she wears a cropped undershirt, which she forced to walk around in for a day after her "seduction technique" to distract Mr. Braun while the Lab mems perform a time leap backfires.
    • Her cosplay outfit also shows off her mid-section quite well when she first attends ComiMa.
  • Braids of Action/Tomboyish Sidetails: Always sports these. The only time we see her without them is in 0 when they come undone after a vicious fight with Kagari.
  • Captain Obvious Reveal: In the movie, specifically. They hide her face for a while, but when she enters Kurisu's hotel room to give her cryptic advice, we see her shadow with braided sidetails, and Cherami Leigh's voice is briefly unfiltered, both making it painfully obvious that yes, it's her.
  • Cat Smile: often has one in the VN's, like Mayuri and Faris. Fittingly enough, she takes a job at MayQueen in My Darling's Embrace if the player pursues Faris' route.
  • The Cutie: Not to the same extent as Mayuri or Faris, but she does have her moments.
  • The Determinator
  • Driven to Suicide: In some timelines, her older self committed suicide after giving an apology letter to Mr. Braun directed to Okabe. In others, she passes away due to illness.
  • Exposition Fairy: Her role in the second act is just to bring us, the viewer, up to speed on what's at stake in regards to the whole 1% divergence thing. She is this in the few scenes in which she appears in the film, too.
  • Eyes of Gold: just like Okarin, her eyes are yellow. They aren't related though.
  • Fanservice: Her first time trying out cosplay has her wearing a cute, but also revealing outfit during her route in My Darling's Embrace.
  • Foil: Her Alpha and Beta selves are this to each other; Alpha Suzuha is outgoing, curious, cheery, and energetic. Beta Suzuha is more serious, focused, and stubborn.
    • Also to her Omega self, who is more carefree, emotional, and kind of bratty.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Along with Moeka when the Lab Mems work at MayQueen in My Darling's Embrace. Suzuha plays the Responsible Sister, while Moeka is the Clumsy Sister.
  • Full-Name Basis: In Japanese, she addresses her peers by their full names for reasons unknown.
  • Gender Flip/Samus Is a Girl: She is John Titor.
  • In-Series Nickname: Rintaro calls her "Part-Time Warrior".
  • Kid From the Future: She's Daru's daughter from the future. When he asks her who is her mother, she decides to keep it a secret.
  • Male Gaze: In both Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0, Suzuha is subjected to quite a few booty shots.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: Despite being 18 years old, Suzuha treats even the most trivial things as if it's a grand discovery, even corn on the cob. This may allude that she isn't from this time period.
  • New Job as the Plot Demands: She has taken jobs as a retail assistant, security guard, a waitress, and a stall staffer. What she does depends on what the story is.
  • Ret-Gone
  • Rewatch Bonus: A lot of Suzuha's early appearances in the beginning of the series make a lot more sense in context upon repeated viewings.
  • Shout-Out: The very first thing she says is a reference to a certain scene in The Goonies.
  • Slacker: Much to Mr. Braun's annoyance, Suzuha tends to slack off from her work.
  • Talking to Herself: In Linear Bounded Phenogram, she seeks advice and comfort from her alternate selves. Only she can see them.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She is the Tomboy while Mayuri and Faris are the Girly Girls. That said, she isn't afraid to let her girly side out.
  • Totally Radical: Suzuha often speaks like this. Hell, first thing she says (in Japanese) is "Oha!!", a greeting that was considered to be dated by the 2000's. Another allusion to her true past, maybe?
  • Tragic Keepsake: She keeps a badge that her dad gave her; the only thing she has that reminds her of him.
  • Walking Spoiler: It isn't easy talking about her without spoiling major lore and plot details. This applies to Steins;Gate 0 as well, in which her Beta self is treated as a separate character.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Is visibly weirded out by Okabe's bizarre attempts to speak jive/gratuitous English.

Suzuha:I can't believe you said "Word to your Mother" to this guy, you freak!


Faris NyanNyan/Rumiho Akiha

Voiced by: Halko Momoi (JP), Jad Saxton (EN)

Mayuri's coworker at the May Queen Cafe and the owner. After she sends her D-Mail, Akihabara loses everything related with moe culture as her father is still alive. She also is the first character to remember memories from other timelines apart from Okabe and Ruka.

