Yu-Gi-Oh!/Characters/Supporting Characters
Seto Kaiba
Yugi's archrival who was undefeated at Duel Monsters until Yugi summoned Exodia to defeat him in a world-first. Since then he's been attempting to reclaim his title and challenge Yugi again. Barring that he frequently contends with people who have a grudge against Kaiba Corporation, usually due to the fact it was a weapons company under his father's ownership and thus he inherited a lot of blame when he took over.
He uses a dragon deck which focuses on summoning Blue-Eyes White Dragon, of which he has the only three intact copies in existence. He's also fond of Deck Destruction and removing cards from play.
In the Japanese version, he is initially voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa, and later Kenjiro Tsuda. In the English version, he is voiced by Eric Stuart.
- Abusive Parents: Knight Templar Parent is about the nicest thing that could be said about Gozaburo.
- Adaptation Dye Job: In the Toei anime, he had green hair. This was corrected in the second anime and the Toei movie, however.
- Agent Scully: More prevalent in the dub, where his insisting that everything supernatural around them is some sort of trickery comes across as him trying to convince himself. In the original Kaiba didn't disbelieve in magic as much as he simply didn't have any interest in it.
- Aloof Big Brother
- Anti-Hero: Type IV
- Anti-Villain: Type I
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass: Just as much as Yami Yugi.
- Badass Bookworm: A genius CEO who's trained in Krav Maga.
- Badass Longcoat: Have you seen his trenchcoat?
- Berserk Button: Don't threaten Mokuba, don't destroy or take control of his Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and don't defeat Yugi before he can.
- Big Bad: Of the Death-T arc in the manga and Toei anime.
- Big Brother Instinct: He will do anything to save his little brother.
- Bigger Stick: His deck is chock full of them, giving him a pretty one-sided advantage. See also: Power Equals Rarity.
- Blue Eyes: He has three of them. Also, his actual eye color is blue.
- Midnight Blue Eyes: One of the nastier examples.
- Breakout Character: Originally only meant to be a one-shot antagonist. My how far we've come.
- Broken Ace: Type II. Rich, famous, successful, and none of it is good enough for him because he's overshadowed by Yugi, is still haunted by the memory of Gozaburo, and is full of hatred for the both of them.
- The Chessmaster: Mostly during his time as a Big Bad, but it's still there.
- Cain and Abel: The Abel to Noah's Cain.
- Catch Phrase: "Kudaran!" ("Nonsense!")
- Deadpan Snarker: He has quite a few moments, including some in the dub that border on Lampshade Hanging.
- Death by Adaptation: In The Sacred Cards video game, he duels Marik in the semi-finals of Battle City while Yugi duels the player. Marik is the Big Bad so it goes as well as you'd expect.
- Determinator: Because trading card games are serious business.
- Deuteragonist: In the anime.
- Dramatic Wind: His white trenchcoat is always flaring out behind him, even when he's just walking down the hall. His other coats flare too, but not nearly as much so it's more believable.
- Easily Forgiven
- Egopolis: KaibaLand, an Duel Monsters' themed amusement part named after himself.
- Enfante Terrible: In the backstory. He's not as bad as Noah, but is still one creepy little prick.
- Even Jerkasses Have Loved Ones: Even in his moments of biggest Jerkassery, Kaiba still cares deeply for his brother Mokuba and would never do anything to hurt him.
- The fact that Kaiba is willing to endanger Mokuba in the Death-T story arc early in the series indicates how dangerously broken Kaiba had become from his time with his Abusive Stepfather Gozaburo.
- Evil Laugh: All the time.
- Fiction 500: This guy has a jet plane that looks like Blue-Eyes White Dragon, a computer with an AI, and is rich enough to rent out Domino City itself for a tournament.
- Flat Earth Atheist: Very much so in the American dub version, but not nearly as bad in the manga and the Japanese anime, where he wasn't disbelieving of the magical events occuring around him as much as he was disinterested and unconcerned about them.
- Freudian Excuse: Adopted by an abusive father.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Started out as an abandoned, penniless child to billionaire CEO tycoon, doing so all within the space of a decade.
- Heel Face Turn: Sort of. He stops being evil and regularly helps the heroes. However, he never stops being a gigantic jackass.
