Let's Play/Funny

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Let's Play

Captain Garlic's Icewind Dale 2

  • CaptianGarlic's LP of Icewind Dale 2 is wall-to-wall hilarity, particularly with Urggzob, a psychotic half-orc barbarian/fighter whose every line is pure gold.


Kruskrack: "One of them was about to have your leg off, Urggzob."

Urggzob: "That's what it is for! It detaches for extra crushing antics!"

    • Or...

 Marty: "Good gods! Dead yeti fiesta!"

Urggzob: "Aha ha ha! Urggzob is like a party planner, but instead of boxes full of presents, he gives bodies full of mangled organs!"

    • Or...

 Narrator: "Naturally, the fight begins with Heronius setting everything on fire."

Heronius: "In fairness, I got more goblins than party members this time."


Marty: "I really should just get fire-retardant clothes, shouldn't I?"

Urrgzob: "There needs to be a word for crushing and burning!"

Pip: "Burcrushning?"

Urrgzob: "Very good, words man!"

    • Pretty much any line by Urggzob is like that.

 Urggzob: "Urggzob is like a small country whose primary exports are pain and crushing!"

      • And whatever it is, Urggzob is always ten of it. Ten soldiers, ten miners, ten lumberjacks...

 Urggzob: "Take that, out-of-place fauna!"

Kruskrack: "Urggzob, how do you even KNOW that word?"

Urggzob: "Urggzob is ten zoologis--"

Kruskrack: "Forget I asked."

    • Of course, we can't focus entirely on Urggzob. After all, there's Heronius Napalm V esq., whose penchant for setting his own party members on fire is only matched by his insufferably unnecessary arrogance that constantly gets the party in unnecessary fights. For example, he openly insults the shortness of a fortress of duergar, while hip deep in them.

 Napalm: Kruskrak, my fair apprentice. Answer me a question.

Kruskrak: I'm not your apprentice.

Napalm: Why is it that we've been running amok doing odd jobs for midgets?

Marty: I think they don't like being called that, man.

Napalm: Bollocks! Short people don't have the mental capacity to be angry at Heronius Napalm V, esq.

Clobberella: Bold new frontiers of bigotry, ahoy.

Pip: I don't think you should be saying that when there's dozens of them all around us, 'Ronius.

Kruskrak: Can I leave? Before something terrible happens?

Napalm: No, you can't. Anyway, I'm off to prove all you silly sausages wrong. One moment.

Urggzob: Urggzob thinks sausages are overrated foodstuffs.

Napalm: Ahem. Attention midgets! You're all reprehensible burdens on an otherwise productive and well-organized society of persons of normal height!

    • Or he insults the bodyguard for a merchant, making the whole group attack him. In fact, in a case where the enemy attacks unprovoked....

 Narrator: Venturing east, we find more driders. They attack without giving us chance to be insulting, however.

Napalm: Uncultured bastards!


Nakar's Ultima

  • Let us not forget the masterpiece that is Nakar's LP of the majority of the Ultima series, with his character, a female druid named Steve, doing everything in her power to get every valuable/useful treasure possible while killing everybody that she feels needs killing (some multiple times) throughout Ultima IV-VII and Martian Dreams. The best moments come from Steve's adventures starting from Ultima VI, where, to reflect on the fact that Origin has started giving NPCs better dialogue and characterization, Nakar has provided even more glaringly obvious clues that Steve really isn't the best person to be Avatar, and given other characters extra lines that they probably would not have said had they not met someone as misanthropic, selfish, and insane as Steve. For example, when Steve shows off her new enchanted staves in Ultima VI:

 Steve: LB, great news! I've finally remembered how to cast 7th Circle spells for like the fifteenth time since I started coming to your chickenshit country!

Lord British: You're not going to try Kill on me again, are you? Because that doesn't work.

Steve: No no, this time I've used my powers for constructive purposes, with the spell Enchant!

Lord British: Really? ...well I'll be damned. I guess you can sometimes do something without being a complete jackass.

Steve: I have enchanted one of these two staves with the In Corp (Kill) spell, affectionately dubbed Killstick. The other is enchanted with Vas Mani (Great Heal). Behold as I, without the expenditure of magical points or reagents, heal Shamino of all injuries!


With In Corp

On whom: Shamino

Steve: ...did that work?

Lord British waves his hand, and Shamino is resurrected!

Lord British: My God, is this what she's like when you guys aren't here?

Iolo: I'm afraid so.

Lord British: And people put up with this?

Shamino: Well, not exactly. She-

Dupre: Shhhhh!

Seggallion: She shot everyone in Skara Brae with a cannon, for one thing.

Steve: Dude! Be cool!

Sherry: She made me have sex with some lady!

Steve: That was a birthday present! Mice have birthdays, right?

Lord British: Steve, are you fucking serious? No wonder everyone hates me.

Steve: I'm not the one who goes running off to Doom every five games. You know how many mirrors I've been trapped in before? I mean besides the time I went into the mirror to rescue you. And that one time in Ultima II. But other than those two times never.

Lord British: If I let you go to the gargoyle world unaccompanied I just know you're going to fuck everything up. I'm coming along.

Dupre: Wait, what?

<Lord British joins the party>

Lord British: Right, because we can completely trust Steve after everything she's done so far.

Iolo: That's........... a surprisingly solid point, your majesty.

Lord British: Alright prom queen, let's mosey.


 Steve: I got you guys a present.

Iolo: You performed an elaborate ruse in order to rob my store for a weapon you will now give to me.

Steve: Yep.

Iolo: Jesus.

    • Then, to round it off, they rob the bank.

 Steve: Well, since certain assholes spent all the money we ripped off the wisps last time we were here, we're gonna need to rob the bank.

Spark: Couldn't we just work for it?

Steve, Iolo, Shamino: Hahahahahahahahha.

Steve: Seriously though I have a brilliant plan.

    • Not going to spoil the plan, but let's just say it all goes fine until:

 Iolo: Steve, I feel you should know...

Steve: What!?

Iolo: That wasn't Cynthia.

Steve: ...

Iolo: You switched targets after Cynthia rushed ahead of us going into the Blue Boar.

Steve: Then who the hell did we just poison to death?

Shamino: Candice, the museum curator.

Steve: <picks up Candice's body> Whoooooooooopsie-daisy!

Spark: Are we in trouble?

Steve: No, no, we just have to take her to Lord British. He'll be able to fix this.

<cut to Lord British's dining room, where Lord British is in the middle of eating>

Steve: Hey guys! Hate to interrupt, but-

Lord British: I hate you so much, Steve. <resurrects Candice>

Candice: Where am I? Why am I standing on a table? Am I a hooker?

Steve: If I say yes, will you take your dress off?

Lord British: ...get out of my castle.


 Dupre: Say, you're not going to make me carry a boat again, right?

Steve: Oh no, no, not a boat. <hackmoves the ship's hold to Dupre> Just part of one.

Dupre: I don't think it's actually physically possible to carry the hold of a ship, Steve.

Steve: You're just not trying hard enough.

Dupre: I think I tore something in my arm. I say something because this is a pain unlike any other I have experienced in my life and it seems I have sundered tendons which until quite recently were only assumed to exist within the human body.

Shamino: More booze, then?

Dupre: Please.


 Candice: I... suppose it is a unique display. People will definitely be interested in part of this at least. Actually... you know what? This is better. That old stuff sucked balls.

Iolo: Speaking of which, where did you put all the old exhibits, Steve?

<cut to a shot of Lock Lake, where all the old museum exhibits now reside, amongst a pile of garbage>

Steve: Ummmmmm, I put them in storage.


 Steve: And then, and then, Iolo decides it's the proper time to declare allegiance to Lord British. Right in front of the fucking queen or whatever she is.

Shamino: He never did have good judgment, did he?

Dupre: I can't help but think it should've been me in there.

Steve: Yeah, but it isn't.

Dupre: True.


 Steve: Now then, let us really begin with this defense.

Lady Yelinda: I'm not sure I understand, Avatar. You've already ca-

Steve: I call Death Cannon to witness before the Oracle.

Shamino: Oh crap, duck and cover!

Steve: No, I mean, as an actual witness.

Dupre: That actually makes less sense than what we thought you were going to do with it.

    • And later:

 Batlin: <on phone> B-Dawg. Talk to me.

Steve: Hahahhaha. I mean, uh, IS THIS BATLIN?

Batlin: ...boss?


Batlin: Who is this? Is this the Avatar?

Steve: Ummmmm... no?

Batlin: What the hell, Steve! Do you even know where I am? I barely even get a signal up here. My plan is going to fucking wring me dry thanks to you, the roaming fees are outrageous. Who even gave you this number?

Steve: Uh, well...

The Guardian: I was under oath, man, what was I supposed to do?

Batlin: You told me this was for emergency calls only.

The Guardian: We were just calling to ask about Iolo.

Batlin: Well that is great, boss, that is just fucking fantastic. You called me to talk about Iolo. Iolo. That fat prick licks more of Lord British's asshole than his knocked-up chambermaid. Why the hell would you waste my time plotting against you and the Avatar and pretty much everybody while I'm freezing my nuts off to talk about Iolo?

