![]() | Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description. Please provide at least a few words telling how these characters differ from other characters with the same tropelists. |
Characters from Arcanastuck include:
The Fool
RV: i can do i+ on my own |
Orphen Sangrn, AKA repeatingVirtue - Restorer of Sanity in the Land of Confusion and Noise.
A description of the character goes here.
- Break the Cutie: The entire universe seems to be trying for this.
- Childhood Friend Romance: With Moirai Kismet.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Prototype a bucket and a grenade before entry? Awesome.
- Does Not Like Shoes: Or pants, sometimes.
- Keet
- Lotus Eater Machine: Fears that reality is actually this due to a lack of full control of his powers.
- Master of Illusion
- Sanity Meter: The gist of his powers as the Restorer of Sanity.
- Weapon of Choice: Glaives, but his strife specibus of randomKind allows him to utilize just about anything. Anything.
The Magician
A description of the character goes here.
The High Priestess
Pythia Socrat
AA: All I know is that I know nothing. |
Her chumhandle is "alethiologyAncress". Has STRIFE SPECIBI of STAFFKIND and KNIFEKIND. She is the Oracle of Mind in the Land of Truth and Flow.
A description of the character goes here.
- Anarchy Is Chaos: Averted. She is philosophically an anarchist as she is not convinced of the necessity of the state, but is not opposed to order or law. Furthermore, she realizes that there will always be those who lead and those who follow, but merely wishes that such arrangements be voluntary. One of the first trolls to attempt to systematically define and defend the non-aggression principle.
- Badass Bookworm
- Battle Couple: With Carina
- The Big Damn Kiss: So much. [dead link] Complete with a usage of the same quote as the page quote.
- The Confidant: To her moirail, Setern, and Carina's main confidant until she became moirails with Lohqua.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Here Pythia almost falls to her death or at least rather nasty injury because she gets distracted watching Carina dance.
- Everyone Can See It: It was pretty obvious she was destined for matespritship with Carina long before it happened. Even her DREAM SELF knew but just wanted the waking self to figure out what the signs are for such emotions.
- Freudian Slip: Pythia, they're called cuttlefish, not CUDDLEFISH [dead link].
- Lady of War: With long hair, a tendency to dresses, and a penchant for staffs in battle rather than bulkier or flashier weapons, Pythia's shaping up quite nicely as one of these.
- Leitmotif: Schala's Theme
- Meaningful Name: Socrat because she is HIGHLY inspired by Socrates, Pythia as it is the title of the Oracle of Delphi.
- Morality Chain: Comes with the territory of being Setern's moirail.
- Neutral Good: With some tendencies towards Chaotic Good. She's fiercely independent and questions the necessity of the state, but is not opposed to order qua order.
- Onee-Sama: She's a very maternal troll, and tends to act as this to many of the younger trolls she befriends.
- Petite Pride: Her relationship with Carina is doing well to move her towards this and away from the little bit of A-Cup Angst she had before.
- The Philosopher: Perhaps the defining part of her persona.
- Rapunzel Hair: Long, straight, thick, and down to her waist.
- Relationship Upgrade: With Carina here [dead link] to matesprits.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- Shorter Means Smarter
- The Smart Girl
- The Stoic: She has some tendencies towards this with people she doesn't know well, but her dream self is the queen of this trope. Except when dealing with Setern and, to a greater extent, her potential matesprit, Carina.
- Strange Girl: She has a lot of trouble hating properly, abhors death, and can stand the sunlight. For trolls, she's about as weird as it gets.
- Teacher-Student Romance: To an extent. She's not even a sweep older than Carina but has for quite some time acted as her teacher in grammar, philosophy, ethics, and leadership. Pythia hardly sees Carina as a child or less mature than herself, though.
- Too Clever by Half: Can edge into this territory sometimes when, despite her personal motto quoted above, she lets herself get too confident in her knowledge.
Hipparchia Maroneia
Vi veri universum vivus vici. By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe. |
Pythia's ancestor, an outspoken philosopher around the time of the Drone Revolution. She spoke out and questioned everything, even the state, and wrote numerous philosophical texts. In the end she was executed in the midst of the Drone Revolution. Her books are banned and Pythia has some of the few remaining copies of them.
- Anarchy Is Chaos: Averted much like Pythia. She is the main reason Pythia holds such beliefs in the first place.
- Armor-Piercing Question: Her specialty, which Pythia tries her best to emulate.
- Chaotic Good
- Constantly Curious: An adult version.