- Hidden Heart of Gold
- Honest Corporate Executive: Despite jokes thanks to the Abridged Series, and in contrast to his adoptive father.
- Ineffectual Loner: Because who needs friends when you're Seto Kaiba?
- Insufferable Genius
- I Shall Taunt You: Often combined with You Fight Like a Cow
- It's All About Me: Because it's all about Seto Kaiba.
- Jerkass
- Jerk Jock: Basically has this attitude towards dueling.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold/Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Really flips back and forth between the two. He has his Pet the Dog moments, but is generally a complete asshole.
- Kick the Dog: Does this a few times.
- Large and In Charge: He was actually made taller beyond his initial manga appearance to reflect the rest of his character.
- Leet Haxor Skillz: As shown when he broke into Pegasus' database.
- Light'Em Up: His main cards, namely the Blue-Eyes and XYZ cards, are Light attribute
- Yin-Yang Bomb: But he still uses lots of Dark monsters like Giant Germ, La Jinn, and even uses Chaos Emperor Dragon. However, his Light'Em Up Light Is Not Good aspects are stronger to contrast Yami Yugi's Casting a Shadow Dark Is Not Evil.
- Magic Versus Science: The Science to Yugi's Magic.
- Manipulative Bastard: On occasion. Really shows it off against Lumis and Umbra.
- Munchkin
- Nice to the Waiter: Although he's an asshole to everyone else, Kaiba treats his employees with cold, polite professionalism. For him, that's being downright civil.
- Noble Demon
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: His rivalry with Yugi counts as this. He even says this nearly word-for-word in Yu-Gi-Oh! R.
- Papa Wolf
- Perpetual Frowner
- Playful Hacker: As shown in the Duel Monsters anime, when he broke into Pegasus' database, although he doesn't consider it "playful".
- Power Equals Rarity: The epitome of this trope. Prides himself on his collection in both respects, and cannot accept the thought of a duelist he deems mediocre owning any rare and powerful cards, and rather circularly, that anyone who plays weak monsters isn't a serious duelist.
- Pride: Kaiba's ego is his worst enemy some days.
- Promotion to Parent
- Punny Name: "Seto Kaiba" is awfully similar to a Japanese word for student council: "seitokai". Appropriate, as he can resemble some of the more negative examples of a haughty Student Council President.
- The Quiet One
- Rage Quit: After losing to Yugi in Battle City and failing to resolve his daddy issues, he decides the best way to get rid of the problem is to sink the Duel Tower to the bottom of the ocean before Yugi and Marik even have their duel. Luckily, Mokuba talks him out of it and he decides to help Yugi win the match (and then he blows it up).
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives them constantly; his one to Noah lasts for half an episode and is awesome.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Jounouchi (one of two) and Yami's red.
- Reincarnation
- Reincarnation Romance: According to Word of God:
"Reluctantly, I cut short the episode with Priest Seto and Kisara [due to editorial deadlines], which is something I still regret, because, as all of you guessed, it is the defining episode for the relationship between present-day Kaiba and his Blue-Eyes White Dragon." [1] |
- The Resenter
- The Rival: Yugi's main rival.
- Screw Destiny: Notably in his duel against Ishizu.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Trope coined by his character in Abridged, and used by him throughout the original.
- Self-Made Orphan: Killed his adoptive father in the manga. In the anime Gozaburo manages to escape and makes a comback as a Filler Villain...and is killed when Kaiba and the others leave him trapped in his self-destructing virtual world.
- Self-Made Man: Believes he is one.
- The Smart Guy: Whenever he sides with the gang.
- Smart People Play Chess: While known for his expertise in card games, chess was the first game he mastered, defeating Gozaburo at it when he was a child.
- Smug Smiler: So very much.
- Smug Snake: A colossal example during his time as The Big Bad. Following his Heel Face Turn, Character Development makes him a better person, though he retains his arrogance.
- The Spock: Not only is he intensely logical, he has the emotional range of a brick.
- The Stoic: Particularly in the anime.
- "Stop Having Fun!" Guys: Invoked to the max. Jounouchi even lampshades this near the conclusion of their rematch.
- In fact, he was inspired by a real life Stop Having Fun Guy Kazuki Takahashi's friend met. Said friend asked him if he could teach him how to play a card game, to which he replied, "Hmph! Come back when you've collected 10,000 cards."