Steve: Lord British, is this true?

Lord British: Yeah, he's a total asslicker.

Dupre: Where did he come from?

Steve: No further questions. I'll come by and kill you later buddy.

Batlin: Yeah, I'd like to see you try.


Synth Orange's Princess Maker 2

  • SynthOrange has a few in his LP of Princess Maker 2. It starts early, with his decidng that since it's a Gainax game, the proper dad is Gendo Ikari. Key among them: Gendo, following Lizzie's death against the War God, trying to prove to himself he's a good parent by playing an Evangelion Shinji-raising sim... only to get a Shinji/Kaworu ending. Cue the Big No.

 Cube: ...and he keeps ending up with Kaoru? Maybe if you sent him for more sports training...

Gendo: NO! He's there too, and that just ends up with them both in the showers!

    • "No, Lizzie, for the last time, I don't know where God's pressure points are!"
    • It's the little pieces of fanart that make this troper cry with laughter - Chapters 6 and 7 especially.
    • Don't forget Gendo taking the bust enhancement pills.
  • Lets Play Princess Maker 2 is a relatively obscure game. It's Let's Play is a solid, unbroken chain of hilarity. The best part? It's hosted by Gendo Ikari Shinkicker.

 Lizzie Shinkicker: Daddy, why dont I have a mommy like the other children at school?

Gendo: We've been through this before. I dont want to discuss it.

Lizzie: Daddy, please tell me. Who's my mommy?

Gendo: We're not having this discussion.

Lizzie: Daddypleasedaddypleasedaddypleasedaddypl..

Gendo: oh no

Lizzie: ..easedaddypleasedaddypleasedaddypl..

Gendo: ALRIGHT! Alright, shut up already ...sorry, Daddy didnt mean to yell at you. I'm a little... tired... right now. Come out from under the table and I'll tell you why you don't have a mommy.


 Gendo: What... No! This isn't the ending I wanted! *Kaworu and Shinji making out* NOOOOOOOOOO!

Lizzie: Wow, that's really screwed up.

Satan: I've seen some sick shit in my time, but that...


 Lizzie: My first opponent is, um... Jennifer the Queen.

Cube: Oh no... Please tell me you had nothing to do with this!

Gendo: I've got no idea what you're talking about. What's wrong with Lizzie's opponent?

Cube: Aside from the fact that Lizzie herself is only 10 and you've entered her into a Combat tournament? Take a look in the arena.

Lizzie's opponent


Cube: Yeah.

Lizzie: Miss, miss! I think you forgot to finish dressing today!

Cube: I can't watch this!

Gendo: I can't stop watching this!

Lizzie is defeated.

Cube: Why's everyone cheering? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!



 Gendo: Liz, did you know that February is National Fence Until Your Arms Drop Off Month?

Lizzie: No it isnt!

Gendo: It is now.

      • Which leads into:

 A challenger appears!

Bizarro: The master isn't here? I'll go take the sign right away then!

Lizzie: One moment. I'll fight you!

Cube: This is going to be horrible...

Gendo: I'll call the mortuary.

Lizzie: Thrust! Spin! Parry! Yeeek!

Bizarro: I feel like such a dick.

Lizzie: Hadouuuken!

Bon-Bon Bizarro yields.

Gendo: Oh...

Cube: My...

God: Me.

Bizarro: It's no use! I can't win!

Gendo: You gigantic pussy.

      • Lizzie's growing cynicism is hilarious as she gets older.

 Sister Lee: Hello, I'm Sister Lee from the church.

Gendo: I'm Gendo from the house by the bridge.

Lizzie: I'm Lizzie from the basement of the house by the bridge.


Didja Redo's Riviera: The Promised Land


 Ledah: Really? This is how we're getting rid of demons now? By throwing rocks at them?

Ein: Oh, I'm so sorry for not giving you the chance to twirl your big, red phallus around. I know how much that excites you.

Ledah: What's that, Lorelei? You want me to stab Ein in the eye socket if he ever makes fun of you again? Of course. For you, anything.

Ein: ...so what you're telling me here is that Lorelei is into skullfu-


    • This Exchange:

 Fia: Don't worry. Lina and I shall protect you.

Lina: That's right!

Ein: Well, great. I'm glad we managed to clear that up without completely emasculating me.

    • This moment, immediately following coming across a trapped chest:

 *party finds another chest*

Lina: Yay! Another chest! Lucky!


Lina: I'm sorry, but all I understood in that sentence was "Open that chest!"

  • Lina opens chest, party is surrounded by ghosts*

Ein: Lina, I don't want to offend you, but you are basically terrible in every conceivable aspect.

    • Isher as Usher. 'Nuff said.
    • The powershroom scene:

 Fia: This is a Powershroom. It's a healthy fungus that'll boost your power...

Ein: Yoink!

(eats shroom)

Fia: ...but it has also been known to cause testicular atrophy.

Ein: ...you did that on purpose.

Fia: (innocently) Did what on purpose?

    • Also:

 Lina: Team Spirit?

Ein: Sorry. The team spirit's been exorcised.

    • How to deal with getting lost in the Four Seasons Forest? By burning the shit out of it, of course.
    • In the Drowned City of Tetyth, we have a glorious moment upon saving an Undine (which is brutally subverted by Cierra's ongoing Heroic BSOD):

 Ein: The Undine escaped.

Rose: (What was it doing this far out of the water anyway?)

Ein: Maybe she just wanted to be here. Up where they walk.

Rose: (Up where they run.)


Serene: Wanderin' free...

Lina: Wish I could be...

Cierra: ...

Ein: Cierra! Finish it up!

Cierra: And like a dying lady, lean and pale, Who totters forth, wrapp'd in a gauzy veil, Out of her chamber, led by the insane And feeble wanderings of her fading brain.

Ein: ...OK, it's been a while since I heard it, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it goes.

      • Then they come out and Fia sings the last line.
    • The Volleying Insults between Lina and the Twin Sages at Teyth:

 Red Sage: I didn't think that Fool would lose. I underestimated you. But not this time, you group of bullies!

Lina: Lina isn't a bully!

Red Sage: Oh yes you are, you bully!

Blue Fool: Meanie!

Red Sage: Jerk!

Lina: Dummy!

Blue Fool: Varmint!

Red Sage: Rapscallion!

Serene: Bitch!

    • And the sages' reaction afterwards is the icing on the cake.
    • Cierra's Heroic BSOD triggered by Ein replacing her fire staff with a holy-elemental one.
      • Her reaction upon getting a new fire rod is to set everything in the area on fire including Ein, Selene, and herself

 Ein: Serene ain't no dirty vampire. And I wouldn't care even if she was.

Lina: But Ein! The demons who obviously do not have our best interests at heart said she was a vampire!

Cierra: Surely you can't be suggesting that they are either lying or mistaken?

Ein: ...OK, apparently everyone went and turned into idiots when I wasn't watching? Either that or you're intentionally being dicks.

Rose:(One way or another, you're obviously rubbing off on them.)

Ein: Allow me to set everyone straight by way of logical discourse.

Vampires suck

Serene does not suck


Cierra: Wow. Brevity, pithiness, AND a Double Entendre? I'm convinced.

Lina: Me too.

Vampire: The veracity of those points has yet to be established! That is a bald assertion fallacy!

Serene: I've got a fallacy for you. It's called "Argumentum ad falx in facie."[1]

    • The Fire Emblem Elibe crossover scene when the party gets an item of the same name. But especially:

 Magi Hector: Alright. Which one of you gangly fuckers is Hector?

Lord Hector: I am!

Magi Hector: Wrong.

(Blasts FE Hector out of existence)

Magi Hector: I am Hector, and this is MY HOUSE.

    • The whole Ein/Fia bickering until they get to the Kiku-Ichimonji sword. And Lina's speech to end it, just because their arguing got in the way of her loot.

 Lina: Both of you shut up! You're compromising the integrity of the party with your arguing and I'm sick of it! The way you're behaving is an absolute disgrace!Have you both forgotten the reason why we're here? Have you so little respect for our cause that you're willing to risk undoing everything we're fighting for, just to indulge in your stupid, pointless, CHILDISH bickering?! You will NOT do this anymore! NOT WHEN THERE IS LOOT TO BE HAD! UNDERSTAND?!

(After she gets the sword).

Lina: Alright. You two can fight all you want now.

    • Lina comparing relationships to looting.

  Bypass the defences, grab everything you can get your hands on, run away laughing.

    • And her reaction to the Zombie Dragon not dropping any loot. Lina is a fountain of these in Mireno.
    • From the recap:



 Ledah: What. The. Fuck.

Ein: Okay. I could explain this to you, or we could just kill them all and pretend it never came up.

Ledah: Option two. Dear God, option two.


