The baddies. The mad scientists, the corrupt executives, the evil witches and wizards, the corrupt politicians, the mortal aspects of pure evil, and, more often than not, the people (or otherwise) that instigate the conflict and the story.
Despite how one is supposed to cheer for the hero to succeed, there has always been a long standing interest in the villains. Some are renowned for their intelligence and cunning Evil Plan, others are awe-inspiring with simply how evil they can be, and yet others are respected because of their determination. No matter how many times the hero kicks in the door and stops their plans, they're always back at it soon enough, with another dark scheme to further their evil goals. On the other hand, not all villains can achieve that secret admiration.
It is said a hero is only as good as their rivals. Thus, a good story has to have a well-written villain, somebody that earns respect. After all, what is a hero without a villain to challenge them? This.
Compare The Index Team.
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
- This Index Is a Bitch (35 P)
Pages in category "Villains"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 613 total.
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- A.I. Is a Crapshoot
- Absolute Xenophobe
- Activist Fundamentalist Antics
- Adaptational Villainy
- The Adjectival Man
- Adorable Evil Minions
- Affably Evil
- African Terrorists
- The Aggressive Drug Dealer
- Airborne Mook
- Alas, Poor Villain
- Aliens and Monsters
- Aliens Are Bastards
- Alpha Bitch
- Amoral Attorney
- Animal-Themed Superbeing
- Antagonist in Mourning
- Antagonistic Offspring
- Anti Role Model
- Anti-Villain
- Arc Villain
- Arch Enemy
- Archived Army
- Archnemesis Dad
- Armies Are Evil
- Arms Dealer
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Artifact of Doom
- As Long as There Is Evil
- The Assimilator
- Ax Crazy
- Bad Boss
- Bad Guy Bar
- The Bad Guy Wins
- The Bad Guys Are Cops
- Bad Guys Play Pool
- Bad Is Good and Good Is Bad
- Bad Samaritan
- The Baroness
- Bastard Bastard
- Bastard Understudy
- Because I'm Good At It
- Beta Test Baddie
- Better the Devil You Know
- Beware the Silly Ones
- Biblical Bad Guy
- Big Bad
- Big Bad Duumvirate
- Big Bad Ensemble
- Big Bad Friend
- The Big Bad Shuffle
- Big Bad Wannabe
- The Big Bad Wolf
- Big Red Devil
- Bigger Bad
- Bit Part Badguys
- Black Cloak
- Black Knight
- Black Shirt
- Black Widow
- Blob Monster
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Blondes Are Evil
- Bloodbath Villain Origin
- The Bluebeard
- Bodyguard Babes
- Breaking Out the Boss
- Breakout Villain
- The Brute
- The Bully
- The Butcher
- Byronic Hero
- The Caligula
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Carnival of Killers
- Cast as a Mask
- Chaotic Evil
- The Chessmaster
- Child Eater
- Child-Hater
- Childhood Memory Demolition Team
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
- Chronic Villainy
- Circus of Fear
- Civilian Villain
- Classic Villain
- Clock King
- Co-Dragons
- Commie Nazis
- Complete Monster
- The Computer Is Your Friend
- Conflict Killer
- Conqueror From the Future
- The Conqueror
- Contagious AI
- Corporate Samurai
- Corrupt Bureaucrat
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Corrupt Hick
- Corrupt Politician
- The Corrupter
- The Corruption
- Cosmopolitan Council
- Crazy Jealous Guy
- Crazy Survivalist
- Create Your Own Villain
- Creepy Child
- Creepy Doll
- Creepy Uncle
- Cruella to Animals
- Cult
- Culture Police
- Daddy's Little Villain
- Dangerous Deserter
- Dark Action Girl
- Dark Chick
- Dark Magical Girl
- Dark Messiah
- Dark Mistress
- Dastardly Whiplash
- Deadly Doctor
- Deceptive Disciple
- Demonic Dummy
- Demoted to Dragon
- Depraved Bisexual
- Depraved Dwarf
- Depraved Homosexual
- Depraved Kids' Show Host
- Designated Villain
- Despotism Justifies the Means
- Devil but No God
- Devil in Plain Sight
- Diabolical Dog Catcher
- Diabolical Mastermind
- Digitized Hacker
- Dimension Lord
- Dirty Communists
- Dirty Cop
- Dirty Coward
- Disc One Final Boss
- Disposable Bandits
- Disproportionate Restitution
- Disproportionate Retribution
- The Dog Was the Mastermind
- Dragon Ascendant
- Dragon Lady
- Dragon Their Feet
- Dragon with an Agenda
- The Dragon
- Dragon-in-Chief
- Driven to Villainy
- Dystopia Justifies the Means
- Eats Babies
- Egomaniac Hunter
- Eldritch Abomination
- Elite Mooks
- Emperor Scientist
- The Emperor
- The Empire
- Enemy Mime
- Enemy to All Living Things
- Enemy Within
- Enemy Without
- Enfant Terrible
- Enigmatic Minion
- Eucatastrophe
- Eunuchs Are Evil
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones
- Even Evil Has Standards
- Even Mooks Have Loved Ones
- Evil Albino
- Evil All Along
- Evil Chancellor
- Evil Chef
- Evil Counterpart
- Evil Debt Collector
- Evil Diva
- Evil Duo
- Evil Former Friend
- Evil Genius
- Evil Gloating
- Evil Is Cool
- Evil Is Not a Toy
- Evil Is Sexy
- Evil Knockoff
- Evil Laugh
- Evil Luddite
- Evil Matriarch
- Evil Mentor
- Evil Minions
- Evil Old Folks
- Evil Orphan
- Evil Overlord
- Evil Plan
- Evil Poacher
- The Evil Prince
- Evil Reactionary
- Evil Sorcerer
- Evil Twin