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Teen Genius: And a Child Prodigy beforehand.
- Too Clever by Half
- Trash Talk: Unnerving his opponent while keeping a cool head is a big factor in his strategy.
- Troubled but Cute: Especially as a kid.
- Tsurime Eyes
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid
- Ungrateful Bastard: No matter how many times they save his ass, he'll never be part of the True Companions.
- Villain Ball: happens in his duel with Yugi at the Duelist Kingdom. When Seto finds himself open to Yugi duel-winning attack before he can counter and win, Seto threatens to fall to his death if Yugi attacks in that turn. But reading the manga you see his hand included a Negate Attack card that would have earned him the needed turn without playing villain.
- Villainous Breakdown: During his time as a villain, he has this on both of the occasions that Yugi beats him.
- Why Did It Have To Be Snakes: Kaiba has a rather unique dear, of Exodia, seeing as his first defeat was to Yugi's win via its effect. He had to face it again in his confrontation with Gozaburo.
- Worthy Opponent: To Yugi.
Mokuba Kaiba
Seto's little brother and his main fan. Can usually be seen either carrying his brother's briefcase or monitoring his brother's tournaments. While Kaiba is openly disdainful of Yugi and his friends, Mokuba gets along with them just fine, though he's still mostly on his brother's side when it comes to the rivalry he has with Yugi.
Voiced by: Junko Takeuchi (Japanese); Tara Sands (English)
- Brainwashed: By Noah in Season 3 of the anime.
- Creepy Child: When first introduced - the first thing he does in the series is challenge Yugi to a game, with the condition being that if Yugi lost, Mokuba would cut his fingers off. Second time you see him, he tries to poison Yugi - and succeeds in poisoning Jonouchi. It's only when his brother gets more evil and unhinged that this wears off and he actually starts being good.
- Designated Victim / Dude in Distress: He gets kidnapped or is otherwise endangered at least once a season, usually more.
- Disguised in Drag: In the Virtual Heroes arc, he switches outfits with his virtual counterpart Princess Adina to get himself kidnapped in her place and be taken to where Seto was.
- Easily Forgiven
- Heel Face Turn: Early in the series he hated Yugi just as much as Seto did, and in the manga tried to kill him. He eventually loosened up.
- James Bondage
- Morality Pet: To Kaiba
- Smug Snake: During his time as villain, he was an even bigger example of this then Kaiba--he had all of his arrogance, but none of his skills.
Ryo Bakura
A friend of Yugi's from school, Bakura is a shy, quiet boy who lost his sister in a car crash some time before the series started. With his archaeologist father usually away from home, Bakura spends a lot of time by himself, or playing RPGs with select groups of friends. Unfortunately for him--and everyone else in the series--he's also the holder of the Millennium Ring, and is under the on-and-off control of the evil spirit living inside it (see below for more on that). Perhaps because of this, his favourite card is Change of Heart.
- Accent Adaptation: He became British in the dub.
- Adorkable
- Anime Hair
- Beware the Nice Ones: Bakura's a genuinely nice, if shy kid. The Ring...not so much.
- Bishonen: Applies to all adaptations, but in the original toei anime, this is actually his nickname. In fact its rare that any female character in that season ever refers to him by his name instead of bishonen.
- Clingy MacGuffin: Bakura's repeatedly tried to free himself from the Ring and the Spirit inside of it. No matter which one he attacks, it always comes back.
- Dead Little Sister: His dead older sister, Amane.
- Demonic Possession: By the Spirit of the Millennium Ring.
- Demoted to Extra: In the anime Filler Arcs. In fact, he rarely appears in the anime when he's not under the control of the Ring.
- Evil Counterpart: Bakura's Millennium Ring is the Evil Counterpart to Yugi's Millennium Puzzle.
- Fake Brit
- Foil: A shy kid with no friends who loves to play RPGs finds a Millennium Item. Am I talking about Yugi, or Bakura? In a sharp contrast of course, Yugi willingly partners with Yami, while Bakura is always the Ring's first victim.