Various Pokemon Plays

  • This troper finds Modernday's Let's Replay Pokemon Leaf Green funny, but the best part is it's not just a Let's Play, it's more like a crossover Fanfic with actual game play rather then text
    • Then there's Alfred's master plan. I had to pause to get myself back together just so I could continue watching.
  • Not Pigeon's Let's Play of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, starring Trielo the Treecko and Floyd the Squirtle, which can be found here. It features such highlights as:
    • Linking to TV Tropes in just about every sentence.
    • Lampshading the fourth wall instead of staying behind it
    • A multitude of hilarious characters, such as Trielo the Deadpan Snarker, Nether the Ledyba who tries to be gangster, Jan the bipolar Nidoran (there's a fair amount of gender confusion there as Jan is a male Nidoran, (but Not Pigeon said that in this LP, pink Nidoran= female) and later addition Kevin is a female Nidoran), Norman the stuttering Hoothoot, and Scrappy the Magnemite, who the main character hates like hell.
    • Completely mocking the plotline and antagonists (although, to be fair, an antagonist called 'Team Meanies' was seriously begging to be laughed at) and making fun of the speeches, such as Team Meanies telling the antagonists their plans for world domination.
    • Singing I Am The Walrus in Mt Steel since they had to do something between floors.
    • Trying to introduce Christmas in a world with no night.
    • Pointing out just about every possible Double Entendre in a sentence, such as this:

 Ekans: Caterpie's mama will give us a generous reward-

Nether: Wait, what? That's sick. Y'all are sick mother-

Floyd: Hey, language!

Trielo: Even not reading into it, your logic is pretty goddamned stupid. Butterfree's a middle-class housewife. Not the kind of person you can extort large sums of cash out of.


 "Ok, you know what? That it. From this point forward I'm making it my personal business to meddle with [Aqua] and Magma. Constant asskickings? Me. Vandalized bases? Me. Run out of toilet paper? Me. I swear to Pokegod himself, that whenever some misfortune befalls you you will have to contemplate whether it's simple bad luck or the psychotic machinations of a young woman and her kickboxing chicken."

    • From the Platinum LP:

 Fantina: Incidentally, Fantina, the Gym Leader of Hearthome, is also a Contestant. She is, how do you say, très fantastique!

Haha, I bet she's fat BOOYEA. Gimme some.

Fantina: Fantina being myself, of course!



    • The Running Gag of flashing back to Rowan making Lady and Jeorge promise not to recklessly endanger themselves again when running into a situation that recklessly endangers them.
    • This is one I don't know if anyone noticed; is it just me, or did absolutely no one notice the fact that the Igglybuff in Part 22 of the Pokemon Crystal Let's Play is a shiny? ...Not sure if it's just me, but...
      • Not too special -- the Odd Egg has a good chance of hatching a shiny (I guess the fact it wasn't pointed out can be excused for the cutegasm Roxy was having).
    • ANNOYING BIRD! I AM THE GREAT LEON! (Skip about halfway down.)
  • Brisulph's LP of Pokemon Blue has one spectacular moment after he defeats Lance. Prepare to laugh.
  • In this update of Metroixer's Pokemon Blue LP, he takes a break to show glitches from the Yellow version instead. His interactions with Pikachu are highly entertaining.

 Met: ...If you were to level up Glitchizard to level 255 it will evolve into either a Magnemite or a Geodude. What determines this, no one seems to know, but these pokemon then evolve into their own respective evolutions i.e. Magneton and Graveler. Technically, Graveler could then evolve into a Golem, so you could end up with a Golem that knows moves normally only fire types would know. It's a bit too much trouble, but if you're looking for something special, there ya go.


(Pikachu looks completely uninterested)

Met: God fuck you

    • That entire LP is comedy gold. There's also this update with Fatty the Raichu and his chain of glitched-out evolutions:

 " What? FATTY is evolving!"

Met: My Raichu is EVOLVING!? Wait, does this mean the rumors are

" FATTY evolved into PRIMEAPE!"

Met: Wait how did you just

" FATTY evolved into METAPOD!"


" FATTY evolved into Clefairy!"


" FATTY evolved into KANGASKHAN!"

Met: ...HUH


  • From Kung-Fu Jesus' Let's Play of God Hand:

 Kung-Fu Jesus: *with hysterical laughter* Ha ha! I'm cunt punchin' ya bitch!

Medibot: Can you say "cunt punch" on the internet?

Kung-Fu Jesus: *completely serious* Oh shit, can you? I think the FDA shuts you down for that.

  • MadMan's Static Discharge angering a Big Daddy by mistake.
  • Mangaminx's Let's play of Amnesia the Dark Descent AKA Sanity Slippage:The Game!
    • "This is a game about...Daniel falling in love with Alexander..."
    • Her Let's Play of Penumbra is wickedly funny as well, but the shining moment is Mangaminx's showdown with the zombie dogs (towards the end of the video).
    • Now she's doing the Justine DLC, featuring Mangaminx being chased by naked Nicholas Cage.
    • Holy shit, Amnesia! is the best.
      • WHAT DO I DO?!
    • Spoiler Warning's Let's Play is also hilarious, for completely different reasons.
    • On a related note, Lanipinator also did a Let's Play of both Amnesia and Justine. The breakdown after having gotten the 100% completion for Justine (and not realizing that Justine saying "I'm still alive" as a reference to Portal IS the 100% bonus), Lani suffers a Villanous Breakdown, restarting the game and killing every one of the trapped men, along with himself in the final watery chamber.
  • Cloud8745's Let's Play of I Wanna Be the Guy has plenty of laugh worthy moments as you would expect from a Platform Hell game, but the Mecha Birdo Boss Battle sequence stands out, as death after death after death at the boss's hands drive the poor guy insane in a freakout every bit as epic as the one from Deceased Crab above. The first part is the regular part 9 of the Let's Play and the second part is the "outtake reel" that shows everything Cloud went through during the battle in question.
    • Also, he's just made it through the Quickman screen, dodged past a bunch of spikes on his first try... and dies to one of IWBTG's infamous out-of-nowhere traps, not two seconds away from saving his game. There is a moment of complete silence. Then: *singsong tone* "WE ALL SAW THAT FUCKING COMING... FROM A MILE AWAY!"
    • Another moment comes when Cloud is facing Kraidgief. In the middle of the battle, Cloud activates a glitch making the boss freeze so he could get the fight over with faster. While Cloud thinks he may have defeated Kraidgief, he takes the opportunity to run to the other end of the room to go to the next screen. Kraidgief then rises from the floor and destroys the Kid, much to Cloud's dismay. Cloud then responds with "My cockiness knows no bounds...I just got owned" in song fashion.
  • From UltraJMan's LP of the same game, his reaction to the... 'special' death at 8:57.



 Infiltrate a secure military compound and gain access to their ICBM stock? No problem! Seriously though, this is stupid. Borderline suicidal. No, we're not doing it. It's stupid. Really, really stupid. Whoever goes will be shot on sight. It is a suicide mission.

Zell: I'll do whatever Robert decides!

Suicide mission... "Whatever Robert decides!" Suicide mission... "Whatever Robert decides!" Suicide mission... "Whatever Robert decides!"



    • Almost right after above (in which Robert sends Zell, Selphie and Rinoa on the aforementioned suicide mission) we get this gem:

 Robert: We'll steal a train to get back to Garden, because Selphie liked trains, and... haha. Hahahahaha. Ahahahahahaha, this is great.

    • Don't forget the Running Gag with Laguna, especially in Disc 3 Chapter 5. Laguna has aides.
    • And what about Worf's Vaginal Cannon?
    • Kiros' increasingly over the top accusations of homosexuality towards every other male, especially Laguna.
    • When he gets, and actually summons, Doom Train.
  • Cybershell's LP of Half-Life "2" has one. The player comes across a scientist hanging from a suspended platform. He shouts: "quickly! use the force from my bullets to propel yourself up the ladder!"
    • Cyber Shell's lets play is loaded with these. From his oversimplifying of what people say ("Gordon, you need to ride the choo choo train to the surface") to his tendency to kill scientists and guards and his dignified memorials for them. Lets not forget his reaction when he figures out he has to turn on another power generator.

 (after killing the scientist) I hope you go to hell where you have to run around and turn on generators for all eternity!

  • Schildkrote's playthrough of Persona 3 has some good ones, usually on the Main Character snarking about the people he hangs out with. This goes from deciding that Yukari must be pretty fucked up for having a woman chained to a cow head in her mind, his horror that his teacher is in love with him and his comments about Kenji's infatuation with his teacher.
  • Jade Star's LP of UFO: Aftermath has one that also counts as a Crowning Moment of Awesome once the Reticulans try diplomacy. As news of the possible peace spreads throughout the Council of Earth bases, various people react in different ways. One response came in the form of graffitti found at one of the European bases:

 [[Warhammer 40000 "To be Unclean,

That is the Mark of the Alien

To be Unpure,

That is the Mark of the Alien

To be Abhorred,

That is the Mark of the Alien

To be Reviled,

That is the Mark of the Alien

To be Hunted,

That is the Mark of the Alien

To be Purged,

That is the Mark of the Alien

To be Cleansed,

That is the Fate of all Alien"]]

    • Earlier, the Reticulans single out Valhallan to focus all their wrath upon. Or rather, his crotch.
  • Guavamoment's LP of the original X-COM has plenty of moments, such as Terashell "losing his anal virginity" to Floater plasma fire, and this.