- Deadpan Snarker: She indulges in quite a few sarcastic put-downs around authority.
- Doomed Moral Victor: Though she is executed by the state, her works live on and have inspired further rebellions.
- Face Death with Dignity: She dies on her feet, head held high, staring down her executioner rather than kneeling as requested.
- Famous Last Words: Her quote above.
- Foe Yay: Comes with the territory of being Anaxandra's kismesis.
- Morality Chain: To her moirail, Zeno (who was Setern's ancestor).
- Obi-Wan Moment
- The Philosopher: And the reason that Pythia is one herself.
The Empress
Septor Ordina,AKA reigningBurglar - Thief Of Blood in the Land Of Leaves And Shade
A description of the character goes here.
- An Axe to Grind: Dual-wields them, in fact.
- Badass Cape: Subverted. Septor himself is the only one who thinks his cape is badass. Everyone else thinks he looks stupid.
- Badass Normal: Has no special powers beyond that of the purely mundane.
- Butt Monkey: Tends to be this due to ego and how overall foul he is.
- Chaotic Neutral: Septor does what he wants and is an overall jerk, but he isn't evil.
- Expressive Mask: Suggested by his sprite.
- Freudian Excuse: Played straight, in a weird way. While Bluehilt wasn't ALWAYS horribly insane, Septor only has that half of his journal.
- Gender Blender Name: To an extent; he's sensitive that he embodies The Empress despite being quite clearly male.
- I Just Want to Have Friends: Septor desperately wants to be liked, but just can't manage to be friendly. Ironically, his loneliness is one of the chief causes of his rudeness.
- I Just Want to Be Loved: Septor desperately wants a matesprit, but keeps this a fiercely guarded secret.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: The fact that he has a moirail suggests this.
- Phantom Thief
- Tyrannosaurus Rex: Has one for a lusus.
- You Fight Like a Cow: Is prone to this.
The Emperor
EH: IIII don't know if IIII c4n ever be 4nything but wh4t IIII 4m. 4nd th4t is the only thing th4t sc4res me. |
Carina Mellik, AKA exigendaryHero - Seers of Life, Land of Tiers and Roses.
A description of the character goes here.
- Arc Words: "never apologize"
- Badass Princess
- Battle Couple: With Pythia
- Big Damn Heroes: Leads to...
- The Big Damn Kiss: As noted in Pythia's entry, here [dead link]
- Cool Big Sis: She thinks of herself as this to pretty much everyone else, though it's more or less true depending on the person. Ironically has her own Onee-Sama in Pythia.
- Cool Shades: Which are now a portable computer. She has a collection of these. Also coats. And clothing. Not that she has a thing for cool or pretty clothing or anything.
- Freudian Slip: Accidentally calling Lohqua the name of the young lady she was quite flushed for [dead link]
- Genki Girl (usually)
- Genre Savvy: About traditional RPGs, which is a useful thing given that Sgrub resembles a traditional RPG... except when it doesn't.
- The Hero: Shaping up to be this trope, especially considering that those who may be attacked for their opposition of the hemospectrum are organizing with Carina at the head.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: This and their inherent elegance is why bladekind is her default strife specibus.
- Hot-Blooded
- Lawful Good: Her boundless enthusiasm and optimism about people give strength to her actions, but without the razor focus of her morals that strength would be meaningless.
- Leitmotif: "Terminus"
- Martial Pacifist
- Meaningful Name: Carina, despite also being Italian for "beloved" (or thereabouts), a name on its own (related to the prior), and a constellation (The Keel, not entirely unfitting), was actually originally inspired by Carcharhiniformes, the largest order of sharks. Mellik is derived from a number of related Semitic-language-family words, all meaning "king" (per her arcana); similarities to Malak, while amusing and perhaps even appropriate, are unintentional.
- The Messiah: She will befriend you. Or "befriend" you. Either way. Harbors a belief that literally everyone can be saved.
EH: IIII'm going to help her even if it kills me. Bec4use everyone deserves to be h4ppy. |
- Moe: She's idealistic, kind, and endearingly awkward. This, of course, periodically leads to the inevitable.
- Plucky Girl: She's been down, but she's never out.
- Relationship Upgrade: With Pythia [dead link]
- Ring of Power: Her secondary strife specibus, ringkind, is a channel for weaponizing charisma.
- "Shut Up" Kiss: To Pythia to stop her embarrassed babbling after she's saved.