- Good Eyes, Evil Eyes: His round eyes nicely contrast with the Spirit of the Ring's narrow ones.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Tries to make on in Duelist Kingdom, when, having been transformed into the card Change of Heart, he possesses on the Ring's monsters and orders Yami to attack him; this would have won Yami the duel at the cost of sending Bakura to the Card Graveyard.
- Hyde Plays Jekyll: Good luck telling whether it's him or the Spirit of the Millennium Ring impersonating him at any given time.
- Nice Guy: He really is, which makes his victimisation by the Ring all the sadder.
Mai Kujaku (Mai Valentine)
One of the best duelists around. She's a love interest for Jounouchi, the specifics varying from anime to manga and from original to dub. Though she isn't around in every episode, she's mostly a good guy and helps the heroes out frequently.
She uses a Harpie deck in season 1, and mixes it up with some Amazons in season 2.
Voiced by Haruhi Terada (Japanese), Megan Hollingshead (English Season 1-3) / Bella Hudson (English Season 4-5)
- Action Girl: She is a genuinely good duelist, even though she ends up getting put up and losing against the most important and/or powerful duelists in almost any given arc, but never without a fight.
- Amazon Brigade: Her deck, which includes her Harpies and some actual Amazons.
- Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Brawn.
- Biker Babe: Season 4
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The Blonde.
- Born in the Wrong Century: The Harpie theme would receive support like Harpie Queen and Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon, to make them a semi-viable deck theme. By the time this happened though the original anime was long over.
- Break the Cutie: During the Battle City arc.
- Broken Harpie: Again, during Battle City.
- Christmas Cake: Actually, by her own choice. She did have a Hopeless Suitor and blew him off, defeating him in a duel when he wouldn't give up.
- Compressed Hair: She can somehow keep all of her hair into a normal-sized motorcycle helmet.
- Cool Big Sis
- Dark Action Girl: Season 4.
- Dark Chick: In Doma's Five-Bad Band.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Throughout Duelist Kingdom.
- Designated Victim
- Deus Angst Machina/Trauma Conga Line: From Dark Marik's Penalty Game to Doma.
- Evil Costume Switch: Developed a taste for black leather after joining the Doma Cult.
- Fan Service
- Bare Your Midriff: Several of her outfits.
- Ms. Fanservice: She wears a corset.
- Of Corsets Sexy
- Hot Amazon
- Idiot Ball: Has a run-in with it at the end of her duel with Marik. Despite having the means to win the duel[2] by just declaring an attack, she chooses to try and beat Marik with the Winged Dragon of Ra, despite the fact she has no idea how it works and a first-hand demonstration in the previous duel that using the card is highly dangerous.
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The dark to Anzu and Shizuka's light.
- Lonely Rich Kid: In her backstory, at least in the anime. We see her as a little girl, all alone in a Big Fancy House...
- Mind Rape: By Marik during Battle City. In the anime, this lead to a Heroic BSOD and a Face Heel Turn in the Doma filler arc.
- My God, What Have I Done?: After she beats Jounouchi in the Doma arc, causing him to lose his soul.
- The Other Darrin: Megan Hollingshead was replaced with Bella Hudson after Season 3.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: She's a very good duelist and strategist, but has the misfortune to be on the same team as Yugi and Kaiba (who have connections to Ancient Egypt and some of the most powerful cards around) and ends up going up against Dark Marik in the Battle City semifinals.
- Punny Name: In English.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Jounouchi's red. (One of two)
- Spared by the Adaptation: In The Sacred Cards, a video game adaptation of Season 2-3, she duels Kaiba in the Battle City finals instead of Marik.
- Thigh-High Boots: Wore these while she was Brainwashed by Dartz during the Doma arc.
- Tsundere: Shifts from a Type A to a Type B over the course of Duelist Kingdom.
- UST: With Jounouchi
Shizuka Kawai (Serenity Wheeler)
Jounouchi's sister who lost her eyesight, Jounouchi entered duelist kingdom to win the money to pay for her operation to heal her. She accompanies the gang for most of Season 2 and all of Season 3.
The one time she duels, her deck doesn't have a theme other than the monsters are all female. Her trump card is St. Joan.
In the Japanese version, she is initially voices by Michiko Neya, and later Mika Sakenobe. In the English version she is voiced by Lisa Ortiz.