 Terashell: Okay. Who landed this thing.


 So the merchants arrive to see blood and vomit everywhere, us hauling corpses en masse to the graveyard, a couple rampaging elephants...



  • Cybershell13's Sonic 3 and Knuckles LP was punctuated by giving the barrel in Carnival Night Zone an annoyance (Or as it was rendered in the video proper, Cunt-O-Meter) rating of one, using Adobe related nonsense to play it up, Also Sprach Zarathustra and all, proceeds to mock the "worst" Guide Dang It moment in all of video games and then acts like an arse for the rest of the video, skipping out on a special stage and everything.
    • It continues into Ice Cap Zone, where he denies what he perceives to be very well liked music (in Ice Cap Zone act 1)... by getting the 7th emerald and proceeding to go through the act as Super Sonic.
    • Kicking off Labyrinth Zone Act 2 with a Cluster F-Bomb about spikes, giving them a well deserved entry on the Cunt-O-Meter to boot: "Spikes are motherfucking pieces of shit cocksucking homo faggot bitchass motherfuckers, that can suck my dick!"
    • There was also the enemy summary for Metropolis Zone in his Sonic 2 LP. Most of the enemies score highly--4 or 5 out of 5 Eggman logos--on the aforementioned Cunt-O-Meter. Then he gets to the Asteron...and the entire background fills with Eggman logos.
    • Asteron is the King of Cunts (the title previously being held by the Bomb enemy from Sonic 1. With a crown and everything. He even made the bomb appear just to take its crown!) The only things to get above a 5 on that meter are the spikes, this enemy, and final bosses. It is unclear where Newtron fits on the scale.
  • The entirety of all of From Earth's Lets Plays of the first four Silent Hill games, with two absolutely stellar Moments tied for the Crown Of Funny:
    • The commentary of the first game's opening.

 ...Harry and his 'daughter' are driving through the West Virginian mountains. Harry's had a bit too much to drink. In this picture, he's debating whether he should a) stop to piss, b) try to piss out of the window while driving, or c) just let it all flow. (Cybil drives past) Oh shit, a cop. So much for plan B. The cop passes Harry. A couple of miles down the road, we see her bike lying in the ditch. Harry, being the pissfaced charmer he is, steps on the gas. (a girl walks onto the road) Trouble ahead! Just before he sees the girl on the road, the fifteen whiskey sodas in Harry's stomach send him into a mild stupor... ...causing him to hit a girl in blue. Meanwhile, on the driver's seat, plan C is put into motion.

    • Not only giving Pyramid Head dialogue, and not only turning him into a Fake Brit who is offended by James' uncouth behaviour, but making him best friends with Eddie.

 PH: Why, top of the morning to you, sir Eddie.

Eddie: Likewise, baron Head. I say, what brings you to my humble abode on this early hour?

PH: I am throwing a part-eh tonight... nothing fancy, just some good wine and two or three fine dames, and I was wondering if you'd like to honor me with your presence?

Eddie: Tell me old friend, do you intend to invite any two-legged dames this time?

PH: I'm sure something can be arranged.

Eddie: In that case, the pleasure will be all mine.

PH: Most excellent! Ta-ta!

  • Paw Dugan's first ever LP, of King's Quest V, is an incredibly funny and sophisticated work for someone who usually just talks about music. Probably the best part is his outrage over not being thanked after returning a woman cursed to be transformed into a tree to normal.
    • Paw finally discovers why he's been carrying around that delicious custard pie: to throw in a Yeti's face.
    • This bit, where King Graham has to jump across a series of stepping stones in the mountains

 Paw: If one of these falls away, I'm gonna be pissed. "No, not that one! Dur hur hur.."

(stepping stone falls, Graham plummets to his doom)

Paw: GAAAAHHHHH!!....See, I told you I was gonna be pissed..Now my head hurts.


 Why, Jumpman, why? Fluff fluff fluff. Farfignoogen. Foooooooninininushnublah! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah! Largle largle largle largle! (singing) I am a bee! I am such a... (stops playing) I need a moment to regain my sanity. Shooshooshooshoosh, shooshoosh shooshooshoosh. ... Is my sanity back yet? No. Bloobloobloobloo...



    • When confronted with a three-page letter:



(screen reads "AGAIN, YET ANOTHER READING OF AFOREMENTIONED LETTER LATER") "...my throat hurts after that."

  • The Persona 4 Endurance Run of Giant Bomb had quite a few under their belt, usually from the players' reactions of the events of each games and the various ways they actually manage to screw up within the game.
    • Especially when the guys get to the level 10 social link scene for Chie. They "roleplay" the whole thing as a drug trip that culminates in Chie pretty much seeing stars and gaining a new persona. "And then we really started tripping out."

 Chie: From me to you.

Jeff: Um... Herpes! A gift that keeps on giving.

    • The end of episode 150 (specifically, the encounter with the Silent Nyogo and Pure Papillon) had this troper laughing so hard she cried.
    • There was their horrified reaction of accidentally rolling Abaddon.
    • "This game knows me a little too well."
    • The end of Episode 110 has them getting caught by Yukiko with Ai. The guys end up asking their co-workers what to do, one of them answering "Never admit fault".
    • Their reaction to the power going out and their battery backup holding, especially "nothing stops the endurance run, motherfucker."
  • Vash12349's runthrough of Metal Gear Solid 4 has one spectacular moment where he makes Snake's Tear Jerker trek through the microwave hallway into an embittered rant from Grumpy Old Man Snake.
  • Bobdrantz's LP of Godzilla: Unleashed is chock full of these-
    • "I AM A MAN!" *punch!*
    • Bobdrantz singing "Elmo's World" before realizing what she's doing and declaring "Damn you, Sesame Street!"
    • The "Defective M.O.G.U.E.R.A".
      • "Why am I getting sparks!? I want lasers!"
    • Destroyah throwing King Ghidorah and Godzilla around like ragdolls much to Bobdrantz's amusement.
    • "TANKS!"
    • Pelvic thrusts, courtesy of Mechagodzilla.
      • Also, a glitch causes Mechagodzilla II to do....something on a hill much to Bobdrantz's confusion.
      • "Uh, I don't think this is child appropriate...."
    • Whenever two of the same monster appear on the screen, Bobdrantz almost always referrers to one of them as "Bob".
  • Radiation's Let's Play Some game no one cares about. First of all there is the inherent humor to be found in naming Ness "Toast", making his favorite food "Babies", and his favorite thing (and consequently, his signature PSI attack) "Uiuuh", but the real hilarity is all the character-based humor.
    • Toast: *upon meeting the Titanic Ant* "I knew this was going to be a fight to the death. I ripped off all my clothing and threw my bat against the wall, flexing my manly 13-year-old biceps and raising my eyebrows. I licked my lips and leapt into battle."
    • "And then he (Diamond Dog) flashed us a 1,000,000,000,000 dollar smile because his body is made out of god damned DIAMONDS."
    • His... unique ways of using the various assist PSI he gets during the game:
      • Lifeup Alpha and Beta: Licking people on the ear
        • Lifeup Gamma: psychically knitting together wounds and erasing damage. He vows to use this only in emergencies because he loves creeping people out by licking them on the ear.
      • Flash: He... well... flashes his enemies.
    • Everything Ness says whenever he's Mashroomized. EVERYTHING.
      • "Whattttttt am I doiINggg????? I wbnet to bED in a House that wasn't MINE. Onett is surprisingly UP TO DATE on the NOOSE."
      • *upon being asked to get the mushroom removed* "SALLY NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    • Jeff Ted's epic quest to buy the T-Rex's bat, which is a freaking life-sized sculpture of a T-Rex fighting a vampire mounted on a stand with a HILT for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON!.
    • Upon meeting his incredibly neglectful father: *Ted used the Broken Pipe.* "WHY WON'T YOU DIE"
    • Toast and Ted mocking the Department Store Spook, utterly annihilating any semblance of scariness that the creep ever had. "BWAAAAGH!"
  • "Hey guys," says Bandunk in this already hilarious Lets Play of Final Fantasy X, "why don't we bring Auron back in so he can gain more XP?" What happens next must be seen to be believed...
    • Topikal's mashup of the Hymn of the Fayth and the Meow Mix theme song makes this troper laugh so hard every time she watches it that she literally can't breathe.
    • In addition, the bird squawk that Bandunk makes every single time Valefor/Brrrrrap is summoned.
  • In Slowflake's LP of Pokémon Red, his reaction to Zapdos being caught with only one Ultra Ball.
    • He does it AGAIN in Platinum, when it's a RUNNER! Zapdos is officially Slowflake's bitch for life. (He does the same with Articuno in Platinum too.)
    • And then in Emerald, that good luck with getting the Legendary Birds comes back to bite him -- it takes so long to find a Ralts with Trace that Torchic hits level 16 and evolves! When he finally caught one, Combusken was level 20.
      • In the same game, he changes the Trendy Phrase to "Adult Anime" -- basically giving Dewford Town's population a hentai fetish!
        • Also in the same game,, the part were Rayquaza came down from the sky to stop Groudon's and Kyogre's fighting.
    • "*cries like a girl* I lost to BOOM BOOM?!?"
      • The last two minutes of part 19.
    • This part of his Game Gear Sonic the Hedgehog 2 LP, at 5:10. His reaction is priceless.
    • Pokemon Soul Silver part 98 -- Nyancat Ho-Oh.
  • The epic Angrish rants in both Great Cartoonist's and Token's respective Pokémon Let's Plays. Great Cartoonist (also, his Charmander) could only say nothing but GODDAMMIT after learning he had to go back to Pallet Town for a pointless Fetch Quest (this after declaring he would never go back FOREVER), while TokenASSHAT exploded in rage after getting called by NPC trainer Joey just before he was about to fight the final Sage in Sprout Tower, resulting in him issuing death threats to Joey and then saying nothing but FUCK YOU for a long time (though not as long as Great Cartoonist's string of GODDAMMITs) while deleting Joey's number from his list.