She raised one hand to lay a finger over Pythia's lips, a breathless whisper passing her own lips as she leaned in. "I know." |
- Tomboy Princess: Tall(er than much of the rest of the female cast), short-haired, prefers pants and long-sleeved button-up shirts. She is not, however, entirely without interest in more feminine fashion, owing to her tendency to get Distracted by the Luxury (or the shiny... or the sexy...).
- What the Hell, Hero?: Her decision to leave her lusus behind dooms the entire troll race, save the 22 entering the game. This has and will continue to come back to bite her. Hard.
- The World Is Just Awesome: Carina's first reaction to her planet. Also her reaction to many other things.
The Hierophant
Inifei Azeiga
A description of the character goes here.
- The Big Girl
- Judge, Jury, and Executioner: If Inifei thinks you're guilty, then you're guilty, and she's going to come for your head.
- They're Called "Personal Issues" for a Reason: So stop asking.
- More Than Meets the Eye: Inifei's intelligence suggests that she's about as deep as a puddle, but the secrets she refuses to tell indicate otherwise.
- Mysterious Past: No one knows much about Inifei's history prior to their game session and how she ended up the way she is now. She intends to keep it that way.
- Dumb Muscle
- Broken Bird: It is strongly indicated that Inifei used to be a more normal, friendly person, as opposed to the insanely illogical murder machine that she is today. However, a few characters do seem interested in helping her mend her wings.
The Lovers
Carsha Tashil
A description of the character goes here.
The Chariot
Sileia Polyte
A description of the character goes here.
- Cool Car: So. Cool.
Athesi Pallat
A description of the character goes here.
The Hermit
Sibyl Pitcairn
A description of the character goes here.
The Wheel of Fortune
Moirai Kismet
AKA animateGamble - Pupil of Fate in the Land of Crystal and Spheres.
A description of the character goes here.
- Childhood Friend Romance: With Orphen Sangrn.
- Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Being Orphen's moirail and now his matesprit is a full time job.
- Improbable Age: Mature behavior(to everyone but purple bloods). Friends who are several sweeps older.
- Improbable Weapon User: Beware the Killer Yoyo!
- Moe
- Prophetic Names: Moirai is a variant spelling of Moirae which are the three fates in Greek Mythology. Kismet is a synonym for fate or destiny.
- Selective Obliviousness: At first of Orphen's flushed feelings. She eventually recognized and returns them.
Parcae Specheel
A description of the character goes here.
- Dominatrix
- Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: For Oreagus Mindflayer.
- Improbable Weapon User: Razor Floss
- Marionette Master/Psychic Powers: She can control inanimate objects with great skill.
- Of Corsets Sexy
- Prophetic Names: Parcae is the Roman equivalent of the Moirae. Spec can be a synonym for chance, or a gamble if you will. Heel as in stiletto like the kind she wears.
Ferros Iohari
II: We are going to win, the outcome was never in question. |
Ferros Iohari, AKA ironcladIconoclast - Prince of Void in the Land of Depths and Corrosion.
A description of the character goes here.
- Berserk Button - How dare you accuse me of such ridiculousness! The C is in my noble blood!
- Cultured Warrior - Unlike you I am a man of honor, I prefer to face my foes on the waves, not sneaking under them.
- Gunslinger - The pistol is the weapon of a true gentleman. Back to back, twenty paces, turn and fire.
- Jerkass - How kind of you to offer. Cull the Cripple is my most favourite game. >:]
- Lawful Neutral
- Madden Into Misanthropy - Tell that Cerulean-blooded Coward that I am about to take from him all that he took from me.
- Morality Chain - You were always the better of us, Savitr. Never forget that.
- Murder Mode - Ferros’ face was a mask of animalistic rage. His eyes were black as pitch, lips pulled back in a wide, wide snarl that bristled with jagged teeth. Fresh blood stained his chin in a mix of blue and purple that ran down his neck, soaking heavily into his grey scarf. Wisps of black mist curled from his form, the Prince of Void’s anger made manifest.
- Officer and a Gentleman - Civility is a measure of one's Character, especially in Conflict.
- Pride - Under my leadership I am Certain we shall make quick work of this... game of yours.
- Purple Blood - It is simple fact. Our position on the spectrum predisposes us to greatness. We shall rise to destiny, while those below are left behind.
Admiral of the Fleet, Siderias Ironclad
The Navy is loyal to the State. This paltry uprising shall be washed away in a tide of blood. |
A description of the character goes here.
- All Crimes Are Equal - All rebel sympathisers faced one punishment; death.