- Amazon Brigade: Her deck is all female monsters, though they range from the exceptionally girly Forgiving Maiden to Fallen Angel Marie the Fallen One to Lady of War St. Joan.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Her hair was pink in the Toei anime.
- Badass Adorable
- Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Beauty.
- Beginner's Luck: Against Nesbitt. Sure she has lots of help from Honda and Ryuji, but the fact remains that she managed to take him down with cards she herself had picked out, despite not having a clue what most of them did.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The Redhead.
- Chekhov's Gun: At the start of the duel with Nesbitt we see her specifically selecting St. Joan (which ain't a bad pick). Guess which card takes out Nesbitt's Perfect Machine King?
- Heroic BSOD: After Tristan is defeated by Nesbitt.
- Ill Girl: During the first season, where she's going blind and Jounouchi wants to win the prize money for her operation.
- The Ingenue
- Lady of War: Not Serenity herself (though she certainly tries) but her trump card, St. Joan who with 2800/2000 is one of the better female cards in the game, and at the time the show was made, was one of the strongest Fairy monsters around. She's specifically modeled on Joan of Arc and has the looks to prove it.
- And then, in the one time she duels with some bits of help, she takes down one of the Big 5.
- Let's Get Dangerous: The duel between Yugi and Jounouchi during Battle City (rather, its consequences), in which she fearlessly jumps into the sea to rescue Joey after he sacrifices himself for Yugi.
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The light to Mai's dark. (One of two)
- The Load: She starts out as this in her duel with Nesbitt, repeatedly requiring Tristan and Duke to bail her out (in her defence it was her first ever duel and she had to pick out her cards herself). She manages to take a level in badass and transition to Action Girl before the end of it.
- Morality Pet: For Katsuya, her older brother.
- Plucky Girl: She has her ups and downs, but still tries to do what she can.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Anzu's Tomboy.
- Took a Level in Badass: You can spot the exact moment in the duel with Nesbitt where she decides to say "screw you" and starts channeling her brother for all she's worth.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Younger and a bit more insecure, though.
Ryuji Otogi (Duke Devlin)
The creator of Dungeon Dice Monsters and one of Pegasus' business partners. Has a real grudge against Yugi over Pegasus' loss causing their business deals to stagnate, but he gets over it and returns in the anime to join the protagonists for a while.
The first time he duels, he used a deck of cards randomly drawn from several booster packs. His true deck uses many dice effects, and many of the monsters emulate the ones from Dungeon Dice Monsters. His trump card is Orgoth the Relentless.
- Abusive Parents
- Alliterative Name: In the dub.
- Badass: Much like Honda, he's a far from brilliant duelist (although he's certainly capable), but get him in a fight and you will regret it.
- Badass Boast: Quite often when he challenges Yugi to Dungeon Dice Monsters, though it gets exaggerated in the dub.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- The Gambler: Uses dice as weapons, runs a gamble deck focused on powering up his Orgoth the Relentless, and created the luck-based game of Dungeon Dice Monsters.
- Green Eyes
- Improbable Weapon User: Dice, which he regularly tosses at people who try to catch them.
- Jerkass: Initially. He gets over it.
- Love Triangle: With Honda over Shizuka.
- Oh Crap: Repeatedly in his DDM game with Yugi.
- Those Two Guys: With Honda/Tristan
Leonhart von Schroider/Leon Wilson
Siegfried's little brother who dueled for fun using an alias until Siegfried found out about his hobby and recruited him to help him take down Kaiba Corp. Loves his brother but isn't entirely on-board with his schemes.
He uses a fairy-tale themed deck designed specifically for him by Pegasus. His trump cards include Hex Trude, Globerman, and Princess of Thorns. Siegfried later gives him Golden Castle of Stromberg.
- The Cutie
- Evil Counterpart: To Mokuba.
- The Dragon: To his older brother. He isn't necessarily aware of this.
- Heroic BSOD / My God, What Have I Done?: When he learns of Siegfried's true plan and when he learns that Golden Castle of Stromberg is an illegal Game Breaker card, as he didn't want the card game disgraced. Yugi cheers him up.
- Morality Pet: To his older brother Siegfried.