 Caretaker: I'm no trainer, but I can tell you how to win!

Great Cartoonist: Why are you even here. Get out.

Caretaker: Let me take you to the top!

GC: No. I hate suck-uppers.

Bard: <Oh yeah, me too.>

Caretaker: It's a free service! Let's get happening!



      • Then, after he defeats Brock, he and Bard issue a final death threat to the caretaker:



  • About 2 minutes in to this is one of the best Boltage McGammar moments I have ever seen, and it doubles as a CMoA to boot.
    • Another one occurs in the same LP of Fire Emblem at the very beginning of this video

 "Now then, I should open that door..."

  • click*

"...I should not have opened that door."


  Psychedelic Eyeball: HOOOOAAA...It looks like we're baaaaaack! I feeeeel sooooo light! And this...I want to drink the fruit-*it wears off* and diiiie!

      • In his Prince of Persia 2 Let's Play, he makes a Running Gag about how the prince should not dance because it is painful, and a couple times he makes the prince dance only for the prince to be hurt. (Referring of course to the Guide Dang It way you become the Shadow Prince)
      • When he gets the new sword...

  Psychedelic Eyeball: ...there is only one thing we can do...to restore those memories...WE MUST GO ON A RAMPAGE!!! DIE DIE!!


  Psychedellic Eyeball Let's see if he has any advice to say to me ...that is...if I can speak to him. Come on. Hey buddy, I want to speak to you. *Camera Screw* Ah jesus christ. *Jump Cut* HI BUDDY! I'M STANDING ON YOUR TABLE! PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO ME! I wanna-*Camera Screw* AAAAAH! *Jump Cut* Please! Let me TALK to you! *Jump Cut* Fuck you buddy. HEY! OVER HERE! Your employee here is defective! Please replace him!"


 *ElementalOgre throws NakaTeleeli down a pit*

  • ElementalOgre starts laughing*

NakaTeleeli: You... you jerk!

ElementalOgre: *still laughing* My sides, they hurt so...

    • Later on is his first episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 3: The Manhattan Project where the two of them do a standard co-op for ten minutes, while completely forgetting about the new YouTube time limit being fifteen minutes. The last third of the movie was a very accidental and very humorous look at some of the sites they look at.
    • In their Kirby and the Amazing Mirror LP (Starts at 10:55), the both of them manage to duplicate their accident from their Kirby Super Star LP (Starts at 7:35).
  • Rooreeloo's Banjo-Kazooie Let's Plays are always good, but there's one part in particular in his Let's Play of Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts that's really great, in which he does a ski jump based challenge using all of his vehicles so far (including fan-made ones that include shout outs to Optimus Prime and the Delorean. But the best part is at the end, in which the vehicle starts flying around like crazy until it comes to a complete halt. See it here starting at 10:47.
    • Running over L.O.G. when he mentions Canary Mary.
      • Speaking of whom, his reaction to seeing her in Tooie's Cloudcuckooland is to attack her while still transformed as a bee...to no advail.
  • Also, Flare Elevar's Spyro the Dragon Let's Plays are fun to watch, as text commentary is used to make jokes as well as explain things. It comes to a head here when the video is seemingly hijacked by an unknown entity, and Hilarity Ensues.
  • magmawk's Red Mage Solo Challenge Review Thingie:

 magmawk: "BANE spelled backwards is ENAB. ENAB, where--where you have to nab something online."

(He uses the Bane Sword on Tiamat. "Poison smoke -- Terminated")

magmawk: "Wait! WHAT...JUST...HAPPENED?"

Newspaper headline: "Tiamat Slain In One Hit! Red Mage Baffles World"

    • Earlier on, there was his brief encounter with War Mech, with footage from Robocop spliced in.

 "Let's be very careful here. We don't want to see him...(random encounter) Uhhh, oh no! IT'S HIIIIM."

  • tomers113's LP of Eversion HD: "As you can see, it starts out nice and evil." (everts to World 6-7) "And oh my God, a wall of blood." And within the same episode, World 6 failure + Yakety Sax = Hilarity Ensues.
  • Tiro DVD, Let's Play Cubivore, episode 32. He decides that the epic, multi-boss battle near the end of the game is too boring, so he decides to spice it up. By reading poetry over it. The first poem is by EE Cummings, the second one is by Catullus and needs to be bleeped out. Watch it here.
  • Oh, we could be here all day long on Let's Break Final Fantasy II!, but what everyone really remembers is the Toads. Once Guy Guido gets the Toad spell up to a decent level, every single battle is reduced to him polymorphing the poor enemy into a harmless toad. Guard captain? Toad! Giant made of fire? Toad! The Emperor's human form? Toad! A giant toad? Toad! It gets to the point where he refers to Tiamat as the "demon queen of toads", and Beelzebub as the "demon lord of getting turned into a toad" or a monster in a box as a "soon to be toad in a box". But the absolute best bit is the final battle, against the final boss who is out-and-out immune to Toad. How does he win? by casting a "protection from Toad" spell on the Emperor, and then having someone else cast Toad 1. The wall blocks the spell, but the animation still goes off; which means that the Emperor turns into a toad, and hops away. Battle. Won. But the absolute best part of that is what the game's battle screen says, in spite of all evidence to the contrary: "TOAD 1 - Failed"

 *two screenshots of Marty getting killed*

Marty: I.

*two screenshots of Marty getting killed*

Marty: Hate.

*two screenshots of Marty getting killed*

Marty: You.

*two screenshots of Marty getting killed*

Marty: Guys.


 Icrangirl: Don't you dare sink! {wagon sinks} Shit!

Aledog: You pressed the mouth button, Lily.


Aledog: I wanna see your wagon just catch on fire.

{3 days later, the wagon catches fire}


  • During Hercrabbiness's Let's Play of Laura Bow 2, there were several. However, one of the best ever was when she had to answer a riddle in hieroglyphics. And she repeatedly clicked the "L" one by mistake (thinking she was going to move to the next page). She couldn't erase it, so she just said....

 Hercrabbiness: Ah crap...I can't..erase that? Well I guess you get to see what happens when you get this wrong. I think the answer is, "LLLLLLLLLLLLLL".


    • And another time...because the character Wolf Heimlich goosesteps...

 Hercrabbiness: YAY! Kick the air! Kick the air! Kick the armour...Kick US! Kick the dog.

Late Bit: Why you kick my dog?

  • This entire video. Even when taken out of context...it is still friggin hilarious!
  • Late Blt has some fun letsplaying an indie game claled Corby's Murder Mystery. He gets frustrated about how many people ask to touch Joe's Afro. And finally he asks Joe about someone and Joe says, he wishes that she'd stop touching his hair. Lateblt starts banging his head (or fist) on the table.
    • Also he makes fun of the spelling errors. "You are the study".
  • How did we go this long with mentioning Sir Ron Lion Heart? I nominate the beginning of Super Mario 64 Episode C where he can only get Mario to obtain the POWER stars by squishing him into a ball.
  • It's hard to pick just one moment from Slowbeef and Diabetus' Lets Play of Dead to Rights, but Chapter 14 is one long CMOF the whole way through.
  • What Faceguy and Wogturt do for their Wollywog bio in part 12 of their Pikmin LP.
  • This troper nominates Mechanicalhand's Angrish reaction after unknowingly falling into an instant death pit in the Dead Marsh level of Painkiller: Overdose while fighting flying enemies in the same level.
  • Hello, I have diabetes. Is there anything I should know before posting this example from Diabetus/Slowbeef/Scarboy's LP of Captain Novolin?
    • Check you feet.
  • Arglefumph, who specializes in Nancy Drew videos actually makes some funny mistakes or just reacts funny. This and this and this are a collection.
    • Unfortunately they miss several times. Like in Secret of the old clock where he fails at the sewing challenge and once accidentally sends his mouse across the screen several times. And several failures in the chase scene at the end, one where he just yells "EESH! SQUEESH! AJA!!!" and bangs on the desk in frustration.
    • When he didn't realize that the mayonnaise was poisoned so he accidentally poisoned Nancy within the first 10 minutes of gameplay, and then he screwed up and gave Nancy's friend'd friend food poisoning.
    • No mention on his reaction to the message in Message in a Haunted Mansion? It's in two of the current three funny moments videos.
    • In "White wolf of icicle creek", he almost has it and then...misses, falling right on down.
  • Kuposan3's LP of Oregon Trail 2. Part one starts rather funny, and the two people (who have to be hopped up on sugar) have more fun in part 2, and part 3 they finally die. There's a second feature where the have more people.