  • Ambiguously Bi: An attraction to Okabe is implied due to her back and forth antics with his, and giving him a cuddle every now and then. That said, she does occasionally flirt with the other girls, even getting a little...playful with Moeka at one point.
  • Animal-Eared Headband: As part of her attire, she wears a headband with cat ears. She is almost never seen without them, even when she isn't at work. She has implied that they also enhance her hearing too, but whether that's true or not is unclear.
    • Her route in My Darling's Embrace reveals that the ears aren't actually part of a headband, but rather they are attached with hair clips.
  • The Ace: A master of the board game Rai-Net Battle to the extent where she ranks nationally in the competitive scene.
  • Animal Motifs: Clearly, it's cats, since the maid café she works at (and owns) has a cat theme. She wears a headband with cat ears, and works "meow" into everything she says. Steins;Gate 0 adds a tail and giant cat paw gloves to her attire. Hell, she even behaves like a cat sometimes. Okabe even describes how she looks like a cat from the way she narrows her eyes as he rubs her head.
  • Beat Them At Their Own Game: Does this with Okarin frequently, to his annoyance because she is so good at the theatrics and applying his ramblings to her own fantasies that he feels he cannot beat her. She is also unfazed by Okabe's (as Hououin Kyouma) attempts to emotionally manipulate her, which only frustrates him even more.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: After Okabe rescues her from a group of thugs, she allows him to call her by real name as a sign of gratitude and trust.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Faris sometimes shows shades of this, mainly when Okabe doesn't play along with her delusions. A more humorous example is when she runs up to a random person wearing an Upa costume, hugs them, and throws a tantrum when Suzuha drags her away.
  • Catgirl: Justified that she works as waitress in a cat themed maid café, which she also happens to own.
  • Cat Smile: Her default expression is a playful smile. Not so much in the anime adaptation of the original Steins;Gate, though it comes back in Steins;Gate 0.
  • Colour Failure: During 0's Valentine's Day episode, the girls' attempt to make Valentine's Day chocolates ends in such a disaster that this happens to her.
    • Also happens to her butler, Kuroki, in Episode 10 after Maho (and later Moeka) turns her guest room into a rubbish tip.
  • Cry Cute: When she decides to undo the effects of her D-Mail.
    • Does it again during Suzuha's route in My Darling's Embrace, which has Daru coldly brushing off her flirtatious advances, causing her to burst into tears.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Pink hair and pink eyes, though her eyes are closer to burgundy in the anime.
  • Disappeared Dad: Her father died, but he's alive in the timelines after she sent her D-Mail.
  • Foil: to her business rival, 4°C/Shido. Faris believes strongly in excellent customer service, treating her workers with love and respect, and making her establishment warm and inviting, while Shido only cares about profitability and will use any underhanded methods to achieve his goals.
  • Gamer Chick: Not just a fan of RaiNet Battle, but she's also a competitive player. She's pretty damn good at it too it seems. She's also a huge fan of retro PCs.
  • Girlish Pigtails
  • The Glomp: She glomps a random guy in an Upa costume when she overheats in Linear Bounded Phenogram. Does so to Okabe a few times in 0.
  • I Lied: During her route in My Darling's Embrace, she has a "spell" that makes Okabe fall in love with her if he hears her real name. By the end though, she admits that she lied about it, and confesses she's the one who falls in love with whoever calls her "Rumiho". By the sounds of it, she was waiting on Okabe specifically to do so.
  • In-Series Nickname: Faris Nyannyan is not her real name. It is simply a stage name she goes by in RaiNet tournaments, and while she's at work. Very few people know what her real name is.
  • Large Ham: Faris loves her theatrics just as much as Okabe does, especially when they're talking to each other.
  • Living Lie Detector: She can spot whether a person is being dishonest or not simply by looking into their eyes. She calls this "Cheshire Break".
  • Meaningful Name: Her real name is "Rumiho Akiha" as in "Akihabara", due to the influence on the city's Moe culture.
    • Since "Nyan Nyan" is Japanese for "meow meow", and she has a cat motif, her stage name also makes sense.
  • Meido: She works in, and owns the May Queen maid café. Need we to say more?
  • Moe: Only seems natural considering her influence on Moe culture in Akihabara. Her playful, energetic, and cutesy mannerisms only serve to reinforce this.
  • Never Live It Down: After her dad took a business trip instead of celebrating her 8th birthday, she got so upset that she wished he was dead. He died in a plane crash not long afterwards. She has never forgiven herself since.
  • The Nicknamer: Likes to give her friends nicknames that have -nya/-meow worked in somehow, such as Moe-meow for Moeka, Suzu-meow for Suzuha, and so on, so forth. Except for Okabe, whom she almost always addresses as Kyouma unless he objects to it.
  • The Ojou: She's extremely wealthy and has quite the wealthy lifestyle, though she keeps this hidden from most people.
  • Otaku: Loves anime, moe, and otaku culture, even dressing as a stereotypical anime character.
  • Precision F-Strike: The usually cheery and playful Faris outright calls Shido a bastard when talking about his underhanded/law breaking business tactics. A surprising moment since Faris very, very rarely shows her anger and frustration in front of anyone.
  • Rapunzel Hair: The only time we see her with her hair down is in Steins;Gate 0 when she falls asleep after her all girls slumber party in Episode 10. Given how long her hair is even when tied into twintails, it's no surprise that it's really long untied.
  • Rose-Haired Girl: Her energetic, playful attitude and pink hair matching is quite possibly not a coincidence at all: as much as she loves anime culture and considering the otherwise natural-ish hair colors, it could be dyed. Even so, given that the characters of Chaos;Child have brightly coloured hair, and given that that series takes place in the same universe as Steins;Gate, it is possible that pink could well be Faris' natural hair colour (maybe).
  • Say My Name: During her route in My Darling's Embrace, she reveals to Okabe that she'll fall in love with the boy who calls her by her real name, "Rumiho". She pleads with him to do the honours, having admitted to waiting for him specifically.
  • Serious Business: She takes off the cat ears when she wants to be serious. She also drops her energetic mannerisms during more her more personal moments (see Episode 17, and her route in My Darling's Embrace).
  • Signature Moves: She has made up a couple of her own signature techniques, including:
    • "Cheshire Break" (see Living Lie Detector)
    • "Mixy Mix Gaze" (charms her guests by gazing into their eyes while flawlessly mixing their drink)
    • "The Touch" (can make one fall for her by wrapping herself around their arm)
    • "Hearing Inferno" (enhanced hearing)
  • Spell My Name with an "S": "Faris" is apparently the official spelling, but "Feiris" and "Feyris" also see heavy use. Mayuri even calls her "Feris-chan" in Japanese.
  • Suspiciously Similar Outfit: Both she and Suzuha wear identical form-fitting cat suits that bear a striking resemblance to an alternate costume a certain gravity shifting super heroine can wear in another video game.
  • Teens Are Short: Even at 17 years old, Faris is tiny, only measuring 4' 7'' in height; that's 5 inches shorter than Mayuri, and 7 inches compared to the average 17 year old girl in Japan.
  • Third-Person Person: Like Mayuri, Faris frequently talks in the third person.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She and Mayuri are the Girly Girls, while Suzuha is the Tomboy. Faris takes it further by expecting the guys to respect her privacy when it comes to her D-mail, like most girls do.
  • Verbal Tic: She even ends her sentences with "-nya". In English, it's "meow" instead.