- Nerf: A rare inversion; with the exception of Golden Castle of Stromberg (which is nerfed and detrimental to the user if used improperly) most of the OCG versions of his cards are stronger than the ones in the anime, and are designed to have synergy with the Field Spell.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: His opponents and spectators have a tendency of assuming he's weak because he's a kid and his fairy-tale cards are cutesy... until he starts winning.
- Obliviously Evil: Leon trusts his big brother a little too much, and as a result is an...
- Unwitting Pawn: ...in Siegfried's plan.
Rebecca Hopkins (Rebecca Hawkins)
The granddaughter of the famous Egyptologist, Dr. Arthur Hopkins/Hawkins. She first appears seeking vengeance on the behalf of her grandfather by beating his old friend, Solomon Mutou, and taking his Blue Eyes White Dragon card and returning it to her grandfather. After her grandfather finds her and teaches her a valuable lesson about friendship, she quickly befriends Yugi and Solomon. During Season 4, she returns and becomes a member of Yugi's True Companions and accompanies him on his travels.
Her first deck concentrates on supporting Shadow Ghoul. Afterwards, she uses a dragon deck mixed with a Fire Princess Gain/Drain strategy. This deck's trump card is Diamond Head Dragon.
- Age Lift: Inverted. She's 12 years old when she first appears, lowered to 8 in the dub.
- Between My Legs: The shot used for her introduction.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Her "Shadow Ghoul Deck".
- Deliberately Cute Child
- Girlish Pigtails
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Security Blanket: Her teddy bear, which she hangs onto constantly.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: How she views her monsters in her Shadow Ghoul deck. Yugi calls her out on it.
Season 4
- Child Genius: She's a twelve year old college student.
- Dub-Induced Plot Hole: 4Kids lowered her age from twelve to eight, which became a bit of a problem when she returned in season 4. Amusingly, they would later make the same mistake with her Expy, Rei/Blair.
- Hair of Gold
- Little Miss Badass: Is quite the Action Girl.
- Meganekko
- Odd Friendship: With Anzu, who is also her (sort of) rival in love.
- Playful Hacker
- Precocious Crush: She has one on Yugi, which is a constant source of irritation for Anzu.
- Ship Tease: As noted above, she has a crush on Yugi. She is also the only character in the entire series to kiss anyone, giving Yugi a goodbye kiss before leaving the second time.
- The Smart Girl
- Smart People Wear Glasses: Possibly added just to show it; still rather naive, however.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Sugoroku Muto(Solomon Muto)
Yugi's grandfather and former game master, Sugroku currently runs the Kame Game Shop where Yugi and his mother live, and Yugi and his friends hang out.
Since he gave his original deck to Yugi, he uses an Ancient deck, with cards that emulate an explorer (the opponent) entering cursed and booby-trapped ruins, and gamble cards. His trump card is Ancient Dragon.
- Badass Grandpa: When it comes to dueling anyway.
- Cool Old Guy
- Dirty Old Man: Early in the Manga.
- Dude in Distress: He's kidnapped in the Death-T arc of the Manga and first animie, kidnapped in the first episode of the second anime, and finally trapped in a video tape(Manga)/Duel Monsters Card(Anime). Let's just say the old man's been though a lot.
- He also get's held hostage by Vivian Wong (granted she threw his back out of place, but same principal) and even get's kidnapped during his guest appearance on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.
- The Mentor: To Joey, who he taught to duel.
- Miniature Senior Citizens: Though given how short Yugi is, it may well be genetic.
- Old Master: Was a big gamer like his grandson in his youth and even particaptes in the Kaiba Grand Prix.
- The Other Darrin: In 2008, Sugroku's english dub voice actor, Maddie Blaustein, passed away, so when Bonds Beyond Time aired, Wayne Grayson took over.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: As Mask The Rock. He doesn't even change out of his normal outfit.
- ↑ The rest of the liner notes are too long to post, but basically he describes how Kisara's death at the hands of Aknadin would have led to a subplot where Seto betrays the pharaoh and goes off on his own with the intent to avenge her demise. But apparently the series was starting to get less popular and the editors wanted Kazuki Takahashi to rush to finish the story, so his grand plans for the above were cut short.
- ↑ Marik only had one monster in Attack position with 500 ATK and 1050 Life Points, Mai had Cyber Harpie with 1800 ATK