 Supuhstar: And that is a fluffy fox.

Kuposan3: Yes it is.

Supuhstar: I want to cuddle that fox.

Kuposan3: It's because it is-

Game: Extreme cold.


game: Supuhstar has died.


    • And don't forget how they mention other fun things...like when they tip the wagon over around five or six times in a row. Or discover that if you administer peppermint to Cholera, it actually works.
      • Science fact: The menthol in peppermint actually is pretty good for digestive ailments, which is why it works.
    • "Let's wrap the bacon around ourselves!"
    • "Rub affected area with snow! Best idea ever!"
    • From the second feature:"We lost a banjo! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
  • Helloitsdan and Lithuatiandad's playthrough of Mercenaries 2: World In Flames has a combination CMOF and Crowning Moment of Awesome when they assassinate a target by loading a boat with C4, winching it into the skies overhead on a helicopter, and then dropping it.
    • The running commentary between Dan and Dad as they banter back and forth is the stuff of legends, especially when one factors in their naturally hilarious accents and their tendency to make references to Viking mythology - or just silliness in general.

 Dan: I'm not asking you to open your PDA and look up "Strange Road Shapes of Venezuela" on Viking Wikipedia!

    • Also, Dad's laser guided grenade launcher that is perfectly calibrated to target civilians.
    • Later on, on a mission for the AN:

 Dan: And the AN base, as we saw (and were ever so slightly confused at for a while) is getting the, uh, Everloving Christ, is that a fair description? Yes. Getting the Everloving Christ blown out of it. (...) We have to stop them by destroying the Everloving Christ Launchers the Chinese have set up. Fortunately, we've brought an Everloving Christ Launcher!

Dad: Hold on, I'm going to steal that Christ Launcher....

    • Dan's issues with helicopters....

 Dan: You know what, I'm through with helicopters. I've become totally disillusioned with them. (leaps out of helicopter in midflight into the middle of a VZ base, then realizes he's out of ammo) Oh, shit, I'm out of rockets! I wish I had a helicopter!


  brickroadbrickroad: "WHOA!!"


  brickroadbrickroad: "[...]I don't need to bomb through the wall; I can go from below, and I've got lots of--" (jumps directly into Spikes of Doom, followed by several seconds of silence) "BACK TO SQUARE ONE, WE'RE LOOKING FOR THE KEY, AND THE TREASURE BOX."

  • A playthrough of Po Po Lo Crois has a rather dramatic moment ruined by the LPers Cell phone ringing while ScottishDuck17 freaks out over the bad timing.
  • Also from the same person, during a Let's Play of Skies of Arcadia, The game crashes at the WORST possible moment. (8:45)
    • From his Jak III LP, him screaming like Chewbacca from failing on a Precursor Car Ride and his impersonation of a Dinosaur Metal Head.
  • The conclusion to this group Let's Play of Mario Party 2. It's not much on its own, but after an hour and a half of watching the players attempt to one-up each other, get increasingly more frustrated as the game length drags on, and generally suffer through any number of both self- and game-inflicted difficulties, seeing the game dramatically reveal that everyone lost to the one computer-controlled player (on easy mode!) is hilarious.
  • Wampalord's playthrough of KOTOR gives us the Jedi Training Montage (at 11:50 during the video).
  • Helloween4545's playthrough of System Shock 2, which includes him freaking out at the sight of monkeys, outrage when he can't find something, and shock and horror when he finds psychic monkeys.
  • Jamesman's Let's Play of Chu Lip has his reactions to getting "Poopie", but especially his reaction to getting a "Big Poopie" at the temple!

 James: *The text "Something smells good..." appears* Ooh, something smells go~od... *Recieves "Big Poopie"* Poopie?! Winston, poopie doesn't smell good!

    • "Don't fuck nobody while I'm in jail, baby!"
  • Pawdugan's at it again with Alice in Wonderland for the Commodore 64. Best part so far: Alice's unusual ducking pose looks a bit odd next to the caterpillar. "Oh, that is suggestive."
    • His Sanity Slippage after an ungodly amount of backtracking gets him access to a new door...which he can't go through. He goes absolutely silent for about three seconds and you can just feel the murderous rage building up.
    • "Backtrack backtrack fucking backtrack gotta do this shit, again! Backtrack backtrack fucking backtrack..." Now available in sing-along format, having originated from Paw's review of Total Distortion.
  • From an LP of Jump Start First Grade, Let's Player Dshban meets the Glop Monster. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nia T Ri UH Zjs&NR=1
    • And later on, the game is nice enough to teach him about his country: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr 8 JP 9 e Og 2 k#t=3m57s
    • Dshban's Let's Play MORE VIDEO GAMES has him playing random licensed games for the NES, which includes the Tale Spin game. He successfully makes Baloo fly the plane upside down through the entire playthrough. This includes him going "skiing" with it and literally dragging Baloo's head along the ground.
"This is exactly how you fly a plane, ladies and gentlemen."
"This is how a bear would fly a plane, anyway."

 Name: Fagballs McGillicutty

Street Address: (random letters and numbers)

Zip Code: 90210

    • In this game, you are a dog.
    • In his Let's Play of Putt Putt Travels Through Time, Dshban has several of his friends cameo and while they're exploring the Wild West level, they begin talking about how Putt Putt must seem crazy.

  You'd think they'd take him to Ye Olde Asylum and give him a lobotomy. How do you give a car a lobotomy? Remove its transmission, or drain its anti-freeze?


 TyrantSabre: This is how Sean Devlin shaves in the morning.

Enigmatic Cardboard: "Hurts like a bitch, but it gives a close shave!"

TyrantSabre: How is Sean like his cigarettes? They both get taken out for a drag.

    • And when the laughter starts dying down, the train passes a Nazi who spots Sean and sounds the alarm.

 Enigmatic Cardboard: Ooh, you're in trouble now!



 Enigmatic Cardboard: This is going to show up in my sleep! I'll be having a normal dream only for some random train to barrel through dragging Sean Devlin!

    • Making this even funnier is the fact that the previous video closed with Sabre finishing a mission and escaping the pursuing Nazis by jumping on top of a train passing under a bridge...and missing, causing Sean's death.
  • From MageKnight404's LP of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, in part 39...


    • Another moment is also on MageKnight404's LP of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn lets play, in part 122 he inserts Getter Robo 's STONER SUNSHINE as a replacement to what happens. This troper (Gamer14) is responcible for the inside joke. You can watch this scene Here.
      • I really want to watch this now. From start to finish, of course... can someone provide a link to part 1? Because I can't seem to find it.
      • Here.
    • Pretty much every character's reaction to being warped in the Geneology of the Holy War LP.
    • His voice for The Black Knight's voice in part 133 must be heard to be believed. In fact, pretty much the entire Radiant Dawn LP is one long CMOF, mostly due to his sheer hatred of the plot.
    • The blooper reel that he put up after the Radiant Dawn LP is quite amusing to watch and just listening to his reactions is amusing.
  • The LP of Dante's Inferno has many moments of pure humour.
    • "Only Dante could ask such a question: What does the tower MEAN?" "He's catching on to the symbolism."
    • In the final video there is pretty much all of Murdoch's enraged rants at the nonsensical nature of the plot as well as when he interrupts a discussion of the game's tie-in graphic novel with a mention of the Elephant in The Room:

 John Murdoch: Did it really take me this long to notice Lucifer's...giant...hanging...ball sack?

  • Oyster fighting Heat Man blind, with his navigator, Raocow.
  • Research Indicates' LP of Trespasser has few amusing moments, but one that particuarly sticks out is when he can hear a raptor, but can't quite find it in the Town level.