Yuugo Tennouji

Don't encourage the guy! He's already whacked enough as it is!.
—Tennouji's nutshell description of Okabe to Suzuha

Voiced by: Masaki Terasoma (JP), Christopher Sabat (EN)

A CRT-TV store owner, and Rintaro's landlord. He is secretly working for SERN, sending orders to Moeka and her group.

Nae Tennouji

Umm, how do you wash your brain?
—Nae questioning the concept of brainwashing

'''Voiced by:''' Ayano Yamamoto (JP), Brina Palencia (EN)

Yuugo's daughter and good friends with Mayuri.

Yuki Amane


Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (JP), Cherami Leigh (EN)


Appears in the 25th episode: she is a woman whom Rintaro initially mistakes for Suzuha. Actually, she is Suzuha's future mother and Itaru's wife-to-be.

Note: most of the tropes listed for this character are based on her appearances in Steins;Gate 0.

  • Cute Clumsy Girl: She is quite the cutie, who also happens to injure herself on occasion, including walking into a glass door.
  • Early Installment Character Design Difference: Before 0, her design wasn't set in stone yet, so the special episode that featured her simply depicted her looking like Suzuha, minus the braids and a different hair colour. She appears in the movie via a photo she shared with Daru, which bares more resemblance to her final look in 0. The redesign could've been a result of making her resemblance to Suzuha a tad too obvious, to a point where the characters would notice it.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She has big blue eyes, almost always wears a smile on her face, and has quite the figure, too. Being a cosplayer also helps.
  • Nice Girl: Always cheerful and optimistic, plus she genuinely loves Daru for the oversized otaku that he is.
  • Older Than She Looks: In Steins;Gate 0, Yuki is often seen hanging around with Mayuri and her cosplay buddies, Fubuki and Kaede. This would give the impression that she's a year or two older than Mayuri; believe or not, she's actually older than Moeka, at 22 years old.
  • Otaku: She is a fan of anime, and enjoys cosplaying almost as much as Mayuri.
  • Significant Double Casting
  • Strong Family Resemblance: She looks (and sounds) just like Suzuha without the braids.
    • Anime version only. Her appearance in the manga Boukan no Rebellion makes it clear that Suzuha takes after her father there.
    • Downplayed in 0 where her design was finalised, though you can still tell that Suzuha takes after her.

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