- The Chessmaster - A tactical genius far beyond his time. He may have been instrumental in the eventual defeat of the rebellion had it not been for a rogue factor he had not foreseen - Bluehilt.
- Disproportionate Retribution - Ironclad authorised and personally oversaw the slaughter of thousands in the service of the Empress during the rebellion.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones - In more innocent times Sideras met, and fell for, the prophetess Kassandra.
- Lawful Evil
- Moral Event Horizon - As time passed Ironclad's crimes grew, until under the premise of serving the state he became a greater monster than the threats it faced.
The Hanged Man
Jarden Remdee
A description of the character goes here.
Adriel Lethyx
Adriel Lethyx, aka forgottenForsaken, Bane of Time in the Land of Mirrors and Fear.
A description of the character goes here.
- An Axe to Grind: Specializes in greataxes, but also uses small hand-axes as necessary.
- Armor Is Useless: Completely subverted. Adriel's armor does not only protect him effectively from harm, but he uses it to kill people. And when he alchemizes cooler-looking, less-covering armor, he becomes considerably more vulnerable.
- Ax Crazy: With an actual axe!
- BFA: Big-ass axe!
- Black Knight
- Break the Cutie: Inverted. Adriel does the breaking.
- Chaotic Evil?: He certainly leans that way, but he restrains himself with the aid of a moirail.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Using his enemies and teammates as weapons is one of Adriel's favorite tactics.
- Leitmotif: Sky is Mine, by Amorphis.
- Lightning Bruiser: STRONGRUN!
- Magnificent Bastard: Adriel is a master of the art of trolling, such that he uses a solitary anonymous message to make people mistakenly troll one another, particularly on the trolls' non-canon Formspring accounts.
- Moral Event Horizon: Adriel skirts this at times. His moirallegiance is the only thing that keeps him from crossing it completely.
- Spikes of Villainy: And they're not just ornamental, either. He just barrels into people and rips them apart.
- Stable Time Loop: As the Hero of Time, understanding and using (and abusing) them is all part of his role. Early on, slightly inverted. He didn't bother with them, and just threw doomed copies of himself at enemies. A lot of dead Adriels piled up.
Atropa Ferox, aka threadedAconite, Sylph of Balance in the Land of Low Waves and Tiles
A description of the character goes here.
- Battle Couple: In a long-term relationship with Adriel Lethyx.
- Chainmail Bikini: Literally.
- Gag Boobs
- Ms. Fanservice
- Sexy Discretion Shot: Adriel and Atropa have a fade-to-black moment when he reaches her world.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Her new sylladex modus, the Cleavage Modus, has a capacity dependent upon the size of the user's breasts and how much cleavage they show. It allows her to store a very, very large amount of (improbable) items between her breasts. Like ladders.
The Devil
Gudask Kamivori
Gudask Kamivori, aka bluntFissure, Duke of Disorder in the Land of Shifts and Storms.
A description of the character goes here.
- The Berserker
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Chaotic Evil
- Determinator
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones
- Mind Rape
- One World Order
- The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Suborned Firebrand Fajukara
A description of the character goes here.
The Tower
Setern Uvagrae
Setern Uvagrae AKA reflectiveAdvisor, bookworm, cripple and pathetic sob story. Also, Setern Uvagrae AKA renegadeAntihero, wanted terrorist.
A description of the character goes here.
- Anti-Hero: This trope fits him like a glove. So much, in fact, that it's even in his trolltag.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: Black Suit, white shirt, black tie. Subverted in which this is only how he dresses when he's not out to kill.
- Becoming the Mask: Setern is scared this may happen to him. But for the moment he's convinced he's doing the right thing - the fact that it's an outlet for his violent side is a welcome bonus.
- Big Brother Instinct: He doesn't really have actual brothers, but there are a few people he's overly protective about and he would think of as his little brothers - if he knew what a brother actually is. This include his moirail Pythia (which would be, after all, rather normal), Angast and Orphen (which is rather fun since Orphen is actually older than him).
- Bomb-Throwing Anarchists
- But I Would Really Enjoy It: He feels guilty about the black leanings he's starting to feel towards Inifei. Still doesn't know how this will work out.
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: He does this a lot about his identity. Usually, though, it's only if he knows he's talking to someone dumb as hell so they usually don't figure it out.
- Handicapped Badass: Subverted, in which the cane ruse is a distraction.
- In the Hood: While "working".