 Research Indicates: *Goes outside the diner* Now, I can hear [the raptor], I know he's over here somewhere... *Cue the raptor jumping down off the diner roof, almost landing on him* Good Christ! Son of a bitch! *Shoots the raptor*

    • The wonky physics of the game make the entire thing rather entertaining even when not intended, but by far the funniest bit is in the final level, where a pair of raptors manage to surprise RI from behind, only to trip over themselves and fall off a bridge while trying to chase him across it.
  • This LP of Gregory Horror Show--the L Per hides in Mummy Pa's closet to wait for him to put his soul down while Mummy Papa is in his room--therefore, revealing his location would mean certain death. He accidentally lets himself out of the closet, and then manages to jump back inside and shut the door with only a confused "What the--?" from Mummy Papa.
  • When Zeta Plays plays a horse-raising Japanese game, the first thing he does is SELL THE HORSE. And then people start stealing his "coat hanger collection".
    • Then there's also when he plays "Richard Scary's Busytown", and the game promises to be the "Most Fun Game Ever". Needless to say, by the second video he decries it as false advertizing.
    • And in his Minecraft videos, after narrowly escaping death, and attempting to cower behind a tree, he accidentally throws a piece of pork. He freaks out.
  • Ggorondie and Egroffie's LP of Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones has a lot from the sibling pair; from the two of them squeeing when they realize they're getting a Dancer, to Roffie's Precision F-Strike, to the appropriate songs they sing along the way. Their upcoming one for the Tellius games will likely have a lot as well.
  • Slowbeef and Diabetus' Metroid (Prime/Echoes/Corruption/Fusion) LPs. Whether it is slowbeef's total lack of skill or the two doing their Ridley impersonations, every video has something hilarious.

 Diabetus: What the fuck?!

slowbeef: <hysterical laughter> I forgot about that!

  • A mix between this and Moral Event Horizon: In Spoiler Warning's LP of Fallout 3, after being forced to set up Three Dog's satellite in order to "spread the good word", the group shows him their appreciation of what he's done for them... With a grenade to the pocket.
  • concordat's LP of Star Fox 64 is a very well-done subtitle video series, not to mention it boasts excellent background musical substitutes. Most notably, for the "Mission Accomplished" run of Macbeth, in which you have to kill the boss by flipping the eight switches to change the train tracks, driving the train and the boss directly into Andross's factory to blow it up, he uses the only song that could possibly do the explosions justice. Watch for yourself.
  • You will find this in EVERY SINGLE ONE of Slim Kirby's Let's Plays. No exceptions.
  • Musical_Daredevil, Rainbow Six 3, Operation Falcon Hour. It goes about as well as every other mission he's gone on at this point, until he's trying to escort the hostages out of the area and the AI-controlled Red team steals one of the hostages from him.
  • Dr. Flard's LPs of Mushroom Kingdom Fusion generally have at least one of these per video, but get especially hilarious when Lars Luron (his brother) makes a guest appearance, for those of worlds 6 & 7.
  • Tatsuhiko's LP of Oregon Trail 2 also have a lot of funny moments. In one, "Bob" gets a sprained ankle, bitten by a rattlesnake, and has a common cold at the same time. So the result?

 Symptoms: Blurred vision, coughing, disorientation, dryness of the mouth, fever, Nausea and vomiting, pain, runny nose, slurred speech, sneezing, sore throat, swelling and internal bleeding, swollen painful joint."

Tatsuhiko: Holy shit, look at all those af-afflictions! He's like the sickest person in the world right now!

    • Also in his Oregon Trail letsplays, he makes silly mistakes like forgetting to buy clothing and wondering why everyone freezes to death and gets frostbite.

  Tatsuhiko: So they're traveling the trail in their underwear. WHOOPS!

    • He also gets RNG screwed with the wagon breaking all the time, and has to trade for a part.

  Tatsuhiko: No. No. No. No. Fine fine. *wagon part breaks* GOD DAMMIT WHAT THE FUCK! I hate this game!

  • In Chapter 8-1 of StudBagel/Maxwell Adams's LP of The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask, his guest commentators start talking about mummies as though they were just a bad group to fall in with, and the one whose username is a bunch of |s comes up with this line, cracking the others up for roughly 20 seconds:

 Yo, man, you are out of step with Imhotep!

    • Also in Ikana Canyon, in Chapter 3-4, SB/MA finds a suspicious-looking circle of rocks, and whips out a Bomb in an attempt to uncover whatever secret might be there... only to be promptly assaulted by a Bombchu.
  • In Dazzling Addar's LP of Donkey Kong 64, while playing as Lanky in Crystal Caves, he reaches the second beetle race and explains how much easier it is than Tiny's race earlier... only to be stopped in his tracks by a Squawks tutorial while the beetle builds an insurmountable lead. After losing this race and getting knocked out of the race by a midair collision from behind on his second attempt, he finally succeeds on the third. To celebrate, he cuts off his commentary entirely, forcing supporting commentators Vicas and Brother Entropy to carry the rest of the video themselves. Blind.
    • Is that all? There are several moments and complete videos throughout the playthrough. One video in particular features the Crystal Caves boss fight and Vicas waits until the end of the video to tell Addar that he (Vicas) couldn't see any of it. Cue splutters from Addar and laughter from the culprit until the video cuts off.
  • HyperSonicX2's Let's Play of "I Wanna Be the Fangame", part 33: At one point, he gets hit by Kamikaze Watermelon. His reaction: ".....uh.... please don't tell me that was the Kamikaze Watermelon.... what the.. that has got to be one of the most random references so far. ...What the hell?" When he double checks to see if yes, it is indeed the watermelon he says he finds it genuinely funny.
  • classichomer and Jourichio play The Invasion 2 (the standard Super Mario Bros X levelpack) and end up going through the ice world to world 4's "Dungeon of inappropriate phrases". In the level just prior, Jourichio (who frequently ends up getting killed, mostly due to his own ineptness at the game) got a yellow yoshi. What happens next must be seen to be believed. (It also doubles as a crowning moment of awesome for Jourichio, considering the trouble classichomer had with the level)
  • in OGT: Life and death 2, there is all sorts of stuff that is only funny because it's in a game. Examples of this include his treatment of drug addicts:
    • "This person's got tiny eyeballs...I know what his problem is. He's addicted to morphine. This is the only condition where you'll find this. There's only one thing to do to addicts around these parts." *he then clicks on the needle, then on the patient's eye*
    • "More morphine! Fuck you!" *stabs the patient's eye*
    • "Oh...I feel bad killing an old woman..." *notices she's addicted to morphine* "Oh you know what? No I don't. This'll cure your drug problem!" *sends her into the MRI when she has a pacemaker*
    • Then finally at the end he just takes the scalpel and covers the entire patient with red.
  • Master Knight DH shows just how amusing Caulder humiliating Greyfield is. Not bad for a math genius.
  • During Team Four Star's Left 4 Dead LP:

 "This is a- this is a closet."

"It's a safehouse now!"

"This is our base of operations."

"We will live here forever. WE WILL BECOME A FAMILY."


 "Well you see I feel like the only way to play this game is to do it the way the devs intended so obviously I'm gonna name her the original Japanese name here like I did with Mr. ARUKARUDO."

  • Screenshot of the flower girl saying "I'm EARISU, the flower girl. Nice to meet you."*

"I kid of course, I know that both sides (people who want her named Aerith and the people who don't care) need equal representation so:"

  • Screenshot of the flower girl saying "I'm Aerish, the flower girl. Nice to meet you."*

"I kid of course, I know that Aerish is just a spy so let's rename her to Sephiroth."

  • Screenshot now says "AeriTH*

"I kid of course, I don't care about you guys who don't care, we Aerith lovers must show the world our devotion to a 'TH' with love and Caps Lock."

"I kid of course. You see, Aeris/th is clearly a reference to GRRM's character, so I'm finally now truly naming her as the devs intended."

  • Name screen says "Daeneryth"*

"Here's something few people know - Daenerys is just a horrible mistranslation from Targaryen-to-English that the editors imposed on GRRM. The intended name was Daeneryth. Which of course is an anagram for 'YEN R DEATH' which is a harsh criticism to the financial situation of Japan etc. We have no choice but to name her the way GRMM intended else we're not paying attention to detail etc:"

  • Final screenshot of having just named her Aeris*

"At any rate I think we'd rather pay homage to the Mad King so I'll name her Aeris with an 'I' so I don't get sued."

  • Malus Calibur tends to break into random song to the tune of whatever piece of music is playing. However this time he goes absolutley bonkers at the end when his emulator decides to fail on him.
  • Anything Kikoskia ever does. Especially his let's play of Doom 3. "Super Happy Fun Lift! Super Happy Fun Lift!"
  • This speedrun of the original Mega Man, where, basically, the game itself turns into a glitched mess.
  • In L0rd Vega's blind LP of Silent Hill 2, he spent about an hour running around the hospital (and getting lost repeatedly in the process) trying to open five different locks on a heavily chained-up box. And then he finally gets it open:

 There's nothing inside the box.

Vega: ...WHAT. Th- wh- What does that say. I've become unable to read, what does that say?

No, wait, there's something...

You got a piece of hair.

Vega: ...I got a piece of hair. I got a piece of hair! Five locks. Why did I get a-? Wh-? I don't even know how to express the anger I feel right now. Maria, I'm considering killing you. I got a piece of hair. I got a piece of hair. NO, I DIDN'T FIND LAURA, SHUT UP.


 OFS: My clan is starting to sound like two kids on a playground trying to outdo the other's made up superhero.

"This guy has two giant holy swords! And they're both Excalibur, so he's the doubleking!"

"Yeah, well this guy is a sage, so he can use his knowledge of the whole universe to cause explosions by thinking about it!"

"But the doubleking can combine his two Excaliburs into a gigantic holy laser sword!"

"The sage has a friend who can breathe lightning!"

"And there's this ninja girl who can turn invisible and kill people by touching them!"

OFS: What you at home should take from this is that clan Beoulve is getting awesome and powerful.


 "...At this point, If you want to, just listen to the Benny Hill music because it strangely fits."

(after managing a Teleport / Draw Out that ends Celia and Lede and puts some major hurt on Elmdor) "WHAP. FUCKING WHAP. IT TOOK SIX TRIES TO GET THIS TO HAPPEN."

"...At this point things start go right, so the Benny Hill theme doesn't fit the failure reel from before. But, it still fits, considering how everyone runs around like headless chickens and Elmdor loses his clothing."

    • Also from Final Fantasy Tactics when Ramza is accused of heresy he throws an axe at Zalmo the man who came to arrest him for heresy. Shortly afterwards Ramza says he's done nothing to be labeled a heretic cue:
    • And another from that LP: frustrations are expressed when the Bull Demon that's supposed to be making eggs of Minotaurus and Sacreds just won't cooperate.


Hey, wait, guess what's 14 characters?

  • cue cut to OFS renaming his Bull Demon to "HAVE KIDS AUGH"*
    • And a combination moment of Funny and Awesome rounds off the "Rod Breaking Central". He broke a fire rod (breaking rods had become impractical compared to the spells right around the third Gilgamesh battle, and he had been breaking rods over boss' heads since Walse Tower until then) to finish off the battle with Enuo . Completed with one last update to the "Rods Broken" counter.
  • From RaidouFrost's LP of Shin Megami Tensei I:

  "I thought I told you and your Chaos ways to go die in a hole. The world was destroyed. I think this dude has a valid excuse for wanting some change."

      • ...and then when the bum gives him shit for giving him Yen:

  "...On second thought, say 'aye' if you think we should paint the trees with his entrails."


 Black Baron: "How do you like the comfort of Roppongi?"

RaidouFrost: "Comfort? Your floor nearly killed me."


  "Oh, Jesus Christ, it's this asshole. And you still haven't found pants! Didn't you learn your lesson from Kazuya?"


 Magnus: "The sole reason balance exists is so that it can eventually be tipped!"

RaidouFrost: "That makes no sense. Go crawl back in your corner."

Chaos Heroine: "You killed Magnus...How can you live with yourself, killing your friend with a straight face!? Have you no remorse!?"

RaidouFrost: "I have no remorse, because he was a douchebag. It's not rocket science."

Chaos Heroine: "I'm...actually Lilith."

RaidouFrost: "Can I fuse you? Please?"

  • Full Hit Points made a Let's Play of Oregon Trail 2 wherein he and a friend intentionally did terrible things like told someone who was bitten by a rattlesnake to get exercise, rubbing snow on frostbite (Resulting in Gangrene) and literally hamming it up when they got sick of Cholera.
  • Epee Em's LP of Mega Man Battle Network 4, 5 and 6 is rife with these. There's the Fuckup Tally that continually rises throughout 4, for one, as well as any instance of the Anger Impact faces being used.
  • In Zorak's Endless Ocean lets play, he and Chorocojo find a polar bear on their ship, leading to an explanation of polar bears with footage of coca cola commercials And brief flashes of bloody mauled baby seals, walruses, whales, and your dog, and ending with:

  Chorocojo: Fuck you bear! go back to Canada!


 Chorocojo: So what did you learn Zorak?

Cue several seconds of silence with images of The President and a poorly drawn monkey, and a phallic looking chair rapidly flashing, and then cutting to an image of underwater elephants

Chorocojo: My thoughts exactly.

  • Adamzonetopmarks's videos are filled with funny moments, but some of the funniest are when they are playing with the Herobrine mod in Minecraft. Specifically, when they find a letter "E" made of glowstone, which turns into a Running Gag in all of their other Herobrine videos.

 Gamechap: "Wait a minute - look there's an E over there old boy! E!"

Bertie: "E!?"

Gamechap: "E!!"

Bertie: "I should say-E!"

Both: "EEE! EEE!"


  • Northernlion's let's play of The Binding of Isaac where he states "Never thought I was ever gonna say that in my life" every time after he says something weird.
  • Jedi Jesus ignores someone who has his arm stuck in a wall.
  • A Let's Play of Shenmune done on Livestream by a Xanthus Anon had one episode where he was racing forklifts and crashed into almost everything in sight as he tried to race them, swearing and cursing every step of the way. One of his friends then drew a pic of him driving a forklift saying, "Who the fuck races these things anyways?"
  • And another Let's Play on Livestream of Life and Death 2: The Brain, Digitalpotato proceeds to do all sorts of terrible things to his patients:
    • "There's only one thing we do to drug addicts in THESE parts!" *pokes the patient in the eye with the needle*
      • Another time he got a morphine addict and said, "You're not gonna feel this." as he poked them in the eye with the needle.
    • *draws a lightning bolt shaped scar on the patient's head* "She shall be MARY Potter!"
    • When he intentionally fails at a subdural hematoma operation...

 Digitalpotato: Now we just gotta suck this blood up.... *holds the suction too long*

Game: You sucked out part of the patient's brain.

Digitalpotato: Oh she was a tea party candidate! She wasn't going to need THAT!

    • And another time he tried to legitimately do a Subdural Hematoma operation...and turned the head the wrong way.
    • *draws a smile on the patient's face* "Well I did just put a smile on their face...whaddya you think?"
    • Another time he gave the patient a blood beard.
    • After a couple more patient kills, out of nowhere, he picks up the needle...and pokes the patient in the eye and says "Oh I slipped!"
  • In part 2 of Jellykuf's LP of the indie game One Night, he has a minute-long breakdown upon encountering the game first jump-scare.



 "IF you say that again, I'm going to doom the prophecy and shut off the game."

"Hey wait for me!"



 "She's just bound to get stuck on something...oh no..come on. Hey! Wait for me! If that happens...Someone's going to pay dearly at the end of the-"

"Hey! Wait for me!"


  • Nidoking's LP of Rayman has him speeding up the infamous trumpet section of Allegro Presto...to classical music and Benny Hill. To add to the humor, he only screwed up there twice on that run, just looping those two failures for the audience's amusement.
  • gravyflood's LP of Morrowind gives us the day to day life of Lizard Wizard Mage Mage, an Argonian Nightblade off to save the world. At his own pace of course. This entire page sums it up rather nicely.
  • From hankgames, in Hank and Katherine Play Super Mario Bros. Wii. The Katherine has a tendency to lose it when get really hard. Particularly in this one, when she starts screaming 'WORLD FIVE FORT!' over and over.
    • Also in part 19, The Katherine's epic freak out over the boos.
  • In their Co-Playthrough of Mario Party 5, Boogycarl (Boogytroy and Carl 10 O 1) are playing the last board, Bowser Nightmare, when they set off the happening space that causes Bowser to walk around the board and turn all spaces red. Hilarity Ensues with Boogy scolding Bowser and begging him to stop. The best part is they had no idea what the happening space they landed on even did.
  • supergreatfriend tends to add very humorous commentary to his videos, and his Let's Play of Deadly Premonition has this gem:

  You eat a zombie and you die.

  • The entirety of Quadraxis14's Silent Hill 4 LP, like when they call the bar:

 (dials number)

Jason: Can I get a large pepperoni pizza?

(Silent Hill static)

Jason: It sounds like they're cutting the pizza right now!

Quady: It's happy chainsaw hour and Bar South Ashfield.


  Now, as with any Touhou game, easy means hard, normal means really freaking hard, hard means you're pulling your hair out, and lunatic is... actually quite fitting.

  • From ArachCobra and Rhanar Narra Jar's let's play of Guild Wars, Cobra scolding Rhanar for wanting to pull the firing lever on a captured enemy catapult out of curiosity ("What do you think is going to happen when you pull the firing lever on a catapult?"), then later on figuring out that it might be the only way to destroy the other catapults that would kill them if they tried to go further. Which it did. By stampeding a bunch of yaks.
  • In yourleadingman's Let's Play of Geist, at one point he leaves a soldier he'd been posessing in order to go through a slipstream, just as another soldier walks up. Later on he comes across same dead end, with the soldiers still there, and this happens...

 yourleadingman: Look, our guard friend's feeling a little bit- *Notices that the the guard that walked up earlier is walking into the guard that was previously possessed, with the pair touching the ends of of their guns together* what the hell are they doing? *Takes a step back* Yeah, we're gonna leave those two alone...

  • The Let's Play of Fire emblem: Path of Radiance where Mist winds up godly post-promotion and during chapter 27, when Ike fights the Black Knight, the LP-er describes how the mechanics work of the fight...and then all of a sudden, the screenshot shows Mist fighting the Black Knight. She doesn't deal any damage, yet she was RNG-blessed enough she survives and doesn't even get doubled.
  1. argument to the scythe in the face
  2. Luiz: "HACKER! Hacker! LIES! What I see on the screen is lies! Lies and deceit!" Oni: "Why am I still doing this?"