- The Gunslinger: Setern's guns and his incredible agility and quickness make him an adept user of Gun Fu
- Secret Identity
- Skewed Priorities
RA: Well, that's a start I guess. Now if we are done with business you can go all dramatic revelation if you want. |
- The Stoic: Especially in chat, since he almost never emotes. Subverted in which his face actually shows emotions, even though he rarely acts surprised.
The Star
Ekotra Vesper
A description of the character goes here.
The Moon
Angast Ignore
A description of the character goes here.
The Sun
Savitr Helian
UR: ~ well with every ebb ☼f the tides there is a fl☼w t☼ f☼ll☼w... we just have t☼ be there t☼ help them t☼ rise back up ~ |
Savitr Helian, AKA ultravioletRadiance - Huntress of Light in the Land of Clouds and Graphite.
A description of the character goes here.
- Beware the Nice Ones: If Orphen's response to her getting angry is any indication.
- Cute Monster Girl: All signs point to yes.
- Fragile Speedster
- Hikikomori: Due to the location of her hive, Savitr has been out to see people -- besides her moirail, who also lives on the ocean, and for the very infrequent supply run -- twice at most over the course of her life.
- Improbable Weapon User: Played straight and averted; she predominantly uses her bowKind Strife Specibus, but also has paintbrushKind. She has yet to use the paintbrushKind specibus and questions why she even has it sometimes.
- Leitmotif: When Will My Life Begin by Mandy Moore from Tangled. Extra symbolism from sun motifs and both Savitr and Rapunzel being nobility to some degree.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: In regards to her moirallegiance with Ferros.
- Meaningful Name: Savitr is the name of a Hindu sun god, Helian is a vague corruption of "Helios," the personification of the sun in Greek mythology. Savitr does dual-duty in that the tarot card of the Sun is typically represented by a young boy, and Savitr is a boy's name.
- Modest Royalty: Not in the sense of Carina, who is literally the heir apparent to the Alternian empire; her blood color, however, places her at the next-highest spot on their 22-troll hemospectrum, and she shows no signs of haughtiness or entitlement in the least.
- Moe: Messy Hair? Check. Cute Little Fangs? Check. Optimistic attitude? Check.
- Morality Chain: To Ferros Iohari.
- Motor Mouth
- Petite Pride: Is one of the shorter trolls, and one of the flattest, but doesn't seem to mind it very much.
- The Power of Friendship: One of Savitr's biggest assets.
- The Power of Trust: Unless you give her reason to, Savitr will forgive you for just about anything. But there is a risk in trusting too freely that she doesn't realize.
- Seers: Can predict the future via dreams.
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Or, more accurately, Set Right What Could Go Wrong.
- Sunny Sunflower Disposition
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: But considering this is troll society we're talking about, there's no telling how long this will last.
Kassandra, Legendary Prophetess
The future, ☼nce seen, has been set in st☼ne. Just as ☼ne is p☼werless t☼ st☼p the tides ☼r the swell ☼f an ☼cean wave, all ☼ne can d☼ is t☼ prepare ☼neself and await the inevitable... |
A description of the character goes here.
- The Cassandra: Duh.
- Face Death with Dignity: When demanded by Apocrit and an insane Oreagus to tell them the end of their rebellion.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy
- Instant Oracle Just Add A Mirror
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Developed Type 2 over time.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Woobie: For one thing, she knew how precisely she was going to die for dozens of sweeps before the fact.
GT: hold onto your ass, 'cause we're going for a ride. |
Xerxes Garuda, AKA gyroTempest - Envoy of Secrets in the Land of Storms and Canyons.
A description of the character goes here.
- Badass Longcoat: He wears a coat while on the ship, but because it can get quite hot wearing such an impressive coat all the time when not subjected to strong wings, Xerxes operates under the belief that Sleeves Are for Wimps as a result.
- Cool Airship: He lives on it.
- The Cynic
- Dirty Mind Reading
- Good Is Not Nice
- Hearing Voices: Of the ??? flavor; comes with the territory of being able to hear all active thoughts at once. He tries to tune it all out most of the time.
- Knight in Sour Armor
- The Power of Rock: His Strife Specibus of choice is guitarKind.
- Rock Me, Asmodeus: The possibility of a musical showdown between Adriel Lethyx and Xerxes Garuda is a rather popular one.
- Shout-Out: To, among other things, Iron Man, FLCL, and Metroid.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Between Xerxes and his moirail, Nikola.
The World
Varzin Trylet
A description of the character goes here.